Variety (Dec 1937)

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VARiETY 51 (idpntinM6(i (rongT pa^e 4? >: The Montmarlte-on-S "'d^a' ifi Hhe: tonvertieicl 524; siteet ,Iceland; • • is the hottest .th^ing pending. > Of great cbncern; ta the cbmpetj- tive internatioriai Casino, On Brosd'-; ^ay. 'is whether the; French; Casipo cteps dut efitirely.; from the "Gallic : "jtiotiifi ^Beasbii is, obvious; as'it would leave the Internatiobal 100% in. the •ioreigih^'nitery-field. '"yy - deprge Olseri, partnered with Lipur Bfeckpr ahd Jofe^ Moss in thfe; BMQ ":Cbrpi,^ owners'-of ^^the.' Intern . .looks lilte Ihe intjay;. hav.e .to' stick aV : 'the Iriternatibnal arid not igb .6n.tb\ir;. - Inferriaitionars;:. supper; biz; started . eisihg oiRt; iEor first tinrie jast,, w^^^ although; the; dinners. aVe capacity. . irid the spot's $50-000 to.J$60;d00 gross jsv still playing; ha we; Wjth many bt "'theCoither'-.sipbts;-•:,;;..;- /■-.i- ' v'-rC .•..jMeantiine^vyhen^a the .Pirenph . • ■ Caiiino t(BOpen$ ior^^^X to; get: that . New Year's: gravy, ;Na't Harris "and; Monte Proser are setting their per- sonttel; On the Sunday, that the ifrench Casino ibldjecf suddenly, bpth ' knew it a couple Of hours befpre- -: hand; and both o.b;/d the . then ptes-J ■.ent petsonnei «f captain's and .waitersi :. with a • record m instate Whieh xesuining operations, ; ...Sbitie '200 .Waiters were, laid pffi ■ .Gompany; .of perXorhiers nuriijjered fiO/oUtside ^bf the Jde jRines and jibu; 'iireeSe bands.! Riries got, win^;.of it,- somehowi ahiead ot schedule,' arid on V his brpadcast adlibbed 'Gpodbye .For-; ■ eyer,> which maide his cPrmaestirp, :: .iBreese,;iQpk askatice across -the-4?|nce; : floor.; That ..was Brciese*s first, .ih.ti^ ■ jhatibn. The ,F. G. had been slpjv on thepaypff to the baricis, a;Ithbugh:the aiiiioii protects- .the -musiker^,. but in ; ihie ;flnale tlie; spbt paid; off 4" ;pash^^ although-i^tiil, pwiAg !|rbm Wednieis:^: : day;through"Siinday.^.'^^ y-' ;; ■ Wv:;..'..--;^BeclnliiiiB of.ihe'Eiidv-...-^^ Beginning of the end for the was the City of NeW Ybrk> levy of : ia $14,92$.53 judgnment for sales tax ; arrear5;; (2;^') ;;against.;;the sjp^^^ . A creditors' iiiieelirig: a ' month;; ^ ..;s.P prior theretb. ;had agreed to a '..moratprium'.for-a year,; . .. ■ ; . ;The banquet; manager of the Fv G , knew: nothing of it,, as he .had. that Very day bopked a big .patty fpr Dec. : 6. .The riiiht .of 'thd foldup saw a :paTty of ;600. in for the dinner, showv ,.;TheseLlbaIiq.^e>s>areJ^^;^ne& ; any spptis, .;Supper liiz,. of'course, had r bieeri very brutal a.rid since .thatt's. the; ■ gravy the F. C was in bad way. , .; It was ihroiigh;;; negotiatiph , tP ? bring: in ; Abe ^ Lyjiian^fpr . supper . darisants; ;fp bplstef after-theatre biz, ;; . that Bob. Goldstein, erst.i)i?hile . maln-' ajger.fbr Lyman; came Dritp;th'e scene^ ;That: in: itself.'was a trade paradbX . as'Lynian and;Goldstein's feud, afteir . ' Ibng years; of. pripr associafiori,- Was :'..well known;', . r : The .sujtlderi cibsing; was: a tough- . break for the English and Aiistriah ;.;;showgirls!: who: were/;^ . paradoxicallyeiipughi in; thii^ ... revue; ;Glosing-;- Sunday and told ' :... they'id . sail ;back .Wednesclay v th:e Normandie,; ^else ;they'd have tp pay their, own trarispbrtatioin other-. . wise, ^m had, counted .cin -;- leisurely shopping. .and- sight-'secirig :; ; N. /Y." and ;';Vidnity,\ -were ■, panic of last-mihute shopping/ They w.ere 'abs.b.rbed by: .Fischer ' intb .his new; London Ga&irio. reyue;f6r Dec. . :22 premiere, and; of. (pburse.^paid . off arid guaranteed . triarispbrlatipri by 'Fischer.'■ "■' J.•;.^■.;■■■' ',■'..■■■ ..- . There , • talk also of ithe French . Casihbj ..Farl;C^^^^ ■ verting; intb a picture/hoyse il .the riitery ;proposition.. ;dbe?ri't; pari but, Froni ■• a .legit thea t re; it ;;was" ■ ;corh-^ :. pletely; metairiprphbsed ■ into;; a. resT •' :: /taurantTplayhbusei':/v v!' .y-r, .-r . Gorporate" narne;- 0 f 'the. .shbwrpr.Or . 4victipris is Pari.f.'in Niew York; Inc. ; •. The cprpi. operating the F/C; is XYZ ■,; iEIritprpriseSr inc. .-Latter. Wai? , pieti- ' tibned: mtp ;inyQluntary "barikrupt-cy : last -we.ek^^^ it doesn't •apply'- : ' djvidua'iiy -."fe . iioilis..;.F.; •filyms.nthBi.l* , Jack: Shapirb and Charles.'W. .Haririg, ;;; ownefs; - .■.They are vetei'Sn : builders : ; ind thealre operatbrs;^^,^^ ;'.;j.nai^^ /obligatibns /; ;iri:::.fuiiC;'.'This includes..-; ;'claim;'-by Music. .Corp.; .of■■ America v^br- Fonrte , ;, $6,000 :'^ga;irist/ the;' spot/ifqr band ; '-.bopkfngs,. \vith notes. ;£igne'd;;by 'therii ' ■ ;■ individually;;'^ '■-;.; : V A simil^i: jirrarigementj j'ncidentalr • ;'.;;;1y;-^ivhiGh. mca; (J^ ;' ; with, the/ itk)nltie.ti^^ ■;.;• 'Casino ;rei)re'scnts'''\'i. $i.%00p ;adyanco... y -; ' Tliis . amount is' scciired - by.-a; first. ..';, pr^fbrrcd . 'note:; / A;;sub^:la^ili:a^ sunj. ; .on thiis has been- paid 'off aJrcaclyU> -' :' ■.':: ^'Last pt - the:- French CJas^pro'^.; ;fiVc . .; .editions ■(third.yfear) Wa'^-.less la'vi^ij ;:';pn; -•spcc\\arid- .;mbre;<bn' dunib'/ati^ -.'rNew ■ ;i;d;iea; ..'is'/lo:'--inject: 'nibre;- gjrls, :;. /Singers, perspnailtics..' etc.,-;';- alprig . -Aniei-ican lines, a'nd -get away iirom -.\-.'Mftht;acts;,i--;:;.;•;;;;';■^.' yy"y': ' , ■;■:■■:;.";■ ;^./Sincie. b.iisiriess' .h? ■ y^cYi- .tii-bppirig 'off. sharply, Shapiro and Blumeiithai taikied .closing; dpwn right after • the American Legibh coriventibri in rriid-. ■September, and intrbdUcing hew' show.'; The;- F. G.,; . of' -course,; "hejit iri; the I. C. by • som.e \yeekSi PSrsidox of; the Iriterri^tiprial is. that ij got Off on the wbr'st>pbsslbie breaks'and'^t^ Wpr'd-^of^inouth;. wis /bf utaj, but oh its; second , try. its; :imjjressibn was hiuch mbre'favorable. ^ ■ ■ '■ ■;' ;•;;';; ■•;; . ■■:.; 'Chicargp/'jfjov. ?p. ;■■-.. :; A.. six-fday. operatijig ;.week is coii- teriiplated by Ibqai Site clubs. . : ;S:hce ;th(e ;ihtrbductiph bf;'six-day wesk fbr prehosiras, off; day: for the name .band;, .in; niteries has fa? a bpxOf fiice; blobiner.'; /Niteries. in, 'rtanie band . categpiy are .r^^^^ ; to ; call, it quits . riather . than find ; theriiselyes playing tb a Handful of people oh the ;flllin^. night.':'^^;.'././;.;/. Andrew Karzas ; has had this' six- .day. policy, in; operation for ia.-Ibng tinie ati. his/ tWp ballrboms,. Ar^^^ ■ and / Trianpn* :arid; has ~:fpund it siic^; cessful. ;. y'-x^.r-y'- y''■/■■y '' -': :Si5c-day; ;tuijn§f,/ whUe-iri/eile^ at all .liite iQlubs, hasn't.'^ jiiribiis;tehdehcies;at the'Class B and; C sppt^ which /d^ not./furnish name: ijands;fbr.;dansapi$itipn,;;/; ;/^ ;'/ Ireeing Womaii In ■ ;/ ;;;. /.'- /.Paterspn/N,.J.,;Npv.3Q;/'' FlPGdirig a;; het-igauzled peiel artist in: blue/ light.. to; rnake;; her.: -appear. nude/'m'ay. be. iegal, but it. isn^t, cricket • ih /the. ppinioii of D. Fred-, erick 'Burhett,.,, commisslbner ;'pf /the 'New .Jersey/Alcphpi/Contr^^ Burnett criticized bbrpugh/council Of TptJ^WS/fOr^ Bbrsdorf - not/ guilty ; ;bf , : presenting immoral shows .in- her Elni Palms riiitery,. Commissioner- also-'tobk ail fiirther; disdplinary; /action -against liqUpr ■iicensees put of ; the cbuncil's handis*.;/ /• '-"^ /'/ ;:/■'''''.:'■;/.^-.';:'-/..^ Defense intrbdiiced; Mrs. BbrSdo.rf.'s huisband,; Ernest,; \ytip ..bperated spot- lights ; at the: 'showS;; , ■ He testified he didn't; knoAV what- icind :pf acts; he was. goihg'. to receive. He.;said gals didn't ;' completely disrobe,.; 'that: ;i wpiildn't permit such a thing.; Every perforrrier wears a, flesh-tolpred pair- ot 'panties; and/ a GTstring.*:;/ /.; .'/ . ■ IJe .averred tliat he pui a. blue light. on- the: doffers . 'y;hich has tendency tp; deceiye the /publ ic ■ and leave the inipr^sion the/performer, is . in the nude. • ;: ,;Bprsdorf ^;alsb. testified ;■ that for a number (of years he wiai a/ vaude; perl'orriier arid 'knew ;What .;cbuld .be tiorie ;with lightS.V ;; ;. . :. / ;/ ' ■ /;Another; defense /yvitnes^. was :/H^ tbastmaster at 'a dinner; at 'the Palriis on one bf the riigiits ocbmplairiea ■ of. He/testified he.; knew: Miss Dabriey wasn't nude, that there \vas.:a; riet:^ gauzfr-bveMier ;skiri,. because 4he^^ low nejit 'tb him had a; fi^'ercell flashT light which he directed. bii; her at the climiax . of . her. dance. . 'The/ smoke wis so thick,. ybU /cblildh't'see any^ way,' he added. .y Mayor ::and chief of police, testified /in; Mrs.: Bbrsdorf's behalf. N .^^;■'^//■■.^■ XCiniiAqO);/'.'., .;;/;' 'i • ' .■; Ghicaigb. '.tJov'. 27.; '■■ Thiis has been the favorite hangout for-the ybuhger nile life crowd .here, for many years now. .It knows its ybung customers would :rather spend, their time shaking a.hoof than -siUirig quietly. watchin;g a suiceBssioh of-, acts. ',1'he, result has - been that .the; floor; shpw. is ;held' down to the minimuni.;; Currehtlyi: thete; is ,a snappy ball- room : team; Lorraine>: and; Es.n.ard,- and ;Jb Andrews, : youthful femme tapper; ;.■:-.:'J■■ ;.; • '■';;.••-'.^ ^:- "y - y - ,••,/': ' ' For the. bulk of the' entertalriment: it'is up;tp thb band.; The Kay Kyser orchestra really cpnies /thrPUgh..: in two/short; year*;. Kyser/has cpnie ;a long ; way. :^as : an-, entertainer and showman; He ;haridleis his -band and ' his aiidience With skill, rijcely al- ternating "clpwhirig with go.od:.dansa- ■pation? .'■•':•-;,.;•/'■■.-■-■■ ;-.■" /:■■■: '-.'''-/;-■ < Kyser has ;a: Winning- idea in the .new: Mbnday inidnight stunt, 'Kyser Cblleige of; ^ Musical ■ Khpwledge.V This figures as a good substitute, fbr. Bliackhawk.^ Midnight Flyers,/ former" wbW guest night hfsre every.,Monday; With the theatres :and; union stepping in to ■ prevent .performers; from/gratis guesting,, the/riitery' Widdled for tWoi years. :^ ;the /'Musical Krio'wl-. .edge*, .idea,:.: the ; Blickha.wk. is; ..back to capacity, biz .on Monday riight, bei- sidies; gathering; a host of listeners witb its Coast^to-coast ride; for 60 minutes over Mutual.; .It is bringing between ;750.-I,000: letters weeWyV With/the. sendeirs getting nothing for; their/trPub'e but the possibility of hearing their; liames on .the.'air , and a 'diploma' frpni 'Kyser College,' ; ; Musical Knbwied;?e.. idea is Only the .current 'quiz' fad. All the quesr. tipris/arie hinged oh inusicar history, theme-^sbnjrs of programs, comppsers,'' sbns^■■guessing,'':etc;■ ■'/■■:- ■' • '■;,;/.•:■;,: . :: 'y 'y Kyser's . prPceedtbe- is/ tp.iruh biff ;ari elimiriatibn contest ; on Monday night; usiin|;; s:x/bbys and:>six girls,\;in two;heats.:;Winners compete in the.; final, with the Victor getting :S!25; / 'r: -:.: ;.■.-/;■/ ^•;;/-^";;. Gipldiv/ / CHEZ MAURIiCE ; '■/■^^^. ;:V.v(i«6NTiitAt)' ' J-,. ; ■...Mp'ritrcal,.'NOv...2-7; '-■'■ Conjuring; arid, .sirigirig.make up. riiajoir part of new ;show here .'•With dancing . confined to/ an. adaigio team and; the pony Id-girl linCi Cabaret is- doing' selloiit: biz - Saturdays- and gbbd during week,; Magician. 'Haskcill arid sihgfer .Riciiard ; Tyrol, help as does. PJii I Maurice. . '. '^--'^' Wes 'Warren mx.'s arid does:a good- .ibb—later; teahiing With; Mildred Bodee fbr' - sWirig sbrigs. 'Which- they put over to .customers' liking. .. : Jans; aiid Lyntbn are. a rbiitinc adagio ;dUo whp fill ..;iri -adequately. Gaskiell Headlines arid he knows how to.;pxit -his ;stuff oyer ; ::; . . ; :Tyrol'Sings in; Ge^^^a^^;^Eng^ish and Italian; . -A powerful, tenpr, he <'an thread it.down to a whiisper a.nd- his headriotes.are tops. " ; .■'■.■[■ Lirie/is ;gbod;- ;G)rls'roller skatie in SorijaVHehie costumes, ian.d fini.5h as wooden; sbldicrs, ;^cttirig good, hand: ■ :' •-■ ■'■;■ :'/; Z'^; ;./ ■.■■,. : ;- LaTic;/-. Atlanta Attorney Sii^ ^^/ .;; Atianta, Noy.. 30.; -; / .l\iiarie. ..M^^ 23, de- scribed by her: attorney- as 'a^ N.;:V, showgirl and night-club, entertainer,' :iastjiyeek /fi •promise; suit; aj^aihst' LaWsbri SteverivF*i,hch, Jr.,. 3p,;,;Atlahtci: invcst- 'merit'.;h.puse..'ex>cuti.Vei. ■■ -..•,.';.■ ■' /.■;■■'■■•■■.■. .. .Miss\ char^ her 'after; setting'date -for;. their-.i;iiair- fiage. .Heart faalm abtibn is based ph contehtibn • that jiier/ social; standing h$is. Iqieen ruined,; her' happiness blighted /arid: she. Jhas suffered;- great meritJil.'aiiguish.; ;/■//•''■/■:.;;.•; :/; . PhiladeiphiaviNbv. 30. ;; A.rrriy»NiaVy, Penn-CoTnieil games; here last /week; gay^^ ops. '.lifepreservers, f .Pen ri-Gorh ell drew 61,000 Thursday and . Army- Navy Ifli^Opb Saturdaiy/ /; w / - / ' •it;;wa^; /the ihbst terrific hypp'city; has;seen / ; . the, -Dempcratic' cph-; vehtiph-laist year>arid ihefje was much fi-ieer spendirig thah at that tlirie; Art Padula, op of Arcadia^internatiohali had 1,800 for dinner Saturday./ Took in better ;th9n .$25;000 for. th(E!-: Which ■was iiiggest he ever had/with exceptiph of;-first/'week^^ bardp, When he opeiied the spot.; . V Beririy; the ; Burii estimated ; he; had 4,0iCl6 patroris ■ pri Saturday, with .'rib check ie^s' than .$3; . He- had tp; put his show /on six ;:times;: during the evehing,',..//;/.;/./. 'i;--/:,^ ■■:''- ;.■.■•"•/;:.":/;•: ; :Word Went: out ;oh.;the /. q.t! -. that niteries /needn't / ibbther ; worrying ; about the .regular l >; m tiriie ;Sunday ■ ihorriingi and that; police, vvouldn't trouble them. All were gb- ing strong- /at daybreak; Wi^hput; a; .squilWk anywhere.?,-•'7^; //; ■ ■, \ • /••'^Z- ;■';..■■■ Chicagb, -Hoy. - .30. ; IDpuble; cpmmissipris ■; talent/ working the/;Erhp]r.e Room of : the: Palnner ■ Hpuss /is; the 'SUbj.oct .that is •; cadsirig / /ncW; ;headache;.';;i6- agents;; Subhiitlihg;acts;t'b that s:wank;:nilery.. . In; a,/rie.w.:;pbiiQy ■setup, .MuiM.<;I ;A bott - has; bcCn • pfflciaily ri'arned;. ;'. 'cliisiye; |jb;bker/;by:/the/;hpj:el>:/ '''JMIssv- Abbbtt/nipW: is/ riot p;n1y: actirig;. as/ ;: b.iiyer of-, talent but' also 'as; a /cpllccir ;(or Of 'a ;5% bbbking. cp.m.tnissip;ni' / ./This;?; affecting the.priccii dt/acts,'; besides ■;;caiis|ng;sq'uaWks;fi^^ Who are' apparently ;ilatcd; tV/;; the.vcntif.e burden ;Pf this / l(^^a slice/; put Of ^ their;''saiarr' ..//:;'/•./ ; is resulting in a .sudden shift of / agent . arid -talent -; interest, : ../with • neither; the. agerits... nor' .../.'; /espetiially wi.llirik .to .Jseck. bPo.kihg.^ /at.;. the; lEnnipirb;/Room ;:flrst;; ;: WhPrie: Ahe .Paimer ftpiise ;foriT>et;ly .\yas .:alw:;y's, : subrnitted all ■ actir arid ^talent.'ah of the/ other, hiterieis ip; tojWrii; t'pe/; hotel .nite spot is noW. baing pUshed/^ down: .^the Upe, - With- the /ROpni /beiri'g' hotifled / pf ayailab!lity . Pnl'y-' after/the Vo.thcr. ;ni;tc'r: . -.have / pickied; oyer the 1/sts. /lnd-;cati.Pns are: /that .thi5...added.;;5%.; take;_^^^ pysly affect the i^^ arid;; taleht /going 'into: the/ Einpirie' Rppm/.y"'■ •.•■ ■-•■'.. :■;;;'.<,,■./.'•/■■■•-'■ ''■/•■;■■ :: Couple/ of other; hotels, .in;, IpWri have; tried this/isysteiri:'bit.:getting ;a sepiarate cpriinvissipn ; (usuaiiy; /S^i.).;. ;fPr all talerit/bobkings, but;they all;;; dropped it iqiuickly .When they .discby- . cred /that they .were getting the .worst;; pf the. bargain in the deteripratioh. of the, quality of acts they; Were' getting. \ Deti Cbuit liismissie^ .: Suit; fpr $5,000 daniages : against Richard .S.. Thonrias,- oWner :of. Cprk-; town hitery, brought by/ Cpris^ Gpriiez, dancer, /Was -dismisse.d last; Week, iri Cjrciiit;cbuct;; '/ ;/ ■ •/;■. /;:'■ Miss/;Gomez,/whp's; billed; as quita, clairiied;:she-yiras-injur^^^ a porter the rtittery.dropped a case of /empty,; beer bottles : on her as she waited.iri rbbiTi to/begin act with; partner,-Jesuf!.,A^ / '.. ^■■'- -.; 2D BANKRUPTCY SHUTS ^S ;p^iiw,;Giy^ii/(^^ / ; Aldo; ;NadiV ; feharig .' Jchiirnp^/ and Cornel/"Wilde; legit jiive nM: fKminfiry -Up iri/ ;fecerit QlympiC eiimiriatibns^^ are gettihg up/a '^^ncW type/bf dueling agt;;wjth diagger arid saiber; lor nitcry: presentation;-: •/./. ■■•:■:'■' ;:■'.':". '■'/■;: . '';■. • • Bialiyhbo; will .be that it; is a .duel; rather than ah exhiblt^ipn,; performed sans mask-pr .cbcst-Ruai:d,i/to'-en^^^ size danger. ; Whether; ppiice or hu- mane groups will 'pefrriit is so,!;nc* thing else again. ; / v Bergen in pic /liQuie/ :Los:-An?;clcs. No;v,;.30. ... First' stage :.ap. •.'■ ranoe oi- Edgar Bergen hhd ;Char|ip:McCar since they aciiieved:^radip:: stehlp^ Wili 'be tp.;headlihe. th.c./I^arrmoiint ;theatre-stage;shbw/;.;/■, •■ -.'y'yyy:'y //They operi pecv;2; ;-, MpNTKEAL NOT KIDDING ■■/'.■■;\ .; ■;/■■...v■■';;Mon1;^eal,•■Nov.^3p.. / : .Quebec ; Liquor;. Gorhrtiigsibri/ has tightened up;: on- ri:lght; clubs and cabarets here by; annbuncihg; . that tolerance jp; Winking at tbe inidhigh^ closing ; law • 'Will only ' continue ; if night .cliibs, and .similar. ;establfsh- ments. "c]ear;.th6ir prem'ises. .by , two; a.m. at latest. '; •..;/- •;.■- ■. /■. Nitery Placemenls Pat Henry,; who. v.oCaled; wiih "Van ;;Levis brch /at; Ritz-i.Cariton'/ Phllly• last; ;sea.son.runder/ label .Henry; Pat-^; rick/.rio.w at Leon &'Eddie's; N.;;Y. y .. Rudy-Vallee, Paradi;<;e, N. ■Y.. ;■.. . / AlberiiGe/ Hotel. St/^Mbrit?:. N;/'Y;: . - ; Willie. .Pf>lcrno orch;, Place/ Ele- ■gante.-N. /Y./ 'y--. •'-.'■ ;. ■Alfrcdo./ahd DblorPs, Hotel Park ;CcritriiirN;.'/Y.":;'-.' -r-: — '■. Aritohal;'.< ; Cubans, ■ American Mu- sic Halli' ^N;X-:;.;- / ■/.•:/ y ■■ y- . ;.;/ . Aririe -FaimUcroy, Myi;a Kent, Le. MiraKC.-N;:V/.': - /' ^'■■' :■'•;:•■■ /'■■.■■ Adelaide Moffctt, Minor and ;.Robt. ■ Hotel A'rnhf),<sadQr.- N/ .Y,' -.;.■ Lita ' Ledce. ; Johnny.' Kijcomer; .^■^;.;-:ht- Citib;-N;;.Y.^/-:/..'^ ./: /"■•/ .■/ " . uvie Alstoi. ■ orch..; PhT .Stump -arid Stumpy,; Henrv Wcssels; J.e,nn^Danicl.«f./Plaritatibri Club..'N.. Y. Jose rihd/P>tri<:ia,'El Chico. N; .YV.' .' MnnriCe • Roc'co brch;; Dorothy Sivltcrs, Pearl , ■BairieF,-.' Dorothy. Rhodes.: Kit Kat Club,; N., Y, '.. : Cleveland, Noy, 3(3. ' ■; . For the second; time; iii two. yiears. the , Mayfair ; Casirioi; largest:rtitery her.e; has been fPriced:;into irivblun:-; tary; barikruptcy.; Thre.e creditors, last." week presented .''bills ; tPtalirig- $2,02iD.95: ■ "rheatre-restauraht^ unex- pected/ ci6;si ng- x'anie: when; MeadPy/r land ipairies, Ltib^ck Di^tributirig CP, ;and; Albert Picky Ihe;, thrpW their.; claims into hands bf Fedcral ;Cburt.-\ Spot' has been in fihancial difficul- ties .since fall season operied :due;tb .cpmpejish of rival ;Statler "Terrace. Robrh and. slUnip; ih;:'steel/- 'bus"ne.«:s here. Nate 'Wei.senberg, ihptshot in slots/; recently; clainied it's cost ;hiri7 $375,000/so far arid syndicatie; hack^ IniLi hini iWas reporte d tired^ of n ot • L^ii ".';}<■ .Mianii, Nov. ;36; ;: ; Club. La Palpnla./ cicscd. after bfi- / ihg Taided by.^ hPoded .barid a, feW:' weeks ago, - and ; a;?ai . by ■deputy •sheriffs .iSaturday ;/<27); • Wr.s given perrriission to reopcri; Monday. \(20y by Courity .Solicitor Robert; R..:; Tay,^. lor;; ■ Taylor: ^aid he/ could find no. basis /for . charges ; iodRed' /against Proprietor . Al/ Youst aiid /25! :crh«'; plqyecs by Sheriff D..' G; Coicmani , ; Captain" George - J; /Garcl v Grand .Dragon pf;-;the;...Ku .klux./Klan ; '/ Flpridav is- expected to arriye here today . (Wed,),; to /.investigate the raid Pri; the club by the; hooded but-; ■fit./;:;/'■:':/■/■'/■ "/ -y' -i^'r' ED mrONFACESED CHARGrOF jlSSAUI^ getting any .dividends; Stage, shdWs/v/ere .jput on a short , econorriy budget/ / mbnth ;ago; Gicprge Ppmerantz, brbught.-ih frpm N. Y; tb' succeed : Harry /Prppppr. Latter is/ said - to be /raising; iBroad- Way capital with'idea pf/taiiing ;Pvex: casino: again after;c.ase i$ .settled, ; Nine'ty^five' eiiiployees,. .whp ;clairn fhey have.4Wo \yeeks'^'pay ■ cpniihg; .and ;cast: of;. 40,' in9Iud 1 hg' .Gae FpS-; ter's, .;ch or us; and .Bobl>y : Gray son's;, ptchestra,; v^^ere let out, v./ /; .' /;:;:.;'; Mayfairs /.first :bankrupitcy wa.«i in. Dcqember, ;l936; Wh Jric^.:. bought /it,v/ai;/,fotped. ;^ ^6.500, ;Wittirig- Di/t $23iJ,ddd Iri: c'i;airiiSv, . Farichoh Mai'to arc holding .sack fpr- $1,590; al.^p.':Cbopie:'pf^a^^^^ were temp.,pi-.ariiy;-st.randed biit and :..6ojn- sent .■;.by.; F; ''&:-.M';' -s-.a-yed^-^ ^ i F.'-^ .M. •,shGW. ,contract had fivc. w'Geiis .illO^ gp....,^: -!•■-/ -,:lj.:-;.,:^L;..;.:, j .■'.;;...;..J;; ;:..;;/..; y-M^ yy //■'.;/. ; :\-Phi,iadeiphi,,-Nov. so./. ' Deal hclvveen/Jack Lynch, Wh'o T'^r ,f:i;i;rifed/ '/;. m'ania'ger /o;f -Hbtci Ad((l/ pliia's GatcvMarg^uery- iast Week, .and ■Ar.cadia-;;lnlc't:riatibhai,^ ;;i'hi.Jly nitery, .is ;itl/.Ofr,' ATli^PadTTl.a', (if Arcafjia;'/ said/: after■ .a. -tbnftib/ 'wilh LVnbH.; ;■■;■'■'/•;, /.;/.-'';/:;;',;-■:■:; /. -.--.v. - The .tW.o :ha;d./;beeri;/d}?;t\0;.'-:. the ppsKilSiTity. of .gpining ..the ;Ar- cadia;'fOld;/. ^■:/■'■^•/^^/.-'■ ■ :'^';'/ / . '//• ':; -Pittisburghi /Nov.; 30, •:; ■ Ed.die ..Peyton, local nitcry opera- - - tor a:nd band leadbr, is in trouble'.; viagaih: A;-.f :ib-- he got ciir; p'f'/thc Workhouse /after se'rying/' ; a year fpr watirig up. a palxbri. yA;/ fbrtni ghl ago the.. ASCAP slapped a $500 suit against.: him -.for cppyright - ■ ylbiations.; '; And' .last We^ik anothC(r.:. patrpri ;brpught; bin) into, court agaiii . pri another;; Charge of . assault.. and i>attery;.. ;/^^ ;';- :.-y.yy. '--: ■ y ■ y'- y-. • /Last charge- cpmes at. a.;tpui;h; time.. for Pcytpri. /NoW; out .;pn parple,... twice ''Ke^s-asked;: the ..State . Pairple .; .Bpard to; clca'r hini with a f.ul 1-.par.-:/ don, but Wa.s/refusedi. patron, Geprge N utsbrbw.rii Jelaiftiod. :atti!Lcic;tpo]: pi ace 1 est. Aitg; ^31 wli.erhev chat/Ipd,. Pcy- / tbri.'his brPthe.r,/Mikfe, an the 'licad,-. Waitor kriocked hirii doWri because a . rriember /of; his:;party refused; to ;pay ; ■ a. ;bil I ihcurrcd/ a preyiou'.s/tiriic,; ;. /. . / Pcytpn; /Clainied; the whole .thing/ • was-, a ■•'shakedoWl^';'''- ■iri'si.s^ ;Nutb.rP.wri;;had. previously;.:.. Id/ he'd;/' wi Ihdr jiw:; ■■4be;-^War:r^^ Would' pay. hirii'$25.0. ";'■;' Holiday Vaude Slated By Shuberts Jn B'ivlyn custom,/ thcShiiberts; ttpHt-^tWo^May-T-^ / Poi' ' annual .'a,r'fe. ;.ri i' ling ^ ■. Sh 0W; lo t'. ■ the .Xmas^Ncw'; Y 0r's?' ^ ; !it'the .Ma'.u^sti.c,;; Brooklyn ;/ ..■.ilclbn;. Morgan,.':;i.p^u'. HPlt?.' .'.anil'' - n;i;rry/;llichrTi'an ./ar'e ;'i.h .;riiin.d lot. ;fioiidiiriiiig...'•■■'."./ /. ■-■■'/''O / ;■'/; .;, /