Variety (Jun 1937)

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Wediiesday, June ^, 1937 VARIETY 47 7 ''^ NEXT WEEK (June 14) THIS WEEK (June 7) Numerals iri connectibn wilth.' bills below indicate opening day ot show* vyhether full or split week RKO ClklCAGO rialace (il) Cob eaIlo\\ay Ore (4) . Paul 'WhUeman Ore CtEVEIiAND I'Rlnce XU) Chlllon & 'Pbonina Jack Lavler .Sims & Bnliey (•Two to nil) ., ■(4). Adair &- nicliftii1s Mlit Douglaa C Frank' Swanee Bill Robinson MINNEAPOLIS , Orpheunt (4) Cab Calloway Bd TOTTEI<IHAM I'alace Itolls ' Bros > .lo6 Petersen. Kasco. &■ Dorothy. WAMHAMSTOW 'Granad^L Ju(ia ,& 'Bay .N Arna'u.t: &. Bros Loew KEW YORK CITV Stute (10) Saul ■ Grauman ■ Rev lilme 3 Bed Slieltoii Benny Fields Alplionso Berff C6; • riTTSnURGH Stanley (11) Benny, Goodman Or ^\shin'Gt6n Capitol (li) Earl, Jack & B Roy Campbell Go Herman Blng' West & Pager mW STAGE THRILL -Saul- Grmiman Go. "MUSICAL StAlRATONE'* LOEWS STATE, NEW YOftK WEEK JUNE Dir. LEDDY £ SMITH NEW yORK CiTT ParamoGnt NEW JOKR CIXY Varaniount' (9) Ozzle Kelson Bd Shirley Lloyd Ijathrops Ben Berl BOSTON Metropolitan (11) UaJ BoAves Co CHICAGO Chlvngo (11) , Taj) & Toe ■R«sa\ (11) aj Bowes Co DETROIT Mlvhignn (ll) M'ahn Dupree & L Sylvia Froos- Elaine Barrie Harry Holman Hal Sherman Llazeed Arabn.. DALLAS Casino^ (>1) Ted Florito- Ore Stan Kavanau^li GeorRes & Jalna 3 Sailors Borrali'' MIncyitch Jack. Artliur Art Jarrett monTheat« IXMW'H (11) Summers & Hunt Floyd Christy Johhiiy Bi'lanf rniLADELPHIA Earle (11) ' , Boy Foy , Eddie White Clyde Hager Ruth Long Patsy Dell (4) Ina R Mutton Bd Helen' Honan Oxford (10-12) PICkard &. Srai IVASinjJGTON Earle (II) Clyde Lu^as Ore. Melissa Mason Paiisy the Horse . (1) Bonny Goodifian Or CHICAGO State Lake (ll) Johnny Lee a I^ees Doris Rhodes Howard Nichols Keaton &-.Armtleld (Ghe to fill): iKDlANArOJJS Lyric (11) Sibyl Bowan Milt Douglas Co Lodl: Tr Concertina Kddle KANSAS CITV, Mo. Tower (11) Vern'n Rathburn Co Slieldon & Endler Mills Bros : MQRMFHIS rph'eum (13-15) Moroni. & Coralee Foran Sis & Tom . Burgess & .I<aMoht. 3 'Short Waves Dorolhy Martin Ted Cook Week of June 7 CnnterlMiry. M. Hi Wilfred .Greene 6 Dominion. rolse Maridollcr Troiindero Rest^ Fred'-Sanborn ' Fred . Dupre-^' Warner &-Darnell 3 Hcj'ons Li ha Meho va Maurice:' CA3IDEN TOWN CSaumont Weekcn Bros ■■Dave I'oole CLAPTON Hlnk Holls-BroH Joe Petei'sen Pasco & Dorot EAST HAM Gruhada Alec- Pleon Penslow Co- Singing }>cholars ED>(ONTON' Emitlre .Tudrt & Ray N . Arnaut &' Bros HAM>1ERSMITJI Palace .Taps & Tempo Co Keith Wilbur ISLINGTON Rlue Hull 3st half' (7-,!l) Striid -Bny Veida & Van 4 BfHilunt ■ 1-tlnndes 2d holf (W-VJ.).. Plelfo & Marino. Maurice & Lytilet'n. Del >los tEWlSH-VM ■.- 'Pnl(ic*< Evelyh HfirOy Tii\ LEV'TONSTONE RInltrt Alec Picon J'cnslow Co Singing ScholiMfl SALISIU RV PHloce Irene' iMjinscI SHEPH'RDS lirSlI Palace ■TapsTempo Co Kolth AVIlbur STREATHAJI I'alhre Evelyn Hardy Bil TOOTING - Grnnadii Victor Movet'on Klraku Bro-s Breezy Babes lant's June. ElKIn Lunn- l>alg. .3/Musical Rogues Merl & Moriain 3 Dandies ■ • Bertoiottrs Jlm^iy Whalen Ore Tonimy Hnrria Ore Yula -Flournoy Nysa Alna. .iloyce Faye. Gretii Lewis lira Gay DO's Eddie- Leonard ;Ibe Howard Riidy Madison Spike . Harrison Ei.hel Gilbert Henrsi'-.La ifarr Kniltt Casey- ' - Cafe Ball Chic Parmer- Rddift -Laiw-btrt- Roger Steele Oro lack -Wallace Oro Hal -Yates Callcnte Beth Raboi-n Helen Shaw Ruth Wayne Carol Sis . 3 Rhythm Boys Caiieme Cabellerua' Cha,tean Bloderhe Louise Raymond Allah Foster Al ApoUon Oro Cluremdnt Jfnn Jolly Coburn Oro. Vaccaro- Jose Diaz Trlnl Plaza Lita Moya • Helen Vligil Diniilrl Club liowdy John Adiama Al Benson Shirley Wat Neil Stone Mlrador (Root- Garden) Buddy Wagner Ore Mai'ldn Martin'. •Jaok Oelerman 3 -Blonile's Eddie Lang- Wlnlfred & Lorr'ne Jacciuellne Joyce Reriee .yillon Joan Vlckefs C|ub-Vunturl Antonio & Carlto Sarita' HCrrara lloslta Ortegas. Don Hllberto Oro Cotton Club )i:thel Waters Geo D Washington Nicholas Bros Duke Ellington Oro Bessie Dudley 3 Giants, of R'ythVre Ivie Anderson Alun;. & Anise Mardo Brown May Dlgges Wen Talbert Choir Ed Mdllory Orch Bill Bailey Jnrh DempicT'* E Carpenter Ore Uu Plerrot'a Jrie Fe.ser' Ens Jane Stanley -- Tom & Gharll -Tjonl.«!e Brydon Clifton & Ve-letle El Cliico Jose ft Patricia Moiia Montes Calrlos Gongo-ra' ■ Guareoitas D'Avolos & A Don Alberto 0\rc .El Morocco Ernie Iloist Oro »: Toreodot Don Juan-Ore' Maida ft Cbrtez Ada let Ker'al Henga Detty Brite. Betty Bruce l^lorence CliumbecoB Hilda Eltohte: Rolf Hblhein '.lolinny Co Xavler Fiemercler •7 '.Maravlllas. RcklioCs ■, R-hoenrnds. Klorence Spencer Tullah ft Myl U"is Wayn.e ■ Vetra Asp Itu^o JIari •V Tr -C Cr Frolic?' Ralph WatUlns Ore Glen iNland CaNino Nye-Miayhcw Ore Greenwicli Vlllhge Caiino AllePT) Cook Vera Dunn E'eter Randall Ann Stgart Djirvea's Dolls Variety 4 Clyde Brennan Ore ' Harlem Cproar Erskine H'wklns Hi Lllllaii Fltzgorald Edna Mae Holley Eddie Harron B,> Castle ft Scott Mae Brown Willie Jackson Tiny Bunch . Lovey' Lane Fairbanks Sis Dee L McKay- Ebony Rasca.lfl.. Fred ft Ginger *" Edwards Sis Pauline ^Bry'a.tit Theltna.-.Mlddletop. illekory ttoiiDe. Joe Marifala Ore AdelOrGlrai'd Jim .Moor.ehead- H'lyw'd Rearnuriini. Mitchell Ayres Ore E J.elesnick. Ore J-oan.. Sdrseant-,.' June Lorraine - ' Del Casino 6 Debonaira Tania & Kir so ft L: Manning ft Mlt^l Kay Taylor- Bobby Joyce Ted Adair Patricia Gllmore Charhiion Heloise Martin Aignes ft T Nip Jr Ruth Giayl.or.. Hotel AinbdSBador Larry Siry Ore H W Thompson otel Astor .;. (Roof Garden) Rudy 'Vallee Ore Judy Starr Cyril Sihith Gentlemen-' Songst's -Baron- ft Blalv' Swln Kids Scab Waring , Hotel niilinnre Carl Holt Ore Florence. & Alvarez 3 Internationals Aibernlce' 'Hotel Conimbdore Paul Kaln. Ore' Hotel dlson Bobby .Hayes. Ore Ralph Torres . Theodora. Brooks Oscar Deye Muriel Byrd Bob Berry Hotel Essex Qoane Nat Brand Wynne 0 Harris ft Ashburn. 4 Rliythyni Boys Maxlne - Tnppin Dick Stone - Hotel Iflftli Ave Roy Strum Ore Hotel Gov. Clinton Phil D'Arcy Ore Stuart Jules Kay Marshall Hotel Lezlnstoo Shirley Lloyd Jeno Bartal Ore Hotel LInculD tsham Jones Oro Hotel MoAliftn (Root Garden) J Mcssner Ore- Jeanne D'^Arcy Hotel MiiiilcIuIr (Caslno-ln-the-AIr) Coral 'islanders Hal Hope Ore Herb Weil Electronic 3 Felix Papile Hotel Murray liill (Fountain Room) joe Cappl Ore Nancy Garner. Hotel New Vorker (Summer Xerriice) Gus Arnheiih Ore Evelyn Chandler Bapti.e & Lamb Hiiiei I'ark t'enlriii ' (Cpcoahut Grove) jerry Blaine Ore Ross ft Edwards Barney 'Grant .■ Flylng'WhIrloa.. Dorothy -Jeffprs. St-Clair,ft 'Elliot Hotel Park. I4iiie Junior Raphael Ore Hotel Peiins.vlvaiiiH Butiny Berigan Ore Hotel PIccndllly Trent Patterson Xoni Gaye Arno ft Zola Jerry Stewart •Dave Schooler Ore ilbtel Pierre (Roof Gardf'ii) Ba.sll Ore'.. Anne Heativ Pepplno-ft Cam!lie Hotel pinzu Pancho- QrC; Paul Draper Nella Gobdelle Will >McCune Ore Hotel Freddie Starr Ore . Hotel Sikvo^ 'PlMTp Ray ft G McDonald Enille petti Ore' liotel Sheltof) Eddie Lane Ore 5 fi « 5^ Hotel ,St;.GeorK« (Brooklyn) Ell Dantzig Ore Marti-nea ' -ft /Ji, > Omar.'" O Barra Har Oro ('as Frarikllh I'atriclJi Morley Jay Johnson Hoiel'St. Mnrlta' (Sky G(irdenN) Hal RrcharjJs, Oi'C. Gi'lsha- Hotel St. Regis (\ lonnese Roof)' Jac'fiues i'^'oy Oi'c A' liaJicVv- Dancers, Henrj- J>ii?k • X. Robins.- pierce & Harris Qeo, Dolly Jo linn y. Hotel Vaiidrrlilli Eddie Lane <-ird Goodelle ,& Fkrrles Dorothy Howe otiel Wnldort- AHtorii'i' (Starlight Roof) Leo Relsnia*ii Ore Xayier Cugat Ore Itaiihael,, H«»tel WelilnKton Ed Mayeiiorr Orb Hotel. \V<^.rlln Alex rocarty Oiiiii'lie •VVrlgiif .Jlinmy Kelly's Lionel Rfind' Ore Joe Ciipello Ore Alo.nlniartre ..Boy Carter »t Scjui Jlmnile Cpstello 3 Raymonds, Danny Iliggin tihrne Eddie Dnvis Oro Hi'rado Ore Lnurel-in-Piiies (l4ikewoa«|, N. •!.) Terry Green viona-ft Marina , Fred Berhens Ore Le Coq Rouge HoraClo' 55ito Ore I.e Mirage Harry Hortpn Ore Cookie Wllfiains Or Alleen Cook I'haMcR Ncale lUllle HaVwood ('lift Allen Chorle'K Krnne Santu & Malya Leon « Rddie's Lou Martin Ore - James .Kcogan Arleno ft N Selby Eddie Davis Patrlciii <.ill)hoj' Billy. Ree<l Nelsons .('ats Lea Perrin ' Haines.' Tate, ft S Laite ft Carrol Sicrry-Go-Round Nadla ICortez S.vlvl6 St Claire . . Hai'rry Rosenthal Or Boris Koret/.Uy En» Tony Sargf Co Men Paris Cene f'osdlPlCpr Laurence W.Ii.lte Marlon Pierce Ver.sallle • 3 Mori ■Vincent Sqrey Ore X«i4lso Richardson .-LoulB C'tift^ra Eddie Lamonte Onyx Club e Spirits of Rhytiim pRk'aiilBe Janice Anbre Richard, ft Carson. Shea- ft. Raymond Joe &■ Betty- Leo Mai'y Roland- Bluy ft D Bcmis '3 Cossack's Florence ft Alvarez Johnny Russell Jay Freeman - Ore ■ Place Elegante Bin Farrcli M(uio Ba;alnl TotO Canglosl Rix G/Lvltte Lurry Madb Ore Ituliiliow (irllt. Rniery DeUtscii Ore Helen Myers- Hvalyn. Tyrier C &: L Bonner Ulovjer ft La Mae RuliiboW; .Room Al Donahue' Ore. Eddie LeBaron Ore Milti .Fcrvar Anrons' ft Barnd Raye ft Naldl ,' Ivlera Mickey Alpert Ore Garela's Mni-'ba Or I'roHS ft Dunn .Idsppblne, Huston Marlon Pierce liuster Shaver Oiwe ft George -liCe Weber Ben yost'CplIegians Stork Club Sorfny Kendls Oro GUs Maitcl Ore SiirfNide (Atlantic City) Shep Fields. Ore Men hy Fields Roslta ft Fontnna .Vaur Sydfll ft Spot Tavern On .Cr*>eu . (Central Park) Hughle Barrett QrC l)ba'ngl Clu .Ovie' Alston Ore M.Gobs Otis. Brown Mae Johnson •Tondclnyo Gladys Uentley .Valhalln Maurice' Marlta Lorraine Barrett Rend Hal Ve.rsnlllep. H Rnjienthal Ore Marjorie .Oalrisw'lh Eni-ico ft'. Npvellp ■4 Vespers Village Rnirn Larry Mcilfthon C i?lying Whirlos Willie Solar. M, Montgomery Bai net ft Parker Iva Kitchen Bourbon ft Balne Jean Kirk Hank Ramsey. Johnny. Russell Ruth Craven Tex Lewis Cowboys Village Brewery Ma rtj?- Herbert Ruth May Roberts Jerry Gllddon Ore ColosI Don ; Enrico - > Bob.,Tln«1«^ p , Mary Sund4<- a Ann. Sii.ter - Angola 'rrlcone WUIlo Shove Louis Miller Bobby. Danders B-ft^F. Gilbert Congress Hotel ; (Casino) Doti .Nell B'iickley Harv.U ft Siior Jack G.w.vhne -.OlevoTi.e Johnson'.' Jeanne' Walker Giiy OO's Cbllepn Georgia-: Luckj; Lew King' Mlgnon. • '^IngrJd Jules -Novlt Or Marlon Miller Jack I'] I k ins Harry's N. . Cabaret. Chns EnglCs' Ore Melba .S Parisians B. - n. RldoriSiM, Palmer , si.s Dorothy (loh'iiston liMlut J'cggy Moore Marloii Morgu. Gl'rard ft Mercedes Jtartln ft yan Jci'ry Lester Burnett ft- Walt liotel itlsniarc (IVAlniit Room) Eddie Varzos Ore Lucio Garcia Walker :! The D.uanos' P.ann Jfurphy ... .Ilfltfl. ilre.voort' Dolores -Donar ' Evelyn . Drl;jj;ett Margaret (,'onrlid Rene Laeyln. Joe'Parlalo itrnke liotel (Gold Coust Robin) Jack DennV Ore Jess Wlllard Gityle ft Lloyd Kay St Germain Uob Hair Harriett Hector Gale Pago Hotel Kdgewater Heacli (Marine Room) Anson Week.? Hardeen 'Fanehon & Fnnch'n Tiiiii, Culinlngliaiu ' Mhrgip Leo Frank Saiiuia . H Smith Ballet ilotel i,4tsnlie .( lUA .'Fountain Room) King's Jesters Ore LOS ANGELES Ball Bruz Fletcher Charles' LawO ileverly .WUsblre Royal Hawailnhs Harry Oweii.s' Ore, Blltmore llnxVt. Enrico Rh ba Oro llmmv (jiler Oro. The Pearl. 2 Pierre ft Temple r^orralne ft Kognan Jimmy Hadrcas' Dick Webster Jo.v Uedges- . Rhyihiii Rascals 3 Randall Sis Cafe Casanova fSeffar ElMs Ore Cafe Ia% Mate ParU -Ave Boys VI Bradley Slan Olalr Ore Clover Club Bob Giant re Coeoiiunf. rsroie^ Gp.6 01.<;cn-fi '>i-c Edgar Hergrri' Edith CalUwHl. Ol .Mlriidor Dorothy Clare' namsdcll Girls Slim Martin Ore Famous Ub<i> Edd|e Beal lionis Prima Orr Hawaiian Paradise Sol rights . brC Sailnl .'I'u'il t'Oa Sol Hoopl Wanda Dja'na Toy I.ltlle ClHb Lucicn' Jane.Jones. Paul Kendall Helen Warner- Rose. Va.lvda MHiil Joey I,^e Ore Omar's Pome George Redman-Ore Gagnon ft Brough'n ruthlyn , Miller. Twid Von .Lucas .Naomi Warner George Markle , ,. Gunther," Magician PacIHe Sunset Club Al Heath Ore Peggy Page Martha Ga'mmeter Richard Hedges' F Gillette's G-Glrls Buddy Jjfi Rue I'nlnmnr Loma Ore' Kenny Sargent I'oe-wee Hunt Hudson ft Hudson- Jerry- Law ton CIcn Griiy: llud.son Metzger Gin Paris III 'i">on(lnl(! Cplumbo ken Henryson Gabrielle ft Colllta Vvonne Rudy ft La'Tosca Thoia .MnillialsOn Marguertta del. Rio .liian de Martinis Pete ClontrelU Ore Seven Sens Lily. Gibson Lnnnle Mcl'ntlHf. ,Or SumerKet House K(iy Hoffm HillZeriter Uee'',Bienhcr- I'oiisy's A l Eld rod ge Ore The Dee Sisters Bonnie Lind.. Dorothy Roy lirtly Brown T..0IS Glaze I.eona nice Jrene licrry •. . Agnes Johnson Ed Troeadero ipptiis CHICAGO Dall-Hiili •D.-in<-lng tirelrlV'hs Hilly Willie Oi'-u WHrd'pli .ft Dade h'ally Joyce joe Sand<*rs Riiili ft U. Anvbrose Jane Ivay I'iMil Ol.'-cn Cliec I'urer .Ted Lpwi.s' Ore, Moore ft IlieVel- R'adlo Aces Lyda Rue Ruth .T<>rr.y Maurie Stfin Virglnl Buddy Hernii rd Mao SIS Willi Cliib rhesterfleld Patt ..Morgan Oi'C Devon Sis l-l«rlelt Norrls:' .Si<l S.<'liiips Ali'.'o Lpgan- 3 Vfirlflty -iSffys .Mildred Rock 4 McNally Sis nuddy & Selitia 4 Rhythm Girls Lou Sales Ore Club Minuet Alvlna Morton Dorothy Wall Dee Downing Jane LaVonne Marjorie Whitney Gene Jerohie. ' t5«6 Howard Jra liimt^w >'j.oli.n, '„ U u ve n cro f t ■ , • Hotel yMorrlfpni, (TerrnCe'Room) (Cnslii.u Phrlsleh) The,'LIndStrom > llnrriott.^C4irr Boh Ipd.- •4 -10:add6cK-a ^ iVrren ft" Hrodericic .MauVlo Shcrniii Ore Lpu Breese. Org llolel Palmer. House (Eniitiff ICooiiii Eddy Dn(-hln r irplland ft -Hart .TtVuive floldcn' Ellen IJlirlr Mrirl T<,V-nn -. .4. Al-lsloCrats. AbliDi i. '| ) Hotel Sli^rinu ■'((Villege Inii) n ei't r » d.i>. ' 11 o rf rii i.i n. M y I' ll .4 .■X'rlpni';<!)\ven« Jack WllcUer. Ilu.<;spll (.'rowell Doir Anialo' Dill Price . t'oiemaii ...Nlliii) Red Mi: ola.s llotel.'SICveiis' (CoiitiiieiUlir ooni'i |<ou Briiig'Oi'c . Unifly '-VonLiisen l''rancpM Hunt Loyanne ft J-Jennrd -Parody Cltib I'HIl Kaye .Molly- i\iunors i;ii!irlyi<B - Uiik Siiiiiniy ' Huns Millie Travis l''loildy Janl.'i. Itiiyiilo. rridics i')oiiv Kay ,1-JobUy i'lncuH -Tlioodore ft D' .Vliirgot «:. L Ittililn's Jack.Mon ft Ncdra .' Ito.talle H'liy . Jack .1111 Hard .Henri -li-lsllon .Hilly Carr .Vora li'ord. 'Hi'iots'- Buiti) Eitii Reed. Kord ft Bar 'I'liitVo Sa m ..Beei's (Mop .Jl'rii'wn-. i-loy. ' I'ldgo ■ Siiaty . (lladys Palmer Slim Green , 'iiclit Ciub .ronn Abbott Harry. Ruse- MHe.. Cori-liie .itnliln.s'on ii Nino lUitnldO HHb Club Rally . Rage- 'I'lie Dlclatorn Don I'n.Ml'i'lloMO clvd White StampV Caf* vie Earlson Flo Hulse «t?uthe.i>lne Sh . , •Gay.jgla •. •.• Carroll m ii Nels'n 'iJabe.-La ToUr Jack Hutchinson Venice Grili , Fay.jitty, ... WlnhletWhltCmah- Kfty^D.-nton' • 'v Penzottl Sis Volande ft EstoUe Marty .Bartbh Qro ; yiUIng Cnifo Peiin l^ay Orl? -iJob Oariiey Mildred Ollson, Sonny Grassier Hilly La Mont Puggy O'Nell Steven (."ole \Valton lioo Peter Kiiro Ore Isalielie ft Ociaves. Si Walton Debs. 1:. Mllniy .Girls Ko.vnl Duo oleg ft T Le Zoi-ro .Mildred Sluir Benee Barclay Weber's Hot llrM (Comdeu) Louis ^Chiklkliii «6if Bop MerKlll-j. ^lary.PBhwo* - Miller SIR'' Hilda Alllsort Sandy. ilcPhei'tjO ■Ifugo IfliJo Sid (Golden Jdo .Jlainvna Ilse Hart CrogoVy Oulhn-.Co Ralhslioller Bldwr' .Sunset iun D'nn Duncan Ore Cuilo i-Miirk Betty Valjone Billy Rlc niun Le I.Ian I Al Cornug Chas Murthji PciKioi'k.. (iiirdc -.Sylvan- HerniKii lit liner Club Peggy. Loe Inez King' 'Anna Jlorpa'ii Atlldred Jjuiidn iiobby Divl Hto Cbnventioris PHILADELPHLA Areiidia titt'l Mayfa,Ir'GlrlH (8) Marlon Bowers Roberts ft White . Jeanne Landis Te.^as -Tommy & 1' Irma Bund el JIarlo Villanl Milton Kellem Ore Ppn Reri'aido Ore, . BoHevue-Stratfiird (Planet Room) Meyer Davis Oro Ben Franklin Ilotel (Ueorglan Rnonili Moe JtifTe Orb Benny tlie lliim'a Paul Speclit 610 3 Roberts Bros Jackie . Green Helen Miller Stuart ft Lea Dcloyd. McKay Ralph Brown Dines Dancing Debs Club Parrakeet .\udry Joyco Dottle Jlooro. Fran Cnswell Dolllo Delnibnt Ruby Shields AI W(l«on 131 My Thornton Ore Cliff Hall Linda King ■Virginia Renault Dot (.•olllns Judith Manning Kathryn Hiirlclit Gloria .MaUHli't Susan Au.stlh Jill RctH Helalne ft D'n'Ids'n Tom Barry Kathleen Aloy Patsy Jving May Joyce Jiiy King; Henry Alay Ore -fYnnk Pnlu.''s Jihimy Kelly Maniuetto ft T<lnda Hob Ridley Lean Sis Eddie DeLuca Ore liotel Adelplilu Itoof Luba Mallna Krunk Gaby ICleunfir Knight (^dpertoh .ft' C'l'bu.M. Jerry- Goof Agnes Tollfl. 8 Texas Rocliers Vincent Rlzzo Ore- Harold Kniglit Ore Eva'D U Kuniai Larry .Melt Ore - Little RutliNkeller Jack Grift n Oro Helena Allen Kearney Belli Calvert Win I on ft Din 11 Joyce ft Powers Kahn -ft DcPehta ir>23 lyocust Bobbles Rlielby I'epppv Garat. Kay Lavery 3 Sxving Kings Ore Mlna Moitz MUyJe •■"onstiin'.:*! flonwiiy Virginia Young 'New Overbrooli Villa . (Ltiidi^iiU'old. N. d.) .Mdrcplla . Marchand JowcJl Eila Alpiila Allin Harry Holly Hugh HInkson A) Kahn Oip Icendlll.v Room Oli'iH LociiNt) Glndys Bentloy Jiilia .McKeriny Tiny Hrad.sliaw Phil Scott-. T'jUIii Mac Uub'r -Logs WlU'niH LIHlun Fitzgerald I'ora '(Si-em ' Fals ft .M Sinllh Elizabeth" ;Bimtlng John Hnmlllon 'Or Butler Jackson " I'lOrre's Ted Pike llui.h Diivis- (irey ft -' Hri)-lo\v- Andre ft Ellnndl PiU Shovlln Ore Rr</.-Cnrllon (Crystal Room) Villi . Levis Ore- Henry. J'atrlcit 31 (liib fJeorgo Oliver 'I'l'.d. llendre.x .■ierry ft Sonny Gene. O.sliorne- Doc Dough erly Ore Nicky ^ialluccl li'rances Ciii-pll Sliver Lake In (Clemenlon) Olive Wlilio. Beth ClialllH Pfitrlciii ft Jten .Mickey iirni'iiz Mickey Violin 2 Mlcke-V Fainlla'hi Or Sprui'e Bodiuerang 'Jrc Hal Hl.\(in .lininiy itliik Prill ft Holmes., '^01b Cent(iry Tn vern Barney Zeeinan. Ore ri-l.s' Ad.rlrin - .lohnny.' ft.' (Jc-orge. Pr/in'kle. ifyres- 4 E '(luli'eh 21 Clui> Tom ly.-Mpnroe Sugar. ■-MnTcelle Sally La.Marr Aiiti lliisl). . , Helen JlHiilr M'arWIcl: Sis Nancy..- arry. Illchaj.-d Huvli. •I'cggy' p.'ijy l-bnngl Clii pbc .Hyderls Oro I.iJi lIIo Howai-d St 11 nip ft .Stumpy. Ethel In a l-'rUye 'ryler :i Lcriiy .\Ic .oy Bobljy .Evans 'arrUh Cnfe l.<eon mil ■ Hobby f.'e'o Oi-c' dllictle :i I'arlsettes Vi'i'non' Guy. Uutkln's Ituibskelirt Anlla Hlalne .\Ionlez . ft .Maria. t.'leO \'alent.e'en V .N'rirrnnn Ore Prank pontl (Continued fro.m page' year. Clark annduriced that, more than 4,000 'conitracts the 1937-'38 seasph had been against 2,200 at the same 1C36. ■ .. . Twentieth-Fox will spiend morie than $1,000,000 in advertising itji new productj Charles ;E. .McGa.rthyi, nd- ^vertising-publicity dJVector,' an- h'ounced. With the sales- pow-wpW winding up Thursday .ni^ht '(3) by w.aj> of a dinher-rdance and (ehtertainmerit at the Cocoanut Grove, most delegates pulled put bver' tKe wee'lc.-ehd. This eavies four majoi:. .companies yet to loldf their annual sales .confabs, with their product line-up for next son "highly problejmatical. Par Next. Next cpnve.ntioh will , be Para- mount's, due to start tpmprrow (Wed.) at the Ambas-sador hoteli; V.'ith . approxiitiately 120 home: office i'epresentatives and salesmen pres-^ ent. Special section of the Chief will bring, eastern and pnidwestera delegations. Opening bUsirioss. nek- iiipn will be . Thursday mor.nihg, .with the condaye conti ing through- Fri- day night Sessions' eiid Saturday with a studio lunchebn, baiKjuet ia the evening arid.ei)tcrtalnnient. Radio's annual confab opens at the same hotel June 16, with around 350. ex:pccted to attend from all sections of; the world. Advance dope liere points to 54 features for the coming season. . ,. Republic franchise holders will get 54 feature pictiires and fdUr se- rials, the franchise men at their ses- sioi)s., ending last Wednesday (2). were -told,' "There ill be fpur top bracket percentage pictures besides 10 Class A films, and 16,'B* features for 1037-38. :pecisi6n has beei).made to put more money int<i. the Gen.e Autry pictures. J. J,-Miilstein, vice- president i charge of distributi jpii'esided; Still tp .Coihe The four majors (Columbia, United Artists, Paramount and RKO) who still have their conyentjons ahead of them, are undeter-mined on the iiumber of features they will pro- duce, depending on further devel- opinents on product and other fac- tors. Result Is -that a company like Par will leave considerable leeway by announcing. 50 to 60 pictures, or a flexibility of neairly 20%; RKd,TRadip, meeting in Los An- geles June 15, likewise is undecided oh its full program but indications poiht to not less than 56, as against 54 set for thiB 1936-''37 season. Cdni- pahy evfeniuially may schedule more, increaslii its output While Par is decreasing.. itcd Artists, which' holds its cohviention in N. Yi, June i4, is flg- ilring on 30 to 35. Alms. Much dc^ pchds on how many pi(:ture^ Alex- ander Korda's London Films,even- tually will decidie: to.make, Columbia scheduled 58 this year, but nothi is dieilnite on the num* ber. to be announced at the 'L,. A. convention later .this mpnth." U also is iincertain .Whethei: Col will de- iivei" th<; full progiram/of .58;/prom- ised. paramount ■convention group left N. Y. Sunday (.6.) for the Los, An- geles meeting, while ^.the Radio crowd gets awajr next Saturday (12>, UA In Chi , Chicago, June 8: Unilecl Artists' cdnvcnition here, scheduled to fpUbw the N. Y. meet- ing, Juno 17 to 22, will, be held over an extra day to enable delegates an opportunity to attend the Braddock- Louis fight. . Art Shaw Orch has bcOri held over at the Willows, Pittsburgh., Dorothy^ .Howe, vocalist with the band, just nixed a pic biti from 20th Century- Fox. Rockwell-O'Kccfe agcntinf.