Variety (Nov 1936)

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44 i^tiUeBd^jf iii^\jmhet% 1956 1240 Kc. Case Washington,. Nov. 3. Beviyal of the radiQStjLCf which last year led ^ to a pepartntent of Justice inyestigqtipn Ibomed this >veek; fol- lowing the filing of a hew applica- tion fot the 1240 k.c, chaiinri in tip^ state ^ew Vork, New applicant is the: Citizens Bfoadcasting Go.,' _ with . Schenipctady the tp^yh named for the; getting up of "the neAV. transmitter; Citizens* papers bore thiree ■nameis as stockholders. They Were > Dewitt ^ower, Schenectady real, estate oper- ator;'John Li Clark, president Of the ^j^ns-Aimerican Broadcasting St Tel-.- eyislon.' Corp., s and Emaniiel J. Ros- enberg,, once salesman .for the Sd- clei^ of European Stage Author^ and Composers atid now a Trahsaimer-; icaii exec. AVhat has caused the biiz-r, ziiig in Washington circles is the fact that one of the employees of Trans- americian is A. Mortimer Prall, son. of the chairman Of the Federal Com- mtjuiicatioh^ Commission. Shortly before the Citizens Broaid- c^sting^Co. inoVed .into the 1240. k.c. i(!tvire the iCnox Broadcasting Co. PriBsents PVEBY WEDN ESbAY lO-U P.M. WEAP c6ast.t?o-coast "HORACE NIWBLE'* MAXWELL HOUSE • ; SHOW BOAT •WeaF, Thurt,* 0-10 PM. EST '^mdli B«pit IB. KbRUAM ^^^^ CADILLAC] I D ETRO iT' Decern . ^ tH E WEAF 4:19.4:30 P.M. JfOTEIi KEW YOltKER NIGUTtY ^ UxQlUslve Mnnasrcment MfBO ARXI8T 30 rocks:f^l<I/ER PJ.AZA, ;n, y. EL TODD flOXVV NfeV^ VbRk ;/ Thl» :W#«li (0iBi* 30) of Schenectady sought .to have last Winter's application reconsidered. The il^nox • faction, which embraces several, prominent iSNemocratiic; poli- ticians and is fortified by Knox Gel- atine bankroll, apjpealed to the com- hlish .tb give another look at its ap- slicatibn, poiniing out that the brig- nal examijier's fejpbrt was favorable aiki claiihihg. tihat the bnly station wliich. might; be adversely affected, WNAC, fiostori, has giVen consent to ' he desired .'grant. While the WNFB, inghamton, group, Knox's oppbsitibn of last wi • ';er, is understood to be still desirous of ishifting to 1240 from 1500, no for- mal protest against the Knox request had beieri received^ last week. in New York Jdhh; .Clark dared that the tieup with Mower was strictly something prevailing between Mower and Transamerican. Mower, said Clark, has tried for a long time to obtain co-financing for a construction pehnit that /he was applying for to the FCC anid that after he had been succejssfui else Where Transamerician took him up on the proposition. In return fcir the financial support, added, Clark, Mo^er 'had agreed to havf Trans american represent his proposed station in the sale of time and that the only reasoh that Tranisamerican personhd were represented iii the Citizens 'Co. was; to protect Trans< ameriba's- investmentr :Transamerica, said Clark, have hdthing tO do with the operation.. Of ' the . Schenectady station.. $0N6 FOLIQ_ON AGAIN Gilletie ipjllviBS^kjR^ U Btottaravff a^nd ityan Saiivenlr Idea Orders have ]^en received from Gilletttf "Ra2of by the Ruthrauff & Ryan agency to go through with the proposed idea of turhihg out a souvenir song folio in connection with the account's conimunity sing program CBS Sunday nights. Agfency is qbhtacting feusic publish- ers'direct for the rights td. Composi- tion reprints. R. & R. sought to have the Music iPublishers Protective Association act as' a gb'^betweeh in obtaining these rights but the UllPPA members voted against having the Gillette">ong folio become' ah Associaitibn mktter. Agency, however, is using the MPPA to check on the validity of the copy- rights' to the various songs which it is interested Jn having incbfporated into the fblio^ \ All^iddish Returns Philadelphia, Nov. 3. Election returns will be aired in Yiddish, tonight Ijy WDAS, thereby snaring town's only complete scoop- eroo on.balloting broadcasts.; Harry Ki^ndel,' equips is spjonsor of three-hour show,, with Nathan vFleisher; former editor and publisher of Jewish World, .and Si Feldstein, Yiddish . anhouhcer, slated to give vpte-by-vote. ; Variety program will include pky- ers from town's Jewish theatres./ Yal Coflfey Bc^sighs Detroit, Nov. 3. Vil Cbffey, niusicat ireetbr at WWJ for past twb yeiars, has re- signed tb return tc Petrbit , Syni- phpny brk, virith which he was asso- ciated fbr 17 years. l»ians to devote more time to composing, arrai^ging iand the classics.. Pending appointment of a hew i- rector, Gle Fqerch, who leads popr tune band at station, will handle Coffffy's duties at WWJ» I WUBirsS^CIianges Memphiis, Nov. .. WHBQ, Memphis, has made fol- lowing changes in personnelv f Lbu DiamOiid replaces Henry Ab- ernathy as night clerfe Abernathy goes to Abilene, Texas, as wireless opeirator for American Airlines. George Ransom, formerly of WNBR, takes over the Qlassified Sec- tion, succeeding Jv B. Herbers, re- signed. New .programs over that station include wrestling matches from the Auditorium every Monday night, with Bob Aihurty at the mike; pop- ular sohgs by Joe Cunningham every Thursday afternoon; dancei program 6very Saturday night from 10:30 to 12:30. New contracts have be^h signed by Red Top Brewing Co., Towfer Beauty Salon,' Zerbst Phar- macal Co., St. Joseph's, Mo.i, J. D Clothing Co., Memphis; Newsum Tire Co., Wener'a Bootery^ the Shoe Box, Goodyear Rai Co., Ed. Sanders Clothing Store. Chewie Heavy in Frisco San Franciscb; '■ Nov. 3. Two quarter-hour live talen'.; shows-, aire being spotted on KPQ by Chev rolet this week, the daytime program featuring Deatt' Malddbx as 'The Man in the Top . Hat,' and Beryl Cameron and Johnny Collins, warblers^ and the night session, styled *All-Amer ican.FbbtbaU Cavalcade,' Using Mad dox with organists Paiil Car£ion am Charles Rimyan alternating;, First sieiries began Sunday and nms daily through Saturday (7). Sevpn con- secutive, night broadcasts ' .begin Wednesday (4), in addition^ Chevrolet has two 16- minuto: disc programs weeWy. on KGO and^ KFRC. Northern Cali- forni dealers are fobtitig the bill for bne or more lOQ-word announce- ments on 16 stations in this vici ity six days Sveekly over a i4-day period which started .November 1. WOWO, WIS Coyer Corn Feat Fort Wayne, Nov. 3. WOWO, . Wayne, and WlS, Prairie Farmer; statiorH,^ will air In- diana* State Corn Husking contest to be held Nov* 6 at Bartels' Stock and Dairy Farm, near here. Last year over 110,000 spectators turned out to see the various entries sweat. ' Grant County Farm BureaUi Ma- rion Kiwahis Club and .Indiana State police department are co-operating oh ihis year's event. Washington, Nov. %. Roundabout methods of gaining more air s^iace ' for W^WL, New York» were abandoned last week by Paulist Fathers as New York's mud- dled radio row over a ispot for the Catholics g^ew more iht^hise. ' Giving up complicated schemes for shifting several stations, clerical group isoiight . to .'withdraw ]|ohg- pending application for jtransfer to BIO ice and threw /)verbOard hopes of btiyihg WOV, which shares the 1100 kc channel with WtWL. Instead, Paulist filed direct reqtiest for the WOV berth and asked the Federai Communicatibns Commission to slide WPG, Atlantic City, from' lliOO to 1130, which is dbminated by KSL, Salt Lake City. Latest Paulist move had, the ef? feet of making the fight hotter in- steiad of making. a: ^lutibn. to the involved political-clerical ^arl sim- pler. Now looks as thiQugh the bat- tling will tie tougher, since the Paul- ists asked to be i>ermitted to . with- draw their; present petition withbut SPONSORS-AGENCIK Lord: ThomM agency, Chicago, setting some annouhceinents for Montgomery Ward in towns where the, mall-ord^r house has local but lets, slated to start middle of this month, on some 25 istiations. rown. ft Wllliamsoii (Kool and Raleigh) cigarettes will supplement its NBC hopkyp with recorded ver sions of the Jack Pearl 'program on 18 stations^ Spot contracts gus^rantee 26 half-hours. Sleetmaster, apparatus for cleaning windshields, is figuring on using sta-< tion breaks between .Dec. 16 and Feb< 1. Campaign would consist of 2iS an- nbuncemenis with 'ithe >pbts selected coming before or after network prO' gram plugging either oil or auto- motive accbUnts, Scliwab & Beatty is the .aigehcy. Benion, & JBibwles. is collecting data bn locfai spots reviews that will be atvailalbie with r'the opening /of the. baseball series next yean Product for which the agency is doing >fhe scouting is General Food's Huskies. Jack iOeane Cops Contest San Francisco, Nov. 3. • Selected by vote bf the radio au- dience but .of six finalists, Jack Deane has been named winner of the KJBS content for a nW emcee for its morning Alarm Klok Klub programs. Al Sperry, " previously in charge- of the broadcasts, will de- vote himself to'the Stamp'Club aind other activities. Deanc/is known here as. a radio vocalist and in Den- ver as an, announcer; • prefacing bigger fall bnsiness, AugUst revenues of broadcast industry we^-e nearly one-fourth ahead of 1935,. despite 3:t% slunip from July, Na^ tional Association bf Broadcasters reported last week.. With'the summer decline still less severe than in the past, trade asso- ciation estimated August receipts were $6,994,675, bringing the total for the year so far up to $65,029;079. Compared With 1935, virtually all types of business, shbwed increases, ith local and ional station accounts reflecting the greatest gain; Ruth Brindze, member of the eaitoriar board bf the 'Nation,* liberal weekly sheet, writing a book on radio to be published after first of the year by "Vanguard . Press. Opus, as. yet untitled, is planned tb show the layman, the pirivate-govern-; mental setup of U. S,. radio, along with some notes and .ian occiasiohal brickbat oil alleged censorship, ownership of radio stations with corporate tie-ins, and. similar topics, Margarfet Sullavan/disappointed the H. J. Heinz (Maxon agency) pro- gram on ,45 minutes' notice Friday (30). She had been set tb appear opi>osite Brock Pembertbn,- legit producer, Pembertbn by telephone got Elizabeth Lbve down to the studio in time to pinch-hit. l»embertbn dwelled in detail/in hif .quizzing of Miss Love on the days when/Margaret SuHavan Vras understudy to her. ihsiders ..familiar with the full stbry W;ere chuc- kling over the ironic twist. ' On its own air time, 8 p.m. Wedhesday, Oct. .28, D.u Pont de Nemburs heard itself'verbally the Democratic election campaign spiel, Du Pont relinquished its time, in faVor of election talk and then suffered the irony bf having the politically opposed Democratic campaigners admi - isti^r a round lampooning. Minneapblis. and. St. Paul Dodge dealers, sponsors of 1936 U of Min hesota grid battles, have already signed an option for the 1037 Gopher schedule. Procter ft Gamble will launch a' new weekly quarter.-hour ./program over KPO, San Francisco, Thursday night at 9:30, with Janet Baird as ispeaker, Irving Kennedy, tenor, and an organist. Broadcasts will plug Drene' shampoo. Sunset on renewed 'Curtain Calls' for another 13 weeks on KFWB (Hollywood). Owen; CrUm contin ues as emcee. E tiling Brewlnjr Co. appointing the Arthur H. Fultbh agency^ New York, and will Uise radios Ponitiac motors have named Sidney C, Bray sales, prbmotioh manager. Elgin./Watches/contemplating use of time signals over M^tual Birbad- casting Systeih through the Chicago branph of J. Walter Thbrnipsbn.' ..;;Next, Inc.. .(brushiess shave) hamv ing Lucky Bowrihan, Ncmv York, and planning a radio campai eaunipni-Four-Way tablets buy- ing arthbuncements through K W. Kastor, Chicago. Schedule cbmes tb 130 blurbs in all. prejudice and tQ substitute the new proposition without/ > hjeihdicaps. *W|tli rrejadice* A conimish scrap over, procedure appeared^ be in/; the making. While franchise-holders customarily are allowed to yank back pleas when they lose' enthusiasm, strorig feel- ing- exists .in certain ^quarters that the Paulists should iipt be granted this privilege or, at least, should be censored in sqinle way i for causing so much difficulty. Viewpoint in some circles Is that WLWL pestered the Commish and other istatiohs; he- eessitating subistahtial expenditures and keeping competitors on the anx- ious seat; and shbuld be made to go through,^ taking/ .its chances, or should have a 'with prejudice' stinger slapped on any dismissal by request. Deal hetweeh PauUsts and John Irac^; owner of WOV, appears off for good, iollDwing TejMrt that attempts to have the Paiflists, licaci, and B IbVai smoke the'petic^>Ti>lpfe in the , preisence of a Cardinal failed. Bu- lova is reported 'to h^ve tried to see the Cardinal, presumably to urge him to ask the Paulists hot to oppose his scheme to buy WOV, but accord- ing to reports the watch-maker did not get past the outer office. Paul- ists long ago refused to have traffic with Bulbva, who offered to. put up the cash for WOV and then ive more time tb WLWL. perf eel Circle account has gone to Henri, Hurst & McDonald. Carroll Dean Murphy; hefelbTore ah Er\yi . Wasey v.p.i has been named pi-ihclparahd v.p. ith Hiays MacFarlahd. Small ft Selffer is the new name of the erstwhile Small^ Kleppner & Seifter agency. Otto Kleppner has formed his own agency. : United Drug (Rexall) using five IS-mlhute disc .■ jpirograms over WMCA, New York; Series is to run brie week,, with taleht including Don- ald Nbvis, Jane Pickens, Virginia Rea, Rubihoff, Connie Bbswell, Con- rad Thibault^ Irene Beasley^ and other HENRY BUSSE And Hi Orchestra CHEZ PAR EE cBiciod IvIAR^d-OH KBCr-Coast to CoAtt ' 8^'3:S0 P.M. ES*^ Hanacementt M.C.A. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ » >»♦ » ♦ > ♦ 11 ♦ M» I BASIL FOMEEN \ and His internationals IRITZ-CARLTON, NEW YORK-► , i- •■• \ ,. r«r». Bep.: TAVL C. VPIMBISH 1610 Broadway, New York ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ r < > ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M ♦ ■ ■WANTED- Bellable radio production office form- liiic artlttts' bureau iranto someone with experience in tecnrlnr • artlMts and also sMlInK tliem. tVrlte stating experience and age; Mill be Kept confldentlnh NeW York