Variety (Apr 1937)

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V^ednesday, April 7, 1937 VARIETY 57 BiUs NEXT WEEK (April 12) THIS WEEK (April S) in connection with bills below indicate bpeni show, Whether fiill Or split Week ■ day of RKO ATJtANV ; K*itli'»* (Ji-ii) lumrt of VarlB BOSTON At Home Abroad , ' (1) K T O Re v Ciiarnilon . CHlCAfiO .-I>aln«iB (») Benny Meroft. Ore Benny Meroff r Ore CINCINNATI I'Mlace (0) ■vjXiVi Riaillo Rev (2) . BoKer. Pryor Ore CLKV|fil.ANl» rulat'e (U) Don Red mail: Ore - (2). . , Bhapspfly In Silk, Kitmuela Bron' - Harriet . Hayes Prances Arms T^Iella Kirk & H Stepln' Fctohit Gomez Wl.nona MINNEAPOLIS Orplieum (2) Errol's H'.wood Rev PROViniSNCE KTeltli's (1) At Home Abroad Doria Sklpp. SAN FRANCISCO ' Golden Gate <3l) Fred "Waring Bd SCHENECTAlHf Keith's (8-10) Olympic Ice Follies. TROY elth'H (U-12) Gautler's Steeplec'se Clyde Hdger B Stewart & Stepln. Fetchit Balabaiiow 6 JUY KA^ and KAY iil6W..>ON THEIR d0th Week For LEDDY & SMITH NEW irORK CITY. • etiite (») Ed Sullivan Fops % X^oule Kudson Wohdev Dave Vino Francet) Faye Sliella Barrett Mariorle Galnaw'trth PITTSBURGH Stanley (0) Jia.h Garber Ore WASHINGTON Capitol (0) Cab Calloway Ore Tramp Bd Paramount NEW UOHK CITV l>HriimoaAt,i1[) Eddy /DuURlh- Bd, ■ Nellu GoodieUti' ' y^ajpary Bros' Mildred Tjaiy,'.i,-: ' Roy. AiWell- .BOSTON Metropolitan (9) Brlttons Bd Orunimit & S'lid'rs'n Alice Chapelle LAthrop Bro:l Virginia Lee: Badio Ramblerfi BROWNWOOD I.yrlc <14-U) Bell'H Hawaltana- BUFFAfiO Buffalo (0)~ BoweH Infl IT CHICAGO Clil«nico (f))' Calif ColIeBlans Slinpsdn'e Co liUcllle JPalge Gertrude NIesen HarrlM & Shore DAIXAS Meiba (»-ll) , Bell's Hawallans DETROIT MlchlKitn (U) Readdlnger 2 J;iOulse Mdssey Go Welre Bros Ho'xyettes . EASTLAND. TEX. Contiellee (13 only) Bell's Hawallans IklONTREAI. roew's (») 3 Harta Buddy Rich Roy Rogers Carol Manners Ted Claire Co Jean Sa'blon NEW HAVEN . Paramonnt. (U> Park Ave Follies SPRINGFIELD Paramount,. H'wood Hotel ■ TORONTO . Shea's (U) Masters & Rollins Owen McGlvney V6 Red Skeltoh Mattlsoh's Rhythms Sally Irene & M PHILADELPHIA Allegheny (»-JjlO Frank tvie Trado Top llHt Rev , Earle (0) Ted Lewis Ore .'2) WHy Ore. («) ^, KHlya. & K .. .lackle . Jleller Ml & MiM J. Crawf'd (•<!) Lathi-op Bros virKinia Lee AI BiRrnle Lester Cole Co Nixitu (7-i«).. 'Chy & r)uv;il hdx Lubow & R PITTSBL'B<J Stanley («) Jan Garber Ore (.2) 'Harlem on Parade' Don Redman Buck & Bubbles Berry Brps :vriVud . Russell . Ella Mae WutprH Ixitiise McCarr.oll WASHIN<JtON . Earle (») S'. Jansleys . Bert Granoff (loi.-.-il) W & E Howar ■ (2) • Ray &. Trent •; .King .& Sinclair 2. Art Flank Co Eton Jloya It'A GO lil(al«-LnkA .(fl) ■Joe. Arejieia Co «ully ft Thoirias OKnrol fe Andrl I)on.Ejirioo iTHn^.PH. Miller (Two to nil) iNniAx.\i»oLis Lyrli'. . (11). . I'lne KlOfce li'dllles' hlly»i ' Cornet Bd Dl<k .TIiKldlpston Winnie & Jirtx Ahhe, ■.Zcke- i V<iut'h h Corn If* Boh Hall ;t S<jphi.stlcM T-ndlps KANSAS CITY. Mo. Tower (1>) Pepito 'J'ed Cook ■ (TWO-to nil) .OtIK.tlPlllS Orplieum'. (7) Blaf'k.stone • OKLAHOMA .<'I'I.V Worner.. Ki-JSt) PPlly Moran Astoria- it jVeshiLt <'a!i(er|)ury M. Hi Jstv half (5-7) Avlis ft FrahofB ^'an Dock Week of April 5 2d hnlf (R-10) .1 HI Hons Louis Altliaer DnminWi 5 Carlton Sis' Ernest t>)iann()n New Vhrlorlu Hutch Victoria Piilac (;)-i2) : ■ Sylvia Froos. Venn St, Lee •Citrdlnl Atai^y Hoi I'e.s Roy, Lee &. .liitk Powell Oxf6i'd:cS V Ic.O liver A S I'owers Maglnis' UKOMLK GauoMint Younkmun's lid . CAMDKN TOWN (iunmoHt G & J irGi nmnde, Myi'on I'eurl t.'o. .■ • Ansjela ParselleK CHADWELL H'TH . J'alii«'e' - Pnsoo & Dorothy Stra<l ;& Boys Poihier 3 CHELSEA.. I*uhi4'« Marina :Vadio & Hertz XS'r'woode & Kicii'ds CLAPTON Rink De Haven & Page Galllard 4 Eciulllo ■ Bros .. EAST HAM GraiiaiiH Forbes Jfe Bai'rle Premier Pasco Dorothy StrHd *, Boys Pointer 3 EDGWAKE ROAD Grand Vine, More & N Walter Niblo. EDMONTON Ennpire fl«!isrgle .Redoil T^eslle Striinge. Josef Blank (^o HAM.MKHSMIT Palace. Arnaut'• Bros Mary &■ Erik ILFOltD Super Don Rico lid ISLINGTON Blue Hall Jst hiilf (5-7) 3 HUtons I^uls Alniner' : 2<i half (K-JO) A-ylls. gf[ Frailcls Villi pock HILBVRN (iraiigei Vine, Mrtre * t; Waller NIblo liEWlSHASl Palace '- Younkinan'K. UiXTONSTONE Klalto Klra'hu Bros Ueifont & Tok . NISW CROSS. KInei'nu Trolse Miandollers DLD KENT ROAD . - .Astoria Roy Fox Bd. PECkllAM . I'alace Troiae Mandollcvs SHEPH'RDS hlsh Pavlllou Arnaut Bros Phllco. 4' STAMFORD Hill Recent Or & J D'Ornionde - Myron Pearl <;<» Angella Pa'rsellca. STRATFORD Broadway Don Rico Bd . ..STREATHAM Palace Conrad's .Pigeons 6 Harmonists -." TOOTING 'Granada (lonrad'H Pigeons ••6. Harniohlsts' V 'Resua Sis : TOTTENHA^I Palace De - Haven & .Page .GalUard 4 E«|ulHb Bros Ttm'ENHAM COl'RT ROAD Paramount ' Rlmncs WALTHAMSTOW Granada Reggie. Redclirte Leslie Strange Josef Blank, Co ProTindal Week of April 5 . ADEHDE f Tlvoll Jack Anthony Band Rowel I •Renara Keller & Clare Carson Sis ' Hilda Moachnin 12 Fishev Gls .3 Dennis Boys & R Jaa.. Calvert .EniNlirH<BH RcKeiit :ist half (r,:-iy. Risdon Vedale 2d half (K-l«) . HayWd,: Hay & D Royal •Joe Loss Hd Boiiila SIH ' Ja<'k Gi-leve Cable & Carr Vf Barnps Bru<'e. /fr. Vvynne Lucille. Beii.slciid GLASGOW Paramount' Pola & Barry Pavilion Harry (lordon Emona Gaye- Aristocrals & H'th Mbyson Sis- 10 Tiller Gls Jack PJolder 3 Royces' Glntaro LEITH Capitol 1st lialf (C:-7> Hayw'd, Afay & D 2d half .(8-lt)) Risdon & Vpdale LIVERPOOL Shakesiiearo Claude .Dhmpler. Frank AVIlson c'larUe &■ Murray Pat Hyde May, Jack' & B Manitos MavcherlU 3 CabaretBilis NEW YORK CITY Bertoloin.'s Fra.iik Pra yen- UK a'U .Ann W.hlle Jimmy Whalen Ore lll'n Rny no't Eddie Leonard Jerry Whili' (iiiy. - Nlne.l ies-. 4 Rudy- Madison .lo^eph B HoTvard Ted Beyer- '' Bthei «|lhevt . Ilrnss ICall Neir Golden .Or 3 Coiiiliictil'iiis .Sid ■ri\\<:))i,yy. Cafe nail Phic Fanner- I'lililie Liiinbert, vivIh n 'rii'y-; .-• The Tiih'-olns'-' CJene - Ai dler .'VirKlni.'i .Siiilih I^nlliil Pell , AViltwlH Miii'a Itotrer Slecle QiT •liick .AViiliar .Miriidnr .TiXvniellne Joyce \))iru'jp- ILirf Ttuildy WaniH-v rr Jean ■■M!'<'ti "ley -Joe I.lej'bcr.f ( J.slilii.'-- A-• I'••'"'y'■ Soo TilriK -., ll^lfn titui w Kiilli NVJiyiti ('arol .Sis-■.. •S.Uiiylliiii -. «<■<• ('jlllciile CiilH-llfriiB. <;hat>>au Modenie Ala.i'iiyn. n(i> nor AlJfiii Foslnr' Al Apolloii.OrC Chih lloivdj; .rohn Ad.Jims ■ A I' Bcrisnn .mrlrley Walls' .Veil .Ston CluW AnioMio' .<'ii.i ilo Iloslla Orl»;Ka. Elhel .Waters (?eo D Wnsliinglon NIclioIns Bros .liuke Ellin.i^ton rc MfsMle Dudley .3 (;iHnl..<! of R'yth'ni j vie. A iideraori A lu n' A.nlse ■ .Mai'do .Tlrbw;n AlMy Jtlggcs' Wt^h Tiilhort Choir I'M Alallovy Orch BUI Bailey Jac einpsey'* 1*)^U noniarin .Ore Carl & L B,onner Dii ricrroi's .Joe ■ Vonfr' J^^H■ .rarie"St«iiley. . 't'oin' t.IhMi'lle' tJoulse- ri'dpti- Ohita r.on RancherO!) 8 Wdeliii -0ui;ti n i^'rios. Alnnlny Miiclovlk A Candido. HdHlLa Rios ; Don Albei'lo. Ore ■Er -.nol.ot. Ore' Toreador Los' s;M<»dnp ' I'eilio Via Bd ren«'l> Casino A.f1al6t. r'eral' nchga- Ue.M y MVI lo . (teity Uriioe ■''lorencA (Muimbei'o^' Hilda .Klfonie- rioir. Ilolhcin .lnhnny.-:Co -Vavier .Leinercler 7- AlaravIIlas RekkofB Hhoenrnds rflorence Spencer- Tiillali & Alyl Iris Wayne Vfga Asp It. Friml, Jr.. Ore V Travers Ore .0 Cromwell■ Ore , GrecBwkh Villase ..Alleen' Conk Vera Dunn Peter Randall Ann Stuart . Diiryea's. DoUa' Variety 4 Clyde Brennan (Trc Harlem ' Uproar Ersklne iV'wklns Bd I'llllan Fitzgerald Kdna Alae Hulley Eddie. Harron B, Castle & Scott" 'Mae Brown WllUe aacl;s.) Tiny. Bunch Ldvey.. I^ane F^tlrbank.-i .Sis Dee L- Alckny Ebony Ra.scals ..Fred & Ginfcer JSdwards-'.SIs Pauline Br.vnnt Thelina Aliddhitpi^ -'itnuse -Joe MaVsiila ,OrC A de le Ciiriird ChasTeagarden Stiifift ,,Vi.:.Iiarr ISddie' Condon 3 Pepiiers Dunny .Uei rjgan iriyw'd .-KeNf.nur'«nl ' nenhy Fields' Jpe & Beuy Lee Alarlon & Irutsv .lack. 'Wiilrtro.ii Ruih Bieht Marlon-Mai-tIn. Mltcliell Ayrcs.'Prc .Hotel AhilmsNiKtor :Plck .Ghsparre Or Alarty Golden Coblna Wright HlId.eijarde.Hall.ldaji Robert. Bard Dolor<i's Fairfax 0 Burgher Vincent Bra gall Or VlnoiBjit Lopez Ore Fred; l.iO.wery Gren^i- Slo-jin- A'lelba .Alelsing Rmlly Van Lueeen Chas Horfihflh 'Stanley Worth Robert Lytell FIbrerizoa Walton &. Joanne . oicl Itlltmo Carl itoft Or<! Lysbeth Hughes' Bob AlcCoy A & X King Lar.r.v. Cotton Art Thorsen Jerry- Bowne Diick Aiorgan Burton Pierce Hotel Cbmniudorc Helen Wynne JanLs Williams Dolly- Ardert - Freda SuMlvan Don.'& i; Jennings. Tommy Dorsey Orc- Bdythe' Wfight Jack Leonard. Towne & Knolt Catherine Harris 3' Esquire's ' ' ^_ Hotel Edison Bobby' .Hayes Ore Italph Torres Theodora Brooke Oscar Deyie Aturfel By i d Bob Berry libtel SBei Houfic .N Brands wy'h he Or' Afaxine 'Tappin Dick Stone Essex 'J'roub'iidourB nrih Are Roy Strum Ore Hotel Govern Clinton Stuart Jules Kay Marshall Ray O'Hajra Or Hotel Hiilf Moon (Ilrboklyn) Blliy Hbit ^ Alanya Auer Alar-lbn Kaye Ken Cs(sey Oro Hotel Lexlhfflon ,0/,7.l* Nelson Ore Shirley Lloyd otel Lincoln fshani'Jpncs Or Hotel McAlpIn Rnoch .iJght Ore Mary Dan is A . t;on/nl<>« .n Aldriel Sheinuin' Hotel Aloiiiilalr Coral Islnn'Iers I'lnl Hone -Orb Bill LIncPin Gt'orgn 'rbrd.v Ann <''ourtney Jule.s -I'joKch' Hotel .Murray Hill ■ (Fountain Ktiom) . Dbiorea -Farrls ' tlutiv Kind' • Ki-nnk 'Me*- riob" llei-ry . Rlearior. Hn'wers' R(iv .' "iuLlfr Willrij-d Ivneler Ore Saniiona & Falrc'ld lliitlel New Yorker f-pon .Ticiasco .SbrKC' l'')a.sli ' Amiy lot)."! .Or Anilrcw's .Sis. I'eijpinn v^L- rieiiirice Hose. lUiiine Tiny Wnlf . .Soiiiiv" Scltiiyler llolel I'arh Cenlriil I'lc Toe ffirls : .'" .le-rry,.Ulalii.e Ore flOKc'oC All,*) Uuili 'Dipnnlnx c: Sr. CarnV'hc-ila lOlp'inc ,t Tliij'ry Doi'.ol liy Jorfcrs . Saridln'o'.fc I'Vclili nelly .liCwis Buddy- rown . (•|ftri(..;f{ing.wnlt.-:- Men of Al.ah'Ui n: liotel Park' l>ui)e ; Junior Raphael Oic ilotel: Pennsylvania. Benny Gbodn'iflrt.'Bd Bernliard & Grah'm l''ran<'"cs. HniVt'.' Hotel I'iccadllly Trent Patter 'I'oni Oaye ArnP.' k- '/ibia .Jerry Stewart Dave Schbolc re otel Plaza Veloa Sc Yolanda' Ed<lle Duchiri Oro WJU MtLTiine Ore Hotel .RooseTeli 8' Internationa Is Guy l.oinba.rdo-Ore Hotel RItz-Carilon H, Claire & Sh'nnon Lime . 3. lidna Janis Senpr Wqnccs 4 ICraddocks Zoskal- Senor Wiincea Durelle Afrkiue 'Basil li'qnie'en Orb AriTian 'V'e'csey' Oro Ilotel Savoi -PtarA.. Dwight Flske. . Kmile Petti Ore rtahrtneras. Pro llnlel Shelton "foggy Dol'ii'ri Bob Lbckrldge Joseph Zatour Ore. Hotel St. George (Itrouklyh). Ell Dnntzwlg 3' Ma'ck- Bros Ulla- run la Tfe Ki r^oft, (Jen:' I.odl le.n'aUy' Rapiiael. ; .t,iibiiv D'oiibliigo : Nlcliola.") . Zorln Serge . .Sergey Ca therine. Gi'oy Alex 'Riinciiuk Orb ill otel St. . Mlaco • .». Icx.' .BotUin' Evelyn • ('! ClifE NeWdiihl ,' rack Shcri'.Or mis Peon'. 0(:lsha. Hoi el St.: Regis (Iridluiii ;Itooni) Emil. Coleman .Or'-. (Charles Palumbo Boy-Foy M- Abbott,Co. Paul Gerrlt$ Hotel Tart Geo. Hall Dolly- pawn Johnny. McKv'ever Emperors of R'yt'm : Hotel -Vaiidcrhllt 'Eddie. Lane Ora Goodelle & Farrlcs Dorothy. Howe Hotel Waifiort. Aatoria Leo Reisman pre Edgar Bergen. Xavler Cugat Ore Eve Sy'niington Georges & .lalna ilotel Wellliigtnn Bd. Mayelibff Oto iibtel Werlln Alex Fbgarty . Charlie VVilght Lame Lita Lope Frances. Afaddux Paul Duke Bd Furman..- Biliy Lorraine- fjynne Gordon Diana Ward ■. Peggy Strickland Bddle Davis Ore Laurel-ln-Plnea (I^kewood, Nt j.). 'Ferry Grein '. tloha & 'Marliia' Fred Bei'henei Oro I^' Mirage! .Roberta Jon ay Roy .Reelor Mary oh Dale Marie Almonte Donald Vfe Di hna .Siboney ..Rhunriha .4 Voodoo Dancei's Jlih Karney ' Wanda G'lll Ifa rry. Horton Ore Cookie Williams Or Leon A Eddie'*. Iris Adrian William Fiirmer rc Nina * Rln»i, The Barancos Hilly Reed irayivood Xc Allen Lea. I'errin Rrtynl' Duo Salnine-Siiiiiine Madeleine's Lurille Jill Joe G i-ey - 3 Slerry^Go- ouimI Consnolo Flowcj'ton ihden SIni'laIr Meteii. Uate.l . (tarry 'Ro.scnihiil Or- riorlH K rftli'.l<v; PJnf Tony .SUi'g Co" Mbn I'lirri Versatile 3 Lady S. WllUlna (2ene I-'oiirrii'U <')|-c Laui'ehce. While. Al.iiriixn l'lci'«;i) On.vxClu .\.voh .Tph.nsoh Dfin 'J-.anibcrl 6 SplritiFi o'r Ithythm Slutr Smith arndlse- Ire'rie'-'BcnBlcy .lanice. Anoi'c'- Uicliurd. & - Car tiar'lo Ala nil Joe & ,Bell L Afary lloliind. . Blliy A .» J.l(!iiiiH ;t CoSHHOk.S. . .. li'lovcnc ^'{i: Alvarez- Jolinny Busscli-' ' Jay Freeman' Ore. .Gli'ii Itul'ton Oi'c Rulnlibw Grill PJinery. DcUlsoh pre I']' alyn'^Tyner V. . L. Boniicr Dee Cbllihs' .rcrry Gpff Jack Kerr Ariel'-Perry- iilnliow Itoi) Ro'by. '^'c'w i>ti. (Jrc . KolliiiKl X; Mail Elinor SiicriiJan Dr. Syilney Ilt<i.>)B Evelyn - Tyne'r ' Aire .Tenipleton- Eddie LcDftron Ore oiihd R« ni' .S'eliie Palpy Rosa Burnett' Royal llbx Joe Zeitl Rachel Qarlay Pearl 2 Va.ihitlla Maurice Shaw i-c AftU'llH Lo.rraine Barrett Bond lial Veraalile* Josephine Hnslori Pttul.Sydell & Spot Condbs Bhtti iMea'dow brook Boya. Village {Burn Larry ..McMAho,n' B Flying Whirioft Willie Solar ■Al. Alontgoiiibry ' Barnct & Pmker Iva kltchell Bourbon. .& Balne Jean Kirk Hank Ramsey Johnny Russell Ruth Craven > Tex Lewis Cowboys Village Brewer.v I.iaiiry Wallace pre Viaeht tblub Jerry - Lest er Doila Rhode Terry Green Frances Faye. IJIIian.' LoVey WUklns * .lamea.. '3..Diplomats ' -' Alt Stanley LOS ANGELES flail Bruz Fletcli Charles Lawrence 'lleverly WilHliire nut Rnblp llarry Owens. Ore. Hlitiiiore . Uo'wl 3 Radio Rogiios Pit-rre. *i Temple ..' Lester. Jrniajeiin Dick Webster :ioy '. Hodges '. Al.'iribn Daniels 3 Ithyt-liii) liiiiiraia Fred Hoott Knrico Uh'ba' liiuhiy .Ui let .C^iifei- Casanova B Gi:6y i( J Bergeh Ca.sanova. Ore Lnretia Lee Gus Van Park Ave Bova Sian Clair Ore, Clover Cin .Rob. Grant Oro llhumb;aL'Bd Cdro'iilMil .'GrMte ' 'The DeAIarCos Bill. Robert*. Les- Parl<er Joe Ma.shny . Jpo Itelchmah.' rc Kl.'.Mlrador Dorothy ClB-re Nicholas Bros.' Ramsdell Glila Sllnni Martin .-Orb Fambim Donr.. Bddle Beiil liouls. Prima Pro Hawaiian Paradise. Spl BrIghts. Orc - . Little Club Tiny Meredith Jane Jones Paul Kendall Helen Wn'ru' .Rose- Vi'iiyou Omar's Uoiha Gaicnto .&■ Leonardo, lynrlihti '. Speck Walk Ins George IVediniin Ore Tncllle Suiiset Cliil* Peggy -Pii King Sis Ai'hi'lliu Al .Hoin.h 'illniitiit Slliio .ijroH',* I'eari Ifriink Mi-l'iuMhy. Stanley' iH'ckniiin . May.y.y ^laiiceiliii '3 Dobiilanlc.^ 'Hudson ArelS'.i! la Ted FiP RItO Paris Inn Dominic Coiuinbo Kbn' llejiry.son- -Carlu Mnrtcl ... L ivnd (St. 1) Cn.slle Rudy it. Lii'i.<iSca 'I'hoia Mait.liijiaon .Catmola Jilonlci'o- Marguerlta-del Rio Juan de Mai'ilnls Pet.e'-Cpntr.elll Ore Seven Lily Gibson Lonnib AU'Intlr r Somerset. Houae Kenny, Gardner' Bill i^erker Cainllle Sora - 'repay'* . -. Pat O'Shea Arnold Sis Leona .Rico :.Tane Morgan Irene Berry ~ Agnes- Johnson Al Eldredge Ore Trocadero Phil Ohman Pro. V-Oiine'a Frank Onilagher Nellie Becker CHICAGO lack ha w .Toe Sanders Ruth & B, Ambtbae' Barbara- Parks Terry & Walker Ohee i'aree Edgar Bergen • Gertrude. Neiaoii Bert' Frohman , 'Lorraine Sant'schI Jpsephlne; Buckley . .Vlirlath ' Verne ' Heni'y Busse Orch. Den 'Cumihlngs Club AlaHiim Virginia James Buddy & Betty Hernhrd tk Henry Mae Sis Art WlUiams Or Club MayHo 3 Variety Bpyis Edna Errl<-o. 3 Short Waves Lanny. & Lefa 4 Rhythm Girls -Loii .Sales Ore' Club MIn Alvlna Morton: Dorothy Wall ChrfiMin 2 •Simma. l<aska Dot \Mles Jerry' Gildden' Oro .ColoNlmoa Don Enrico Bob Tlnsley June St. Cliiljr Stroud. 2 Louis .;<>iril(>r Gould Sis Bobby DnndtTS B .fe F Gilbert CoiigresN Ilotel (Casiiiw) Rob Crosby Orch, Wiikliis./C-. Walters Olympic T.rlo ('liiiK.- f'nrrcr Kay .Weber Tiie Cru.sader Colleen Gecir.gia t-ucky Lew:' King JulcH Novit Mitrldn Atlller Joan' Vlou.ttfirir .leiin Mi-adley .lii' k ElkiiiH -'Harry's' .. N.' Cabaret Buddy Walltcr ,.\lcllia Brian • .r.ann Ruby Buddy & SciinA .\I:irlon AliVrgail Ill-Hut Billy Snyder. '.Sally • (lay LiniJ-h.'i rd ,SJr . Faiicriori Davis ilolel Mtintntf-U (Waliiiit.Ronni) Phil LoVnnt Ore tjeorge U'lild Gretclicn Lre ,Mc.\allift .Si.s Oon ..S .Jennings Bci't tir.inoff ' ' 'i'od Lleijllng Terry Howard. Hotel ltr.ev«jrort .Taros Sis . <;ra<'c Kalor Hl-'ne f/ae.ven,.- Joc. Pariato : >'' Drake lintel (.Sliver Forrest) Clyde. LucH.s Ore Noble &: Dpnnel.iy -" Donald .NovIs Stan ley Twins PaurGbrdon Florta .Vestoll iibtel Rilgewater lleiuh (Marine-' Room) Anson - Weieks Rodrlgo A Francino W Jeiinier & B^uddy John Hale ' Harriett Si Is Ilotel I<aaalla lae Fountain' Room) KIpg'n Jesters Orb- Marjorle. Whitney C & Helen ,Stohe • -Marionette Rev Hotel 'Merrlann (Terrace Reom) . (Caaino Parlalen) -Emil Boreo Olive & George Enrico Berldlaso - Tod Llebllng Co 3 Bredwint) Chappy Arabel, Rich A M Buster .Shavfir Co. Lou Breoile ,Orb Hotel Palmer llou'ac (Empire Room* •Tune A;-A. - Parrish Robert's White Tito Coral , BartleIt & Hurst Geo Hamilton Orb <;arl Simpson , Abbott Dancers Hotel Sherman (Cojieke Inn) Gertrude FIoiTnian Cal Varsity 8 Garcia A Pcrrnt Sonny &.Sonny ti t^lndy (loppura. Ed lli. lurni Red Nichola fitcVcns . I^biina Da .Irciiot Evahs Prijniilp Alaslers Or rumdy Club. Phil K'Jiye Aliiiiy- Al'ano'rn CJiarly'fe Baker Mililn. Travis . Kroddy JanIs OrQ:.- ittiyilie-Frnlica boii.y Kny Bill Alison . . -. JOdw.ards 4i Farhe'y.' Peggy ,\lboro Adnli'- klHiarda Frnncls' Wills - Jack Ulillhrd Henri -rj.slioh Chti's Bngols y.ln'itillnl^ Diidi Hugiics .Sally .Keith' wkilafo & LallsIiB Stan' Carter' Vuvht Cln ('■^rii rif'cs. Fiiye ' .Jackie Aiay : Rolj'liv.><ou -2-. Nino RlYia UIo Ore 885 Club Owen Paicb Eddie .'ibulh ' Belvn. W'III to PHn^ADELBHlA Ancherngte Inn' ToHnny Graft Orb <ira'!e Afann'.'Vs .lames <'ralg Paul Ri<!h Tfon»>y Sinclair Louise Marten Arcadia InI'I Tfnppy Felion Ore May fair GJrIs (8) Lb(^ Nixon Kern ■ & Brandt' George Vincent Jilick & June Blair .^ronbmlnk- .Farma Patty La Verne Mildred Bored Joe O'.Nell. Ore Joftn Bailey llarrltc Cafe Pdc Anton Or I'eggy .Grief Nolan, Dni iing Si. N Be'iievue-Stratford. '.- .'< I'laiie't. K4Miini) .Meyer Davin-Orb .^ Ben Friiuklln Ilotel < (Georgian Room) ' Aloe JuiTo Ore " Be iiy (he Buin'e' l<co -Zullo. Jackie Green Uiilph: Brown Moth Cliiillls Fi'aiVcfs Wiiods Billy Bi^nV . I'nisy ..Og'ue'n '(linger JaabcUe *;. et'V.'.s . .Club Parrn •Sunny li"j:riz»'r Dolly Arlyn ' ftiKldy Thaw SiH AleCiill Flo Hope ■ :aI WILson Diliy Thiirnloii rc <'li.eK Mlcliainl Joe rpllnui n' Ore t'ontliiental Room . Percy Sinner •Sally Winston ■D'oriilliy Dorr Ross. 3' -. Nelson Si Aliirsh Do .riiul's Cafe •la.c.k'. Baher ijlanii.. .lohnsnn Jerry- unny Orieula' Sinli h .A. Cookie V ..lohniiy Karllnglon.. assy.' Club -Kayo .Alova Vlvla;n How Linda '.King ■' Tre ri t .Kill ter .?on curt Hair-" Evergreen Casln . Helalne .A b'n'ida'n Harry Glyn. - Kenny--Frytr ro .Betty- Lane' Kay Hamilton Graco.''Mannei'H Top Hatter HknterD Frank Paiumbo'a. 4 Blossoms -Earl D.e:nny -.Frank Murtlia Alarla Hi ('arin'cn . Norman Faye I'hyllHs LnRue Dill Sis Billy .lullan . Haitel Harmon Eddie po J'Uca Ore Hotel Adelphia , (Cafe Marguery) Agnes Tolie P & J> FItx-Glbbons : Barbara Beilmore Titan 3 8 Texas liocketa '.lean "I'ravers Ross McLean Vincent R1%20 Ore Harold Knight Ore Byun B Fontaine ■ liotel PhlludeiphlaD (Mirror. Rubni). Lewie Sis (3) Vivian: Sc- Eve Dorn W^alton Juanne Don Hooten I'aul . Flnrenz Olria Andre i'urdy .Toy King, .1, fnisetto. Ore. Walter Donahue Marty Land is Ore "''j«uri"il; alph. Jean itouletle Ha.l-'Hixon .Tite Mnpes- Marccille-.Marschon . Aiih Collins It Kat Kafe Billy Kenton. Babe' .Sherman AV In ton A: Diane So'nny Ray -. Bobby Kay Alargle Smith Iji.mhs Tavern Joe Lahdy Ore Little RalhNkeller Jack Orirrin Pro Marly ' Bohn 4 DcbiitHntcn Chas & Libra Alaiide O'j alley Nancy - Leo Mary Lee'a' NlghtcHP' Melba Boudrt>aux :D,olores Farrle Edith Lang Marion Kingston -Mary Lee Serenaders °Orn New Arcade- George - .ScoiU ' Dorothy ..Day Kitty Franklin Dennis--A AnVpi! Jack tibopur (»rc ' KltJi-L'arllon . (Crystal':Hooni)- Van - Levis .oro ; 31 Club Frances Renault RoHlta Si t'ar.lo (j'erto' CiMburn P.'it. RciUy. Nick Phillips . Arthur Slieri'le. Nicky Gitlluci;! '- Silver Lal^e In ':(Olementon)' Nila-.& Nadyno . Vernon..AS- ViinoTt ..Budily - Roberts Mickey. Faniiiaht ^ i:>M Spruce Mills Rayo & Recn Gallo lleado Vei'nii 'JH'un Sophie Prill Franky Holmes Ray Kendall & Jilt Jlrnniy. Blake • 'jOih Ceniur,v. Taveer ' IJarnby' '/Ceei'nan ijr Waller. Long Lee Sis Florentine AtariIncii Jean.hc. Atc.t^ully.. Franivie J lyres" -3 Bsquiros !{l: Chib Tommy. 'M'onroe- .sugar Alarcelle . i>ally. IjaMarr Ann Uush Melon Heath . .. I^lette G.irard , L'Iningi Ciub Doe Hydcr's Or Johnny Hudgin ; Doana .' I Dprls Ruebotto Reds Sc cuvley Vlctprltt VI gill Bobby Eva lis LeRoy McCciy P'urrlNh Cata Beth Jbninlhtts -.Eleece Lflbn rtiir : Baby White -Vernbrt -(.lay Lucille .Ch()i<u8 Charlie Gbinea Oro Tony Murray's - Caf• Harvoy Peak. Ore Tony Barmlnclta Chick Mullery Claudlne .Hmmy P.iul ilutklh'N Hiithakeller Betty Bain 1>'olly Doliuoht Worth SIS Cleo Valentine Viola KlatHs Ore Frank PontI Stnmp'H Cafe Flo Hulso Danny .Montgomer Troyes '& Melve Remain Sc C Eileen Fay .Tack HiitchlnHon, Babe:..Lu Tour . streets of l^arle Lucille Whitley Rose McFall Pot. I.)rlscnU Arletto Wiitei' Peggy Johnsb G^orglnb -- Harry Aldrldge Eddie Brown J Solar Jimmy Kelly Leslie Sis Jerry Fine Ore yiklnir Cafe Pen Fay Ore I,.e.onard Cooke. Pat Ferry Chief Ironhnnd .3 Cashmere GIrIa Barbara Jarden" Clare Hlloski I Steve , (^olo 1 Harry '-Swo'eriey Weber's.Hof Hraii tCafnden) Bob Merrill. 3 Deweys • Carman D'Ant.unlo Bob Allan Sydney (lold'eh Use Hart Rose Ivirk: Gregory 'Qiilnn Co Louis Chulkin Ore Uathsk'ellec JjUldor'a Sez Riskin (Continued from page 4) mf nt, gro ' .soon tp .a .creSccndQ of sttipefaction. Wheii he was forced to realize that he, Hobett- i.-ikin-^nce the of i3rqadway, the guy that knew all the, ariisvi/ers, automatically /linger-.61: the- mot juste, the wise- crack, kid him^^elf-Hjidh't'khiow hdvir to talk to a chorus girl any more. Hi.s ever tim.6rous gambit, i an abyss of stbjiy .silehce; line.s he dusted off frbiri the old ddys nnore than a tljihWipp^d, jidrr. fvihctoiy smile; he was dud- u big. It. was horrible, an'utter Toiit, ahd; ^searching, info lil.s ibul and a.'ilti .self why—why—the .worst; part of t% debacle is.that he thinks he knoyirs vvhy. Well,.Mr, ■ ' in:iVgoing far away. To Europe, fact. Perhaps, to S>pa;i . In answer to a direct quc^i- ti'on about 'When. You'rts. in Love,* Which he both wrote an dii-ccted; he .said that he ill never both, write and direct again. Either write, or irecf, but not both; In the first place, it's too toiigh, and in the sec- ond, ith ho one to stop Yiitn, the fellow, who both is apt to off ori the wrong tangent. lie ncet a sounding board, he says.