Variety (Dec 1937)

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VARfETV n t . Campaign tb giet tj\e iiibtibri pdcture : industry; intereisfed in: arranging, a wotitliwhiie iexhibitibrt oif, display, at !;the 'New York. World's Fair: of 1939^ ppobiably will get. Under; way , the . flfst of 1938.: : Theire is no assurance itiat the industry, doubtlessly repre- sWiited by the Hayis office, will: ap- prove such .sott q1 ah exhibit; but ' right now. pressiire is - being; brought .to - preyeiit. . repetition, .of the. ex-; perieirice at the^-Qiiicagai expositibiji V it: is. :;possi,ble;' that: sbi^^ V piitiire industry display w^^ vip i( only to keep private :ehterprise f rom establUhing mak^^hift^^ Chicago; : There; a":'HollywobdTMak- . :ihg: Motion Pictures' - shbw»; not ;;di- reetly cohnMted. ^'itli thfe business; 'charged $1; with the trade; •reaction '/./^unfayprable. ; V;;. '' • ■ ..' .\Vitii mbre^ representative .v ■pbssibly expected at the Tfew ■ York . expibsitibn. and 'much grieater atteiid- arice: anticipated; .curfehti.driye is .-to^ have thecftlm business pfficiaiiy. repr rese?ited- in a' dignified.- inannerr, if .,bniy for the:;institutionai publicity; ■that .might be: deriy^^^ 'Further in-, ceivtive \ypuld ■ be :to ke.ep; ■ out uri- •^offcial. • represphtations or ieffbrts tb : Reproduce any: angle of . film making. :that might . proye derogatory. No Fbolih' ; ;'Hpjlywdpd, NbVi 3Q. Proof that the studios'a^^^ in.^ earhest about'cbst^ :came hbrrie td . a major agent last: week when he wa^ 47 ,writ6ris on. bis list will be , out the. front gate of the sJLuclios where' they're. toiling ,as ;as their :cufreht^^^ : • ; : : Hollywpodi ]!^bv. 3Q. . ^ : :Local observers' . do.: .riot, expect Parambunt; to make a divyy. pii the cbhipaiiyy: comrnpri this year.\ The firm's fourth quarter earnings, ' ac- cording to current estiniiate, :may run from $lvOOO,OOO tb $1,500,000 and the year'is tbtat may riin to around $8,- Heaiyy production, ^ ■^^ of . cour'sei ,will derit the firm's inco.rnfe, ; ai\d in of Par's earii-r : iugs are via ihe .theatre end, .j ;: Hbweveiv there se tp :ije an . ^i-neist. endeavpr.. Pf the . exMUtives tb hoid; prbductibn costs in; lin^and with this end in view, Barney flala- batvi > pie.$ideht of the compahj^'jTa^ been hei-e cpriferring with AcRrtptr Zui<oK Slahtpn Griffis also h^is :been attending these conferences.: , ParamPimt:;has scivedu^ ii board meeting for. tpniorrow (T.hurs.) to; coivsider dividend action but ^vhether . a quorum can be bbtained:with bb^^ ^ Batnieyv Balabahi^- a^^ Stintbiv ;L. .::'Girifri3: on the Coasts 'is doubtful. : ■ -Dividends of 6% \ are due on .both . 'the preferred. ; stocks but; W .[. both, wiii; be - declared, in -iull,; plus liything oh the cbmmbn shiares: put- ;.stan'din'g; :is"'uncertain.. :: • ■ ■'■ '] ' ' NO NrrE CLUB SHOWS FOR GEORGE WHITE ■ ;.; George,'White returns to .the Coast \ . today K W'ediiesdaiy) to .start /pii . his • Coluiubia filniusical; production: ebn-^ ,^:^ra(it.' ■ ■ :■{: x.:;!; 7- ..':.^:\":'■;- ■ .Prodiicer :deprecates:.. . Jstagiiig .the.' ■new.;-..French.. G.asih.b;;. N.- ;;Y.,;>iihPW5>,;:stating :.that--ii: waS ;just Ah' idea,' but • that,- -basically, he^d .not bi. pavini tted to do so undbr his Gbr . luiubia ■:deal/V-/r ^ ^ ^ ::::.'■ ^^'-' -i- s Reh'eiidiment :v C.olunibia caught the' curianment f avoV:. and: walked 100' virbrkers' down ■ the platiK^ .; In I :]lne:.;>vyitli": Hairy Ci^hn'^ : pblicy ;tb ^retain ;ph ' pJayioll ;: pt»ly those . necessary: to .operation and ■P rod Lie tipnV ^"dio has pnly two low-; -Viidjf^t pictures in: ^yprk with;:19: oh .alielf awaiting.Telcase;. .-'r:. ■pisiiit will 3iist' coast Uitl after ■:Jjih.-.i.-:.- : . :industry read stbrnai Tvarnings the' action \Pf;; Robert ;H. ; Jackson, .head Pf Ithe Diepartmerit :pf Justice's antl-triist division, . in. accpmpanying Presideiit Robsevelt ;o.n his trip south., this .week;'. it Was.the/fpurth .iridica- tton: that the admihistratiori intended to stiffen its aiiti-trust legiislatibri and frbnt.;'';. .7 '■ ■'. ^'V::.' . Presence of Jackspn' ih' the Presi-; deritial party, for the ostensible; piirr pbse. of disciissing the anti-trust situ- ation as :;it affects, big business i.fbj-' Ip'ws the twice repeated staternent of the Prjesident that he intended .to bring ahti-trust laws ..up-tp^date. Sev-- eralv industries; including .;.the' film- business, are knPwn to .be; down: for interisive -study and, possible. action: under the ;:aritirtrust : laws. ^ ' , Present;.: pending.' F^ suits against seyeral; oiitstianding. indus- tries finished before the; ad- mihislratio.n seeks :to: push through ne;y aintirtrust :iegislatidh. Flaw^ ih. present statute are expected to be brought: but. in : thesei: - aCtibhs . iind remedies : demaiided : •« .';cbns'e- ;<^uenbe.,:', :,■,■■■■:■.-.;; ^ ■;■:■■ •; -Hollywood-;Nbv. 30.:; Survey just completed by the Mp-. tiori: Picture Producer's Asspciatipn shows that costs; of makirig pictures has ;jumped. 405{j : in ;the last t\Vo .years, wuh more , than half, the in-: 'crease being: iregister'ed - in the . .last year;. DistiUbution. has served de- mand,bti prodiictibn to shpe Costs at least 15%, or face a ■flood of red ink. ;Labpr: ej^pw^ account for m.bsit '■■ of ' the.. poos t, . i hclud i ngf. heavy, pay .tilts: to::Cra.£tsriie,h,: white collaiv workers :'aifd;:loWer-birae^ as well as materials; .:■ \: $36^ptV);060 P r €» d u c t i o ri ; MiicK >; ahd .-Trying:; iifor ■ Moi*e^kiglit boiyiii : the BALABAN-GRIFFIS MOVE ; ;•'■' ..;: ^ /.'Vn; Hollywood, Npy. :3o; • , : Firist major studio to piit r^trench- ment,;ppncy iiitb inimediait^ Paraniburitf WhPse .executives p^ $5,000,000 oflf $30;,OQO,06() prbdac^ pyerhead. .Move isjih .sympathy with the - year>-bld^ehtibn -of. / Bairhey Balaban and Stantbh Griffis, who have Ibng claimed that cb$ts and bpprations are way Put :bf propbrtioh. After; N. .y. execs and Walter ;B; Gbkell, comjpanjr treasurer, t through :: cost sheets ^ with;i .Geprge. Bagnall, studib m a h a g e r,: they- brought ;th^ hut down ;tb v$25,060.OdO; allowing fpr: increased^^C^ and ■ material/' De'a'dv/bbd was . re- mbyed: lyith unessentials; ^ain^^ tory th&t could . be.; dispensed With, withput materially affecting prpcluc- tioh, was lopped ft-bmi the overhead. Sharp watch .will b^ kept pn: story costs; 'Creative talent not: need^^^ immediate: prpductiPny/i^ out or aiisked to' take, layoffis,. as ptbr yided. iri cbhtracts.: By the wee Spme. 20, writers. ^y;ere/le . ; :Top budget fiima being held back till; spring, ,\yhich accoUhts for postpbji'ehi.ent. pf. 'Men -With: Wings'.' and * the Kprth.'; :. . . :;; ;.:.,; Medium;;; grade .pics :" .and action films .will be /clb^eiy. ^icrutiriized fbr possible 15. to 35% prpductibn sayings. •,Adolph Zukbrwiil work with Bag- nall on all budgets • to-keep ; studio: execs and pii;bducers froih gettin^v put of line. :;.■.." Jbining: cUi-tailment confabs Mprir day :was.; Neil.' Agnew, smiles' chief, who met' with N,. Y. execs on return frprh a .Palm :springs wee^^ . . Balabari and Griffts ai-e due back in. N: .Y.: Dec. 10; stopping off in pes: M:pines and Chicagb en rbute.^^ T pes Mbines ktppoft: ' .for : A, 'h,: Blank's 2pth testimonial ;.Gelcbration, Pec^'.S; :':.;.■.;> ■ ■ ■:; '.^ ■' ;;."■ ■;■.,:.' '. \ S^es 'Alt Baba* Slur ■ ■Oh::vtheVbasis oF the hPw far ;mpus 'Rasp.Utin' libel awardi in ; Lbhdpn. (two different suit^ .. 0richtai,.maharajahi is 'riPw. do-^ ' '.irtg: some preliminjiry ' ^letter-; , writing in alleged claiins against .;.20th;:CehturyrFox; 'v:'^ ■'.. .;; Eddie Cantpr's'Ali'Baba Goes, .tb Town' is the basis of. the al- leged; grievances,; . Np: formal: ;:;.suitvyei.^'.'-" "'■■'■^^ v-' \ Bok Walk^s; Ih-.N;. y., the Par . execs :wiU..-es- tiablish ' their :■ budget .. for 1938-39: product after: getting the; sales .setup from. ■ Neil,.' Aghew^ . general- \\ :s.ales h9:ad : n6W; in Hfdlly.wpod., Aghcw wiIl;'go bver .the list ot f^r'V:p erties ::and. advise ori' the bnes he' feels will have potent sdlling -posr sibilities for the new: season: .V ■;■,/,:....Btontfe'al.,.:Npvr'30.^ . .^'Ernile Zola^ ;(WB 'tempbrarily'-.for. no reasons offered, is still getting plenty advertising and shpiild be ya sell-out if,:, and; when .shown in this tPwii. - Mc.GiiliUniver'.- sity students,, taking leaf, out of Mon-: trbal. U. collegians who stopped a .Comrnuni.sf meeting; here by merely telling. Mayor Raynault they wpUVd riot 'if he allowed it, marched to Quebec Moving Picture ' Censors of- fice . arid ;:asked; . Chairman Eugcnb Beaulac why ,the barrihg,. Beaulac: couldn't, tell thbrii and they,dispersed haying gained ^their objective by ifhaiting front pa^e;in Ibcat .rag^.:; - "Then^^Tieadof locaT:trai;s^ort'.x^^^ pariy. oftered /ineliisive frate. for bus trip to Piattsburgh to see'. pic if 200 would; buy the.trahspprt^tipn. They did and there'll; be; plenty; :word-bf- moUlh bopstinig in -the next week of .so. Meanwhile the Women have jumped. ■ ■ .with ■ rcsolulibris. arid WhalTfipt. which is: . increasing:; the cen.sors'; misery, not to mention in.> and piit-of town; editorials across the GQuntry :askiivg for :rcasoo:s .-for"birr; ing. ,;AIsp ; 'run on Zola'^;'k.s-^ banned in French libraries^is .:fc»cing rtiet ■..With dilTicully ,, by: .:hai'aHi;ed librarians. , ■; ■:';■,:■,■;■■";■■■■■/,■■ IfoIiywobdy'Npy. 30. .; Uiiited Artists ,shareholders mebt-; . ' ing, will be held Dec. 1 or 2, Willi Alexander . Kprda planiri'^; to N. Y.- Friday / immediately follbwing the meet.- ;";.; '■■ It ■ • uridei'stopd that the ~ proposed deal Sa^ .dbes . ''hot; increase his iiitcrost in UA and : • that the: entire ;cohtrbl\wo,uld, be J in the 'hands ;bf . the English grbup,.\vith .. Kprda delegated as operatirig;pp.Wer . on their behalf. ■ ■; ■'■ :it is .probable that;if the obtipn is picked ■ up, Dr.. Ai H.: Giannihi :'will ; : ^fepi. but in favpr^ ■ j stone - and. that Kprda \ will^ chairman of the board.;;One of the problems which seems to be causing ' indeci.sioii on the part of Kprda, .with ; respect,;to the deal, is the fact that'., . . Day id O. Selzhick is oUt bf the prpp- : psitibn, ; Kprda is nbt worried about ;•, sufncient -prpdiibt :foi" the next;year, ,: . as they have 18; pictures cbmirig, ih- cluding the two frpm Sclznick. the balance from Gpldwyn and Wal- ter . Waiigcr ■ the domestic eiid. How ever, 'he is a. b it: conicerried a f ler:":. : that seasph : regarding.; company' ability to .'get Hollywood producers I Who might feel they would bp domi- naled by Goldwyri.; ' ' . . :; , ■ Financing '' Kbrda is also understood to be' f ret- .ting about the financing for prpduc^: ;. tioiis as well as the aicqUisitipn of V persbncilitics. ; He feels that, to bring . in npw: producers, it Would be neces- ; ■ sary to provide them, with financings ; : -a'hcse elements are all of great con-i cevn to him, and, .it is :reported that iie;Jii':<w:tpueh.:with tpnidba to got reaction there before decision is reached on picking upi bptions , of Mary Pickford, Ppuglas. Fairbanka ■ and Charlie; Chaplin. ; '"' It is understood that- in 'event the . pption'.is not lifted !lhat Chaplin and • Dl% Giannini might have a plan .lo. : lake over control, with; the flnancinig ;;: (Continued oh page 25) ; ...,-';''-'.^/;;.;'v' Hollywood. Nby, 30, v ; ;RePrga.iyization of Metro's short subjects departhyent'nbs^^ .will, chop.; haif. . Of ' the. 25 scripters noW: pi'i payroll, lot insider, rcpbrt. : .Reaispii is. t.liat■ the; departnie'lit is well:, up ;pn : ;ils; bbm:mi story material''.ahead Of the pro.duc- • tion schedule.: ';....',.-'• ,:':• :; .....Ijesiie' vF^'Tlphl ;:aGi6i^: draws - his 'fu'St;di^-ecting'a,ss)ghmeiil.'.. in ^^^^ ■ICidd'is . TreasLrre,'• liistorical-myifitory one-reeler a:t...Metir ' Jack Clierlok. prpdUces, - ■ J..'';.,•;/.' '.; ' -I] Sobol Leavihg RKO " ■ ' : ; Hpl ly wppd .-^fpyr30r^ ^ Eddie :Soboi; .has . washed up: his con tract RKO.: talent. scout artd' leavps;;fbr.-N:. .Yi-:tpday;:'" •'' :■' He. will resLitne:;wi'tii M'ax'Cbrdp'n in • produclion. -bich he exiled lb join filmers. : . ' . • WORTH $14,000,(|a0 ■ The 2Qth.-Fox sales .staff accounted for $14,000,000 ;ih contracts during the 15-w.eek;Sidriey. Kent, salc.vd which closed • Nov. 21: ■ y :';.•..' Finar:wcek'brbught iti;1 .tO.O.OOp bf ne.w,; .toppiiig ': any .. other cbmpany for -Similar pieriod, and nx- cbeding Metro's ■ previous hijjh V by ^1370,000, -^.A/.:''^-.---'-. ■ :■' ■■;:;:;'.;..■■';;.-.v'^ '■ . :Hol]ywood, Nov. 30. ■ .; Having turned."put enough 'B' pic-. turc.S' to keep V/arncr.s up to release date through March, Bryan, Foy unit is' lay ing lo w ti 11 ■ af tor fust of; ytjar;' Layoff -takes around 306 off payroll until resumption. ; ;. ; • ■ v-■ ;' Jack Warner is studying bud.ijdts- for'the tiex-t; Fpy, lineup to.kceprvvith- i'n'; '' strict, econprny.bbuhd.^.; Plant, curreriily has fiyc pictures in work! ilsto to as ■ ■■.':'. • . ■ ; .;• 1-"'*-i^yti?iiii; .-..'Spyros Skoui-as''etitrdllvyd (2^;)-rpflhe Coast:'' ;.His trip^U 'p 'niarily: tp; :inspcct; tlie;; . usj;West Coast theatres and.'parvic'ipate i;i the coming board sessions o.f certain Fox-West; CPast sUboidiai-iss.: ■ .. . . SkPuras Will, hayc a ron- feb 'with.-.'Sidney. TR... K^^ bf.. '2pih. Contury-Fo.K 'and NaUPriaI- ThcatraSj and vyilh Parryl .Zanuck, ;^head; ■.26th-Fox"' piro/3uC;ti ,' . on, forth cpm ing., pr pdu ct.- I'i t (> e . u s li a I trip such as Skburas makes Ivyice'/. three times yearly. '' .: ■ -:■[ With Skouras on the. trit) ire .\;:S. Gambae,. Af^; • bf /.Nallibnai T|ie;iti'e;j,: and Edward\Zabel,'i>tat,i,iiic.iau.^: • : :.;■■ .: ■:'■ ITollywood,' Knv. 30..'■ : i ; ■.;;Hoifli.hi's 'of ;Hal'plV A;. Kohn in ; i: Sc\i\ulbet'«;Pidtijros^^ :;-put, by:'/B.. ySohUlberg. with Kohn .' •■■•■.e>'iB.ning'>a:s ah b/Ticc'r and."dri'cc;.tbr-i l.aiid now seeking: a,: new studio af- ' '..(ilia'libn.: • ' ■ ■ .' '..-h ;.;-;,KblVr)^ has Von ;, Schulberg- part.-,' ] ncr foAir years.;.; ' -. /^ '\ ' "• TrViflo- ncglMtcrt'iI ■ v\(>.v.srtK I>:::r*y .%srM,i!: s lu v!•: iim an rui»iisfif«i ^>p|ti.v :i»i' v.AitiKTV;-; ' ; ■' Kill . SiK'ut iniiti, • I'.rn.shioiit .; ! ( Wi'Hl 4C(ii .Slic(;t, ficw Yorit rit> .. :: :; .;'vsun^icnrrTioN An'ntml.'. .'i'.;$'>;. • " Fore \ tin ,: i\ ' $7. .si.iiKiij (■•ojijoHv;: ;■; ..... I.', i 'eiiin V..i,\, r:i.n ;Npn2: INDEX k > • • • ' • •'4 : H ■'■ ■■■ " .Hollywood, Nov: i'k;- :; ' ■Lu.iso..liti.ini?i: .:has been :pairi;d :wilh'' WWaliarp.Bscry in 'iVIadelon' at' Mcl'i-o.' . ;PiGtui;e-.Wiil. bbw.'in.;Ile,nry\'^ , iOn. aS a prbduccr. .': ^,:; Advance Prbductipii Chart Bills .. Biirfcsbue . ......... Chatter ........ ..i;.; . Concert:, ;:..;.',... Panes .Tour. ;,'■ ■■ Exploitatioh ,..:. V'., 15 Ycifrrs A-^o ...;.;... ;Fil.m Bbokin^' Pi j tn. ricvic wsv';,',.. Forum.;.V;.:,.v/;.,, Girr,5.Eve: Viev/,/'... ;,. Reviews.. .■ . Inside—Legit:.... ;Insidci-^Musib v.:';,..'; tn^idc^pictbrc.'^y. J ri s i d c—R a d io.;.. Intprn.Ttion:)! ■ Ncw.s- Jnclc, Osierrivi n...';,. •J02 ;.Lai Iri.o', •fr ■ :ro:;ritimatc ."\,..;V..:. ■ Lilcrnli ;;... .. V;'.'.; Miiijit; : ■.■',•;".'.";■■;.■:; ■ NC'vA-> rrf))n Liio Diiil fliil)-;:. ...;:;, ' vISIil..;;C|i'iiy'Tlcv;^i\ys . fi)l)iln:iry . ;; . v. . Oultint)i;s_ V:; .A ';;:.; Picli'u-iii'; : . .■ T>-ui:n ■' ■ ::y:-: 20 ..' 54 ' , 50 . fil. ..• 58; 31 . 50 • .. • 21 ...v; 14 • .■;...(!■ >.•'' '17. ' . : • na: ■ ' 40 ..12-1:;.-: . . . 2 .: '■,.;:'.-4 ■ •('() ::4f)iiR.-. (!". 10--.".I . ;:; • Til • .:■•■■ f)2 :.- a'.'. I ritrrit MI i b i 1 r IJ ! Radi; Il:»views. -/./^ H ud io.: $; 1 b wmill is! vi.j v.-;.;. S'oort.s ,......,.';. ■ ;;4:? .>. 52. 19-53