Variety (Nov 1936)

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.38 RAVI Wedne^dayf November'4; 193? beimorite,; Cal., Npv:.V3. High prices to trioti ictUre'stars and leatuved players'for. their jser- vicss as jgtiest slgrs on '.Hpllvwob'd'ii coiiuncrcial. radro'prpgi'a^^^ thing; tor the. aJvivIisijig a^enci^ to" woi'ry abuut, deles'-tc?>' tci the second" antiUdl i?ati 'yt ..conVcitlion of tlie AAAA wei informed. ;' road-- jC^stliig Ifbjn the film capital right now is., a very .pictu.i- th^y \vere told,' bu i vhe /limr resents a ?«lubipu5 and: ti oaljlovs Tpm :f!,.HaiTihK:ii?:i, m the HoJiywrtpd pn'ice oi* Rubi- cam arid .6ne of the pibrieer agfency Holly wood* hiis thW. prevail- •injgciitTthroat CQnYpetition between: iagencios fpr. ialeht , ' the road; to: ruJn. in a paper .he^ prepared,! but another read to;; cpnyentL p£. aigericy men, h^e said:. ' ; 'In rtany cases th^" salary of the ftUest. stars haV trebled in th^ . last yearv - Jopi star's who are in . the $5,000 class are not necessarily that; njych ..bigger than : they were three years ago . wheh they Were glad' to get $2,000 a :broadcast. The ^erriflc 'competition .ha&!^t a ^^f^^^ vjdue ph ■'their servicesf 'As ■brpthers luider the skin we have jiobody to blame but oUrselyeis. i Both the" and his maiiageC have been\ more t^ copiJerative, but with the tefrtdency - of . agencies to butbid. another lor big names, it's Piily natural that Ilricies should skyipcket, for after all, evert Hollywood has on Ij^ ' many . .M^ names, to give to: ra^^ rFrankensteiii He saici further: •In the itiidst of radio's extremely rosy qutlook in Hollywpod there seems ' to be phe-.'Sihgie shadow-^ radio has' .gone Hollywood, But it has ic^ie IHoilywobd' way that IRreatens its very futures . We can't help but feel that unless some ajction. is taken wie ill'find purselvW in the position of. having created a. rankenstein .that will eventually be :: pur GomgetitiDn •a.mpijg: the advertising agenqies has betome sp strong- with all the variety shows being birpadcast from the. Coast that guest stars- are at a ..premium; and the Scramble becomes a ribt.' " ' Harringtbn .says it has .all. pened within the spiaice of . a very short . time,—that three ., years' ago there was but a . scattering, of agency pefcsbhnel in K^llywpod. ;He sai the'r;; '"■ . : ■ - .iJSeveral <if^th(p lead iiig a^ericiesr-to- day have Hollywood radio\ depart- ments. Inicluding; J.. .Walter, ThPmp- sbn, ypanS;! &. Hubicam, William Etrty; i|d Ruthrauff & Ryan,, In the Thoinp^soii} agency alpne there are .22 people'rtp iiandle deta of the Shey'?^'*ei\ateau, Liix and' Bing Crosby's; Kraft. programs. Yoijiig: & Riibicain cfhplby .a staiff of^^^ die Jack Beiiny and Fred, y^staire'^s Packar .Hour. Wm. Esty PfTjce has five perspns .engaged in .the wiitihg and handling: of Camel Caravan, While RiUhrauff & Ryan and P. Wal- lace :Ai;rnstrpng also, maintain siib- Stantial ■radi staffs. 'WithPiit the talent of piietdres not one of these programs Wbuld he broadcast today. Radio advertisers insist on big. nameiS .to get their story tp as many potential buyers as pbs- isibie,- The long haul to a successful radio prograirt;:. not . apiieal to many ad.yertisers today. There does hot seem to be time for hirn to start froRqu: scratch and^ .biaild up a .big ;name, .like Kate Smith. Mor- tpn' Ppwne}^, ia.nny Ross and Amos ahd. Andy?' The field -is top conipet.i-. tiVe frottt the: adyertiserTs stahdpoi Agenci^'Cooperat|*A . , ...iThete is a -yiray Put^ pi cpurse, and it Ji^p; in the direetipnv we are'Vail" bS^ading^that - . dpser .: and irnpre' thdughtful ,copper.^tipn between the agenci ' ;\<fe h^VV' .'bposted these salaries and . now :it's;'uji^^^ Us to pu^ oh the brakes .and ibi>k about for a solutib.h. It's up to us .tp bring back the day when: ah: advertiser can" get? a swell show-with big nahieis; air for less than $10,000 . a week, We can, thrbugh working together more closely, bring abbut a return to rea- . sbnable <talent salaries. One way td do'rthis .might be."to .-dieveloR; the wealth of featured rribvie- player^^ who. have never been exploited oh the air but whoise naiibes are known to thousands of movie, fans. 'We cannpir too stronjgly urge the closest cbbp^ration betyireeh agencies to; prevent 'the further i sltyrocketihg of rtalehf fees ahd tb cement the: re.r latiohship ,betw<?en the icture in-, dustry ..and. radio, ." . • 'Some 150 'adver^tiisihg: men and their wives attended the -day cpnvehtibn here Fi-iday. Agency busi- ness is getting better. Every speaker said so, , . Attendance . .was double the ex- Jbhii Benson's Dejmpnte, ., Nbv; 3, Jphh Benson, i the. Aiherican"lAsspciatibn of,. Ad- . vertisin Agehci blossomed forth into an oratbr of major prb^brlions fn his speech bpfbre the sticond annual West Cpast convention, of- the Asspciatioh. here. Cohcludi a'4|scPurse :..;on the new ideall'shii Pf btisi he:sai ' ■'■■'■'• 'You cannot-take illusi. , of advertising because ;you can- hot take it out of life' It is the thing which ives living its savPr, helps ds all to cai'fy; on, ^ I have. nb fears for the future of , ; advertising V whatever ichanges , it rn,ay face. -It is an intimate integral piart of American : , It-is the. wjay our people . Want tp sell . and gpods^ It builds up the power influence of the avierage citizc'h, .'the consumer Whose voliintaty \ chbice basied oi: adyertisihg is the best safeguard; have • against, explpitation of abuse, ' It fPsters that bond .Uix)h; w^ the; unity ; pf our nation depends: . the mutual dependence - pt pro- ducer and consumer, of banker . wprker, i ' the building ,of wealth,' Barbara V»i|d«!PV«et' with JECOMO- kjR, Seattle, as special con^ablC with the depin'tment stpreSv Has %ckn. ground c(t experience ^with '-Maicy-s' ^ih.,.N. Y, ■{ " " V * ' . :.Carolin<V Coffnian from office to cbntinuity;ifot- ,KOMO'-KjR/ Seattle, while Kay. Mounter takes her place on, publicity and- news/taff, ' Stanley Harris^Pt -Delia &.,/ri cast; K0MO, Se{|tttle| wasyStruck by hit-run Car ^e other .nigliti; but picked hiniseiyF tpgeth^ to make his :i^rpgram;. Hcjwevef^ ;s;feyen^ mfnuties before the, ei^, he passed but,' ith Jihe^xest of ;;the staff gfat>b'ing his Script and cirryihg bh. / (Charles In pictures),;^G|Qi'in^ ;sin^eT' on'Hbliywobd Hotel, v/iil do .a concert Nbv4-19 at Tucson, Ariz. : • la teh days^a qUairteivhour daytim(^;program on WGY Ijrpught in 38,643 pfeees^pf mail Well be glad to give you the details of tliis program well as other^. (Successful records are the rule for WGY advertisers!) 50,000 WATTS NBC Rad Network SCHENECTADY Completely programmed by NBC pected numberj, but the .xlrpgraih;^pf speeches and ir^creatipn was bfbad enough to : include, everyone who-- cbuld'-get; away from; San FrahcisQo,- Portland, Seattle and LoS Angeled,' Therte .was' strict attention Xo busi-. ness-^and to 'pleaSur(^. / No . arrestj^. were:''-made, ■■ >.; :There ;jwas. .^nP ang . ,' kind or type' ":Sf adverti5irig.;. 5?rtetl-.- pnse. which .was not touchje^-vupbn with-more or lesS; skill. by;.eiperiji ehced spokesmen in. the cpurse;;pif: the three business siBssions;, of.y .thfe - conyehtibn,. 'Radip canrie - in for its share of discussion. So did, the havvs-- papers; maga^i . and putdlpbr plays. There \yas a bit of hrghldfealr^. ism expressed'by most of the tallcSrs.,- There was, .emphasis on consumed and.' producer Eesppnsibillties-.•. .• And there was a general hope • eitpreSsed that manufacturers wpulcl-i .ahcrease; their iadvertising; budgets after elep-' tioni and place most: of: their jexpenf . ditures through the; WestCb^stafgeni"; cies. A good deal was sai^-alsQ .that- the West. Coast advertising men knew a thing or ! two about their subject. John Bensbn,; president of the. har' tiohal associatibn, from New York, was reserved' as the chief'talker for the .final; nieeti ; He stressed the current business. tendencies as ex-; emp.lified in- the numerous federal and .state statutes which , are regu- lating. much_ business activity, ' He had a lot to say about |he Robinson- Patman ill and the fact that busi- ness men geneirally are sbmewhat confused as. tb the li 1 timate effects of; the measure. He said the bill in 'its present, form is, likely tp be.radically, amended, but the. evils of special in-- terests which it seeks to correct are recognized as; forces Which must- be curbed, in the cause: of honest com- petition. There guest speakers from di.s points all Pf whom mentioned the California climate i - cidentally and advertising directly; Paul Cornell, president of Geyer, Cornell & ■ Newell, of New York, chairman .of: the bpard of the assof ciatiun, spoke''/about the chartRing wbrld of .business which has arisen from the past seven lean years. ^ Chairman; of- the several s'essibns were Burt Cochran, Seattle manager ^or McCanh-Erickson, ,; Joseph R; Gerber. of Gerber Crossley. Portland, Ore,; and Dan , Miner, of Los. Angeles. ^peaJcers Paijers ;bn. yar.i aspects of ad- vertising ^vere by Walter L. Doty, , of Lord & Thomas; Fred Lude- kens, . Lord & Thomas; Dana H. Jones, 'of Lps Angeles; Stanley A. Weigel, attorney pf San Francisco; Ewald T, .X;retherv professor- of eco- nomi at tlje Univeirsily of . Cali- fornia; Tptn Harrington, Los Angeles manager of Young & Rubicam; E. W. Timmerman, of Good Housekeep^ ing; T. , McLausjhli . advertising majiager of the Saturday Evening Post;' Wilirlpt Rogers, vire- chairman of the association of Na- tional Advertisers; .Joseph Sinel, .designer; and James W. Youn.?, pro- .fessor bit advertising, sity of Chicago. Seattle, Spokailfe—apd Portland Were linked for election returns, with iqR, KGA and KEX working flve-minute shifts : giving local .re- turns jtrom each- locale.: KJR, Seat- tle; had its own staff of 14 to cover returns* e .Flac^^t. ' was set to Is^Vnch ; his new -commerciai Xfilm* .gossip-) bn;;ltlij,, (Los ;Ari^^^^ when along .. came a politico With a> speech 1 hisAahd.:'- if. WarTen .William ^ipot';; . Biilg^^ Npvi. 5i '•■ J.;;- ■■ the guest ' cheeser I Jimmy . Fidleii*, Star'te" hiS; pi^^^ sip "se'fties for vLudeinS^ ^ N^^ . .'Chet. .Maisoh: departed KHJ (Los ^Angeles); sale's .'..staff to ' boss radio dep't for Hillmah-Shahe, agency; .ICNX (Hollywood)- production overflow forced Nelson Eddy tb pack ujp for RCA fecbrdihg studi down the. street. ' 'Marion - Karo}, recently arrived front! ^ N.' Y, (WABC), joined CBS .dommerciai dep't in :-Hollywppd, < • .;Jiminy WalUngrton went social and hosted the 'Scandals' .cast at hig HPlly wood mahse. ■ Jack Benny got permission via long distance to use that rib- on his sponsor couple of ■ Sundays- agOi . Irene Dunne for- Hollywood Hotel late this mbnth. She'll do scene from 'Theodora Goes Wild.' ' Ben Klassen, tenor, and the missus returned to San Franciscb last week after a year and a half in New York City. .Klassen NBC staff singer before he. went ea'st. prpg'ram Called 'Beside- the Shalimar' is sponspred on KGW, Portland, by 'Atiyeh Brps., oriental rug dealers, is weekly 15-minute program ori inates on KGW Sunday ] nights and remoted to KOMO, Se- attle. Program has an unusual style of oriental music plus readings froin Omar Khayyam and other oriental writers. ^ vEdoa. Puphal of thie KFRC traffic departhient left :,;Sah Franciscb last week end, for''a h.ew job in HoUy- "wood with niaiia Bourbon of the P. WalUs Armstrong agency. Connie 'Bla%"; Mis5 Puphal at A sonjr cbBfjijposied by kathryn Julye, San-- Franciscb tadio and con- cert \harpist, used by Lily Pons in ■ her next picture, '<, according tp word received by Miss Julye from the soprano. Doris Keinper is sulking fbr drace Cooper and -Mpntgorhery Mohn for HpWard Mci^ear on N6C's Western I'arm. 'andyHome prpgram^sfroih San Francisco' .while-. the''j two thesplans toiir in.a play. Jack Mtfakkih returned to his baton- swinging duties-at NBC's San Fran- cisco studios .Sunday (1), after month's leave bf absence. J : J. E. ;'Dinty' Doyle, radio editor pi the Jiew Ybirk A^^rican, planei^ into San iFranciscP last ^Friday, stayed in town to see a game and then hopped to Hollywood for : chats wi th, mike headliners. Raima Zarbva, Russian' warbler with NBC in San . Franciscb,; haa been signed fbr appearances .lat the auto show, Nov. 14 to 2i; together with Bobby Breen and Meredith Willson's ork. Samuel Meinice goes into KJBS, San rariciscb, production de- partment as anhPuncer-dperator; Stanley G. Breyer, formerly of the -Garfinkel agency, has joined the ad- vertisiiig-promotion staff, succeeding Ray Lewis, who recently joined KFRC sales force, and' Wallace IT Bu^se, former, ad.-agi^ncy and radio salesman, has been adde.d to the KJBS Sales , department, : ;; Bob' Hall' the San Francisco Call-Bulletin was the first California ;scribe to be interviewed' by Rush Hughes . . 'What a .Radi Editor 'Thinks About,' i a series rated, last week on the Lan«»endor£ Pictorial broadcasts over NBC jmovttr IT'S WCOl Names McCfillvra WCOL. Columbus^ Ohio, has named. Joseph H, McGillvra as its station sales rep. Station is hbw NBC red and bliie and taking about nine hours of NBC cornmercials weakly. .Previously had no rep. N 0 TIC E By Arrangement with FRANZ LEHAR and GLOGKEN VERLAG VIENNA We Have Acquired Exclusive Rights to License Performances and Publication of OPERETTAS SONGS by FRANZ LEHAR No perfoniiances can be given n6f can ny sonjjs of such operettas be published or publicly, played ' anywher \vithout our 'U rilten permission. ;..'•• Infrlngemeriia or Unautli^rl/.ed Win Be Pro-secuted All Inquiries ahould Be Mfiile lo CONTINENTAL MUSIC 236 W. 44th St., New York City WILLIAM KLEIN, ATTORNEY 1440 Broadway, New York City