Variety (Jan 1937)

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51 NEXT WEEK, Feb. I THIS WEEK, Jan. 25 Nufiierals in eenhectioh with bills below indicate:. •how,, whethlBr full or/«plii Keith'a (2p) Glorlttcrt BftNton & Odette • BOSTON , Keith's (29) . CarroU'B^MorUl Qrae Bebe BarrI <3lrla Georgia HaycB Walter Nllbson ^ Stanley 2 Bredwlnp . Rachel Catlay. Al Trahan ' CHICAGO . Palace (8B) . Sltda Ballet Bmllee A^repn Stevena. Slfl .. Buck & Bubbles ■-^Jan^en Melton iTfAcopl Tr- -(22) MattlBOii's Bhythms ..Medley. & :Dupree -Hoore & Revel Janei ^>VItherH. Gi'eat Gret'onAB CINCINNATI KeUli's {99) Conilque ContlnehVl (22) Major Bowes Go WatBoii' SiB CLEVKLAND Kelth'B (SO) G Whlt^'ii ScandalB (22) Mardeh's Riviera CO coLUNni's , Keltii'B (9«) G Whlte'n ScandnlB SCHENECTADY Kelth'H (28rS0) :Barney. Rapp Ore Robs & Bennett Ford Marshall' Keith's (29-1) : Duthers -Jean:.& .J JGrnbassy-Boys Slrt Marlon aallisct . PuRpetB loew .NEW iroRK city: -Slate. (29).- Jaok Seymour Rev ~ '^ji'razee. SIb ' 3' Bred'wins F Llghtner & R . 3? -liUnceford .Ore WASmNGTON Capitol Vt») .Honey Fain-, ; 'RoBH Wysi Jr Co: Holm & -.larrelt Uariry Burns Co Parainotttit iiBW TOKl^ CitX ; TammoaDt (27) vNat Braitdwynne:. .' Hlldegarde ..fiofllns Radio Ramblera .Paul Kirkl'and Co BOSTON MetropolltaB, (29) Ray Noble Bd Sylvia:. Maiion Co' I^ePaul ■ . ^ -fiowe Kite & S CHICAGO . Chlcaito (29) Veloz &. Tolanda Dale .WI;r»throp Gene Sheldon RudL Grail ' DETROIT Ittlchlsan (29) . 8ol Grauman Co. Eleanor Sherry T -Xorla' Bros ; ' Cialigary Bros . 6 CanedtreUyn ' FORT WORTH . Worth (29) ; , Dave Apollori Ore MONTREAL Ixtew's (20) Carol liloyd.'Co Ray & Harrison Ruth Rice •• Laddie : Tjantdnt''-. Colette & Barry TORONTO Shea's Hipp (29) L'tle Jack Little Or Barr & Estes. 'Toe Arena Co A| Vei-dl Co . 'Uptown (29) Md«ul vrPHILADELPHiA Allecheny X1.8) 9 Deweys. Millard & MarllD ; Arthur Boran; ;.Dori Alvln Rev , Jaok Seymour Co. • OThrte to flll) (28-30) ■Murand & GIrton ■ . Anthony ^& RogerB ..Virginia Bacoii Co Eatli (29) .'Shooting High' i ' <22) •Fred Warlng's Co Fox (29) .JJazeed Arabs Buster Shaver Paul Draper (22), Ick Doh & D Steve Evans nallclPuppetn : Nixon (29-30) Ann' Suter Co WellB & 4 F (Two to: flU) Oi^fgrd <4t9) .3 -Deweys' Touthful Rhythm (T\vo to flU) (28-30) WdlaiidlB Millard & M'arlIu Ar,thur Boran Don AlVin / PITTHBCRGH Stanley (22) Pats Waller Ore Chuck &' Chuckles . -utica: . • . Stanley (26-28) L'tle Jack Little Or WASHINGTON Earle (29) Keene ^, Vic ^ Paul Gerrjts. Harry Reser (22) Ken Murray Oswkld 'Dixieland: Jazz.. 3 DeLong Sir D & E Barstdw YORK S(mn«1 (2- N T O. Rev Independent _; CHICAGO. -State I^he (23) f-Tlp Top Girls ■ White & stftiiley Odith Murray Stroud 2. »lDIANAr<»IJS lyric (29) ^our Hit Parade' Helen* Dehlzon & Martin Maldie & Ray PIcard.: Seal Bill Hlikillnn Vfban' Models - Amerloan Rockets KANSAS CITY. Mo. Tower . (20) Allen & Kerili 4 Paul Duke Cr*^el. ft Alien Ted .Cook V .MEMPHIS Oriiheam^)(2.S) A B ' ^Marcuis; Co London Week of Jan. 25 Canterbury M. . l8t half (25-27) . Kain Tal 3 ' ■Billy & Tubhy . .«2d hAlf (28-3.0) Ki-nest Shannon . Wedlock & Marlowe ■ Domlhlon. Turner Layton W Victoria MftntovanI Ore Tim'***;?''*™ Billy OoRtello Tommy Trlnder Russell swatin Jjax HisrrmBTKi Jjairda Noeid •>iamio6 EAST HAM tirnhuda 2 Peroellys' Catlile'.s Bd i Brilliant fllondps CUiude .Lester^ BbMbSTON Grnnnda' flam Llhfleld Co Oathle'a Bd - fteddesr Broff •. 4.'nrilliaiit Bloii'los ViNSnrRY PARK ABtorIn : nilly Cotton n<i ISLINGTON niue Ifnil iHt h.-ilf (20-27) F.tneHt.. .Shannon • Arc<llbpk- Si Mai'IbVve .2d hiilf f2S-30) Tftl .3. Blll.v .>t Tiihby .LISWISIIAAI I'nlnrle: Mrs J Hyltbn Bd XEYTONSTONE Klalto : MIto 3. Di<;kliB .Derttoh' 3 lijEW. CROSS . . Klncnta Mlthel & Hero 6t«(n Stafford : r N<»uman. W. & T OLD KENT Road Astoria;. Harry • Preyer ' Bd 2 New .Yorkers. Chilton & Thomas PECKHAM Palace Michel & Hero Stan StafTord Neumain, W & If REGENT'S PARK Guumont''.' Dagenham Girl' Co STREATHAM Astoria-- -Harry Freyer. Bd Chilton, ^ Thomas -. Joe Peterseh Palace' Vihe, Moore & N Delfoht & Tokb On Wah 3 . TOTT£!fHA3i COUR't ROAD Pumhiount Anton ..Bd. .' Brdwning'.& Starr ■Fred 'Bamberger" Eisa & Elida TOOTING . Granada On Wah 3 peltont & Toko Music ■ Ha 11' Boys iVALTHAMSTOW Granada .4. Hetma:nd' Dickie Denton 3 Co as'booked Week iit JfiiC iS BECKENHAM Royal Lucan & McShane 3. Australian Boiys Pat O'Brien, K .& J Wtnhdh. BELFAST V Rlt«- •, . Goilella's Georgians .3'; Loose. Screw.s Harry Moore CAMBRIDGE Cinema Sahger's.vcircus ^ DIDdBCRY Capitol CUphaih & Dwyer Beryl :Orde Fred Hudson 8 Step Sis ' . . EASTBOURNfe . Luxor Bower &. Rii'therf-rd Daley 3 Jack Daley. Desmond iSc Ray EDINBVRGH ; Regent 1st half (2^-2.7) Jack Lane 2d half . (28-^30) - Black's'Dancers ■ .. ELTHAM Pantzer's Midgets. Raymond Bennett Macdohald &' Qr'h'nt <iIiASGOW . Paranitoant: .Ohayo 3 .: : HASTINGS Regal.; Plckai'd's Co - 2 Llndnevs* ■ .Merlon Navarre' Brent & Layne KiS'GS tVN?! Majestic Tony Gerrard Co Bert Weston Jose '& Juanlta.' Arcohas LliTON Alma H & D Waters Harrison VIney Liptonettes LEITH Capitol Ist half (26-27) Slack's Dancers .- • 2d .Half (28-30) Jack Lane .LiyERPOOL Shakespeare Lee Do'nh Morris & Cowley Jay & Cullen Hope & Ray MAIDENHEAD RIalto. Kiltie Juniors 4 DavUngs . Holmes &. Edwards Johnh'y. Howard- SOUTHBNU Rivoll 2 Leslies . O'Rhea & Joan Alexander .S.- WINDSOR .Playli'onHe Kiltie Juniors 4 -Darlings. Holmes & Edwards Johnny Ho^aird SEW TciitK cirr / Bertolottl'ii Rlta'.Rena'iid Carol Vance' Fran. Craven Jimmy Whaleh Ore, , Ill's Ga.t 90*s Rudy Madison.. Joseph E:/ Howard Ted BeyieV , ' ' fSthel. Gilbert Tv^tte Rugel . . Black.'Cat.- kitten Koriis BiondlO'Scott Evelyn Oiiver Amanda Randolph Jimmy Thomas ; Maxle: Armstrong Amy Spe:icer Billy Dar lels Cora La- Redd Jack ,& Jill Lonny Simmons Ore Bruiss Rail Dick Mahsfleld Cafe Ball .Tanyego Voodoo Co. Virginia. Valley Jack Arnold' Gus Howard Pamela Cliffor Phyljs' Avery Violet Careort Nell-BUz Rohiiie Beck Lillian Carspn 'Chic Farmer Polly Plckeirt Sid Hawkins Roger. Steele;, Culicnte Jean- Gordon-. Dorothys Maxine Johnny Powell's Bd Chuteao . Modern^s Maryon - Dale fc' MdFarlahe Ore Gaqclio blniltri & vircll Sylvia . St. ClHir Yn^z La Vail Ramon, Cnri'dsco- Gauclvos Club Yii Fei 1 lie de -Frovefl Consuelo '-■Moreno. EllseO-'Greiiet Ore . Orlekii Reno &.Es.tcla Roldiin ' ppn: Hllberio; Giiv. Co«i kouKo IrWIri Gilbert Olsdale 3 . Cotton Clii.l*: 'Avis 'Andrews Derry '.B.rba-,- Kiilbnli . Herirl Vveissfils ICatherlne Perry j^nno Lewis. Dyiirimlte HooU Tramp 'Ud . ■ Whyte:. ilnnl.a^s. Broadway JonO. Wen Talbert's Choir ' Bahama'Dancers-' Arthur Davy. Oro Cab Calloway Ore J^ck Dcmps^sr's Phil Romano. Ore Eddie Elklns Ore ' E!l Chico Chita V Lon Rancheros "8 Adellna'Durah Carlos Montoya Macloyla & Candido Roslta Rios Los Habaneros Don .Alberto Oro El Morocco Ernie; Hoist Oro El Toreador. Los .^*.1edaB ■ Pedro Via' Bd Frcnrii Adaiet Feral Benga Betty Brlte Hetty BriiOe Florence Chumb'ecos Hilda Elf onto ' Rolf Holbein Johnny CO Xavier.-. Lemercier '. 7 Maraviilas Rekkofs Rhoehrads Florence' Spencer Tullah. & Myl Iris Wayne ■ Vega Asp- Clyde-. Lucas Ore V TraverB Ore C Cromwell .Ore Greenwleh Vllliig*: Casino Eileen C<iok Vera Dunri' Tied Miaza Bill Diireya Slg ; Ramon .. '.Tc' ..Toi'da Carlos -Lopez. Elba &, Jimmy .Jfareht'o Ore W.allace. Mllnn Rev : Ifnrleni'-'' Br.sliine JT'wUlns Bd r.llllan FJtzKehild ..Edna Aiae HOIley Eddie Karron" B, Castle; & Sdoit Mae Brown.' Willie -Jackson Tiny n.iihch ■ ■Lovey;'t,nnc.. Fairbanks RIs Dee L . McKay .('Jijoiiy Kreil &:'Glntcer Hdwafd.s .<^is 'i'dullnc. ^yan.t llif kor.v': ir«iiiK»' Trumbau'er Oi;c' (■-Iia.s;Te'»Barderi Adele C Ifaid Buhhy Bci'rlgan, M 'ly w'd Kf-sr h.u* <i ix Bddfe Mnviixn. I..etty Kemble . JOHephIni? Housioii Paul Barry . , : Rhythm .Kings Ada Leonard Demitrl Karele & Aiidre. Paul Remos 2 Duveya Leh'nle; Haytph. Ore Uotel AmbaBsador-. Dick -;tiasparre Or Cotlna.: Wright Jack '& June Bidlr Heather Hallday Robert Bard June Stllrna'T) Rdbt Relnhart Afltbr' .; Vincent ■ Lopez Ore- -• Fred LoWery. .Mel,ba' 'Melsing Emily :■ Van' Lueseh- Chas.-Holtman Stanley :W^rth Robert f-y(ell s :Fior<in'zos. .. Hotel'lllltmnre Horace 'Heidt Ore. Lysbetit Hiighes; iaob. McCoy A ..& Y .King : Larry .Cotton Art .Tliofseh Jerry vB.pwne Dick Morgan Burton 'P.ierge- Motel Co Ainl Haiifttt' CoUette &• Teddy Grace -. dlsbn 'Bobby . Hayes Ore Gypsy.: Lee Muriel' Byr Bob ' Berry . Ijlofei ;K<tiiflx HouHe N Brandewynns .<)r Maxtne Tapplh; Motel ^irirth Av«i itdy ;strum' Hotel Go'vrrnor ;~Clliiton. Stuart Jules - Ray P'Hara , Ore, Hotel :|.esihKtu Ozzle N'elson. Shirley ^Lloyd • ' kiptei l.liieulB:. .. tshiam Jones: brio Hut4!l UAAIjtlri - Enoch Light; Ore A Gpn^nlps',; 'F,fis Murlal: Sherman' ot«i. Monu-li'iir .CoWJ- -Islanders Jiianita Wayne Joe Pohte.e '' Clay. Bryson Happy Powers- Nick Fisher John Zellner Ben Blum ' Hal Hope Ore Hotel Murray Hill (Fou.ntaln Room)" Doidre's .Fa;rri8 Ruth.Kidd Frank McCormick Will.; Oakland Hotel New. Torker Abe Lyman Ore . Arthur Ravel Oro .Tess Garden Marion Wilklns Jack. 'W^alters Rose Blaine Tiny Wolf Sonny Schuyler Carl.Rosliii Hotel Park Oenlral Tic" Toe OlrlB .'Jefry Blaine Ore Marlon;-Melton- Kajar. Ruth. Wynn Stuart & Lea Robin 2 Dell Ardeh' Claude RIngwal . Hotel Piifk Xaiie ..Panbho Ore -. Junior Raphiiel Ore Hotiel. PennsylyfiBla Benny Goodman -Bd Bernhard (fis.Grah'm Frances Hunt. Hotel Piccadilly Trent' Patterson Arn'o & Zola Jerry Stewart Dave Schooler C>rc Hotel PlaM Eddy Dii.chln Ore De" Marcos Will McCune Ore Hal Atkinson ilptcl R«NMeielt 3 Esquires' Guy ..l.oinl>ardo Oro Hotel KItx-CnrlloD Edna Janici Senor Wences; 4 Kraddochs: Zbska . . Sehor'.-'WenceS Du'relle Afrlque Basil Fotneeh Oi'.c:' .Hugo Mufianl Ore 'Arman' Vevsey VOrc; -Hotel Savon rClH*** Endor & Farrell Bmlle Petti Ore .'Habanerss . Oro Hotel. .ShfltoD .Peg'gy. Dolan. ■ ■ Joseph iiatoiir Ore otel i^ti George (Brooklyn) EU Dantzle dec Alien. Leafer- Ore LeHoy & Rogers'., . Ruth Ford. - ' .Beth-R<;yl)ur \ iilotei Sliiprryr Nelherluiid .Tjinla & KIrsdft Gen LOYllJen^ky Raphael' 'LubdV: DnUbl>i;;6 Nichrtla.s. Vio.rln ' •Sorge Sergey Catherine, Grey . Alex Bunchuk Orr . ,\l«ril - ChAs..;Writf)it.-- Roger tearns~ >.lex Botltfh K Jack .Sli^iT Ore" llntfl St 'Ntiprry-Go-Tiou nd" Hbrntl.o-.ZIto Or*'- Bbrls KoretzU.v' l';<i(» liulse.,' Rehec'' (Iridium i: Emil CrtlcTTi.iri. Or Mr .WlinaViisi Ci) HoadlhgiT. 2 Jack Powell BotolTart Geo, Hail Ofo Dolly DaWn .; Em^perors of R'yt'm Hotel V»>»lrrbllt; Rddle . Lane. Jean- Farrles'. Dean Goodeiie p;ee Luryea; MarIo:& Fibrla Eve Syirhlhgtoh . . ISddie LeBaroh Bd, '. -Leo Relsmah Ore '■ illchaci .55ar|n <)rc .otel- Wejrllii.. Aie.i ';F6Bar.ty. Ciiarlle Wright -'"Kelly.'B' .'.Mary Barton 4-'Albntmartre B'Oys Junior Costello . Chlciulta . liipa Bofg Peggy; LaPlahte Tanya .Mary ' Lane -' -. Joe Cappellb Or«- rett'lihin SI m eo n; k a r a V a e ff. boi-la Bli'so . .Ylleha-Gabrielle .Michael Michon .Nadl .A Stoya'novshy Mlschn- S Barihovsky. ■Nicholas Ma'ttiev f>r Ellsha Tuttle Oro ".' I<nriie Ed Furn>ai\ Billy Lorraine D ;& S Nordstrom^ Peggy Strlckiuhd ' Sid Tuscher Hugo Pedulio Eddie Davis; Ore 4.. DatidieB.. . -I<aarel-in-PlneM . .(I^kewood. N. J:) '.iTerry : .Green ; ' Mbha & Marina Fred Beir.hens Ore' l.roii 4b RddlbV. Eddie; Davis ■ Vivian' Ray Tachi ;Zee»-'S5ee; ., Jai-Lcta Billy Reed New6ll & "-Thorpe Wm li'nnnvjr's -.Orc ■; Betty: Benson. Ruth Craven Royal - 2 ie Iragfl -Billy Heywbod' Cliff Alien' Ginger Sutton Yanyegn -Dancers. Jerry Klrkland Virginia Fair ' .Wanda Goll .. Marie Almonte Grace Briskfn Elisha Tuttle Ore. ; MonvParJn Patricia Gilmore Versatile, a: Cene' FosdIck Ore Laurence White Onyx Clah Avon: Jbbhsoh Don Lambert' $ Splrita Of Rhythm -Stuff Smith ; Bd FaradliM ■> Vlrginiia; Verrlll Paul Sydell: ; Julie Jeirther Jimmy Richards J. & Nora Bell Marie HotliB • Joyce DUskin' Janla Andre ■Edna Mao ' Glenn Hutton Ore ;Jay Freeman pro Place Rieicume Joyce Miller ■ Toto Canglosl' Bill Farrell Larry-,Maddl Ore Rainbow Cirlli Emery'DeutBch Ore Evalyn Tyher 4 Deauville Boys Dr Sydney Ross Rainbow Koom Glen Gray; Casa Lbma Oro Pee Wee Huiit Kenny Sargent; Sydney Rosb Maurice &■ .C'rd'ba Olympic . 3 Evalyn Tyner Doii Azplazu Ore Royal B4z Joe ZTelll Rabhel' Carlay Pearl. ,2 a Russian Art .Dora Boshoer' Alex BolshakoR Manollta , Jenya Pobedlha' Antony Grosheff-. Olga Mosk'bv'a Kachar Martlribff' Vaslia Datsko ;Orc Sapphiro' Nick Vouzen Bd- Barry Wlnloh Ore Stork Clob Suily Kendis Pre Gus Martel Pre -.Tokay Mme Ilbna Thury Johnny Carter- ■ ■Maria Karolyia Dorothy. Perry Lbii Hegedus' Bela.^Zsiga Merrfir & Zona Lillian,'Kahnes' r>ou<s kovac-- Rosl.ka Ore . Uddle:'Ashiifian Orc^ - Vbungy . Gladys Bentiev Rv» Brobmfleld &. G Avon ; Long. , Bveiyn --.Roblnsbn Bdra TTolly Oble .Austin Pre Valhalla Doris Reed . Peter ft ContTs Versnllles ifilen Ope . . jj MInevltch Co Sylvia Frbos. -Nlanya ft; iJrlgb . / . .\le«dowi),r<>bU :H"v«■ 11 a \VH Ukn Rev' n'd" r.s- : Village Burn Flbi-la Vcstort i.nrry McManbn .Villi Martn Ore 'Scrranriflfl . Melenb .Mliief Ru.skln ft Nbrnlfi AVayne kcnnon Zeh"Carver Cp Varlil Club TerVy Green Frances Ftiye Lillian Lbvey Wilklns ft James -3 Diplomats Dari-Prlhe's Bd LOS ANGEIXa :; Bali Jisanne 'fellei* Clave.nce Lawrence ■ iueveriy WUsliIre , Ruth Rbbih Liarry Lee-pro Blltmnro Bowl Fritz, ft J Hiibert ICddle . Rio . Cb ' Khnazawa '.-'Tr Dlc.k-;Ayebster .loy' Hodges . 3 Rhythm: RascalB Ha'rry Sto.ckwell Ehi'lco Rli'ba Oro Jlmiiiy 'Oro lue R.ooin ,. . Kearney- AValton'- Marjorle Raymond Jack; Pottle, Ore': Vrfe'Casahbv;a .\iai'y Martin; B Grey ft'.! '■ Bergen, Henvy.-'.SHnti-cy' Ore King; King ft. King Cafe Ia*: Maze ■Park Ave Boys Stan. Clair ;;pro Clover Cliiu; Roij Grant Oro Rliiimba Bd Cafe^'- Dorothy; iRoberts Duval ft n^x-egg Jack. Allen. Ore. 't'oeouiiiil ..Gru're 4 P-iayboys-., Ray Hendrlcl<B. Dawn Roland' .-. Billy Wilson .- Col': Mjihny ■ Prager JJeit Bernie'Orc. » El .SIirfi«Tur Lutllne-; Wally •'Vernon Dan ft .B Roberts t Marjo'rie' Lane -" -' : Slim.Martin Ore. Club: ■Joe F'risqo., Lyiih- Hayes, y.ickl Joyce ' Ben Light" .. 4 Esquires. Famoiis Door Bob Lang ., Louis Prima Orb Little Club Jane Jones Paul Kendall Helen''WarneiP Rbse Valyda Melody Grill Art'Tatum Omar's Boijby Blxler , Maria :'Monterez Dorothy Roberts : Gagnbh ft. Br''h Gi^orge Redman Ore PaVilflo Sunset Club Ruifar'Cane •. ''• F'rank Farrell' Gypsy'Glenn Carolina Ma.sbn Lucille .Lehman Ray Halt Pre Pnloni Jacksph .& N.edra Gonzales'Co . Stanley Hickman Muzzy MarcelUhb-: 3 Debutantefi! Hudson Metzger Gla Ted Fiorito Paris* In Judy Lane Gabriel , J Candlnn Hugo Marchetll' Tlvora,; Maithatsbn, Carmela; Montero . Peg:gy-Stanford. Margiierlta del' Rio ' Jiian de Martln'ls Pete Contrelll Seven Seas Ray Kinney Lily Gibson Lonnle Mcliitire Or Somerset'. Slli Zerker'; William Markbwitz Topsy's Pat O'^hea- Arnold Sis. -Matjorie Keeler. ■ Leona Rlce.- Agnea.'Johnson Al Eldredge. Ore Joan Lee-. Joy WHIIanis Trociadero Ethel Waters , Phil Ohman Ore ..■ ■.:D-den^'s' Barbara' Raok- Firank Gsllagher Torhmy Howard , CHICAGO Ben Franklin Hotel (Georgian Room) Mbe Jaffa Ore Benny tb« Bum'i Abe Salinger Oro: Roberts Bros' Serge Flash Lillian Carmen Edith Hall . Roy'iSllvers ' GoUchos Patsy Ogden.-. Kathleeh Qulnn . Chez, MIcbaud Jbnhy Graff . Oro 'Colony .Cltii .Msirjorle Drummorid Blllle J«>yce Marlbh ■Kingston Anil. Morgan • ^(Inil Monet' Lbvey King - Harry Adat;..3 -' Cuntlnentiui' Boom: Pontineritals. liieoitard Cooke.- Anni' Stevens., (ilbria Troop' Doris. Field. Embassy .Club - Arlalocfats' Sally AVarveri MlUy Warwick Elaine May .. Jill' Reese- ' Billy Richmond Cliff Hall :i523. Loicust Linda Ray. . 3 ■ Kings Little; Ernie: Bubbles Shelby Grace Manners: BiUie Lee Kay LaV^ry'. Jean Farrur ' LaGr&nge ft R .Frank Palumbo's : Bbbby.- Mbrro Ore Eddie White Boh Ridley. Marco ft 'Marie Gay Sis . George -ft Jerry' Hotel Adeiphlii ■ (Cafe -Marcuery) Harold:' knight Oro .Vincent Rlzio:Ore Ross^ MacLeah AVila ft Nilen Haliiday -ft; Clark Albernlce Co John-Tio Wnlter Nlllson Evan B Fontaine- Irene ft Martha - ;Agnes Telle . - ' Hotel Philitdelphian (Mirror Ro«im) J Frasetto Ores (2) Walter: Donahue SanamI .ft Mlchl Sandra Ward Rolando & Verditt* Arthur -Ward Rayberta Sis Debiitantea- ' : it Kat Club. Tiny Bradshaw Oro Al. ft Deaniile 5 Bon Tons V Marbia Marqtlez Pauline Bryant Betty -White James Friday. ^ ■ : V ■ Rltz-Carltort. :■; (Crystnl. RuumV;- Van ;Levls; Qi'c.' Siin'sbm. House tr\yin' I^eon'ard. 3 Silver ' Lake In . (CIcmehton) Mickey Faiiyilant Or Norman. Duke' Mildred Tolie Oina ft Giana . I'iX* Spruco .3,.Menaces Sid: Tbmack' Rei.«i Bros.': JUIla Garrlty Jimmy-.'Blake . 24>tli Century Tavera Barney Z'eemhh Orb.; Frankio :Hli'es' Ernestine. & Jos'epb Hazel Harmnn ' ' Williams.: Sis. .'3 Esquires lit Club Tommy. Ly mian Sally. LaMarr Ann Rush Mary: Lee 4 Ambassadors Helen Heath tbanki Club ■Doc ' Hyder Ore Victoria Vlgal Bobby .Evans Sonia . Molret ft Dene . 2 Bits of Rhythin. - Charlie; Banks Fay BankB Johnny- Hudglns^ Walton RtiioC ' Leo Zollb Ore • Pat Rboney .ft t> 3d Marlon Bent Janet Read-; Dlgltahbs waltbnetteB. Warwick; Hotel - (Cocktair Room ). Tunesniitlis Weber's HofbritiDi - (Cahi'den) Louis Chalklh Oro. Eldoradlnns Gregory .Quinp Rodell A Raypbr Syd Golden Bob ; Allen ' Dncio E^ra* lackh Mildred Bailey Red Nbrvo Pro' BIflickstone Hotel - Radio. Rouges Georges. ft Jal Corrlna - Miiira-:- Al Kaveiin's Orp Harris & shore Everett: Miarshall Ella 'IjOgan ' ' Emily VpnLbssen B ft Beverly; BemiB -Henry Busse Ory'' . Club .Alabnni Virginia James Ethe Burton , '.Bernard, ft Henry MllUcent DeVVltt- Art Williams Ore Club . Bllnoet Howe ft Perrl Bill Meagher Clair Powell . Virginia Audrey .Ruth.Deslia :'.' Jerry '.Giidden Pro . Cnloiiy, Club Pat Kennedy; Triidye Dayidroh Lewis Sis ' 'Etta. Reed . . Ruth Howrlch Pauletifr. LaPlerre Jack .'Flschhian .pro' Colosintos Ada' Leonard Tracy; Gale, ft' L Robinson 2 .- Mildred Rock. Bernt'ce Biicaii'fl Bobby; Danders Bankoff ft Cannbh Congress: Hotel . : (Casino) .Stan KaVanagh Bernhardt ft Gr" 'm Bob Hall Gus, Ai-nhet Gay : ftO's. .Tules Noyltt's, Pre CoUeeh' Geo De Costa Lew'Klnl^ rand 'Terraee , Fte'te' r :Hciid'soh .Or Bairry's --N. S.- / Cabaret Buddy WaikeV Aleiba Brian .Farie Ruby-. Buddy ft . Selma- Ubrbihy .Johnsbn iii^ Willie Shore Phelps 2. . Mllfired Toil* 'Fr'an^es 'McCoy UyTler Sis. ' ' Hotel ismareii: ..' (Wulniit. Room) ' -Plill' -eVsoi Pre: O~eoi-ge WhUI.. <^i'et<-lipn.: Lf'e MeXallle «i«; . Don :ft' Jsiuiid 'Bei't GrHriort Hotel-,- llrevoort Jarbs Sis, Jlminle Christie, Whitey Neu'triah Drake florel ., (SlU er vPoryest) Rhfti.I.a Barreit' hUhei Dl.foh Paiii iriori-n/, l')il,'P'Mallfty Gower.' ft ■Cene; Dick-.Jiirgfcri.s Ore: <itel KdgeVaicr : ll«!U4'h' ' ( I(obin)^ O'.'O: OJ.^eii Ore Perry 2 . Carlton/Emmys Pets'. Marque ft Marqiette Edith Caldwell ' Leightoh Noble Harriett Smliil's Gjb . Hotel lAaalle . (Blue Fountain Room): 'Bob McGreW Ore'' Hotel Morrison (Terrace Ro«>m). . (Casino Parislen) A Robbins Rudl Grasl . Sara Ann McCabe Anderson ft-Allen: Mary, Ray e.' Geo Campb Eileen O'Connor Grace ft Nlco. ' Naldl Carmen Romero Jack Whitney. Jerome Andrews Jimhty 'Garret Orc ^ LoU, Breese pre Hotel Palmer oose (Eoipiro Hooiiw Vel02 ft Yolanda Ray ft Trent Dick,; Bennett June Taylor Geo Hamilton.Pro Lcstier. Cole Paul Roislnl Abbott Dancers: Hotel Staerniun (Collectf Ian) iSertrude HolTntaD. Howard Nichols "LoJs Still Calgary Bros; Roger Pryor Pro Hotel Stevens .(Continental Room) Maurlne ft Norva Carman Castillo Lbrraine Sis Ina. Scott Frankle MiEisterB Pr Parody. Club Phil Kaye Molly Mahors/ Charlyne 'Baker Badl'e Fahrnier Henry Simmon's Freddy Jan is Pre Royalo Froiin Dolly Kay Rid'.Tomack'. Bill' Anson ■Byrhes '-ft Swarisbn Jan ft: N Bell. .Vlvlchne Newe]l Peggy Moore . • Jack Hilllard Hehirl Lisbon Pre Chas Engels Pre ' Troeadero- Casliid Francisco.ft Mario 4 McNallies Violet Love Pat Chandler , Don ]Ferhando's: rc VnnUy Fair /iffidlth Mujfraiy Ore ^. Via. i^iiro- Jaciide Hnmlin Dick Hughes' Sally Keith Wallace ft LatlsHa Stan Carter Yacht Cliib Jfjrry ft Turk Nino. Rinalda Prc Peter-Higglhs; Sunny .Shaw - Satch ft Sntchell ■Lee Purdy^ 885 Club Carroll ft Gorhfsi' . ;Pa;ul Kieeblei' Ore 'Belvtt WhriOv Radio Red Tape (Continued froin paige, 35) ciians'union' asseii: . )urisdiction over CKLW aind thie itailon is the .bb- ject 6f. extremely close scrutiny by the unions, iiAmigtation authorities arid rival stationii oh all inatters hav- ihg an international ^talent aspects Elaborate preparations haVe to .b<e made by CKLW to bring celebrities from. Detroit across thp tiver to broadcast. Both .Canadian (coming) customs, and American customs, (re- turning) have to be considered to. avoid embarfassmehts. 'Government rules, are very rigid .'and oflFicials must - land do.f follow them to the letter. there is alsO tht.- znatter df biiildr ing good will; Owners hWve tried to offset the implied ., ill Avill of the phrase, 'that Canadian s^tion.' which is exploited by some. riyais. Rumors also circulate with soiiie encourage- nient cbhcerhinis possible radical or sudden changes in Canadian broad- casting : conditions. All isuch rumors have to be elaborately answered and killed by the station,'else they pre- vent the si ing of advertisers. WMCA SETTIJBS SONG SUIT The infringement suit of the As- sociated .Music Publishiers, Inc.^ against the . Knickerbocker Broad- casting Co. (WMCA) for an injunc- tion and damages was discontinued Monday (25) through the flliii|{ in Federal Court, N, Y.,; of a stipula- tion by attorneys for both sides. Plaihtiffvbrought thd:acti6n on the ground ihiat cbpyrighted songs were being used by'Knickerbocker artistis without conseht." ^HILADEIPHIA Ancliornge In Don Ni'<'holM- Ore . Wh 11:11 n<f_ Will lie IS Wifnd-.v .'Roh'eril Ar>ii-1o .Virifinl - . Clifi'iii'd.' ,'Wayne' r..di)cr A Hayes Diane- Denlso..' r>>w: TIolTinun Vlrg MacKttuglildij 'rbny Gionetti ^ Oelleine-Ntrutford :. (Planet Room) .Vcyc'r Davis Ore Indianapolii^, Jan. Jirry Daniels, formerly one of the Four ;lnk $p6ts oh NBC, and Albert and William Jennings,, twp other sepi strihg-swjng and $:at*i5ihging locals^ .teamed up in combio bined Three Blotters, with first airing over WIREi last Wednesday (2bth), Will sustjEiin for a time, with rec- ords; made: of brpadcajst for sponsor hearing... ,Tom La IBrum Injprcd . Philadelphia, Tom LaBrurh, of Crowley-taflrurii agency, receiyed .sevevc injury to his leg and bruises of the body last week iri.. auto collision; Expected to be confined to -hfij home for at least a week. Before forming advertising agency, LaBrum Wa.^ theatrical man-i a,Bcr and p.rcss agent. :. Gave lip hduse itiariagei-.s ip of Er-^ ianger her6 to go into adyei:tjsinij.