Variety (Dec 1937)

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Weinesdaj^ Di^ccmb^^ 1937 GKDSSES ' Chicagb, Nov. 30^ Wfahagers are g i v. i ri g heartitelt thanks ior Thanksgiving, ior the holiday brought life haidc to the dead and dying. Just when everything looked pretty: bl?h»; the hpliday. pic- tures arrived and. the. box-offices ini- iti:^diately snapped back into stirring .actiyity,.'- '■■■'■i.'-:.,'^-'- ' v. '• V' Th^ere are at least a couple of picr- iiires which aire drumming up a wail- lopihg' trade; They are 'Awful Truth/ which is doing ia smashing busihefss at the Chicago, and 'Damsel in Distress/ which is grinding in one of the biggest grosses of the. year at the RKO Palace. Ghicago went to six shows on Saturday, cutting the stage show dpWn to 30 minutes in brder to get tiiri.over.; HousSf got away fast fijom the giin and; wdrdrPfi« inputh is building thisi picture into a miglxty tike currently. •Damsel* came iu: oh Thanksgiving Day and is a cinch for a three 0r fourrweek gallop in its, stand. . • Onental goes vbvet to. swing-time on its stage, for another tiy.. currently Wifh Ritai Jlio: and Lo[uis -Pknico: .brchiestras putting 6n< a battle of music. Picture is 'JEbbtid6,': .a^ 'th€f combiriatidri ripe for the type. .of audience at this hpusCi . ; 'Last bangst^r'. is.-getting addi^. tional' Loop tiiiifi at the ;Appllo folr lowing an- exciellent eight-day run at the .Oriental. 'Double ■ Wedding' strengthened ait the United Artists and-Is:holding:,'; ' - - ■ ":l$stimatcs'''foi*..'This Week■>^•■^■ v Apoild (B&k) (1,200;; 35r55^S.75 ) irr-'LeiSt Gangster' <MG). Moved here from-:Oriental and. doing consistent biz. r To, ;$7j500, good; Xaist week' •BarMet^XPar ) gpo^, :?6;600. • ■ Chicag^o : <fl&K) (4,000; 35^55^75)-^ 'Awfui Truth' (Cpl) and stage sh(»w. Sn^ash . pace . and building to big $42,000 on' the week. -Six shows on the weekend; Last Week, '$econd Honeymopri- (20th) Vbuilt sharply on Thanksgiving Day and fihiished its eight-day . gallop to goPd $34,000. v Gat'rick (B&K) (900; 35i55-65-75> T-'Hold ^Em, Navy' (Par). Football flickeir • getting nice play, especially- from younger iiiob and okay $6*000, X,ast week, 'This Way, Please! (Par) yan.kei.d after, six brutal daiys, iflhish- ing to under miserable, $3,300:: ■ : bHental (B&K): (3,200i 35-5545)— •Ebbtide':(F'ar) and stage show. Rita Rio and Louis Panico orchestras On stages' , for . Swing ..contest, . Business .perking along , nicely . with plenty; of hotcha' customers currently. . Came in on Thursday and with the hpliday buildup looks to hit nice $30,000 oh the' eight-diay ride. Last week. •Gangster' (MG) had an eight-day ride also for bright $29;000. ■ . Palace (RKO) (2,500; 35-55t65-75) ^-^'Danisel in Distress' (RKO> and vaude.. Pperied hurriedly on Thanks-, givihg and away strdng; Figures for mighty; finie $27,000 oh first sevieri d.ijys, La^ . Week,; .'Garrick' (WB) yanked; after miserable $11,000 in six days..- '- • ". . . Rtioseveli (B&K) (l;50(); 35-55-i55- 75) — 'Sacred* (UA( (2rid week). Came through last Week with excel- lent $16,500 airid headed for equially eKcellent $ii,()00 . currently,: ; Has femmes cPmihgv . State-I^iike (Jones) (2,700: 25-55- 45-55 ),—'MUrdcr in Greenwich' (Col) and vaude; HoUse cbnsistent.winner airid again a biright mark with $15,000 in . the ;offing: Last ^ week; 'Annap- olis Salutie* (riBiissue) (Par) okay with :$i3.ioo.-" :::■'- ';:';-;;-v-. ; United Artists (B&K-UA) : (i.700- 35-55-65-75) ■■ 'Double : Wedding' (MG)' (3d Week). Perked nicely on secdiid .week to $10,000 an* hpldirig cur'jL-enlly to better than $9,000, ^od. 'eonqu6se .(MG:) :next..- • ^ iiig' 4Gi ^ N^r Run Record Air' (WB). Good, $1,000. .Last Week, •Devil's Saddle Legiori' (WB) and 'That's My Story' (U)^ isplit with 'Charlie Chan on BroadWay' (20th) and 'Over Goal? (WB),: fairish, $800. Lincoln (LTC) (1,600; 10-20-25 )-i 'Life Begins at College* (20th). Fine^ $3,200 in sight; Last week« 'Back in Circulation' J (WB) did all right .$2,700;:.-.\-"-":'r'::'-'.-^' .- :„' -n-x . Orphciim (LTC) "(1,350; 10-15-20- 25-40),--Lady. Fights :Back': <U)- and' stage: show, - Ballyhoo Brevities' unit, split With, *Fit for King' (RKO); With the vatide staying four. days, week: will easily^ top $3,400, eijccellent. Last' week -,*AHrtapolis Salute? (rejsr: siie): (Par) and ; 'Havana .Holiday', linit oh . stage, split, with ■ 'Madaine X' (MG) and''Judge/Priest' (reissue) (20th), $3,000; nice: • - Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25-40)^, 'Douhle Wedding'. (MG). iAway with a bang; likely tp reach $4,000; a grand slam^for this hPiise.-- Last Week^ "All Baba' (20th:) did well With $3,400 in five days. Was yanked tp make a hpliday start fPr DW. Varsity (Westlahd) (1.100; 10-15)-^ ■Springtime" in Rockies' r(Rep)"'and 'Paid to Dance' ; (Col ) split With ^Wrong 'Road'; (Cbl > and 'Thahks for Listeriin' (Ambass). Neat start Which Will ihsiii-e $1,300, good. Last Week, 'Devil Driving'; :(Col) and 'Arizona Gunfighter' (Bep) split With 'Swing Sailor' (GN) and 'Wallaby Jim' (GN), okay, $950. /■ ';■.'■.;. ■•; - Lincoln, Nov. 30. . ^ lyijtl r.i ff s bck-this-weeiE-^was^hypefed- , .qy Tljanks.aiving openings . all ovei' . tpwri; Sent .Kiva into a liowei-ful . thii:d .week; - with ^'Awful Truth.' . which .looks noW' like, it may_ run r-.until .•Xma.s..-Hak;twb"w^ V go to .equal the all-tihle record run ''?*?^ds,': which -stayed five; weelcs Ppiible: Wedding- .is gbiiig after coin ■ for . the;. S.tliart . and: . thB OvDheuni','-. sla;{e Jji.llVi^ a.dqllai>sign .WQW;,; ; 'Kstlitiates:. for'Thisi- Week' .'■ '•■ '.- . -Kiva; tWesUahd;):v:(440;''16-25.36)— t.hjrd. Week with the .same power as the op.onlriii; .Will get about. $2,000 same. a.s. lai^t .week. ' .-. -.-^ -. ..- .' . Ln>civty (LfC> (1.260;; 10-15)-^*At> ..-laiUk- .TIj.tiht:'- (UotxcO i and 'God'.s CouivLry aiid Man' .(Monb)..split wit : Idol of .Crowds',\(U) and 'Love, bn ."■■^.;'V;;'Cincinrnati. ^NP^^^ -' 'Nothing'; Sacred' is ■ topping the town Currently, bracking lip a wham $W.OOO; in ah eight-day stay at* the Albee/ Period includes Thanksgiv- ing Day, for which the opening was moved lip. Fredric March,; niiale star of: the' pib,. is ;personalihg. in Cincy .this. , week;: sharing, name honors with :his wife; • Florence Eldridge; : irt : 'Ypur Obedient JIus- band/ legiter at the Cox..^ Second money is t)eihg. Copped: by JDamsel in Distress! for $12,000 on eight days; including .ai Turkey Day starter; ?Boots and . Siaddles' is chalking up a Winning $4,800 for the Lyric;. ''■ v- V- :,. .- ■'' '' • :Estlinates fb^ Albee (RKO) (3,300; 35-42)— 'Nothing. Sacred' (UA).: Wham for eight days, $19,000. ;LaSt week *Secr bnd HoneymOPn* (20th), eight days, $13,000, nice; C^apUbl (RKO) . (2,060; 35-42)^; 'Awful Truth' (Cpl) (3d Week); PJenty strong,. $7,500, Last week $8,000, smash. , Family \ (RKO) (liOOO; 15-25)-^ •Rbll Along Cowboy' (20th), 'Solo- mon Mine's^ (GB), 'Can't Beat Love* (RKO); separate. . Good. $2,500. Last week >ldol of Crowd' (U). /Bad Guy' (MG), 'Renfrew of Mounted' (GN), singly, $2,600; okay. • :^Graud (RKO) (i;200; 25-40)^'Sec- ond Honeymoon' (20th). Moved over from Albee for second .; week; all right, $3;000. ; Last: week - 'Perfect SpeGimen' (WB) (,3d week), $2,500, ■fair;;-., :;■,. , '>:.: '■■■^ '-^ - ' -y-'^. Keith's- ■(Libsbn)^ (l-,5;o6; :;25-40:)^. 'Navy. .Blue and - Gold?, (MG)., (.2d week); Good, •$5;500:; Last week .sbirsational $9^000 for theatre's high oii . the.'season.".,-- • '/■. -. Lyric:(RK0).(1400; 35-42)-^'Boots and Saddles' (Rbp); Pleasing, $4,800. Last:week-'This-:-Way; Please' (Par), $4,506/ fairly ;good.. ; : ,/ ■^ilace -(RKC)) (2.(566;; 35-42)-- 'Diamsel in- ■■ Distre.*;;'!' (RKO),-' eight days.: Good.' $12,000. ■ • Last VWeek 'Breakfast for Twb' (RK0), six;days, ■$5,600, 'season's;low; at.this..stand.. \: Shubert ( Rko) . (2 , 156; 35^42)— 'Firetly' :(MG> (3d weeK). .Bowing out to ; a fair $4,000, following an .okriy. $(i;500::iaist week, c; v. ■ '. . ■■ ■( *Tiuth'-^'Life Befflns' teads .Town -With^Tine'$8,S0()^'^'. fross around $6,000V after a good 10,000 last week;" ; - Capitol (CT) (2,700; 50 )^'Lbve I'm After' (WBI ahd 'Dangerously Yours' (WB).: May run to $7,500,: satis- factbafc: Last Week 'Breakfast for TWo'^KC)) and '40 Naughty Girls' (RKO) $7,000, ok. .•• .'..• .■ Loew's (M, T.) <3,200; 50)--'AWful Truth' (Col) and' 'Life Begins in voUege' (20th). Looks like tPps cur- tehtly With llKely $8,500; fprte. Last week V-AU Yours' (Col) aiid 'Rack- eteers in :Exile^ (Cbl) $6,500; sill right. Princess (CT) (2,300;: 50 )T^'Biarriter' (Pir) and: ' Heiress! (Pir); OUtlbok good for $7,000, Last week 'Live, Love. aiid Leairn' (MG) arid 'Bad Guy' (MG) $6,000, okay.; Orpheum (Ihd) (1,100; 50)r-'t)ead End', (UA) (2d week); ShPuld gross $3,000 after fine $4,500 last week. :. . Cinema, de . Paris;: (Frahce;-Film) (600; 50)-r-'Le Garnet de Bail' (2d week). Headed for $2,000 after strong, $2,500 last week; . St; ibehls (France-Film) (2,300; 34) —'Nitchevo! and: 'Mbnsieur Personne.': May gross eventually $6,500; . swell. Last week 'Troika' and 'La., Fille de la Madelon,' $5,500, oke.^ Baltiihbre, Novv SQi, ?; .'Firiefiy,'.'' at LbeW's .Century, .c and 'iDamsel ;:^' pistress/. at'-the combo Hippodrbmei are leading: the parade. Steady play fbr the hew MacDonald ■ musical • indicates rousing ' $16;00(); take, while the Astaire; flick bolstered by /'a strong , vaude lineup, , ' . very big at $17,000. •;:.:-'; .'Estimates;ifor This- Week::.:.', > (?eiituiry (LoeW's-UA) (3;000: 15^ 25-3>40i55,)--'Firefly: (MG); Holding ujp -in gboJd; Style,. :$i6^,000^rindicated for week/ Lastweek* 'Stand lb- (UA) only $8,400. ' :":':■.'.;;';■:. ■ 'Hippbdrome . (Rappapbft) ; (2,206;. i5-25-3f)-40-55-i66)^'Damscl: in, Dis^ tress' (RKO). plus strbhg: ;vaude., CUcking i solidoprbfit at .$17,000, iQGiil cafnpaigh by. A. L, BuVks-'beiTjg im-. porlantly credited. Last week, .'Vicr toria' (RKO) ho inore than-$8,700 in spite of local crix. : Keith's' (Schahberger) ; (2,566;' 15-: 25^35-40^55)—'Ebb Tide' . (Par) • (2d Week). Gpntiriued profit $5,500, after pleiasing .first; sessibh ■$8,700. ,::-' "y;;.-- '; :.. :• : New.; (Mechanic) <1,400; 15-25-30- 40-55)r-'Sec6nd . Hpneymboh'/ (26th) (2d w'bek), ::Falling down to b^re $2,560 • after", pkay- opener ; tO; $5,200. ■ . Stanley (WB) : (3,450r 15^25-30-40- 55)T-'Love I'm After' (WB). Holding steady vpace to fairish .$8,500^: Last Week;; 'Garriek* :(WB ). got rousing newspaper reception bUt n.b vdice at b.b., with,- hp mbrifr ■than .:^i4,i00; the ■finail count. iTee?(tffbr : : Thanks tp Th.anksgiving^laniJr If?^ spmebne fbrgets, numerous, releases •that , the :ipubiic fi were , worth seeing, ;the :tiblcet; registers .w high;' on turkey' day' and. hiaye been clicking steadily : ev though: iSuhjJaiy's: rain, cost - the bbx. offices a : possiblfr10%; :6n tha.t -day,- the::>vee^ lup: to nice tptniis; and was.followed by,a strong Mon- day:;(29).'.-'.- ''■[': .--^;lv':• -: 'Nothing Siicred/ at. the ; Mu^^ic. ilal.ii/,and;i;';zoiii;,': its pop run at the ;$trand," art the liig; pnesv set ., a:; new high pf ;$21,400 for ; any; Thanksgivinj;: at.. the Ilall, brought the best.Friday;^ f ' that' holi- day, house has; ever had, ;,and • with a ■powerful ;;play over the ;week-6hd, particularly Saturday,:Will end at a jfiossible $110,000 oh the. weekj ter- rific. . 'Zola'; bpehed: powerfully,: hit around $9,000 bh Thiariksgiying day alone, was - vei'y firm ovet .:the week-- end, getting around $14,000 and oh th J / first Wjpek at $45,000' isbest Sti^and has done this year. This pic-: ture, as well, as 'Sacred,' 'Firefiy' ,at the Capitol;; 'Ebh Tide' at the Palra-. mbuht • and , Rivoli's, 'Daimser in Dis- tress,' all hold over. . .The Fred A'siaire-Biirns: and Allen comedy at the Riv is good at :$30,000 or hear, though hot'sensational. It stai-ted to, taikc /quite::a drop Monday (29).. Matching strides With:'Damser is the: 'Gap's 'Firefly/ : which looks $30„000 •: Dr~ bVer on -its first .week. Picture cut. no;. par'licular ice: on ia recent $2 .run; at the -Astor. j' l; • *Merry-Go-R6«hd/ brought:, into RAIN BOOSTS B'KLYiy 'Heidi/ 'Love a* Wbrk' $17^500; : 'Anfel/ ^G-Men' Oke;$13,5pi) ;j .-: Monti:eail-.''Nov'.' 30;'. •.■ Pro-Chri'jitmas.. not ybt ■ beginning to vttfp uross'e.s'.dbwn in (his town wUhAvindhw-.^ihopping-getting heavV plJiy ::frol'n ■ libw oh. . Loew's and ;C{ii)itol will': -un -neck:and; neck with. 'Awfiil Truth* .photo-finishing Pri ai'Oiiiid $'8,50Q. ' . :, . ' ' ;•; '■ : '/.Estlmute»^;W:thlii^W«ek' ; ':: Pallice : -(CT) ' (2i700;--. :50>--'Stage Door' • (RK0/:: ;(2d. week)/'; ;Shoiild ; ; ; Brbbklyn, Nov, 30, Town was flooded':with rain over the weekend, bringing - biz tb' all dpWntbwrt de luxers, Especially- RKO Albee,' where 'Heidi' j and;; 'Danger, Lpve iat Work' are on display, and; Howafd-Davis. pit, 'It!s Love; l!m After/ at Fabian's Pararnourit. bri the upgrade is the: Fabiart Fox bill with 'AngeV and -Trapped by :Gh=Meh/. ' -■'■\,; ;:'V Considerable live- talent on down- toWrt stages iri iast few days. ;T.hqre :wa.s; a legit , ::at the ■Maiestic; basketball gam;e bn-stage- of Par; ams oh: stage .of Fbx,:; aihd ■ Major Bbwcs unit .for -brie day stand: ait'the; S.trahd; All this brbught iadditional biz tb ^b.p/c.:\- -r---.;..:.-■■•;..- Estimates for This Week , ■ Albee> ■ (2.560; 25^35-55) ^ 'Heidi' (26th): and.. 'iDanger, -Love-vat. WbTft' (26th); ~ :DuaTers.: ;attractitig ■ good Ly i'eTOwd.- especially ybunger ;set at^ .will - derive :exceilent $i7;56o. Last- week 'Lancer: Spy- :(20thi) and:;Bt-eak-i. fast for Twb,' (RKO) got bice $14,006. Fox (4,600; 25-35-55)rT-'Angel' (Par); and;'TraRped,by GrMen' (Col;). Duai; ers expect-: good $ 13,560. Last week 'Night; Club ;■ ,Scandar (Par); and -•eriTrnTTa-lSTjf-the^Atr" (Col i got tair •$10,600.- -■■^■:.^ ■'■--'V.;.:.; :■- :. -Met ; (2.400; ;25-35-55)—;Conqijt;st^ (MG)v ;;Garbo.-^B6yer . combo : doing Well, v.$i6,060.:";expected; ::;• Last week. 'Doublev,Wedding' (MG) jjtid : 'D'ark Journey' (UA):got mild $12;060,: ; ; Paramount; (4,000;' 25-.35-55 ):^.M:t;'s Love I'm After ;(WB) ^nd ''Danger- bu-sly Yours' ;(20th)..' Smash ;$21.0p.Q ainticipated. -Last week "Perfect Specimeh''^^(W'B ) aiid 'Gii l ;Said :'N'o' (GN);.got fine $18,500,:- Tt^trand—^-2;0e0r-^5^ 3.'i.-.'>5 I — .'AU- veriturouS; Blonde' (WB) and :"Ren-. frew. bf^Mbuhted':(GN:). I^ualer^^^ draw,. firje ^iMO^ Msjot Bowii:i ;'.tinit -)cikiye.d "ohe; daiy; ■ '.Thanksgiv i 111,',. lb good biz. - Last week .'BehitiU :Pi'MV Barii' (Irid) aiid 'Tlil|iiider:Ti-|iir i^Par') reccived'okay •$6,666;;,; . s:^-. '.;'-Pittsburgh, Novv^ ^O.-.;: . Big: Thanksgiving • Week-end will be enough .to- see first-run. spots ;thi:ough the hbmestretch,;: but holij- day trade's :;still considerably belbW same period; laist: year.- : Biz at ai couple of sites is terriflc; but in just as many. others;mer'ely fair. Where in .1936~ it Was-, thanksgiving literally ev'erywhere: ' ;.'':..'• Toppers Will he *Awfui 'Truth' at Alyin; where;.comedy's flirting With hpbse recotd/nbw.heid: by'Lbst Hofi- zbri/ and cbmbb : .bf; Vihcent: Lbpez and 'Submarine D-l' ;a.t-Stanley, ..all Opening day attendance marks; hav- ing .been crashed ;on:; Friday - (2.6), 'Nothihg Sacred' ggit awsiy to great hbliday start atr;Pehni but .isn't hold- ' ihg up particularly' well and h.xt,- is. out.' '■ ' :■■::. ; .Estimates. ror This Week . .. . . AIvin (Harris) (2.D06i 25-35-50)— lAwful Truth'. (Col)i Sockp frorh the . word go, and should have.; no tifotible collecting $18,000, ;sensation' al. May even . better/ which- everit it: would set. k neW: house rec- ord ;for straight pix, ; Second- week's i ci.nch.' Last week-'Ciharlie Chan on Broadway* <20th) and '(iangway' .(.GB) just fair at $5,500 in six days. ; Fiilton (Shea-Hyde) (1,750; 125-40) —'Danger—Love at Wbrk' (20th), WoUid-t?e AlnT 'prototype of 'Ybii Can't Take ii. -With ; Ybu' . gets' y ho takers. . Nbt. even . .Thanksgiving .bbUld .perk this : brie and: Will be iuoky. to: get terrible. $4,006; . Last week, second of 'Mcrry-Go-Rbund bf .I938'; (U), all right at $4,200 aftei; bponlag: stanza of $6,6.66; ' Peiih; (Lbew'.'>--UA) (B.SOO; : 25-35'- :.56)--^Npthi>i{{. S.a.cred' CUA).. ; Did around $4.000; on hoi iday opeiier, but isn't holding Up. in. - the; stretch,, .and :'WiI L"havc: to be -cbhtcnt- with'urouhd. ■$lb\.'j06.. fair;. Last; week 'Firbny' •,l MG); flnished' .fairat $16;600... ■ •. iaiiiUejL_J4«-B-)e:-^,606i-^25^ ;' D-1' (FN) arid.;. .Vincent L'dpc/. b'atVd...;. .AribtHer^^.m cbmbo fbi the; WB deluxerV .Gperied day: arte.i-, .Thanksgiving ;(26) to sinash ;all: ;Ulc!nd,Trrcc rhatlcs: foi^:fii^Sti'.daV hcr(i and on. two days. got. aroUiid $-i3,006; Should'be a cirich' to. do'that mitieh more': f(.)'r '$2.(5,000. ■,Last:vi'eek :.'Livc, .Lovi> :;.aiid. L(?a,r.n' (MG) ..and.' Ted Lewis. a-t $.29,20,0; Were within: '$600 of HbLisb record for band shbWs.- Wslrner'(WB ). (2;000; 25r40)^'They Wbrv't Forget' (WB) and 'Hold 'Em iNavy, (par ). .Kaves for'Forget' may fjuplicalfe : f(ir :-ilicker .' experience .of ■Inforrntic,' which wai.s alsb 'on- a dual hero.' Shbiild.. knoclc on'. p.i'ctty i<)'ii7,66o;-:arid'niay-pofi.sHbly hold; L'a7;t \Ve.e k .'Ot\. A £;ain^Oit .Again'' ( RKQ.)' and, ■ 'Bulldo.u Drurhmbnd • .Cbi'nes .Baclic'; ;(:Par) why. bu at^$3v850.:;;.. .■^: the R^y vThahk.sgivihg; morhihg, ; is ; • fairly , good and ihbuld show around; $45,000 pn the eight days, i Ciule'ribn is a bit better; shape cUrrehtly with : 'The Barrier,'^which mav: get house' al-PUhd ' $8,500, - while - Rialtb r'aiso ~ snaps but of it with..!ThbrbUghbreds Don't Cry/ at likely $7,500 after the < prior week's, stumble to. $5,000, poor- est since l?ist;sunrimer. .■..'/ i:;,SecQnd; week.; ofUEbb-^idbV-a^ the Bunny Beriganv hand, plus Fran^ ' . ces Langford, is a ppteht $43,000 fbr^ the Paramount, which re.tains this show .anbther week.. on the: ;slr,ength: • :. bf its Vilalityr : The initial seven days : was: a ; big $51,500. best that's been scored since Labor Day ■ week. 'Thi*ili ■ of a L'ifetime,-^",with;:the- eie.Di;ge:'Hair ; : : bahd. i.s beirig:.brovight in WcdnCisdav ' (8) fpr .bne waekv .'True Cbnfossibn' and::Russ Mbrgan .:to follow Dec.: 15 ; ' :for CJhristrnajs; ;:;:.; ..-;'-;■: .:.':r;.'--- '-^"'-.'.. ^ ;-.''^'-^ 'HuiTicane': picked uo-on its third week pvcr ,Thanksgiving, holiday : helping it to. $15,000,. after a second week's groiss of $14;000, Glbiie looks pbssjible; :$7,000,- -fairly :■ -KOodv■ :Wi^lv^: r. 'Non-Stop;CNew York,' British-made;: 'Double :Wedding/ . with Al Trahah in not doing so fOrto for the ^ State this weeki probably uridbr $25^- ".- 000,. but ,bkay, Palace is ih fair cbn- .. dition at $9,800 Or thereabouts with : >: double biH of /All-Baha* and 'Lancer. : Spy/;bQth^ secpnd;:ruh; •- ::. . :■:,. : ' : ■• ;'Esiirnates 'fbr This..Week ;:•:.- ;^Ast6r (1,012: 55-$l,ld-^i;65-$2;20)-^ 'Hurricane' ,; ((3pldWyn-UA) ,: '(4th v week). : Gained - momentum .; over .Thanksgivirig, bh . third; Week 'doing $15,000, as compared with,^14i000 the prior (2d). Week; : " "..;:.--:^' tapltol (4,520; 25-35-55-65-$i:25)W . 'Firefly.' (MG). : Nothing., startling ;;•• V after ;indiffcre,rit]y. siiccessful $2 'run ■: at the Astor 'ca'r.lier this fall but, .rit.. V $30,000 V or /over fairly good, : and ' holds. Last week, 'Live, . Love arvd ■ : liearn' (MG) only $15,000, poor, ; Centra;] v(l.O0O; 25^35^40-55 )-^'itivbr : ' bf Unrest':(GB) .and 'Tetx Rides,.with : ; Bpy Scouts' (GN), both first run, dualed; Should Wind ;.up at around' ;- $5,000,:.okay here, undier new ,policy,; ;. Same :figure . Was struck, last week- With 'Outer Gate' (Mono); ; arid \V\6^pming Triiil' (G:oI), ■ ' r ; ' Criterion: (1^662; 25^46-53)^?Bai>;y rier' (Par): A little niore activity : :; around here this week, maybe $8,500, - ; fair: Laist Week, 'Fight tor Lady*; (RKO) under $8,000,; disappoinling. : (c;ibbe: (1^274; 25-40-55^05 )---'Nbn-; ; Sfob New York (GB). Miay..get up to :$7i00O, fairly good- -LaBtTveek; its - —^ seconds 'DK Syn'; (GB) held firmly>; getting Tiice $7ii900. ; ■ : ■ .Palace; (1.700; 25-35-55)—'Ali Baba" \ (20th) arid 'Lancer Spy' (20th), both 1st run, twinned. :.'rhis; pair ;lobks: like /possible $9,800,: good. - / Last week, 'Perfect Specimen'. (WB) <2d: run) and 'Breakfast for twb' (RKO) (lst run),got $10,100, nice. ■ Paramount, (3,664| 25-35-55-85-99) ■ — Ebb tide' (Par)- arid, in person, ; Bunny:,-Berigan band; and Frances : Langford (2d week). Went great, guri.s. on; fli-st week'; to sriarie $51,500,. very strong bn . second at $43,000, and goes a third.' 'Thrill of Lifetime! ;(Par) and George Hall's orehestra: open Wednesday (8); . ;:Radio City Music Hall (6,980; 40- . 60-85r99-$i:65) ; ^Nbthirig Sacred* (UA) and-stagb show: New Sol'/;hiek comedy is a ter;rific, hit here and: has' ;; a gbod: chance to get to. $110,000 bn its first • week.: Goes a secanc... ~ Last ;• week, 'Stand-In', (UA) slippcdv fell arid; got: cbhsidCrabJybrui.sed,.cnoing^ at only $71,OflW, Very disappoiritin'i; ; itlaltb ;(750;- 25-40-55)—'Thoroii'th-:: : - breds Don'tCry^ (MG).; Arid n^eitiier does Ar th u r Ma ye r cry this week n t ; $7,500" though: he did last week with: : ■Dariger Patrol' .(RKO): which got 6iily :$5,iB00, poor ' . : ^ : V RIVoJl. (2,092; ; 25.-55-75-8rjr99 y-^^: 'Dariiscliri Distress'. (RKO). ■At $30:- ;000 or close, no -coriiplaint. thoii^fh riot scnscitibrial. Final fbur days bn ' .secondV week of '52nd ; Street' (UA 1 : brtly a^.ourid^-$5..')00; very bad., r. : - ■. Roxy: ■ (5,836;.:;. 35-55-75J^'^^ai•^^yi: -.': GbTRriund';.(y.). ,and: .<itiige .;s^ Cbn- ^ ..<!i.dcririg pppbsitibn iri tbwri. :bri ei'iht V days vat $45,066 'is ; teir.y Vniccv" No . hbldbvcr. La.s't week: 'Sot-nnH 'HnrK-y-' ■ rinoori' (20th): bri six :rta'ys bf Its hi^ild-: lover. $31,060. okay:~ V : : - ' ; ■ V: :straha- ■\:0a;'W)7i-'' 25-oS-75) 'Zftla*' (WB), :<.lst ■ wceic).:.: ;.AiTiytid; $:l5;()()rt. :for-:thiH one: -after it.s;'rc;(y('tit'-S2 .::-'' ;' at the .Holly wQb(l, ..sbnie.thmi,' tb.;(^^ about, b'bst for tht.s year, •.P.^(•- turevgrOss(}d;$2:{i);()6() IriMts; H£..W.i:.iU*.. run'- at-''tho • Ifoll^YWOod,. sQiiu'(:h;iig cJse ,agafri; '•- Shoyld' iKv'iit>ri>;:-;.<s-y-.; i:i ;w.eck.s.. .but h'a:^. :to.' Ulc' -|)i;-.o'-J.'l '.i-'i. .'•■luriip. , .yccond week .(.ii: 'It's T. : I'm :- A;ftr>)-:. ■<:WB ) ■ cli)se ;to:..^2().')f)')> atler.smash. 5;i(),()()() iriitial .seVeii ('•. .s. . State-.^ ;(i,4/$():; ;:!5-5o-75.j-.:'n ri-:;rie Wedding'. (MCi'i; tiZd'-^firn-')' find - .-■>.'« headed^by Af Trahaji.. ^Utilikc^iy'':;'^^,- jOO(), wi,ii hti ;i-i>ii(;h'(:d,.:'belf)W v;-- nVt;. -avcr.'i/'.c : (nv. iuVuK(?>; .ivUn"::..;. ..f '•v.s't:. ■vvc^?!;; '■■rl.iii;ii: 'Wiirfe': t'l:Vu-:i i iir^. Ci-uir);:' ■ailfl N;T,G; ;Revu(;,^al^uLnl>-t';S2i)■066^^