Variety (Dec 1937)

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i(^dne9dii7t Deceinber 1^ 1937 .Jiollj^wfiod, Nov. 30; .: After getting away .to' a . terrific start Thanksgiyirig: Day; arid holding the fallowing day, bulk of first runs locally did . a nosedive ovfer (the wefekerid. Only pic holding firm is 'Awful Truth' daj^-date at the Pan- tages and RKO, piling up a hefty •$3s,ooa.;' ■ ' .:■ Opening of Santa Claus Lane- on. Hollywood Blvd.: Saturday ; liight drew -a . moh . of : several, hundred thousand spectators, hitting the liight shows a wallbpi particularlv;: -the Chinese arid Hollywood. Oh top of this, one of heaviest "fogs this area has ever knowri rolled in shortly after the dinner hour making driy- irigva hazard. ■ • •Hurricane', continues, to . draw iavorably at the Carthay Circle, how in fourth weelc' of a twO-a-day isri- gagerii^riti:.' ■■ '.< "'[■"■■. ■■■^ Carthay Circle tFojc) (i,5i8; 55^83-' $r.lOT$I.65)—'Hurricane! (UA) (4th week)." Interest ' - this GoldWyn ro^(dshow\: attraction cbritiriU^s. high- . and oh basis of: first, threie weeks should hold str;ohg: thtough the holidays. Thitd week bitought jiifty $10,100, just fe:v doUari^^^^^ Chinese (Gi*aumari) (2;028: 30-.46- 55^75)—'Navy Blue and Gold' (MG) arid 'Big Town GirlV (20th) duaL at ^nly $9,300 disappointing. Last •week. 'Firefly? (MG) and 'Wallaby Jim^ (GN), fair $10,100 as expected, DoWnfoWn (WB) (ii80(); 30-40-55- 65)^'Love: I'm After* (WB) and ^Alcatraz' (FN), diiai: . With 'Alcatraz' held ■ for secdrid .'Week, house, looks headed for another good , $11,000. Last week, .'Alcatraz' (FN) and 'Sh! the Qctopus' (FN); very big.$12,5()0,. far exceedirig estirriates; . ■ Four Star (Fox) : (900; . 40-55 )— •Victoria' (RKO) (2nd week). Hdld- oVer . should hit sorsb- $3;000, foUo.w- Irig $4|100. inital stariza. Hollywood (WB) (2,756; 30-40-55- 65)—'Lovfe I'm,-; After' (WB) arid 'Alcatraz': (FN) dual. Started slightly ahead. of : its day?dater. (Dbwritowri) but will fiftish , weaker, $10,000: Last week< 'Alcatraz' (FN) and 'Sh! the Octopus* (FN), excellent at .$10»900. . Qrplieiiuli (Bdwy.) (2,2iB0; 2B-30- 35;^0:)-r-'Sophiie: I.ang'! (Paf ) and *Love on. Air' (FN) dual arid vaude. Looks only $7,800, bad. Last week, ■Stars Over Desert' (20th) artd ^Srtiall Town Boy' (GN), $9,000, Without aid of holiday. .. Pahtages( Pan) (2,700; 30-40-55)^-7 •Awful Truth' (Col) and, 'Shadow' (Gol) diial.: A'smash hit^ will;prob- ably piile .up terrific $20,000. Last weeki 'Fight for Your Lady' (RKO) arid 'Fit :;for. King* (RKO), : dis-^ appointed V^ith meagre .$5,700. Paramdiiht (Partmar) (3,595; 30- 40-55 )H'Stand-In' (UA) ' and stage show. . Opened on ,.holiday: to sell show. Opened ori .holiday, to sell-out biz, hut Slippirig to weak $l4i500. Last week, 'Ebb TideV (Pat) $16,000, about whiat Was ekpected. r. RKO. (2,950; 30-40-55 >^'Awful Truth* - (Col) . and 'Shadow' (Col) dual; Headed: for a ternfic $19,000, ju^t ■ siiKhtly hehitid what its dayr- dater (Pan) will, garrier;in Hblly- ■Wbbd. . Last week,v 'Fight fbr Lady' (RKO) and 'Fit for King* (RKO)i weak at $5,700. state (LbeW-Fbx) (2,024; 30-40-55 75)—'Navy Blue arid Gold' (MG) and •Bio: Towri GirlV (20tb) diial. vFbot- ball is still .iDretty much in the air hereabbuts but this grid yarn, will get no more than $13i0,00, mild; Last week; '•Fifefly* .(M(i.) .arid 'Wallaby. Jirii' (GN),;;below ■ expectatibns at $lj^ 700...-.-^ tiniteii, Ariistis (Fox-UA)' (2,100;: 3Q-40-55)-^'Firefly' (MG) and 'Walla- by Jirii' (GN) dual; On nibVebver should, pile tip .fair. .$5,000. Last- . week, 'Heidi! .(20th) and 'Night Club' Scandal' iPar), pretty .bad $2,600. • Wilshire (Fox) (2.296; 30-40-55^65) —'Firefly' (MGO : arid 'Wallaby . Jim' (GN) duaL-Got away to mighty good start- .but- off ■ to $6,500,. sb.-so.. Last: week.' 'Heidi'..(20th) arid 'Night Club. Scandal! (Par), very Vv'cak $4,700;: week 'Fit: for a: Kingi- (RKO) arid 'Sophie Lang^ (Par) off somewhat; biit satisfactory at $7^400. ; Grea* Lakes . (Shea) (3^400; 35-50) -^'Submarine D-1! (WB). Chances; fair for $9,500, good. Last Wrcek 'Last Gangster' (MrG), picked up on last half and came in with strong $13,000. Hipp. (Shea) (2,400; 30-50)—'Ebb Tide': (Par); Away to i great start urid ibbks to better fine $10,500. Xast week 'Stage Dobr'. (RKO) (2d. run), five days for this at-fair $4,000. 'Lafayette (Ind) (3,400; 25-35)-^ 'I'll Take Roriiance' (Col) arid 'Weistf land Case'. (U). Going great guns; gross over swell $10,000. ^ Last-week 'Awful Truth^ (CoD. (3d -week) and 'One Mile froni Heaven' (20th), third stanza' of. this brie bettered $12,000. Wjll be; brought back : for fourth week/.:':■■,■.■:■::■■.;■.■.;::•. >. .' '■ ■/:..■,...' for 2,' 20G,*EbKTide^IOiG;Birff . ■ ■Buffal.o, ;Noy.:,30.;^ , Biisinciss is loolcing iip .tbr- the current period with the . Buffalo shooting for one of the best "grosses in' weeks'- arid! the Hipp■' a'rid!"^ Ceh'-.' tury following, alpng -" i^ style. ■.:' . E^tirinates for This Week Biia'alb (Shea): (31(500: :35-40r0O)^' •Breakfast for tw,o'. XRKO) arid Ted. LewLs.; Band leader in .-pei'soii doing a firie job:- iand ■ may get' up to excellent. .$20i000. Last : week 'Damsel: iri D iSliX'ss ' ■;i -RkO)-^ay .fOt- just bv« ;$ll,000. ■,• • ■:. ;• /■ Century -(Shea) ..(3,400;' 25-35)— •iKold •Em.:;Navy' (Par) . ahd. 'Su'pej-r. Slciilh' (RKO), ■: Taking.'? speeding up for cUfrfent stanza and ibbks like strong and fine $j)i500; ; Last ■'.•Bostbh,'.Nov. .30. ;.■■ 'Stage Door' at the Keith Meriiorial and 'Double Wedding' at the Loew jibusiesi \both on dual bills, are icrash- ing" through with leading takes thiis week. 'Ebb; Tidei' with a stage show topped by Hal LeRoy, is okay at the Met. Keith Boston with: a; straight eight-act vaude show and 'Big Town Girl' oil screen, is tallyirig nicely. . Xmas shopping sluriip . is tutting sharply into legit and riitery trade, hut Tiasn't hit the film stands yet, because of the. current cropi of ace product being screened here. : Estimates fbr This .Week Boston (RKO) (3iClOO; 25-35-55)— 'Big Tpwh Girl' (20th) arid vau<Je. Stimulaiirig biz here to good $21,000 gr-oove. Last week - 'Blondes Are Dangerous' (U) and 'Folies Coriiiques' on stage, Okay $18,000. Coldnlal (UA) <1,643; 55-83r$1.10- $1.65)-^'tturricarie' (UA) roadshow (2d week). Adequate, $8,000. Fenway (M&P) (1,400; 25-35^55)— •All Baba' (20th) (2d run) arid 'Dangerously Yours' (20th) (1st run). Okay $7,000 pace. Last week medium $6,000 on 'Great Garrick' (WB) arid 'West of Shanghai*; (WB). . Hub (Grand) (930; 20-30-40)—*Lbst Horizon' (Col) (3d run) and 'Boggs Steps Out' (GN) (1st run). Okay $6,000. Last; week; $5,000 on second week of 'Mayerling* (Pax), single. Keith Memorial (RKO) (2.9QD; 25- 40-55) —'Stage Door' (RKO) and 'Presciriptibrt for ; Roriiarice' (U). Smash ; .$30i000. Hbpped , to big headstart with twb-show pre- view holiday eve. In for three weeks Last week soft $13,000 for 'Live, Lbve' (MG) arid;'Madame X' (MG). Metropolitan (M&P) (4,300; 35-^5 75)—'Ebb Tide* (Par) and Hal LeRoy heading stage . shp\y. Looks fine arourid $25,000. Last: week way Off, $16,500 for 'Love I'm After' (WB) and-, stage ' show . starring ' Frank Parker. ^ V Orpheum (Loew) (2,900; 25-35-40 55)—'Double. Wedding' (MG) and 'Dark Journey' (UA). Big $15,000 in view. Last week ;. 'Awful Truth' (Col) (2d week) and .'Murder in Greenwich - Village* (Col) (1st week). Held excellent pace, $14,50Q.. '. ■ Paramount CM&P) (1.800; 25?3 55)—'Ali Baba' (20th) (2d run).an 'Dangerously Yours* (20th') (1st rufi). Okay; $9,500 , promised. • Last week 'Great Garrick* (WB) and 'WestV^f . Shanghai' (WB). Just marked tim at $7,800. .. ' ■ Scollay :(M&P) (2,700; 25-35-40-50) ^'Perfect Specimen';CWB X (2d run) arid 'Hold 'Em Navy' (Par) (2d run) Looks good :for $8,000, Last week 'Heidi' (20th): (3d run). and 'Barrier? (Par) :(2d run), swerved io. seedy .$4;0fl0; ' .::,. ' '^V : y .'-' , State (Loew.) (3,300; 25-35-40-55) —'Double: Wedding'. (MG) and 'Dark Journey'. (UA),' $12;000, disappoint irig. • Last, .week good $12,000 lor Awful Truth* (Col) f2d week) and 'Tilurdcr in Greenwich 'Village* (Col) (1st week); - - -• ;■ - • First Runs on B'wa; . (Subject to Change) . ;! Week of Dec. -Z:.'.• ' ;? Astor-.>Hurricaiiie' ■ (UA) (4th wk). .;■ • . ;.■ Capitol—'Firefly' (MG) (2d wk). , \- ■ ' "-y- '■ c;ri t e r I d-n — .'Blossoms on Broadway' (Par). , \RKvieU)vd in: VABiETYi Nov, IT) Globe-~Paid to Dance' (Col) (4); .; > (Reuieioed in .Vameiy,:' Now. 10) Mu^lc ;Hall-^'N6fhing Sabred' (UA) XZd Wk). . Faramount-^'Ebb Tide' (Par) (3d wk). .:': '-.: ■ Rialto — 'Portia on Trial' (Rep). . :. . V :'■ (Reviewed in Vamety, Nov.: 10) Rivoll-^'Damsel in Distress* (RKO) (2d wk). ' V Roxy—'Dinner at the Ritz' .(20th) (3). ■ '■ . --^v-y:- (Reviewed in Vamety, Nov. 10) StrandTT^'Eriiile : Zola' (WB) (2d wk). : ■.. vv . V. Week of Dec. 9 ; .'.;.■.■ Astor-^'Hurricane' (UA) .(5th wk). : .;■ V ■;:'."- '^':-.;S Capitol — 'Last Gangster' (MG). . ■■ (Reviewed , in, Vauiety, Nov. .10) Crlterloh^'Missing Witnesses' (WB). ■.•■■-"'..-; '■;■■■.■ ' ■ Music Hall—'1*11 Take ■ Ro- miance' (Col). .-. V'':'-.- '\: V;^.' : Parambuiit=^'TliriIlrof: a tinie', (Par) (8); ; (Reviewed in Vamety, Nd«.; 10) Rialto — 'Beg,, Borrow of" Steal' (MG). ' ■; . (Reviewed in cutrent VameiV) Rivbll—'Damsel in. Distress' (RKO) (3d wk). ; Roxy — '45 Fathers' (20th) ao). ■ ': ■ ■ strand—'Emile Zola' (WB) (3d wk). . ■■■ • ■ .■ tiddling Tiddlesticks' :Vy;;' ;: Holly wood,. Nov. 30 v ; Writing V assigrimerit; .; . ■ 'Fiddle- ^tick.s,' Panidro S. Bermari' production starring : Mitzi. Gre en, ha.s, .bc feri. ■ hmrdtd-to-Ushn Twist at KKO. ' Mortimer- Orffner! draws the. chore of, sitting on the 'set Of/'Radio .City ' :ReVbls' and scribbling ;. continuity arid dialog just to the fore of the camci'as.' .. ' . .. . Mpk Skidding, but Truth' $11000, Damsel' ping stage : show. Should. get good $28,000 ori eight days. Last week, about $16,000,; okay, ori six days for 'Siecorid Honeymoon' (20th), plus Walter C. Kelly headirig vaude. Madison ■ (United Detroit). (2,000;. 40-50-75 )r-'Double Wedding' (MG) (2d ; week). Second session figures to get. about $7,000, good, following nice $10-000 last stanza. -Third week; doubtful. Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000; 40-50-75)-'Navy . Blue and Gold' (MG), with Joe Jackson topping vaude. Should, manage tb get arbund $26,000, good. Last week slightly under $27,000, fine, on 'Ebb Tide' (Par) with Little Jack Little on stage. '.: Palms - State (United Detroit) (3,000; 36-40.50)-*Ebb Tide'' (Par) (ire-run) and 'Sophie Lang* (Par), dual. Nice $12,000 on combo,; 'Ebb' being moved here frorii Michi- gan. Last stanza better at $8,500 fbr 'Back in Circulation' (FN) (re- run) plus 'This Way, Please' (Par). . United Artists (United Detroit) (2,000; 40^50-75 )-4'First Lady' (WB). Poor at $7,000 and doubtful if it'll hold, second session bl 'Firefly' <MG) dived to $5,000 following bunnper $15,0(K| first stanza. !■.•; .. ; Oimaha,: Nov, 30. Thariksgivihg week isees theatre t-ow looking, up with. heavy attrac- tions ,iri all houses and. best: all around lineup of shows in long period. Thursday usual opening day for Brandeis and .Omaha, but also taken ovier by OrpheUm which blos- somed out with one of its infrequent stage shows. Onlaha jumped the gun to, present a Thanksgiving eve pre- view to benefit the local newspapers free shoe fund. Weather •; opening . day and over weekend did itis bit; conveniently turned mild after imusUal cold spell of .- previous ten . days. - Orpheum easily in the lead as is always .case, when stage unit playis here, although 'Second Honeymoon', bh screen, with flesh show, as strong as any flrist' fea- ture here for. some time. . Estimated for This Week Brandeis (Singer-RKO) (1,250; 10- 25-35-40) — 'Damsel i ri Distress' (RKO) and 'West o£ Shanghai' (FN). Lively advance campaign and hit- ting long stride toward $7,800, very good. Last week 'Awful Truth' (Col) and 'Trapped by G-Men' (Col) riiade it 14 days straight, of nearly capacity biz.Second .week hit $5,250, happy figure Here" for opening week biz. ; Omaha (Blarik). (2,100;; 10^25-40)— 'Firefly* (MG) and 'Girl with Ideas' (U). Opened with preview Wedr nesday (24), to benefit charity arid swUrig;iritQ healthy returns bri reg- ular. run : Thursday (25), $9,750, thanks to holiday. Last- week 'Navy Blue and Gold' (MG) and 'Bulldog Drummorid' (Par), topped $8,000, ac ceptable. ■ • ■ ■- ':.■ •-,'-. ''■ \ Orpheum (Blank) (2,976; 10-25 40)-^'Gecond Honeymoon* (20th), with .'Waikiki Nights* unit on sifage. First: time stage lighted here, except tQr;i^riaidnfght■ show* since early sum- .mei;v-)and~-ijublic ripe, for it. Looks V- hjld thtbugh week'for $15,000: plus. I 'Last week 'This; Way Please*. (I^jp!> and' 'Danger Love at Work' 0th) trotted along to $7,500 okay for six days.. , \ .;; : ;' ;.. SCALE TILT HITS DEL; Seattle, Nov. 30. . Sevej^al first runs moved up open-, ing day to begin'Thanksgiving with new bills.',.Fine weather wais .a help, long rain halting for fairer skies. .'Awful Truth? getting raves as dari- diest romantic . cOmedy extant and getting: Liberty house: records,' with indications for severi or eight-week run. Good pix are clicking all over towri. - ■ ■ ;;■■-■■ '' ' ' 'All Baba'. is hot enough to get moveover to the Blue; Mouse, where the policy is back for this one to 42c. top. 'Firefly.' is another good one that is hitting nice third; week at the Music Box : after first two at the Fifth. Biz generally oke everywhere. Estimate! fbrlbis Week Blue Mouse. (Hamrick-Evergreen) (900; 32-37-42)—'All Baba' (20th) and 'Western Gold' (20th); Former moved from riice first week at.Para- riiount,: indications fbr $4,500, great. Last week,; 'She's No Lady', (Par) and 'West of Shanghai' (FN), dual, $2,900,.big. . ;.■ Coliseum (Ham rick - EvergreenO ' • . Detroit, Nov. 30; , : Auto, strike scare is, relieved for time being, but spots are-still ;suffe)r-: ing frorn; uppedV adm.ish scales re- cently ., adopted. Getting' big pliay : at riiiatince.s, but nights varo-:;bff>;-g^^ ally. : : /V-'l- : ;'^^. :■, Shirley Terirple'S 'Heidi,' with'Nick Lucii.s. topp.irig vaude at the. Fox, is; grabbing top honors; chiefly on ;the hefty niatinee play. .'-'^:- ■ . ■' Estimates for This: Week:' :-,., "Adams (Balaban) ; (1,700; 30-40-50) —'Love at. Work' '<20th) plus 'Gar (1,900; 21-32)—'Thin Ice' (20th)^jrhd 'Bad Guy' (MG), dual. Expectations for $5,000, great. Last week, 'Tbpper' (MG) arid 'Wild and Woolly' (20th), dual, solid at $3,200. \ Colonial (Sterling) (850; 10-21)-^ '13th Guest' (Mono): and 'Atlaritic Flight' (Mono), dual. Headirig for $2,600, good. Last week, 'Flash Ca- sey* (GN) abbot the sariie.; Fifth Avenue (Hamrick-rEvergreen) (2,400; .32-37-42)—'Heidi* (20th). Get- ting good kiddie trade; with schobl vacatioris over holiday, ejcpedted $9,- OOO, big. Last week, 'Firefly* (MG), 2d week, $6,200, good. Liberty (J-vH) (liOOO; 21-32-42)— •Awrful Truth*; (Col);' 2cl big week indicated $12,000, ^terrific. ■ Last week same; film- fulled smacko $12,300, superb. ■.-,;-._. Mfuslc : Box (Hamrick-Evergreen) (900; 32-37-42)—'Firefly* (MG). Hot relea:2 frbm two. ;weelts at Fifth, hrading for $3,800, godd.; Last week. 'Double Wedding* (MG) (3d week), $2,700, okay. -'V-- • . pirpheum- - (Hamrick - Evergreen) (900; . 32-37-42)—'Live; Lave and Learn' (MG),- and:'45 Fathers* (20th), dUal, getting along for 4i§.800, bke. Last ■ week, 'Alcatraz* (PNJ, arid 'Danger, Love at. Work? (20th), dual, $6,400, strong Palomar . (Sterling) (1,4.50; 16-27- .37)-^'Marihattan. Merry-Go-Rdurid'' (Rep.) and'-vaude. Nice bill; bring- irig close tb; $4,000, safisfa'ctoryi Laiit week, 'Portia ori Trial' (Rep) and vaude, $3,400, good; '! . Paramount' (Hamrick-Evergreen) (3,106; 32-3742)—'Conquest* ; (MG) teanied- with . 'Dangerously ; Yours (20th)i''Naturally playihg ujp Garbo, outlook fpr $6,800 below Garbo ex pectations. Last weiek. 'Ali Baba' (20th) and .'Man Who Cried Wolf* (U), dual, $8,700, big. Roosevelt (Sterling) (850; 21-32.) -' .Horizon* (Col ).'j :; Soaring for anticipated $3,500, forte. Last week. 'Double or Nothing' (Par), .and 'Super. Sleuth' (RKO), dual, $2,600, okay. ■ ■ ■' Titva^irQneTm'i'WTTliisrr^irpping .off normal $5,300. Last week about $5,t00, - good, on ' Baba* (20th) (rc-ruri) ;arid 'Trouble at Midnight' (Col). • .-< :•--■;: . Fox (Indie) (5,000; 40-50^75)— •Hcidi' (20th) with Nick • Lucas top- PAR COLORING ITS FMS Hollvwnnrii TJnv- ^(i .; Parrimdunt. has set Dorothy. Hovve and Archie' Twitbheli, pair ; of • un- kndwns, for parts in its color prgduc- tibri,,,'IIet Jungle.'Love.* ' " Trblipe is currently on Ibcatiori-at Palm Springs.■ ■; -^; - Minneapolis, Nov. 30. Biz generally continues . on the downgrade, /but: outstanding picture.^, still are delivering well enough at the box-office to spell profit in caps. Current instances are Awful Truth' . and 'Damsel in' Distiress,'■ Fo'rmier is a" real smash and will top town for; second consecutive week. Estimates for this Week Aster (Publix-Singer) (900; 15-25) —'Wine, Woriien and Horses' (WB) and 'Mart Cried Wolf (tr> dual first runs split with 'Music for Madanrie' (RKO) and 'Lady Fights Back' (U) also dual first-iruns. ■ Mild. $800 in prospect; Last: week^ 'Love Urider Fire' (20th) (2d run) split last three days with 'Love, on the Air*. (WBi) and 'Thunder Trail' (Par) dual first- runs, fair $900; Century (Publix-Singer) (I,600;25- 35-40) — 'First Lady' (WB). Kay ' Fraincis hot, so forte, here,. but: legit. plajr niade: impression and may help pic?" mild ; $3,000 ; indicated.; Last week, 'Angel' (Par), $3,000; light. Minnesota (Publix-Singeir) (4,200; 25r35-55)—'Ebb Tide' (Par). Weak sister at. 55c for this big deluxe house. However, helped by Thanks- giving holiday arid swell/Selling job to. catch 'family, trade;' rriay hit $7> . 500y -nofi'^bad,' all -things -considered. .- Last week, 'Awful Truth' (Cbl), $13,- 900; gigantic. ; . Orpheum (Publix-Singer) (2,800; 25-35^40); — 'Damsel in Distress*' (RKO). Despite good exploitation job and. Astalre and Burns-Allen popularity,. only fair. at ;$8,000.' I Last week, 'Second; Horieymoori* • (20th),- $7,000; fair. State (Publix-Singer).. (2,300; 25- ■ 35-55) — fAwful Truth' (Col) (2d week)...Moved here from Minnesota for prolbngatibri of loop first-run and giving this house its biggest week' in ; many a mboh. Word-ofrnioutli boost- ing ° and third week not unlikely; Teaching for terrific $12,000, just short of $14,000 igarriered first seven days at Minnesota. Time (Be r ge r) (290; 15-25)^ 'Dancing Lady' (MG). Revivals con- tinue to rule rOost; here;. en route to good $900. Last week, 'Marihattan Melodrama' (BlG) (2d week), fine $800 for this revival ori top of dandy $1,100 for first seven days. Uptown (Publix) (1,200; 25-35)'-^ liOst Hprizbn) (Col). First nabe showing and is blasting through to big $4,500. Last week, 'High, Wide and Handsome' (Par), $2,500; ordin- ary. .- ..: >' \ - World (Steffes) (350; 25-35-40-55) —'Great Garrick' (WB). Well treat- ed by critics and liked by cuistoriiers;. heading for fair $1,500. Last week, 'Dr. Syn' (GB)^ $1,400, fair. ir s AUDI Away Holly wood; Nov. 30 •RKO. puts 'The;:Perfect; Alibi* production Thursday (2) with .Piies- Ipn Foster-1 ■ and-^Whitriey Ba "' heading the cast which includes Ijipri- aId;-' Meek, Maud Eburne, Geprge: Irving, William; Cdrsori, Samuel Hinds, and Edith Elliott... Maury Cohen produces and Lew Landers directs.. PORTLAND, ORE./ Tl«ITHr«G/SACRED^7G Portland, Ore., Nov.; 30. 'Nothing Sacred* is big at Parker's •; Broadway. 'Second Horieymdori* is a good winner for the Hamrick-rEvier-:. green. Orpheum. 'Firefiy' ipbved to ; the Miayfaiir for .a^ fourth week, after three big starizas iat Parker's ;UA. All; houses did well over the.; Thariksgiving holiday, -Navy Blue and Gold' also good stuff; at the, UA. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (2,000; 30-55) —'Nothing Sacred' (UA) and 'Idol of Crbwds-. (U); On nine days iri line for good $7,000 and will hold. La-st five days 'Alcatraz' (FN) and ■'Girl with Ideas' (U) just fair $4,000. ; May fair (ParkerrEvergreen) (1,500; 30-55)— 'Firefly' (MG). Fourth week after three big weeks at .the UA; and . still getting okay $2,800. Last- Week 'Only Live Once' (UA) and 'Fight Tor Your Lady' (RKO) hit an average pace around $2,500. . ^> . Orpheum . (Hamrick - Evergreen) . (2,000; 30-55)—-Second Honeymoon* (20th) arid 'Hold *Erii Navy' (Par).. Ran" Up a big score over the holiday for average $5,000. Last week 'Break- fast for Two' (RKO) and 'Dr. Syn' ■ (GB) closed around par at $5,500. . Paramount (Hamrick-Evergreen) (3,000; 30-55)'--'Awfill Truth*-' (Col )• arid ; '45 Fathers* (20th)'. Getting a ; nice play~ in this big hotise. Strdng . $8,000. . Last ' week 'Ali- Baba' (201 h); and 'Annapolis Salute*. (RKO); clP$,ie,d a good second week with; $5,000.; ; ,■ United Artists (Parker) (1,000; 30- 55)-.-'Navy Blue and Gold* (MG.) and ■Wesllarid Casg!^iPN7. Good holiday . biz and holding okay $5,500. week - 'Firefly* :(MC;) third Week - nicely $4,000. First two wetk.s totaled "great $12,500.