Variety (Dec 1937)

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/ ■ y... Gochrsh^ Lwy*t--^ll 3^ Succeeds^ ■ ; Ertgii^ Siiifis^New Gontra<;t8 , : Nate BiMmberg, yiqe-pit'esident liind.' general manager of RKO i tHeatries. sirtceeds it. H; Cochrane as presidOT.l^ ot'Vrliy^nkV l?ic\^te9 Carp,;: WiHiani A: Scully; east'erh^ district, sales xnan-.- ager ;pf. Mfetro^ >6iiilaces'.; R -Grairii^r,^^ ar-gerierai sale^-ihahager^ Eouis Weinberg, circuit sai^s execu- tive of ColunnHa Pictures Corp,; ^yil^ become ' assistant' tp Scully, • in ;an. gver-all .executive . shifticeup in XJiii- versal, erigih^red; by CMtles R/ Rogers and/J. Chdever Xk>\ydin;^^r; Onif ihakeup is bounid to afie^ pyeiy pairt of tfie company by the naturei. of ■ the high-, offlte changci* . which ' have vbeea "madi^ "'. ; The new ex^ercutives sissunie. their posts/ Undieir Jndlviduar S^y«ar ptlct$,) . begirihing,Jan;-1/ Their appbiritmeni. .>vas ,ratified yesteifday (TuesJ by ihc ^tJniviersal Cp;''ikro?ird f This infuses neii? ,W^ in the fcornpaihy. Ui^iy^sal tipi'esentatives liavie beert talking: to Blrnnb^fg - for . /^me tinie, but the change-is; no less sudden or abrupt* ; ' ITie misn chosSn to head pp^ratibhR arie those with successful records of aciiievenrient in their, respective ficids Jfl'-the^buirtneMA But the ehlftt climax a of-yiiar .fbr compahy demihatipn and policy. cbntrpi; aniohg, the:-Cowdin*' ' ROgers-^Cochrane elements) which iias bejen rtiging for nwhths^ And it'is not over yet/ apparently; as R. H. Cochrane hais cmplbyed at^^^ tprhiey §aiil Rdgers to represent him in th6: isitiiation/' Gtrthrahe is the. biigest individiial stockhblder ih cprhpany. Hiis brother,' P. D. Cbch- rane, is still in Uhiversal; another brother/ . George, W out pf U in the last cpniipany'shaJteup twb month!;: ago..;.' ■'• ■. ^ y . .•' Frcsli Bankroll There is talk that UniVersa new . mpriey on tap, amounting to. around $1,500,000^ sinuiltanepus with the . shiitis, but this, is not vindicated pf- ■ ficialiy.:.-■' :V .,R/ H. CPchranc hias been invited -to-^remain. with the . company ■ under ' hiew pact,.: as a kind of paypif, aV phairman. of the: firm^ xommittee/ His present contract has :; around,three: year's to ruii at $1,750- ;Weekly;.. :V ' / Blun>berg/wiit start draWing $1,250 VP to- $1,500 . weekly'. at Universal, He alsp -getis call bn 20,000 shares of ;y stock at $8, and $9, plus a percentage of the profits.' Also $100 " a wei^k expenses/... ■ ■.'.:.:: :.^' Scully's deal is ,aIso for ■ five years, at $i,0q6 straight; a call -on S,0CK) • .sharesi:,^and; a-'percientage.-; i-^ -^' 1^^ deal is three years phiy at $500/ $600 and $750 a Week; -iSjOOO-shares-of^stocki-rip percentage^ Charles R.; Rpgers, exiBcutlve Viccr l^resident \ charge .productiph"; continueis: as is.j So does: J. Cheev6r Cowdin, ctiairman, ^nd Frank. .Mc- Carthy, eastern sales manager, under ' Grainger.: : Grainier will b«i. paid blif Iri full arid the; only reaspn given, for his buster Js' /that 4he ne\y president, BliVnibcrg,. wanted his own; sales; mgr/ ; .McCarthyi meantime,:'will, flll Grainger'sVpost until' Jan.- 1/ . .• W:hen;^^fl apprised ;pf the shifts. Goch'rahe ' mdst^^^ prbtested Frpteaii piity^ Hoilywobd, Nov. 30> ■ ActPr ;gpt 'a call from: an indie; . Idt/ ibr/ a ,part, ; that-called f0r ^ 10 changes of el.othing sb^^^ ured he 'was in for a; cbupje'. of Weeks.: /First nior^^ on .the ■set He got his .brders from the :d ir^tpr ;; jjirpviding for 10 ■ changes':.tha't .day/V.'.''■■.■:;•■: ;: He was thirptigh with; the:part , at.!|J;'pr;ni. ''ja«Ni''drew'.a ;6ne'vday"' pay-check.. TO™oHfFfflft R/.: H. GQch'r.ane was ibid-.b^^^ J. Chejerver;/C.Qw.di ■■.■••and;.;iCharies .-"R.; Rogers h'e ; could-^reniairi Avith fbT; company for the balance of his eoin- j,ract at reduc;ed salary; and. would be given: the title of chairman :P^ executive committee .rib- duiibs.'• ;'-■■' -■ •;'■'•. ^: .■■;. '•'''-■.•■ Metro's $87,500 for ;'BaIalaika' . . ....v:>; ; . . . ./.';.> .>;. . vv... Page 12 Now British exhibs/squawkin* against radio's bp^^sitib^^^^ j 2 0. S, Distribs- quota woes., .V,.r../.V..... .v...../.•.* . .y;;'.-.'./Page .13; Betrtfiiradio ed raps H'\^^^ ./v/.i.i. .Page 34 .Lloyd. :pa'ntages.". pir:..the.' air;, ■...... .v--.-.-;-.'.;..-. .■, .Page'.■34 ■-Mae-'West'i''r»di6^^^ ... v.,. > , ..,;/Ji .".-'^.Page - 35^ Radio ; ireviey/s of //revised: .Metros Maripu , ;MPPA proposes pix p^pducCTs^^^^a cpst 61 tnechanicial/ .'.righfs: clearances; ■.;.-,.. y-.;.. • • >... ■...:.-...:...;... ;."..-,.i'Vy ....Page;. 47' (titcocHiwe ; After : the bbard yesterday (Tiifes- day') tbi'nTally.ratified: ihe neW; Urti-. vers^i president,;;gencral salies man- ager,- et ai/ Saul.R.' Rogers/ attorney for. the ■departing U president, Robert": H. epchraiie, issuM a formal 6 ment; yesterday afternobn ■; which augui-s avfuture:;legal tiff; ; / ' Statement eirriphasi^es Cbchrane's services to IJ/'fbr 30 years; hiis ybt- eriahship.; in the business; fhat' tiie Na^te ; Blum^ appbintment was made - Witlk^ut. h knowtedgbr and other; thirigs/^:--'.v.;* ;'.-.-'-^. ■;.,:■•■•".■• : Cochi-ahe .protests that his ouster is illegal; that he and his attorney; Rogers, deem his contract: with Uni- versal to cphtihue unimpaired, and that - he (Cbchriihe ) is prepared tb render services in accordance :therer \yith; Also tfiiit any fiiturci actibn on : his part against U depends bri the-.n^w;-maniBgement^//-' .••:.;;;;/" . Hollywood,/Nov, 30. : ' Leo Spitz expreissed surprise that Nate iBliintberg :^as; leaving and said he knew rBlbmibierg had talked^ t^^ Urii.vejrsal but did. ritot knPw a deal was in the . making. i:Spltz said he would makb no; appointment; for the: BlumllMr,rg spot unth latter'is: ;resign*- tipn ;bccarrie -eifectilve. . Nick- Scheri'ck/ confined to the home, of Joe Schenck with ;a bad. cold, started that tue replacement of Bill Scully /was/entirely/ Up to ' Bill Rogers arid Lichtman. \- HI^ TURM NOW Brod Cra«rfbr^'s.. Hollywood : Oilers ;:..- " ' S»n«e Play's Click Grainger's lc:-but irt view of his finC-^. . J ...Mt. »T. - i rox company. York. R,/H. Cochrahe's future plans are not known. . .Indicatiori's/point to a possible ap- pbintment. of Jbhn J. O'Connor as Blumberg's successor at RKO.That's up to Leo Spitz, president of the company, who now is on the Coast, (A Coast -report herewith quotes Spitz as quitfr surprised byer Blum- berg's resignation;) O'Connor is chief film buyer of RKO. Should O'Con- nor move up,: the expectations are that Fred Meyers will be elevated to . the post of chief film buyer. /:The surprise angle in the Univer- sal .hakeup is the Grainger thing, he is regarded generally thrpughput . the trade as having achieved a: notable record of accpm- plishment at-UnlVersal-in-thie five years during which he has been with the firm. Grainger's cpntract - pires July. 1. - Universal sales, under ;.,J;" TL, Grainger, are said to have been al- most $400,000, domestic,, ahead, of last year, for the first 13 weeks this son, outside of' Canada. One of Grainger's feats bs sales manager of Universal has been to raise $185,000 in advance rentals on. 'Magnificent Obsession' when the company/ needed (it. Grainger was formerly sales manager - of the old sales record with U Whether the British partneris of U i Lord PortaUC. M: Woolf) arid the Eastnian-Erpi interests in/the cpnri- pany reinforced the Cbwdln-Rp/;er forces the latest /mbvcs.'!l knbWn. .There is some talk that thr British interests With Eastmari may have infl ucnced the , shi fts.. ■ Erpi has been talking, about dis- posing, of its investnfient in Universal, probably amounting to $1,250,000 .arid ft may'; be/ that the/British parV- hers of U or .others have ; acquired iBame. ' .::'■.[ \: .Other Chanices Seen ; . Re.tioval pf R. -H. Cochrane, president, presages other; ■ internal changies in the executive and super- 'vispry ■ persorinfcl pi the compan.v -Preserit -interest -revplvcs arourit? pi b. Cochrane,/brother of R. H., and Charles/B. Paine, assistant ;tp R. H/ /Cochrane, and formerly treasurer of .the compariy. .C.harles; Ri 'Rogers now is iri New EiJl Scully, incoming sale.s .head, is already .making a check on U. branch exchange; managei-s. ; arid personnel rlthough not taking cpmriiand: lintil Jan. 1.; /'^'/:■■*'-.'./ /Among the thlrigs that' baVe courited against .y's 'ecbriomic: struc;-^ tiire; ; such iteriis/as .a::$4,000-a-- week paypff; tb John M* iStahl as di- l ectbr on a fllni/he Wori't^ta^ after the. first pf the year, yet. he's been coliectjng.hie salary iiv full, ever since May.. ;/•::.■' '/-■ ■■•..■•-■/' Danielle Darrieux's Contract calls for $40,000: for her first U picture, but it's since become a company hur- dle : a.s/regards/the:Frerich ' import's deficiency, in speiaking Engiisfi. ; Blurinberg Was with Universal once fa.ieforc/ as a theatre operator: 'THat was pripr. to the time that y disposed ;pf its chain under, thb .supervisibrt; of .inputs Cohen. Blumberg joined RKO / in ift29 a .s assistiint genera I manage r; In 1932 he was placed in charge o' nil ./RKO theatre: operation, /;;■/.■: By JACK OSTEHAIAN '/- Broadway has' gone /Cuban. .. . if you don't think so, try Working .your, way.dbWnstairs to LaConga, the one place in . New York that's hurting the International Casirio . . . that's: news. It's run bj^ three Senprs, Roldan, Roche and Bobby Martyn, the latter who gave up a seat in the stbck ex- change fpr a seat, at a ringside table bf his: own place. During Marlerie Dietrich's visit .here last week she; checked but of her hotel and mpved' down there to listen nightly to Pan- cho's swell music/ The roijm itself isn't anything extraordinary in de- sign. ..Huge trees "support the base- ment:—in •other.- wprds, we /call it a subway; statiob with trees. What a helluva spot for a. dbg act! .Night life marches bn . i'. so- far the' ■ riew: .backers - of the; recently closed French Casino; includes every- one but Poweirs ;Elepharits. :. :/ We see wTiere pur President went fishing .to; take his mind oft the 'na- tion's troubles for; a few days./ We don't doubt that he needs the rest but after all/ he hasn't so much to worry about. True, What with taxes^; budgets, the Lebgue of Natibns, etc; it's quite an ordeal but that isn't 'the chief worry of this great country. .. the main issue that'll either make it or break it seems to be who Will play Scarlett O^Haira? / . Now,:.there is really an important item.; Supposiri'^vsomebne^play.^ it that; doesn't suit 'Mussolini War is inevitable. Suppbsing they give the role to Molly; Picon . . . imagine Hit- ler's .; reacti on.. Ah!- yes, thisr sitna tiorj something to cbrijUjii-^il^vith/ and mind you,: we haven'^ ; heard Walter Lippman's/ viewpoin^s^an the; matter, yet, Personally,/w< / will be so happy when the crisis has: t>assed and; they okay someone for the part, then as far as. we are concerned, the' world :can .go back to normalcy.;;, Dave Selznick can go back to:.Mrs/ Selzriick, the picture cari go to Radio City and all will be right Vith the world! / ■•/;•;■///. .'//'■ v':-■■.";/..••/•■^•' .,,v.;/::." ../:■/ - Thboirhts While Thliiktnr ' ' Speaking, of Scarlett, whatever happened to ' her old mart, Tlskc p'Hara?/.. . / .:■ ' '" --•..'' - / ■■/. / After; watching; Mae Murray arid' several other.? doing ;it,/ we give :;puri .'qliickje'; de.scr|piiQri'/pf the ^rb.uitiba- .: i /a si.ippre.ssed belch! T : ' Suggested title for Fi*ed Astaire's next one—'A Picture ;ln Distress^ -. ; . After being an', hpno.fa'ry ./meriibe'r- flf. the'N. V. A. for 20 years/ George M; Gbhan,: 'unsolicited, .sent over his dues . week to- the: .rebrganiied; cliib :. .'now. all :they .have-to .dp is re'-, 'brgfiriize .vaudcyllle . and got •something. . ■ / -'■:/ :'•;.■• ;.-V ■- Caption for' the/ wi;iter.s bf 'I'd Rather Be Right'. ..:'TWo - Harts with bQt a siri.:i!le Kaufnrian'/.../; . ■ And vvhile. al 1 these • guys are. talK- ; i og - abb LI t. creating feud.s, .for' publi- city purpoFCs oi::oi-herv/jse, if .seme bjt ihem : would remember iricidcnts ' '\ : :./'-■'. ■; .'■/;--; Hblly\ypod,; Nbv..30. ;. , Broderick Crawford, son of Steve Crawford and Helen Broderick, has had four Hpllywbod offers .fince/he ppened in the jphn Steinbeck play/ 'Of Mice and Men;' in New York, al- though he ^couldn't: get . ai film ; nbd previously. ■•.• ' ■ /■'' " /' /^ YpUngster, is handing the chill to screen/scouts .; with the play Ippking to coast through the season on . hit status. : ■,-•/-/■ . / /. \-;;;..■';-/.'.; / -.■ : VlTilh a price tag of $250,000 set on 'Mice arid Men,' by the author and. producer, :sey.eral film butfits arie un-; derstbod'to be in the. bidding- for the property. ■.:-■■;■' Restriction has- been placed on picture production before -1940.; Ucbtmaa From London to For Selznick-MG Sig Al Lichtman sails from. London Wednesday (1) . oh summons/from Nick Schenck tb rush to Hbllywbod. tb participate in the . final distribu-r tibn conferences . attendant on the David O.. Selznick Lichtman is due in /N>/ Y. Dec. ,6 and- /will. fly here imriiediately. Schenck rerinains h(^re tb confer with Lichtman on :Eurppealn problems, and angles- of the Selznick business, le'av-; ing .fbr N. Y/ Dec. 10. / : Roadshow 'Robin Hood' .; Warner■ Brbs. Is considering rbad- shbwing 'Rpbin: Hood* (WB) at its Hbllywood Theatre, on Broadway, With the deciSlpn expected ^^bme time this.week. '. ;' - ./ ■ !,/ /■ ■ When the' house was reponed sev- eral months ago; with 'Erinile Zola' on a roadshow ^lolicy It Was intended to continue that policy, but lack of suitable product has prevented car- rying put that plan. / / : Wanger Mum 0^ Hollywood, Nov. 30. / ' Walter Wanger returned to town last week after a/ month and a half in New Yprk, . Producer said he would, announce no plans until the United Artists ownership situation jells! He still has - nine years tp go on a 10-year ticket to make films for UA release. as well as they do gags they might ilrid; put it started many' years ago between two 1 ittle ;fellows . named Cohan; arid Collier!: ]■ From W»y . Out West We ;got si kick but of ;receivirig the anniversary nuriiber of ^ the Represa iSpprt-Telegram, a, new.«;paper ptub- lished in >:Califorhia//.St;a;te' Prison, Folsom. ■.:--They Tepririted ■/ story yours truly; published abbbt / above place iq/ Varietv a few: weeks back. We tfiank the Editor. F. Ghick Gal- loway, . arid his . two associates, Schnozz . Rankz and Puck . Lawsbn. It's . a.: well written .:<nd /interi^sting rag and we. are glad :if/,pur.- little ;cbnti-ibutipns brought some sunshirie into a: spot/- that cian/ / every bit of it. There are sbnie .Several good cdluftihis.ts..ori; the; paper ;whp, if -they :beiiave: themselves, ;may .be, able tb work their way from the State prifipn to the State! / ' Hbllywbod, Nov/ 30, / Drastic .;,5lasbin5 pt studio over- ; head, wHich inost likely will result in; lopping of numerous employe's, has been launched at RKO-Radib by Leo Spitz, prexy, acting under oirlers frbin Irving Thist Co. of New York, receivers for the corporation. Cuts will hit all grades of. persbnnel arid departments, including production; clericals labor, / etc. ■: Iriitiai; axing bludgebned 10 off the payroll with further/ elimiriatibre ; .tp. fpilbw rapidly I .-/•'■.:■.■•■/■;/./'■;,-■■;.■; ; Idea is tb .di^ense /with needl«.ss irianpo.wer and/Spi~tz waji specifically directed to roll lists; with, tiia.i'ew; ..Opii^ of - William Sistrpm and Maury Cohen, producers, will ;not /be exercised when they corifie/up for reneWal: ailko/ a ' number bf- .others of prodiacer. status. Ticket of pandro S, Barman has, two: and a half years tp go but un«. derstanding is he is reluctant to take over the top^ spot vacated by /S, j./ Briskin a month- ago but desires to make only five annually in the A classification as^called for by his con- tract ;. Briskin. settlement i.s id to have cost the .studio around $82,000, which is being paid off-in weekly in- ; stallments. -,;^,. -/; .\-;,^ . Harriet .Hilliard has negotiated a : release from her seven-year ticket at RKO which, had five, years to go, as the result •; of dissatisfaction with roles, handed her. Climax came: when player drew the femme lead 'She Sang for Her Supper,' which she didn't like. " SAILINGS : Dec, 11 (London to New- York), Georges; Banyai (Champlain). / ; . Dec. 8.(Lbs Angeles tp Sydney ), J. S. Huriimell (Mariposa)/ Dee. 8: (New .York to London), Henry Liartigue, Wesley Ruggles (Nbrmandie). ■ Dec/ 2: (Lpndon to New Yprk), Gi»s Scliaefer (Washingtbn), -■"/';■- ■ Dec. 1. (Lbndbn to -New York), David J. Vorhaus, Joe Seidelman, Al Lichtman, Harold Holt, Madelei Carroll, Robert Taylor, Lionel Barry-/ mbre (Normandie)/ Dec. 1 (New York to London), Mr. and-Mrs. Ian Hay, Guthrie MicClinJ:!*, / Katharine ,Cornell, William Mbrring, Mrs. Charles Butterwbrth (Queen Mary).. > Dec. 1 (London to. New York), Frank McHugh (AquitaMia). " 7 L. A. to N. Y. Aubrey Blair. , Lee Bowman. - : Prank Chapman. Tin™ Durant, Lola Lane. : Al Lewis./ Eric Linden. ' Frank Lloyd. ' ,S, Barrett. McCorrinick, .: / Grry. Kelly. ; ■ Wesley ■ Ruggles.'' ■.. - ' Richard. Shelton. / : ^'■/ ■Eddie SoboL . ) /Gladys Swarthout.. •• : Josephine Tumihia Patricia Wilder. N Y. to L A, Binn ie Barnesl; ■ ■Russell: Bir4well/'// / < :■' Julian Jbhnjson. ' J. E. Perkins, < John SchUltz. ; m; J;, siegei. :;■■■ Lawrence Tiiibelt. . George White.: ARRIVALS Jacqueline^ • Laurent, . Thfiraton :Wii.der,';-Sir;.-;LoUis "Gre'lg,.; MrV ,..;ind Mrs; . jan/. Smeteriin, Mr. and. . Mr?;' Gerald F. ;Rackett,;Hcriry Sherek. ,