Variety (Oct 1937)

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52- VARIETY Wediiesday, October 27, 1937 ♦ Variety^ Oills NEXT WEEK (Nov. 1) ^ ^ THIS WEEK (Oct. 25) Numerals in connection with bills below indicate opening day of show, whether full or split' week RKO tirand <2S) HoUyvroo<l Rev BOSTON BoDtoB <»H> Bines Boys Co liorla Kids Morton Uowney Cpthers fill) • (21) Blnen Boys Co • Kvers Sc. I>61or«!i Milt Douglas & P Wlnl Shaw LaRue & Barneit Cass Mack Se^ .t CHIGAGO. Pfitece (29) Gwyniio Co ■ BellltA EnKllsh Ca "W & E Howard Sara Ann McCabe Richards Adrian Alice Kavan Olympic 3 (22) H'w.ood Hotel Rov Ray & Trent Hector CUBVKLAND Palace (S»>^ Fred Waring Co (2Z) B'way Bd Waron MINNEAPOLIS Orpheom {fi9y Play Olrls SCHENECTADY Pvactar's (2»>M> Louis Russell Swing Harlem Sw'e TBOY ■• Proctarli li^-xy Hollywo<HI Rev TOOTING > tiranuda Western Bros Flnlay & Worth Felovls TOTTENHAM Palace Dee & ^alzle Dudley Dale Gann Van Dusen WANDSWORTH ' tiraaada. 9avoy 3t Bd WOOLWICH Oranada Don Rico Ore Prfryincial Week of Oct. 25 Loew NEW TOBK CITir -State (2S). Lou. Holtz Lira Carmen .. 4 Step Bros 3 Swifts ". PITTSBVRUH Bunny- Berrlgah Or WASHDfOTON Capital (SO) Alexander & Santos Jane Pickens - Harry Rose Sallct Puppets TOMMY TRENT 3RD WEEK Goltfen Gate San Francisco V>* LEDOy A SMITH ParamoiiDt ALDBRSHOT Bits .Levis Dlscoverleii CAimnuDOE Claem'a Mexano's Bd Roikaid Frankau Stone St 'L«e Mollte &- Mal-Ie. 5 Canadians- . <" 4 Aces Jass ft JessJe Doris Colletc 2 Rhythms CU/t Cook RDlNBb'BOK Bojal Horace Qoldln Co Jumel & Arnley Gooke^^Wells & . H Crastonians Bruce & •Wynne' • David Stone -6LA6fiOW PavlUoii ' 'Qalety Whirl of '37 Jack Anthony Bond Rowelt . Rot>ert Harbin Jean Adrleiine 4 BroWnle- Boys •• Arnaud, Pegsy & R 12 John Tiller Girls Mary O'Hara ' ICartley ft-Mlilet Trevor Watklns KINOSTON Empire Harry Roy Bd Mlto t Chester's Dogs Howe -& Younir • Leslie I;ester 3 Cuties Marie Wilson „ LITEBPOOIi Shakespeare Dampier tt Carlyle El Ray &, Dorothy 'Playtime In Toyl'd' Syd Dooley Bdiaon & Louise Nelson Sc Hag6n Taylor * Maree . . Nellet- & Clare - Jack, Queeii R ' LUTON Valoa Archie Juve Bd Jaokaon & Lytton Leont & Lucette. OXFORD Blta Billy Cotton Bd Cabaret B^^^ NEW TOKK CITT NEW TfOBK CITY Paramoant (27) Jane Froman Benny Meroft Ore Lewis & Vah Arthur Murrdy Co , BOSTON MetrppoUtan (2D). La Lage Co Nelson's Elephants Helen Morgan Jimmy Sav» Joyce Bros. & D Ray & Naldi CHICAGO Chicago (2B) Rosemary Derlng Cockle Bowers Oriental (29) H'w.ood Bd Wagon DALLAS Casino (S»-Si) iKed Nichols- Ore B Mlnevltch Boys Batt& 4 Mann Stan- Kavanaugb Art Jarrett Lyn Murray C<r DETROIT. Mlohlgaa (29) Kay Katya &. K Mildred Law Ray Huling Sc Seal 4 Kraddocks ' Donatelta- Bros Sc C Stoopna^le Sc Budd SPRiNGITBLD Paramount (29) Dave Apollon Co Warner NEWARK Branturd (29> In a Riiy Hutton Ore Trado 2 PHILADELPHIA Enrle ({i9) Mary Small AI Trahan Co Brltt Wood (22) Ted Lewis Ore . PITTSBl'RGH Stanley (29) Bunny Berrlgan Or 3 Si 3 McKenna Nicholas & Roberts JuCikte Heller (22) Johnny Perkins Bl9ck Sc Sully Buster Shaver Co Stone St Collins Lester Cole Co. WASHINGTON Earle (29> 4 Ortons Marjorle Gatnsw'rth Block & Sully Harris-Claire- Sc. S (22) Fred Sylvester Co Brltt Wood Neila Goodelle Helene Denlzon Co Independent CHICAGO State l4)ke (29) At Cluli e & P Jue Pong Fredericks & T^ne Glfford & Pearl Toby Wing 6 I^ucky Boys INDIANAVOLIS Ketth'H (»9) Blackstone Co Lyric (29) Don Zeleya Pansy the Hor.MC Dr Hoffman Bredwlna Mile Lorraine Hahn & DeXegre Dot Miller Co KANSAS CITY. MO Tower (20) Stanley Bros Henri Therrlen Co Morey Amsterdam MEMPHIS^ TEXN. Orpheum (29-2) Major Jerome Bud Sc Buddies Whltey Foberts Co Sid Page CO . Shanghai Wing Tr London Week of Oct. 26 Autorlu D. H. Fred Brexln Canterbury M. H. 1st half (2&-Z7) 3 RagamufHny Brent & Layne 2d half (:i8-aO) Elliotts Will Ray Sc Plnr. Dominion Trolse • Mandollors Carleton Emmy Truzzl CAMDRN TOWN tiauniont a Mataa Louis Almaer Fred Brezln CLAWPOkN Kink Dee & MAlzle Dudley Dale Gang Van Du.sen E.\ST HAM Gmiinda Phlloo 4 ClnirtdPsio El>.>IONTON Empire Phllco 4 Cingalese HAMMERvSMITH Palace Van Dock Pointer 3 ISLINGTON lUue Hull lat half (25-27) Klllotts Will Ray St Ptnr 2d half (28-3U) 3 Ragamufllns Brent St Layne LEWISHAM Palace Al Sandler 3 SIIKPH>RI>S IirSH Pavilion Van Dock Pointer 3 STREATHAM Palare AI Snndlec 3 Barney Gallaafa Betfy Bowker 3 Musical Roguea Bertolottl'a Joe Hembrea's 6rc Angel's Rhuniba Bd Cascade Billy Grace Kaye Anne White Lillian Lorain* Renee VUlon ntll'e Guy OS's . Ethel Gilbert Ann Courtney Spike Harrison Emmett Casey Chas King Margaret Padula Jerry White Henry LnMarr Jack Arnold Rid Hawkins Jerry Ryao Calient* Beth Raborn Helen Shaw Ruth Wayne Carol Sis 3 Rhythm Boys Callente Cabellero* ' Chateau Modern* Jack Monte Ore Maryon Dale Consuelo Flowerton Trlnl Plaza Club 18 G Andrews Ore Jack White Pat Harrington Jerry Blanchard Frank Frocba Jerry Kruger Jerl Wlthee Lillian Fitzgerald Club S2d St. Johnny Ringer Ore Mabelle Russell Blondy Scott Bob Alda Wally Wanger Co Joe Herbert Mickey Hale Bernlce Horton Club Gauolio ' Los Gauchos Ore Pe'dro Rlla Rpnaud Chlqulla Marlta NLna Dl Norak Club Normandle Buddy Wagner Ore Joan Hin Club Yumurl Ellseo Gre'net Ore Roalta OrlegJi Dloaa Coatclla Manchlto Fellye De Fibres Cotton Club Cab Calloway Ore Nlcholiia Bro.s Tip, Tap *. Too Avia Andrews Tramp Bd ' Vodery'd Jublleers Chocalatecl's Teddy Hhle Tondeleyo Dynamite Hooker R) Chlvfi Don Alberto Ore Velano & Vechns Nurl Sis Peplttt Lucicnta.s Sevlllanaa Rudolf d'Avaloa Las Guarecltaa KI Dorado Cass Hagen Ore Freddie Bornard Al Mardo Mildred Meredith Martin Barneit Kay Parsons Mack Pepper Uas»elt & Bailey EI Toreador Don .Tuftii Ore Fnuato I>i» Igndn Teddy Rodriguez Cortes & Malda Rlcardo De Caro Tltl £ Pellln lyeach Caslmi Rubs Morgan' Oro Lou Breese Oro Les Aurette B.I and B.I Llnd Carenzlo Corlnne Dormonde Bros Irene Helda Herman Hyde Co Lns Juvelya Lllyan, Dania, Malo Lucienne & Aahour Ketty Mara Co Lea Menchlassi Les Robenis Roberton • Germalna Roger Nleo Ronehin Carmen Torres Frolics Ralph Watkina Ore Lou Holtz Manya RobertI Jerry St Turk Bobby Short Jean Kirk Greenwich Village Casino Alberto Malenga Or Prank McCormack Ruth KIdd Valerie Dumont Madelyn White Loulae Bryden Harlem Tproar ' HoBse Eraklne Hawkins Or Soearras Bd Bobby Kvana Kddit Smith Plaaa Sextette Reo & Curley Spoonn Brown Bubblea Witaon Yelma Mlddleton Willie Jackson T.oucey Lane Wllion Crawley Havana-Madrid Nllo Menendez Ore Jose Manziineres Mercedf^a Co Antonlta Juan Martinez fonauelo Moreno flnra & Alberto 7 SPiiorito* Baperanza Iris Jeronlriio ViUarlno Cesar Tapla Carlos Vivian lll«>kory ITfMixe Joe Marsala Ore 3 Peppera Adela Girard H'lyw'd Kesrrtiirmii Ml t eh ell Ayrea Ore K Jelesiiiek Ore NTG Rev .T()ey Ray Mells, Kirk & H Hotel Ambanandor Larry Sflry Ore Hotel Relmont- Pluaa Val Olmnn Ore Ethel Shutta Hotel Ulltnior* Horace Heldt Ore Bob McCoy Larry Cotton Lyabeth Hughes Hotel Bomert (Brooklyn) Will. MeCune Ore Hotel Commodore Tommy Dorsev Ore Edythe Wright • 3 K.i(|ulre9 Jack Tjeonnrd Lee Caalaldo Hotel Edison B'llly Swanson Ore ilaiaJ Kssni Hoiib*- Rleli.trd Hlniber Or J & K Vernon Allfe Marlon ]<:ilse Gravea Stuart Allen Rullinl 3 Hotel Gov. Clinton Phil D'Arcy Oro Hotel Lincoln laliam Jones Oro Noll Sc Nolan Hotel MrAlptn J Aleasner Ore Jcunne D'Arcy Gon^iales St Mennen Hotel New Korker Glenn Gray Ore Pope St Frick Duke St Noble Mfllei rark' Coatral Jerry Klatne Oro Harry Spear Castalne Sc Barrie Gaby , Marley Si Elaa Virginia Gibson Hotel IMccadUly Jeno Bartal Ore ' Hotel Pierre Nat Brand\vynhe Or Hftrold Nagel Oro ■olel Ifaza Diiohln Ore Paul Draper - Hotel BitK-Carlton Rudolf Frlml Ore Ralph Rosers. Ore Holland' & Hart Hlldegarde ilot«l Ko€iMvelt Guy Lombardo Ore U««l«l Bil;VltV ■•taCM' ISiiitle IVtli .Ore • ■ ' Dwight Plako Lew Parkerson Hotel St. 4^rcc (Rroakirn) Ell I>anrzlg Ore * Bote) St. Merita Erwln Kent Ore Ralph (ronzalea Oro Claire Vermont* . Betty Sc F Roberts . Hotel Sc. -Heel* -Emil Coleman Ore Lola Elltnian H«ii*i Tart Geo.' Hall Ore Dolly l>«wa. Kolei Waldarr* . Astoria Leo Reisman.Bd-. Paul & O Hartman Eve Symington Hotel We|ilnkton Ed Mayehoff Ore International Casina Geo Olseh Ore Taacha Bunchuk Or Basil Fomesn Oro Calgary Bros Aninl Jeanne' Devereaux Maurice & Crane* Jacq-ueline Mignao Kit Kat Clab Peg Leg Bates Lam* Rddle Darii Oro - Hirado Ore La Conga Pancho Ore ' Ramon Littee Bd Hilda Salazar . Havana 3 Pancbito Riser Le Coq Roac* - Jose. Redrlques Ore George Sterpey Ore I.* Mirasa Harry Hortnn Oro Diaz Sc 'Lawton (ii'ace Morgan ■ John Beck Itajah Rabold Ruth Tjong Sing Trio Leon Jt Eddla** r.pu Martin Ore Jrls Adrian ' .Tamea Keogan Royal Duo ' • ' ' 'Hulnes Tate & S Eddie Davis . Mary Burton. Burnett & Watt Alfredo Sc Dolores Hawaiian 4 Little Old New York .loe Howard liddle Leonard Lea Barbary Arthur Behin Bob Mllllkln Chet Dougherty Merry-Oo-Bound Al Apollon Oro Mlrador Phil Romano Oro Bobby Gilbert Armando St Fleur'te Roy Sedley Ruth Denning Denny Rogers Jean & Gloria Margie Hart Uorl'a Lou Ferris Orq . The Onks Al Lambs Ore Tommy Lyman Gene Arohec Faradla* Jay Freeman Oro LuclUe Johnson Diamond Bros Georgle 'Tapps Readinger 2 Place Elegant* Larry Maddl Ore Bill Farrell HeliKn Cagle Jack Rose Toto CangtosI Marlfr- Basini . Qaecit Mary Joe Webb Ore Valerie Dumiont -. Bernlco Horton Bay 3on^3 ^ Balnboiv Grill Eddy Rogers Ore Helen Myers Glover. .&> LaMae Patricia Ryan' Hnlabaw Knitm Al Donahue Ore Eddie LeBaron Ore Durell* At^^under Sheila Barrett DarlO' &- Diane SenatOB Ford ■iTiera Howard Laily Ore . Eva Ortega Charlea Wright Baas. Bros'' 4 New Torkers Bamton Art Tosha -Datsko Ore' Anna Kouznetzova Mara Stnda Voella Alex ^olslvakoff Ell SplVack Zachar MartinofC ;Bas^lan Bear Cosrya Krumin Karlo. Lonya Kalbouas- . Elena Slavnaia NIcholai Grushko Julian Altman Ivan KornllofC BaHst^n Kretebma Nicholas Mattbey Or Michel Mlchon Nadia Ludova . Volodia Katov Marusla Sava Simeon KaravaeCt Stork Club W Feldkamp Oro Gus Martel Ore Veraalllea M.Bergere Ore Val Ernie Ore Gomefl Sc Winona Gali-Gnll ' Mark Plant VoSikloo Voodoo Dancers Roy Rector Billy Haywood CUn Allen Whlilla* Top Fran Craven Musical Tops (3) Honey Johnson W)Tel Bob Asen Bd Arllne Whitney Evelyn Nesbitt Bob Lee Ginger. Sutton ' Continental 3 Yacht Club Eddie Elklns Ore Frances Faye Siboney 4 Henny Toungman Roae Blaine TJny Wolf Bert Frohmaa Peggy Seel Antobal's Cuban 4 LOS ANGELES Hall Bruz Fletcher- Charles- Lawrenc* lleverl; %Vllshlr* Nick Coc'hran ;i Debutantes Muzzy Marcelleno Augle Auld Tort FloHlto Ore mil more Uowl 11 Ml my Crier Ore .lulle Gibson The Stui>letons <;iun Pope .Tan Rublnl :< Bllimorcties Oelore.s & Aiir'dre Dick Webatcr 3 ntiythm Rascal* Cafe International .rohnny Taylor Bernard Bradley Landry & Johnson Karl St P Roblnaon <iirl Kcvue Jim Luneeford Or Cafe- l4t HuK* Pfirlc Ave Boy a Slttn Clare Ore Club Hawaii Charlie Borne ('urc)l Rich Barbara Back <'or<tuniU Vinivr Baron & Blair jVl Bernle Cyril .Smith Rmly Vallee Ore Cosmo Club Ciindy Candido .Jiin(» Lovo Elinor Troy l<'an««us Uoiii Eddie Beal Louie Prima HawullMii FuradlN** .Sol l;riglUa On Eddie Bush Ore S.illnl Tuul Loo Sol Hoopl Ore Wanda i.ltlle Club J Ml I It .lone* Paul ICondull (ilrtdy.H Itagwell , Roa» Valyda Omar'a Dome George Redman Ore Elmer Ruth Mone Hardy Sc Werner Kathlyn Miller Dorothy Black PaclHc Sunset Club George & Nanette Fredri'kea Beaubeln Dolores Del Rny Buddy LnRue Al Heath Ox'ii Pnlomiir Kay Weber Busy B Billy Burt ■■ Mole & Jcs'ta Bob Crosby's Ore Hudsob Metzger Gla TurlM Inn Frank Sortino Ore i>omirile Cvlumbo Ken Henrysnn The Blus Gls Rev Henry .Monti Marguerite Lewis Thorn &luitn:ii.Niiii MarguerUa del Rio Juan d*- Martinis Seven Sen* Lily Gibson ■ Honolulu l>iin«'era Jimmy Lowell Co Somerxet lloiine Janet Jordan Somerset Swing B'l Swing Club Nan Blackatnne 4 Squlrea Hal Brown Prnnkle Gallnsrher Swing Club Girl Hc\ Dorothy Roberts 3 Robert Bros Fred Thomi)^!)^ c)i-,- Tupay'it Alice Hulelt Judy Lane Pat O'Shea Chuck Fody On- Arnold Sis Barney Llnd I^eonn liico Agnes Jolilison Trwadfro Garwotfd Van Or( CHICAGO Blaokhawk Kay Kayser Oro Virginia Sims Sully Maaon Harry .Babbitt ChM rare* Bonny Fields Georgas & 'Jalna Granle Birrrle Dolly Arden Sunny Rice Roslta Royce Henry Busse Oro Coloalmoa Bob Tlnsley Roscoe Alls Inga Bors Mile Zee Zee Ashley & War* Gladys Crane Nlria Rtnaldo Oro CInb Alubam Harriet Norrls Sklppy Sc Marie Effle Barton Chet Robinson Dave UnoU Eddie Perry Paramount 3 Clab Paramonnt Harry Vernon Mile Jeanne- Sonta Rose Cfktallna Haxton Sc Harvey Mildred-Kelly Joe Mussl Gay 9A'* Levr King •Marne' Marion Pariter Colleen Emmet Vance Oro Harry'a -M. *. Cabaret Chaa Englea Oro Jack Irving Dorothy Wahl Margie ^KeUy Florence -Barlov* Art Buckley Al Wagner Red Hoffman Mildred Rorit " Dorothy Jiihnston' . H»-Ba« ■' Armtda Willie Shore - Cheri S 'C Notes • Hotel niamari-k (Walnut Koom) Eddie Vnrzos Ore. LoulsQ Glenn DlOatanos ■otel Br**oorl Jaros Sis' Earl Smith Commodore Duo Jo* Parlato Drake Hotel (Gold Coast Boom) A''lncent Lopez Oro Grand Terrace -. Ada Brown -Ifarl HInea Geo D WasliJngton Al Sc Anise Edgewater Beach Hotel (Marine Boom) Orvllle Tucker Ore Bailey Sla Bonnie Baker Hotel Pnloer Hoaie (Kmpire Koomi The DeMarcoB Alexander Gray Wayne King Oro Pierce Sc Harris 3 Cossacks Pred Craig 4 Aristocrats Abbitit Daiivera Hotel Sherman (College Inn) ' Franki* Masters Or Jackie Heller Donna Dne Ahcarn Bros CUas Carrier Hotel Stereni. (Cuntlnantal HnemK i^Knde Williams Ore Mualc Hall ,Boys Plerra>& Temple Covert & Reed Carlos Molina Ore Jerry McGlnty Herbert ■ Dexter Irene St. Clair Marya Sc Martin Koyale Fralica Sfark Fisher Ore ■• Sid Tomdck . Rels Bhos- Karre LeBaroh S Frances McCoy Sinclair Sis LeRoy & Sfiarp Nancy ■ Healy Jack Hllliard ' The BoM° Bowl Bernard Sc H^nrl •Dixie Painter .loy Glynn Ana Bolon ' amy Scott Orb Yacht Club Oshlns Sc Lossy Major, Sbarpe & M Bill Blake Jerrle Wlthee Irving, Steele- St R ,Ted Cook Ore Stamp'* Cat* Bella Belmont Vic Earlson De Carlos St D Ge.orge & Joan Jacqueline Herman Cleo Valenteen Jack Hutchinson Irving Braslow Oro .Street! of Paris Len iE^rker Oro Mildred Bavth Betty Herman . Rita Roberts Deana Johnson Billy Robinson Betty JC^nch .1214 Club -Francis Faye Satch & Satchell Helen Shaw Jimmy Blako 21 Chib Tommy Monroe Sally La Marr Corlies 8c Palmer Anlt Rush Doris Reed Marlon Kingston Richard Back Molody Blender.s 3 Jean Rlccardl Oro Venice Grille Bob Ridley Glsella Vnify Jewell Ella Fay Kay Marty Barton Ore' Vlhing t.'afe BIHy Callahan PHILADIXPHU Aocliornire Rochell & RInata Marie Little Catherine Smith Johnny Graff Oro Arcadia Int'l Milton Kellem Oro Don Renaldo Ore Mayfatr Girls (8) Rosaleen & Seville Park &. Clifford Howard Nichols Mildred King Marshalls . Kee Judge Aronomink Farms' Dick Thomas Gladys.Jean Don Rodgera Jackie Valentine Bill Donaghiie Ore Bala Inn Manny .LaPorte ,Or Biirrltz Cufe ,Toe Reilly Miller St Millard Dorla Flelda Dan Anton Ore B*ll*Ta*-Slrut ford (Planet Koom) Mayor Davis Ore Ben Franklin Hotel (Georgian Room) Leo Zollo Ore Dick Barton .Toe Neary -. 3 Melody Blenders Benny tli* Bum's Deloyd McKay Benny'a Swlngsters Betty Benson Serge Flash Sue Ryan C'arr Bros & Betty Bobby Baxter H Carrol GI.m (12) LeRoy St Weaver Betty Liane Pola Borgia Ray Oliver Roxyettea Cafe Metropwie (Camden) Bernie Berle Ore Cedarwoo<l Inn (Malaga, N. J.) Clarenep Jllcli Ore FranUy Srhluth Warren Tliomns Devere Sla Club 15 Frank .Swanee - Kathryn Ca-se Eton Sl.>f Dolly Nixon Frank .Miilltvewa Or Judy Garland Chez Mario James Craig Melba Beauilreaiix Jean Vli'kers Patay Cinney Mario VUlanl Colony C'hih Jackie May Harry Adair Oro Marianne. Tooty Tttte BUiy Rochetlo May Hawea Mona Reed Bebe Allen Lorene Rlioda ErobuHHy <.'hil> Helen Benton Grace Manners Pedro Blanco Ore Helen Heath Warwick Sia Edilh RQark. Gloria Mau.'jic'r .Teannc Kflly Evelyn }iurgei4.i Clin: Hall Evergreen Ciasino Henry May Ore Tom Barry irnlatne 'Wynne Eddie Lnng Hclalne /fr'lkoiriil.-i n June Cnlllii.s noils Wfnalon . 1B2S Locust Rubb'r Legs Will'ms Mercie Marques Oilie Potter l^atsy Evans Lulu Maye Bubbles Shelby Jane Farrar Linda Rae Sam Woods Ore Swing Kings .Ore Honey Brown HenrPs Dorothy Bach Conrad & Leona - . Chas "Verna Ore Hotel Adelphla (Cat* Margnery) Bob.Roltner Joe Frasetto Ore Don Cumminga Betty Kean Frank- Gaby Moore & Revel irarlton & Shoiita S ,Jaoaleys Floridians Ore Agnes Toll* Lambi Tavern Larry Mell Ore LittI* BathakeUer Jack. Orlffln Oro Marty Bohil Naney Loe Marie .Shaffer Mayo & Sheridan Thelma Shearon Norman Marton Lillian Bowman Mlaatrel Tavern Ed McGoldrlck Mae Mack Margie March Mary Loftus Doris Donnelly Kay Kirk Marrlot's Ore Palumbo's Eddie Thomas Marionettes Bobby Morro Ore Maurice & RodcU Lee & Lament ' .Snowball Frankle Richardson ICItx-Cnrlton (Crystal Room) Van Levis Oro 31 Club Ocne Osborne AI Friaco Ore Billy Safford liindaley Sis Tex- Hendrlx (Jeorge Oliver I.ou & Willie RUHHiun Xretchma Sonya Kotllarskaya (Jypay Rita Gregory DnestroiT "Vosha Kogosaov Koly Teva Gbrodetsky Sliver Lnk* Inn (Clementoh) .Bill Honey Ore H"tn Chollls Ed Rlckard AValton St Joan Henrietta Boyd Honey Sis •i»Mi Centnry Tavern f-ou Longo Ore Powers Glrla (&) Wataon Sis Ted Pike Itpth Calvert Ruth Wiitson ParrNh Cafe rrrvnkle Fairfax Or Irene Baieese Ola Wright Shin Bones St P 3 Parisettcs Mutkln's itathskelle» Steppe. Carlos Dorothy Winters Andre Faye Pat Marsh Dolly Vaughn Victor Nel.sun Ore i 'rank PontI 1 Leonard Cooke Grace O'Hara Frank Sprlnpmaa Peggy Shields Pen Raymond Puggy O'Neill Al Shoenfiuker Whltey Verlllo Ore Walton Boot Raye, Prince Sc C Earl Denny Ore John Sc E Chadw'k 8 Mademoiselles M'ober's Rot Bran (Camden) Louis Chalkln-Oro Ruy Miller Blrdland Murjorle Lane Moe Glatt Len Sarner Int'l Instrumental t Ilae Hart Hugo klee Sid Golden Freddie Swift Etdoradinna Carmen D'Antonio CbangI CInb Dioe Hyder Ore Valda Hutton Taps & Joe Victoria Vlgftl smiles & Smiles Blanche Saunders ' Chuick Thompson- Yorhtown Tavern Bill Bllger Ore Lou Foster Osternian (Continued from page 4) But to get back tq Broadway, and well be there any minute now, we are looking forward to being, back lor the election and we, for one guy who Isn't politically well edu- cated, would like to see Latiuardia reelected.. .We think he deserves a chance to finish building New York. Personally, while driving through N. Y. State we found several orphan parkways that we gave names to, but can't print them. Cohan and Harris Also Ve are happy we will be here lor the opening of 'I'd Rather Be Right,' where two. partners re- ..unite once more, and we think it's swell for George M. Cbhan to gi've Sam Harris another chance. While driving through the Catskills we asked someone how conditions were and he answered, 'Things are so tough the hermits are living with each other.' We dropped into the new Yacht Club, a cozy room with life- pre- servers surrounding you in case you go overboard when the check is presented. The table next to us was empty lor a few moments until Sid-. , ney Plermont, Harry Rosenthal and Paul Small took possession of it. Sidney' seemed to be in " a -good Loew's State of mind, Harry was talking of his candid camera and Paul SMall occupied the other three chairs. Paul's a great fellow to have in a night club in case the ringside tables aren't filled. If we had a spot and saw him coming in, we'd put him on the floor and' put the show on the table! Squawking' About BilUngr Incidentally w.e were happy to see our name in the Variety index last week, even if we w;ere listed under Obituary.. .of course we could change, our name back to Rosenthal but don't w^nt to infringe on Harry Rosenthal, who has spent years de- veloping a band under that moniker. We are certainly glad October is Hearing an end. October is such a drab, colorless, empty has about as much personality as a night club owner paying off Lou Holtz. Personally we have nothing definite in mind for the next couple of weeks. We have had several of- fers from different places but have definitely decided to hold out for $1,000 ,a week. We figure that from now on if the check is going to be bad, we want it to be BIG and BAD! ■A Salute to Eddie Cantor We would like seriously to con- gratulate Eddie Cantor oh the great honors being bestowed upon him during this, the Eddie Cantor Anni- • versary Week. When we were 15 years bid Eddie was in the 'Follies' and wrote our first monolog*. He gave us some of his best gags and started us on the right path and now that he is on the radio we can't blame him for taking them back. Eddie .Cantor Week at least adds one more full week to something,. .You can't might start an entire new circuit... a; Jolson weelc.a Jessel week...a split week for in- stance, the first half. ..Jack Pearl... last half...Bert Lahr, breaking your jump to David Warfield for a month. But, on the level, Eddie has a daughter a day for five personals, and Saturday and Sunday should be devoted to his charming wife, Ida... We congratulate them all and con- gratulate those who thought up the idea of giving a swell guy his flowers while he can sm6ll 'em, and, al- though we have no idea of the ar- rangements for the big dinner, we think the toastmastcr should be Gu.s Edwards.. .don't you?