Variety (Nov 1936)

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Wednefidayv November 4^ 193^ H A» in VARiETY 4.T F.C.C.'S WASHINGTON DOCKET wv PEnnws Con»ectt««t: Charles Greienblatt, Waterbury, hew 'station to be operated on' 1190 kc with 2$0 watts (re- quests faciUties otWATIl.^^^^W^ iowa: WMT, I^Pi . booist power from 5 kw , days to 5 kw day and night, yising directipnai antenna nights. ibmsas: WIBW,. night power from 1 to 5 kw. . ^ iityi JttBtpt WHOUi J^Tstiy City, install, hew ttans- initter and boost day power froni 250 watts to 1 kw. New York: WLWL, Missionary Society pt St. Paul the ApostlCr Nfew York City^ change hpiirs of ppiera- tibn from specifiied to unlimited, requesting <iacihties pf WOV, New York - Ui30 kc with 1 fcw days),■ .re.questing Vi^PG, 5r ilpwatter operating on llpQ kc from Atlantic City, N, ., be aligned 1130 kp, Oliiib: WADG, Allen t. ^Simmpnsf, Village of Tail- inadge, lioPSt night pow^r from 1 to 5 kw; Allen.;T.. Siinmohs, MAhsfield, -new .Station to be "opera on 780 kc with 1 kw 'dayfil Frazier Reams; Mansfield, hevy;. fitatiph to be operated on 1370 kc wiith 100 wattis days, res^h: jjllwpod Warwick ippincbtV : new station to be operated oh .1310 kc with, 100 ■watts.; Fcnnsylyahia.: Wip, iladelphi , install 'heW traiis-' initter and Vprtidai antennia, increase night powei: fronl "^500 watts tb 1 kwi move transmitter. TeMSr kGKB, Tyler, in^ day pp\vex. irpin 100. watts to 250 waitts, chahge hours .bf operation from lih- iiinited day-specifted ight to unlimited; WOAl, South- land Industries, Inc., isan. Antonio, trahsfer control pf cbnppratibh from JG' A- C. HaUt tp Columbii Broad* casting System, ;i, 2,000 shaires commpi-stock, Vlrcinla: pptersbibg; ,NeWspaper Corp., Petier^burg, hew station to be op.erated bh 1370 kc with lOO; watts days. ' Washington:. Cfentral Broadcasting Corp., Centrali new station to be operated on 1440 kp with I kWi New Jersey: WNEW, Newark, denied petition asking commish to reconsider, denial of application and grant same for increase in daytime power from 2% tp 5 kw; WCAP, Riadio Industries Broadcast Co.* AsbUry Park; denied. petition asking commish recpnsidpration pf ac- tion in designating foi hearing WCAP's application for daytime juice-Jump from 500/watts to 1 kw (appUca'. tibh to boost night power similarly to remain oh deck).: New York: WARD, U. S. Broadcasting Co.; WBBC, rooklyn Broadcasting Co., Voice of Brbbklyh, Inc;, Parampunt Broadcasting Corp., all of Brooklyn; tem- porary okay oh their licehses, pending conimish action ph their r &pplicatioiis tor regular renewals (stations share 1400 kc frequency, with 500 watts); . WBBR, People's .Pulpit; Assn:, Brboklyn, temporary 30-day re- hewal of license. - Oklahoma: KCiFiG, Oklahoma City, extension of li- cense on temporary basis brily, from* Npv. 1 to Dec i Oregon: WMED, :^rs. W. J. Virgi , Medford', change time of operation from '^^pecified to. .unlimited, move .transmitter, install vertical iator,, chahgb composite equipment; Station operateis?pn 1310 kc ith 100 watts nights, 250. wotts days. J?:eiiiisylvania: WORK, York, renewal of license to pperating on 1320 kc with 1 kw, using ' irectional ah- tenna at night and non-directibnal antenna days; Tennessee: WNOX, Knoxyille, boost day power to 5 kw, move station, localljr and : install new. equipment. Statibn npw operating on IQIO kc With 1 kW nights> 2 •kw days, ' West Virgfinila: WCHS, Charleston, W, Vai; voluntary 'assignment of licehse to Charleston Broadcasting Com pany. Station operates oh 580 kc with 500. watts nights, 1: kw days; ' Wisconsin: WKBH, WKBH, ., La: Crosse,, tern " porairy ;90-day license. 1380^ kc with i kw, REFERRED TO EXAMINERS 66 Ikurs CpmN^ ¥^ Current Check-Ui> ReVeals 75^ Imprbve- ment Over Year Ago AND DEaSIONS Washington, Nov, ! Florida: WIOD-WMBF, ;Miami,- granted a 90^day re- newal of license! ; Georgia; WATL, J. W. Woodruff and S. A. Cisler (do-. Ing business as Atlanta Broadcasting Co.), Atlanta, re- ceived corrunish, okay- on 'voluntary assignment of li- cense, to J. W.^ Woodruff and regular license renewal. Station,.operating oh 1370 kc with 100 watts, will keep : tl:iliide nam0.0^^^^^ Broadcasting Co. - < nilnbls: WROK, Rockford^ daytime bbbst to 1 kw frbm . 500 watts, :and > ihstaUatibn of.' new equipmeht okayed; WCBD, WCBD; Inc., Waukegan; renewal of license for the peViod A^g- If 1936, to Feb. 1, 1937 (station has been opeirating under tempprary exten-. sion .since Aug. , - pending decision :Pn ai^plicatlbn to trtmsfer control). Indlaiia: ' WWAi^i ! Haimmond-CalUmet Broadcasti Corp., Hamimohd, tempbrary license renewal frohi.Nov. i to Dec. ij pcndihg action on regulair reriewal appli- cation. lowai: KMA,. May Seed & Nursery Co.,. Shenandoah, .day juice-ivmp from kw to 5 kw, pn 930 kc with 1 kw nights. Louisiana: WSMB, WSMB, Inc.,. New Qjrleans, in- crease in power from 500 watts to 1 kw, with pro- ■ ions limiting power radiated in direction , of Akron, not to be greater-than 88 millivolts per meter, at distance of 1 mile from transmitter of staltibn WSMB be modified sb as hot tp exceed 70.6 percent of average based on, radiation by it in all directions. New Itaiftpsliire: WFEA, Manchester, itional li- cense,: on a tempprary basis bnly» Subject tb action on renewal application, and* upori petition of WSPD, Toledo, O., in opposition^ to granting renewal to WFEA; Also subject , to the condition that applicant (WFEA) shall hot permit night time signal intensity without atfehuation of, station radiated -in the direction pf sta» tibn WSPD to be greater than 62.5 millivolts per meter at a distance of one'mile from trangmifler of WFEA. Alabama: WHBB, W. J. Reynolds, Jr., J, C. Hughes and j. S. Allen (doing business as Selma roadcasting Co.), Selma, .chahge hours of'operation frpm -iOO watts days only, tp 100 watt all-timesi .- ^ , California: KDON, Mbnterey. Peninsula Broadcasting: Cb;, Monterey, change frequency from 1210 to 1280 kc, boost niight jpower from 100 watts tp 250 watts: ahd day power from 100 watts tp 1 kw; KROY, (Royal Miller, Sacramento, .change, frequency from 121|) to. 1340 bhange equipment, increase power and bperating. time from 100 watt^, days only, to 250 watts nights, 1 kw .days; .KSFO, The Associated ' Broadcasters, Inc., San Francisco, voluntary assignment of license to Columbia Broadcasting System pf . California, Inc.. Station oper- ates oh 1310 kc With 100 waitts nights; 250 watts days; Michigan:' Northern Brbadcastinjg Cp,^-Traverse City, hew station tp be operated oh 830.kc with 50O watts, days only; , Missouri: Charies Porter and Edward T* versole, Fostu£;, iiew. station to be ojoerated on 1420'kc, with 100 . Watts, days'oiily. New York: WGY. Geheral Electric Co;, Schenectady, juice-jolt from 50 tp 500 kc, changie equipment and mpye transmitter locially (to be heard before Broad cast DiVisibn). Oklahoma: KFXR, Exchange Ave. Baptist Church of bkiahohia City, voluntary assignment of. license to piaza ■ Court Broadcasting CP. Statibn operates oh 1310 kc with 100 watts nights, 250 Watts days. :South Dakota: KGDY, Voice of South Dakota, Huron, renewal of license on 1340 kc with 250 waitts days. Virgiriia: "WDBJ, Tihies-World Corp., Roanoke,, night power boost from 1 kw to 5 kw (to be heard before the Broadcast Division ). Washington: Twin City roadcasting Corp., Long view,, new'Station to be operated on 1500 kc with 100 watt? nights, 250 watts days; D, L: Thbrntpn, between Chehalis and Centralia, new statibn to. be operated oh 1500 kc With 100 watts nights,; 250 watts days; KFIO, Spokane, change frequency from 1210 kc to , 1280 kc, /boost night power from 100 watts to 250 watts; and day power from 100 Wiatts to 1 kw. Wisconsin: WTAQ, WHBY, Inc., Greert Bay, increase day i»bwer from 1 kw to 5 kW.. Baltimore, Nov. 3. year each of local broadcasters ahead of every previous yeir's bi:c; Tabulation of . icurrent week reveals total commer- cials for stations is now 66 hours ;ahd 18 mi In- crease of better than 75 *;i Pver i935. iS.urvey. is not including political biz placed locally, but only regular stuff; nor are prograins. of diyersi-, fied spots in the cbmpilatibn. Count- ed are. spleliy periods of, fiVe. minutes pr more bankrolled :by single spon- sor..:- „ . WCBM> indie station land;membier of Intef-City . System, has .31 hours, 25 minutes. T^ of 125 periods, 60 of 'em- of five; minutes' duratioh, one of lOi, 33 of (luarter-hoiir, 26 pf half- hPUr and five of one hoiir. Statipn jumped pver 106%vsih(ce this' week last year^ when total time cohsumed but 15 hours, 15 mihntes. WFBR, NBC-Red rep , has total of 16 .hburs, ifiye minutes, rep- resenting aggregate, of 78 periods. Twenty- ihe run five miiniites, seven for 10, 34 for 15 and eight for half hour. Last year: total was 11 .hPursi, WBAL, NBC- iue outlet, is week- ly filling but 13 hours,- 20 minutes with local lieriods, : 31 ich are five-minute marches, , quarter- hour slots; . two halfrhour blocks, and one ai iZ.yi-hour bold. This pe- riod last year, 35 minutes: . WCAO, CBS link with much of its time committed to CBS, is giv- ing over tb local commercial prpr grams five and half hours weekly. Carries 12 quarter-hour rides, three- of half hour,, and one 60-minut whirl. Last year totaled three hburs, five mihutes.. WCKY's Sat. Noon Show With High School Talen ihcinna.ti, -Nbv, 3. New series of studio, programs pii WCKY calls for 26 hourly Saturday noon stanzas of songs, music and drama by students bf Northern Ken-, tiicky high , Schobls.; i.illji^e schools^ piarticipate in sepl&rate :i>r<)g)rams, which are under direction of Buffalo Club of Nbrtherrt Kfehtuclcy School, Masters' Associa^tibn. epmmerciial tag' is Dine Furniture Co., of. (ipyingtort ?ih<i( Ne-wpprt, Ky. i Johnston i^^^^^^ V^. Philadeljfrtiia, Edward Jphhston, technical super-- Visor WIP, moves to ;technical staff of WCAU this Saturday (7). Succeeded by Clifford Harris, who moves up from chief -engineer post. No one picked to yank Harris' ol itches. ON THE AIR MONDAY NIGHT .. .IN A BRAND NEW SHOW tt;i7A<'SHARLIE" CLIFF HALL TOMMY DORSEY'S FAMOUS SWING ORCHESTRA The important NEW programs oil the air tiiis season may ^punted on the fingers of one hatid^ aiid this is a serious situation for ing: stations, i$ponsors and WJZ9:30 TRANSAMERICAN has set for it- self the tasic of supiilyiirtgr in l^rt at^ least; the jgrave need for hew iraidio personalities and outstanding talent to win and hold an increased propor- tion of the radio audience an4 there- by sharpen the upward sales cifrve for sponsors. To accomplish this objective, TRANSAMERICAN haf ob- tained the exclusive, ri^^ to the largest single source of untapped entertainment available in America. Front those broadcasting stations and farsighted advertisers who real* ize the sigitif icance of ment, we cordially invite inquiries. John L. Clark, President NEW YORK HOLLYWOOD 521 Fi