Variety (Nov 1936)

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46 vahiety hi H S I C Wednesday, Novemlier 4, 19^6 »6m "WClSKIN rAKAuic"; 'S LOVE I' AFTEft" ♦'YOU DO THE □EST THINGS, "THE BALBIOA" "YOU'RE SUiGHtLY TERRIFier' From *'Slnit, . Sln»" "SING, BABY, SING" ^VoO TURNED THE TABLES ON ME" 'jr MOVIETONE MUSIC CORPORATION ii50 Sixth avenue N E: Y ^1 k K presents From "Cain find niubefr I'LL Sma YOU A THOU- SAND LOVE SONGS Coney Island Swing for Sale It My, Baky fiMki Uv* M WInitr: Now That Summer Is Goni Don't Kiss Me Good Night REMIck Music CORP. ISM Slxtb Avena« HCA BIdc.. !<. v. . PUBLICATI ("/nS, inc. Organ Grmder's Swing Ml Ghost fioestp^l^ A Moment In the B h a SenHmental Mood A Great Big SEA If ^;^^^^^|C PUBLICATIONS D. Despite ASCAP ? repudiation; of the French Society's .right to license fllin per-r form ing rights of . this: America n ^ So- ciety . pi Composers," Authors and Publishers: is tllxe.btisis p.fa new'kink in international song ;rights which figures in an action against, Ut^iversa! Pictures. Georges A. Gpgni . trad- ing as United Music Co., ha?, started suit .against ,U, Consolidate.d Film, industries, et-al., 'Gpofy- tone Newsreel.' It is .alleg^ that three songs by Alexandre Emile' Mercier (Nteriat is his nom-derplume), .. and -Emile Fourdrain wejre unauthprizedly re- corded in :the shPrts. U takes the position that through ASCAP it li- cens(ed the Frenlih, SPciety's cpmposi- tioris,. and .'that 'the Societe des Au- teurs, Composite.urs et Editeurs de Musique (SAGEWC) enjoys a sinlilar feciprpcal privilege thrpugK ASCAP. Julian T. Abeles, -special counsel oh; music copyright,^ has beten re- tained by UniversaV and taking depositions in", Paris" to" prove .that SACEM's deal with ASCAP puts the film company , in- the: clear,-- This is the first time" question'hias been thus raised. (Continued trpm, 45) FOUR SMASIfSONGS from the iSetv Qdtton Club Parade COPPER COLORED GAL THAT'S vJhAT YOU MEAN TO ME ALABAMA BARBECUE DDir THE SUZI-Q comjpany di^eris^.trom IHarnis, Inc., being . separate orgaqissatioh. Spier, ,m shifting to Criawfprd, likewise assumes a' participating in:* terest in that firm; It calls for Louis. .Dreyfus, .long* a friend and mentor pf . Bpbby Crawford, putting in fur- ther funds, tpWafds; the, operation, .of this catalog and cialls for; an ultimate picking up of Bobby Crawford's per- sonal stock by tine' new. flnajiciai mehtprsv Meaiitime, Crawford.. reitains his stockholdings,-pro tem, just as,he re- ti^ains president pro tern. • He. gets a. drawing'.account^i:pm Crawford Music - twice monthly, but 'otherwise diivests^ himself of active - participar tiom ;Crawford's; vet backgrpynd with .musipal pppledy; prpduciipns ■. on ■Brpadvrstyl' als.P as an' indie legit prp-, ducer, . coupled, with his fllmusical experience with DeSylvai, Brown and Henderisbn, (ioitnmends' him for the hewHollywood , executive- berth. Ever siiice-he:br6u£[ht B. G; PeSylvai, I^w Brbwh and llay Henderson to- getHef, as 'a song'writing-music pUb- li'shinig' te&m;' arid incorporated 'them a' firm,; C^rawfdrd 'has' been presi- dent of the outfit. ' Eventually. DeSylva became a Fox Film associate producer, Ray. Hender- son veered into indie production, as did " Lew 'Brown,- -both stag6 " attd screen, tresMltiing in. the firin name being changed to Crawford Music. ..The, >?yfws;cphtJfol,haS nought to d» with either ChappeU of Eng- land^ ojp AnveriCB, although the ac- cord and general affinity may event- ually throw certain writers and pro- duction channels into the CraWford catalog. . , Spier: took hold Monday (3) as professipnal head. Murray Weisl and Fr^nk .Marvin, inc.unibent >ro mgr., are out, and both inay go in for indie music publishing.. Bobby Craiwford has always had a close tie-in with both Maic and LpuiS Dreyfus.. It was Max, as.head of the Harms group of publishers (Harms, Inc., T.B. Harms Co., ChappeK Harms) who flrsft sold that .firm, along with DeSylvia; Brown & Hisn- derspri, Inc., tp Warner Bros. The WB apquisitions of Remick and Wit- mark followed. Later, Criawfbrd, as piresideiit of the DeSylvi rm, bought back his ihusic firm, again with 'financial aid-of the Dreyfi^ses, althpugh continuing Separate entity; Spitzer, g. m, Of Chappel of Amer- ica, avers that no ChappeU tie-ih is possible in viev of his iirm's deal with ChappeU of England; Spitzer states, that a month or so ago -. they talked about it, but it ended there. While Max: Dreyf us is still with the Hanhs firnis under his Warner Bros, contract, which cbntihues uhtU 1939, and while Louis Dreyfus, an in^portant showman and music pub- lisher in . England, cbncentrates on ChappeU A Go. in England, both are financially, interested in the Ameri- can ChappeU firm, which ' Spitzer operates fair them. Music Nates Lesler Santly of Santly Bros., Joy, Inc., left Friday (30) ior Hollywood. He viriU stay therfe until the firni's Ipcal - branch moves, into' its new quarters. Qtheii" occupants of the same building will' be, Rockwell- O'Keefe .arid Select Music Piiblica- tipnsj Inc. Birig Crosby owns the land • bankroUing the struc- ture; Freeman Hyde signed by Jed Buell to, supervise., chpi^al- mu|?lc for 'The Singing Buckarop.' Seven Singing Buckarobs" Will warble background music. Fred .Strykei'-Johnny Lange Bdore for *Bucitaro.p' will be warliied by, Ered Scott. Sani Coslow has turned' in, five numbers^ for Parambunt'a 'Evelry Efeiy's a Holida>,' *Is It Love br In- fatuation,' 'Vooni Vobm,' 'Along'the Broadway V Trair and 'Our Littlei Home on Wheels'are the ditties. Harry Axt and Sidney Claire dOr ing quartet of tunes for 'The Holy Terror.' Titles are 'There I Gp Agai ' 'I i)bn't knbW Myself Since I Know You,* 'Don't Sbng' and 'Call Off the • .' Benee Russell and Harold Spina are wotkinif .on the score and book of a musical show that Bill Selig/is figuring to ijroiduce. on Broadway. Af,ter this revue iS but of the way" the pair plan to emigrate to the Coast. Hbagy-: Carmichael and Stanley Adamson have started work on score pf 'College Hero' at Coluinbi . Music holdingr-Corp,:^ haiS exclusive pub- lishing rights bn humbiers; Gladys Swarthont wilt record her ^Champagne Waltz* numbbrs in five; languages at Paramount. i[!<^ngues are Fiferich,' English, German, Italian; and Spanish. Ross Mbrsan handed in his. two weeks' notice to the Biltmore hotel,. New York, last We^dnesday (28)./He has'been; in. the. sppt aimbst a year. Exclusive ;Publications has taken,a suite' of offlcjes adjbining. that .pi Mills Music, iha, with the latter at the same time expanding its pwn qUa.rters. a mills subsid . Abe Mfyer supervising music. on 'VaUey Range,' Spl .Lesser pic. Jb- seph Myrpw and Milton •Royce,.spng- writers,, ticketed, .ta persphal icon- tracts;l>y Abe Meyei-. .Betty Laidla'w and Bbb Lively have' cleffed. 'Sand Slow,'- title Jium- ber fpr Buck Jones' pic at . Univpr- sal. *We; Are the Rangers.* Walter. DonaldsonV Chet . .Forrest and Bob Wright have, placed 'I'd Be Lost Without You' in Metro's ' " - ner Take All.' -Stanley Raiul>;;..Val Biirtpn and Will Jason will do words, music and script of 'The Best. Years,' Metro shbrt. Ben. Oakland and Herb Magidson penned 'Let's Have. Another Tpuchr down,' which University: of Califor- ni >vill. adopt. Mills Artists anp-.Exclusive Music have a new, combined office iri Hol- ly wpod. Dick biamond/ son of Lou Diamond; Garl A. Pritchard, W. . Atki Gene La Freniere, Si ippman 'and DillPn pbeir,. -musicians^ had options lifted, JacV Mills has acquired the Amer* ican rights to 'Supposing' from Ge- :cil t.ennpx, London: publisher. Pake Ellingrton Ppehs at the Chez Maiuribe, Dallas, Npv. 10^ fo^, Pne :Week;-. ' '■ ;' ;Hal Borne signed to play dance re- hearsals for 'Stepping toes,* Astaire- Rbgcrs Starrer at Radio. . Siniley. Burnette contracted by M. M. Cble publishing house to write book of cowboy: sbnjis, Eddie Kay set tb-conduct music and score .'Love-and kisses' for Mel- ody Pictures. Nacip Btrh BroWn and, Arthur JFreed cleffed 'Smoke Dreams' for Metro's 'After The Thin Man. Herbei-t Stpthart scoring 'CamiUe' at Metros using iriostly strings. Roy Webb assigned to. score 'The PlPiigh and The. Stars' at Radio. mm Warner , music publishing combine was.put through a general realignment. of professional person-' nel dvirihg the "^past Weekerid; Most impbrtant'niioVe .was 'the assignment pf RoccO' Vocqp as genbral managier bt the Haiumfs,' inc.; ^and. T. -B. Harms Cp.. -catalpi.' ^Nprmaii ;Fpley' Will be No.-2 man'in" both bperatiphs.^ ■ Vacancy- which .Was; created in. .Witrn^rk and Remick with the Roc- co ift - will -^bie ; filled' b^^^^ Warren. .Ii£^ttf»r wUl nOt, only heai up professipnal. bpntacts for Witinark and Remick.* 6ut cb-bperite with Ed- wi is. (Buddy) Mprris, v.p; in charge Of the WS music interests, in picking sPngs fpr the'twO firms, johnny White, who was fbrmerly with Feist 'arid Fainbus, will direct plug placements for Remick, with his staff including L?>try Daniels, George Schpttler arid Nat Freeling. In moving over tb - the Cra'wford. Music Co. the past weekend, Larry Spier took along. Jack .Val; :and Joe Gpid from, the Harms staff.. VoQcb has replaced this, twosprile^. with Nicky Campbell, who conies frpm Feist^ 'airid H€ii*bi.e Hobd^ ex^Crawford irian. Others on: the Harms prpfbs- siori^I staff are Sam Wigler and lin- ing'Brbwri.! " , Change ^ haig been niade ; IJarms also iri .Chicago. Joey Stbol, who last week quit the local management of the Crawfojrd office, now heads Chicago operations fpr Harms. He replaces Bbbby Mellbn. S.A. CAFES, HOTELS PROTEST MUSIC TAX - Capetpwn, Oct. 12. Cafes, boarding houses and hotels here are .up' in arnis; rejgarding the decisiPn . of the- .British; /Performing Rights . Society that a royalty' must be paid'on .all music .broadcast, by local stations, or hy a gramoj>hpne and m'visicians and used itor the bene- fit pf patrons, arid residents. Hithertp, all cinemas, broadcastirig stations, dances, concerts and public perlonxi' ances, using records ,or playing music haveibeen payinsi fees and n.ow,cafes, boarding .houses and- hotels must come into line.' ' Strong, protests., are.vinade ,and re- fusals to pay/ it being coritencled, that, a yearly license is paid to'the African Broadcasting Corporation and that covers aU llaibility. In. a fecent suit in England, where the Society , sued the owneris of a hotei relaying broad- cast music from':a..loud ispeakier; the judge rilled .that .the hbt^l Was Ifahle for anveffective method whereby the giiestsT were able tb'hear th^ pferform- ance. The" Society got "the" verdict. ThjB decisipn of the Society tb coUect- fees covers South Africa. FOBS PROTEST MPPA'S NEW RULING ON OPTION Several publisHers last week pro- tested against ' the' ; new' regulation on picture syhchronizition' options Which has been put into effect by the bpard of-directors of the Music Publishers - Protective Associatibn. Under the new ruling of the MPPA board,- '' may obtain a license on a- tune and take 60 days to. decide whether it warits to, use the number. Previous this latitude was limited to .tvyp week'si: Objectors to the new arrangement hold that a :producer ought to know .Ajlithi two weel^s whether hb can bir cannpt make rise bif a cbinppsi- tion. Otherwise the applicatlbn or license ought to become void. and the producer placed in: the position bf having to negotiate ariother deal with the copyright bwrier; Gutnble Going West 1st Time in 14 Yrs. For the :first tiriie ; years, Mose Gumble, professional head of Donaldson, Douglas & Guriible, goes to the Coast Nov! 14 for an ^uitibi- pated two months* stay. : Vet: riiusic man is figuririg on riew song material from Hollywood, in view of the bbncentration of writers in the fllrii capital, plus a couple bf picture deails the firm has in mind. Clarence Freed is DDG's West Coast prbf; rep. jPaul Lannin doing musical score for Metro's 'The Little diant.' It's i' Btf Hit—Tht Rtriutil 5ANTLV 3f?C!' .JOY - FLASHES' CURRENT HIXP»t ■ <'#btl.OW , YdUR 'HEAhT" ^'MaghoUas iri the Mobhiight" "Follow Your Heart" Frim •^tHE .eAV Dreams' SAM FOX X T M ftV ( S I 'Presetttt Tb* SeBsnttoaal . Ballad When My Dream Boat Comiis Home lyoBi "H«r« ComM Carter^.' Thru the Courtesy ofXove You on My Mind Wstltzing witii an Angel My Kingdbm'^for a Kiss f^apa Tree top Tall Bermuda^ Buggyride M, WITMARK A SONS IXtte Slzth'^ Avena* ' .^CA Bldf.,. M.'V. Wotch-r-Listcn for Warren & Dubin^s and Arlen & Haf bur^'i Sensational Score from. DIGGERS —OF— HARMS, Inc. ISSO sixth Av«. RCA BIdr, N. T. From '/vriilte orm liiB" Blue Eyes White Hdrse Inn I Cannot Live Without Your L6ve From, "fiuan of Ah» VtieM" The Prairie Is My Home from «'Sta|t« Struck" ^Fancy Meeting You In Your Own Quiet Way Half of Me HARMS, Ine. lent sixth Ave. RCA BldgM N. T.