Variety (Nov 1936)

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./■' We4nesd«y, November 4, 1936 VARIETY 13 MfARNER BROS.' Nationwide Release This Week of ' in ^ "At ohy time and in any place it is 100% box-office! Will take jiigh rank in the list of the season's big pieturt^^^ motton Pieiw» b»iiy. ''i^ for box-office/recordsl One of the best melodramas ever!" vmrMy Dmiiy "Sensational entertainment for any audience. The word 'Big', ill its fullest sense, is opplicoblel'' moiim pictiir* M«r«w ^ ^'It^S definitieiy the best picture 9f ^h0tpplay MaiaiiM.r*N[o%t thfl the yearl^' Ruth Waurbufy epi< In motion picture history ! Hammond Bmmt, Faw(cett PMblleMtlon, It iS positively the best motion picture yet!" Vhgtnta Womd, Swamnlana mmt^iha Has taken what will unquestiohdMy be a long-term, lease of ^he Strand!" M^nnm^. "Breqthtdking spectacle produced oh a tremendous scdie. Climax Is the most senr sationaiand exciting the screen has offered! N.Y^Eve. jpwnai 'Magnificent! Thundering and invpressiye and produced with mighty lavishness! Sunday iiffirrbr."ln all my moyie-' going days t dm yet to. see a more effectively photo- graphed production. A maghificentpicture!'' In. ' \m iM» wmi «tiieoi»4A tops it on ^nday! I ■ ■