Variety (Nov 1936)

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8 VARIETY PIC Y « B E C R USSES Wednesclay,'. Novi^inber 4, 10,36 Los Angeles, Nov. . :, Gustomary pre-election slump hit the town with a wallop over the weelceniij with the takes \generally off, aUhpugh delipc^rs were banking oa hefty trade election night, Early season rains also. cut into trade on the cui-reht wieek,. with only a couple of spots heading for profit. ' Only bright jspots are Pahtages and RKO where 'Magnificent Brute' is piling tip {fait returns. ; :Even the Chihese and Loew's State with the new Shirley Temple jmc, 'Dimples,* hard hit by ihe drdpo£r. EsUaiates tor TlMs Week- Carttlay Circle (Pox) (1,518; 55- 83-1.10^1.65)—'Romeo, and Jjiliet* (MG) (5th Week); Bekiiaiuiie to sag. Last week, disappomting $5,800^ Leavi;ig after hiext week., /Oiinese ( Graiimaii) (2,028: 30I-4O- 55)—'Dimples' (20th) and; 'BIr. Cin- : ^erella'' (MG) xluaL Temple's latest failing .to arouse expected enthusi- .Mitt. - An. adveirtised vPi^view of 'Garden of Allah' brought a sellout which helps boost the take to $6,500, prethr bad. Last week; 'Ladies in Love- (20th) and 'AU-Americah Chumip? (MG), oke $10,100. > Downtown (WB) (1,800; 30-40-55- 65)—'Follow Yoxir Heart' (Rip) arid fComes Carter' (FN) duaL Just didn't jriean a thing as evidenced by meiagre $4,300 on six days; Z Last week, 'Midsummer Night's Dream' (WB), first at pop prices, bettered expectations for isatisfactoiy, .$7,500. Four Star (Fox) (900; 30-40-55)— 'Carrie* (Piar) <3rd-fin^l week). Breakings house record .on - initial weekL Par opus holding jfairly OA final -stanza; . $3,000. Second week below estimate at $3,300, fair. BoUywedd (WB) (2,756; 30-40-55- 65)—'FbUow Yoitf, Heart' (Rep) arid 'Carter' (FN) diial: Boulevard house win hit fair $5,300 Han £iix-days. Last week, 'Dream* (WB)^ first tinie in Hollywood, topped efxpectations with $5,600. y , Orpheom jCBdwy>) (2^280; 25-30-35- 40)iii'ptesideriVs Mystery' (Rep) and •Lottgest Wght*^ 6lG), dual, |ind va;uaeville. Dej^ite, heavy prepbn" derance of Roosevelt supporters in L; Ah John Public not much inter- ested in hift 'Mystery,' as shown by niild $5,500. Last -week 'Isle of Fury' (WB) and 'Lady Be Catefol' (Par), fair $7,400; , PMi««t«s (Pari) (2.7pOj . 30:40-55) *»togniflceht: Brute* (U) iirid ^With- out Orders' <RKO)duAI. Full credit f<kr draw j!(6es to MciUaglen; should hit ground $9,tN)0. XiAst week. 'Don*t Tiiin ^lim lrfwse' (RKO) arid 'Girl on Front Page' (if) bleak $6,000, below anticipation. . • . .l^iaraBUMint (Partritar) (3,595; 30- 40-55)—^Wedding Present^ (Par) and *Mari Who Uved Twice* (Col). dual arid stage show. Nothing on stage or screen, to cause any undue interest so will have to be satisfied witti $14,500. Last week, third and final of 'Big Broadcast' (Par) clicked for suhsUnilal $M,000. BKQ (2.950; 30-40-55)-^'Magnificeht Brute* (U) arid 'Without Orders! (RKO) dual: ■ "Should have no trouble hitting $9,S00, iieat profit. Last week 'Don't Turn ^Em Loose' (RKO) and 'Girl on Front Page* (U) above ex- pectations for profitable 48;000. ; State (Loewrr4»c) a024; 30-40-55) —'Dimples' (20th) and 'Mr. Cander^ ella' (MG) dual. A Uttle disappoirit- ing et probable $10,500. Last week 'Ladies in Love* (20th) arid 'All- American Chump' (MG) held firm as evidenced by very neat $15,400, plenty profitable. , United Artiste (Fox-UA) (2.100; 30-40-55 V^'Iiadies in Love' (20th) and 'All-Americeri Chump' (MG) dual. House is back in the dol- drunis, along with other localii^^spots, and move-over of this dualer trom State-Chinese for continued first run riot so good at $44K)0. Last week 'Libeled Lady* (MG) and 'Back to Nature' (20th) satisfactory $5,500, tUSlON' tltH A UNIT, Indianapolis, Nov. 3: 'Pigskin Parade' and the stage unit 'Glorified Follies' of 1936,' are putting . ,the Lyric on top this week with a business that is considerably above ,,I)jar.. Estimates lor Thlti Week Apollo (iPourth Ave;) (1,100; 25-40) —^"Dimples' (20th) (2d week); Shir- ley Temple IS this sirot's ace magnet arid she%-proving it with a sturdy $4,000. First , week $7,500, swelL. ■ Circle (Monarch) (2,800; 25-40)— •Word for Carrie' (Par) and 'Wives Never Know': (P^r), dual. Former plugged iar in advance With 24- sheets and big campaign, but results iriild > at. $4,3dO. : Last week 'Big 'Broadcast* (Par) (2d' week), okay, wSt i2m\ 225-40)— .muteF (MO) diiaUedr with Viffe's (MG)e . All right, at •l4Urt |r<ek holdover of 'Libeled Lady' (MG) ^as dandy at $7,000. - Lyric (Olson) (2,0o6; 25-30-40)— 'Pi^in Parade* (20th) arid stage show. Clicking for $10,500. Last week 'Here Comes Carter' (WB) and 'Shooting High' Uriit ori stage, $9,400, okay. at Toppers in St L St LoUis, Nov. 3. 'Libeled Laidy* at Loew's arid 'Big Broadcast' at Fox, i different Sec- tions of .city, are batUiiig for top honors iat b.o. curreritly.- Loew's is only deluxer iri town, aside frorn two combo theatres, going single. Down- town houses were h^ped day after opening by-'St. Louis Day,' biggest retail: dept store event of year that brought, thousands to downtown sector, i::::]^ \. ^issllmates''i<ir Week Ambassador (F&M) (3.618; 25-40^ 55)—'Woman Rebels^ (RKO) arid stage show, finding tip with $16,- 500, gopd. Last week 'Wedding Present' (PaiO arid Buddy Rogers, fine, $18^500. : Fox (F&M) (5,038; 25-35-55)—'Big Broadcast' (Par) and 'Without Or- ders' (RKO). SweU ^0;500. Last week 'Pigskin Parade' (20th) arid *GivfrMy Life', (Par), $15,000, okay. Loew's (Loew) . (3,162; 25r35-55)— ♦Libeled Lady^ (MG). . Sock $22,^00. Last week 'Devil Is Sissy* (MG) and 'All American Chump' (MG), $13,000, trifle above average. ■ MIssottrl (F&M)0.514; 25-35-55)-^ 'Everything Thunder' (GB) and'Big Game^ (RKO). Not more thari $9,800, fair.' Last week '15 Maiden lane' (20th) arid 'Don't. Turn 'eini Loose' (RKO), $11,000, satisfactory. rOrpheaiii (F&M) (1,950; 25-35-55) —'Pigskin Parade* '(20tt;i) and 'Seven Sinners' (GB) (2d run)^ At $7,000, nice. Last week ^'Dimples! (20th). arid 'Star for a Nigh^ (20th), $8,500, good. / . Shubert (F&M) (1,725: 20-25)^ ■They Met in a ISxi* ((3ol) arid 'Give Her a Ring' (Jud)... Reoperiihg after dark for several -montils, .this one collecting not riiore than $3,500. Si. Loals (F&M) (4,000; 25-40)-^ 'Anthony Adverse* (WBT (2d run) and staige show. ' Wbrst sirice reopen- Jrig; IfiflXfi. Last week 'Mummy^s Boys' (RKO) iand stage show, $8,300, above average. . KieiiybhV'Road Back' Hollywood, Nov. 3. Charles K^yon is. jM:reei4>Iayirig 'The Road Back' at Universal. R. C. SherriA adapted Erich Remarque's sequel to his 'All QUiet ori the West- ern Front;? Studio still seeking five un- knowns to fill important jiiye spots. ^Mt at (I, toop^ RUBlNOFF and his VIOilN Chevrolet Program-Every. Sunday Evening—6:30 P.M. E.S.T. , CBS Coast-torCoast ori 92 Stations. ' Also! 394 Stations on "Muslc<ai Mojnenis',' Transorlptioris, ' ea c h Direction PHIL RUbTnOFF 2906 Paramount Bldg^ New York Show^Iarefur $4,500. Big $6,7O0 last session , on ♦Big Broadcast* (Par) (2d week) and 'Sworn Enenjyr iMG), 17nited Artists (United Detroit) (2.000; 30-40-65)—'Libeled Lady' (MG)^ Good $15,000 and holds. Oke $9,000 last week on 'Word for Carrie' (Pkr). - , . petroit, Nov. 3. Election, Hallbw^^'en and co}ipla )lg grid matches are Smacking things currently despite flock of good procl- uct. Whole tOwri is dowri^ corisidet- ably at the b. ,o. United Detroit's big 'Appreciation "Week' in . its 15 houses appears ill- timed^ but no doubt is holding up grosses better. than theXf^woula, be minus the ^splurge.. Ruiriwittgs of a price raise among town's, h^bes por- tjfends similar increase -biy ^first-ru^ :h(^iises soon. . ' ite'iider this week again is a toss- up between the two vaudfilmers. Fox and Idichigan. ' Estimates fbir This Week Adams (Balaban) (IJOO; 25-40)— 'Pepper' (20th) arid 'Sea Spoilers' (U), dual. Under normal at $3,500. Last session fine $5,500 on 'End of Tl:ail' (Col) and 'Star for Night' (20th). Downtown (Indie) (2.500; 25-40)— 'Devil on Horseback' (GN)., and 'Missirig Girls^ (Chest), plus vaude. Cxetting by at $3,500 curreritly.; Oke $4,000 last week ori ''Follow Your Heart* (Rep) and: *Killer at Large* (Col), plus stage show; Fox (Indie) (5,000^80-40-65)—'Pig- skin Parade' (20th) and 'Mardi Gras' unit Oke at $20,000.' Last stanza goo4 $24,000 on ^Adventure in Man- hattan' (Col), plus; Ted Lewis, - Madison (United Detroit) (2.000; 30-40-65)-'iyiafy of Scotland' (RKO). Poor $7,000' iri view of conditions. Fouilh sessi(m of 'Swing. Time* (RKO) grabbed fair $6,000 last week. MIeliiran (United Detroit) (4.000; 30-40-65)—'Wedding Present* (Par) and Dave Appolon uriii Oke $18:000. Fair $16,000 last; week on 'Walkirig on Air* (BKO) and stage show. SUte (Uriited Detroit) (3,000: 25-40)—'Mummy's BOy' (FN) arid 'Down StretchV (FN), duil. Oke at SHIM, Dream' s PUIv.P. U. Philadelphia, Nov. 3. Current crop of jpix doesn't out' ^ny high promise' of- box Oflicie activity, 'Cain arid Mabel' at the Stanley looks the best. Fox iisri't foing to go very far with 'Pigskin 'arade.' 'East Meets West' isn't get- tirig the usual Arliss clientele at the Aldine and stays only a. week. Estimates for .this Week Aldlrie (1,300; 40-55-65)—'East Meets West' (G-B). Not getting the usUial Arliss clientele and stays only a week; $8,500: Last week '^ray Desperado' XUA) (2d week), only $6,500. Arcadia (25-46-56)—'Devil Is Si3sy' (MG) (2d run); Opened yesterday (Monday); changing house policy on openings; Last week 'General Died' (Par) (2d ruri), interided'for three days but held for six, got riice $2,500. Boyd (2,400; 40-55)—^Midsunvner Dream' (WB). First grind showhig and biz not so goo4. Will stay only a weekjon $12,000. Last week; 'Craig^s Wife' (Cpl), just over $11,000. fair. , Earle (2,000; 25^0-55 )-'Libeled L«dy* (20th) (2d nin). First time Earle. Is known to have played a second run. Hitting $12,000^ fair; biz has been way off Since vaude was dropped. Last week, .'Magnificent Brute' (U), $11,000, tepid. Fox (3,000; 40-55-65)—Pigskin Parader (20th). Just fair at $14,000. Last week Xibeled Lady* (MG) (3d Week), skidded at very end Of stay biit satisfied with $14,500; Karlteri (1,000; 25-35-40)-'Man Who Lived Twice' (Col). First :un arid wori't get over. $2,500. Last week ^Ladies, in Love' (20th) (2d run),: $3,400. . Keith's (2,000; 30-40-50)—'CJraig's Wife' (Cdl) (2d run). Weakish $2,- 200. -Last week 'Dodsv/orth' (UA) (2d run), $3,600, best £or house in some tiriie. . Stanley (3,700; 40-55)—'CJairi ;.rid Mabel' (WB). No more than $15.- 500 and rio. holdover. Last we^ 'Dimples* (20th), orily $15,000 and rio holdover. First time that's happened to a Temple pic here. Stanton (1,700; 30-40^50)—'Accus- ing Finger' (Par). Average $6,600. Lajt week JMurder with Pictufes! (Pat)» $6,000r oi«y. Clevel|ari4, Nov. 3<^ Electiori eoinpiefish and not so hpt pix aire ganging up on all houses. •Town made film-minded by bhio Motion Picture Cotincixl meeting here; but not enough to cbiint. • iWeek's ieaders i^alace with 'Ladies In Lpvie* plus 'Shooting High' Unit, fol- lowed-by Hipp'^'Ca^^^ arid iiabel.' ... i:stl|iiii|,tes for This Week. AUumbra (Martin Printz) (1,200; 20-3())—'ipiesident*s Mystery' (Rep). Okay at $2,600.. Last week^.^^ thi Thunder* (GB) ; and 'Girl on Front Page' (dual), satisfiactoiy, $2,400. ■ Allen (RKO) (3^060; i5-40)-^od- frey* (U) (2d run), Hoidirig up well at $t,500. Last week "Pepper' (RKO) in four days caught $3,000, fine, but ICiiler at. J^jrige' (Col) ph jp.revious fouir" days id flpppp $1,500, Hipp (Warners) !(3,7o6; ^40)--r 'Gain arid Mabel* (WB). Yariicirig in $18,000, • Last week ^Godfrey' (U), swell; $21,500. Palace (RKO). (3,200; 30-60)—^'La- dies in Love* (26th )^with 'Shooting High' iunit. At $19,500 not bad; Last week 'Adventure in,Manhattan* (Col) with ^Cubari Follicss' unii^ staggered at $17,500. Penn Sqiriare (Shulman) (600; 35) —'Lorenzind de Medici' (Niiovo); First Italian product in tov/n-'s only foreign hoUsci Well sold for $1,600. Last week 'New Gulliver' (Amkino) on h. -b, got $1,150. ^ .. State (LpeVs) (3,450; 35-40r55)— 'Word for Carrie' (Par). :Main1y feriiriie biz; .$18,500, good enough for h- o; 'Devil Is Sissy' (MG) last week raked in smart $20,500. StlUmari (Loew's) (1,872; 25-35)— 'Devil Is Sissy* (MG) (2d ruri); Bringing in $8,500, fine. ^ Last week 'Libeled Lady' (MG) (2d week), good-$10,500. Repeats Lead in Montreal; Vroadcast'-Honr' |7,000 * Montreal, Nov. 3. Hallowe'en helped.out grosses and' a couple .«f repeat^. His Majesty's and Ci4>itol, give top placing-to Loew's arid Palace, with Princesi^ runnirig Up. Nabes all over town are doing better than average arid riiuch better than this time last yeair. Estinia^ fdr This Wciek , /His Mkjesty> (CT) (1;600; 50)— 'East Meets West* (Brit) and 'Lime- light' (Brit) (2d week). (Irossirig $4;500 after very good $6,500 last ^ PiiUce (CT) (2,700; 50)—^Ladies in Love' (20th) dnd '15 Maiden Lane' (20th). Getting .$8,500, good; Last week repeat of 'DodsWorth^ (UA) and 'Wives Never Kriipw' (Pa?), good, $6,000, . :< Capitol (CT) (2,700; 50)—'Big Broadcast' (Par) and 'Final Hour' (Pair) ,(2d week). Grossing $7,000 after excellent $10,000 first week. Loew*s (M.T.Go;) (3,20O; 60)-^ ^Bengal Tiger' (WB) and 'Hollywood Hotel' unit.: Looks like $15,000. Last Sf^'^ j^S*"^' (MG) and Fats Waller band disappointed at Prihcesa (CT) (2,300; 50)—'Word for Carrie' (Par),arid 'Wedding Pres- erit' (Par). At $8,000, very good. Last Week 'Mohicans' (UA) arid 'Three Married Men' (WB), $7,000. /e£,'"^'5fv farls (France Film) (5(M): 50)—'VeUle D'Armes.* Did J^^^LJf^L^*** *^ ^3,000 and return^ Irig $2,500 currently. . St. Denis (France Film) t2,360; 34) <—'Le Grand Refrairi' arid 'Bach Milllontiire.' Holding up to, $5,000. Last week 'Anne/ Marie* and 'Jacques and Jacquotte/ $4,0(M).i (phicago, Npy; Another sessloii oiC generally flabby business in the Loop, with cpuple pf btight spots. Night busiw liess on- weekend received con- siderabie: impetus tiitough the jams which, flocked the towri fpr the bi Ipptball games. This added to the take^ but nothing spectaular.*. Best this tveek is 'Dodsworth,*. which finally wdt^ni^ into' the Unit- ed Artists, piushirig Tiibeled Lady* irito the Garrick. Picture started yrith a rush Saturday (31) and looks ready tor a run. 'Midsummer Night's Dream' is back at the Apollo, but this tiriie on a gtind, drid ndt so terrif. "Among vaude spots the Oriental again is the winher with the Marcus unit. I. Estimates for This. .Week Apollo (B&K) .(1,200; 35t55-75)-^ 'Midsummer Dream' (WB). 'Returns to Lbopvon pop run, but. only fairish; at $7,000. Last week 'Stage Struck' (WB)i so^oj $7,300. Chicago (B&K): (4,000; 35-55-75)— 'Romarice' in Manhattari* (Col) and stage show^ iSlidirig off .to $26,000, cartriirie. Last week ted ink also for 'Wywd for Carrie'; (Par) at $25.400: ' Garrick (B&K) . (900; 35-45-65)— 'Libeled Lady' (MG) (2d ruri). Still a l^;o; winner r at i9,0i0O« Last week 'Ladies ih Love* (20th) took pkay $7,200 for second isessioh in liOOp. Oriental (B&K) (3,200; 25-35-40)— %ady Be/Careful* (Par) fUtd Marcus ^hbw. Upping again thiis week, and due to: : stage portion. Betfei* than $21,000. Last week 'China Clipper' (WB). $17,000. Palace XRKO) (2,500; 35-55-75)— 'Don^t Turn 'En> Loose' (RKO) and ■Folie Parisienrie^ unit. Second week for unit, but new picture heljping re- peat play. Around $23,000 currently, excellent Last week with ^ig Gdjrie' (RKO), sock; $26i600. ^ Roosevelt (B&K) (1^500; 35t55-65) WCairi arid Mabel*. (WB) (2d week). Falling off sharply On^ hOldoVer stanza to meagre^9,<)00;- Last week good eriough at $14,900. 'Devil Is Sissy* :(MG) next - State-Lake (Jories) (2^7001 20r25- 35-40)-^'Satari Met Lady* (WB) and vaude., Hoiise has been doing great biz lately aind coritinues at better than $15,000 curreritly. Last* week 'Spn Coriies Home' (Par ), also in high coin at $16,200; Unlt<)d Artists <B&K) (1.700; 45-55- 75)—'Dodsworth* (UA), Top money at -$23i000 for initial session; Last week 'Libeled Lady* (MG) Anished prancing . three weeks to hotcha $12,100. IN P'TL'ND; XftDT 12G , , . Portiand, Ore;, Nov. . 'Libeled Lady' is^ the burg's ig splurge: this week at Parker's Broad- way; .. ■ - . 'Mr. Deeds' is finishinig off its first half year of griridiwt: with a 26th week at the Blue Mouse; Estimates for libii Week Broadway (Patkei*) <2.D0O; 30-40) —Xibeled Lady' (MCr) and ^Black Cat' (FN); Great $12,000 and hold- ing. Last Week 'Old Huteh* (MG) and 'Captain Kid* (FN) (2d week) okay, $4,900. First good $7,200. Mayfair (Parker-Evergreen) (1,^ 400; 30-40)—'President's Mystery' (Hep) and 'Follow Your Heart* (Rep). Poor $5,060. Last Week (adt mish ^ 35-55) 'Midsummer Dream' (WB) got better than iaverage re- sults in this . house with ' special school kid matinees, etc., but nothr irig terrific: at $3,300. > Orpheom (Hamrick - Evergreien) (2,000; 30.40),-'Your Heart* (WB) and 'Wives Never Know' (Par) (2d week).. Still, getting good play at $4,000. First week put this house over for big $6^660. Paramount (Evergreen) (3,000; 30- 40)-^'Big Broadcast' (Par) arid 'Big Game' (RKO) (2d week). Good $5,- 000. Last week got a big iilay $7.80o ■ ' ■ ... Uriited Artists (Parker) (l.OOO; 30- 40)^'Gay; Desperado' (UA). Okay at $5,000. Last week 'Dodsworth' (UA) fell off to $4,(H)0:6ri holdover. Bruckner's Rush Job Hollywood, l^ov. 3. Work is being rushed by Ferdi- nand Bruckner on an original screen story, to be produced by B* P. Schul- berg With Sylvia Sidney hi top spot. Bruckner hopes to firiish yarn in time to be iri; New York lor firiail rehearsals of his 'Napoleon the Third,' legit Opening Nov. 29 at the fielasco there