Variety (Aug 1937)

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VABIETY Wednesday, August 18, 1937 Variety Bills NEXT WEEK (Aug. 23) THIS WEEK (Aug. 16) Numerals in connection with biil« l^elow indicata opening day of show, whether full or split week }>)il*«e (30) . Ni»lson*fl ktepUants r«s9. Daley Slim Timblln B^rto ft Mann JHeleiw' Uenlzon Co <13) Van Cello & Mary Ktort Boys ■ F'rsythe il'am'n & F Vic Oliver*. Holland ft 'Hari- riJBVELAND JTatace <S0) Barr ft Estes, Stan KavanaueU ■Noryo-Balley Oro Radio Ramblers Ver* Fern (13) E .Tansleys' Merrymaca S Toadies Alphonse Bei'flr Tip Tap & Toe Herman Bins' OLau Don ft D NKW YO«K WTV' .H^te (18) Owyane BroVn Si Ames X'olUna & Peterson Chick Webb Ore St«iiler X20) Geo Olsea Occ Ethel Shutta WASHTNGOCO'N • Capitol («0) 'doing Native' ... ' Loew'a State, Now York WEEK AUGUST 19th BROWN and AMES Dir.; LEDDY A SMITH faramonBt KBW XOBK CnX Win SpUalny Bd • I>ale Wlntbrop H«tr4p»ll(«t« (21) Johnny Burke i Veapers Nick Iiontr . Nadlne Oae RIlnoE Shei-ry Stuart ft. Martin S CHICAGO Chlearw <21) Rudy Vallee Bd , Casino (21) Phil Harris Ore Sybil Bowan Diamond Soys 'Florence ft Alvarei Gil .j:<amb Co Art J arrett BKTBOIT Mlchls«iM (21) Mai Hallelt Bd Val Sets Condos Bro»-'v OMAHA Oq^keum (31) Ted Mack Bd Stepin Fetcbtt PHU'.ADKLPlflA Knrle (30) Jimmy Dorsey Ore Freda Sulltvan Ray ft Trent 9uiin.v Rlce^.. Doi\ CuniinliiKa - <") Bert Frohman PI ft D'Orsay Nella Goodellf CoKdOit BrAB.. Howard ft Shelton 12 Bill Powers Gla riTTHBURGH StoNley (20) Georse Olsen Ore Ethel Shutta ' (13) Mai Hallett Ore Saul Qrauman Co Marty May WASHINGTON Karle (20) < Robeys Hail lioRoy 'Jack Starnes -kRev (13) Stafford ft Tj Rev Yost's Varsity Co BUI Robinson 3 Switts rHICAOO state Ti»ke (20) Oeorgrlii. Hayes F Sylvester Co J ft J McKenna Hal Sherman ■ KASSAM ClTV. MO Vower (20) At Gordon Co Revel, Baxter ft D 3 BredwJns i McNallaie Sis MVNICB RivoU (20-21) I^owe Hlte ft S More'y Amalerdam Week of Aup. 16 Cuuterltury M. H, . liti hair Utt-lS) Wctw>ltll« Van Rliyder 3 hal£ (19.21) B'wuy 8s. & Brend.i ]>oii Calvaii Dominion Savoy .Ir Bd CAMOK-N TOWN (•iiiimout Vmi Doi'lc N<iiii)Hi). W ft T Ueilclca Br<in CLAI'TON Kink raii)|>l>i^ll & 'Wise Kai'i'V Wulaoii 3 Avfrii I'tlj) K.\sr HAM 4Vrnikit4lu I'olli^C.HOii 'Au.iiel & Ai'Diur 'H. it M. KiMlorl KI>.MONT()N Kniiiire Kai>ld i J ft ,f .Mflvillc MAM »ICKS.MITH rulat-e BairloK Ik ijiudiiiier JSI.INCiTON • Blue Hull . -Isf half (lfi-1«) B'Vvay B.><. ft Bri'inla KDINBVRGH New VIciorU Irene Mansel Bo^yal. Afrlque Elizabeth Welch Harold Walden Joy ft Graham M ft B. Denlaon lje"hr ft WJlHe . 2 Schencks RUTLAND Irene Mansel GLASGOW Devlt'o Denny 3 CastelU'91 AC. Bd Jay ft Cullen Navarre Olsen''s' Sea ' TJons S.ft M Harrison Myers ft St John . KINGSTON Fjnplre Gonella's Georgians Onsion Palmer Wynne & Kella Co Al Burnett Weeken Bi-os J & B Eden Artemus Dawne Sis IJVKRrOOL SbakespeMre Ohas' Kunz Dawn Davis Stanley ft Gray Sis Delvalne's Marloneta Btlty Russell Pierrotys M°& H Nesbttt Rintfle BrOH ft R PLYMOUTH Pala<?e' 'Slag Party' StanelU Norman . Russell, M'rconl ft M A ft B Harvey. Jack 'Wynne Cabaret Bills IIEW YOKIC CITt Don (Jftlavan 2d half (19-21) Welzoidis Van Rhyder 3 LEWISHAM 1'alttce Allan Bros Sc June Bernardl 3 Canadians LEYTONSTONR BinUo ToUefson Auslei & Arthur H. ft M. RIstorl 8HB1>II'.B1>S BUSH Pavilion Rawlcz ft Ijnndaut^r STJUCATHAM Pnlace Act- Superb Bernavdi TOOTING Graiia4l:i Satsuma ft Oiih McDonald 2 ft Mills Puddy Drew' TOTTKNHAM . Palacr Campbell ft Harry Wulsoii 3 Averard.«i WALTHAMSTOW Graiinda Elliotts Rapid 4 J & J Melville , We<!k of Mi' 16 • AUKROKKN IAK Thomas • Tlroll iDurliaU^ & Kjldiue iu'k'li'ps Johiifl'n Bd I EHc Btkndolivli Arrowhead Ian Irving C4nn Ore Lee. Russell Muriel Lane - . Baraey' Gallaat's Betty Brtwker 3 Mu.sical Rogues B«r«>l<»(H'B Jimmy Whalen Ore Tommy HaiTls Ore Tnia Ffournoy Joyce Faye niu's G«.r 9B'a Ann Courtney Spike Harrison Gus Wickft Kmmett Cajiey .Terry White BMiry LaMarr Will Ward .CalieKta Beth Raborn Helen Sha-w - Ruth Wayue Carol Sis . 3 Rhythm Boys Caliente Cabelleroa Chateau Moderae F McFarland Ore Consuelo Flowerton Peggy Strickland CiareiH«Ht laa Jolly Coburn Ore Club Cavalier Mark Sable Oro Henry Berman Jackie Gleason Sandra. I..andl Mildred Roselle Honey ft J 'Wilson Club IS G Andrews Ore Jack White Pat Harrington .Terry Blanchard Frank Ffoeba Jerry Kruger .Terl WIthee Club Gaticlia Vaccaro'a Orch Jose Diaz Trini Plaiia Uta Mojo*. Helen vffgU Dimltrl Club Mirador (Boot Gardea) Buddy Wagner Ore Jack O.iterman EdttU Roark Floria Vestoft Gaye DIxou Chlqulta ;. .Tfta'n VJckers • RutU Denning Club Yumnrl EUseo Gretiet Oro George Negi-ette .Txiilo ft Silvia ° l»orl la Porter Sarlta Herrera Jack nentpsey'i B Carpenter Oro K! Ciileo Don Alberto Ore Carlos MoiUoya 3 Pampero O'Av.olos ft A Anton I la Morales JoHe ft Patricia. T.HK Uujrecilas Rolando <:ien Island Ciisino ^iayh<»\v Oro I'aiolyn Hugrlie.i. heoter T.udlie 'Hickory llouie .Toe ^InrMtila Ore .liiu .Moorclicad ■ Khv T{ii>ndl Hickory LtMlge (LardiuMMii, N. Y.) Tli'rbci'- Sli'liicr Oi'c Hal T<.»rry Aiuiiibelle TK»e H'lytr'd Kesfaiiranl Mitclidl Ayrc.s Ore 10 JclcHnick Ore NTC. Ki>v .I()'»y Riiy Hotel AnibuHSiMlor H:iiiiiin 1(11 niDH Ore Wlllliuu Al.l»r Paul Taulmiitn Hotel Aslor (Koul Garden) 07,/,le Nel.-»oti Ori^ Al BurU.siUle Ore Slih'ley li-Jthrop Bros Vlr.q:hila li<?c 'rtrthtjy J)ii|>.oiit Oi.viii|>lo 3 lltWr) BilliiKtrc (.tlooiillghl Territce) | l-t-^riiie Cuiiiiiilii.'t Or D'AiK'elii A I'orU'v i Hotel Eillanh Billy Swanson Ore Hulel KMex Houm- Nat Brandwynne O Maxlna Tappln blck Stone Johntiy Blue Murray Carun R J Callman H«tel Gov. Clinton Phil D'Arcy Ore Stuart Jules ICay Marshall Dorothy Danli^ls . Hotel Half Moon (BrooklyH) Ken Casey Ore Bette Carter Virginia Dare Betty Williams Hotel LexlugiAD Andy lona Ore Ray Kinney Meymo Holt Hotal UvAlpin (Boot Gnnlen) J Messner Ore Jeanne D'Arcy Hatet Murra.v Hill (Fanataln Boom) Joe CappI Ore ' Nancy Garner I H6t«l New Yorker (Sammer Terrace) Evelyn Chandler Boptle ft Lamb J Variety Boys CorlUs ft PuImM: Kathieea Mayo La Verne Tr Dlosa Coatetio Haines, Tate ft a Aloha -Hum Paria Gene Fostllclc Oro Laurence WliUa Marlon Pierca Versatile 3 MarJ'a Lou Ferris Ore Tho Oaks Al Lambs Ore Tommy layman Gene Archer Onyx Club 6 Spirits of Rhythm MaxlAe ft Janice VavlUou Boyal (Valley Stream L.I.) Delia ft Bill Mack .Till Denet Bernlce .Ackermau Virginia Vaughtin Cackles O'Neill Walt Walters Ann Linn Danny Beck "Bergere Sis Bunny Berrlgan Bil raradlBa Jay Freeman Ore Ann Pennington Lucille Joh-nson Andrews Sis Ruih Daye Rainbow Grill C Codolban Ore Durelle -Alexander .Helen Myers lOVHlyii Tyner C ft L Bonner Glover ft La Mae 8af bIioiv (tooiB Al BonalfOa. Ore Eddie licBaron Oro Ollvor Wakefleld Marr Ray ft Naldt Texas Tommy Heleo Myers Dr Sydney Boss Blvlerii Mickey Alj>erl Oro Val Ernie Ore Kddle Uarr Allc.» )>«wn Nick JI<onH: Jr Kay Picture Nadlne (5ae George Prentice Lou Valera Ben "Vo'st Collegians Soaaa rolat Club Paul Rebucci Oro Stork Club Sonny Kendla Oro Gus Marvel Ore Snrtslile (Atlantic Beach) E MddriKuet'a Ore Henny Youngman Don Ragoneiie Patrlda Gllmore Harry Rose Taxora On Green (Central Park) Hugh!B .Barrett Ore Valhalla Maurice ;Shaw Oro Klarita T.orr.'«ine Barrett Itond Hal VeraHllie>i H Rwssenihal Ore Joe Rodriguez Ore Irene Beaaley Wivel Arllne Whitney {Continued ti'om pase $3) wells in Oklahoma. She wired him abovit it and it was okay with him if she wanted and the money was right. When True grew up sh6 also became part of the act and at pres- ent is spotted in Billy Rose's Aqua- cade show at the Cleveland Exposi- tion. Since teamed they have played the worst and the best of them, both here and abroad. Despite being an J.^ckle Heller Donna Dae Aliearn Bros Chas- CaiTler Hotel Stevens (Cantiaental Roniu) Carlos Molina Ruthanla ft M'lc'lm Frank Payne, «0« (lub Billy Carr Nova Ford 'Boots' Burns Fitta Reed Ford ft Burnes iMCllt Club Nino Rlnaldo Ore Frances Williams- BOna Sedgwick Wlnsy Manunne '• Jackson, Mills ft R MS CiMb Johnny Kornert The Dictalor.i Corlle.s ft Palmer Mary Jane Dodd PHILADELPHIA LOS ANGKLES Hatal Park Onlral (Cocounat Grove) Jerry Blaine Ore Evelyn Ran Fred Cameron Phyllis Kenny Hetol PeMn»>lrHnin Tommy Dorsey Ore Bdythe Wright Jack Leonard Allen Storr 3 Esquires Hotel Piccadilly Jeno Bartnl Ore Hotel Pierre (Roof Garden) Harold Nagel Ore Hotel P|n-/a Win McCune Ore Pancho Ore Paul Draper Neila Goodelle Hotel Bnosevelt T.iukovela's Co Hatol Savnt 'PlnxH Smile Petti Ore Russell Swann Hoiel St:. 4i«nrKC (Brooklyn) BU Danl-.'.ig Ore Huiel St. Morila (Sky tinrdens) Hal Richards Ore Grixha Carleton ft Juliette Hotel St, Begin (VlenneHO Koof) Jacques Fray Oi'c A Kasrh T)an''evB Charles Wh Iters Holel Tnft Ceo. Hall Ore Dolly Dawi» • Hotel Wahlorf. Aatnrla (Starlight Knof) Guy Loiiibnrdo Ore Ralph RiitKCrs Oi'C .Vlari.<tt;n l-'lorts llRphael Hotel M'rilhrginn Ed :Ma.vehofr Oro tllnimy Kelly's Lionel l.ftnd Ore .loa. Capcllo On- Montmai'lro l{(iyH I'iM'ler ft Sclinub .riniiiile Cosfcllo 3 riaymoiids DHnny IIIk^Ihs Lnriie Hiddia D.'ivia Oro llirudo Oro 1.0 ('ot| KouK'e irornclo y.Utt Oro Geo)'g« Sli'riipy Le iMIriige Flarry llorlon (>rr Cugiilta .Marie Almonte V uirlUiin Brown's 3 ShiidcK Leon 9i Rihlle*^* (1'ugO-I'Mgo Itoom) T.oii-Mavlln Ore Kddle Davis. Billy Re<!d Ball Bruz Fletcher Charles Lawrenca U«Varl5 ITllshlre Geo Hamilton Urc BlIlnMre Bntvl llrnmy Grler Oro I/ola ft Lewis Robert Gately Hank the Mule 3 Blltmorettes Delores ft Andre Dick Webster 3 Rhythm Raarals Cafe Centnry Miller ft Mantau 3 Danridge Sis Coreta Marie Bryant Olfvette Miller M«rcus Slayter Peter Ray .Nat Coles Cedes Ore ' Cnfo Be' Paree Ted Dawson Ore Marfa Monterez Helen Curtis T.emare Caf« Internatioual Barrett ft Wright- Ben Pollock Ore Jennings & Murray Billy Vine Caroline Maaon Beth Wilson Dick Bennett Rotis McLean Dora Dean Ginger Lynne IJlly Ann Starr - Eleanor Troy Cafe lj« Maze Wm Hoffman Co^ Clover Cinb Rob Grant Ore Helen Thon)pson Club Hawaii Hawaiian Ort^ Cncoannt Grove Edgar Bergen • 'Uarlie McCarthy Hal Kemp Ore FainoM Door ■SiuK Smith t 'ozy Coe Jonah Jones Kddle Beal Hawaiian Paro<1iae ?()1 Brlghla Ore Sal^ini Tufil Loa Sol Hoopi Aggie Auld Wanda Diana Toy Lido Les Parl;er'.<) Ore Bob Roberts Bill Searles Dolores l.Utie Club Jane Jones Paul Kendall Helen Warner Rose Valydn Tiny Meredith Omnr''a Onme George Redman Ore Elmer Duvall ft Trcgg Maxlne Gregory Jo ft Ann Berkeley Parlflc Sanaet Club .M Heaih Ore Bud ft^Helene Harriet Htllard .lune Morgan '. Buddy La Rue Palomar Benny Goodnian Or Gene Krupa Betty Van Tal SInga Teddy WUson Lionel Hampton Clark Fain Benny Goodman Or Hudson MetzgevGIs Pari'* Inn Pete Contrelll Ore Oomlnlc Coiumbo ICen Henryson Lilllas Gilbert Jtronlee 'Bros Henry Monet Thora MaitlialSnn :k(arguerlta del Rio Juan de Martinis Seven Seas Lonnle Mclntlre Or LIty Gibson Honolulu Dancers Someraot House .Tack Owens Betty Borden Swing Club B B B Clarence Brown Frankle Galluglier Topsy'a - AI Eldredge Oro The Dea Sisters .lune Bruner June Brady Jilouty Ca.sey^na Rica .Vgnes Johnson Trocadero Garwood Van Ore CHICAGO Bali-Ball Billy White Oro Dancing Dietrlchs Warden & Dade Sally Joyce Blaekbnwk Jne Sanders . P.onald & Ro'bevta Pete the Newsboy June Glory . Cliea Pare* T.on Holt« Hplen Morgan Cioorgie Tapps Rcadinger 2 Ro.seniary Deertng l.lllliin Carinpn Henry Busse Ore Coloalmtts BoboTinwley -InnIs Andre Mil .vine DeSI)on Dorothy Walil Willie Shoj-e ' CongreNR llolel ((.'asiuo) Je.<<.<!e Crawford Mi'lcn Crawford ("liM.s Cnrllle Ri'rnUardt ft O I )!.•(/., ])on, D ft D 'foniiny Trent Varisos ft McDowell Gny OO's I '(illi>cn j i;<«orgi.\ Lucky I.i'vv King M iffnon In.^srid .i\ili-s Kovit Ore .Mnrion Miller I .lack Elkiu.4 Harry's N. V Cabaret CliHs Englcs Ore .l;ii'k Irving YviMte 'flu'o Troy .Mildred P.o»>k .S 'PMri.iians H, B. B. Ulder SIS Palmer Sis Dorothy John.'jton Ill-Hat Burns ft White Sonl Sliavv Vivian Proctor Loria Lorraine Hotel' BlHOiarcb (Walnut Room) Rddie Vai-zn.s Ore l.iK'io <'l».rcla Walker i 'J'lin Duano'f Denn Jlurphy Holel BreVoort Dorothy Duval K»v\ Smith Ciuniuortoi'e- Duo Joe Parlato Driike Hotel (Gold CoMNt R<»on)) .lack D-'nny Oro St. JiIoi'IiK Jce Cnr'l Kit Klfin Dous-Ih.-) Duffy Bobby JHcarn Hotel Kg<lewuter Bru'-h (Itoitrd Wiilk) B.»rni<' Ciinunina Or j tJlDria Sutter ! rr .'<iiilth JtHllet l-lllls Circus .\'iirthW!iy .M- Danilo l.HVm're Bros Holel Lnsnlle (Blue l'°otfii(aln ItllOlil) r.iul .S^l)lln Oro OiM-oi hy .Mitli-r ll<»lel i'Hintcr lloiiwe (Kmpii'M Kooini Kdil> Dlii'Uin Oi'C tloJliind i<' 11:111 llrufe Tl(»ld'!n Nllen Ul;ur .Muj'i l.\ nil 4 Arl.<iit>>'rHt' .AUlxiii l>.Miyer.i Hotel Sltpritiun << olleKd Inn) Kr'Uiki-. .M'i.-<| ^M'.-" Oi Anchorage Mannn ft Strafford' E<1 Silverglude Nyla Taylor .lohnny Graff Oro Tr-zy Bellls Marlon King Club Arcade Johnny Coster (.'OHtcr ft Rich Helen Winkle Hill Plumrcy JeMn Ma.son Joe Booth Night Owls Ore ' Arcadia Int'l Milton Kellem Oro Bon Renaldo Ore Mayfair Girls (S) Kd Sllverglade I'/zv Tteliis Holiday ft Clark Klennnr Bowers Irjna Bundel Mario Villanl Burton Pierce Bellevue-Stmtrard (Plunet Room) Meyer Davis Oro Ben ITrnnklln Hotel (CornI <^afe) .Moe JiifTe Oro Bennj the Buaa'e Deloyd McKay '.Muriel Thomas Sasha Leonott Fr.'ink Hall Lee Bartell Rose ft Ray Lyte Mayo &■ Marie CedarwtKtd Inn (.HniHga. N. ^.) Jack Curtis Bobby K'-HUM Reds ft Curley i'larence Mich Oro Franky Schluth KmbasNy Club Don Pedro Ore Lee Perrins Helen Heath Warwick Sis Joyce Henry Dorothy Deppin Willy Lee Fay Rey Peggy Butler Kvergreen CaMno Henry Way Ore Billy Faye Yvonne & Everrett Barbar Jason Tom Barry Kathleen May Jay King Hurry <;iyn .lean Kirk Ossle Wells ,Plradil1y Boom Bul^ble.i Shelby '.Tane Farrer Kay I-avery Virginia Young Nelly Banks Linda Ray Peanuts Stewart .Swing Kings Ore Hotel Adelplila Roof Vincent Rlzxo Ore Harold Knight Oro John Uppnmnn Billy. Blake Hobbln.s Finn A'era l-'ern .Mfunso Berg (Car)yn WnllHCe .\i(i rli>i'a li & J Leai>h (''l> de BHsnpr l»«nu Ward Agnes Tolle Kvan B Konlalne John Vpmann I.anibM Tavern Larry Mpli, Oi'C Llltle KHiirKkeller Jack Grlff:n Orc l)oiolh\' Hai'h George Scottt Cleo Valentine Joe Armstrong Kahu ft JJePlnto Pat Perry ' Pierre'B Manny LaPorte' Ore Gati^s ft Clali'e Doris Fields Betsy. Bain Jack King Rltx-Carlton (Crystal Boom) Van Levis Oro Henry Patrick SI CInh BUI Fiake Oro Billie Brill Brooks S Gene Osborne Lloyd Woods Brown ft Brown Johnny Magnan Silver Lake lim (Clemenlna) Joe Millkopf Oro Beth Challis VanessI ft De Uma l/ow Hoffman Carolyn Dyne 'iOlh Century Tavora Lou Longo Ore Hazel Harman 20th Ontury Co (.«) Frankie Hyres Winstead 3 J ft E Adams Parrisli -Cafo Bobby Lee ' Oro Blanche Saunders Fata Primera 3 Pariaettes Chickie Mai'tin Co (1623 Wnst) Bubbles Shelby Kings of Swing Ore Kay Lavery Jane Farrar Linda Ray Nellie Banks Virginia Young Peanuts Stewart Batkla'a Bathakellor Agnes Willis Helene Hart Leah Sis Peggy Du Van Zolley Ramblers Or '^"'rank PonU Stamii's Cafe Bella Belmont Flo Hulse Tommy Mills Marie Little Jean liS Nolle Costello ft Corinne Ylking Tafo Penn Fay Oro Lew Foster Evelyn Barnes Gene Walters Jimmy Boiley Penn Raymond Ml.'u I..ievounn Johnny Bellly Weber's Hot Bran (Camden) T.ouls-Chalkin Ore Ray Miller T.ane ft Carroll Benio 'Bros ft Rita Savllza Htigo Klee Sid Golden (Gregory Quinn ft B Bldbradinns Sunset Inn .\ce Pancoast Ore Betty ^'allona Chubby Reed Al <'ornarg Beltv Soott Edith Moul.son Eavl Shaffer Peacock tiardens •Sylvan Herniali Ore Yorktowh Tavern Billy Seln Ore DETROIT .ArcHtlSu tiiirdfnK Lpp WnltPi ? ■ Ore rur\y 'Balitwln Hoseniiiry Cnlvin Ileniy \'an Siecden .Iciry Tl.c>iiia.>< BloKHoiu Iloulh Ji'i'ry J(ilins(wi ore Kin;;*s .1 rl*.tiM-?t. ,\tai'j(iric Whiinpy Simlor:! * Lorraine "l'Mn;i A; .1 'l'oi'reiii-« B»uk-<'iMlillH4' liolel (CHHino) Ron T'crry Ore (halft I [.-ink Foiul.«h Ore Club Conllnenlal. Clilco Jloyi-R' Oi-(j .I'-ssif I'vnxrii ('nntini'iitnl 3 r.uih .MHi-lIn K.uhIwimiiI fMirdt^UH Uudy N'jillop Ore tariiyNlime Gardens Saiiiniy Dlliert Ore liiibp Kiiiith t'orUy .M('<'oi'iitii'k 4en'^rN«ni Bcat'b Phil Levnnt t.>ro (Jrptchen Lee Larry Julinsou Dick Dickson Oo.sIm t'harlip Jja/.in Ore .Annette .Mailpllue Kaiip Nichols ft Sylvia .lo.sfplilne CuiupbHll Ki'n ("onrov <'lark ft Curtl.H J'lunliitloii Karl Walton Ore Tpd Blaekinan Louis Dpppp 1 <'ata ft Fiddle Miie AWs. Harvey :i-;thel Powhuinu Will Hendpr.Mon Ore Kelily ft. lOinniclt SakK <-.? KavHnagh Oro Wel>ster Hall Miktel (<'«N-k<Mtl Grill) Art Moonev Ore The Great Hankell Lola ft. Andre Wef»itvood Gi<rdeu!« Horace H^ldt Ore important factor in show busipess they have Ifved a life that is com- parable to the average hard working American business couple. According to Chic, show business of today consists of radio, motion pictures and legit and is as different from when they started out 30 years ago as the mode of automobiles or anything else. 'Today, an agent calls you up and tells you he has an air spot for you. So you immedi- ately hire a good script writer and get something that you think will click on the air waves,' continued Chic. ' 'You then audition before an audience of advertising agency execs who probably agree you have some- thing. However, one of their" $35 « week pipe-smoking script artists has a few suggestions to make, revises the script and they finally tell you go on this or that program in a guest spot for about one-fourth of your established, salary on the next Fourth of July. That's show busi- ness today, but I'll take vaudeville if I can,find any to take, 'Ma (that's Kose) is going with the Shuberts for this season and I have developed a new character called Professor McCupcake that I hope to sell as a nite club novelty or as a series of shorts for films.' The real secret of our; happy marital status,' chimed in .-Rose, 'is that we work on a 60-50 basis all the way. We get along by understand- ing each other and not by any set rules. Nagging is out both ways. If either of us make a boner we realize it without having to tell each other about it, which of course obviates inevitable quarreling. You see, if I want to play bridge and Chic wants to play golf we both do as we please without further con- troversy, but I always n^anage to get home a little later than Chic does. I found that good psychology.' Both beamed at each other. Chic wrapped his arms around Ma and implanted a resounding smack. And it wasn't stage stuff either. A trace of tears of gratitude were discerni- ble in the orbs of each, a sort ol curtsey to the fates that have been kind. And all this was in momen- tary obliviou-sness to the onlookers. APOLtO, N. Y. (Continued from page 65) 'April in Paris' number, an all- around sock that, would credit any $3 musical. With girls decked out in blue and pink flowing voil* cos- tumes, none too cover-uppy, and spotted on a mirrored staircase, the effect is electrifying. Fay and Grant register for guffaws in 'Matrimonial Tangle,' flanked by Dorothy Ryan, personable blonde and good reader. Ditto ior 'Ship- wrecked,' with Ann Corio in re- vealing South Sea isle costume as the dream girl. JWliss Corio makes previous entrance and contribs hula dance after creditable buildup with attractive tropical set and hula-cos- tumed chorines gyrating to the war- bling of Jimmy Lewis of 'Blue Ha- waii,' all of which iells perfectly. This leads into the bare-facts strip in a Greenwich Village studio bit, Lewis as the artist and Miss Corio doing the take-off in tempo of 'Me Without You,' vocalized by Lewis. It's tastefully handled and hit for desired effect. Ralph Brown stops the show twice with some corking hoofology that in- corporates everything there is m dancing from taps to anywhere, par- ticularly socking with his combo tap, truck, Suzzi-Q and Bib Apple. Brown is spoted half way down fol- lowing Miss Renault, who is given announcement build-up as being a pocket edition of Irene Bdrdoni, but with only the Bordoni bang to war- rant the allegation. She spots trio of French vocals ih. native tongue but got her best band on pop chorus^ in English for finish. The ballet l>ne gives good account in froggy Pa^a.^^j dance on toes in follow up, making way for Grant. Fay and Miss Rya" in nutty tragedian bit with Grant as the barnstormer that goaled them lor laughs, also showing Grant to advan- tage. Succe.<Wiion of fast song and dance numbers space the skits with Miss Ryan and Jimmy Lewis handling ana doing okay job. Skits have been sapolioed in comparison to otnei weeks and are as effective if not more so. Good biz Friday night with plenty of femmes in audience. Crystal Gardens Reopens Oct. -W Crystal Gardens in the Ritz Carl- ton. New York, will reopen Oct. 2.5, after being closed all summer. Class spot this coming season will use name bands and a couple of act,-?, spotted for two-week engageinenl.-;. booked by the . French Casino"-' agency subsid, the International.'