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VARiETY 63 : lExhibl^s7 Peevi" ■.vs.; Radio., V;-;- ..Chicago,.;. Nov.;'. i26^ Ediidr, VfinitTY'.- ■ .-...^^ '-r,■ , ■. -.f',. Featiiig that your jable teditdriaV •Films arid Coffee': ;in your Nov, .17 issue i^ like, 'a; voice: crying iti; the; wilderness/ I Vrant you to know what brie exhibitor, at least, thinks • of its coritexf.: Ari^ believe that, y^erie the truth Imowri. the*^ are,'countless iothtr exhibitors wha •■■also- agree. ■ ■ ■ •.. ; ; \ As'!the «*itoriaI .si9^ aptly phrased there appears to be a^ healthy surplus ■ of 'jurtibled thii»kirigV in this riiar- S^ielous business of piirs. Th^re is likewise, a lamehtaWe scarcity pt ■ 'gnnst ruiitlye thinking/ y \ AmT inaareri ihe pity/ otit of this inass;: pf 'jumbled : thinking'; came such exhibitoir ;a^ds as 'bank;: n . 'stage shows/ >ersOTWl aTO^ 'double / features/ *fre*; chinaware* :^tc;, etc. Theie, having ifaiied df their I)urpDse, ; the bcnevo^^ werit into ai huddle; did some rHfon ^juriiWed thirikihg' and put the ball Virito play; With ;.a .'Mamnidth T/h]urs^^ daV Night. Badio Brbadcaist' fdriria- ,tion that will undoubtedly • throw • the exhibitor's team back to its pwn orie-yiu'd linc;. Arid^; if the exhibitors, hiven-t ii 'fine WcKm^^^^ tb; punt that : Broadcast back to the center of the : peii^-:welI-T-irs ifoirig to, be a case of Hurn'ih; your sults^ last game/ ■ After ail, don't the prieduters, and ttie eiithibitpirii jrMUy vealize that wie are in the motion: picture busiriessT ■■-No,i:.'.:;the;- stage. .7show\-bii5i ; bank . nite business the chihaware; .' ''business^ . '.'the'; .;Vaude:riIle v busihess,' nor the radio broadcasting btisiriess. ): And, when things come fo such; a; - pasi^ that a good picture f^^^ themi iii^w^y, then : th^ thing the miatter witii the 1^ . picture business. A Jgood pictuire ^ill always get them in at the bpxoffice and Vdbn't ;let amyohe teU you any different. Exi^rience has taught iis the absblutie: tnith of this ststtement. In biir -(abwhtown tlMsatre in Chicago; • Sviay ibff thie:'inain drag^ W;e liieyer had to resort to a bariknite; stageshbw, ;.ii;ee chiniaware, or any other sensa- tional ebmeiilong t6::induce the pub- .. /iic tb;;come;to;'pur7thiMtre^.:':"'V Wie simply giye : the public good - pictures (thevbert we; coiud get), a rie.w^ Tliat is bur prbgriun^and we^ h found it to.be exactly What the pub- .lic >vahts. When we have a good picture we riin. it for . from 3 to 10 weeks. to /good ; business. After -all, . isn't it : the picture t^^ ' cbmies to see? Else' why do they •;'. com*? /; . : .1 haVenit ariy^:rcipcdy :,to jsiu^^^ ;-but lertairily a Thursday night b^toadcast isn't the ^ for a sick . bbxb^ ; Perhapis the prbduccrs 7 rnight .v .decide : to do,; ispme ■■■ rribre .'jumbled thinking.' If so^: let us hope that they decide to mak^ TO v^ictures--^plbnty of ;,them.: .pry they riii;ght-r-you notice 1 say. miight-^der ; cide to make enough teally good pi - turis to Supply each big city" theatre eabh ^e^sbn with' extended iruns . Theh .devbte thbir attention to , mak-' ing a qubtia of what J; call: 'small . tbwn pictures'-^pictiires ; that . will never be - shown in the . bigcities. La;ter those good pictures can be releiased to the small towns, the ; fbl- - lowing season alonj?-with-^tt that the commercial ;end of the bu$ir neas is rib concern of the; people w buy tickets. Anyone interestod: in grossies ;ean find oiit about, theiri irt the trade press. To let the public know. that, .a picture,: 'v^hich hasn't been released in i^ew York; ■ is flpp^ ping in the Gem; Autry: bilt. is to surround'that picture. in an; atmos-! pheire of failure, arid goes a long way towards killing the eiffcet of the oyieifr wheimirigiy fayorable reviews it got from the; critics. -. At the ; same time,: sorifieonci should tell the' hoys tb cut out that Ipicture- irkealirig^yno^sense.^;^^ Cbixteaibri*. hasn't been shown yet, butwhb hasn't read a dbzen times that John Barry- more -steals* the piirtirire? T'hi bri^ /CfTcct of this kind of mulliuikey is; to .hurt the star.rianicis in a picture,'.fpr, ■as';'..surely;; ias- ■T.and '^.T ri^ke'-. 4i''.;tbe. .inevitable ■irifererice is. that,; if the 'stealer* is iood, the others' arb ; rpt- toh/\It ;iriay.;nbt .mem SO; silly api>lied to Barrympre, but it is; easy to' recall; xaises :>i(rhe;re ;the gossips; eai^^ de'^ oyelpp an angle;, anriburiced' that sb^ irid-sb. Who. appealed ; in six.:; TO . utes of a .90-'riiinUte picture, stole, it; from the stars. Considering, that a. star riiay make two or; ttoee pictore^ a year, this kind of riibrikeyshine ban : dO''~s(eirious;dari(iage..''. ' One last 'squawk: that^^ '^ gues.<}wprk: that starts; abbut . Labor Day. and cpntinu^ until the officiiai selectibris; are' made; by those quali- fled to; riiake . theriir^^^^^^^F^^^ weeks, Sullivan hais: beeri' quiveririg: all byfer as to Who's going tb naiakb that sacired flrst ten. Listing the resultis of the recent St.. Louis ik])!!; he included bnly thie top 30 names in each jgrpup. b^aiuse; he didn't Want to 'humiliate' those 5vho ; finished below that Now, i ask you; With hundreds; of nam^ iri pictures; ;each'; .established; .pretty securely, in .his . or hw bWn niche. Sullivan is tibing to! hum.iliaite them by reybalirig that Basil Hemingway ranks only ;37th in the mate, divi^ arid Cecelia Priritrose 43d in hers; - ITie; .mbviergbihg public,- :'ha^ no buiiiness'. Worrying .itsi collective heskd oyer these thirigs.' They're, strictly for the industry. ; The regular year- end listings Will take Care of all the jhside' dope the. public .heeds tb k.hbW. To P iriform thCv Pubiic-nibriths; in ad- Viarice that jpari Crawford's rating is due for a drop; siriiply ;hurts^ her'piC' tures due for' reiease. The sooiiet our experts stop ' watchirig; theiri riiake p-ictuM^^^ to let .the; public in ori :the. giriimicks that, riiake the ;earthquakes. arid ; hurriciaiies,... the better it'll be fpr the iriovie industry; : Louis ;;Perlbj(f.- ■;... Chicago, Nov. 30. Possibility the, group;: organizaT tipri of sioriie;.four or flve of the tPp. carnivals -.of; the country; mtp. one mamnioth cprpbration has been under, serious v discussion. ;,^ Ariipng .those: rbund«tabling oil the .^proposal havb bfeenV Rubin. & 0ien^,. Beckmann & Gerety>; Henn.ies Bros.,;:' JoHrihy J, jbries ; and the; Royal AmbriciaiT '$how3;y.;;'- ■^■;.'-..'■ ."■•'.'.■.v'';;'.;,;;;;.;.: Pl.an Was to incorporate under: a^ Sirigie firrri. pirganiziatiorii - .With stock issued. . Alsp;co;nsiderecl liikelihpbd bf- throwing the stock issue for > public purchase, with the.;poSsibiUty of list-, ing the stock on the, NeW Yprk Curb. Understbod that ideal :wa9 ;practi- (tally set until thb Rpyal American; :crpwd" got ;spmeWhat chilled; on the notion . and backed, away; With' a couple of ;exciis.es.' -Plan; is slated> to come up ;fbr. further; dwcusw lowing the current outdoors meeting h^re, but now doubtful that cbrporar tiori \ sCheriie wbuWi if ^ J£o thribugh before 1939; • • ; -0 Lincoln, Nov. ;30, . ; Billie Rbby, : 36-iyear-old ^ hula shaker' with Paily Bros., ca'rney,'was released .by a Red. Cloud; Nieb!,; diis- trlet court- this week (22) after she .had .been, held iri jail sirice A^^g' on;: irianslausht(>r charges grpv/Jng: but .of:the'fatal. shbbtirig of her hus^^^ barid^y./H. Robyy^^n^^^^ Bradcri,' Neb: ;. .Ifciirs.; Roby tesitifijed hte hadfre^ quferitly th reatehed her: j ife; ; The brawl :bccurred by;;a rbidstde Wherie: the cbiiple wias ^en route: to Braden's; annual'fair...' ■■;"■;';■;. :' ICY BLASTS CHILL B. 0. AS WINTER SPORTS IN. . St. Paiili Nov. 30. : : Shownien dpn't :have tp; b€;:,bld- iihiera to; rerti.ember. When; they...Ayel-; cbmed winter With open, alrms, since' the icy, iribwy blasts once; bieW: cus^; toriiers ;into.;their '.hbiises.;. Nojw these sariie blasts are blowing the jileasants put into the open. : Skiirig clubs ;are .already brgariizirig though the high-snpw; season is still a good month away^ Plans for week- end ski; trips noW,;CalI for thrice^' Weekly meetings, :sb' that; the set-up may.;pari but..right, ■.; aU. of. Which spells drab: results- at; the theatre box ;bfiices.^■;■;;;.;;;;':.;;.'■ ■■\';-v;..'';■.:. hockey is currently undergping a robust reyiyal,.; With bbth St.-Paul arid Minneapolis :havirig teams in the fleid, V plus. ; ; strong ;University ; of: Minnesota: icb; aggrega:tion:X(iast. year corchairips with Michigan, in the. Big. Ten) ' on the.v rink before near^; .capacity paying audiericeisi V : St. Paul's Greater Winter Carriiyal group; has been hittirig the ball, top, just haying Anished an' eight-day- Sppirtsmeri'S ShoW iri; the niunie aud. Estimiated 75,000 shbyed thrpugh the turnstiles.' And : just as sopn as out. dobr ice - iS.;dberiied..,safe for^^. : San ■.PraricisCo, Nby, ;30. > .' Sutrb Bathsi - laridnukrk adjoinirig Sari ^Prsinciscb^s' Cliff HoUse,; V Ippking :$ea.l Rock Gate, in a'dditibri tb aquatic facilities, nowikbuses . an .ice ;arena,: said tbi be' the. largest ice ifioor; west of'Chicago. ■ Toriimy . Maegher,; fprriier ;speed' skater and veteran ice flppr- mariager, iis in .charge. - Hie . claiiris th^t .mPre than |lO<)>.Oi60 • >yas .invested. ' ; the • cbncessipn'. "The;" • flbor, . measures ■90 by 200. feet, - capable: of cPmfbrt-;. ably a.cbbmmodating some 3,000 j^er^ sons;"; ■;:..:-: ;--^/.;.; ■■;.:;■■.':• ;^:. '-;':'''.;.; 1 ; Admissibri. ^OQc;! adults -ieind SOc. .for. children; Rental fee for skates; 25c. . HoliyWoodr :Noy; 30. ■.. JMIabel Stark; is '^returning to the bombing Al' ti. Barries'Sells-flbtb .circus with her animal act riext sea- son after bbing but lasV-seasbiii fbl- Ibwing several years with the; Barries :putflt.■•.-.:.: v ■ ■ ■'■ ^ '--C. ; WhipcrackiBr v recently . .returned frbiri Eiirbpc.; She isl .exp.ectetf. ;to re- piace the Bert' Nelsbri aninial fea- .ture.-;;;-; - '/y..:- .'':; ;.•; . : Dsxier. W:. piellcws, 66, :■■ jprpbiib'iy,'.; the best krio.Wn 'circiis pu'blicjty prb- riipter inithe yirorid;:^icd iri Matiies-:; biirgV MiSS;,. Nov: 29, pf ari attacit of typhoid ■ feyer. ;. He iwas stricken Octl ,7: While; the ;:show Was; play .ing; that date, and; wis rushed to the hb.'-:- ■ pital Wheirc an early diagripstij, p rb- v nouriced hini suffering from art at- tack of ;:the;;ffu, but Jt_quicW^ oped that his disease Was typhbicl; feyer,;. He.Was. apparenUy r^overmg from the attack when'coriijpiiicatipns ;; due to ;a kidriey :ailmertt set iri,.'^n.d; last riiidweek he was^repiortcd to be : iri ; a ' seribUs :;cpndition. ■. He: ;sahk' raiwdiy'and: :his death'o"^^ dayi later.; :Bronchial prieumbrii ; was stated; tb, be /.the . direct ca use.;. bf;;his:'death;,'; .' ■ 'J'/rV. :::/; lilar \quota of 'sMall town pictures, To me; this business of ^mb jerkTi ■water towrii; showinjg a big and really good picture tnonths ahead ioT the. big cityr in the.same State is all 'phooey.' Gf course it is a .iriatteir bf reyfenue to- the pr;odUcerr-bUt it is hell on the ; :big'city..exhibitof,:,. ■'.; : Again let me compliment Y*R*^ pn its; stand in this .matter of vital ]riipoi;iaricc!.. .and let us all remiem- ber that We are in the Motion J*icr ;-?tui:e.Business. V-;"^'::- -'.:'.;:/;' ' : J. 'tricedbmirii; Mariager, '■: World .Playhouse... .;: ; '"What the'^Fsrii';NccjlB'i.;Kapw' '- ■./:' New York; Nov; 27. Editor, Vahiety: . .;NbW. that; the. ;p liusiness :;.is awake to the mischief that the radio chatterers; can ' dp, isn't, it about time . iJ^ooieprie-tPld off thb; bbys whb db it ■yf ith :syndicated . columns i ristead. ■ pif . riiicrbiphpries? -T^ latest rash seeriis :; to be ;tp letvthe dear ,publib;iri, bri thb ■ bpxoffice fbrtunes of the xiurreht Pib: tiirbs. Thus, Wincheli;anribunced iri : the Mirror .this Week that 'doi^que hadn't done so Well at the Cap.itbj ; . ; ; 24. . '^di^or;'yAR|^^y:■;^ Concetriing; ypiir , revieW on. my, ifllrri. /The King Sriiiles-Parts ]^^ in . your- Nov.. 24 issue, ;please note,, that this film is not a German pic- ture. - It is . an-; Aiistriari fllrii; pirb^; duced eritirely in yierina; by.a Vien- hesb prpducer, Atlantis Film W; Univb^sal- Filrii :Cbrp>^^ ; Will ypu' kindly correct this, as ; I am distributing only; Vlerinese films arid riot German films., Bruno ZuJiclcer.. ; iTradeiriark title; Pn this picture Is Ufa, ; Germari-state Subsidy,, hence the 'Germanic inference.] physiciaris said she . will bie hospiUl this^ri»e^carniyal^bpardTO(f-^str^^ will, dig in bn arrangements for city-;, wide: .' bbb-sleddirig, tobogganing; ;skatirig,: sliding ;rand skiiniR ; events. Au ;this; fun. is: free, Sp.:it looks trie .midnight oil fpr the theatre explbita*; -tioneers.-. '■■ ;' v^ '- 23. : Go-td-the^Tfa^ Week V:.' •" • New York, Nov. Editor, .Variety: ■ ; As one proud to be assbciated with the theatre that .Broadway- to-, (day^ .I :earnestly-: support :; ..'Go to. the Theatre; Week' which; was' sucr cessfujly .. launched a week -ago i.riv Chicago; by Mayor :Edward J. Kelly. ;;• Not. .■; ;many .year.s has; Broadway. housed so; many ;bUtste and; plays^ arid the list is growing weekly.: > We havb With ui today •such.- .peerless pbirfprnrijErs ; Ai Sheari. Gbristance ..Cummlrigs.;; Lu-; cile Wat.sbh,\Violet Heming, Alfred Lurit.r LyHiV Fontarinc, Ina Claire, Maiirice SthWartz.^^^^'T^ Farmer", ..George :M.;CohanvJ;ari)cs^.B^ Biarton. "Burisess ;Meredith,; Lillian •Crish, • A'incent - Pritei - Elissaiv-Laridi, Ethel ■ jBan ympre, : Dudley Digges, Gerti-ucle L.'\wreobe, Ian Keithi; Nan iStirideriahd: ;■ ;Louis;; Galhcrn; ;a;ri:d :AieNander Kirklarid, ambng a host of ■ bthcfs; • we.; hovb s\ich; sn>ash hits •Id Rather Epy;': YBrothbrs; .,.; ; "■ ;; ■ ; ; Cleveiarid, .Novi 30; ; ;;Buildihg of Al Siitphiri's Arena for hockey- and ice ballets is; indirbctiy responisrble foi: -'a bborij; in' the rpller- ;skatirig business here. Charlie Hpr- yath's Sk-atelandr-with ■ 1,200 capacity taking such a heavy jump in attend-; ance that he is trying, out a roller- ballet for: .the first tirrie du£jrig':holi- days. ' ^■■■ /. :, ■:■'■'V - ^ ■.-'•'; .■. J - '■ ■ 'Stunt brigiriiated ;by.; Bbbby' Buirr^, ■ whp Vwill ; stage it .Chri..strijas week with 140 mernbers'of, Cleveland Rol- ler ciub.":-.-. . ■ •' . ■;■■; (Chicago,'■,Noy;;JtO.'-.\. Beckiria nn & Gei'ety putfit sriatched off the first big state fair .date^ for next sea.«ion; ' ■ ■■V- : :Have' signatured ; to apjpiear ;at' the lllihpi35 ;State Fair in.1938, Eastern. Show LifagUfB ■ •; Chicago. N'ov, 30! ■"■ Eastern ('New; York;) -braabh o^ Showmen's. League of Arilerica is iri fprrriatipn. (with the . executive com ri>i.ttee of the ShpWmcri.s .League ^- Riiht;' 'Gj^Idenl^Ja^ tentative^ apprbval :i;^^- ,0.;,Nbv; 30. ;Rita De ;La- ; Plata, ; seh.satibrial aerialist last seasbn ;)iri .a feature, spot, on. theVprogram "of the ,Cole Bros.-" Clyde Beat^; cirbUs, Was . sU'lGkeri " sUddeniy ill at her . hotel here; ;while awaiting the opening of .. indppr bircus engagement; ■; :.:;' She is reported Impiroving; after ari ertiergiency ■■. pperaitioh!-. .. Attending Dexter Fellows (few ever u.>-:d;his ; middle initial).-was a born press ai;ent. Starting in his father's dV iig store- in Fitchburg, /Mass., he^ longed .; for; a wider field. ; In Apr' 1, 1893 t hb I^aWnee Bill Wild; West; Show carrlb ;to town and that night Fcnpw.s \ybnt . Put pri the;/circus trairi;; ■-He ' had. fcunt....his life ..woirk/ :'The:; s^ a > rather cheapr iriiitatiori of the Buil'iilo : Bill Wild West, Went broke, biit Feli lows had ;had;; suifficiient : time ;io bst3blish Vhiri)Selt',; and he :W^s ;takeri oyer by the.Buffalo Bill show; He reriiained with .Colv Cody uri^ 1903, . and tou.'i;d both; the tJnited- State.s and Europe. Much of the subcbxi;: bf that; tbur. wais due;to his adroit pres^' work. atid the Unique stiint^ hb;. pull.ed; iwbich ;^aina^ed rthe-Eur^^^ unused . as ^they were to ' the : flanrif ; boyant' Aniericari methbdjs; He Wrts; Ki:';-'}'2t-:" ' ior:all bf;;^ie Lo|>oi:i:>.-it"- yisitbrs and -riiade many fast friend- £hiijs imbng; the great arid riear - ffrf 1 ij who ;visited. the; perfofiriarices. :, He left the shoW'and cariie back honie;to ths ; Ririgling :Brothers: .circiKs,;: birt in 1905 he was back With; the Ba;;rium show,. Which had beeri. keep:^ ing. ;i;ts; cyb bn ; hiriir;:;'-, .'';' ' ■ %hbn the, Ririiglirigs absbrbbd. ; t'lib show he Teriiained with outfit; and., tvhen the Rinjgling; and ''Barrium &;: Bailey ;shbws wbre merged lie ; talneci his; positiony thpugh : there were :muriy Jetbuts to psrr .it 'ii»;g- ii'hg nien to supplant.thc Baildy pCfi .sbrinci; • K^' remained with the'show, uritil "ie. day he was .taken:. the. lot at- Hattiesburg. ■ ■,;. ' ' • ■'■; Felipws was;easily the .most; pop- -uldr—riiari-rWho—eyerT^WbrJtfed-^ be .Unable to resume her' aerial act until riext year, (Contiriued' fi biw;.page;;31) which,.u.ses.distorting. mirrp'r.s in phe- sequence.- >. . .. .;■..■.' "■■/;^-,:v; ■:;■. Miss Cotter hung thb: que.stibn mark bn.Krug Park owners .for pair of their penny arcade trick mlrrprs and installed, them in lobby, of thqjt-: tre. Patrons. com ing were .^not ;only arrestbd< by their figures iri carica- turei but irivariably were harided a laughs ;.■;■-;--—;- ■;: V-.; .-■' :-.- ■ ■ :•■-^ Stunt especially effebtive: here v a.? house played 'Awful Truth' week .previous which' mieant .hold oiit and placked 'lobby nearly ...ever.v, night, with unusual riiirth '/resulting and extra .focus on . A.'iiaire picture.;: ■< Matched Up ■ ■-.-;';..'-^ . JW ;;WeLl -u.sed; -.cards, .of '.giant matches ; tor ' 'Mbi'ryTGo-Rbund: of.. 1938.' Striking, cover carried plenty of copy foi" the prx,. and most rccip-; ients riiade gbbd use; of .the Royieltyi Not: new,; but good, for' a repeal. .. -;. '. To Start the Toys Rochester. ;Edward.s. department store bought eritire -house ;fpr" Saturday. rii'>rning Mickiey MbuSe show / at RKQ./Pal-; •apb/;:;:;',v;. ■;■': ;■ '■ ; - v.- . ;-: .,-.;-'. y-; Tickets given: free; 16*; yoijhgsters yisiting .store')?;, toy shop.;,;-v^rith ; air time ; and' -. rieWspapcr >; ads ;baflying .cvellt.^;■-^i^-;■. '.y .:•:■:-: ^^.-^ ■l,:;..;-. Bim !A.':hkeriazi,'; 'Falhcr' ;^|^ V,/. SuHtvan^ii^the4fe^ 'B ^es^ri-rAr^risr . : oiie better. His': fans were informed ; that . the same picture Was Jlpjopinf!: . xiH,,over, the country. .This mind yoi!.; .. .iiKst bbforb; the picture goes but, on; , .;the New;."V'prk' circuitv; .■ ;^--: y:^ Sbmep'ne ■ ought; ;tp.~ '. call - tl-jesi^ V Avizards; aside jarid . whisper to them; of the ea.$terr^ chapter.; NpW ' Vhrk '-.gr'niip . whirh' -hns; ..'Georre arid; j^'-^j-'-aret-.V 'Caesar,^ ■•AriiphiWori'.'W'.V-■:.^'.;'..'.'i^^^ . ' r believC; : ; "ybbdi'tiiine. ;fblr.' thb. ce)e.bVaiinri^'\<>auld- be/th^^ ^bf.- Jii;nUtir. ■;;.■■..':■ ■ .-■ '■■■■/ ' :■ ■ J. ■: S. ;,Sirit/t'. ■■ Geh. -Mgr^;;;.- ' ■\. Drbior Jibtejjs/liSc . actively drumniinR fbir an;; Atlantic coast chapter includes; Gbbrge Hamid,; Arli Lew.is^ and ■ M9,x; Liriderma Prbposah hiis been. .sVibmittbd to J.. C; McCafTery, Leagub; prexy,' .who Will 'lake ;^it iirtdbr, {iHyi.scnveni' ••\y.i;lh the ex:ec;cQmmit.le.e latqi; this, .^v;cc ;. -.■., fCPrttirtUed ,fro.rii;;page 54), Oi-lj;.-. Tr;i.tMp - U<1- f'hftrllw ifitrnrfin.. rtalh>i;& Slim!;. .KRi>>h-■■;•.■ r : .< 'yc.'lonoK .' ,\I;ircH;t .\1iii',ilUi'/! ■:• Uh>'(»iin .A.VJl.llf I I'ipilri I-l.'t.ri ■ -. -.' : |;;r V\'}t\i':r.-:.. ■:. Ja;('k -Kr\Iii'j-' On . .I'.invt. -'"iLi'i'iill ■ Mar').*". .K'n;? ■ . Tn.n.V'a ; .. : . rii.* ji ;(.;ii,tiilii-k. iCu.n «y.- -J, ' . ,. ''I'<i,vlitiiil; iru'ir.i:i.ti: ■•'i.ll..lii'i ,(ii .,; ••;; vinMi .Oi'ii press stpry bn a hardbolled edilbr. Np.w a; little pf this popularity w;i du3 to.; hi.s^ : aiyiazing ;mbriipry ff^^^^ ;name.s.. and faces.; ;'He; rievcr :fbri{()t; any of' the people he met ;arid could call a man by riime a^^ hot having: sben; him fpir ;;a .coUple ; of years. He was, ;moreover,; 3: shrewd judfj'i of men arid cPuld, adapt ;his approach t suit the psychplbgy ;bf the per.'-^pn ;tb; WhPrii. he was speaking. ;Hc ,W;a.s rbr- tlle;;in inventibn arid rcsQurecruJ ;;ini ideas,: and he cpUld larid riibtc; long stoties on the; New York papers th;i; everi ; his factious prbdece.ssor,: Tody Hariiiltori. ; By-lineirs fell oyer\t-bcm- selvcs to get' prie:' bf hi.sj yarrjs ;a;htl for a"morith before ,the,Circus ppfiried: its annual date at the; Garden Xhe ;papers .were full of, stories; wliich, cbming from any other sbuice,, would bavie , promptly, been bltie ■■ pohcj led* fjiniy ph.; one point did he fail. ..The hew.spaper rnen did npt Want stbries of . the big show; and they inisistbd .b playing. .up FblioWs himself! It all; carried, the Cireus:. flatYbir'-and" pr.ob» abiy;<iid the show more' gbod tha ;stralghtblujrbs would haye'd.brie.: He did-not care f^ ;jty, but be' was ;far more :intere.5t1rig to'wr-ite about than the; circu.s itstlf, •and. they played hirti: up; ^ ;; .;. ^ . Last- year he ;pubii£!hcd his -auto- bitigrbphy,..:wi'itten " ;.c with.:-Andrew Frebmari, ^'Th i.s: Way. tb the Big ./Show.*;; His; mpd'dsty ; pre- Veriied him; from doing; hiniself ju;s- ti.ce, but he thi^eiw m:any interesting sidelights on thfe' circus businc.s.s.-- ;- '. jie.4.s;. suFV.iyed- by his; ..widow,;.-.the ; i lormeF Sign'e;-:Eugene ypri Bi'ibVhbJtZi •;/.wh6;' was . at his-. bedsiide; vwhen -..h" ..^;'--,pf;'-^;d ;;' : Z ^::- ";;.> ■'-.:'-■...: ; :;■■■. ;.•; . The body . was takbri; to. Frtchburjff ; by'; -.-'^s,^^Fellows .-and "li';y ,J;)>vycr, ' a .jifer'lpng,^'frierid.--:. J'/'.'■■ ;Ciemctcry,v .Ne.w, 'B/i;;i.ini ;;| Leai^ue Hbsts McCaffcry :'; ■■'}]:'i ^^V.;'^^ •:; PH i coiHpi: Noy.- '.sjo.';; •; Sh((\vanain's: LbayuO: last. SatVirdiiy • 27). Ihrcw. a-.bifi .shijidl.ti'in hbniiF bl :,^i ■ J i^i cstclont J; ;C. ■McGa:ffci^y.