Variety (Aug 1937)

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VARIETY Wednesday, August II, 19«)7 Variety Oills NEXT WEEK (Aug. 16) THIS WEEK (Aug. 9) Numerals in connection with ImUs below indicate, opening day of show, whether full or split week RKO CHICAGO l>:tUre (13) Vmv Cello & M Aton Boys r'raytlie 8*11109 A T Vic Oliver ^Holland & Hart (S) Van Cello & M 'F'rBythe S'rtion 4: P Vic Oliver Holland & Hart CIJRVKLAMD ral««!e (13) S Jansleys Merrymaca 3 Qopblaticatea GIs Alphonse Berg: Tip Tap Si . Toe Herman Bins: (8) DuTce Kllington BA KANSAS CIXV Malnstnet (4) Fred Waring Co Proi^ncial Week of Aug^ust 9 Loew VKW TOBK CIXX; Stat* <1S) Sfann, Dfipree & L Carter & Holmes 'judy Starr ttad Skalton .Will Daborna Orb I'lXTSBVRCiH StaBley (13) Mai Haltett Ore WASHINGTON Capitol m) France & ta Pell Sylvia Sc. Clemen ce Ward WUson Jimmy Doraey Ore AKKKDK10N Tlvolt Caatelll A.o. Bd Kreil, WiyJlls St A BrownlnK Sc Slarr Olaen'a Sea Talons latv McLean Navarre Luxor tialll-Galll KDINIUTIKiH Koyal I Dave Seed Co ( Devlto Denny 4 Sllin Rhyder & Ptnr .lay & Cullen Jimmy Held S & M Harrlnon Krtc Randolph My era St St John Ddnitvan & Hayes KINGSTON Kmplre Lou Praegrer Bd ' Ayr St Tjeslte South China Tr .lack Edse itanger Co . Devon & Wayne Kavlaon i KAY KATYA and KAY BARBARA BLANE NOW AT Caaina do la Playa Havana Dir.: LEDDY A SMITH K.& J Wlnnoa JParunoiMit - Rawicz & Landauer , T.IVKRPOOI^ j Sliak«Hpeare 1 Afrlque i Durham St Klldare I Renee & Godfrey I Joe Klnjr : >::Usabeth Welch ; (MnRales Co • Astill St Fontaine Alh'ambar Kids - NKWCASTJ.JB ParamoMnt Joe Loss Bd PJLTMOVTH Palace Radio Players j Harry Welchman Bennett St Williams Eve Becke Rudy Slarlta WInsor St WUton 7 Romas Kio Angels- P & V Lennox H Vadden St GIs V MacNaUKhton Brown's 3 Shadea Leon a EMIe-'a <Paco-Pairo Room) Lou Martin Ore Uddta Davis Jafie Tiee Patricia GUmore Vivian Ray Gloria Cook Jumea Kf^oiran Nelsons Cats Haines Tale St S Tete & Koni;o Co Mile Denise Nnrman & McKay pioasa Coslello ' AluH Pt«ri<i Gene I)'ii9cll<-U Oro Laurence Wlitta Marlon Pierce Versatile Alori'N Lou Ferris Oro . I'he Oaks Al Lambs Oro Tommy Lyman Gene Archer Onyji rtul> S spirits of Uliytbm Maxinp ft Jnnlcp Pavillun Royal <Valley Stream T^.I.) Delia> St Bill Mack Jill Denet . Bernlce Ar.U<^rman Virginia Vaughan Cackles O'Neill Walt Walters Ann Linn Danny Beck Bergere S's- Bunny lierrlsAn Bd PantdlNH Jay Freeman Ore Ann Pennington Lucille Jolinaon Andrews Sis Place ICIeganle Bill Farrell Mario jBasinI Toto Cangloal Rex QjLA'itte Larry Mado .Oro Uaiabow tirlli C -Co'dolban Oro Durelle Alexander Helen .Myers Bvalyn Tyner C & li Bonner Olover & La Maa Riilnboir Koom Al Donahue Ore Kddie LeBaron Oro ■ Oliver Wakeneld I l.otte Goslar ' Texas Tommy Helen Myers Dr Sydney Ross Riviera Mickey Alpert Ore Val IQrnle Ore KUdie Garr Alice Dawn Nick- Long Jr Kay Picture Nudlne Gue George Prentice Beii Yost Cpile8:ians Sands Point Bnlh Club Paul Rebuccl Oro Stork Club Sonny Kendl.i Ore Gus Martel Ore Swrtsltle (Atlantic Beach) H: Madrlguera Oro Henny Youngman Don Ra^onese' Patricia Gllmore Taverii On Green (Central Park) Huglile Rarrett Opo Valhalla -Maurice Shaw Oro -Marltn Lorraine Barrett Rond Hal V«ranllle» H Rosenthal Ore ; .loe Rodriguez. Ore Judy Starr Tommy Martin Wlvcl Arllne Whitney Swanky Reno (Continued from page 1) a dozen other transitions that are totally incongruous to the locale. Seems There's » Slump Everyone in tiiz has his own rea- son lor this year's slump in tourist spending. Best seems to be the 'Frisco hotel strike, which endure'd for 89 days. Reno gets a heavy play from the S't F. transients and this semester, there just weren't "^any Holland & Hart iiruce Holden Kllen Blair Marl I^ynii 4 Aristocrats Abbott Dancers Hotel' iillierjnnn (College Inn) Frankie Masters Or Jackie Keller Donna Dae Aliearn Bros - Chas Carrier Hotel Stevens (Continental Room) Carlos Molina Ruthania & M'lc'lm Frank Payne MS Club Billy Carr Nora Ford 'Boots' Burns Ktta Reed Ford St Barnes Tacht CItih r^Ino Rinaldo Ore Frances Williams Kdna Sed^rwlok Wlngy Mannone Jackson, Mills. & R 881 Clab Johnny ■Hornert The Dictator Corlies & Palmer Mary Jane Dodd PHILADELPHIA Cabaret Bills LOS ANGELES HEW YORK CITY Paramoiul |»rtCW TOBH CIXI • PanHnoant (11) l^hil Spitalnsr Ore JDale Wlnthrop BOSTON ) Mejbropolltan (13) jjBeridova wtna Pickens l7ean Dovaraux fflEarry Savoy jOtad Donahue Co nVarlely Gambols OHICAGO ChUiano (13) mddl* Duohin Bd BAXI/AS Caaino (13) Phil Harris- Oro Georges'& Jalna Art Jarrett 4,.Craddocks Arren & Broderlck Vic Hyde DCtROlT ;HlehJiran (13) Continentals Georgia Hay' Pansy the Horse Mayneld 3 Gene Austin Co Shanghai Tr ; PHILABELVHIA Sarle (IS) fert Frohman Ifl Dorsay eila Goodello tMtdos Bros lHo>vardl Sc Sheltoa (6) XFranca St Lapell Alarjoria Oalnsw'rth iSaul Grauman Co stooges Preis-ser Sis PITTSBVBOH Staaler <13) - Btal Hallelt Ore Saul Orauman Co Marty May (6) Jimmy Doraey Ore Freda Sullivan Condos Bros Art Frank WASHINGTON £arie (13) Stafford & I< Rev Yost's VaJ-flUy Co Bill Robinson 3 Swifts (6) ' Titan 3 I>on Cummlngs M&I Hoillett On; Francis St Carroll INDIANAPOMS l.yrio (13) Paul Ash Ra>- Saxe Hel'Xt Honan ,I>^ice, Florlo A L. ICen ft Roy Paige Barbara Parks Buddy Rich Billy Blake- Lfmdoii Week of August 9 Ounterbury M. H. First half (J-11) Harry Coady J & J Melville 2d half (12-14) BeHaven '& Page etevvart & Olive ' BemlalOH Al Sandler 3 Trooadero Best Gaston Palmer Ken Harvey Hachem Khan J ^ B Bden Sheila C.VMOKN TOWN Gaaniout Jo»'era . Wilson, Duke * H Cr...\PTON Rink Wyn & Jvy Geo iUelton 3 Canadian)* IS AST MAM tlrnnada Sam liinfleld Co 4 Darlings Frfrt Dosh KDMONTON Kmpire Savoy Jr Bd X'lNSBVRT FARK AMtorla Anton Bd Mario Loreilzl JHA^niRRSJMiTH Palace Joaft. Moreou Philco 4 JSfJNOTON Bine Hall 1st half (9<11> DeHuveu & Pai;e Stewart St Olive 2d half (12-14) Harry Coady J Jc J Melville XR WISH AM Palace Act Superb Auatel St Arthur liRYTONSTONK RIalto 4 .Darlings Fred ]>oah OLO KENT ROAD Astoria Al Berlin Bd .TImmy Nit . SHKPH'KUS Hirsil Pavilion 3 WlUaida Masu & Yuri STRFATIIAM Palace 4 Hermans Irene Manael TOOTING Granada P & M Honrl TOTTKNJI.i.U Palace AVyn & Ivy Geo Betton 3 Canadlana 'J'OTI'KNIIAM COURT ROAD I'arainounl Anton Bd Adanos Cliff Cook WAT.THAiWSTOW Granada Savoy Jr lid Barney Gallant's Betty Bowk<'r 3 Musical Rogues Bertolottl's •TImmy Whalen Ore Tommy- Harrla Ore Yula Flournoy Nyaa Alna .Toyce Faye ■ Greta Leivla BIN'* Gi«y ttO's Spike Harrison Gus Wlrke Kmitt Casey .Terry White Henry I^Marr Callente Beth Raborn Helen Shaw Rulh Wayne Carol Sis »■ Rhythm Boys Callente Cabelleros Cliateau Moderjie F McFarland Ore I'onsuelo Flowerlon Peggy Strickland Claremout Jna Jolly Coburn Oro-- Clob 18 . <r Andrews Oro Jack White Pat Harrington Jerry Blanch ard l''rank Froeba .lerry Ki-ugfr .lerl WIthee - CiMb Gaucho Vaccaro's Orch Jose Tiitxv. Tr\n\ PlaTia Tilta Moya Helen Virgil Dlmllrl Club lUirador (Roof Garden) Buddy Wagner Ore Jack Oslerman Kdlth Roark JHorla VestoIC Gave Dixon iMtlquIta Joan Vickers Club yunVurl > Blixeo Ore ' George Negr«tt,o Julio & Silvia X'oiiia Porter Jack Bempsey'a IS Carpenter Ore TA Clilcn I>rtn Alberto Ore farloa Montoya A l*anipevo D'A vol OS St A Anlonlla Morales Jo.He Sc Patricia TiHH Guiirecltas Rolando Kl Morwcco BIrnle Hol^it Oro t'roKCs Ralph Wat kins Ore Glen Island <'MSi»o N'ye May hew Ore Carolyn Hughes Lester LudUe Hickory Houko .Toe Marsala Ore .lim Mooreliead llHy Bioiuli. Hickory Lodge (T.tirrhniont. N. Y.) HVrber Stplner Ore Hal Knrry .Vnnahelle H'lyw'd Restaufanl ■Jliu-licll .Ayre.i Ore ii Jeli'snicli Ore .l>'nn Sfugi'iint Juiii> l.orr:<iiia i> l/ehon.Tiii's li. Manniii.t; & ^{ltzl I<;«y Ta.Ufir J)ol>by lio.M'e 'J'ed Adair' Patricia Ciilmoj'd ("IjMvniion AijlK-s ife T Nip Ji HuiU fJaylor (1 It'll Pope Mole] Antha<i!)ii<l<tr (tainon Itunios Oi'c \Vjlli:iiri Alrli^r I'»u1 I'anbinan Hole! Anior (Koof iiardcn) I O/./ie Nel.-iiMi Oi'<;- Shirley I>.loyd Lathrop Bros Bobby Dupont "Olympic 3 Hotel i;iltniori> (moonlight 'A'errace) Horace Heldt Oro Hotel EdIsoB Billy Swanson Ore Ifolel. Kssex House Nat Brandwynne O .viaxine Tappin Dick Stono Johnny Blue Murray Carun ,R J Callman Hotel Got. Clinton Phil D'Aroy Ore Stuart Jules Kay Marshall Hotel Lexlngtea Andy' lona Oro Ray Ktnney Meymu Holt Hotel McAlpla (Roof Garden) J ilessner Ore Jeaane D'Arcy Hotel Harray Bill (l!V>uotaia Room) Joe Cappl Ore Nancy <3arner Hotel New Xorker (Summer Terrace) lOvelyn' Chandler Bftptie & Lamb Hoi el Park (laatriar (Coooaant Grbre) .Terry Blaine Ore fSvelyn Ran Fred Cameron Hotel PcBnaylTanla Tommy Dorsey Ore Edytha Wright Jack Leonard Allen Storr 3 BstiulreH Hotel Piccadilly Jeno Bartal Oro Hotel ^lerra (Koof Garden) Harold Nagel Ore l^otel Flaea .. Win McCuno Ord Pancbo Ore ' Paul Draper Nalla Goodelle Motel Roosevelt Luke Wela's Co Hotel Savuit -Plnen Hliiills Petll Ore Russell Swann Hotel St. George (Brooklyn) Bit Dantzig Oro Hotel St. Morlta . (Sky GardeuB) Hal Richards Oro Grisha Betel St. Regis (Viennese Roof) .Tacques Fray Oro A Ranch Dancers Hotel Tatt Geo. Hall Ore Dolly Dawn Hotel Waldorf* Asloriu (Starlight Roof) Guy Lombardo Ore Ralph Rutgers Ore Marlasn Fiores Raphael Hotel Wellington £Id Mayehorc Oro Jimmy Kelly's Lionel Rand Ore .loe Capollo Ore' Alontmartre Boys (".ulcr Si Schatib JlinnitO Cofltello :t Raymondn Danny Ulgglns I<arne ICdilla Davis Oro lllirtdo Ore J.e Coq .Rouge ITorncIo Wlo Oro GeorKS Sieriiey 1.0 Mirage Harry Horlon Oro ('i)qiill;ii Marie AltnoiUe Bail Bruz Fletcher CUarles Lawrence Berarlr Wtlsiiiro Geo Hamilton Ore Blltmwre Bowl Jimmy Crier Ore- Lola St Tiewla Robert (Jately Hank the Mule Terry Green Delores- & Andre Dick Webster 3 Rhytlun Rascals raf» Century ^ Miller St Mantaa 3 Oanridge Sis Coreta Maria Brj'ant Olivette Miller Marcus Slayter Petpr Ray Nat Coles Cecles Ore Cafe I>e Paree Ted Dawson Ore Maris Monterez Helen. Curtis Ijemare , Cafe Xaternatlonal Barrett & Wright Ben Pollock Ore (;haz Chase BiUy Vine t'Taroline Mason ■■ Beth Wilson Dick Bennet t The Theodora Dora Dean Ginger T.ynne Lilly Ann Starr Bleanor Troy Cafe Iji Mate Wm HoKman Ca Clover Clul> Bob Grant Oro Helen Thompson Clak Hawaii Hawaiian Ore Cocoanat Orora Geo Olsen's Ore Bdgar. Bergen Charlie McCarthy Sdith Caldwell . FamouR Boor StuH Smith Cozy Coe Jonah Jones £ddls Beal Hawaiian Paradise Sol Bdghts Ore Satini .Q'ual Loa Sol HoopI Wanda DIuna Toy Lido Tjes'.s Ore Bill Roberts Bob Searles Dolores Mttle Club Jane Jones Paul Kendall Helen Warner Rosa Valyda Omar'a Uome George Redman Ore IClmcr 1>uvall St Tregg Maxine Gregory Jo & Ann Berkeley Paciflo Sanict Club AI Heath Ore Bud. St Helene Harriet Hillard .(une Morgan Buddy La Rue Palomar Gene Krupa Betty Van Bruno Weiss 3 Jack Vlaakin Hudson Metzger OIs Paris Inn Pete Contrelll Oro j>omlnlc Columbo Ken Henryson Sylvia & Marjorla Conchita Toreno Bronlee Bros Henry Monet Thora Maltbalson Marguer'ita del Rio Juan do Martinis Seven Sea* LoiiniS' McTntlre Or Lily Gibson Honolulu Dancers Somerset House .Tack Owens Betty Borden SwInc Cliib B B. B Clsrence Brown b'rankie Gallaprher Topsy's ' Al Eldredes Oro ^'he Dee era June Bruner June Brady Betly O'Dalr Lillias Gilbert Laona Rice Agnes Johnson Troeadero Dlclc Gaspavre Ore CHICAGO Bwli-Balt Billy White Oro Dancing Dietvlchs Warden St Dado Sally Joyce Blackhnwk Joe Sanders Ronald St' Roberta Pete the Newsboy June Glory Chex Pareo Jiou Holtz Helen Morgan Georgia Tapps Readinger 2 Rosemary De6ring Lillian Carmen Henry Buase Oro Coloslmne Bob Tinsley Janis Andre Maxine DeSlion Dorothy Walil Willie Shore Congress Hotel (Caalnu) .Tesae Crawford Helen Crawford Chas Carllie Bernhardt Si G Diai!, Don. D & D Ton>my Trent Variios & McDowell Gay 90'e (Colleen Georgia Lucky Lew King Mignon lugrld Jules Nov It Oro Marlon Miller Jack KlKIiis Harry's N. T. Cabaret riias Unglea Oro Jack lr\'iiig Yvelte Theo Troy Mildred Rook 3. Pariaiana B. B. B. Rider Sja Palmer Sis Dorothy Johnston Hl-Nat .Burns St White Son! Shaw Vivian Proctor T..oris TiOrraine ' Hotel Bismarck ' (Walnut Room) Kddle Varzos Ore l.ucio Gai'cia Walker » Tlio Duanos Desn "Murphy Hotel Brevoort Dorothy Duval ICarl Smith <:oniniodore Duo . Joe ParlalO UrnUe Hotel (Gold Coast Room) Jack Denny Ore .St. MorMz Ice Car'l Kit Klein Doiigla.i Dulty .li«bb.v Hcarn Hotel Kgdewnter Beach ^ (Itoiird Walk) Bi»rjiie Cummins Or (Moria Sutter 11 Smith Ballet Hlll.>< C'lrcua N.>rlhw9y *: Danilo lAtVai'i-e Bros Hit)el J,asu)le (Blue Fountain Room) rnul' S;iblln Oro i>oroUiy Mlll«r ' Hotel Palmar House (ICmulre Koiiiio I'M'ly Ducliln Oic Anchorage .Vtarcella Sharkey Manno St Strafford ISd SIh'erglade Sally La Marr .Tohnny Graft Oro Izzy Bellls Mildred Tolle ' Club Arcade .Tohnny Cosier Cosier St Rich Helen Winkle Bill Plumrey Jean Mason .Toe Booth Night Owls .Ore Arcadia Int'l Milton Kellem Oro Don Renaldo Ore Mayfatr airl.<i (8) F.d Stlverglade Izzy Bellis Colletie & Barry Kleanor'Bowers Irma Bundel Mario Villanl Burton Pierce Bellerae-Stratrord (Planet Room) Meyer Davis Oro Bea Franklin Hotel (Coral <:afe) .Woe Jaffa Ore Beaay the Bima'a Deloyd McKay >^uriel Thomas Sasha Leonolt Frank Hall liCe Berg Cartel Rose St Ray T<yto Mayo St Marie Cedarwood Inn (Malaga. N. J.) Jack Curtis Bobby K"anp Reds St. Curley Clarence Micli Ore Franky Schluth Kmbassy Cluk Don Pedro Oro Lee Perrins Helen Heath Warwick Sis Joyce Henry Dorothy Deppia Billy Lee Pay Rey Peggy Butler Kversreeji Gasiaa Henry May Ore Billy Faye Dolly Weill ngtoa .Miriam Bromo ■ Tom Barry Kathleen May Jay King Harry Glyn 1583 I.«Mtiist Bubbles Shelby Jane Fai'rer ICay Ijavery Virginia Young Nelly -Banks Linda Ray Peanuts Stewart Swing Kinga Oro Hotel Adeltfhia Root Vincent Rlzzo Oro Harold Knight Oro .lohn Uppmann AI Bernie Robbina Fam Vera Fern Alfonso Berg 13arlyn Wallace Marlora St 3 Iicach Clyde Hagner Diana Ward Agnes '£olle 8 Texas Rockets Bvan B Fontaine ' I^mbs Tavera Larry Mell Ore l.lttle Rathskeller Jack driftin Oro l>oi-olhy Bach George ScottI Frances Cari'oU Shandar & Margo Kabn & DePinto Pat Peri-y Pierre's Manny liaPorte Ore Gates St (Maive Doris Fields Betsy Bain Jack King Rltx-Carlton ' (Crystal Room) Van Levis Ore Henry Patrick 31 Club Bill FIske Ore Blllie Brill Brooks 2 Gene Osborne Lloyd Woods Brown & Brown Johnny Magnan Sitrer Laka Ina (Clementoa) Joe Millkopf Oro Beth Chains Vanessl St De Lima Le,w Hoffman .Carolyn Dyne 'JOth Century Tavern Lou Longo Ore Hazel Herman 20th Cen.tury Co (6) Frankie Hyrea WInstead 3 J & B Adams Parrlsh Cafe Bobby Lee Ore Blanche Saunders Fats Primere 3 Parisettes Chlokie Martin Co Piccadilly Roona (1S«S locust) .Tohn Hamilton Ore .Tackle Mablie R'berlega WilUame Patsy Bvans Fats Smith Lulu MaO liillian Fitzgerald Cora Green Butkla's Rathskeller Agnes Willis Helene Hart TioaU Sis Peggy Du Van XoUey Ramblers Or Vrank Pontl Stamr's Cafe Bella Belmont Flo Hulse Sammy Westoa 4 'Blossoms .Tean Le. Nolle Kltls St Raness Viking Safe .Penn Fay Ore Ijew .Foster Kvelyn Barnes Sis McCaJl Harry Sweeney Geo Harrlgan Jack Finney Johnny Rellly Weber's Hot Bran (Camden) Louis Chalkin .Ore Ray Miller Lane & Carroll Benlo Bros St Rita SaritMi Hugo Klee Sid Golden Use Hart Bldoradians Suaset ]nn Ace Pancoast Ore Betty ValloPa Chubby Reed Al Cornarg Betty Scott £dith Moulson Barl Shaffer Peacock Gardens Sylvan Herman Oro Yorktown Tavern Billy Sein Ore DETROIT BluNHitiii Heath .Terry Johnson Ore Kdna St J Torrence B4>ok*Cadlilac Hotel (CuNino) Ron Periy Ore Oaals Charlie Lazln Oro AnneUe ■ NUliola & Sylvia Josephine <*anipbell Plantation Karl Will I on Ore Ted BliK'kinan TiOUis Dep))e 4 Cata St Fiddle Mae Allx Harvey Klhel Powltutau Will HenderRon Ore Reilly Sc Kniiiiett SakH (} Kavanagli Ore Webster Hall Hi»4«l (Cocktail Grill) An Moimey Oro The «n»at Haskell liOla St Andre Arcadia (iardens Lee Walters Ore Curly Baldwin Ro.senjary Calvin Henry Van Sleeden Jerry Thomas Chalet >rank Fomlsh Ore Club Continental Clilco Reyi'.'t' Ore Jesaie Pengra Continental 3 >!aNiwood Gardens Sophie Tucker Johnny Hainp Ore Grays! one Gardens Clyde MoCoy Ore } Bennelt Sis .Teffersou Bench Noble SIsale Ore -Weatwaud Gardens HiHace Hfjidt Oro around. Over in the Tiay cities they claim that both Los Angeles and Salt Lake routed travelers away from .*Frisco, citing a lack of accomo< dations^ what with 19 front line inns boarded up. Those that did make the town claim they had no trouble getting decent lodgings. Like Brook- lyn, one doesn't encounter much trouble finding a church. Nite clubbers and gambling opera- tors say that this year's take dropped off an easy 35% over last, summer. Even the! stockade is yelping bad times. That dropoff is not a normal thing, it is pointed out, because there was plenty of soldier bonus monev around last year. Divorcee crop is holding up and that's where the class niteries come in. Three spots in the village—For- tune, Tov/ji House and Tavern^get the heavy play. It's not unlike Hollywood. The grapevine soon gets busy when Delphyne Dodge, the ,auto heiress, .or Helen Wills, takes a card at the tango table. In no time at all the 175 plush seats at the Fortune are tenanted. At. 10c a game you can mingle with the people. That continues through the night, for the easterners here 'for the cure' have nothing to do but watch- the calendar. It's drink all night and sleep through the day at one of the thirty dude ranches with- in a radius of 35 miles. Inasmuch as there's really no hurry, the gala and their pick-up acquaintances make each drink a ceremony. The 'Divorce Cooler' at 75c Hy Hoffman, who knows about those things from his stewardship of the Troeadero and "Vendome in Hollywood, has cooked up a six-bit drink that gets a brisk bar play. Fact that it's called a Divorce Cool- er has something to do with it, too. It's compounded of gin, absinthe and equal portions of lemon, orange and pineapple juice, all shaken up in a tall glass with sparkling water and a few trimmings that only improve the looks of the setup. 'Another fav with the split-ups is the iced daiquiri. .Mixed drinks run to- about 50% of the total bar sale, with scotch and bourbon sharing alike on the re- mfiinder. . Barkeeps draw $7 daily on eight-hour shifts. In the gamblr ing.' quarters the dealers take down $15 for their eight-hour day and pit bosses net $25. •Unique institution is the Town House, across the Truckee river from the Riverside. Rennie, who owns it lock, stock and barrel,' not so long' ago was a bellhop at "the Riverside. He married well and set himself 'up in business at this off-the-street tav- ern. It's only a hop,, skip and a jump from the hotel to the Town House, and the gals "well know it. And Charlie knows nearly all tlie new- comers. In fact, he makes it his biz to keep tab on the turnover. To the natives he's Nevada's night club king. Tax dodgers from California ar# providing Reno with plenty of spend- ers. Free of nuisance taxes, the state does require that those setting up corporations within its borders must hold board meetings at least four times a year. That brings plenty of loose spending to the town and also gives the directors a chance to get away for a fling. Idea is catch- ing on and spreading inland. Tango is perhaps the most popular game with both natives and visitors alike. Roulette runs second, then 21 and craps. At- the Fortune the crou- piers are attired in. formal getup. Word is dround that only two spots give the sucker ah even break. One operator as much as admits his tables were not set up to be^ beat. Reno really has only two slow months in the 12—^February and March. In the winter, what is known as the class mob really moves in. That's the gang that goes for win- ter sports. . Summer indux runs heavily to trailers, but the town never got where it is on slot ma- chines. Strangely enough, Reno is not a Saturday night town. That is, in so far as it concerns the dress mob ov the real spenders. There's an exodus to Cal-Neva, some 40 miles toward Lake Tahoe, and that's where the real soft money passes in the night. They come in from the Tahoe re- sorts on one side and the Reno dude ranches on the other. Cal-Neva (bordering on the two states) is a class layout. Anyone that's really, lucky can store up a evening for himself there. Theatre biz around Reno and bor- dering spots never cuts in much on the trade. It's mostly won»en atid children that march past the wicket. You can always go In a siuw back home.