Variety (Dec 1937)

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48 VARIETY DANCE l^OtiRS onsors 11 It is- undcrstbbd \th£it it-was;:orv rfi- quesV of - %acly :Esthe^^ ■-h s:or, :tha't Wayne K pulling stakes' pxU :o£- .Ihe'. .EmpiL-e Room, Palmer ;KoiiseV ;GWcago> 'dtr fiec; liV-. ■ \- Hotel airs'itVorcliestra oC'er .WGN and ;Mu.tual: nightly at~ 11 p.m. ,'Lady, Esther-' came- to jthis ..conclusion .that the sustainilig ozoninfjs'. ;Were haiti-. pering- the effect :6f the: cOh;inTuercials: For his sponsdr, King airs on. CBS at; 10 .p.m.: ort Mondays,; on NBC-red: at fe*4;3Q:pjnv:,on' Tiingdays and:::^djies^ Since'wires-. /especia.l '^rasets- to; niteries in (Chicago.'and ■because; th|e Palmer House -is tied .in oh a: deal with Mutijal, through. WG spot entertained no; intention • of ' relin-, quishihg a wire because 6,f a .spbhsbr;.. CohseqUehtly,: King is. bow i lig o ti t and :Siiep Fields xhoves ih, Dance Halls Can Be Taxed By Counties^ Judge Decides ' . Atlanta, Nov. 30. • .Validity-off.l937^iegislaliv lowing: ;cbunties,. .to levy \ fees bn dance- halls; iind tburiis.t/^ side , incprporated areas ;was^^;u last . week by Judge Virlyh B; Moore, who dismissed' twb; injunction suils On deniufrer; ruVing;! eomipiainants: .had hp causte;fQt.:actionv: ' S...; Rulirig will' a ffect about 50 oamps and sandwich shops wHere danping is permittedw^'Iiast J.iipe CoU mission placed'a $50 anriual-license; fee oh. tamps with five tabins- pr less, and; ah additional i$5 per cabiti abbye. this hunciber.; License fees for. dance hails Were; fixed at $^ AccidentVl '/radio hearing -by. th.e a rtiaii gp'rne n ts v . cbmni ittee .brpiigji t Reggie Childs ^a $2,000 pne-nite dance date 'for ■arinuai ' Sugar Bowl b.ali in Nevv..Prieans^JDec.; 31.: \ ' . ..Comrnittee:. had been shopping .among ■ bbbkers. ■.whein; ■ they. ; heard. 'Childs i playing froni JBeyerly Couhr try; Club, Newport, Ky. ', ; Cpniiinittee ;t^legraphed him offer. N^gotiatiphs: ■ Were transferred to N.' CRA. office for conipletiori. SHEP FIELDS BOOKING miED DESPITE HRE '.. ■ .Lincoln'I .Nov. 30; :. .Shep. ;FieVds piaycd^ the Coliseum here Friday (I?) and: grossed. $1,306, 3' hefty take considering. Was se for.-.the. Turnpike; Casl', V.^u.t: tlie spot burned to the grbun'd; day befo^;e.^ his ai-riyai,v R. H.;' Pauley; manager' of- the placfe, ari:anged for the tTnivei-sity Coliseum :for $300 fpr the hight- ■ coTrimuhica.ted 'with : the hatid.';. / ■ • . ;.': ■: ';; ~-';-/"' Laitter held, thie Burlington Zephyr 40 miniites; in Kansas;City;to hiake it.- Pauley .bare!y cbm6^ put on the ideal^ but; -it--sets' hihi. strong-.with . the pUbr lie.; He's-arrangihg'tb; 5et club here for thei; winter, annbunb- ihg . he ;wiil .;rebuiid closer, to 'town next spring. '■' :■ .■,' ..,-; ieay^s, - -but -; two; dance places; ;King's. and Pla-Mor'^^^h bargain ispots.' . ' ■,-; INDIANAPOLIS SHIFTS Hal Bailey Moves .Into Downtown Area—Payne Organlzlngr : "r- • -/ ;•. ' '■Ihdianaipblis,.;;i^bv.-. .30;' .- banCe and' riitery jobs for dance bands a^e now in a shifting -prbcess here. Paid Collins back pn the; In- diana Roof - Ballroom, fbllowing tviro weeks by Carl-.(Deacon) Moore, but made way for a one:-highter by Joe Sahder's v.and his crew ; ba •Suh,day^ (28). Barney- Rapp and, band also to be set iiito Roof by. Tom Devine, manager, for a one-nijghter. soon. Hal Bailey, .who's combined the job of running the place and .acting as leader at-J'alls City " Casino. for over four .years, has given up ■ his' lease and went into. the Chez Pare*e dowatown-basemehtjiitery^as t MPn- day (29). Bailey ' looking for a downtown place of his own, for bpenihg between Christmas arid New. Years. •.':;':;■ :' '■- ;:■;■ '■' - ■'■-'' ■ Charlie Payne, long /trombonist at WLW in Cincy with Armco band arid Phii. Davif band, i?' back in In-; dianapolis, playing ^ith the In- dianapolis i5ymphony./pi^^^^^ season.He's J prganijsfirig a i2-'piece.; dancie outfit, arid .will/reportedly take ovet- Hal Bailey's leqfse on Falls City Casino. .. . . : Art .Berr.y. still atj'Claypobl Atrium Cafe, with the phly; hotel dance hand V In/ jtridlaiiapplisw; Two large clubs here, .Colurpbi^ pblis Athletic^ have dining room and :;dan'ce bands,, bot^ : repeaters from last and'bthfer seasons. ,Former club has AVnos Otstof and his orchestra; while, latter has Louie Lowe and his orchestra. [■'■ ■ (Weefc ending Saturday, Nov. 21) . -• -VlenlvVienl .. • • .■...■«« • > ♦ •. •.. ♦. < • • • •»•»• • • • • Witinark . ■ Can^t Stop Me from Dreaming.....,....;..».... .Refnick ■Harbor Lights ' :.......'....« .... • •-• • • • ••>•>•• Mario • Onbe in a While ... .> .. • • • •. • • • • .♦..••..«..•••«.i. .Miller • One Rose Left in My Heart*,, .v.;..................Shapiro . ''•*Blpsspms on Broadway ,,.............. <.. . .-. Fampus . -*Roses in December ,', ..-;'... ...■>...•»'■. .'.. i •.. . Berlin ; ♦I Still Loye to Kiss Ybu Goodriite.... .•■.;.■..;..-.. .< ....>Feist -;.'.. If It's the Last Thing I Do.,'. ,-.-,'..-•>.• .. ..i • .. .Crawford . So Many Memories ........... .•.'•;■.... . . . ....;.........Shapiro ;; ;; *Rerriember Me? " ..-..............;. .> .,. ...Witniark ;;.-:,;. . :^Rosalii& . .-^ ..k. . • •'■ ..'.. . ..... • .-.Chappetl • • Bob White .......... ;■.'.......,;... . . . • . .<. Remick .♦Nice Work If Ybu Can Get It.......'..;"• ....Chappell Wheii the Organ Played O Promise Me.....,.. . . Jpd Morris .• '»' Indicates jititiuiical -song;.} ',t - Indicaties staire prod^ ' —-—'■ ' ■ ■ " ' ^~.the~ others ure-^pops. .;■;.^ ' .' .. - .-. " P. ' CRA-R-OK presents GORDON & REVEI/S - Biggest and Smartest Songs -'^ ★ SWEET SOMEONE ★ I WANNA BE IN WINCHELL'S^^p BROADWAY^S GONE HAWAII ★ BE A GOOD SPORT From fh* 26tfi CenfuryrFoi production, LOVE 4N0 HISSES, starring Walter WIncheff. Ben Bernle .ohd SImone Simon. Charles Green, head of. Consoli- dated Radio ^Artists, Inc.; is back on. the merger path. This time it in- volves the ; J-esurirecting of ah old idea, takipg Rpckwell-O'Keefe. Inc., put of its lone wolf position. Green would like to have the. two brgani- zatidns exchange, stpck ■ and AVhittle down their operations to ;single of- fices • ■ ■■ New' York, ; Chicago ' and Hollywood. V- ' , As far as Thornas J. Rockwell arid F. C. (Corliy) O'Keefe are. con- cerned, the proposal hasn't gone be- yond the ..listening stage. If Gvccn's ariibition'. were .'to - in.a;t.erialize ; .there would be .but two major, band book- ing organizations left in .the field, ■ the other being - the Music Corp. • of America. -"' -■; .■..'••■'-. ■. -'■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■:■ Seattle, Nov, 30. ; Tllat ;Tadio and v/ax hiusic will take the place q'£ live talent. is th^' edict of the.. tay<|rri uwri.ers .'of thjfs county to . the. riiusiciahs who' have deriianded . rnore , money ; ori theSr shifts in the beer palaces. Charlies A. Moran, president of tiis Washing- ton Beverage Dispensers Asisocia- tion, states musicians will be dropped after Dec. 6 , far as King (Tourify; taverns were concerried. •• • . v ■ Threat of tavern owners of. using carined niusicV did" riot pi-'evbnt.; the live talent'from voting by a big .rna- jo'rity! tP demand wage increases ' ; else:' TaVerri owners are;installirig wax. machines. • . ;; Fraihkie Carle, bn arid pff as key- boarder for Mai Hallett, off again to run own band. ■ jijlM'i,iMMiHMiKHii)niiiiiH'(iiriiiiiiiiMiniiiVMiiiiMinitiiiiiiiiiiiiinMiMiiiniiiiiii(iirMiH^^^^ ~^;ii'iiliMMHiilHiiiiiliMliMilililMr(ltiliiliniMll(itlnlliiiliMiniii)iMiirii)\itliiiiiiiiiiuiiMiii HEAR] HEAR^r Here Are The Sbngs - YduMI Hear! ■.■■■Si CIOMusicWedge i| McHugh and jVdamson'a ' il Smash Score for Buddy; Oe II '■ . Syjva's Nevy Uhiversal '. iJ;- Fllitiusical, . 11 "Merry-Go-Round of 193B" II IflORE PQWER f 0 YOU YOU'RE MY DISH = 3 . = 3 - rM IN HY GLORY POP'* CLICKERObS--- . = 3 ■ s a ■ ■ = 3 (Continued from page 47) the Novelty Hit ★ JOSEPHINE By Gv« JCohn, Woync Kfnf oncf Burko Blvohi .■'• from Walter Wanqar's "Sind Street" ★ I STILL LOVE TO KISS YOU GOODNI0HT : By Walter Bullock and Harold Spina ; ■ . TA* Sfbhdaird tearer'of Christmat Sdiigg \ * SANTA CLAUS IS COMIN' TO TOWN .'By Noyon Gflfo«pl« and Fred Xeofs From Wo/for Mron9er't ''Vo9Uo« of 1938" * THAT OLD FEELING By Low Brown and Sammy Fa)n ppic, 142V BftOADWAY • NENV yOMC CHESTER COHN. Gtn/fref. M^r. TO 0 .; C A H'l G O WR b N G Wl I H A FBIS T S O ff G BESTOR OUI^OF JAIL IN EX-WIFE TANGLE .. : ■ ;• :;.-'• Chicago, NOv. 30. Release from Kankakee jail was obtained .last Tuesday; (23) by Don Bestor by ; turning' over insurance policies y/ith a: cash value of $30,000 to his foi'riier ^yi^e,. Mrs. Hattie Catton. • ';..'...'. Bestor had been arrested the Siiri- -day beforejfctt^conclusibn of Joliet theatre; erigageriierit under; a writ of ne exeat obtained by Mrs. Catton who feared he might leave jurisdic- tion of cburt_ before he straightened out his domeistib diifTicultibsi,. .. v.':' .Cincinnati, Nov. 30. Don ; VBestor's local popularity seemingly is :nbt, lessened by.hptbri- ety aftendirig;. his • iricarce;ca;tion for two: days last ' ;Week ;'m.'the' county jail at Kankakee. He was freed too late to join his band, that night in •, Irid., and joined it in Cincy .^fpr .:ppenirig , Wednesday . (24) of an indef - stajr at the Netherland Plaza hotel's swank Pavilion Caprice nitery. ' . - ■ ' ' " Bestor had . • long/. ; ■ at the T>Jethetland^ iate^lgst :• seas up a big following. ';■' the Paramount Ballroom and claims 345 paid riip members. He declares he has 1,200 signed ;i.n all. Although sonie, like'hirirself, he averred, quit the AF of 3i\ because of.dissatisfac- tion with policies, ; most, linenibprs were, previouisly indepenidents. 'We're organizing the. unorganized,' he told • VARIETY. ; • Tiproff oh.;.the ' Progressive's, - tivities came unexpectedly to. ail concerried when Harry Rose, assist- ant inahager ; of the : Lbxirigtbri Casino, which is being picketed by the AF. of M, announced publicly he had 'signed with the CIO .at a lower scale.' ■'■'."". Brbwrt' imriiediately. denied that any coritract at all had been made with the Lexington, although he ad- mitted there were nejgbtiations. He said; binders had been made with other spots, but' refused to name therri, Lexington, stuck to "its guns!; declaring' absolutely 0it: does haye 'a contract with; Brown's, bi-gariizatipri. There has been picketing at the Lexiriigton for. about'four months. It iwas fprmefly ;oper John Magee, who now; runs Club 15.. He leased it, less than a month y tb a 'Walter Hahri, in whose name the booze license is also; held. Hahn. however, is believed to - represent- Other interests. Magee was picketed for several mpnths, until early in October when .he came to terms with the union and installed an oi-ganized band ih place of Roland Parker ■Orch, which; had; been in. ; '■■ When Hahn group took the place oyer^, union band . was canned and : Parker:;ta;ken \back.;; Union then -re-, sumed picketing, it is deniahding C scale—$33 a man for a 6-houi:'day- with :a; contract. Pact .WitR Progres- sive is; believed;- to call for iabout $2.5. .Spotiis still :b;eiriig picketed;/^• • Av A. 'rbmbii prez pf AF. of-M declared himself.' eritirely ;unperr turbed by the revelation br the pp- ppsisli unibn. He decrbcatcd iBr.own's' membersiiip figures. . Many members bt the groupT-incliiding Browh^owe- ba'cic dues: arid fine^ he said, which. is. one of Ihe. reasons : lor..fprmatibri ;.brith^;;jnie tibn. ;.." ■'■-.■ •'. ■'■' '; v-. ' ■ ONCE IN A WHILE Topping the Toppers DON'T CRY, SWEET- HtARTv DOHT CRY Ted Fiorito's . . Great New Ballad YOU SHOWED ME THE WAY A Proven Hit That's Gather* ing Momentum ■ S .X . •.■=3 3 3 - = I i|l^70 Sixth kvenue- ..• I riii'MiiirinMniitiiiiiiMi(HiiiiiiiiHNfiiitiMiiHiMiHiiiitiiiiMiiniiM|niHiiiiMit>iiiii|ii 'MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMi(iiniiiiiiiiii'MiiiiiiiuMiii<Vii(intiiiiiMiiMiniiiiiiriii New yorblii RED STAR Presents HARLEM ON THE PRAIRIE -: and' '■;■ IN THE RAIN ■ ■ .' from: '- ■■ The Motion Picture HARLEM ON THE PRAIRIE ■ Our New;Npvelty Fox-Trot DID YOU KNOW RED STAR SONGS, Inc. 1619 BROAbWAY ■'.•'•/ ;-. NEW YORK • - -c'i?