Variety (Nov 1936)

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42 VARIETY R A V I • Wednesday* November 4t 1936 CBS Uses Loew Station, WHN, Under CBS*: deal with WHN, New York, for. reciprocal talent (exchange, the iietwbrk . drtist burea:u will piay all talent salaries and special'pror duction cpst^. WHN's piarticipation extends to the use of all talent and material supplieid by CBS at its own discretion;' WHN -thus becomes the first hon- hetwprk proving grounds for untried network material, and radio's initial counterpart of the break-in theatres through: which .- .big time yaudeyille of thP past pbtisUnietd: practically all it$ entertsinmeht. material.' • Through Loew's> Inc.; ownership and the operating supervision of Louis k. ^idneyy '^KSH is perhaps more than any similar indie station And His ORCHESTRA TrliiB<m JRoii>m Hotel? Amba New Tprk b E MCSICAI/ DAECtOB . BPXV THCATHE, N. Y. S. K. KUSHNER Presents ON TOUR phil GKKAT AMERICAN . - E D 1 T OB f GULF REFTN I NG ^ COMPANY ~ SUNDAYS TrSOrR P.M.. EST WABC OBS:.-, • in a position to apply; the show: bv-jri- ness' talent-developing methods i6, r^dio raw: material.; A Farm for CBS Ralph Woiiders of the CBS artists bureau -is rioiw auditioning acts for the WHN tryouts. Those accepted .will be placed under CBS contract and paid oil at siistai ing rates; while employed on ;WHN. All ties . bn talent for the future will be h^ld exclusively by CBS, with WHN not sharing in future incomes or com- mish: CBS' only means for breaking in new talent in the past has been on its own; sustaininjg network shpiws. In many instances promising talent was found to have been graduated to network statuis too soph, result- ing in a setback for the act iand a loss for the network. The WHN hook-up will help do away with net- work ^rodies -by .imknbwns; It is expected that under Sidney's guid- ance new talent will find itself, one way or the other and eliminate the present elenient of. chance by pro- viding CBS with talent that has prpved its value;. CBS will do ail the scouting and auditioning for break-in iacts, with WHN cdnflhihg its partidpation to nursing them along on the local air after CBS turns them over. WIfN will reserve VtLe right to accept or reject ; it sees fit for its own ipro- grams. Deal prpvides for ihe trying out of scripts, and productiph ideas along with ;taleht. COUGHUN IS TO CONHM ON Albert Ross agency on Monday eVe (2) called in a pack of station .reps and asked them to cliear time on their stations for a series of coast to-coast broadcast^ by Father Cough lin i Idea, as outlined to the reps» is that the prpgtamiS will start Dec. 20, from 4 to 5 p.m., and will cpn- tihue on the Sunday matinee fun for 13 weeks; Mutual Broadcasting was de- scribed by the ageincy as feeder for the series. As many stations in web' niarkets as. possible were called for by the Ross people. tJnderstoPd that a lipck of outlet have signed by wire, including WSAI, Cincinnati, which will pinchhit for WLW while the latter , has other commitments. Other FellowV Fire Buffalo, Nov. 3. Fife swept Nemmers' fufni- tvjre warehouse, Progress p£ the flre wai reported in the regular news flashes broadcast hourly over WGR and WKBW and s|>onsored by the Lauler furniture storie. So Bpb Mehdelson who* han- dles the account, quickly wrote new credit lines to the effect that although d competitpr's plice had burned up, Laufer's hadn't. Sill Joyce to Chicago icagp, Nov. 3. Bill iloyce of-the New York office Of the William Morris agency moves into the local offices to handle radio cpritacts. for the ^igen^y In Chicago and thf mid)vest.. While primarily devoting special attehtiPn to the bPoking of guesters on the Sears-Roebuck show, , Joyce will,also handle ,new business cbn- hections ih radio. . Washington, Nov. 3. Proposed shake-up Pf statiopis nom- inally assigned to 1060 and ip4() kc channels was slated for ' by Federal Communications Commission last week. Deciding to hear the itself. Broadcast Division agreed to inspect details of scheme lyhich will make permanent a reshuffling of. two sta- tipns Syhich have been pairticipating in the industry's outstanding experi- ment in simultaneous operation and synchronizatiPn experiment, Propo- sish affects WTIC, Hartford; WBAL, iEbltimpre; KRLD, Dallas, and KTHS, Hpt Springs, Particula r pla n now up for discus- sion is for WnC and .KTHS to swap places permanently,: the former being shunted from 1060' to I04d and the latter going from 1040 to 1060. Scheme is put forward by ^AL and KTHS, which are bedfellows of WtIC and KRLD respectively. The applications which will be vehicle for pro and conning the shifts are WBALV tP install direc tionial antenna :and increase opefat ing time to uhlimited and KTHS's to relocate at Little Rock, install direc tional antenna and slide :pyer tp 1060 for unlimited operation. Both plants are 10 kilpwatters. Waveleiirth Skipper If the proppsish is; approved, it will mean the end of synchronous opera tion tests which WBAL. and WJZ haye been . conducting for several years. Under present conditions, WBAL functions days oh 1060 simul- tanepus with KTHS^ operates speci- fied hours between sundpwn and 9 p.m. and then shifts to 760 to syn- chronize, with WJZ until signing off. Meanwhile, WTIC has been operatr Ing on 1040 tmder. special experi- itiental authority simultaneous with KRLD. . Simultaneous operation experiment recently was described to the.Com- mish as highly pleasing. Spokesmen for the stations .involved, testified at the reallocation hearings that the re^ suits have been satisfactory, with WTIC showing considerable enthusi- asm for the idea. Staff at KFRC, Sari Francisco, Jhclude Lois Hamp- tonv formerly of Pittsburgh. Its a M idea, CBS Might trad[e Wavelengtli* to Aid KRLP, Dallaii Situation One; of the hottest fights in; broad- cast history is expected to take, place in the Texas secwr. during the next year as a result of the attempt of KRLD, Dallas, to go from 10,000 to 50,000. watts. It Us understoPd that the Dallas TiihesrHerald, which owns and operates KRLD, will not only have to contend with the opposition of WFAA, olvned aiid operated by the Dallas News, but will encounter opposition fronl NBC. Latter Is af- filiated witb WFAA, while the other Dallas outlet is a inember of the CBS fold. Columbia as well as KiRLD khpws that the heat is on, and reiwrts In tadiodPm has it that the , two have a pat way but, if necessary. This ON DEMOCRATS NBC itself badly balled iip last Saturday .night (31) and <or a few moments had A.lfred.M. Laridph speaking on time bought by the Democratic N a t i o n a 1. Cpmmittee, Tangle resulted from the failure of the. Democratic rally ait Madison {Square Garden, New York, to use the full time that had been con- tracted. After President Roosevelt had com- pljeted his speech the NBC an- noiincef fptind that there was over 15 minutes to . go. He huiig on to the mike with extemporanePus talk for five minutes and since the meeting was breakiiig up he switched the broadcast back to NBC's New York studio. All that the Veb had standing by fpr fillihS in was a piano single, and it was decided that, rather than put this on, to get a: prpgram from Chicagp. NBC employees in the lat- ter town had jiothing better on hand and so St. Lpuis was cut in. Oh came ' the voice of L'andoh attack- ing the DempCratis for, allegedly buy- ing votes by way of relief and. the WPA., .New York quickly realized the error and alter a birief quiet put on the pianist. It was the first time in .the cam- paign that a. major political speaker had run short of the time contracted. , Froman on Chicago, Ni>v. 3i Grantland Rice and Jane Froman set as guesters on the Sears show for Nov. 12. Booked through the Williami Mor- ris agency. Siunis, Novelties, Tie^Ups Outsti^nding Stunts i PARODY WRITERS .CONTEST 'THE CL6wN COURT' KsTi^, ST. Paul ON BILL '! R O B S mSTEN 3:45-4:00 P.M., EST WEAF NBC NETWORK - COAST TO-COAST IN • . £ifMy Aloii^ fyg,.. fhuri^ fii, J|f»t.> XD VfOUF — BlSO BIint... >})RW YORK ClVY 'The Clown Court' St. Parodying Tin Pan Alley is. now. a pastime with KSTP . listeners. It's the result of a new program, 'The Clown Court,' written,' sold and m.c.'d. by Edith ShedlPv, station's Polly the Shopper, conductor of a participating shopping column on the ether. Program not only specializes in novel arrangements Knights of Note, quadruplet singing-instru- mental group, but invites listeners to send in their parodies , oh ditties of the day, with the probable pleasure of having them heard on the. air in subsequent broadcasts—if they're good enough for the quartet to work on. Spoofing features the entire stanza, with Polly knitting the Whole thing together in a half hour hot and funny;. Gar Film Ballyhoos Goof ishow „ , '■ ^ Philadelphia^ .To bally its 'S. $. Fun for AH' va- nety show, WDAS has 'filmed pic lor showing in halls and auditoriums in neighborhoods where listeners are numerous. Tabbed 'Life of Doctor Gee String,' pic intended to show wacky goings-c of wacky progrann. Anything for a howl is theme.- Film is booked solid through November and December. Prize Nashville. A sure-fire broadcast for children is the 9:15 Saturday a.m.. spot, on WIAC sponsored by Sally Ann Bread. A pony is given, to the boy who guesses nearest animal's weight. Guess must be; sent in ort slip at- tached to wrapper of loaf of bread. First Week drew 2,000 replies. Program ' titled 'Stratosphere Mystery.' Streets and Avenues Norfolk, Va. Snappy telephone response is aim of game being played by the public. WGH and Price's; Inc., the latter a hardware firm in Norfolk. Each day during last half of October the game of Streets and Avenues is on. Dur- ing 15-mjnute broadcast the an- nouncer, Marshall Braxton, calls out the name of a street. Ahy listener living on that street hops to the telephone and calls Price number, given in advance. For the first two calls received at the store, sets of chiriE^ware are given free. For the next 20 Calls, credit tickets towatrd purchase of Maytag washers are^given. alternative* according to reports, in-: volves KRLD and WOAI, San Ah- tdhio, e X c h a n g in g wavelengths. WOAI, which is licensed to opierate at 50,000 watts, was recently bought by Columbia. WOAI. operates at full tinie* and the switch would give KRLD 50,000 in Dallas and WOAI 10,000 in San Antonio. Columbia denies that it has given thought, to £iuch a trade but admits that it wouldn't be a bad one as a final resort. ' KRLD application for a boost In wattage is now in preparatibn and is expected to be filed within the next month. in "Town Hall Torilght" SAL HEPATICA.IPANA WEAF—WedBeadayi P^M. KiST .: TTAIi'TEB BAXCHBLOB t f♦f♦ ♦ # f M ♦♦ KNOX ! KNOX I BALLOU And His Orchestra Are Th*r« on 0^8—T.u«i-Thuri.> :: Knox Gelatine 11:16-11:3d A.M^EST <- Mgt.: Paul C. Wimbish 1619 Broadway, New York ♦ » ♦♦♦»♦#♦♦♦ i ♦♦»♦»♦♦♦»•» THE 23RD WEEK BEN NY R U B IN Ev»ry Sunday Night, 6 P.M., EST FEEN-A-MINT anrxuAi. bboadoabtino ststxh GRACIE SHOW IS ON" in Bbtton' November 9, JBsci. XSgi, HERMAM BEBKIE^ 1610 BMndwsy, K«w TotIi HERMAN BERNI 1619 Broadway New York ♦ » ♦ ♦» #»♦»♦» » » ♦♦ ♦ » J iChavley Boiilatiger:: And Hi Orchestra X Coffa* Dans — New York I'. " Mgh! rAtn. C. WIMBISH X Broadway; new yoak ,, ' »♦♦»♦» ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ »♦♦♦♦» »♦