Variety (Sep 1937)

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54 VARIETY Wednesday, Se|^temb«r 15, 1937 Variety Bills NEXT WEEK (Sept. 20) THIS WEEK (Sept. 13) Numerals in connection with bitis below indicate opening day of show, whether full or split week MO Graad (17^ Dick,'Don ft D Sarah Ann KcCabs Edna Sirong HariT Rose Callt Collegians ("> il Bowes Int'I Rev BOSTON Boston (M) Ozzte Nelson Oro HarriBt Hllllard 3>on Cummlncs Grace & Nlkko. Preiaser Sis . (9) Ina Ray Button Bd Stan Kavanach Hltzt Majrfalr Buster Shaver Co CHIjCAOO Pala«fl (17) Variety Octmbol Chuck & Chuckles Cappy Barra Co Block ft Sully Chapey Sc. Fox (10) AlphoBSe Berg Co Allen ft Kenv. Arren ft Broderl'.it Bobby Breeii 4 KraddockB' CUBVELANO Palace (17) Titan 8 Allen & Kent Don Zelaya . Jimmy Doraey Ore (10) Variety Gambol Steve Bvans (Sene Austin CiBindy ft Coco Block ft Sully Holland ft Hart Loew MEW TOBX CITT > State (18) Sert .HhkM Co Mark Plant eid Marlon Sliadellne Kllleen Ella' Fltzeerald Chick. Webb Oro WASHIMOTON Capitol (17) Larry Collins Sammy Walsh Judy Starr Johnny Burke . Prltchard ft Lord Talbert Haslett Evelyn fyner JACK POWELL NOW ON His 20th YEAR For LEDDY & SMITH ParanHmnt MEW irOBK CIXI Paranount <1S) Shop Fleldu Oro Barton ft Mann Shas Team Jane Pickens Johnny Woods BOSTON nietropoUtan (17) IMary Small Hastings Pjippeta Ross Wyse Jr Co Harris Shannon ft C Lew Parker Co • Jaoksons CHICAGO Chioa«o (17) Sandor & Glancz (Thr«e to fill) BALIiAS Casino (17). Anson Weeks Oro Mells, Kirk ft H Buster Shitver Co Ijou HoltZ' Art Jarrett DE1BOIT Micfalsaa (17) MaJ Bowes U Wanier PHILADELPHIA Earle (17) Henny Toungman' Mltzi Mayfair Ethel Shutta Whitey & Ford Stan Kavanagrh Mann, Dupree ft L (10) Horace Heldt Oro PITTSBVROH Stanley (17) DlcU Stabile Ore Oracle Barrle Shaw ft Lae Nolo ft Nolan (10) Qlen Gray Oro Bob Hall Marjorle Galnsw'rth READING Astor <M-25) Rita Rio Ore (17-18) Hudson-DeL Ore • WASHINGTON Earls (17) Horace Heldt Oro (10) Gilbert Bros J ft' J McKenna Grade Barrle Jack Seymour Co CHICAGO Ohicago (IS) Eddy Duchln Oro Harris & Shore Park ft CllfCord Mellnsa Mason Oriental (18) Roaa ft Bennett King, King ft K Tommy Trent Wilfred Bngleman Vic Hyde State Lake (17) Bobbins Varsity Coeds Troy ft Lynne (One to fill) INDIANAPOLIS Lyrlo (17) George Beatty LaVere ft Wore Fred Sylvester Co Bill Anson Paul Rosini KANSAS CITY, MO Tower (17) Muriel Page Radio Ramblers Tommy Trent Olvei-a Bros ST. JOE, MO. Electric (17-18) Sunnio O'Dea 3. Arnolds Jack I^onard Kendall Capps & Jr (10-20) Gray Fam Thrillers ISxocUos (One to All) Week of Sept. 13 Astoria D. H. Anderson.' ft AUom Canterbury AI. H. ]Hl. half (13-15) Jiiclc Worroan Wllflon, Dake ft H 'MX halt (1Q-It> Jock McKay Joy, Jack> Joe Dominion Ztawlcz ft Landduer CAMDEN TOWN Qaumont 3 Porcellys Mona Grey CLAPTON ■ Blnk Haywood, May ft D Jack I.ane EAST HAU Granada in'ilson, Keppel ft B Rapid 4 Jack Stocks. Premier Molino, Knye & M Jones '& Thomas EDMONTON . Empire Popino II IIABiaiERSMITH Palace 4 Symmooks Lucille Bonntead ISLINGTON Blue Hall Ist half (13-15) Jock McKay Joy. J&.C1C, Leo 2d half (IC-IB) Jack Warman Wilson, Dake & H £EWIHHAM Palace Radlonymphla LEYTONSTONE RIalto J ft J Melville T'«Blie ft JTjewIs SHEPH'RDS BUSH Pavilion 4 SymmeCks Lucille Benstead STRATFORD Broadway Melino, Kay ft M Jones & Thomas STICEATHAM Palace P ft M Honri Anderaon ft Allera TOTTENHA31 PmIac* Haywood,' Hay ft D j«ck I^ane WALTHAMSTOW (Granada Dagenham Pipers Murray ft Mooney Murray Stewart LatHsha ft L'wrence Dennis Fam Week of Sept. 13 ABERDEEN TlTOH 'Jlck 0' th« Pack* Jack Radcllffe 16 SaronyJSirls Tom F Moss Donelll & Sutton .Dale. Sl3 McKenzle Reld ft D Norman Cnrnot Don Gal Van ALDEBSttOT^ Hlppo<lrome . Henry D. Adams Dawne Sis ■ Ahdy ft Irving Byron & Byron. Walsh & Barker Lilian Fltzroy Jenny McAndrew Hatton ft Mariners Mansell & Ling EDINBURGH Royal Talbot O'Farrell Wynh' ft Zella Co Phllco 4 De Haven ft Paga Jimmy James' Co Aflair. ft BrMce TiR Petite Poupee Kondo & Hanako GLASGOW Pavilion . Ronald Frankau Anna ft Pals Bertha Wilmott George Herlot Kerns ft uapon Nlcol ft Martin EdUon & Louisa Ku4a Bux Sylvia GREAT . YARMOUTH Boyal Levis DlBcoverlea KINGSTON Empire Houston ft Stewart Donald Peers Falls Reading ft B Lucan ft McSbane Low ft Webster Edward Victor Swan ft Leigh . Danworth Union Klt-Kat S Bower ft Ruthert'rd Harry Helmsley LIVERPOOL Shakespeare 'Happy Landings' P ZaharoiC Bd 16 pancing Beauties 10. Mannequins 20 Eton Boy Singers Oliver Hardwlcke Countess Torano Valerie' Wyn Joe Moss ' Bud Moore Thelma Came L'Anson SIb Rupe Withey NEATH Knoll HaU Terry's Juves Cliff Cook Damzel ft Boy NEWCABTLB Paramount Alfredo Ore PLYMOUTH Palace Stanley HoHbway Jack Grieve K ft J Winnon Leon ft Klkl 3 Hlltons Betty 'ft Olga Matthe Hal Tatea French ft Jeromo SOUTHEND RlvoU Billy Behnett Strad Newsboys 3 Ansons Cabaret Bib NEW YOSK CITT Arrowhead Inn Irving Conn Ore Lee Russell Muriel Lane Blanche & .Elliott Barney Oallant'a Betty, Bowker 3 Musical Roguea Bertolottr* Jimmy Whalen Oro Tommy Harris Ore Tula Flournoy Joyce Faye. Lnila.n Gale Rita Renaud Anne White Lillian Loralna Renee Villon mil's Gay BO'B Ethel Gilbert Ann Courtney Spike Harrison Bmmett Casey Jerry White Henry LaMarr Jack Arnold Sid Hawkins Jerry Ryan Callente Beth Raborn Helen Shaw Ruth Wayne Carol Sis. 3 Rhythm Boys Callente Cabelleros CImteaa Slodeme' Jack Monte Ore Maryon Dale Consui^]o FlowertoD Trim Plaza Clnremont Inn Carl Harte Ore Club Cnyaller Mark Sable Orcf Henry Berman Jackie Gleason Snndra Landl Mildred Roselle Honey & J Wilson Club 18 Q Andrews Oro Jack White Pat Harrington Jerry Blnnchard Frank Froeba Jerry Kruger Jerl Wlllxee Club Eldorado Helen Morgan Dave Fox Bovard Sis 4 Cordoba ,Sls Club fi2d St. Snub Mosley Ore Clqb Gaacho Los GauchoB Oro Chlciulta Nina Llta Carmen Club Mlrador (Roof Garden) Roy Sedley Buddy Wagner Ore Ruth Denning ' Jock Dempsey't B Carpenter Oro Don Alberto Oro. CI Chtea Carlos Montoya 3 Pampero D'Avolos & A Antonlta Morale* Jose ft. Patricia Las Gdarecltas Bolando El T«rcador Don Juan Ore Fausto De Igado Teddy Rodriguea Cortes & Malda Rlcardo De Caro Tlti ft Pellln French Casino (Foltee Bergera Revue) Russ Morgan Oro Lou Breese Oro Les. Aurette B.I and B.I LInd Carcnzlo Corlnne ^ Dormonde Bros Irene Helda Herman Hyde Co ° Les Juvelys Ltlyan, Dania, Male Luclenne ft Ashou'* Ketty Mara Co Les Menchiassl Les Robenis Roborton Germalne Roger Nlco Roschin Carmen Torres Frolics Ralph Watkins Ore Joe Lewis a ft R McDonald Terry Lawlor Harlem Uproar House Eraklne Hawkins Or Bobby Evans Socarass Bddlt Smith Lillian FItzgerld FlHsa Sextette Reo & Curley Spoons Brown Bubbles Wilson Yelma MIddleton Willie Jackson Loucey Lane . Hickory llonae Joe Marsala Ore Ray Blondl 3 Poppers Adelo. Glrard Ulckory Lodge (Lnrclimont, N. I.) Ziun Arthur Ore U'lyw'd RtiBtauriuii Mitchell Ayres Ore E Jelesnlck Ore NTG Rev Joey Ray Hotel Ambassador Larry Siry Ore Hutel Hlltmnr* (Moonlight Terrace) Bernie Cummins Or D'Angelo & Porter Walter Cummins Dorothy Crone Bote) Edlaea Billy SwansoQ Oro Hotel Esses House Nat Brandwynna O Maxlna Tappin Dick Stone Johnny Blue Murray Carun R J Callman Hotel Gov. Clinton Phil D'Arey Ore iJtiiart Jules Kay Marshall Dorothy Daniels Hotel Half Alooii (Brooklyn) Ken Caaey Oro Bette Carter Virginia- Dare Betty. WUIlan>a Hotel LetlOKloa Andy lona Oro Ray Kinney Meymp Holt Uolel rWcAlpIn (Roof Garden) J Messner Ore. .Tennne D'Arry Gonzales ft Menen . Hotel Murray HUl (Foaatain Room) Joe CappI Ore Nancy Garner Hotel New Yorker (Summer 'TemKo) Benny Meroff Oro Florence Cast Jack. Marshall Larry Powell Uorel Park Central (Caeoanut Orove) Jerry Blaine Orr Johnny MeKeever Evelyn Ran ' Fred Cameron. Phyllis Kenny Hotel frnnif.'rlvn'nla. Tommy Doraey Ore Edytbe Wright Jack Leonard ' 3 Esq,ulrea Hotel riccadUly Jeno Bartal Oro Betel Pierre (Reof Garden) Harold Hagel Oro . fintet riaxa Pancho' Ore Darlo ft Diane Bote! Roosevelt Lukewela'B Orch- Uetel Smvo^ -I'Inm Emlie Petti Ore The Bachelors Hotel St. taeorire ^(Brboklm) BU Dantzlg. Oro flotel St. Uorits (Sky Gardens) . Hal Richards Oro Grlsha Carleton ft Juliette Paul Thompson Ed Singer Hotel St. SegiB (Viennese Boot) Jacques Fray Oro A Rascb Daneera COiarlea Walters Hotel Shelton Gene Fosdlek Oro Hotel Taft GoA. HaU Oro D0II7 Dawa ■•tal Waldorf* Astoria (Staillckt Ko^ Leo Relsman Bd Balph Rutgers Oro Marl una Pi ores Raphael Hotel WclUnstea Bd UayehoS Ore nmmj Kelly's Allan Small Oro Joe Capello Oro Montmar'tre Boys Carter ft Schaub Mary Lane 3 Raymonds Danny Higglna Inga Borg Lee Leslie Gene Walters Gladys Faye Vaughn Comfort In'ternatlonal Casino Geo Olsen Ore Yaicha Bunchuk Or Basil Fomeen Ore Calgary Bros Artlni Jeanne Devereaux Maurice & Crance Jacqueline Mlgnae Kit Kat Club Maurice Rocco Ore Dorothy Saulters ■ Gharioteere Cook ft Brown Kretohma Nicholas Matthey Or Michel Mlcbon la ] Volodlft Katov Marusia Sava Simeon Karavaefl Larae Eddie Davia Oro Hlrado Oro Ijo Coq Roage Horaclo ZIto Oro George Slerney Lfl Mirage Harry Horton Oro CuquUa Mai'ie Almonte V MacNaiightoTi Brown's 3^^ Shades I.euD & ndilt^** (Pngo-Pngo Room) Lou Martin Oro Eddie. Dnvis Billy Reed Ahl James ICeogan CorlieB ft Palmer ICathleen M.tye La Verne Tr Haines. Tate ft 8 Tic Toe Sis AUirirn : lion Ferris t)re • The .Oaks Al Lnmbs Ore Tommy Lyman • Oene 'Arrhpr Murray's (Tuckahoe) Ray Keating Oro Baddy Kennedy 1.«.mberton9 Oiurs 4-lati 6 Spirit* of Rhythm Maxinc ft Janice rnmdlse Jay Freeman Ore Lucille Johnson Ruth Daye Shea ft Raymond Joan Dilion Johnny Russell-. Hope Chandler ' PavUlon Aeyal (Valley Stream L.!.) A Warren Ore Delia ft Billy Mack Panny Beck Jill Dener Virginia Vaughn Cackles O'Neill Place Elegante Larry Maddl Ore • BUI Farrell Helen Cagle Jack Rose Toto Canglosl Mario Baslnl Queen Maiy Joe Webb Ore Valerie Dumont Bernlce Horton Ray Jones Sulnliow. itooiD Emery Deutsch Ore Eddie Iiebanon- Ore Dr Sydney Rosa Helen Myera The Bonnera . Thelma Kingsbury Kenneth Davidson Stroud 2 Raye ft Naldl Riviera Mickey Ali>ert Ore Val Ernie Ore Eddie Garr . Wlni Shaw Ramon ft Renita Lois' Kay Wes Sommerfleld Lou Valera Ben- Tost Collegians ■ Russian Bear Cosrya Krumln - Sarlo Lonya Kalbousa Elena Slavnata { Nlcholai Orushko > Julian Altmao Ivan Kornlloff Sands Point CInb Panl RebnccI Oro Stoik iciob W Feldkamp Ore Gua Martel Oro Snrfslde (Atlantic Beach) Bobby Hayes Bd Henny Youngman Don Bagonese Patricia Gllmore Harry Rose Gypsy Lee Tavern On Green ' (Central Park) Hughle Barrett Ore Valhalla Maurice Shaw Oro Marita Lorraine Barrett Ron'd Hal VersRillea M Bergere Ore Joe Rodriguez Oro Mltzi Green Gall-Gnll WIvel Bob Asen Bd Arllne Whitney Evelyn Nesbltt Bob Lee Ginger Sutton Seven Seas . Lonol* Mclntlre Or Lily Gibson Honolulu Dancers Somerset Hoaaa Jaok Owens Betty Borden Saving Club Nan Blackstone 4 Squires Hal Brown Frankie Gallagher Swing Club Girl Rev Dorothy Roberts Guy Ronnie Fred Thompson Oro Tepay's At Eldredge Ore Arnold Sis June Bruner Jean Rogers Barney Llnd M Monaehesl Leona -Rice Agnea Jbhnson Trocadero Garwood Van Ore GHICAOO Ubangl Club Buhrman ft Scott Lethla Hill Valda Hatton Dannie Lyons Bernlce Douglas Jack ft Jill Derby Wllvon Yaeht Club Mary Hubbard ,'3 Martina Musical Nitwits Ida Nash Ted Beanney Viola Klaiss Ore Yorktown Tavern Bill Bllger Oro DETROIT JtloBBom Heath LOS A170ELES BaiKlloli: Billy White Oro Dancing Dietilehs Warden ft Dade Sally Joyce macktiawfc .lee Sanders Ronald ft Roberta Pete . the Newsboy Juno Glory Chei Paree Paul Draper The Reyes Paul Gerrlts Corlnna Mura Mildred Fenton BemlB Kids Henry Itusse Oro Coloslmas Bob Tlnsley Jaiils Andre Maicine DeShon' Dorothy Wahl Willie Shore . Yvette AVIllle Shore Sherr Bros Burns ft White Nina Rlnaldo Oro Cengrees Hotel (Casino) . Jesse Crawford Helen Crawford Chas Carllle Bernhardt ft G Diaz, Don. D ft D Tommy Trent Varzos & McDowell. Omt •O'a • Law King 'Mame' Gale Parker Marita Ryaa Emmet Vance' Ore Harry's ft. t. Cabaret Chas Engles Oro Jack Irving Tvette Theo Troy Mildred Rock I Parislana B. B. B. Rider Sis Palmer Sis Dorothy Johnston Ill-Hat Paul Rosini Lorraine 61s Marie Saria Dick Ware . Hotel BiBtnarch ' (Walast Koeni) Eddie Varzps Ore Luclo Garcia Walker 3 The D'uanos; Dean Murphy . Betel Breveort ^ Dorothy Duval' Earl Smith Commodore Duo Joe Porlatn. Drake Hotel ^ . (Gold Coast Boom) Fred Warings Ore Grand Terrace Ada Brown . . Andy Kirk Ore Geo D Washington Al ft Anise Hotel Edgewater Beach- (Booed. Walk) Roger Pryor Ore Enrico ft Novello Les Trluner • Elutlngfl Animals H Smith Ballet Hotiel Palmer Uooaa (Empire Room) The DeMarcos Alexander Gray Ga9parre''s Oro. .4 Arlstocrate Abbott Dancers Betel Sherman - (ColleKO Inn) Frankie Masters' Or Jackie Heller ' Donna Dae Aheam -Broa Chas Carrier Hotel Stevens (CoNtinenta]. Kooos) CiarlOB Molina The Bandana Dean'Murphy Jo Andrews Violet Love Bill Balrd Lee ft Raule Frank Payne The Rose Bowl Bomard ft Henri. Dixie Painter 4 Dictators Carol, Jean, ft J Billy Scott Oro Geo Sterney Ore • Brodell Sis (3) Murray, King ft R Reftk'Cadillac Hotel (Caalno) Rcju" Perry Ore . Chalet Hank Famish Ore . Blue Lanten Maude F^ely Nat Alonzo Pat Burps Marie Paul Al Hanawuy Ore l< Club Continental Chloo Reyes' Ore Jessie Pengra tontinental 3 uth Martin Cocounut Falma Nicholas ft Sylvia Marge Jourdaln Melanle Gene Youngblood Fr«nk Gagen Ore Corktuwu Xavera Phil Kaye Healy ft Garnella Stanbeck (S) Millie Obenor Chalan ft Aldyt&e ZeUer ft Wllburn . Marion Meltose Paul Rene Alexander Ore Coay (Jorner J Hubert Helen Dorsey May Joy Claudia Weller Geo Williams Arlene Satton Bin JohtVBon Ore Eastwood Ciardeas Boh C;hester Oro Jforthwood Inn Bob King Blaine & Barry Arllb Stmraonds Oro Betty Harrington Plontutlim Karl VValton Ore Ted Black mao Luis Deppe 4 Cats ft Fiddle .Mae . AUx . Harvey ft Ethel Powata'p' Jack <!orllea Maurice Palmer Lyons 2 '' Will Henderson Ore rtaaN U Kavanagh' i^ro Ten-Forty Club Lois Harper . Celia McCoy Gloria Shayne Eddie Collins Coyle McKay Ore Club VIIIh D Irving Alexander Chuck Stevens Ore Webster Ball Hottil (Copktail flrllO Bud ft Buddies Ralph Fisher Paul Neighbors Art Mooney. Ore <CohtinCied from page 3) PHILABELPBIA Anchorage Montez ft Marie Lee Lament ■ Dorothy Bach Ed Sllverglade Johnny Graft Oro- lesy BelUs Ball Bruz Fletcher Charlea Lawrence Beverly Wllahlre Ted FIoRlto Ore BUtmore. Bowl Jimmy Grler Oro Lola ft Lewis Glen Pope Jan Rublnl 3 Biltmorettes Delores ft Andre Dick Webster 3 Rhythm Rascals Cafe International Don ft A LeMaira Mills, Kirk ft H Jean Gary King Sis The Theodore Vlnlta Wade Paula Francois Night ft Day Beth Wilson International Girls Frank Brltton Ore Cafe 1« Haoe Stan Clare Co Clover Club Bob Grant Oro Club Hawaii Hawaiian Oro . Caeoanut Grove Donald NovIb Ore - Hal Kemp I^amoas Door StUfiC Smith Cozy Coe,- Jonah Jones Bddls Beal Hawaiian Paradise Sol Brights Ore Satlnl Tual Loa Sol Hoopl Ore Wanda ' Diana Toy Little ClBb Jan* Jones Paul Keadall Gladys Bagwell Ross Valyda Tiny Meredith Omar'a Doma Georgs Redman Oro Elmer Dorothy CajBtlo Dorothy Black . 2 Castles Palomar RosBllJanoB Dick & Dot Remy Mildred Bailey Red Norva Ore Hudson MetzgerOls Paris Ian Pate Contrelli Ore Dominie Colmnbo Ken Henryeon Dee Sis Winnie Mack Rodolfo ft Alva Henry Monet Tbora' Malthalaon MargueMta del Rio Juan de Martinis Int^ MUteia Kellem. Oro Ooa JtaBalde Oro' Xay&lr Girls («> Ed Sllverglade Iszy BelUs Music HaU Boys Castalne & Baiaie See Judge Eleanor Bowers Bonevaa-Stntrora (niMt Boons) Meyer Davis Ore Baa VmakHa Hotel Coooanut -Grovo Leon Fields Cleo Valenteen Nolan. Darling ft N Sha!bdor &, Margo Dolly Vaughn Freddie Lane Jacqueline Herman UlUaa Bowman Al Mayo Ore {Cam Cafe) Mee Jaffe Oro Beany tlio Bnia'o Deloyd McKay Muriel Thomas Frank Hall Lee BarleU Diaae ft Del Campo OEEie Welle Cedarwood Ina (Malaga. If. (naieace Midi Oro Fraaky SOhlBtlt Jimmy Parker S^riam Brome Betty I>elavar LlUiaa Bowman . Ambasey Chib Helen Beaton Glraoe Manners Pedro Blanco Oro Lee Perrlns Helen Heath Warwick Sis Dorothy Deppln Peggy Butler . Bversreea Caaiolo Henry May Ore Nadlae ft Gerardo Tom Barry Lu-Brent Jean Kirk BlUle Lee Katfaem Qulnn Barbara Jaeon Hotel Adelphia Roof Vincent fUzze Ore Harold Knleht Oro Bob Roltner Bobbie May Sinclair Sis Martha Sears Anita Jacob! Spec ft Spot Bert Liynn ' E ft J Leach Paul Duke Texas Redheads Agnes Tolle Bran 8 FsotaJne Lambs Taveni Larry Mell Oro | little SathakeUer Jack GrlfEln Oro Job Bryan Savar ft Nell Frances Carroll Joan Gardner ■I^a Vonne Kahn & DePlnto Palumbo's Eddie Thomas Miller A Millard Travis ft Gray Pattl Crawford , Martoneties Bobby Xorro Oro Btto-CarltOB fCiTStal Baen) Vaa :Levta Oro Heniy Patrick SI aab Bm SllBke Oro Greae Oaborno' Graca Oellins Jean ft June 4 Bloasoma Harry Holly Johnny Majgnan Silver Lake laa (tHemeatoa) Joe MUikopC Oro "Beth ObaUlB CharleB ft Celeste Blta Del Gardi Katherlse Band «M]i CsataiT; Xaroni Lou Longo Oro 2Sth Century Co ii) Jimmy Coatello Coyie ft ThompaoB Dot Hawley Don Greenwood Chloe Dare XillUan Stewart Pandafa Caf* Ted Xjlasey Ore Blanche Saunders Tata Priaero 3 Pazlaattes Gee Craft _ Doany I«rona . DatUa's Battaakollor Oloria Armond Ginger Bcott Marion XJndeay De Mayos <2) Dolly DaviB V ■ .Normand Ore 'Vtenk Poatl Staaip'a Cafo Bella Belmont -Chas Dane * Marie Latell Case ft Harris Dods Pields Sunny Nash Gale ft Day J»<^ Hutchinson Irving Braalow Ore Tlldn« ^f o Penn Fay Oro Billy Callahan Al Shumaker Darlene Jones Jimmy BoUey Johnny Bellly Weber'a Hot Braa (Caaadea). iioula (3ia1kia Ore Ray Miller Nathan Bros Dick ft Dottia Jonea Janice Thompson' Alfred Latell Int'I InBtrumental S Use Hart Hugo Kiea Sid Golden Gregory Qolnn ft B Eldoradlana J Dunetln ft Myrtle Snnaet Xon Ace Paneoast Oro Ann Barrett Greta Straub Chubby Reed Al Cornarg Ed M'arple Rhythm 2 Peacock OardeaB i Sylvan Herman Ore market, of coiirse, with the 'same heralding a distinct sliimpi. in busi- ness activity, would naturally be felt at the box office, atid in no itniertain manner. But . the present dip in the market is hot expected to be re- flected foy aoy slump at the box of- fice.' Though a majority of - picture houses were doing tertific business at this time in 1936; the box -oifice this yfear still is runniag Well above that enjoyed last year in early fall. While the industi7 had an unusually fine batch of J>ictures to inaugurate the fall season last year, there are just is many if-hot more hit films this year^ This despite .ihe attempted Paramount • boycott . and infantile epidemic' threat to juvenUe attend- ance. After giving ihe once-over to box office receipts last week, Batney Balaban, ' president of Paramount,' said Ifaat receipts were running S-t9% tiigher than a year ago. He forecast that Ifaere would be' a fur- ther pickup as the vacation season is forgotten and cooler weatiier :sets in. Baiabad indicated thai &e ex- hfliitioa policy 3i4^t be shifted, pro- -viding pidblic patronage oonituiues, to indade extended Ttins for more pop pictures even though onginalHy set only -for one week or less. To back up this theory, 'Balaban cited 'lhat 'Artists and Iklodels^ liad 4S bold- overs in first- ruris and fiiat ^uls at Sea* has ioHovred liurough wai& ex- tended eiigagemeaits In Xios Angeles, .San Francisco, I%iladelphia, New Bsivea and Hartford. Another satisfying an^ to show- men watching ftx bux office trends is that draw pictures h6ve come in for floe business an subsequent runs even tiiough they played to excellent grasses in prolonged first-run f3>ots. Extras Up ^Continued from page 4) hours notice given. This was - in answer to bis attitude and .slowness in complying'with. SAG regulations. By the «ad of the present week. Guild offidals expect to have virtu- .aSy aill 'industrial and conmiercial picture' producers signatured to pacts. Wilding and Audio Produc- tions., Inc., BOW are in, and Jam Handy' and Caravel |iave indicated they 'would follow suit. West Coast Service studios, one of larger plants used by eonunercial film makers in the east, is being counted i^n to sign up as .soon as principal executives .of that firm Teturn to the city. No reply has l>e«i receiil'ed from Meatone from ,the last' letter ad- dresised to Iflilton ScHwarzwald, chief officer K>f that short producing firm. Sducational also has not signatured pact yet.' Latter releases through apth-Fox'while Meiitone goes to ex- hibitors via UniversaL Because both of liieBe distributing companies have signed the basic scale agreements on the Coafrt, leverage might be exerted to get Educational and Mentone in linfe on Guild wage. agreement in time. ^March of Time* situation will be better known following a conference between SAG officials and John R. Wood today (Wed.).