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VAklETV Studio Execs Will .'/.;;■;;^■^H<bllywopd^ After y/ii^rvi:^ of ^tudip ; confer- ences held by Barney Balabah, Para-^ moUnl piMzi isitjiton ■ ^ Neil Afi- new, Walter Gokell, Addlph Zakor and WiUiani stood that a number oi executives close to the trwWfflce: WUl bP out before th^ . first; of the year under, tht general retrenchment plan.; de- cided upon. J- ■■-■■^.y Jfuioiberrof talks between 4od .!=eomwBy ■...t<*iB- Baron's future .status, with, no dieci- sion iuinouneed; New -York Paia- mojuntersi ex^isept Cbkell* have ail re-; turii<5<! to'the iibme' oifl^ ■ .; ■ ■ , Ziikor 1^ week' annbunpeid ap- jpointm<eht ci'Jell Lazarus and Har- old Hurley to executive , pirodueir l>osts< Ijasariis was istpry editor. . ; lAzarus and... :Huriey;\^. liauch .of the idetail.-b bif .^l^-; Baron's shoulders. Bogart Rogier on scripts and A. ML Bpteifbrd on stories y/i\l site sdd L^^ , ■;; Henry; Heribru 12y years^^^^>^ Par durii^S-^which he ros^^ representative, tci v.jp^ resigned Wcdf^sday (tr^ the . studio to rie-enter .privat^i la will; cohtinue tb ict for Paramount in legal mattejfs and to - represent the company .on the ibosird of .the .Motion Picture Pioduciers Aisfiidati^ . ;; post of iMuaid editoiial boau^ He t^es oyer !fr<Hn hisyioriMr^^l^ taarus,. - tipped to"' executive.;, ■pro-- ducer rankiT^. Sdartini was iormeriy picture critic «in bid N; y. World. ■ Reduced /Pycriiead iiiakiog^^ what is characterized, as^'a - jsinoeie effort -to rbducc studio bver- and any-peraomierihat can: i^^^ spared without aiBtectiinie .nbnnai op-, etaitibi^^ Faraibpunit is. stressiog ttiat quality b# lux^ducttbb .ie not to i>e sacrificed and - that ' ik> . picture arir 'jioiimped foir i^is jsieaspn .(1S37-38) are' to be. wi^idrawji irboi the schedule;. Not .-only' !aie isubistUu^ not -planned, l>ut Bar wiU : n6t^^ c^ the !iiiiinber. of pkiiirefi promised. , Farthest fi^ oif the° tbp^ ckeeutivei^ - jit! js; :Said,'' ixe: stiy ■ steps t<)at. might endanger the. p roduction or' any inoves to take; pic- t jres qft ttve. echedule.. The icompany i« anscibui ip make it clear thai i^^ has every iaientibn of sbeihg that> com mitmbbts are ; met, esp|ecib after, last sURusbr's experience when ex; hibitors boycotted: Par fbUowing disr- agreeme nt b<^ er six s cheduled . pic 'y'. kollywbo^^Decl'7.:,'' JBarhey • BaliUwn ' issued ; the following. stateibejat;von .hiV de : parture. for ;M.- Y.i ■': 'As a result of Viewing pic- tures already opnif^ted ;;or in. work^ PbramoUni Js in a posi- tion .tp; .be. able ;.tb;: assure; two' ■routfetsinding attract-- tipns each month from now on duriog the balance. oi: Ihe cui*- ; rent season;;, - Tbe production's ■] viewed, are prp^ to jhe IJiat. Paramoi^t's .last h4^ its rb--; leasing -schedule ^*yen stronger thatt. the ifirst h^.' ■ He-. .■^dded-''.li»at;V afterv ...con*: ferebces with Adolphr Zukor and ^■WjlliamV.^Le ■■;BiM"bn>,.:'te vinced that the pi^bgrianfi wW continue its ujpward prc^ireEis in. ■' quality and b'joi value. { y^' -r \ . ■• Hollywood, Dec. 7, , ■A new prbdUtiflig biganiMtibnj, re- ported to be heided by William 1* Baron,-is overturing CijaVence;^^ to join.its .directorial ranks,: . """Brown .'terminatbs his.; pirei^ tract on cpmpletihg'Benefits Forgot' lures that eitlwr .were not, rhajie orv were held |bV'37-'38 ieiestee;^^^^ : It wais io: a.Void ' any / rb^^ of such troubles and: is, somewhat cbncerhed • over ' reporte;'^^^^^ cutting from the Coast, Which has ,exhibitors d iibibus as to wha^t is beinig idone or what may happen. Neil F. Agnew, v.pi over sales; went out to, the stu- dio, from accouAtsi to see that his departinent: was .. assured, that the present ievel of production quality would be nudhtaihed, and the -sched- vle Icept intact, -y, Walter B.' Cok^ has been on the. Coast abbut a month -going byer £g- ures, seeking the i^est way; bf but-', ting ,and- poilxtB whete^ might be reduced: without any piilr ■pabie. iutUi-e effeci;on product. . Per- ipnnet that is being, drppppd,, if: is said, iobludes. only those , whip ' won't weaken jiboessary ipTO forces. Barney Balabah left the. Cbast Mbn'r day . night <6 ) ^ahd Will , be ini New Yori. early neict .week sifter attehding the A. K Blabk^ dinner in Des Moines loin<H;rbw ; ("Thurs.), : v^ile ' Agnbw. precjeded him Ea^ ' Friday (3) and, Stanton Lu Griffis Monday (6). . Par* afc' a company, is encouraged by the quality ; of product; that ,is bein'g~turi»d vio!^^^^^ cf A4o^pj^' Zukor,: Bal^^^^ llssuiijg a stateiBBht of optimism' Moh- day <6):,on flie. m^ that the, coijerebces bn^^^ .Gdast -wou rot' end up in any: major stmlc^up;; Confidbncb. in :ZUkbr' as studio: head Gtfman Cineina m Pitt : ;Pitt$burgh^ pecr-'i. < ,■ incensed because Art Gihenia, for- eign iUiid site .here, refuses , to iplay; Gferirrian: piitj" K grcMip . in" Pitts- burg .is rfepbrted getting ready to open own intimBte boiise dibwntown to play. filiss: from . tlM FatherUi^ exclusiveiyr , Nazi; dblegatiGh has ap- proached Gabe. Aubin, ,«peratpr ' of CiiienvB, . on several: bccBBions,:' dev mandingfinclusioh of :Nazi.pix: on his programs, ; but he.'f . to farthest he wOulid ih thi^ir . native toni^ue Would be those made; in-yierihar \-,: ■ ;;" , Understood that :on their last; visit ip hihii Nazis told Rubin they; were through asking aii^ would h^w act, .intimating that ;the"y would soon set up ;.vanptber : spot in competition tb„ him shortly.' ''' " /; Rubin hasn't played; a German film since; he t<>pk , «ver^^^^ hpUse two years agb; :$ea: he bas\ to be; extreme- ly careful since; threatened; with, a . bo:y cbtt-JeW: wee got- around ; that ■ *Masqiie:rade, in ■Vienna,' which ,he was, pliaying, was, German ;ihade.: "This; desjpite fact that anti-Nazi, groups Md: already ;ap- proved it in, the east: . Hollywood, Deo. 7^ Francisici -Gaal; has Been paired by :Paramiount • to cb-star with jadc; Benny ■ 'Jn; • 'Never-- Say- ''Die/';, Harlan' Thompsbb f)rodubing. . •. Pieture gbeis.; into prpductipn in Janxiary with Bcreehplay by Prestbn Sturges; and Rfw^^^^ Walsh 4irecting.'.. By iJACit 4>^7CRlifA£L Ha3^ Oi^ Meetii^ Ptx>baWy Be Postponed The ; xjuarterly " directors' sessibh of Mbtioii Picture Prbducers & i)is- tributprs iasspciation has been tenta-; lively , scheduled ;^br today; (Wed.) but probably': Will toe. pbsitiioned, imtii; iiater, in. the month.- , Fiact that so many executives . and members of directora.te wiU ribt "be bacik in N; probably will see. the; eobfab .^delayed until, that date. Wit Hays: already, is iii town for the meeting. ,.^; ' : ,i Holly Wood, pec. ,7/ Deaf; to bring the- Radio City, Mu-; sic -Hail. ; RodtetteS::^^^^^ Valieb's 'Gold; Diggers -' ' ;i'aris* ; is being'engineereiil .by , W Sam; Bischbfjf, i«lls Vtte up to, Ihe ,starting liiw fiijstv.wbek in Jan. , III ternal Reveniie Gpilecter jcf.ssjph •r.; Higgirife last, Saturday (4 ),;filed,: a ■\v^fih^vbted^nAr;np:^bi%^^ thj:<)ugh. the ;<^^ last ^N.: Y., aij^ainst^Metrb' P Corp.. spring, retrbactive tp;jan. 1, "37, at Ipr assessment on the rental of films il30,€f)b a year, plus a percentage of in January, 1920. prbfits bn ifilin rentals^^^ This coritfict : OMer was directiBd agb is for three years' renewable .;' ;;f tiu-e corppratibn .in ' of; Lpcws, ally duios that period. ' .Inc.;;-" '-'-: ■.-• .;;:;;New . York's super; - colosisaj event, occurred last :Week.:. The Metrppbli- , tan - opera ■ season 'op'eb:ed and .all Pi the vauiits ih'; tpWn opened with it, We;..b.prrp.wed. ■ ;- .dirty :siiirt. from Lucius Beebe, one he' had bniy Worh< fbjp 20 .mintites; :and caUght; Tristan atnd Isoldb.' (S^e revieW:;undter-new iacts.) ■ The . kforeiaid Beebe -iarrived: ini^ :a l.stfeamiibied; ' Ayardrbbe :;. trunk with Libby Holmah and 20^^^c^^ of ./Ghesterflelds. Many arrived late, due to the fact -that in getting out their ;respectiye^ lyietropqlitan jew4ds from; the .strong; boxes ; t)iey f^ it Was ■ : Wragner. ;ppera.:; Many :;ar- irivedWitij their;:. Piiiccini ; emeralds, thei^; iVerdi-, fiiipphrie^r^;^^ fliizet diambiids,;; bhiy' to:, to' -hurry baeic to ; change ; theni . to ;: sparklers , only . wbrh: for,-the Wagner act or ;'tWp.' :--;\. :' 'V ■'' :'-;' -^j' . v. - ':' ' Everyone: was; there but Tonimy ManyiUe, wh<»^ life-i's a .cpnii .Of ■ hiis owpi: but his; sister •; Lorraine . was.. the. 'Obly.; one Whb, , showed: Up- on time, probablyi /but of f(Bspect<tp / .the asbestos curtain.: As fair 'as the;' performance W^s cbncerned; it, was some-o ttbe^-best--bra6iriiets;:^ heiard.;\ We: spent tiie first apt 'took^ irig .at ermine 'and the just' .let our eyee ilum :a bit.: It was truly a. night at , the opera,, but .personally. We enjbyed -it mucii :'better ;with- the Mai*x Bros. -'' .\;-':-,'^- i ■:- "That ;grand little., guy ,bf the thea- ti:e, Pat Rooriey; has, grabioed himseli 'a; Tes'taiifjant. , FbritieHy'r joe'fi, Delir' catessen on. S7te :and.'.Seventh:, .. iJoe tbpk ;:it bri . the ; lam when Reuben cornered the pastrami market 'and; it WaiS; transformed' i htb the Kabala/ Which spUods like double' talk tor, Calloway's first: name, it wiU soon be kno\yn as .Pat Ropney's, .and .We wish„ him ail the luck in the wbrtd; HL ,${>ecialty will probalily be kbsfaeir corned beef aihd Irish , biaopii, ,but he; confided to ,iis: the .other iught- that he intends ■sei'.virtg ;a -ispecial. $1.30 idinner f rbm> spup to nuts and-ior an; 'extra: half ^a -buck, two chbriises of 'Rosie O'Griady.' - .in these. days of ^ ricalleql :;mpderh. journalism . ,.; : ' anything; cian hap- ben, . . . . .for instanbe, last week Sy Deyore, . : loyable chafacter and head, rnari: of -.Leeds; Clothiers,, had his kisser blast«»red :. iall ■■over, ihe -Candid -Camera-section^;^^^^^ MLrroTu ;; Since it appearedj,'Sy has received hundreds- offrom Hollywood begging him tb; stay on^ 46th street. ■, ■'■' ■.'- •" -■■ ■•:, -•■ v: ■■• . Success' Story; - .: . ;■ Mr; ; Richar(l Htmber, Wh.p never did: the 'Life of JEmile :Zola,* is Mistered .oh, Broad- Wby .noW in a liarfee'painted signl We remeiriber when; We called him :Dick and" he plaiyed, violin for ... a little dancer ribmed : G^ in vaude When ; he Was about . 17. ; He.-had plenty of Berle'then (Berle meaning guts), and' we told, him to; send his ascot.: tie ' back 'to Eaves, r;his; vipliri back; to Timberg' and^'grab: b:band 'of his owh;~ OSe" did V . ofybour^ei- grabbing: the Es$cx;;H6use was his 'own ■[}■' ■[::]:/':■' ':; Sp.ei'king. of prchestra leaderis, one of; the ^;finer ...persbjtaljiies ,and ,a '^eritleman :-.tp' his' SteiriWay-tips '- is Eddy Duchih.: We sjieht a coiiple 'pf hQurs With: him' in tlie; Persian rpbm at the, iPiaza :the bifc^^ Yeahi; We ;gbt in . .. a'fler all, ,wasn't oiir riiother in 'The: Peirsiari ;G-'arden?'; He told us hpw thrilled he. was that, be wa;s ■ ■ gbing ..'to play next',rnoh13j at the White .liouse ball in .W.a'^ngtbnv but Wb ,warned him to take his fiish ing tacicle and bait along ; in case they -change .-the- locale-at-: thp,- last ::mdriient.•■•-.;-■ ■•.';.:.■ .•■-:■;' -.-';'^.v' .'A'-:. : , Tbvu^htfi; WMleirhibklb ,,-, History' is repeating "itself. '/D'eW'ey sunk the Spanish :F*l.eet .: and. now •jDeWcy . i.s ;;j?i.n king the - ma^^^ 'Aside to' Billy Rpse.;.- •;'. - Study -e.tiibei"^t^ontT^T4rL .anxious abput, ifi.iigeiie, d'Neill's next; ...- , V'/b'ye 'got ,:the ,iow-down; •;'. : his •Stra n.jje -Iriterl ude'. Was, plenty Ipng, . '.y. 'Mbin-hjng. Becomes Electria';gave you time :mit fpr 'dinriei'; ; . v Now he is - Working- ■ ; lieW' ijlay, where es ; C/U«iBARgLLfSbF*TW^ bWv.te'.Mifce ..Twe ':MM«-.lii'-.Itaiy-r-' Mbria iclambarelli former . Boxy premiere ballerina^ is Settings aw4ty from dancihg altogether in faybr; of istraight emoting. , / Just; back from Italy wbert she «^ in ;three pictures. . -Is under . oiption; for two more. , in jtaiyl ipr lUbu^ Filnijs ^hich ; Wiii; hbye English, Versions also, in interim' a deal pends in New Ybrk JEor Miss Gambrelli to return; tb Hbllywobd yfiitere she did a stint four/ ' years;;ago. ■ She has been: ,in, Italy: ^tWb'.yea;*is.--'■:;';:-^ 6i lauibQ^lis, B^^^ RidioDoe^ '; ;Sudden .a:rrival-bf .Lindberghs' backr in N. Yi frpril Europe, last Su'ndiay (5caught ali. newsrbels uiibWaries.; Ne>yBpaper; ;photogra[phers.:.;: were . tipped; apparebtiy; fro^i: qiuatahtine and. some: 50 met: the^liner at the, dock, v No; .."heWsreel . bbtairied - :Pic-.:^ turies; pf - the; fariied: coupId^ accp'i'dirig; -jto litest-rbport-' ;.'0 ;."-.•' ■; ■ -•-■:;;;^; ;/ -; ; 'Odd:" feature: is th&t one newsreel 'crew had gone down 'to quiarantine to phqitograph some: ,mi nor celeb siid rode back on the :bpat with Lirid- berghsi Did not learirt . their iidfentity until they . saw; big. Lgrpup ,;0i; neWs-. pajpeiM»bp^bgS.:at .dbdk..:~Thbn itiwas - tob'latiB;^tp■'-set cameras.:;'',. ;■ -:■;;,■-'■■,';;;., A commercially ,sponsored radib, program,, lUdip Newsreel,; did iome stepping, tb. ;put :Kenneth Lucias, newspaper: pbtpgrapher^^ and Charles HoUdprb> 5towair<l to Lindberghs, on. air at 3'p; .m'. ^ Sunday. ■ Last- re-e:diting bf script ; iMc^ssiary With :twd jreheafsed" in hal.i .10. miniites:be^ fore, interviewed by Paries, JohnsOni: aind^Wally Butlerwortfi. ; = ' ■ Neii;, Agnew - y. Barney" Baiaban , Walter Cokell ■ Claire Dbdd , Stanton Girinfis , ' William--.'.Gai£an -- -'.■■■■.: - Wiir'H./Hays.- ■ - . William; R. ^Hearst ; , ■ '-;Wia!|[ter-Huston;y .Charles KaUfnum -.■.Sidney R, Kent;-.; Irvih Lbzar; ' ,,.■"' -':.;:-■ .:-;'; - Frank Llbyd'- .• .: ■;• ■': • Doris Malloy Eth(fel Merman ., Charles G. MoscoWitz ;; Rf)y;ijawland ■ ^' y-r^"' ' • ■-."' h-- H. C. Potter Stanley: Rauh. . ; Phii;Re:gaa May Robson ; .; Nicholas M. ScHenck. Raymond Scott Vipla Brblhei's, Shore Hai^vey TheW - Joe Weil . ■ N. Y to L. A. ■ D. A. Dprau ■ ■ ,A1 Licbtman .-.,Sam' ,E.- .Morins-- ■ William Pierce Charles , R. Rogers ' Myron Selznick ; . . ■ J. C. Thomas ■ Albert;Whitley ,'; ■ ;, . ihsteJ^d of taking seats; .': . you take a lease! :: Sadi -Banks, Who does ,a perfect Tucker down at the Old Roiir: manian .dowhtdwn, has igottbh a/little fed lip on tbb cbnipkrisbn. Jind wPuld like to do .something on ' her own:. tCievpr;. gal; Sadie, .so now shb has ;dliscarded her own-blohdb tresses and has.;b6come a. perfect redhead .: '; henbe- her' billing, 'Last; of the ;,Red- head vMaiijijrias^ sayi-, " :- ■•;.. .■;.'::^'.:: •;'-: :;-;^The more; we' go arpiind; the more .>ye. haye.come to the ^cbnciusiob youth;^;V ::a\ beautiful ::tbing ...;; ;';sb' beautiful;;. iTs-a .shame: it's ;\yasted: on yputiii, and. rempmber .this :;any tirab- '^y^ comes ;'up, to - yd''! arid ' teils: ■ypu he IS sick or: '^Hollywood,:; you .can lay: iOrl in- the Winter, books :th,at Hpllywbbd gpi sick of him first :;, i .; al.so take ,a tip from this niugg, dprt'i. go to Hollywood without a jbb ., . ;remernber, even Fordhatri is' waiting tor ^n iiivitStibn! niiladelphia,; Dec. i, ;.-,Ajppe'als by Herbert Leitsteib arid 'SITE. Eva Fbk fPob:i;,r4ilings that they; were in «ribiinai; b^ bf court ;for. fbfuifah|g---4o'\testify 0 ;:the',--W]l-';' liam Fox btuiluvptoy ; ii^^^^ in 1936 Were ;ai:jgue^ S.. Circuit Cburt of Apt)eai^: bbre yesterday; Ueitstein was bbdkkeeper and treas- ujier, and ;Mfs,. .'Fox; : p of All- Continent Cbi:p..Fox^^' a have set up the, corpbratibh and then turned-;oyer~ all"; hl?^irs1sbts fOre' he went bankrupt.,. -.' "Decisibn;.'-a6'' to, 'Lbitstein-y was;-; re^: served: by the appeals court-: Mrs! Fox's attprneysi:; hpweVer, werb" or-- dbred to get in touch With her at onoe and report ba<;k to the cobrt - and opposing counsel whether herV ^estiniony could hot be takbrt in; her: Jibraie or •■hotel.-;:;.:;.;,^ ..-j^^^^^ ITaiBy <H)ntiend She: is ill and gruel- v ing erbssHexaminatiori might , even endanger her Ufe. They said shie was willing to testify,: but: heir dPctor ,^orb,bde it- now, juist as'lie, did When , she failed to. appear- the summer 0t.-198i5;;;';-;; ^■^; :iO'. :V':?'- LeitsteinV counsel, argued that the ;fprmer treasurer,;- -w^ 'i'ustffibicj--- ibV;, WithhbMing ceiitaih:1nforf^ apbeaired; on the pages bf Ali-tpnti- nerit's cash book;; heciaUse it was' ir?: - .reieVaht tb lie ^>iawkruptcy; p^^ ihgs and.;<^6nfidentlall':..';; Contempt proceedings, against Leit- ;,jsteiri were;'jstarted.--ais'':: .:■,'•■ rbsult,-- .of;"; cross7exaihihaiibn , * ; Atlantic; ■ City,' before; Referee Robert ,E. Stbed le. He .Was::..bfeihg .ques;liOned ;;.by . A •Walter. ;-lIanstein, --couhisel4^^^^ the .-- Capital .Co. and. Ghica^p ; "Title/ & Trust Co;; two pHncipal creditors bf Fox, who refused; ;tb; testify regard-; ing entries:on six or eight pages of the eiash book,, or/supply, phbtostati , copies of them.; ; Hanstein d^nianded the: referee, cite;~ him; fbi: cprrtempt.;' Subsequently,.- Jii&gfi Jbhn Boyd Ay is, bf the: U. S. District Court, -of New. ■ Jer.sey* sqs- .tairied the refereb and held Leit- . stein; ■ • Mrs. Fox was.examibed: before; the refferee on A^g. 25, 1936. She was • <prdered to awbirn the next day; S did .not ;appeiar b^ counsel rc~. pbrtod she . was ill.: .He. pix>diiced a : doctor's certificate. Hahstein ,bb? tained; the court's, permission 'to hsiyii.''. : two other doctors examine; her.; 'I'hey ; repprted bMk that 6^ was physicaily '.fit to; attend,; the ;-hearing6. ■ ^•J;:'.SyULmGS.;\--'r:^ Jan. S (Pariis to New York ) Spado- iini, Tamirova:(lie, de France); Dec; 21 (Yokbhama to :!5.nn Fr.in- biscb) Sai Shoki:and; Co. tChichibii Maru).- -: ;:;-;" ;^;r%: -— Dec. 18; (Pari^ to New York) Ed; Perkins ; (Normahdie). " Dec. 15 (New York to London;) Jim >yitteried (Queen Mary)., bee. 9 (London to New 'York) Lionel Barrymore (Europa )^ ;; Dec. 8;(London to New York) Jack Hylton, Robert Taylor, Lionel Bar- rymbre, Jack Conway, Auriol Lee, John;Wolfenden; Harry Ham (Queen' Mary). , . -; ' • -^'y ;-', ;•, ■:, ; Dec. 8 ^New York to London) Henry Sherek, Mr. and Mrs, John: Loder, Mr. and Mrs. Richard: War- ner, Arthut MacRae, A.,;Wcbb, W , ley ; Buggies, Louis Dreyfu.s, S. C. Sfcouras, • Mi*, and Mrs. JOse Luce ion i, Emil Lud'wig, Mr. and Mrs. Mtirljuid Graham, Jean Levy-Strauss iN*"'"" niandie).• . •/;■ ■ 's- 'r. Dec. 8 <New York to, London) Der- rick de Marney <Aquitania). Dec. 4 (New York to Los An gel e.*;)' Mr. ;ahd 'Mrs. George ;Ai]-i.ss (Santa Paula), ; ■->• -■: :^ Dec. 4 (New ; Yoi'k . to ^ Lpodon J Henry ■Lai'tigue., :Thre,e Spphisticiites (Lafpyctte). Nov. 26 (London to South Africa) Mr, and Mrs. Percy Hbnri (Warwick, Castle)/ T ^"^ ■"-•'■-"'• ■—;'";•"■,',- - ARRIVALS ; Wbndell P. Dodge, Frank M<HOgh,. Harold Holt, Arthur; Homblbw, Kathe'ribe Harvey. Medeleine;'Car- roll, Max Factor, Andre David. Tito" Schip^a, Mrsi Ben Goetz, MiUirefn P'Sullivan, Al Lichtmari. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Berger, Jphn Hay Whit- ney, Ann GreenWay, Jbrne.^? Bii.^cvi. Gils S.chacfer.vbiavid J- 'Vorhirn.':. J"o : Srideiman. ;Ji H; Whitney.: