Variety (Nov 1936)

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10 p I c r ^e^nefidftyV Ndvemb,er 4,1936 PattersoB Show $21,9W in . Boston, Nov* 3. 'Libeled liSidy? is the town's top thi& week, running liolo at tHe State ^hd Orph and hittinf a ^gufe that ihearis demand h«d; Picture broke a Sunday iecord in bofh. houses; Other tantis doing part biz, with iiid stands* outs Ifither way, Orph running con- tiiiubus T^eyond midnight tonight (3) t6r the.sittersriip. Eiitlnater for. This Week BosUm (RKO) (3.0o6; 35-50*69)^ •Girl: «in Front Page^CUVajid.Rusw^ Patterson/unit. Okay, $21.0007-I^sf Lv/eek S21,700, dkay, |6r, 'Baek ta Nature'; (20th) and 5tage show, with Morton Downey. . Fenway (M&P) (1,600; 25-35-40^ |SO)--'ftdse Bowl' (Par) , (1st . run) •nd 'Dimples* (20th) (2(1 ruh)« dual.: ' Medium' $5,000. Last ^ -week; good 15,000 for 'Hollywood Boulevard* (Par) <lst run) a^id 'Big Broadcast' (Par):(2d run), double. . Ktllh Memfrlal (BKO) (2,800; 25- 85*50)^'LacHes ih Love' (2Qth) and Mogul, mind*reader, in loiihge. liiat- ter^getllngT'pleftty femme matiiiee ifade^ Ught -male draw, but $19,000 is satisfactory.. Last week 'Gi|y Des- I%ado' (UAy dcidded to $13400. ; ^M^tniyelitan (M&P) (4,200; 35-50- 65)^«tir«ia for Carriie'^ (Par) and Bieickstbne' «hd Red Kichols-' band, fair $24,000. Xast We«k: $2M)0, fair fbr 'Cain and Mabel* (WB) ahd Har- :-riet .Hbctoi^:'--•■ ■ ■ • c - .. OrphenlB (Loew) (3,000j 25-35^40^^ 80)—'Libeled Lady? (MG).> Socko $22,000. Lttst Week h:6; ofr'Dfyll 'Is Sissyr (MG) and 'J^etSit T<»?ti^ (pot),' du|d, bett^ thw .en>ectatloQ5, :$M^^ ' 500.--• ' .>■■;■"■■'•.■>■■':..■■•■■■ ; v^rilhlm•1mt (M&P)v;^i;0^-;.25:35W ■ 5«—'Rose Bowr (Pw'V (-$st rtift) and; ^Difhples' (20th) (2d tui>),: diiial.: . About $ai500, tepid: . Lastxweek:;^IIol- :\^wto^ Boulevard'; (Pa^X^ -dst nin). ; i and 'Broiadcast* (Par) <2d .run); dou- ble; okay, $10,000. Z- ?; ; Scellay (MW?) (2r700: te-35-% «0)-^'Seven Sinners' (GB3,iist rt)n>. V Stat^ <Lo^w> (3,3OO^iBJvS6i0 ftibeled Lady^ (MG). Obin^ t»;J6^ ' •iit,$t9,0()0. brvbetter. X4tst' :«reeki siec^ ; bnd of 'Devil a Sissy' (MG)'^?ittd .'Met ; .In Taxi* (Col), diMili under'^exbed^ ••-tatipriS.ii i$d,600. y^;;^-^^ [ National 1st Runs 1][NITEi> ARTISTS r ^podBWth.* strands P'tlahd,; ■ 5; 5th Ave., Seattle, 5; iBinboyd. Ft. V Wayne, 6; Tivoji, Chat'" liobga, 12; Par, Cedar Rapids, ' 13;'Orph, Omaha, 13; Tainpiji, ' : Tampia, 14; Par, St,: Paul; 20;- < < Shea's, Eriie, /^IS; Alabama,'- ' B'ham/ 20; Qu«env"Cral«e^ 21;.Gap, jQttayra^^ V = ,;.'-'G»y.- ••l.iJMperatfS/'* .'Aladdin,' . Denver, .5; Paip,\ L.A., 5; Cap, : Scranfii,J ; MaJr B'dgep't;; 6;^ ' Pal, Chi, 6; Hipp, Buft, ,; keith's, Cincy; 13; Maj; Dallas, • U. ■• ■■" .V ■ Tome and' Get It,' Li , Seat- tle," 6;. ^A, S.F>;' 11; Aldine, ; Philly; 11;. ;Dehyer; Denver; 12; . II^oi>d. ahd Downt'n, L.A.,. ; • :','<'Ci«'r|eB ',er ;'AlIiilit: ''jiiopseVelt, Chi^ 20f: tJa; SJ'v 25 luid :DeG:. 3; Albee, Ciiicyy J2i;<Msii\ Dalias^^' ';-;l)eCi''5* •■■ UNIVERSAL . . './'^giiUeeiii^Bra ,,Topeka,> i;: bnuOia;' Omahiii,' 5;: rGeor^Sa^ Eckeljs. ■ $y*cusie,:-v6r ■r(Saji^f'^M:ei^ji^-/6i^': Warneri: litwatikee^ 6; .^^n?ess, ' .Monirieai,-, 6r/^^ 6; Grajuida,'jSioux^^^^ L It;-Wbrtfe: ipr;-^ ^ buquerque, 11; 'Bo&i- Bos.,; 11; < ' :KeithV ^ Waish.; • -13; iLoeWs, . ^VHartfd, • 13;' Sttaniflj; - Meiilpl^ ' ; ;'>at^, Denver," 19; Caip^ Sioujc"^ ■ c:-;24,^" ;. v''v'-^;^->^:^"„-' ■■ ':.-;^n;;.l■ Blan^;'. 'Pjmta^^^ if - Hili ' St.,*. LiAlj ,';vUknslftfl:^^ ; Lattslnir^ 4; Bep All,: iieaiini^n, ;.5; Albie; Prbvi; >: ; cNi^maW,; . K-Cv 6;iGehtre, (Ottajfea; 14;-i^^^^ Ft. Was^e, 21'^ ^r, Atlantiei; 13; Rialtb,;;Butte; l^r:F\ilton^. P !^Jt«»pOrM^^ |]^pir^,: Mf^bil^, 22; DehVei:, P^.;: Wichita, 27v > r Wfiiaan'. .;lU!h^lPi*\.'Oi^^ .Dehyer, '4;:t>a4 Se HiU St>iX.;;A.;^ ■ ; Bri^hdeis^ <3maha, 5; ;QrpW ^Sioux C, 5; .Keith,; Sy'duSe,; 6;^ Keith, Bos,' 6; Albee, Cincy,/O;.' Pal, Chi, • ; Orph; -N. ^ 0!, ;12; •Ort>h, Mpl$., 15..' l . PittSbMrgh; Nov; 3, , / Letclowh was «»xiEM;|ctea^^'« iibiiieiull October .•^ahd.' itls -here. Busbiess oft ^generally: with eiccep" ilbh «f one spot, Ftilton, where 'Road tb Glory' is doinjg-weU 6^^^^ ■told K second wefc,' one :l»ad briginaUy. be^p b<H)ked ih';mbr^ ihonth 'ago but -ip^ 'Godfrey'^develope^d into a niatiathoh. $iege of rainy-weather isn't ,helping any, either,' .v'-,.:-^i;>;- V • ■:■ V Disappointing . i&.X r {IVtidsunita^^ Night's - Dream/ a^t . Staijley;. with inasses exhibiting an^jacute indlfliBrr erice to the Bard^ ^ahd .Remhardt. Curiously enough, it hits . town exr actly one year to the day after flicker's roadshow engagement at Nixon, first time any tWO.-a-day pic has ever lived lip to the advance 'will be shown nowhere else for a year.' ' ' , ; Estimates for Tills Week , : Alvin (Harris) (2,000; ;25-35-40)r^. •Adventure in ^Manhattan,;.(CplV?nd- •Girl on Front P^ige' Sl^); Or > a nightmare in the Booking • depart? ihent. One of the nibst inexplicable duals on record .heve^ both .flickers having a newspapei' .ba'ckgrouhcl .hot to mention the f pet tiiat the' meliace ih both of them is'^hfe^same Reginald Owen., ■Business; rieflecting the potV iudgiheht;''dbubtful if pair will better ^3,750 in six days. Arliss' ■'East Is West' (GB) opening -day -ahead, of schedule with-special pir^-' view tomorrow night (4). Last Week *J)imples' (20th) .bii^ disappointment, getting less than $6,000 iai^ first Shir-; fey .since she .liecame a star that hasn't stayed,lohger than seven daiys.' ; FuKbn (Shea-Hyde) (l;750; 25-40) Vr-Rbiid to Gloryr (20th)r Orily one; ■in town tliat'S doing anything, with iharc(uee delivering enough punch to insure $7,000 anyway... That's h.O; biz and. an h.b. it is. This one has had .pl^hty of advance exploitation 'dub to the fact that it's been billed fver since hegihhing of 'Godfrey's' Sevbn-week run. Last week 'Follow Your Heart* XRep) In the dumps at lirbuhd $3,000. . Iricidenlally, 'Glory' gave house its best Sunday since seven-day' week was; legalised here. Vtnu (Lobw's^irA) (3,300: 25-35- SQh^'Gld imcV <MG). This one Srought jn -last' minute 'wheii eCarrie' wa» yanked by Par foi? un- " ' msons. Beery isn't strong to stand, on tii« own and is ifiikhig'U oh the chin. ^iOOf toAyH nut, waj^ Jielow ipar for • thl^.> .liiouse. . Last--Week 'Libeled Lady*; (MG> .plenty < hbt at $l7v<K)0 but .manag«fneht didn't^iieure ithsit r was qyiite ^ strong < ehbugh-to jiherit the e^piected-second'week:. v siwdiy ; (WB^^ ( •'Midsuhmxer Night's Dream' (WB): iPrbving' that -;this.fis the sont.'bf picy tUr^ithat h^dbd the roadshow.i^uild- iUp It £ot a. ytfiw. .ago; Ort^i^gular jruA, interest not so high and .^1114>e lubky to borne .through withilbssi than, average $10,000; L^t .week . 'Big Bi^^st'; (Par) turned. .\ Corking ^Airier XWB) (2,000;' 25r40)' 'Case |0f Slaizk Cat*- (FN) and •Wives'-Nevei' t Khov/J (Par). . Feeling th^.^^gbneral ■let down-same-ns'the^rest but,there's, [.ehoiugh .variety .in ^this .one ■ fb ^hi^tan I$4,000: anyway;.. That's fai'r .enough. Last, week 'Big "Game? (RKO) arid 'Here GbmeS, Carter'' (WB). . dipped site 'to itjs best grbiss in-some Wefeks, around'$5,000.' MPTOA COJ(VENTI0N LOOKS SET FOR • Ed L; kuydehdall looks fbr a rec- ord attendance at thi^ year's-MotibA Picture Theatre Owners of America convention; In view of the many 'pirobleins of the preseiiit and the lOr point Mp'lOA jprogram fo^.trade practice 'reforms, expectations ar^ that there ^yill, be touch more of iii; tbrest for cbhventibn purposes .than last.ybar when annual conclave, for first" time,, was pa^ed vp. .;.. v -. Members of the board of dlT;?ctjtr9 are virtually ettt on holding, the boh^^ ven,|io^ in Miami around' March vlO. !rhe board must approve sel«ibtibii^, of this city, arid .date;ib make It qffitiaV lioweVbr^ Negotiation's'.ar*. ' "'fbr Milamit ? hotel ''acajmhwd&t^ spbci(d>.&teis;".. WftrtOA^s biggest turnout was .;at its' last i^hVention in New Orleans, luVe '6i tlie Lbiiisiaha lifey; aidirti;; Figured that ■ 10e of • Miami in the wintbr time will hnVb a siiiiilar pierj suadlhg'effect^^^^^ ^_ •'■' 'i . : ^lishiiid^on, Npy^ . . Cap up and: dowh-iftls we^^ with jcustbmers - shopping ibrV entertiiin-- intient,.>it<>l is ;out ;in :.f^ with ^Jyigskin^^l^^ .wid isrrt ;ioc^ tbm|)$>^i;o caph 4n oh radio'i comirtiii- itttv,^ii«;idba^'^^^^^'. ""'f.:^sy -'i ""' 'v'-Estlauilictt fer Thia" Week', «Q).^'yi^ lltosbrables* (Path^r^Nathan)i JBaliied'as Ui SV premJerb of French Versibh of Hugo nbvieL^ SeVen days: at regular prices, buf *«clal two-a- 'day reserved ■ seat jpbli^y winds up :t0day* \?ifh"gopd $3.300rj:#ast, week i'Spring Shower'- <Du-World), fair $2;5Wt:-r:;l.-v-.-=^:^ *»iiit*l : (i.oew) (3;424i^25-35^6a,-^ 'Pigskin Pafjjde^ (20th) and .;vaiid(B. Have over pic's humojr and-;wprd of ihouth bh.'stage bill andvfojyns first cbh Tridiiiiy. Sirig leading' iiiainstem. %ith ihite-$22,500.; .Last .week 'Devil Is-Sisiy' (MG), niCfe-mOOO.' - ■ Earle (2,424; 25i35:40-^-70)-^'eain and Mabel' (WB) - and Vbude; - With Dbii-Bestbr on 'Staige' opehed ^ckp, but slipping. - Shoidd'seb bfg;$19;000. Last week 'Word-for Carj-ie' (Col) begauri- to buUd tod^late.^? Pair $15;5M^ 1 Keith's (RKO) (1,830; ^25^35';60)-^. .'WbinSrirRbbbU':^(JUCO).^'L^ $9,<KK>, oke vhut. !way -undi^; expecta- tions.; Xiast 'w«ek "TGay " Desperado'; ;(UA). took nice"$10,000. .: T, :, -Mitit ^WB)- (1-853; 25*40-)—'Midsum- mer Night's , Dream', iCWB).: First: time at pop prices headed for bke $5,500v Last- week. 'East Meets. West' i(GB);^hig $«iO0O< . ^ .. : • Fslace (Loew) < (2,363; 25^35-60)—^ !Big^ .JBrbadcast'^ (Par) (2d wejefc).' goldirig .up ; tQ, gatisfactbry $8,000. ast < week ~ same pic. pulled good $18;0()0:; i-Blait* (Indie) (1, { 25-30-40-55)— ^Moroccb' (Par) (^revival). Fair $2,- 500.:'Last week .^Six of Kind' (Par) ■(revival) and three dayis. of cam- paign-films took same'figure. : Cbiumbia (LoeW) (1,583; 25-40)-;^ .'Dimples' (20th) '(:2d run). Secbnd w'e^. after so-so seven days at Pal- acel 4hbui4 get fair $4,000. • Last week 'His Brother's Wife' (MG) .(2d. run) took good $5,000/ <'S'ubJect to change) ^ Aiter---'Roineb' ttntd' Juli V (HG) mth wk). .. :€i>itel--'tibfeled if^ . . idclterleii—'Polo Joe* (WB) M«sle H«U-^'As You Like It^ •-;(20th); (5)/- -^^y:.' ' P«rameuiii-T-*Big Brbadceist of ' 'it (Par)" .(3d iffk);;:'^:^ ^t'' Waltb -rf 'Without Orders* .(RKQ).:.- :! . Eivell^'Ladies in Jipve* i:20th), ': (2d wk). : .:r .Bexy—'Girl the -Front : * Straiid—''Charge ol - Brigade! (WBl:(2d wk). ■■ •^Week.ff'Jfey..^ ^ :. ^ ^ .Ast^r-T-'Romeo ahd . Juliet',, (MG) (13th wki. ' . . :Ca|i(tbMLibeled .tady* (MG) .'(3d-wk):/' <Crltcrlon-^;Orie Way !Passage'^ (WB) (14), (rbviVfiD.: " rMBBie Hall-^'As Y«u Like It' : ^2dtH) (2d>wk>. . , ; PtTrambunt-rTi'^ig Broadcast of, *37' (Par) (4th wk); „ ' Rivoll—'Come .and Get, It* :: (UA) (ii). ' I |t6xy-4'Pigskin Parade' (20th); : ^ Straad^'Charfee- of .^r Light - Brigade* (Wb) (3d'wk). Light MEH i A geneirajl rebrgaj^z^^ ieflfected at'\l^leotfical Reiiearch Prod- ucts, , vreceni .jyeete crease' .the- iciency/ of the^^^^ s^^ fo^rce^ i dihanges! set^ younger .nieh; jinto active; spots; largely jn sales! de*' partmeht which is now aboiit 10% jgreaWr, in j^ers^ Bvik bf this ;force ] was recruited £[^^ 'other de-; partments,; with- veterans assigned, .tb, 'iabVatbry • ivisiori^ * ■ manyv ' - .st^fnc;e|..^ _ 5 Sales.*:: drive.vnaturall^ - has • 'been cpiic^iiti-ated bri the' heW^Mirrophohic iequipmeht i r'Rejsulta .altseady; have jshown up. with ^equipment ' -sales tripled in recent weeks as -compared with a yfar ago. ERpi.-sales in an- otheri <w%ek .tpp^jed^iveyeh the^^^^ 1^^^ riess bf: the company's'^recbrd week in Diiecember, 1929. V- , San. Francisco, Nov. 3. ' Waterfront .strike has the whole town bii edge and is having a bad effect bri . some houses bn the'main stem. / ig[skin Parade': at tiie Fdx and 'Magnificent Briite' at the Orpheum bbth opened to disappointing biz.. • .:' Estimate for Thl& Week. Embassy (RKb.Cohen) (1,512; 30- 35r^O) — 'Legong* (Atlantic) and 'Missing Girls.', (All-star) .(2d, weeli). Sexy lads and lobby helping this combo to fair $3,000. . Xiast week $4,500, good. Fox^ , (F-WC) (5.000;, i25-35-40 )^ ' igskiri Romance' (20th) and 'Seven Sinneri^' (GB), Looks $15,000, bke. Last week' 'Big Broadcast' ^CPar) and '15 Maiden Lane' (20th)» godd $12,000 in the second -week. Golden Oafi» (RKO) (2,050; 30r35- 40)—'Daniel Booiie' (RKO): - and vaudeville^ The $13,500 in 'Sight is leiss than average, /Likst i^ week 'Withbut Orders?- (RKO), $14,000, fair. . ■••^r." r Orpheum !(F&M) H[2.440: 30^36-40): -^'Magnificent Brute' (U> and 'Girl on Front Page' (U): Around $9,500. Last week (2d) 'Crajg'sVWife' (Col) and -Two ' a Crowd' (U j^-good,' $6,300.: ' Paramount (FrWC) (2,740; 30r35- 40)--'Arithbriy Adverse' (WB). First appearance of -Anthony' on Market street after fair run. at $1.50 top at Geary several months ago. Looks like $13,000. Last week 'Word for Carrie' (Par) arid 'Jeeves' (20th) hot so Valiant, $13,000. St. Francis (P-WC) (1,470; 30-35-- 40)^'Big Broadcast'. (PaK) .and: .'1,5.; Maideri : Lime' : "(20th) (3d week). Getting' $5)500 on 'the moveover. Last' week 'Cairi'and Mabel': (WB) and 'Sworn Enemy' (MGM), ;pb6r: $3,000 in the third week. ' '- United Artists (UA^Cbhbn) (1,200; 25-40) — .'Gay.. Despefadb' (UA). Strike and s^eason's firit rain didn't hel^^ t J ust fair .at $6,500) Last week 'Dodsworth' (U) (3d) excellent at $(J.750^:.- -, WarAcJd (F-WG) (2.680; 35-40.55) —'LiBelcd Lady' (MGM)'ahd 'Sitting ,oh MbOh' (Rep) (2d, ^^f6^yJ Gding /»reat gUnfr for $13,000 "^tak^ after ^rst week of $19,000, PhU Regan -Ethers East '"; - Hollywood,-Npv'.^.'^ ' Remainirig seven ° weeks - of Phil .R;egah's; weeklybroadcast for Life- ■bupy-RiiHi'o. vwiil <be . ethered .-frbm. •New ybric. ■'• Actor is; ttoW- eri route' , to be away for twbj months', ^tfpon hfs." re«>. turn ,'.,he; goes: into. .Repubiic's 'join the .Marines.' (Continued from piage 5) sitiiaticnsi ith people in town for the pigsici frequently most of'this' mati ,loss bacic, aftd sometimes . .-^ Horse; raci is liot such ,. ^ ' _ grid games, but 'this f brm ;of spbrt,. where in progtess,'draws its crowds every afternoon, and. tliiis' year; accbrdihg tb figures; hew. attendance rexiords have beeri set Up Where,the bang- tails gallop. While, in New York sea- son is ovei: for' racing, tracks cori- tiriue in pperatipn in New England, Maryland, Kentucky; Texas and California. From libw On the only oppbttition frbm this sport :will come from .Califolrnia arid the South; ' One of tl\e trqubies with racing Of recent; yeatS'-is .that it has grown trcr mendously popular . with" the women who usually fbrm the bulk of mati- nee trade.- . ^'/ iSome tracks have women's day^.^'ahd let 'em in: .'free. Those who - los^ . their spending money on .tHe bosses aind stay but of theatres the rest of : the wwk prob- ably aren't b^laricfed by those' who win ari^ toss it into .bb3< offices. Bet- ting ou football iEthd-,-^during the'sear, son, alMvOri'. basfiball^Jlftasr increased tremendouslyi arid.wbuid have ~' a similar effect-pri filmi-business/ it U ^ MiimeftiMlis, Nov. plenty Reasons, why grosses are in the dumps currbhtlyt The week end saw wholesale depaxiurea to Chicago for the Mihhesbta-Northwestem football Hame,- and the downtown hbtises suffered plishiy^ 'Carrie' Jias a gQ49a lead , over all oppbsitioh and will-put the.-Mirine- : sp.W( far in the froriti . .'Velvet Claws* is . slated for bnly . fiye di^s .at the Orpheum, givijig way to a two-^ay ehga^e'm^hf of the Sah Carlo Grand- Opera Co., starting? Wednesday. Ad- yiuice sale is heayy,- '.. Esilmatei for 'TliJi°.>nreck - Alter (PubliJc) (900:^-25 )-^'China Clipper' :iFN) and. !G^eieA Pastures' (WB),: second, runs, and 'Arizona. Raiders' (Par), first run, split' .Arouhfl $900, goPd; Last week, -Chan at Raiife .Track' (20th). first run, fiill entire week, $700, oken.. Ceiitttry (Publix) (1»600: 15-25)— 'GrbrgebUs Hussy' (MG) and 'Texas Racers' ;'(Par), secbitd ;ioop runs, Slit at $3,000, gQod;^ Last week, Tb ary- With Love' ■(20th) and 'Gor- gepiis! Hussy* ;. (MG), second loop riunsi Split, $3,200, jibod. Lyrle <Publix) (1,300; 25-50 )^'Ad^ .verse' , (WB). 'Broutht - over .'frbm jMil^esota for extension of Ipbp first run, $2,(K)0, gpod.. Last week, -'Don't Turn 'Em Loose' (RKO), $1,400. light. Mlnneseia jCPublix) ■ i^OOi .25-35-. 55)^'Word fbr Caicrie* (Par).; Sold to, a fare'-ye-well; with , numerous special invitation showings,;; tie-iips, 24'>Sheeis and personal .by Gladys iGeorge,, long a stbck leading lady here; $8,000, fairly gbod. Last week, ■'Adverse' (WB), $12,000.'^od. / ' ^ ! Orpheum (Singer) (2;e90:'25-35^) — Velvet Claws' (Par). ; No names- fbr this five-day bobking^and will be )u9lor „tb excifled ,ligbti$3,pOO; . pig Hdvance sale. for £an . Carlo' .Gtand jOpera Co.',' Thursday, arid:' Friday. First time house ever has brought in legit T attraction.: Laist - week; i 'Big Game*. (liKO) and ^HbUywobd Water Fbllies,' stage 8hbw;:iai,000, «bod. : .Stute (Publix) (^,300; 26-35-40)^ 'Dimplbs' (20th)^ T^emple stiU.a iriae--, net, but ;this one hot so^ hot, $6,00o, nice. Last week,, second in lopjp for ;Biig~f Broadcast': (P'ar),. :$7.0Q0, -big, after fln)e $12,600 atvMihnesota.- - ; Time (Berger) (290; l5-25>-^'Grand Jury' (RKO)i. Nb. cast ttames; $800. fair. -^ Last .week, VSeclret" Agent* .(GB), ;si^Qnd- Ibbp: tun, $^ okeh,; World (Steires) . (350: :25r35;40-50.) r^fFoUow Ybiir Heart' (Rep). A iPPd . one for this hbuse,~$l;500.- LaiM 'W^ek, IGodfrey (U), $l'.200/for fouipth w-^ek - &fter< flye preceding} big loop weeks, two of them itt Orpheum, - "Kansas City,; Nov.. 3. i .'Election week is plantiijig-a .robust chill' iri most ;houses.'/Openings well below, average with .exception of Newman, whefe *Wbrd." fbr v.Gairrie,' \ although- npt 'i-smackb,' is : havi ' bpmfortable -weeki. -«-V Esttmates. ibr .-Tliir^eek - i- Miiniifreet (RKO)//(9,200; 26^40)rT iPjigpkin Parade.' (20th)./ Slow at ,$8;5Q0: "Last week .'Cain arid' Mabel' IWB ) at $8,000,* bad. ' ^■ Midland (Loew) (4;000.; 25-40)— •Old* Hutch' (MG ) and 'Man Lived Twice' (Col), dual: Fair $9,500. Last week .ILibeled , Lady? (MG) sm^cko at $21i500. . Newman (Par)' (1,900; 25-40)^ 'Word for Celtic'' (P&r). - Campaign hot-cha for good».$9,600.^ Last week 'Magnificent Brute' (U); $4,800, ri.s;h'. ' TojBrer . (Rewot-Fbx)" (2,200; 25)— '15. Maidenj Lane' (20thX and vaude. Slow,* $6,6(10. , Last' 'we6k<^ 'Met i' Taxi' (Col), metered- a low $6,700. -Uptown ..(Fox) (2,030; 25-40)-^ 'Wedding' Present' (Par) arid' 'Velvet Claws' (WB). Rough going at $3,800, Last week 'Dimples' (20th) (2d run) sagged .to $3,400. , B&K'S HIATUS ON DUALS FORlASTYIt?S'HUSSV' .Chicago, Nay. 3. . • Balaban; &. Katz which .have been dPubli their threb key riabe l;ipuses, Marbro and Uptown for the past month, return to single ■features this week with 'Gorgbous Hiissy'. (MG). , This is due to the fact that 'Hussy' is Qn last year's (1935-36) contracts which cpntain clause prohi itirig the twin-billing of ^major product. AETHUR LEE BACK EAST Hollywood, Nov. 3. Arthur Lee, of (Saumont-British; arid Mrs. Lewis Milestone'planed to li'ew York Sunday (1),