Variety (Nov 1936)

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Wetliies^ay, November 18, 1936 VARlEtY VARIETY 59 V^ari ety B ills NEXT WEEK (NOV. 20) THIS WEEK (NOV 13) Numerala i . with bills'bel6w jndieate openihg day of Whether full or split yyeek taOSTON BoHtoh (10) Bthel Wateru Co. 3 Urowi) Sis Tilintly Hoppers Sliofiliine: Sammy Derby WJiPon iaddio Mftllorjr- rc Teddy H»l© ' . dlenii & Jeiildh?' ■ ■ (II)-•■ C . Mogul . . PalH<!«) (20) Flo •M«y« iCrtri. Fretd Co Havrla & 31iore 'Hurry .Richman Satil .OrAUinafi Co ; (13) Cuban NlghtB , l^lu«}e. (20) Dave' Appollon Co (la): ; ShooUn?? Illgh- Jolin HoJ.«!H 'iilii<!« (20) Xebn iJrr'oll IVev ■ in) V 'Mnnh'H,'»i sjcati'e '37 Hiii l'IPi-eed Bd r. T*etch ft Deiiuyine Krank :Guliy • Riiy & Trent Keith'H (1») . Gloi'lfled. FOlIleg '36 JI*ROVll)KliCE . AIImm! (20.) Rlnaldo .:-\(13)- RInaldo SCMKNECTADY Vroiitur'N (10-.31) Will Osborne rc I'rootor'H (20-28) B'.wood Scandals Alitchell, & Duiani MBIV ^YORK CITY Siate .(20) Rudy Vallee. Ore Jiidy-StiiiT' Be^n'd Broi9 & D. Sle ::Cebe Waring ' • . Cyril Smith 4 Songsters , .WASniNfiTON X'uiilfol (20) EUda Ballet GhaH Withers Co Johnhy PerklnB. Pe Rozer Glen.Carow Made 11 he .K111 e eh mew YORK CITY Paranidont (18)' Al Bonahue Bd'' < Paul Draper . • Louise Masney Co Jacic Poxveir ^ BOSTON . teetroiiolitan (20) Clyde liucas^ Bd Helen Charleston- cincACo _ Chicago (20) . Stuart Morgan Co Samu'ela- Bros ; Qautier's Toy Shop .' OHental (20). MaJ Bbwea Girl Co CORPUS CHRI8TI ' Palace (22-23) "Sally Rand Co DETROIT Mlclilgan- (20) Follies Parlsl'nne Co Dtnf.UTH3riNN. . Xyceum (20-2S) MaJ- Bowes Co . GALVKSTON Paramount (tO-20) Sally ..Rand (Co MONTRliJAI. l4iew.'H (20) N T G Rev 8AN ANTONIO Majestic (20) Weaver Bros & B Co SPRINOPIELD Paramount (20) Music JUall Follies SUPERIOR. IVIS; Palace (24-20) - MaJ.. Bowes Co / .TOhtONTO Shea'M Hipp (20) A.B Marcus Co CHICAGO . State Xake (21) Burns &. White PIft D'Orsay ..Terry Ivawtbn . Worth Wylb & H' Dodg6 Sis . Pete, the . Newsboy Lamont^,' Jr- UKTROI'r .. ' DovmtoT'D <20) .'Hubert Dyer- Co "Chajj- Masters • Klrby & DiiVal (Two to fill).. ' INDIANAVOtlS . ; rsrio (20) Manhattan Scandalis Red Skeltbn Fetch & beauvlile. Charles' Carrer- .Stevens Sis 'Ivucien I« KANSAS CITY, MO Tower. (20t26) Walter .Tennler & B' Helen. Honan Folz & Mni'Phy rbs SX/ I.OUIS ArMn'il P.H.'(20) R & A Stack - MDt .GaMson- iThree tO' flll) I'lTTSBCRGH . . ' Htahley (20) Ben Bernle Ore ■ (13) MaJ BoweB I.TnIt • WAHHINO'TON 1CarJ<> (20) L.ew Duthers - .Teiin .Toaii.. Cf)ei(l*( Bowers' MahKln^s'-. Nella .Goodielle' Caport Bnrra -iEns WASHINGTON liiirlj" (1») 'red'. Iiewie. Ore- ■ Week of Nov, 16 . .«>llfl & borothy Cohterbary HI. . 1st. half -.(l6.,l8) : • .1) Oleveres - '■ Vartn . /k kent^ . 2d halt (19-SU Manley & Aysttn .ClttU'.e. Mn.yne;* C "'' 'TDoriilhirtn '"^ Arnaut Bros ' DariTiora Ballet .-.New VintoriA. chfief^er'a M.I dgets Troi'Hdero Riest; Georfre Beatty MuMlc >fall . Boys .Muji Hermainn . Anona W)nn ., WAi'llh..'raubhiann Maurlc . '^ llRiiiTON . AM(«irlu AT»(;*n. Bd Tlie 6--T.laM CHAUtVKlX H'TH '■■ Paliitiie ..Tohti!)(>n Bd CIilfiI.SEA w':.. '.Pala*;*'. .... |l<>llfl A DAtothjr', Hannony Kings' Ci-APTON \- ■: Rliik ' ColUnaoiv * Dean. l;«card«i pros . COi'CeB '~ JAST HAM ■■rr«*n»l«-r Ken ■ ,To'hi>son Btt • JEDf JWA KK HO.Vn '-, (jriinal / Giis Ellon. ; . HhI S-\V(lln B)(1' KliAlONToiii,. .:,J<;mpIrc T>akp»!i« . .AiillH',.'(.*KH'f<, . . Wriirlif M;irjo'n JtlNHlH),KY PARK AMt.orln '^". lt,iri'y l'''ryfr Md- .Norwich .3. bfinny ■ Tj|tiion .tiAMMKRKMITlI .I'liltu'e AUterto ^Gi'C'. ., . MAIXOiVAV .,'•■ Alariliorohgli.. :'i>ee l^onn-.... X 'PeLf Vio-'Bi- Bavry, .'Airwlrc. 'S«U>er. . '. Rl'nee tb Godfrey Alec PU'rtri G€drt»!H--BrOP.:' ■ ■ iSMNCiTON lllue Hall iat half (i.CrlS). Mauley & / us!(ln Claire, IviByne * C . 'XiV.haU .<19-ai.) 6 01ever«'fl Vunn & Kaat KILBVRN farange Gu» I ton. Hul Kwulh Bd'. : IjEWIKHAM > 1'aluce. .Billy Cotutn P.xl liUYTOMHTOKE Rlulto Kllen Kauer C Sli.erry Broa'... NEW CROSS '.Xinemii " • 2 Roguet) il.,]>Liidners .. Seltna 4 PECKHAM. ., PiUtive 2 RoKut^jT: Z'JAiiAriere Selma ■4-. SHEPH'RUS BUSH 'Pavilion ' Raya Sis, Oolijioft J^oulH Alitiaer' STAMirORl) Regieht Lee. Bonn' • 3 Del^anb Bros Harry, Andree.'B STRATFORD . ■•• Broadway' Renee .& (}o(|frey Alec - I'isoTi Guddeji-^BVos. STRKATIIAJ*! l^ala<'e Alli'odo oro-- •; .'rooxiNr. .'Granada Reffinald Olxon la -WjL'de. Gli'la. 3 ftndei): ; ;. Forbes & Barry Kitty Louvairie i'OiTKNHAM. r,.Pa.liu'tt, ColllnHonJDean Iie«;irdo Bro?;. poreeix-. TOTTii:. tcnjRT ■' Para on Hurry Kr.ver' Norwich 3 . WAL'XHAMSTOW . (iru'nuda' Sotge KrlBh Bd Nina Mae.MeKlhney Wright & Marion. Ahltai -Chas,. Jack'- \V6l.VKRHAiM1'T n • Paltire Cai'roll l.ievis':. "Week of Kov; 16 ABERDEEN ;■ 'Tivoii..-' Hartfa & Howell Mltsisuko' & G'Haha. DeJlvKlne's. Co;.. Dbri'A Asht'on ■• BRADFORD . . New Victoria Jan Ztilskl' CARDIFF Capitol R^nara AuBtel -& :Arthur.' EDINBDRCiH ;,ReR«nt . 1st half :(16-1.S) Dooley'& Sonpy . Jimmy. McKInley . 2d half (19-21) Rhythm Rangers Royal R & B Myles Eric MflBon Shaw/& We.sloh . Patrict.a'Ro's'ab'r' ugh' 4 Bobs Elsie Kelly Ol.ASGQW. Pavilion Brbdie & Steele Jack Stocks Revnell & Weibt' ' Hal. Yktea ' Clemens Belling Co All art Bros &' Jiine. Fayre < ' 'ParamoQiii. ToUefsen . 6 IIa>rv'rd.Sync'p't's 4 Flash Devlin KINOSTON . -. Empire" Roy . Fox Bd DeHaven & Page J. &' J Ormonde t TojpiBy Turvey 2 MHX^.and Gang Jack Barty — JiEITH Capitol . .' ^ . Ist half. C16-18).\ Rhythm'! Rangers: ' . • 2d half (19r21) Dooley. & Soniiy. Jumm'y. McKtnley '. i:iVrRpooI' Shakspeare Carlyle Cousins' Sylvester & N Norman .& F«'rraan Bob How^^rd.' Jack Grieve.. Chris Charlton Co Flnlay & Andree.' Miller & Dean NEWCASTLE Paramount •Song Hits of Shows' Marie. B'urke Trevor Watklris D'illwyn Thomas 16' Masternlhgers PI<YMOUTH. Palace WUl Mahone:^ Joe Grlffln : Evie Hayes Bob Garr Keith Wilbur 12 Tiller Girls N & P St John WUf Greene 6;. Jack Francois STOCKTON Glolw I Moreton &■ T> Knye O Noble &::B Rale 'Vagabobd' lioyer 8 Academy Girls Slim Rhyder & Ptnr ti'e'Bter i&'Cranston Caliaret Bills REW TOiRK CITY Bull Juanita'Kelly Virginia T.^atigdon Godoy Bd-:' LoU' Rand Ore Bill'* Ga.T Od^t 'jerry Wiilt* : Joseph E. Howard . Spike Harrison Jack West Bernle Grimer r^ea Barbery ■ Will Ward Blhel Gilbert lack. Cat.:V; Kitten Korue Al & ToTil Cbrtez Blond le Scott Evelyn': OJlyer Amanda Randolph- Jimmy Thomns. Maxle Armstrong Amy Spencer .Billy Daniels ,■ > Loiiny. Simmons. Ore Brass' Rail Bea ■ Kalmuti. ,' ; BUlte lieohard ' JoKiiny.'Ha»'Her' Ore .Ij BeiancoUi t Ore Ciiuteau Mbderne . Wanda Gbir. 'frlnl Pliiza ;K McFarlfine Ore rheifiapeakA Hoiifie T))nmiy r.yinnn' <;ene Ar'chor Mar.Vland SwlhgcM- (;he.siipeak'e' Co .■ Al T^Hiid Ore •'iC'lover Ciiib ' Jacltsbn ' l.rv .'& Jeiriy Goiff. l<U1(1ie J.rbh Andrew Sis , 3 rthyiiiin Debs- .1 CSS' St on Al ,Sluart Ore. Club. Gniit-rio bl Krl * Virgil.. Cailotla Montea ■Kaneiie Vallon IJte-^i McpKOl Mar u'crlta-Cuelo : Gloriii /.Ivor Ita liion ■ Carr() ft- Gaucli.cia ' 'o.ffec- Dan's '' ■Al :<iuo'<lbJich' •JoranU filiaW Job IV Foniiriy Henry Ber.inan , Chas, Boulan get Or Cbq Rouge , irwln Gilbert Ore Tlfidale 3 - CflttoJ(i Club Bill Robinson^ I^Avls- Andrews Berry -Bros 'Kaluah Henri .Wiessels Katherlne Perry Anne Jjewls- Pyhamlte Hooker ' '.■ Tramp'.Bd.- Whyte's Maniacs Broadway Jonen. Weii Talbert's Choir Bahama Dancers Arthur- Dary Ore. Cab .Calloway Ore.-, •lack ii«mpie.r'* Romano Ore Eddie Elklns Ore , 1 (phlco belflna.'Vera .-1 Monn'Monies Dolores & Ckndldo . Roslta RIos Lo* HavaneroB D<vn Alberto. Ore ABC 'rrlp El'Morbrco Brijle Hoist, brb.v ill Toreador Lba b.ledas \ boh Gllberto. vh Casino. 'Fbiles b^Amour* Aniie -tlse' . Kliy Ardclty . Ballet Bbdenwiser Barry & Beatrice- Ibblyka ' lliseir Driena (Jlbspn Co . Ceiida.'Glenn Kbube'k AlenOrcas'-'' Rona niccnrrt'o.- ,Marla- Taniara :., Tanlei: ; ' l''IilC('O.ITll£l Tyl'ieiT' Ar( SiirtW Ore Rudy Villlef Ore ;r«»en\v'lli'h Vllhi 'afiino •hill, I'li''-... .Krjiii.U Jiull Wiljua NNj\'iik .AK'"'*--'-'''"''-''- '■ M.Hrl'nn 'Hun'(l'<^ Hig ■■Jliiiiioii ■' 'Jfliri'rii* .lot'.dim .(iK'k rfiiiUM'oy. . , Beriije' I{reifncr'':Ot'C llickory llouse Mike niley Bd Ifarley , : li'lyW'd Hestiauriinl llari-ifon 'Sii", Eleanor KnI •Vanessa' : r — .ICHII.. Il.\ II i J011O7J lial T^eRbyy- .loan- Abbott . C^e^ar Ai- .Alaclicivia' Jack Waldron Jv ' ISdita Sedgewick liydo'Sue. Jean .Landls 'Marion Martin Del casino Archie Bleyer Ore, ■Arthur Warren Ore; llbtel AmbasMiditr Trau bman- & Ad'or .Ranvon llanoa Ore WM Ins & • Walters utci Aaiur Vincent Lopez Ore ("'red howery ' . ' Both Wilson ; Eiijlly. Van Loesch'. r.hsitt H.o'*"'*rf' Stanley Worth Rohert .Lytell Hotel niltmore . It.Msa Morgan bro lliiana.' Hotel .Com lodoM Msii Halleit^Orc ^ Emily Van Loesen ' I'ftul Duke .Paul-Gordon De^Mar & D'Andre 'Hotel'.; Bobbiy Hayes Gypay^Lee ttsilph Torres ■Jane Doy^r.. . Lou .Vajera- fiotei Elysee .A pn :Green'\vay LoIh AVbdell Cliic Karnier A'li i:.bbaI'-iB^.Cuba!n8 . Joe'Moss'Ore .Hotel N randewynnC'Or Jilaxine Tappin Dicjk Stone \ Olaire. Eu.lehle' ; Hotel \nith Roy S.truni • ehaa Murphy Billy Hutitcr •Howard Lrfilly.'Orc otel Governor Clinton - H Alcbaniel'a Ore llbtel. LeBlngtoii.' .Nelson'; Ore ; 'Shirley Lloyd-. Hotel. :Llnvola Adele Gtrard u)cK Stabile Ore. r Hotel AlcAljiilD Enoch'Light Beth Wilson . ..A .Goniiales' .EbB Laura' Dean .. ' otel Muntrlair Coral Tsiahdera Nick Fisher - Ann Courtney Clay Brysbrt- ^liTappy Powers- Electronic 3 Nick, Fisher Hal Hope. Ore Hotel New Yorker Win Hollander rc Abo I>ymah Ore Gbnnlfr:. Boawell ■ Rose Blane-. Pliil Neeley Hotel Park Cenlral ■ Jean to' Arcy - - TiS Tb'«J Girls 'Don Hooteh • ■ Lester St DahlelS -'. Doll'.Arden , ' Dick >ffiSBncr. Ore Hotel Park luine Papcho 'Orc .. Junior Raphael Or^c Hotel Penns.vlva'niH Benny Goodman. Bd Bernhard-.& Grah'm Helen. Ward; Hotel Pierre Mario Bragglottl Or Eileen O'Connor' Paiil Draper . Hntel i'laza Eddy - Duchlri De Marcos '■ Wilt McCune Ore Hal,Atkinson .Hotel Rooiiievflt ■ Gay^ l.ombardo Ore. Ildtel Rltc-Carlrop Eariyn Wallace Carmen l^omero Katharine Kaije Glen Pope'-. ' Wm Russell Park & Cli A'frlfiue : Basil Fohiecii Ore.'. Hugo ^larianl Ore' A rrhan ' Vecsey' bro Hotel Savoy^rioTa Dwlght Fl*;ke Etnlle Peltl Ore, Habaneras- Ore Hojcl Bert Darcy Hotel Siierry- netherland. Gen: Lodljjensky Raphael. '.- Liibby Doublagb Ni<:hoIa.<) Xorin . Serge .Sergey Catherine Grey' Alex Bunchuk Ore: ■ llufel St..:vMortl.*. Barbara , l.ak. SiarJ-rle Gii lrtifWorl h MIri.'iiii Verii*^ '- ;/iPx: .Botkln KnR... George' St«rney 0>c . Hotel: St. B«ret» .('.^laiMinette ' Itii'MMe)! Olga Vadlna fhariie. . .. Horl.M iBelo'Kt'oH George Onl! 'I'K.'ilia- Naiiiirenl< .A,|jheS Roy S'uli.'ih . Mcsfinkrt I'ei'.f'.f'. Llacjifiiko C; <;odoll)an; Ore-. (Iridtunr .IS.intl (T'dlcin?! llarli-iiann. (> i .Mlrlaih,.(?i'fili':i)iie ilolel lliiri Geo, Hall Or Uoliy IJj^Wn.' < Hotel Viiiiihtrl'llt TOdiJie l.'.»'n'<''' t|.' J-'Ji rrit:," C.oodffle. liii-e ' Lui " 'r Astoria,. VdT$z,&>yel&nVla fc^e Symington: Eddie LeBaron Bd . Seorge.Hamiitoh- Or Michael Zarin mcr Hotel Weylin Charlie Wright Xretclima Slihebn Karavaeff Obria, Birso ' Ylienii Gabrlelle Micliael Michon Nadla.. : A fjloyanovsky Miachii S' Bartnovslsy- . Nlif.holas Mattlev Or Ellsha .Tuttie Ore > 'T<a . Rue ''. Betty Bryant . L« Itiirage Kle'urelte'.-'. Virginia/ Valll iJe^ i^ue ..- .Frahcea'.'iiaddux V . ^lOBeiilr-iSa-cbur'^Orc ' Sid. Tuscher liugp'- Pedullo Eddie. Davis Ore i Da'hdies i-eun A iCdtlle'a Eddie. Da vie (^aryl Gould Jal-Lcta ' • Koitfa Clark Joyce &• Freddie Delia CarrbU ICubber Legs •'. liams: .Will ■ Farmer's ..Ore .. .finphlnttcates Ore Jack Berg^r- Mori Paris Diana Ward ' yersatlle 3 '. Gene Foidlck.'Orc . "Valerie. & Armsti-'hg New Frolics ' (Union City, N. ^.) Tess. Garden Vita&Pirl Barrptt. & Smith J'aclv McCann' Neii^on & Lo wa Mozelle 3.' 'Noblemen Tom: Arbold Chas- Reade'.'. Renee &' Lora-.' Etzl CoyatO: Ore pnyjL fllnbv Avon Johnson ' Don- Lambert ' ■ .0. Spl rl Is of ,R h y tb m siurr Smith sa '.Paradise. t?ert Prohmah Virginia Verrlll Pa'ul Sydell Julie Jenner EMtelle &: r.eRoy Jimmy Rlchar^ls J & Nora Bell . Marie Hollls Joyce Duskln - J.anls Andre ISdna Mae Glenn Hutton Ore Jay Freeman-.Ore I'Ibce' legnnte ''Ihternallona.ilsts Or Bill 'Farrell: Le-T .Dazanv Orc Qoeenir Terrace Woodelde, 1.. I.»N.Y. Nell Golden'a Ore. Marcelle Wellington Jeaix Kayson Shirley Corklhs Sandra Itahdi/ Melissa &. Lord Peggy Metcalf . Vincent Daniels Rainbow <:ViH' . ■ Johnny Hemp' Ore Evalyn "Tyher. . 4,' Deauville Boys Dr Sydney Ross Rainbow- Ho4t Rav Noble-Orb Miliy Monti . . ' Enrlca & Novello Edger Bergen Al Bowliy : Sydney Ross Evalyn. Tyner .Naito Rodrigo Bd. Saijppliire Jean Sargent' Laurence White Nlfcic. Vbuzen Bd Barry 'Winton pre Stork Club Max Ber'ger Ore Gum Martel Ore Arthur'Danh Ore Tokay, Mrrie ilona Thury Johnny -CjaTter Mari a. Karo ly la Dorothy Perry. •Loii Hegedus Bela' itsiga.- Mervlll & Zona Lillian Kahnes IiOUis Kovac '■' Gypsy Rosika Or.c Eddie Aahma Ore Tony's Splyy rtladya lientlev Rev Broomtlfeld & G. . ^ Avon 'Long Evelyn Roblbsoii- Edna Holl.v . ' Kaiser; Wlillams.Or VersftllleB Mitzi Green Gall Gall Go.meii & .Winona ^ Meadow hrojniv.Hoyt. Cl<eihcnte Bd. .Village »irn Larry McMa Hon ,Milt Xiahn Ore ..Serrani\os Mfelene' Sliller . I n. & '. Norma p .. Wa.viifj' Kfnrion '<{et> Cjiryer Co ■ Vogiie RdlUi .Kn;irk.: . .'.\frir.\ a n- Slorcfr Gordf/n' T'.avls. lila'ry llViii ii ' ' .ll.minlev-Lce 'KearDH '.'i; Reod Vni'hl •Red .XtcKpnzie. 'l-'runcr'K 7''!rve.' •Hr.!i.dy KI'i.K'. 'i'eDP''.! .'*. . ., >icl<,. .\VfllIi!(>c Ore' ■i'iii>y. OKdch Fl'.iiiry; ■yo.iirignin Jrit'iiiriy Gwirge Bd LOS AKGELES Bru/, Cliarlt-.s LawrtTic. Bererly W»l«)iirb iriulh Robin Larry Lee Ote 6 Rhytim |taM<Ai' .flMiniviWllel- !i*)iMiW' Charlie Carter lue RooRi Nellie NelRoih KillX_Snyder ; Jimmy "BTt"tlck~0ro' Zerby ^ Layton' Bernlce Lilly Cufe Cananora: balante St I,*on'rdo B Grey J Bergen Ireiie Taylor-'. ■ Hal Chansiior Anne Ml.ller ' 'Cajre'"'.|4»'' Park 'Ave Boys' Stan Clajr. Uria ■'. Clover. .Club' . ;Cafe'de Paree : Jack (il.awsbh Orb Bob GraWt Ore Rhiimba Bd-, ;Coeoai*iit. Crete . Virginia Lee . . Jan Garber 'Qro Liitlirb'p" Brbsi ' (Ibwrigf) Les I'arkiir-'...'. Bill Roberts. Aiigusi.ihe Estyiila. • Gllberlb Kl'', Steve White Soot Powi'll .-■ Walter Wing Ore Esquire Ciiib Mary .j up ton'. G 'Remiie & P ' Rlat Stuart.Vun Joy Ore FariioiiB Doinr Wingie' Mnhnone New Orleans'5 'JaneMohes^ Little Club. Jaine''JoneB. Gladyif. Bagwell Helen Warner Jeanne Keller ' Melfl«iy Crlli ArJL Talum ;;%S<ln4r's'riM«ir ."■ Yf*iife St 'C^jilr Dorothy Roberlis' Gagpon & Br'ught'h tiiegrgts Redman Ore Pac lHc SuDBc t Club Mln'OTrBergon Marjorie Simrks 4.:arivien I'^l.t Gene. Morgan Wayne Wise Ore Lafayette' Jirdy .;iaiiii9 . Marlon ' bu'iiiels ;. Hudso'ri MfiV/ger' Phil arris Ore. Id l<t Margarita .t Del Hferiry !Monriet:' Hugo .Mnrcheiil 'IMi'ora' AIaith?iis' . boiriihlc Coiohi i>a--.VaIesi'a. Roait'a «t J 'Moreno Pete . Cbntrc)i| Ore '—rirrnne's; Bonnie Llod Murray. I'eqk'. Lolldo & Ardo. . Wylie Webb ore.; Seven Setis, Lily Giljspn Ray "Kinney Loiinle- Mclntlre • Somerixet C . WlllVam Zerker Aiin .Crbr-by. ^IVipsy's .O'Sliea . ' :■ Kathleen 'Klldah'.*!. ' .Beverly .Mveene. ■Bee' La Molne ,■. Lebna, Rice' Agnes Johnson . Bitib, -Lightner -'Orb June Hesttord^ Trot Phtl Qhmian Oro iJ-G.ene'B Barbara Ba'c.k Frank Giillngher. ■Paul..Randu:il GHIGAGO v. lilcklittwk Mildrea Bailey Red . Noryb Ore "'■■'■'Chek'.'-Pd'ree. Benny Fields: Nick; Lting, Jr Eunice-Healy,-' Bartb/Mann Josephin'e'Mbuntoh ' Hehry Busse Ore .iciub Alabam Virginia James Bifle Burton Bernard & Henry Milllcent DeWltt. Art Williams Ore ■ Cliib NIrinet.. Biiddy Leeiler: Howe & Perrin Virginia Audrey. Rarixpna- Hughes . Ruth Desha -. Jerry Glldii^n .Ore Coloay'Club Jessie Reed.., Pat. Kennedy: .- Trudye Davldsoni Lewis: Sts. ■ Etta Reed . Ruth HoWrlch Pauletle l^Plbrre jack..Plschman :Uro' Cblosinibii' Ada 'T.^o)iard Tracy, Gale •& Ii Una Cooper- Les' Hunt Muriel Love Bankoff .& - Ca nnon , Eileen George CongreSA' 'Hotel : (Casino) Bby Fdy.: .. Beauvlile & Tova Vera Fern Ray Hlint Jose' Cortez; . Casa Lbma Orb ■ (My Wm Henri Keats = Joart Clark Skippy & Marie Colleen Geo De 'Cosfa' Lew. King iirand. Terraie<e Fle'te-rTHend'son Or ilarry/N N. - S. Cabaret Tex MbrrlBsey .. 'Hank the Mule' Yvette Eddie Frey Jaqk-.'lrving. Dorothy Johnston Stabley • Ogle Billy .^leyers Milllcent Al Wagner Art Buckley': .'Austin M'ack iilr Willie 8hore Th«;lps..2 SllUJred Tollo Miinl: bllHi's ^ Ilolei .Bisirtarrk ■■■■ (Walnut Roenk) Geo Nelidoff McNitTlie SJfl Gi-etchen Lee Phil Levant Ore , : Hotel iircvMtrt' Jarb.t Bis ■• : Jimnile Chrlntle WHltey, Neumnn -s Jlruke IJotH : (Kllier Forr»>sl) Sheila Barrett iris Ethel Dixon Paul FlorenK Pat: b'MaHey . Gower. & G^pe ■ DlcK Jurgens .Ore otel Edgewaler •..,' Beach. '. (Marine Itoom). ^ Geo. blscn:.'Ore - •. Edith 'Caldwell Leighton, Noble' ■. Rodrigo & Frtlncihe Chas Career ■ Harriett S.mllh'B.JG Is. otel lioisalle: Ine Fountain .Rnium) Bob McGrew'O'rc Hotel Mnrrlsbn . (Terrace R«M>m) j' St E Torrence Ted '.FlorRito- - Janiq 'Williams Jackie Greeri Muis'Ky. Marcelliho Stanley Hickinah -3 Debiltantee Titan 3' Hotel Palmer nose -' -(Empire.. Rooiii.1 Little Jack Little Raolil &'Eva Reyeii 'Riith' Aa.ronn. . Sander: Glaincz ■ T^iester- Cole " Paul Rorilnl Dale Wlhthrop Abbott bancer(| . Hotel SheVmaii: . .(College Inn) Gertrude' iibffmnn' Calgary Br/os ■ The Nagyfys Harriett DeGoff Roger- Pryor' Ore -. Rufe Davis 4 Rhythm .,GlTlB Speck.&. Spick .Hotel Sterenb : (CotatlnentuI R«iomV 'Maiirlne & Norva Carman ■ CastlJlb .Lorraine 'Sis Ina Scott .Frahkle MaNters Or Parody Club ' Phil Kaye Molly Manors Marnha' <Bcnhett Bobble Clark Henry Simmons Freddy Janla Ore Royale Frollctr Dolly K iiy Sid Toihack Frances Wood Billy Bray Marilyh - Marlowe Barbara BeJmore. Henri Wshoh. Ore ChKH Ehgels Ore ' Vanity Fair/ Eldllh Murray-br* Via . Tagn Artbro .& Evelyn. Buddy Ralph Stah Carter Yaclit Cliib Jerry, ft - Turk Nino Rlnaldo . Ore Edith Grltnth Ted & Al Waldmc/i Eddie. White Rex Weber Carroli &'-.Gor'ni«p VhmX Ore . Belvai^ :5^:f Of Retirement forFr. ^"^Cjsm(rSt3sing^C^^ Htnri .Lemarchand, vet Paris pro- ducer, has been brought put of re- tirement by Clifford C Jsc^ier for the: nfext French Casino show, slated to opM on Brbadway Xmas; hi Fistiher. is. dijckerin|[ for use; agai. of; the: *Foli6s' Bergeres' title which, IS currently: the subject, of litigatibrt wUh Music Corp Ameriba, co-partner in that, billing. Jean. Lfe Seyeux, thi^ regular. FC stager^ hais' arrivied 'heiri^ with Fischer aiid is txmi "up the he^^^ for-;- thievCasi " '■, Charles Koernerj .RKQ .division manag;er in New England, has beeri reviewing the.Caisipo .syndicate'isf current two. shows "at 'jthe .. itz^i Carlton and. Her're- hotels, N;;. Y, Afriquei Pairk .and Clifford, Eilefilju, O'Connor, ;Glen.;, -Pope, .Carmen Rpmerp ■.and. Milton Dpuglas head th^ Ritz show. Paul Driapeir. tblpS at the Pierre. :Koebner's idea is cpmbiiie -the best', features pf' ■into .a:; * '' WATERS DROPS UNIT FOR LOEW SOLO AT 3iG 'j: Ethel Waters is shelving her aU- colored unit io play as a Loew in Washington the week Dec. $3,50K Lucky band will'bc' o;;. the same .bill. Oddity, ot thie' s6l6' booki is thait Lpew*s was • (turigihally rc^onsibie for the Waters unit being 'produced. It .opened it '.tte T^ixon ' Grand, col- ored house in- Philadelphia, which the Loew office was booking:. the time. ■ ".,. ^^-^ . Miss Waters; will pick up Irer jnit again .after Washington. PHUADELFHlA ■Moore 'if Iie'veV. V'nin'e 'i ' Huth Durrell Blily & H Hfri .Harry Fester 'lifil. HarrifT J<>y llodgfca iii-ii<ir'ii N Mllloh Kelioiiv Ore Harry i Glyim -■' "'■' .. ' .4r«>adht:-liit' Mai - K''iiii' .C>ic " I'iiul Goriliin Mii.xinc. .'(Jr^y. .U.'(u n: «■)'.! lay . Hlitnniiy Knhiw ... F.I b ren I'b vfe A'I v»i rez -Arciidla Bn« ' iicllfvue-jSli^ittfbrd ' (riiiiK-t. ootn), 'Mfyer 1)« vi,"* 'Oi'C: K4>b: Fr'ii li k 11 ri.) I 'i (el (<ieorglan Room). 'M<i«>: Jarfp: iC'j'.c. ■. .Rpiifi.v llie .lluni.' 4- (So(i«1ollf'rH Waliy .Sht-l<ion oilve Vovnk • Ubt.iy. Mollin«on''. .'. :(.'lie/. mirliund. Jojuiy Graft."Orb J»y King • -.: Colony.'(!|ub . <Mlffor.i K Wfiyne . WarJoiJe' Ijane :- >Iflba Heaudr«>«i>.x. Kstljy Ann .Dayf» ' ' ilurry..A'dar .pre- ' : KntbiiNsy. Club: ;Ari«tofratK' ■■ Kurrhaii ^- Tvirrftl'ne Motik'ey 'Shiiici-s■ Jlai'JevA'uMtln, UortMhy ••l»('rijert . ■ .LtUS l.ocuMt. '.Fai'rar Si.x Grace" Mb »jn'eri< . Kiori-ncc liiillrriiin ■ .'l^ibblfs 'M)'"1by .l:6H n' MP/'ir.^ - ' :~ Muf.rli;''-knil.'. K'Inu.s- •:. HoUi Miliar Little Ernie .' riiiik . I'ltltimho's -JcHH >ItinillV.'r- 6rc A.; *•■ N.- Sclby ... •. ra»-tlne & Oazella 4 ClUecDn (Jrat-e Johnxbn Biirrfll . /t I)(>Uii(>y Hoirl Adelpliiit I (Cufe Murgu«ry) Jbibdier A. Oiplij Hoas^-I^ iWte HoUywbodi koy. VI. brpheum, ciowhtown, contintieti its vaude policy for another week pendiiigv thie butcome o|! discufisions with, iniislfianis' Local 47,; which * demanding a 10% inC!i:6as<i^ for itis members. Sherrill Coh6n,; ihan^gf^ of the Orphetiih^ meets wijth tmj leaideirs toddy .(Tuesday). FancboA. & Mdr.c6» bperating the Paratiaouni; is, .also huddllnjg with the iuilon, alth6u£;h ptepating to gb straight flhpis tliilrsday (19). .Hbti»e dropped its. tuiibn band last; week, .taking on Leii Hiie's colorcid- combo^ Yaude ^£oi^ Doubies .;■ .Chl^igb,'il6v> 17. ^ Balaban & Katz removeis the iSS^ vestiges of vaude from its habe houses next week as the tem^lnder of its Hey houses , in the resldeotiial districts go double ffiature.:. . Last two survivors, Hatding;. and Norshpre, go straight flickers 'JJoy; 26, according to present plans, leav- ing: B,&K. with the downtown ehi-^ cago and Qrieiital as its two vaiide ^PptS.:.'-. Harold Knight Qfe' Vincent nikzo Ore 4 V^spei-a :•.■'- Belty Keah Caffertoh, & C'l'jnb'^ Rii)««: MacLeari ' Perr'y-. Dawler AKhein ,ToMe Dorothy CrbcHbr ' Ev^h H Fontaine Hntef Pliiiadefphlan (Mirror Ro0m> Joe I>^rasettb Oro'-. Mickey Albett. Kathryn .Mand K it R I/yte Dehutartteii Wiilter. Waltcre AnnStevepB. ByrneB '& Swan son Continental 3 , Plerre'e :pi)t. Sbbvlln Oro Ciollech Adaitnt) r.ce VaOKhn Itcft Jordan .Mildred I^andi pave Fox. Rltz-Curlto (OyMlal lino y,an./'-evlt(.<jrc'.- ''HiiNHiait... In 'Oy)»,<>y' '.rp '-' SaHKom llouNe; irwin; 1/C«hard .Ore. ■ Sliver riike inn\ (Clemcntnn) Mickey Fa mi hint Or Hftili OiialllH t.feonor ^ Jlbist. . 1214 Spruce Pr'»'.d(llc' r'arcl««: Oi c ;{ Ra''k''t t-hcbrs Ilal flixon Vh-KltilJi llenhett Hfilly- Arnrild ' Julia Gillrliy' Jane MoMa.. , 20th 'Ce^tyy Tuvera Nellie Diifkjn Elittor'e Hten-Oro Lii. LDVey : '. I*ew ' F<yHter . ' . f.joretta Keller 3-EuqOireH' lit Cloh; Sally i;nMiirr... Brandt & Fbwiet Mery Jjee Ann Ruah 4 .AmbaHHUdnira ■ Cbaniel Cliib . B'rarik Kulrfii* Ore Johnny''!HudxfnJ^ ^alera. BeHHie Smith' Bill :Haii!Py P<)dro *;. I».<ilore9 Bob:,.E^(ij.! - ' 'alton ft«)0 teo iJOlto; Orr. Ja'ck'fe Bf'ckiiiJin'.' MUrkey- 'JlrfU(tis■ ■ .M'eber^e IIOlli;- : ..(Cftjinden') Bone Kirk. . . ' j IjOuIm. f-hiiikln, brc .Kliiora<iliirT^ 'Hlpa ." -:lliim<''il;o •'Jurmen 'i'Anio Bol; Ail<-n OreKory. (Jiillin John ilDibunj,' Keblt. d. :i><»u>;lfi» SeheiPic F<ii<.'t . ItOHSO ■ :Vork)ou'a 'Tn\*-tn. hill HilkW Ore Fil Cai^fbrd ..-^ St<!Pluinl«» A' CrtriiT- Mari«» 'Mtllc Jimmy frj.nary ' ,• Henry r>Iiilb«n* ■ -