Variety (Dec 1937)

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Trailer dept. -at Me.tro .has just; turhed/tr^^ to. show how even advei'sie: publicity caii be'put to good us.^ if cpunteracted inielliifentiy. Trailer 'lliorbughbreds Don't; Ci:y.\:t Gentlemah ■ Who H^^ Spmethiiig vto Say,'.prestints, Freddie BartHolornew and! Rpiinie Sinelair. ihtrodiucing flliri, in which^Sinciair. got his role: during: lattier's bfte sor, Rbiinie has now (since rBattholomew .t^ : •settled'by M.e^tro)^^^^f^^^ nejct pici. Meahtirhe/ they ipake .their kiss-and-makeTup. :debutr in this^ 'tr?iiier,.;TVhk;h-is great;-ex^ ^l'''-"'; ■■"■^■ 'i.A- Pliaiidits are^jBilso going to.'Paramount: trailer ^:^.d^^ genious preseritatipn of pi"evues of coming'attraptiPns; High spot was hit mpst rieceifily in Vacht^^^C^^^ of a ,Lifetime/ ;Spe6ial jy-Q—B.-nUnibeg.i>yas,'^^^ phort-subject..:^ :•. . v-'/^ 'C'' ■ ' .r\v^r~-7v—;7r'-"-"'-: One of the niost . per^^^^^ . Warner .iBro.s/ ia.nnual s]^^^ was the,mianher-in- virhich/thfe company's defiiEit figure: was trimined.V.Comr. - party's liet profit of $5,876,182. as c6mi)ared with :$3,l'77,Sl2 .for previous fiscal year .figUired lafgeiy in fact' the company did not .have, to- write off fibdd losses or. wtiite-dbwn irivestmeiit in Spanish subsidiary ^ .thi§ year. . Warner Bros.' statement: showfe. 1 that the' aeficit ■ barried to balarice sheet as ot August 28 thisVyear was $4,188,044, is compared; with $10,469,1,48 carried .fpr\vard-in'August,';i936.; : ' \'' '■'■.^^,.'.\■\''^^■', : WhnW'the .cbmpshy- ■haid;.:$4i6b0,()0Q.: Representing ;uhdistributbd^ profits iii excels pr$2i084,056,' latter^^Being the^^ ambunt of accumiul?ited diyicliEinds on the .preferred;ujpi tp./and .includihg .Juhe report-said its.iiotin ppinipn, ^vas that federial surtax was; due. ,ortly. oh'the amount setvaSide. fbr. dividend^; Also that the.-company is hot. Ijable fpir^^uftax .in excess of/t^^^^ accumulated dividends^ Federal surtax ■ figure ^yas^ place^^^^ at; $310(000. .-: Scotch and .English ymember^^ to :,the . Western Higihlahds and .Islands rGounciC bt Tirtie^s. reiel oh. the Scottish Highland prPblems in - the House of Cbmmoriis on Nov;; 25> {Stated . that it's the: first- time,:any Parliamehtary. group looked'; at a pic for .purposes of getting boned up :pn economic prpblems .-arid :si.tiiash. gerierally. .-. FeatUr^ deals witb-rthe depbpulatib^ Country,, falling ibff of agriculture arid, the d^ clair was chair man of the ineetirig' which ■ was' tilso attended by Lbrd St^a,'- fcblgi^ ^(J\\M;iKeriworthyO . /•■.'r.^':-^.f;.'.-'- '■'.'-■l;' :^-::;-\:rrrf ,' It is likely Harry .Brandt's,, plans^^^ trade parley, terita^ tiveiy plahried for ./next .month, m bf t he year .'ioliowirig notice frprn Ei L; .Kuykeridall, priEsidbnt pf the Motion Picture 'Theatre Owp^rs . pf-. America, that hi tjannbt atttend until .. alter :Ghristm9Si .'■ ;C' ■' ■■ ' ":■'':•■':'•;.■.■■.• ".V.. KuykeridaU\has W^^^^^ Brahdt that /since, the head of the IrideJpendent Theatire Pwrier3 Assn;.;h3ts not niade th^Dec; 10 date definUe,; he has'm^^ Pther plans that .w^^ kbep hirii busy uritil^the holidaysi. ifuykendall will spend.'tii>e^;.iiv;C6luhibus,.'Mi -y'- '■.''■ y... Twentiieth Cehtiii^ broke an i»ll-tinie-Film ftow iii final stanza pf coriipariy's latest sales dirivie by knocking piit oyer $9.0,000 in rjentals for. five days, That tops coliectipris in any Pi bfficie by apprQxima,tely $30^000 arid gives, . the boys an almpsi .to. shpot: at in the fiitureV^ Cphri, irict- . dejntiBlly, will he honored, at testinibhiai. dinner in 'WilUam: Periri hotel -riext: Jtfohday,: markingjiiB;years pf service .w cpiripany, and all of the ibth Iwg shots fi^ni.Ny are corii^^ By arikh S^ire Forbigri. star, who reported fortpight ago to a. iriajp.r, lot/ has a clai^Usb in her contract whereby she.agrees. not to leave the cpuntty;fpr at Ibast.-one year so. as :tP allow fitudip tiriie for. buildrup... $he's .the same pne,- ! dentally, whose fiance is shooting in Lbridpri;; • Her- very fl*st'experience iri Hpllywood, however,>almpst put her pn the next train back hpihe. The studio: had .her undergb 'at: thprbugh physical. examination .(but. thorpAigh! )y arid while she y/as declared 100% okay by the -medicbs. she was nibre. than IL little peeved at. thb idea and told her boss what she thought about i^ ^.Lbs AngelesVcblpny .of around .156 natives of Hawaii are rbapinjg" harvest as' the residt of the clifrent cycle of. South Seas, iaims starting, with •Mutiny ori the Bpurity', ,and> carryiiig On with .such, leatiirts' a Wedding,''The-Hiirticarie.^ 'Hawaiia Calls* and others; Many bf ^ the .Pblynesiaris have grabbed extra roles and\ bit ./patts and: Hoiriier Hayes, native law st^^ has^ppcketed a number pf checks as .techriical adviser. ■ A beceriiber Fortune, mag exariiines.- thb y careers -tit the - Warner :BirbS,, iri, a highly iniifbrmatiVe. article.,- The story/calls WB 'the. biggest .iinbyie cbmr pany* and : cites It^:. $6,000,000 net profit in last fiscal year.; ; Fbr a Big Business . publiciai the • Fiprturie piece siirprises vi^ith (1) its emphasis on Hjarry M.^ W^ qualities, and- (2) an unusual insight iritb the: man-power of th^ Burbank .-profiuctibri factory Wftiich few in the trade are privy tb. ......V-^ \-: • Universars !A ^Prescription ■ foj: Rbhiance,'- EdmUrid. _RV: Grainger feature tha.t started ■but ;"as a B .prbductlbn;with a. •biidget. bf $190,000, has-been: moved rip into the. A class. Studio: okayed spending another. $50,000 on production shots arid hpjv: the film is. being considered as another 'Three Smart Girls,* . it iS cpri.sidbred a persbhal . triumph: nbt: only ior Grainger but for Sylvan Simoni the directbr, as well, being his second feature. Pecisipn of Scripps-Hpward ;newspapers to abandori plans tb send 22 contest winrier-is to the Coast for .studio visits; because of inability • to make deal for a plarie to transport-the contestants at pne time, has solved a problerii' fP'r the- Hays office., in Hollywood. Such mass .visits are alWays discouraged by studios ..^and the .Hays biffice, but, execs would hesitate to offejid a. newspaper chairt. They will be sent put one; pr two at time. Two most interesting; /sidelights . " ■: ;;Sorc^Fer:s ■■ .Apprentice,': M^^ Mouser on which:teppold Stpkowski: is dping score arid; musical 'directiprt, are::first,'that Disney ;is interidirig, to :headlin:e ads ;brt the short aS 'lpO Men a nd a Mouse'; second, that Stokowsk i was. so del ighted at .the idea bf See- ing Mickey in the service,of cla.ssical free \' -• '.:''• ■■• ■■ .'. ;;„■ : While other", lots were-trying;, their figure- out a .way- tp capitalize on current L. A^; Eiysiaii..;Pa"rit lands!ide. Without-; antagbrtizjrig the Chamber, of. Comrnerce.; Wariiei^; ;'beat thern tp the draw by putting technicoior crew atop slipp'ing hiIT.; 11 sWotji. .are, einfective' they'll bp used as the blimax of the historical epic of eai Jy Caliloi'nia,' 'Gold: Is Where Yoii ■ Find It.;..-: -■ ; ;^v ■ ;.-.--;"'-•:••■/•;'■•■•;;.:;- ;f-f—^h. \- :;.--;^'r Shortage bf cbmpleted prints' or;.,VVaU 'Di«neyJs^ first-feature length filnri. 'Sn;ow White and the Seven ;DWai:rs^^/,.;\vlil /pi-ecMud^ a- gerietal: release fbr the •.ChiuStrnas 'hpJid.ays,' Arthoijfih' riight crews have be'en added by-Disney , tb- rush c.ompletibn. XrrlaK; week :^Ci-eenirigs Will-likely be..pPssible only in one,;pr;tWb key' situalions;^' ', Screen Actbi-s .Guild , , dues for legit actors appearing'; in' pictures made in the east: have been cut in half. Such players 'are ,tequired to join; the- junior SAG which called for paynient of $1& yearly^ dues now. Tfeing "|9, $2.25 per,; quarter.. In- itiation fee bf • $10 - remairis as is. ■-. :: sag; .bbard • ordered ' the reduc- tibn because rirost legiters .doing pic- ture , work Viri ; or near New York are; engaged foi* shorts arid are ript regularly called for stlidio appear-;: ances. Stiprilation that eastern juniors of SAG be in good standing with Equity'in order to get the 50% dues SAG cut.; •'• -;- ,';,---'- : -.;'; -:■''. ■: ;Z<6we;rihg for dues juniors does riot include thbse; on' the; Cbast,- Jiiniors;.;a.r,e:;--'pted.bmiriaht T.iri.' .SAG" there,' that; classv^^of menibership.- tpi^ ialirig around 5,000. -As in Eqiiity, juniprs ; do; not have the privilege of voting. ' ■■■ ■"'''' . COOPERATE WITH .; "World's ■Jargest ''cbritinub.ij.s;:;shbw' On --^ii . single subject got. undbr way Monday (29) at; the : International Building, ' Raijlio City,; when the Dance International, began :ij 35-day: festival. All .major; companies co- operated ^ ;iri supplying shortis ■ and features suitable-fair use ' depictirig the^de^elbptrient-bfUhe::dan^^ 1900 to 1937t-; Shows run from It a.m.- to 10 p.m., and will be in opera- tion for five weeksi-: '■ /■■:■:,-:. . ; While Some foreign clips are in- cluded; in :the 'arraychosen' arid edited by • Lbwe.ll ^Thoriias, .o Movietone, U. $. subjects, predorriirir ate, ranging froni Fred Astaire's,'big aipple^to Rudolph Valeritirib's 'Merry Widow.' waltz... a's iUIn . Hollywbod, Nov. 30..: ia- Henie's laridirig iri, hbr pic- ture at 20th-Fox last Friday (26) wasn't iis auspicious as the title pit her; picture, 'Happy Laridirig.' In skating down a 'chute she took -a header, riarrpwly ritiSsirig Director Roy Dei Rtith, .who was seated near- by.. Fall knocked her senseless, arid- she; was taken , to hei:', homei . Returning to!- work the, :next; day, she suffered dizzy spells arid a medir, covWas siirtiiribned^ haye suffe'red a slight concussion arid ordered her to bed. Wprk on the picture is held up until her return. It was the, Olyrnpic champ's first spill. ' ;■.-,;:;■'. Ask Ruling On m KbllyWood;: NoT{-. 30. - : Test suit; iX- on: file''in the L-:A., su- perior court filed by Ralph.Murphy and Donald Gallagher, authors of the ^ legit .play, : ;Sh! the .Octopus!'- 'i-e- cently; filnied by Warners.,, ',,,, ; -Scribs charge they "peddled thbir oct-ppus -tO; First'National Pi enures, Inc., as- 'a .- silent-Apre.viou.s; to the ..WaMier-FN: -meVger y ; 1920 ;'rinii..':!'e-- quested the cbui't to decree ^that Tights. .to:;sQUnd/prbducti(^n.are^. still ve.<;ted : in theni;' ; ' - :Republib'S :title, -The Lady^ -MjsbehaN'epr.' .jjbt the.:riix ftom the. Hays office on the ground that ;it l(?ans! ] a bi.i, toward the risque- and,; ih^View. of ,1ihe fact that!^^/the :film's, contend build up to; fit -the tag> i'bediting. .ap^ •to be iri order, ;; Hay5iaiis, told. Republic e><bcs . t^ hav,e iri pictures any Jtt>b^ be■ rib-iyjterference i^the:'riiiy.'ispiriilted;;;; ■ ;.;.- \ on :-...', ■ ;• - . _-■ ■' Holiywobd, .lS["o'v.,3b,'-' frod.uctip.ri/ filially got- .(jiider.^ \vay last S'atiircij;;v' <.26)" on ^larold-Lloyd's 'professor, .BGiA?ar;e.' :W •shbotip"; - at Gensrar -Service • studio and- , t h c- - com pa. ny-^. moving- 'r-th e ri - tp- Kornyill.e fbrrtvyp :,Weeks.';-. •.. ['//■' V .Fenfime. fe^ "ij^-Ph^^ new^ ^Gnme^r .t.o.'- .fil''om/fh^^^ "EII io 11 ;N u fitn t i.s d i rec; ing;' ; on Ti: ache; ■,;■■;:;.-.- ; Holly Wbod,; Nov. 30. ' :: ""Tpd ;.H6(al>v--'g.()e.s-..iri -a . trip siibt-in. Metrp's -'Love-Js. a' ;Heaila"che;V'. ;; '; ; .■ '•..SharcK.'- top . bvacltbt .Ayith;. GladyS" :C5.eorj£;e, Fra.nchpt Tone and Mickey Ropney:; ;';; ■ :■■ <Nothirir Sacred* Proves Its. title ; •:\-V-:''- .'Nothing Sacred' i^eserits a . rioyelly in the ; eolpr ;;pietur;e. 11 anibng the, few tbi coriceritrate on thevpibture ;isrid.take^^^^^^^^ colbi- in its stride, Mbst of the colo? .effbrts have been too concerned with; the novelty of the thing, tb pay much attention to the picture itself. " Carole Lombard arid Friedric Mairch, with the assistarice of Charlie Winninger arid Walter Connolly set' put; to shpw what; round heels the wisb-guy town (New YPrk) cari have foir a phoney. The phoney beiri^ Miss Lombard,^ whb manages to lobk extremely sophisticated even in a black; dress with a rbund; white CQllai^and ;the setting of: Warsaw, Vt. You yust have to ignore the fact, th . tp- be a factory girl who's neyer been:put of Warsaw, Vt.: ' \ ;^--v' ■ V." ■:■■ ;A' much slihimer; arid youthful Frank Fay';bobs: up as a night club m. c;: and his: Brbadway seritiriienta 1 ism .bver the guest of horibr is a noteworthy achieyeriient .-; ,/";- vV'^ \ '; v"; ■ ■ ■; ..-:':'-- -.' ; : ; jfcliss L8fin>i*rd^ bsca;ped,'w;arsaW as gue!st;of pne. of ;the';b^ greatest news papers, goes.-sartoria liy ig^ gown guttering .;^yJth -: uny beads. lr7!tP:prn7tiriTley^"~short~cape tririiriiedtfnr" fpx dyed tp match..; A slapstick-battle is staged with March, Miss Lbmbard wearing a peach; eblored nightgoNy'ri under; a, creani ir.pbe; .Nprriria; S^earbr. is 'about the ;.pril^ l?eeri ,.ikicked by a geritleriian: v^hbh het. ,b!ack was turned—arid she ;hasri:'t in;ade:,a picture since all the; Holly>yPod fun began. Miss. Lbmbard riot gets kicked bopped bn the jaw, butlis dunked in the river:;by .Mr.;.March. For the :dive, .she wears a high peaked ;hat,: arid; a .dark dress w^^ .; iVi^xie^iipsenhloom. as land, a New England baggage master, cpritribute a , couple ;bf ';nleriib bits to; the general insanity. ■ .;^-.v ;;'■;■,-.;:': ^ ''-;'-■;■'-.'''" - - ■';"' aiusic Hall> Barber Shop Chordis „ ; , A barber shpp; sterie. is the backgrburid for ,the: Radio,City - Music; Hali; Glee .Cliab,;>yith pperatic. fiiglits by vJari; Peerce, Marion. Rabei: and Vioin Philb, ;ail in as .barber 'arid rhariicure giiris, :,resp^^ .This;;ieads up to /the nSbdernis.tic , s^ pble,, ,;yrith ,;eblor, ;iaSded' by the Rockettes; who decprate;; thbV. pole wearing red gloves"; /and • tWo bands of . electric .blue sequin.V^ waiistV and-prie ^bblpwr/ pole spii-als downward to let the .girls -pff at the ground floor;for, their hoofing. . ;■':•■. ■. ;■: .;;■■■-; .;;,.;;;;;'•:;■;■■.■,;■■■",-;, ;• ^ V V;.'- ■. V;;' ;' / ;;. ;'•; '; .'The :bai^t:is introduced;by.ia ri^ tators, ;• Against a . deep ' purple drop •large- spots :,p^^ light nibve- slbwly -while the brchestra;pjays; Ravel's 'Lav.Valse.'; This. eerie effect goes on for quite a while .befor-e , anything else' happens!, - But finally the giri$ begin to appear ;;flpating di-aperies,;.the; purple - cu thirigs are back to-nbrmal.. '■;-■-,-;.-■ ■.;.•;.- '; ■-.; Thelacrpbatic.Mu^ Stage sejparates into four .levels with the ballet girls,'Who weair Ibrig SequiriVscarves .wlt^^ airy gowns, skirts tightly girdled;about the hips;and split tb the waiist;,- '.'..,,• -'-.;,;"-.-;: ■-■";'•' ;. Betweenr'the"" "Rockette^ that precaribus contraptipri ;kno,wri as a uiiicycle. ; ■ ■ ;;. '->.. :Joah Fontaine's 'presses,--^;and Daiiciri^ - . 'Damsel iri ;Distress' serves its mus^ mPriients-andi ats plot, in separate courses,- which seem to have 'little, relation to,each pther. . There's ;riP par- ticular y reasbn.;fbr:. giving. ;p^t. \yith ;sb,ri^; pr- ,diaricet.; except; Jhat .'Damsel in pistress' - didn't ^ have: qu^ enough riieat oil -its";;'bbries . ifpr . a, picture, without the aid.- of a .riiusical shot,iri. the .arm. _ _ Joan'Fontaine is're^ seems a .bit;unfair;tp; Miss Fontaine. Fortunately it's a short .sequenc* ,/ .; she -gbes at iV;Conseient^^ and seems jiist a$ relieved as anybody else when it's all' oyer. ; - -^;';..-. • ';;;■;:; iGracLe Allen, with .Gebrge Burns,- is also dragged into the story by the hair; of; her dizzy head,• Biit the pair ,hold ,their own Very riicely;,in,, a trio dance with A^tairer-^a ripvelty riurilber ;W staged;iri va British;,. ,; sion of Coney (Island Crazy house. ^-;-.-..-;;'' . .-'/'y , Miss Fontaine js girlishly sirtiple in short embrpideted prgari^ies; arid; prints, ;. for ;;the most '.part. ';• • .One. fornial outfit. is wWtb • brocade — deep square jieck gatheried',; and;slihi w with long swirlirig skirt. ;6 ver thlf is; a white fbx cape io end all w. f.. capes-^kins set; in perpendicularly" and reaching thie. floor. .; ;■■■ ;■'-'•- .;;'■ - .....^ Gracie Allen is:to groomed in darfc <jresses With tbuches of white, arid,, orie drop shoulder metal ; br'ocade- pl with short White; fbx cape. ^' . .'-.-^. ;-; '; ■ ;; • ;'^''';;; :;.'- , :-y ' ;. ; Conistence Collier; is- M^^ an4 Moritague Love, ■ her easygoing father, who lopks a bit too strbngrininded to be puttbring around rose,bushes all the time. English orchestra leader Ray Noble appears as-Miss Allen's male and British counterpart, v . •; : The spaces between Mr. ^YodehQUse's dialog are oyer - long, hoWever, some being satisfactorily, occupied by Mr,; Astaire's supbricr hoofing, arid, spme by nothing in- particular. '^'^^'^ ■ ' ' ■■ ;;. ■- 'lV(erry-Go-Rourid off 1938' a Qay Melange ; 'Mer.ry^:Go^Rourid^ sbiinds like it m of thPse pretentious excuses for lots of: young legs and old gags, biit with Bert Lahir, Mischa Auer, .Jimmy;;^avp arid Billy. House handling the corriedy, arid, soriie sit- ; uations to work with, there's more to it than 'that ; No tragbdian of the bld schpbl ever looked sadder than Mr. Alier wheri, fate parts hini vifrom a luscious turkey.. /-.-..; ;■..•;;.• :. .-■,;.,;■;,;:" ■.;■,■;■..-■ v-;.' • ;;;.;.;.... ;' Joy Hodges is; the unajfected fo.ste-daughter of: the ,coriiic four and per- sonable John King takes care of the other half , of the love interest. Miss Hodges ' while decidihg whether she. should, marry; King /wear.*< restrairied frocks from gingham with tiny ruffles, to fitted black witii Utile •whitp bow,s,do\Yri thG- bodicc; and: d;ittp':\vith de^ .She sirig.s in a formal gown sheathed tb the kneeS' arid swirling, out bblow, ruffled;cap sleeves and a huge shoulder corsage. , • -.: ..'fj/; ■ Nearly all of her hats are sbnrib. version of the" calot, decorated with , flowers or veil and Worn oh the back of the head; The calot is' Hollywood's choice for Jngeniies^'^ fhe odd' ei^eatioris frightening little childreri; on'thb^ streets today are reseryed' for the ;sbphisticates. ;.; ,. '„;': ' ^ :; ■ ;. ; , Wardrobe; hbbpia, is, assigrie tb Alice Brady, who flitters gushingly In: bpin ;dbt;satin, nieta 1 cloth ;tun(cs, a;sheer black cape oyer' slim white gown ; with ih'uge corsage; at .the,-throat, arid; spallbped white coat. dress,^ -with • large-COwboy hat turned sharply up bn one side. • '••; .^.-•''•.';'-■.'• ' Barbara Read is smartly . dres.sed; in. metal doth.^^ w shoulder cbllar, as the;cat detelrnined to expose the. 'mystic* Auer..; ; • -.;;;;• ■ '■ :As ,.'Lady;G.Wbndolyn' Billy House Wear.s. a costume , resembling /a chiffori; - • tent in-, a. stiff w;ind. topped. by\a ferry 'Widow hat; ' ':,: ;:; •;.';'-:;,;; ''; .. ; A peasant -village .back^rpurids ;lhc ; Gae; Foster girls, -appearing.; .variety, of bostyriies; ;; Sonib; in bcloW^the-knb riiffled White skirts .with . lacbd; bodicq.s and '. high cone, hats With ;veils, -the' rest divided between tiny shorts; arid tiny ^iliip skirts -of bl tick Velvet, with ofl-tiie-face bonnets.-George; Church taps in What seems' to .be -a ;Spanlsh; costume,;;but the village is :;pi^obabiy^-; Swi^s-betaf^ utilized' for.:'BenYbsfs' ;Whitb Guards,'- colorful in silver- trirnmed; white: .Uniforrns;iarid:-lpng ;c9pe^;'ed':in '"' ;.-;' • . ;-"•.'• ;. ■: A; crn.'is betWeeivvfi^ ,arid :i;humba js:.iieict'for thb girls, who;wear fed ;and yplldw plaid swing skii ti; oycv. ruftled Irhuiriba petticoats^ / nd tiny;; sailor; hats, peiched-byer one. eye. The .b.oys appear to; be collegiate ^ ,green;:swGiatci\si;arid.; White slacl;.», With 'AiEi'ne hats; just' to' cbnfuse you;- .Orphld ;is;.';the:.col(«^ iich&rnt for the 'finale. ;>yith; half-the girls: in^sati ; evening - gowns aiid pale green {tipyes;, Thb Vest, wear briprm.ous orchid hbpp skirts' arid tight;bodicesr;AVith;puffy. sleeves and hats' bf ,^grberi Qstrich> tips. •■ ';.;.,.■- ■ -'. ;; ' •;---';;.\';...;- ;•:;':.::;■■;:'.•••■-•-';•; ■ ■ /''/^' ;%;Gpokie'BpWer.«.d6e,« ;ebaraGte oiri.itting; celebrities for' a pleasant change, and paiil Gbrdpriv.^ibpkirig :ye^y in while tie and tails., , >' r ":"■ •;':..- ^ '.•-,