Variety (Nov 1936)

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52 VMlETY Silts NEXT WiStK (NOV. 13) THIS Week (novv 6) Numerals in cohneetioh With bilM below ih(fleate: thoviff whether full :dr e^ilit week ItKO (U> N T a,Co Rabttl & K Reyea. c . ■ m-u-:" p^tB. Waller Orp Z: lAxkK Sis . F^rft' Marsh aU * J! George -Sfcfjehnnh Meivioriiil (13) . Mogul . (6). CHicAnb . Tpince (18) ,. ' CubAn' MisMa . •■• (-6) .'• ScaitdsU 6C 1937' Frank Gaby . Peioh & CciliuvlUe ■'.Jerry. Co«- ■ .' - Rayinbnd Wllbfert • Dare''&.Yates '-CflNCINMAn : . Shifbert as) Bb66t1^e: Hlgb. '.. JToIin' 'Boletf • •' r •Of'; ^:(sjv..,.-. loirlAed ' Follies- •/.■V Wtoce-- -(isf.' - fKahb'tt'n Scan's 37' Jerry Co© .., Petcta & I>ea.uvlllo. Frctnk Gaby Ray & Trent . (6K Ethet Waters. Co 3 -Brown'Sis 8- Ltndy Hoopers' Sunslitne Samtiiy Derby. Wilson JBddie^ Mallory Ore Teddy -Bale .Qteon & Jenkins . DAltTON KMthV'. <IS)'. Glorlflaft Follcfl. mKNEAFOfiTS "OrPbeUi* <•) Fx>Ue rParlslenne FBOWKMCE ■ AUiee (1S> RIi>aldo : . (6) RlhaldA V SCHEMKCTAnfT PEOCtOlf'fl (12<rl4). Jaick SeyMotir.. Co- Gordon'^ Dogs' '> •.JfHtett ft. Holm Jobnny perkitu), Anderson & Allen .TROT ■•;; r!r«H4Mr'fl (13.1«) Barl rUlnes' Ore :V/v^taiEe-r(13)-.''- H-Robeyfi:' '.-.' i' , Tomliiiy. .Trent : Bobby. Pliikiis. Ben Bernfe: Qro -AKRON-:' . .:Cir<lu4'. Sei' '^areo' flABTFQBD mOkee <M>. Major Boweir Bd WASHlNOtON Cn'pltdl <18> Ray Perkins. Bitaery Deutch P^itlChapIn ' Buccaneers Vic Xaqrlfr. Btuftrt & Lea.. ■ jiiiyf' YORK CITt ci*di* liucis: Bd -H^len Cltarleston,. . Florlk; Vestolt ■ Sttlly-Rand Co :. '-'ttBAmioMir arefferiiicth (17-18) Sally- Rand do V '"BOSTOiN:, .. . : M«)trtt|»olitiin (13). Molly, Picon. Jujirgifns Sfe^eis •Ro(is.::&' Bdwards .Murtroe, ft Grant iEtligl BhepKard . .. CttlOAOO aileairo (18) ^aiqueM. Brpa COBFDd' CHBtSTi FamHoiiat- tM'11> Weaver Bros A E.fio BBTBOIT> MleMs*» Xl^) Rev^l Baxter-& D Fr'asee-'Sl»..' •Vox' aS:'*Wiilt((rs Plcchlanl-Tr Bay ft Trent ffABUINOlSN MntfioaM (18-10) Weaver BroB & E Co . MOMTBEAi:,. liMWa (13)' Tour Hit Parade TORONTO Stiei^'s HIpip (18) Ina Ray. Button'Bd WlnMed 3 • Shay j& saymohd.. Margie Palm ' Jack Gilford . V .state: Lakiei '(13) ',Keeni»".2 Vic A'-XaMaiC »-V .4' Albee Sla Doyle .& Doiinelly- Dorls Robblns Caryl. £]inmya :Co- . DETROIT^ nowntpirn - (IS)' 8 Clieera Perry ; •• Rby RUO: A^Roula ' .Raotflr : ft' Doireen , . Blmer Cleve Co INOTANAPOXIS Tiyrlb (IS) .. Dave Ai>611on-.Co Johnny; Woods ' liSiVtbeVt'oha Xyda Bue Joan. Merrill Kavoid' Aloma'' Tvonne Moray Johnny .Barnes- Ruth DelRIo • Apollon B<( KANSAS CITT. ' Tow•i^ (13) Arthur IieFleur &: M William iJBbbR ,. f. Burba ■& Whitle " STiirXOBIS:"-- :GranA 0. H. (13) ' 6 Cordovas ■ . Jue -., ■■ * Randolph- Avery Co Ned rNorworth Co Maree'fe Pala WASHINGTON " Earle- (18) . Ted IiewiH Ore (26) Pow.ers Co. Baron :&. Blair Ben .'^oat' C6 '. Aatoyla D. Hobart 3 . Onntorbury M. B,-. lat halt (9-11) Holmrt 3 Wftltpr Nl 2rtb^Vf Frakaon, 1^ McDoiti'ld fr.^r'dlae ■ Scltaefer'a. MIdftets ^' . . New ..^Iclferfa: Jack rayhlii;JBd •, .: .Trocaduro. BUly Coatello R.<m»a1(1 .Frankaii Brneat Shannon ■ .'Irene I'rador ..Will Ruisaell - ■ Mhiurlc^ '. ... CIlADlVETJ/^ 'TH -Fflfiice.- Muaette.Orc CHKT.9EA Talace -Masa 3 . r ' ' •' Jolinaon'. Clark. ;■; eJtAPTON . Bfnk . Ken .Thhnaori Bd EAST HAM Promirr "14086110:0^0 Edgware Rd . - Omnd;:'' - Tjecai4& Bros Carjtons Jteha A' Xeiinox'' C >r jROMQNTON :||er|rir Krlsb Bd Flhcorla . Teliefaoh, . Brnbst Shannon HAH5IERSMITH hawtl^, &. Xandhuer iror.towAT MarllMwoach Renee & Gotlfi-ey .lionla Almfier .- Gordon Ricliarda ilforO Super ' CAatelU'a Bd . - ISMNGTON Blue Hnll let. half (9-11) Frak'abn MoDon'ld ft P'r*dl!»e 2d half (il!-11) Hobart 3 Walter NIblo KTTimiRN ■ . Giamipi Xecardd'Broa .Carltohs.' ... Rene A/Lennaic XEWISHAM .- Fftlocff' Trolaef Mattdoltera LEITTONSTONE . Wnltp <, serge :Krtah Bd Tollefson liirjieat Shannon NEn'4^BdSS KInemn 3 Australian Bbya OLD KENT. ROAO .A«t«rla.. Barry; Fryer Bd ferrhAm Fala'ee -:, -Australian Boys. SHEFU'RIK'S Br ' Vrnfmom Rawlos & Xahdatier STAM1>1>RD HlXIr . ..Rejwrf--.'. Rehee & a6dfrie'y Xoula.Almaer - Gordon .Richards 4 STRATFORD ." -HriMMlwiir eastern's Bd - OEBRATirAM A's4wl«>. • Harry Freyer Ittonara^ Pttlace ■Harvard Boya TOOTING G w>—da- H«rv>r4 Bojca,, V»«; ■~-'S*QT3C»NHAM ■ " ..-'-F»tata-. Ken Joh n sen. Bd . TOTTE;NnAl< . COVRT BOAD . .PsMmeiint Anton Bd ' ' Bb-wer &. Rutherf'd Z Lindners WAXTHAMSTOW . Granada . Reg Dixon Rosalind' Wade Gla 3- J,ades:.. Forbear ic .Barry Kitty Xouvalne • 'I ' ■•- ■ ... ABERDK Geo Prentice. , . BELFAST . •.•.'x'';.«ltx, SohnyivFarraT Bd Behnft(t .dj^ McN;.. Magyar ^Tr ;- . lUdioiymipiai Ola BBXLET HEATH ^- Kesnl Hlltle .-Jr Bd. -Anna Rogers..- .Orshea & Joan. Gaudsinlth .Broa BRADFORD New VMorbt Ellen 'Kauer & Jftnr Andre & Curtis. :Ve.drA.a '-r CAMrBRiiio:;^. ' . cinema Syd Semour Bd -: Walter Jackaon . . CARDIFF Capitdl Alfredo Bd - CLAFHAM Grand Herbert & Hattoii Bebe £ Rene Ernest Arnfey CRAVFORD Frlncet^s Kiltie Jr Bd: ' Anna Rogera... O^Shea ft . JOah . . EASTBOURNE . - Xuxo'r ' TJger Ragamtifflha Suanri ft: Pat-:: r EDINBVBGH New Victoria De. Marc'^ . :. . Reireht'.' Penalo-nr Cb ' - Rbyal- Pat'Rbasborbugh- Revhell'- & ' West Billy Rusaell Hal "fates . 'Delvainie's..Gb Ena Mitchell Clemena Belling Co - ;■ r'RUTLAND - -De Marco ;' GLASG<|iW : FaVilTbn R ft. K Myles , D.oris Ashton Jamie Held - Chria-Charlton Co Oandy BroB ' Shaw & Weafon ''..'ORAVKl^END'o MttJciitle :. Radlplympla Gia- Mayer:& Kitsoit Rusty .ft Shine., Plerrotya ' ; . <rf:i(j()y.-^i-.i...: De<.Xiixe. Mona, Grey. . Accordion RInga XVpf Vhjtor Co • McDohald A; Grah'm , HEREEOKp '.'. Kti^b}^ De' Ronia Co Victor- Mbretoh Steffani Songateri.. Chevalier Broa Florence Oldham. • Maudie-Selkirk KORSHASI Capitol Beama Babea HOUNSLOW . .''. Doniinlbii'. '. Herbert St Hattoh . KINGSTON -Regal 2.Leslies Lapaiatte' LaVier NichoV & Martin XEITH. Oapltol Fagolas.: XEVERSHUXM BUigBway M^xano's Bd Mona- Vivian ModCihl-ft Andy Tarb'-NaltO UVERPOOL : ' '..FaramoPht ' 'Song Hits of Sliotra' Marie,Burke -. ■ Trevor Watklna-. Dlllwyn .Thbrhea-- Maatereingers . -MAIDENHEAD ' ■■- ' Rlaltb . Jan Ralfltol 3d ' Ted! Ray " 'WltaonL-Keppel ft B Harry Moore. MANCHESTER . Fala'ee.' .Dickie Denton .3 Herschet :Henlere -e^Xlaa:'" ■■: ••'- SXOVGH Ad^lphl Roy.' Pox Bd ; UXRRIIHiE Bcgal Roy Fox Bd " WINDSOR Pl»yliduse Jan RalflDl' Bd Ted iRay ' . Wilapn-Keppel. ft B Hairry' Moore . ,tasmoi;th : •Regal'' , D & J D'Gorman Mary.Blan«i: >, Damzelle ft; Boy S >jTCOiia« Cdbarieit Bills BEW YOEK^(JIT!? (Cotton Club - Bin Roblnadn' Avis' Aiidr'ewa. Beriry ^Brbs '. Kaloah... Henri .Weasels Katherfne Perry' Anne Xewls Dynamite Hooker Ti-amp Bd , - 'Whyte's ^rai'ijlaca , 1 Broadway. Jonasr ' ' j •We'iT Talbett:?8.C;h(ilr' Bahama'Dri h pera. Arthur Davy Ore. Cab Calloway Orb BnH Virginia 'Xa'ngdbh. Qbdby Bd. ■■: LoiiT.rtand-. Itill's Gu;r Od's Jerry White Jbaeph Howard Spike Harrison ' Jack. West : Bernle- Grauier Lea. Barbei-y ■ Will - Ward. ', Ethel Gilbert Black Cnt Amanda -Raiid'olph . 'Jlpttv^nTh-onfaa n ; MaxM'ArtIlati^l>ng*:. ' Amy ISiieiiCer 'C ft. .Fay Baink Billy Daniels/ . Dark Angela. Ena . Lonny Siinmohs:Orc . - llraHH Rail .Vera.' Nlva •. SPhatoi'R.. Allen ' Loafer. . Gloria .Moai^man. :' . Chateuh Moderhe- Wanda G611 Trlnl T'laza F McFarlaiie Clover riiih Jackaon li-v ft.- Jerry Gaft BldrtlbiDbu An<]revv:<.SIa . Rhythni Deba Jea.>< - St'one ■ Al Stiiart Ore •iiikIio DImitri ft Virtjll .Garlotta Albntea Nanette Vallbh Lite ft Menfrbl Marguerlta-Cueto CjlorJa ^Ivog . . Ramort' Cnrrosco- ft Gaiichoa Coffee Dan's .-AI Quodhnich Frank'Sli aw., 3 Ueaaoiia ' Chd>i. Boulanger r .:C.oii|. Kaiige' Irwfn Gilbert Ore Tlsdale 3 : PhlV Ro'manb-. .Eadfe Elk Ilia .Delfl.ria.' Vei'a 'Mbna Men tea. Dblorea ft Caii'dldo Boalta. Ribs Lbs .Havaneros Don Alberto Ore ABC. TriQ , El. MorQccb 'Brnle Hoist. 'Ore-. :E1 Toreador Loa Oledais Dpp.iailberto Ore di Casino'- 'Folies . b'Amour* Anne XIae Bily Ardelty: Ballet Bodenwliier Barry & Beatrice' Ibolyka .Drena ;: ' Olbaoii Co Ceiiiia. .Glenii -Koubek Menorcae Rona. Rlccardo Maria Taniara TanJel FlacConild- Tyber Art Shaw .:Qrc: Greeoiyrch .yiUase Casinb .Bill Dureya Frank Hall Wllma Novak Agnes Knox , Marlon Hnntley Stg Ramon Jeanne Jordan Jack PomerbyvRev Bernle Brenner - Ore- Mike lill'ey. Ed Farley .H'tTWd Restaarnei Hal LeRoy Joan Abbott Cesar ft MaclovJa KIton Eva ft Ray Jack Waldron Nina Olivette Murray ft RI<ig: Edna Sedgewick Joan Merrill Lydo Siie. : Jean Landls Marlon Martin, Pel-Cahlnp.- '., Archie Bleyer Oro Arthiirt" Warreia' prt Hotel Ambikeaiidftr; Traubmiin ft Adr«r Ramon Renbs- Ore lletcl AatOK viri^ent. Leppq:^ Ore,: Fred' Lowery ■ ■ Beth Wilson Rmily Van Xberfen ■ Chas Hoffman. Stanley Wowii- Robert: Lytell Hoter SUtiMere koBs- Morsan.. Ore llHahi otel Commodpre Mai Hallett; Ore- Emily Van:Loeseh Paul Duke . ". • Paul Gordon Loper ft Hayes .. .. Betel Edison Bobby Hayet Ore Gypsy-Lee Ralph''Torres. Jafte-Dover Lou >Valera Hotel Elysee AnnviGreeriway Lbia ^odell Chic Fanner Antobal.'^ Cubans Jpe. lU^oBB Ore.. Hiitcr fSaati 'floaae' N BrahdeWynne Or Maixine :Tatopin Dick stone . Cldlre Eujehle Bote! winh Roy Striim Char Murphy; BUIy Htmter Howard Xally "Ore. : otel Gbvernbr . 'ClfaltOB H. Mcpantcjl'S; Or.o otei.Cexlaftnv ' Ozzle' Nelson Ore Shirley Xlbyd Hotel Uacela Adele GIrard Mick Stabile' Hotel tleAipia iBnbbh Lltht Ore. . Beth Wllaoh ; • • >• A' Gbp^ Ena Laura .Dean. ; -.'\ ,■ iietel Upatrldllr Coral ' Islanders Nick Fisher / Ann: Cburtney ' ClayBryson . Happy- Powe're Walter Xltt Hal Hope Ore • JJotli!! Nejir tdrfacr will - Hollander 6'rc Frank Beaslnger . '-' Will Osborne Ore. Dick ft D Roeers 4 'Rhythm Genls 3 Ra'ndall Sis Manya ft Drl Bill Steele Hotel Park Ceniral Tic Too Girls Dbn--Hoo'teii-.', Arthur-Berger Chas ft Celeete, Dell Atdeh ; ' ' l>lck Measner -Orv . Hotel Park Lane Panchb Oirc Hotel . Pcansyivufila Benny Goodman Bd Bernhard;& Gi'aH'm Helen Ward Hotel. Pierre MarJo Broggiotie Or Eileen O'Connor ' • Paul Draper .s,: Hotel I'lozo Eddy. Duchln Oro- De- Marcos ■" '- Will McCuhe-Oro Hotel Booaevelt . G.uy__5ipmbdrdo.. pjrc. ^lioiel Itc-Cnrltoa Earlyn Wallace Carmen Romero' MlItbn Dbugl»3 Gleii Pope.' Wm Russell Park-ft Cll Afrlat/b Baall .Pbmeeh' Of• Hugo Marianl Ore .-Arniatt. Vecaey Ore' Hotel Savoy-l-lpW Habaneras Ore Hotel Shetton:: ; Bert .barer Pre libtel' :iSlierry«: . netberland .Gen' Xodljehsky •. 'Rbphaei:'- . I.iitbuV'. Dbubtago: Nlcholaa Z.brin. ..- Serce Sergey ' .Cdtherliie Grey. :Alex Buiichuk Ore : liutel ist. BlorltV ' MarJ'rie Galnawbrth Miriam Verne Alex Botkin Ena George Sterhey Ore - .Hotel St. Mecu (Malaonctte Russe) Olaa Vadlna Charlie . . . ^ Boris Belostozkr Georcre Orda ■ Titaha Nazarenkp- Agiie»-Boy ,' ■ SuUaii •Meesakov PijtecvLlachenko . C.'Cbdolban Ore XIrliilpin Ropni), Simil doleman Or' Hartriiani\'0 ft P Hotel Tart Geo. Hall Oro Dolly pawn , :Hoter .Vand«>rlillt Eddie' L.ane (>ro . . , iedn Farries V i" Deap' Clbbdelle Dee Xurgd ■otel Waldbrt* ,: ' Airtena.'. Velpz ftfTotanda Eve Symlngtbn-j Eddie XeBaron .Bd Sitokrge Hhpklltoh Or, Mlchsiel Zarln Ore Hotel Weylln Charlie Wright . : . ..Xretehnia Simeon KaraVdefl:; Doria Birao . ; Tliena Gabrlelle Mlchdel< Mlcbod; Naldia"-'-:: A. Stoyanovsky Mlsehai.'. - , S Bartnpvaky . j Nlcholaa Mattley: Or Le Mirage Syivlfr St.-Clair :BUlba Ttittte. Oro: .' ' ■■" La.. Hue'.:-- Prance». Maddux- Maepli .SSiitour Oro Sid Tiiaoher Hugo ;Pedullo Eddie Davis Orb 4 Dandles : Mob ft Eddie's Eddie'' -Davte ^ Caryl. Oo'uld '' '•Zee-Zee'. -" Jai-Lbtd" . Keith Clark Joyce- ft- Freddie , Delia CdrroU • Rubberi Xega. Wllr ■ llama.-..-,.;.'. .:.--.. W m •Fatmbr'e Ore - Sopblstlcates Ore -; blaria War VbrsatiTe 3 ,Qeti<f Fosdick .>■• ■■■■;-Opyrai'.cilnb. Avbn- Jbhnaon. - ' - Do.h' Lambert' 9. Spirits of Rhythm Stuff Sinlth Bd ■; Fara.dlfi^e Bert Frobman Virginia Verrlll Paul Sydell Julle'Jenner Batelle ft LeRoy Jimmy Richards J ft Nora Bell Marie Hollis Joyce Duskin .: '. JanTd. Andre Edna Mae.. Glenn Hutton' Ore : Jay Freeman Oro I'liire Elegante ;internatlbnallats > Qr Bill Farrelr .' Le<> Dazaro. .pro > . Rolnboir. drill .Tbhnny' Hamp. Ore Bvalyn Tyner 4 Deauvllle Bbys pr Sydney- .Boss . ' . BalalKiw IMro Rdy Noble Oro MilllMbntl Bn'rlca .& No'veUo ' .Edger Be'rgen Al Bbwliy : Sydney Ross Evalyn Tyner -Nano Rodrlgo Sappbli-e • Jedn Sargerit ' Lapren<ie White Nick .Vdujsen Bd Barry. Wintpn Ore sioiit Club Max Berger Orb Gua Mkrtel Ore Arthur Dann Ore;: ..^Tokpy; Mme liena TJiury Johnny Carter- •. Mairld-Karolyia Do.rothy: Perry Lou. Hcgedua... Bela'-'Zalgd ' Merrill ft Zona LtliJan Kahnea ' Louis' Kovac: Gypsy Roalka Ore . Eddie lAshmani Ore . Splv'y---. ----- , ilburigl Gladjfa Bentley Rev Bropmfleld & G Avon.. Long, .' Evelyn R'oblnaon Bdra Holly ', K^la^ir.-Wll llama Or ■-.5''-:'- '..rewnlUee -' ■ ' 1 .rMliry X^wla"' Gall Gall - ,: Minor: ft Root ' M^a'doArbrnbk Boya ieiehierfte; Bd "■;;-^.^il&rife, Barn - ..- lirfrry McMahbh Milt- Mrinh; Orp Serraiihba •; Helehe' Miller ■ Ituslvlb' ft. Noi-mati Wayfte;. Keiinon ' .:Zeb Carver. Co Vpgiie''' EJdlth Roark Maryan- Mor^?er ..Uordbn - Da-via Mary Roan JIm.mIe Lee. Kearns ft Reed Vnelit Club Red Mckeiizle Bd Frances Faye- •Floi la; Veatbff - .H^nr.v Ybunglnan Johnny ft George. Dolores: McKay LOS ANGELES . Bnll- Bruz Fletcher Cliarles Lawj'ence lleverly llltshlre :nuth Robin Larry Lee Ore Itlltihnre Bpwi- Moore & Revel Crahe 2 Ruth Dtirrell Billy ft B Bemls Harry Foster Red Harper Joy Hodges ■ 6 .RhytUm Raacals ;,rinvmv 'Gi'ler. Orq Charlie Carter ' lue Rbura, Nellie Nelson' UlUy Snyder Le Roy, 2 Jimmy. Blltlck Ore Zerby ft La:ylbh Jaick Lewis Ciifp t'limnbva Cross ft Dunn - ^ Hal Chanslur - Ore Cafe de Paree Jack -dlawsop Ore cafe JLa Mail Park Aye. .Boya Stan Clair Orb . Glover, Clali Bob Graint Ore Rbumba'Bd Coiwaiiat GrOic ;. Virginia Lee Jan Garber. Pro .. Idthrop Bros. ; .V (lounge) Lea Parker Bill Roberts Cabanbla Auguallne Batellita: Giiberto 1' MIrador > Steve Wjilte . . • GaiKnbn' ft. Rr'ugbt'n J4«e Shlrlej^ Evelyn WHsbn . Walter Wlng Pre . ' Esqnirb Glab; Mary Jiiptoh - G Rennle .ft P Rtat Stiiiart yon,:J;oy- pre Fai.iaifiiiua. pbai'' 'W^ingle Manhbne New Orleans S anneijeaee' Utile Club Jane Jones Gladya Bagwell . ,Hele;(» Warner ;.-: Jeaniie: Keller ' iUeiody OrUI Art'.Tatum-'-,_ pinar'a Doint-^' Jeahne< Blanche Carolyn Dines D Julian ft Marjorie Geor.g^ Redi)iaa Pro racllie Saaeet Clab Mtnon jBergon . Marjorie Sporki ■ Carmen Felt Caatle ft Rand- Wayne. Wise Oro. , Polomar . . X Arliey ft Oliver Sis Judy Janls . Knight Sis . ;. Hudson Metzger GI^ Phil Harris. OrO:. .. Parls.lna The Debutantes:' Margarita ft :Der lo Senry JHonnet • • ugq atarchetti . ; 'Thora' Malthalsbn Dbmlnip Colbmbb La Valesca . -Rbalta ft J Moreno Pete Control U Ore Pirroae'e. Bonnie XInd. Murray Peck Lolido ft' Ardb: wvlle webb wre Dorothy Roberts - -^VeB.Seae.^ xily Gibsbn Bay Klnrte^ : Lonnte; Alclntlre> Or Sbmeraet Clab William* Zerker Ann Crosby '. ■' Vaipef.'a: - Pat''O'Sb'eaJ. Seriiice Tarrlngton Beverly Keene Warner Sis Lebpa Rice .. Agnes: Johnson Bob Xi*ntnercOre Ti^d*rtt--v'-,i P'hii; .,. Orb;'.,.!: *'-iP-Oeae'e Barbara Back Tony Ifanla- .' Paiil -^RandaU .. Walter. Walter* j Ann Stevens -' Byrnca S\r«(n8oii <; Plerire'a-. Pat Shovljn Oro Bill Burcafw Alma ft Rolaind Lucille Dayton Doree RliK>Car1(on; . (CrjMtal Ko4»m> " yan Levis Oro BiisiiiaiM Ina Gypsy .Ore Saaeawi . M ease .- Irwin Leonard-3 • Silver Xitkp: Inn. . ^(CleOTt"»*^^•»)<' Mickey Famllant Or Beth ClialllB ToWnsende Grant ft:iCInIoy LIta Moyit ltl4 SpnMie . > -- Freddie'Parelsa O^c '3 Racket Cheers Hal Nlxbh Virginia Bennett Melba Beaiidreaux Jane Moss ' eMM Cent'xy, Tavera Nellie' Durkin ■ ■ ' : HUnore Slen Ore - <■ Lu-Lovey Toddle- Tod ' Lew- Foster. Loretta: Keller :'. 3 BBqulres CHIGAQO laekhawk Roma Vincent B ft R .Ambrose ; Lo^^e PfiJpa. Ore •. . ..ciiea ..Parea-. Benny. Fields Nick Long, Jr Eunice Healy Bartb'Mann Josephlhe Hoiistbii .Henry Busse, Or*, Cliib Alaban /Virginia Jamea Bine Burton Bernard ft Henry' Mllitcent peWltt Art . Williams Orb Club Bllnpet .'Biiddy Lester Howe ft Perrln Virginia Audrey; Rainona' Hughes' Ruth Desha' . t. .,j;erry QUddeh Ore . Cblbay Club . Jessie' Reed: ; Pa't-Kennedy: - - Trudye -Davidson LeWi,8; Sis . ■ Etta, Reed Ruth HoWrIcK Pnuletle libPlerre Jack FrBQ^tnnan Oro ' . Coloshnos Ada Leonard Tracy,- Gale ft L Una CbbPer Lea Huiit. Muriel Love Bankoff & Cannon Kileep George '. Congrese- Hbitel. rCaslao) B6y Foy BeaUvillia ft Tovat Vera Fern. Ray Hunt Jose Gortez. .. C:a8a Loma-.Oro .,OHiy M's Henri Keata OrC; J bah - Clark Sliippy ft Mairle Colleeh' Geo De Costa Lew icing. - . (irnnd.-'Terrace . Fle'te'r Hend'aoh Or -'•-■'.Uarry'ii; '«.'' Cnbnret Tex 'Mori'lssey . 'Hank , the Mule': Yvette- '. Eddie Frey -Jack Irving Dorothy Johhstbn ; Stanley 'Ogle. Billy Meyers Mllllcent AT.Wa"gner Art -Buckley , Austin Alack-'Ore" i-Hht ■• W.lllie Shore Phelps 2 iMlidred Tolle MIml Rollins . il'otel Bibniorck iM'nIhut Robhi) .Geo Nelldoff :McNallte Sla Oretch'en Lea - Plill Levant ore . Hotel, Bre.vobrt Javos.Sla. -Oriace Katibr' ' Marian. Carlisle . Dra^e Hbtel , : (Silver Vaeirest) , Georgle Lyons • ' -Burton Pierce: , pat. o'Mailey; Ray Campbell: Gower .ft' Gene . Dick: Jurgens- Ore - Hotel Edgewatcr .'-Beach:- (Marine .Room) Gob -blsen Ore- Edith Caldwell .. Leighton Noble ~ Rodrigo ft Franclne Chas. Carrer Harriett Smtlth's GIs otel lAsnlle Ibe Eonntaln , '. Bopm) - Bob MpOrew* liat'el Mon(l<oii - (Terrace Room) , J. ft B TOrreace^, Ted- Fio-RIto - • Janls WUItamb ' 'Jabkle Greeii.: Muzzy . Maxcelllno ; Stanley RlckmaP-' 9 Debutahlea ' Tlta* 3^. H«wtelPaiiiieir. Hoase .(Empire Koomi Little Jack Little Raoul ft Ev.a Reyes Ruth Aarons Sander. Glancz. Lester cole Paul- Roslhl . Dale :Wlnthrop' Abbott Dancers Hotel Sherman (College Inn) .Gertrude Hbffmao" Catlgary BrOa The Nagyfys . .." Harriett -DeGoff Roger Pry Or, Orb. Rufe Davis 4 Rhythm Girls Speck ft . Spick ■ Hotel Stevens (Continental Room) -M.ourlh'e ft Norva Carihan: Castillo -Iiprralne' Sla .Ina. Scott Xavler.' Cugajt ■ Parody Cltib Phil icaye Molly Manors :. Ma'raha B'ennett Bobbie. Clark Henry Simmons Freddy, Janls Orb Roynle Frolics Dolly Kay Sid Tomack iS'rahc^s Wobd Billy Bray- - . Btarilyiif. Ma.r'lowe . Barbara':Belm'bre. Henri "Llshon- t)r'o- Chas Epgela Ort Vunlty.Fnlr Edith Murray ro < Via i.4igfl Arturo &;EvelyD Buddy Ralph . Sta'n Cartier' . Tiiicht :ClH . ; Johnny Wells ■ ' Jcrry :ft Turk Paiil Olaen . Ninb Rlnaldo ' »8S Club, Carr.oli ft tlorman Paul. Keebler Ore Belva White :..' gHTT.AT)EIPHM - Ancliornge Inn MlUoii Kellem Oro Arcadia Int^l. Kal 'ICemi) Oirc Pitul Gordon Mildred- Verne.. Sa:xie :DowcU. ' SkJnnay Enpls -hob A lien ., Florence' ft Alvarez -Arcadia- Ens Bellevue-Strntford (Pliinet Room)' : Meyer Davis 'brc'- Ben Franklin Hotel (Georgian Room) Moo JiiKe Ore llepny the Bum's. .4' GonUoller.s Welly .Sheldon iHabelle Rook Dolly. Molliiisbn Chez Miclinud . Joiiny 'Graff Oto Jay Klhg Colony: Club Clifford ft Wayne Jhy. Williams Kmbusa.v Cliib ArlstocratH . . .ilHilon Bergeron Jerry Blan<;liard. Formatj- ft' Jiorralne MtirleAuatln' DoroLhy Jantei . 'ISiiS locust Farra'r Sia ■ Grace Manners Florence Hnllman Buhblca .Shelby \ Joan Meors Marcia Kiiel 3 Kings Frhnk Paliimbo'ei.: •Tesa AUmilier Oro Ted Pike A. ft N. Selby Pastlne :& Garella: : Quintuplets Mayo ft Sheridan Mary Martin Motel Adelph la (Cafe Alargucry) Harold Knit^ht Orb Vlhoent-Rlazo Ore 4 Vespers ■ Betty Kean Caperton & C'l'mb's Kosa Mact^ean Perry.. Lawler Agnoa Tolle Paul Dtike Evan B li^oniaiiie Hotel Plilladelphinii . (Mirror Rnnni) Joe Frasetto Orb Mickey Alpert Kathryri Mapd R ft R. Lyte DebuLantea , . n .Club Sally LaMarr Ob'rOthy Alllnson- Ma ry - Lee , Nlla Taylor . Ulchard Bach ;4 Ambassadors Adelaide Jpy .llbangl Ciji Prank Fairfax Oro Milton Murdock Curley-ft Reda Bplero Brown ft Drown Donnle Lyons . Johnny Hbdslna . ryorktowa TuvHrn - Bill Bllicer Ore Wiilton Rout Leo Zoilo Ore Jackie ^Beekmdh ; , Rny Parked Mickey Braatz - Weber's llufbraa (Caiitden) Fenwlck ft Kocher ' Bobby. Deva Berixard .ft Rich' Rose Kirk ; Louis Chalkin Ore ■Eldor'adiana - Elaa Hart Joe Romono 'Marlpo ft Mona . Cjirmeh d'Aptbnlo Bob Alle>v-: Gregory Quthti: John Rolhnng:. Sidney Golden ma^f:air casino ((b4tStjnU(^ ifrom 5()>- inject lifeaViest punth "in their' hot hoofing and hartnonizing. These boys work hard. ' . : Spipc^sand ;iSi>oti ^1(9^^ Etoh- jacl»Upinr V;4itfri^ W stunts oh high unicycles. Old stUn,. biit executed ::exjpertly. Pon and Saliy Jennings go through routine balltoom - iwaltzes^ nothing, spectacur lar excepf^in finale wKen mart whirls feinme over head;*.holding only her foot. Bob . Rbitner is :a perisbnable; in.c. who doesn't talfe too much, and c&ti be undeirstood by' topibalcony diners when his clear tenor goes, into action.' ...--^ ... '■' PtiUen., MON PARIS (NEW YORK) Third season for this East Side night spot with a new fall show oh^ the prograni which istacks yji^. neatly. Talent comprises Chick .Endot and Charlie Farrell, past masters at the intimate, chatty songs, and Diana Ward, songstress, lor sola spotlight chores. Genej Fosdick's orchestra rounds out *h6 fart. - New trappings were executed by Jadk Lubin, WPA artist. They are murals inostly. depicting various, slants of Parisian iboulevard activity all dc^e in subdued tones.: High beveled mirrors on . opposite walls give the iilui^ion of spaciouisness. iMiss Ward is first to. appear. Her repertoirie consists Of Cole Porteriahd Noel CoTjvard siongs; plus some spec- ial tUries Chanted in French and Italian. Besides the versatility, singer is attractlvei with a slight flair for the exotic in- her selection of eye-r nihg 'attire. Her rep. in London is plugged during the in.c. duties which Fosdick gives out. ■' Endoir and Fsirrielt duo use a baby ■upright for their bit. It: is a gen-- erous inedley ijSf informal tUneS, all carrying some bft'-color humor in the., lyrics. First night patronage went for both acts heartily. Various yotalists from the band fill in during the. evening,, using a microphone for their choruses. Reistfui nbte in the decor is em-i phasized in soft greens. Main salon is close to the. entrance, with the bar at the far side and decorated .in a livelier color scheme. Joe Fer- nandez at the, helm. No: cover^. with, drinks and food at standard taritt; Locality calls" for seini-dress policy. ^'**' VERSAILLES (NEW yoBk) ictUres having made their-march oh opera: for talent, the- nite clubs are now making their bid with the Versailles., breaking the ice ■ through engaging. Mary Lewis for :its floor show. The tiiub has booked the M6t-. rbpolitan. Opera - sbpirano foi? two weeks at $2,500 per, one of the high- est salaries to be paid- by any inunch, guzzle and. mObich establishment for a straight warbler. ; Miss Lewis had hfer chiarniing face and- voice on the screen, early; in the days of Vitaphohe, having made a short. ThOre is nothing unexpectr- edly Metish, operatic or stiff abput her, nor do the confines of a srnali room handicap her r iparticwlarly. Miss Lewis finely trained . soprano and technique are all. that suggests she's of- the opera; Oil opening here (29). before swahk andierice, the horseshoe circle favorite did five riunibers, vp^ eluding two pops. She was. eiithusi- astically received and; althouigh^noj an ingenue type, she sells ,a lot pi., personality in addition to voice. With the opening of the soprano star, the dlub brought in Ropt^and;. Minor/ slick dance team. .Their three routines ' include the smartly - ex- ecuted 'Bolero'. which isn,'t new m their rep^ but brings out the Des>t; in the Minor-Root technique. , Meadowbrook Boys* orchestrai^an alternate : rhumba band .^^iXi mente's) and Gali. Gali. . rientai sl6ight-6f-hand. worker with a roll- ing brook of chatter, arfe carried over.