Variety (Nov 1936)

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40 VARIETY R An I O REP f S Wed^esdiy^ November 4, 1936 PHIL SPItALNT ^Little Words, Glee ArJine . Frjincis Mipisic,^ Sonrs 30 Mins. GENERAL ELECTRIC Monday, 4 P.l*f. IVEAF, New York (Maxon) Much the same as last yeiar for Zbto^ only under General Electric sponsorship.. Everything is $of t- spoken artd aiitied point-blank . aV worhen listeners. Time-saving cph- trivances hearing the G.E. label ;are Slugged. Also emphasis oti Mazda ulbs. ^ .Ariine Francis announces .the program with verve. Worhen composers .were given pirominence in initial program. , Next to: sortie popUtar lady tunesmiths, CsktriC; Jacobis-Bond's- works rated ihost attention.. Spitlanyr as always, is'the ,slick; rrtodern music-dispenser with smooth; orchestrations. Change; of pace and vairiety con- ^ tinues to be guaranteed by thie'Three "^ Little Words, Maxine, the throaty but socko songstress, aud Evelyn . Kay, expert fiddler, who also exe- cutes ^Aahy' of the trickier arranger rnehts. The Latin hiinxbers are live-. liest ifii the gi:6up's repertoire; As ah afternoon pirbgrain. this oh^ will make 4 ■ on Monday . have significance. '.Bral. BIDE DUDLET. With Lee Patrick Broadiray Chatter. 15 Mill?. tiLAME 1S;15 EST, Son. WOR, New York .. (Franklin Bruck) Biide Dudley is yet radio talker. New chatter . sCriie^... under Glaitrie bahner,' pushe^ Hail polish and. sun- dry beauttfyinig b^'^^prpducCs; Spiel- er gives out. the lati»t Bibadway liews; both legit and film si)uibs in- cludedi. There's. also a guest from< the Broadway stage. Airs at noon > and should piiease those at the dials v^at^hat'tiftie.'-. 'v-."'" Miss Lee: jPatrick, comedienne in ^Stage Door,' now current at' the Music Box, guested Sunday (1). When plied with questions, Miss :Patrick lifted lines from the play for a reply; Particular lines re- garding what's What On the boards and why the young hopefuls stick around, served the puiliose okay. Program is diveruDg. ^ral. ^T^TEPHANIE DIAlttOND VollyWood Bevie 15 Mins. 9f AX AZED FVBS WGAE» Plttsborfh Plenty of femme appeal in this weekly qtuirter^iiDuir shot. Peiiod consists 'of transcribed dance musie and Stephanie. Diamond spieling. for a few minutes' in the middle about' -Hollywood; tying in the: end of her talk With a fashion plug for the sponsor. . Gai is a radio fixjture locally, hav- ing also sandwiched in a year on NBC With-Joie Pehner during her long service with .Hearst-owned star tion here, and knows all ..the ropes. .She has a cultivated voicei, an easy delivery and makes herself. warm, personal and convincing. Colien^ DOC PEARSON'S DRI;G STORE With.Landi Trio and White, and Welcome Lewis Discs Discs 15 Mins. OMEGA OIL 'IM[ioin.-Wed., 7:45 WGY, Schenectady {(Husband & Thjamas') Against '3 rather synthetic drug store background, quintet sing and dialog on waxers spotted over vari- ous; stations for Block prug. Co.. o£ Brookl}^. Series places entertainersi in a college-tbWn spipt conducted by ia bigr'hearted pharmaciist. Aii old piano in the establishment the; excuse for; the warbling.. Miss Lewis plays the ' druggist's daughter, with whoiii on^' of the quartet, soda sprayer, is in; love. . Group poMr a pleiasing pop-music- cocktail, blended two or three, parts at the characteriistic stoi^y-tellih^ harmony of the Lahdt Trio and White arid- one part of . the clear- voiced .si ing of Miss'Lewis." Quar- tet works imooth, lively style, with bits of mild comiedy added. Miss Lewis sings well iand handles snatches of dialog acceptably,- Julian Nore. doi the kindly pharrilacist is deeo-vOiced arid friendly-fnan^ riered. Character' and its playing, are effective propaganda for neiighbpr-. hood piill pulvierizers. JHowever. Doc's one^minute spiel for Omega Rubbing Oif gives the role announcer tinge. . ' Two other plugs, are delivered, the. sign-oli, being on a. new nasal jelly for .colds; Jdco. \ RAKiSY AND O^DELL Yecal and Instrumental 15. VUmL-.- Sustaininr WGY.' Schenecfady Six-footers, who came up from. Mexican border ith Doc Schneid- er's Texanis. in spring of 1935, have ^lit away to. do their own act. Back at WGY, where they played extended engag^minitS' With Stchnciider, pair .are broadcasting; oti late-evening blocks, lO-miiiute supperrhpur 'ispots; and an occasional, afternoon period.. They : vocal. solO: and diiet, while Raney riianijp.ulates a jpTanO accordion and O'Dell strUriis a guitar.. Voices are. sufficient for cowboy chants, hsmins, etc. Harmony is fairly smooth and. probably will be- morfe velvety after duo have worked longer. It is tops with the melan- choly melody of themer, 'Lonesome Cowboy.' One: chap goes ligjit cohi- e(^ With tube singing. Instrumental end, especially on the accordion, miCht be-built up. Boys are he-ineri on speaking voice (Ran^y being a typAcal Texan talker)^ but should be more careful of ^ammar. They add name-and* plaie touches which friendly plains- men iiise bri; Ideal salvOs. Personal appearance angle is stressed. Inci- dentally; the spotting of the Hi-Boys on the. heels of , another cowboy warbler last Week was, jpdor pro- granii Jaco. Ja^k' Stewart, sales manager of WFIL, Philly, recoupi in Mary- land: General hospital, Baltimore, from abdominal operation. JOE RINES With Martin Bowe, Mabel Albertson, . Pj|lkie Lee. .Comedy, Music 30 Mins. lODENT TOOTHPASTE Sunday, 11:30 sjn. WJZ, Nerv York (Maxony . This is. a sj»oof session. Even goes in lor joshing the sponsor. Lightly, of course, and always as an e^dcuse to lengthen and repeat the name, lodent ; is wf?ll publicized through^ out; - Called 'Dress Rehearsal,' half hour hai, Rines giving a hbke , twist to things. His efforts to run the pro- gram are repeatedly interrupted by the. program's producer, who coun- termands and . passes comment, of a withering nature frOm 'tjve control rOom. This is a la Phil Baker's Beetle. But; hot a lift. In toto rather amusing;" . There's Martin Ebw.e'S singing rnd other change , of pace.. Program is out-of-:the-expect6d for Sunday morning nd should get its share of listeners. Which at these ! is doing okay. NADINE CONNER With William. Daae^ Gene and Charlie. Kreutsinjgrer. 30 Mins. GRAYSON CLOCK CONTROL Sa-Wed-Frl, 19 p. m. KH J, Los Angeles (Frank Patterson: & Assoc.X Just; another cbinmercial . (her third) for Nadirie Coriner.v Rest Of the .show musical filler. .Little at-^ tempt at production oh account; it's only in for five times. However; it mi|P>t have been built up for nibbling purposes after the curreiiit bankrolier scrams from herei ; Miss. Conner's sopranoiihg is fibout tops along these. shores: >On Shell: Chateau she is dubbed. Peggy Gardi- ner. Kobil Mag, one of the better Coast show^, spots her for solos. She does ;two numbers gtrthi^ show,- both in her usual fine voice; , WiUiam. Daze, -tenor, :.aIsQ.. has a solo assignment. Gene arid' Charlie Kreiitsinger duet 'Chris ;;Cotumbus' with a few comic interpoJiations;,.:Just so-so. ,.• ■ ' shark's crew really - goes, swlnjgy here. The* transition front his well starnped classic bent to.hdtcha misses the upbeat. He's much 'more at home on concert stuff. Fred Grahiam handles the; commer- cials v'ld earns his coin.: '^nbree fat blurbs are laid on in thtdc- layerk Helm. ALAStAIR COOK 'London Letter' 15 Mins. Transatlantic . WJ?5, New York Heard at 1.1:15 a.m. Sundays, this English gent makes. 15 minutes of gab ear-worthy. RCA Communica- tions brought hinKin with beautiful clarity. Chily for a moment or so toward the 'i.d was the listener re- minded that if was London, i;ng- land. Not highbrow nor yet hOi poUol, Cook makes interesting contrasts between En^ish and Ameridan M^rays. His 'London Letter' is a pleasant tidbit. Landi LYNN BAYES ImiUiiew 3 Mins. TEXACO Sunday,. i:30 pjai ' WABC, New York , (Hanf'Metzger) , Lynn Hayes is Grace Hayes' son,, and has appeared in varidefilm and- in shorts with that still stunning- looking comedienne.- He's: now do-^ irig a bit on the Eddie iCantor- Texaco Town show, and got-a real opportunity Sunday night with a specialty of radio imitations. ' ' It's a sNivitch bn the. antt<radio satire stUflf which both Hayes' did in vaude. The good-humored takeoffs. are still there, some legit aind; digni- fied, ahd' sbme a bit caustic, such as the Arthur Tracy and Vallee impres- sions, Calloway, Crosby, Fred AUeh, Bob Bums, et al. were aU good, Ofherwise Haydt ioM with Walling- ton for the-^cOmmercial plujgs. As Cantor observed, young; Hayes should.'go far.' . Abel. BYRON DUNHAM Poetry 15 Mins. Mon. tfarii. Fri., 1:45 p. m. BBESEE MORTUARY KFVD, Lds Angeles (Paul Wincins) This.. . one won't get into n>ariy homes. . Reading of poetry, sub- mitted by amateurs, against. back' ground of canned orgari Inusic is. not for the niasses. . Free verse by Mary Livingstone or Gracie Allen would pull better. And Byron Dunham, who reads 'em, is no Dave Ross, though the advance publicity says of him ' is voice reftases to be unctiOus, sweet or . maudlin;' H6lm. Mexdustve ^eudl^Matkei^Onli^ OneSfaiidn in kach citq fyxcepi Dei^toit). Home SiaUon Vopularitq takes Uddrq Nefiyotk, cpimiied as a coas(^<daH nemoyk, fum(skin4 susiaining and commercial programs on a W hout^ scheaut^ euerii doj^, WELL -Ba«te Cpeek WKZO-Kal^m^ioo WJIM-Lansing WQOD'Crand Rapi4^ Washington vs.' California' cast over KOMO, Seattle, by Asso- ciated Oil Co. Best eommercial wais the surpt-ise: one- thundered, -iinr solicited, by- the playf ul Washington rooting, section, tet's Get Asso- eiated!' ' Hal Wolf; handling, the play-by-f play and .most, of the legitimate ebm- niercialsv. does: a ^omnieridable job,. This is his fhird season of; game :^ieling.. Wolf has a pleasing, deep voice and restrains self well under excitement, yet picks; up .tempo just enough .in nioniQnts of tension to listen^ to 'the pulse- icken-: ing.situations: Displayirig football, knowledge, he riiain^ins . steady - chatter 'between plays, and, nice impartiality with praise and'cohunent going to both sides. Self-correction is only occa- sional,; but sometimes he is ^o . busy telling of plays he neglects to tell on -whose 40-yard line the ball is. AlsOi he frequiMitly' alludes to the same spot' instead of giving exact location. Both faults minor, but irritating. Assisting Wolf in quarter and half-, time lulls- Were Lairry- Chaitterton, Harold 'Moan and Clarence. Dirks. Chattertbn, on field, m.c.'d coin-flip- ping, ceremony at start,: .and. aided with commercials. Moan, at half- time, . gave scores and described student-card stunts;. The latter is duU stuff. ' Dirks, newspaperman and former Washington grid cap tain, interviewed personalities and school officials. . Likewise dull. Since nothing important , ever seems to be said—consists mainly' of "plugs for next weiek's ;games. Dirks, with his bacl^Sround, should be able vto dish , out some pretty live' stuflf - On e{»sodes of the past.' . Horiie £ames - for the Washington team alternate between NBC and CBS airing. This was NBC. Phil Baker is; setting a zingy standard for comedy riiaterial on his Sunday night:sessions, for Good Gulf. It seems 'ertai - that ultimately this merit will, register with the public at large .and 3aker will tally in the surveys up with the' toppers. ^ Laughs are ' even; and steady ■ and possess a freshness seldom encoun- tered. To his writers Baker owes plenty. He is being given what alt comedians dream abbut—dependable material to be funny .-with. 'Good Win Cauri' will wi lip boring Judge Public it Sunday (1) is typical.: A •succession of simple- minded problems that a;; first year law .student could answer failed to develop dramatic: tension Or ■ wallop. Censbrship or some fundamental change in pblicy has seemingly placed' its baneful infl.uence over the whole program. Whereas on WMCA. New York, , as originally broadcast, there was real human pathos, unex- pected thrills, a ring of realism and genuineness, it all seemed pretty .dull on this hearing. LaCentra has; a tremolo and a icoriiralto that's distinctive. iShe cOpes .with' several-., pops in: an au- thoritative manner over CBS from th^ French Casino/N. Y.; with Art Shaw s orch; , Eddie.'Dtichin, out of the hoity toity Persian Room of the Hotel Plazai NeVv York, ripples the black and whites in his best style for late Mutual vlistenltjg. And he should bring i>lenty of ears; to . lespectfuV attention. Mutflal has an asset of the first rank in this pick-up. TOYLAND EXPRESS With Ruth Loveland , Music, stories, sinririr 60 Mins. , CROWLEY-MILNER CO; WJBK, Detroit Here is a living example of what a lowrwatt station can do with a little enterprisci Daily hour program; which'll run through Chri$tnia9 holidays, repre- s^ts th^ largest local account ever snagged by. WJBK and is bhe of the riiost concerted drives ever launched ■ by any one single local advertiser, xunmng as it dbea six fuir hours per week for over ,fWo months; It also exhibits what a station can do in the way of blinding a full hOur show daily with -Only ,ia small outlay of talent,'' etc. Show should be right down alley of the kid* It carries 'em on a mythical train to land in which daily episode is set;: it -contains .numerous^ fairy tales by the*-Story Book Lady;, some nice warbling, by Ituth Love- landt talks by ^Santa Glaus and his lielperis, and a graphic insight into liis wolpkshbp. Production floWs smoothly despite use of discs for music and soine of tales, and all-around a pleasant little shoW. Coriimercial blurb is confined-tb^ opening' and: close; but could be cut sornfe. irete. RAYMOND TOMPKIN S Ceniinentator - 15 Mins. CONSOLIDATED GAS 4^ ELECTRIC M-W-F; 6:45 P>in. WJ^R, BaUlmore . _ Two'years ago Tompkins Was:^do- irig similar chbre for another sppnisot over WFBR. This is the same sort of period. When caUghi^ Tompkins / bit into t'Affaire^ Mrs, Simpson^, debatable accurstty Of pre- election striaw. vbteSi likker lapping- up at gri* games* 50th anni of Statue Of Liberty; and the 'streamlined' turkeys which are being, developed at on?! of Prof. Guy Rexfbrd Tug- well's projects at BeltsVille, Md. • Not the least iriiportant tool Tompkins' kit is his voice, clear, $asy-flowing arid possessed of that authoritative tone: that lends the aii- of conviction tb statements and ob- servations on the news happenings. Sponsor, local iitility company, uses only two brief sentences Of plugs, on each :qua;rter-hour slice of spieling; that, for Balto is sumpin'I WFBR placed account* direct and, as. usual on periods aired, by station,- listener-iiiterest is tied by offer of $5 lor all suggested subjects for dis- course that talker accepts. Subjects chosen: are those deemed; .most timely, comprehensive and of, gen- eral, interest; Very good local show. Bert. ADVERTISEMENT Mornins Chatter So Real Listeners Suspect Key Hole Biz K ansis City ~ C u r r e n t terar-pp^^ning; show that's just talk is stirring conver- satipnaj buzz in Kansas City and n6ar-by heath.. Reason: Mar g a ret and G b r d 6 n MiinrOf newly wed duo, ft "Across the Breakfast Table" and dish out fariiliy chatter with uncanny knack of making it sound s^ true io lifiBi listener^ say: *'How'd you know that?" Serving up $0 much early morning fun station jituzzled by com-* plaints fahis shoW up late for work. Looks like smart move again by Art Church to get radios turned bi^ fore: the family troops off to Life. -'Across the Break-' fast table" sw(^ll family product show;: hetwork <>r spot; Will go gi'eat guns for femme or food product. Aired by KMBC of Karisas City, program building and testings station that has guihea pigged plenty shows now doing bang up selling job for national advertisers.