Variety (Nov 1936)

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Wednesday, November. 4, 1936 R 4 • I VAKIETY 41 Hartford Advertiser^ Shut Off Air NigliU, Root for WTHT'sFiilIliineCraat HarUord, Nov. 3. Xrocal advertisers'seem to take joy iri the fact that the Commissioners of itie Federal Communications bureau ! liave Tebommended full -time for WTHT, the Hartford Times-operated radio, station, ttow .broadcasting day> times oiily. If and 'when the station does go Ahead on nighttime opKer^-j tipn local accounts will be able to at last find time for broadcastihg at night ..... WTJCC and WDRC both have been sold out aiid do not show much hoi^ for any v acanc ies in the near futiire. Although WIST :has not gained any gri^t amount of listeners away from the other stations since its operation last September, it has done a nice jbb exploiting its endeavors and local programs. It has streissed civic pride in <creating projgirains of appeii to the local community; It has done a number of things y/hidi other sta- tions have not attempted in the past, because of inability to 4nd tiihe. iaiinreiH^ Calls Meeting , Chicago, Nov. 3;. Craig 1 Lawrence, chairman, hais called, meeting of North Central Sec- tion; of National Association Broadcasters si^bes ihanageirs* division at Hotel Shertnati here on Nov; 10. This is in line with request, from national chairinan for at least, one sectional' ineeting. before .natibtiial ineeti in^'JjBinuary; Bob IBeieker Bet^ Chicago, NoVi 3, Bob Becker, outdoors editor of the Chicago Tribiu^ returns as radio program for the Red Heart-dog fgod firm. Goes on WGN, on Nov. 19, with a once weekly 15-minute spot with a talk on dogs. This, program will serve as extra coverage for this territory/by the Mprrell Co;r ^hich ialready' has, a weekly network show on NBC. Set through the local Henri, Hurst & McDonidd. agency, Becker may sell a new Morrell dog food product , A Radio Family Detroit, Nov. 3. Fourth brother of the Patt clan has entered., radio, biz. Robert H. Patt, second young- est of the radio family^ has just .joined radio department Camp^iell-Ewald agency here. Fifth iand last of the brothers is still in school, but may eventually find his wdy into ether circles, too. . Oldest 0f the brothers, John, is manager of WGAR, Cleve- land; Ralph is armouncer for WJR, Detroit ind' •James is traffic manager at KMBC,- Kansas City. NK Eztr9 $aPer Maf to Broadciist Opera San Francisco^ Nov. ; With NBC . paying the ork mem- bers' the additional $3 per man re- quired by the Musicians* Union for broadcasUng, i>ortions of seven op- eras in the San Francisco Opera Company's Mth Annual season are being, aired oyier the web's coast-to- coast networks. The ork numbers about 6l5 for thie French and Italu^ operas and 80 for the Wagnerian niu-. $ic drartasi^ two .'of %hich are in- cluded in tlie broadcast iserles;. Three of the pick-ups are for' one. hour, the others for, 45 .minuesi . . NBC also has sent KSarcia. Daven- port, music writer and critic, from Neyr York to act as commentator. Birbadcasts, first of which was on the. openihg night of the season last Frid£0^ (30)i include "La Juive/ "Bar- ber of Seville,* X3armen,' Jligoletto,' 'Pagliacci,' "Di Walkiure* and "Das Rheingold.' Ale Sinews Jestetn Chicago, Nov; 3. ■ Sterling Ale Co. has renewed, the King's Jester mtisical and vocal; quartet for another 13-week series on' discs for midwest icoyerage. Also. negOtiatLnig' now for a' local outlet with a SOrjnihute show. Jesters spotted through , the Cour sob'dated Radio Artists oiffice with Haysr^dkcf^land; the ad agency in the picture. WITH MUTUAL, REPORT WRVAA DIHO HUBBARD'S PARTNER DIES L.ytton .Shields Sadcnmbs dominal Hemwrhagc St Paul, Nov. . Lyttori ields, 49, battery manu- facturer and. dne of the owners of KSTP here died Saturday <3i) of abdominal hemorrhaige. Blood trans-' fusion - fitiled to C save .his. life .after thriee days illnesis. Iii 1927 Vith Stanley Hubbard and the late Frank Brown, the ^ieceased fotmed National Battery Broa^cast- iiag Co. . Acquiring stations KFOY and WAMD these, were consolidated into KSTP. Westinghouse Stations Switching Oyer to NBC Fort Wayne, Nov. 3. WOL, one of the two Fort Wayne outlets which ! Westinghouse bought eairlier-in the year, has: gone optional NBC blue and red. Other station^ WOWP, will leaye the CBS fold at the end of. next April and become, a; part of the basic blue <WJZ) link. WdWO Operates , at 10,000 watts and WGL 100 waits. North Carofina's Nix Charlotte, N,C. Nov. 3. COmnierciaUy-sponsored broadcasts of athletic events- at all three . tmits of the. University of North Carolina has been , ordained by the' executive committee , of the board'of trustees. Action followed the cancellation of commercial sponsorship of the Carblinia-Tennessee .game two weeks ago by President . Ftank Graham. Game, wias broadcaist by . .stations, in Raleigh , and: Sfashville without ad- vertising and the University. Athletic association is expected t6 . pay the bill for wire; lolls andstation, tiin sud to amountvto $700. Colutiibia Outbid in Nashville by NBCr-WSM Signs fbr Five Years—Gets Protection on Local Pro- grams Future network alliaiice: of WSSI, Nashville 50,000rwatter, was settled last 'w.eek when the .station signa-/ turi^ a five-year contract with NBCi Columbi withdrew from id- ding, claiming that it could not meet the terms anid conditions agreed to' by NBC. WSM's deal with NBC does not re- istrict the station's network affi - tions. WSM declined to confihiie with NBC for another fiye-yeai- .period if the web persisted ' in- cluding an exclusivity clause in: the new. contract, and after considerable discussion NBC waiyed this point. Under this arrangement WSM may go on taking Mutual programs. It is understoiod that. NbC al^o agreed to let the -Nashyille;. outlet have more Saturday night time &>r its local use. In addition to the^ regular eveniii« time exemptions NBC is said to have agreed to abstain from sellitiig WSM after 7 O'clock on. Saturday xiights. the station's 8:30 tc> 9 period Mondays and the 9 to 9:30 spot Thursday nights. NBC ' also reputed to: have agreed to raise the itatibh's raW from $320 to |3i50 a night tinie hour. Agreeitiebt between WRVA. Rich- mond, and CBS is understood to al- io^ acceptance of . Mutual, accounts for the moment. Although CBS istandard contracts do not permit outside affiliation: for any inember station, the deal with WRVA was put through With such speed that all details of the Mutual-WRVA rela- tiphship were hot settled definitely. As is, Mutual sales force will cbhr tinue to sell'WRVA on that chaini CBS, however, will have first choice of time spots where they are heeded for CBS biz^ and should Mutual and CBS both be chasing after the same account, CBS will have the right to claim WRVA for its hookups. Opinion that CBJ^ Will aUoW this dual illation so long as its Richmohd iz does not reaich into the major volume bracketsi WMBG, previously CBS outlet in the Virr ginia 'capital^ was carrying 18 hrs. 45 mins. .per week. WGAR; Cleveland, another recent CBS affiliate, " severing Mutual connections since teaming up with Columbia. YASCHA BUNOfUK HOT SWING A LA CONiMT Discussions are oh for Yasch^ Buhchuk, conductor and. cello tuOso, to do a symphonic swing series over NBC oh . .sustaining bi^is. Irving Mills'vOffice is palaver- ing in Buhchuk's behalf..: Bunchuk proposes nsihg a sym^ phonic setup, with the web furhiish-> ing the musiaahs. It Buhchiik's idea: also to have concert artists tqt the Vocal iht^ludesi. with the latter stepping out .bf character td .unlimber such hot ditties as 'Mui« nie the Moocher^ and *St. Louis Blues.' Bunchuk says that he.has lined; up several names from ,the conceit field; to go guestee w:iOii him. .In, the event the program jgets a coin-.' iherciaT, ' figures 'Biinchuk, ^here woiild be hp difficulty in bringing in such names as Grace Moore and liily Pons to lend a note or two ia the swihgeroo; interpretation, 1 W G AII 50#aOil WATTS ROBERTA^StBEE£,CkiBm0xci€dM€ma^r