Variety (Dec 1937)

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12 VARIETY ■ - iy- Jot j'i ■ '/■^^ ■.'■'^'■■■ V^.;'' "'V'-.;:;-.:-':^/:V , CbdiafeHs, CiUM^-PecV'?^^^ ^W^lI°how^at the -fadtbaiV $enson-ip o\^er the newsye^ls'^ve; hpf ^i^^ re^ lapse to the ^bod^Qld :battleshij5s:>wo.ipsteak: wi^ S<£ ivjafcolini .mugging, "Hitler i vsisiflg his:*hand vto leave tl>e .room. SS^&cS^ng like he dbh't Ijeli^;^ .?nybody j,nd .shots of, the Japs^brerto ^ rlVtna (that ain't a bad gas )> Yes sir. the newsreels. are back to theu Sm iMit tiow ^w baii afJvertise Txvf^ reel I don't know'^hy they ifiP tiyh^exfjense of 5endm^.th(Jm,^ wpfil- when all they got to d'o is l-save'a <;'tfm itier arid \vinter relpasc. w i\ h S^eiX^^Ss kcep'vunnihjr ih ScSnccv Some of. thoseVnev^si^ec^Ik just:,prove ;that: there/isn't anything, new iirider^hfe- sUri;W^^^^ . : ' >:,-■ To malte matters: worse i played., a picture called 'Dark Horse* and^ the people ihiist-have thought it \v^^^^ Plouse 'caus.i? they didn't q.eimc in. Gilo guy of tiie dozen that Avas in iitirt^tcd to. razz the picture so I went down and told liim if he didh't slop l\d chiick hihi out Jie; l6okcd ,aroi,md at the empty house artdv^aid, ^Voii fed better gp /outside; and; chuck sqitw:- biaCy. irtiV Thcsfe 'yokels.^are getUu'^tjso^ snTiar>ed>up;- U;.jT^ust be. from ;th^ iria*<r:zines^l'knov/ it can't thi; r^idio.;.:~.,VV . -^^^ '': '. .vi ' V I bou-jht a swbli popcorn,.-!ic .and stuck, it in the lobby and: got. Beulah takins ctire of it. I als;b b;« .a. slick looking weighing .machnie. Tlio lobby looks a little clo.'ii:ed. .i\, but. the tew people, that, happen : to Wander .in :cah; sqiiceze ^through;Tlici^<;rif.^ swell pi^bfit in- .popcom, and vthe wei.sKn:?-:m?chih6 .sa i;h6w.ed.' rhe- thjf. gimmick; on th^ :whore,i:caivre'^latc\.tiv3m,V'-'v->.-^^ , You sccv-theAVomon that are reducing: stick to' one' scale, and you sort o£ boost business when jrou. rc^uWic-ihiB' scale a pound of pxp either wc^y. Vic thoii'ht r §hculd advertise -it r:s tfte .lo\Y6st;;scale. in iqwn/: .t^ women-t^rCCi bUt r li^utc it:s best tor thfcm to ifihd>;oift; tor themselves. I jiist ftxcd thbm t\vo pounlis Tov/er tlVr.n the one th^. guy hdS in' the corner ('vu^Hore arid 1 v/as doing .swell ■ business, .because 'aftei: they wciiJhcd tiicm^elvcs and,shw tlirit'they :lb:;t 'a irvrpounds;the(y would buy popcorjr. But it waa too 20od to'last/thc driigsVore guy Put up a holler anji thc candy store^dtwh-the street Uirfiatcncd to^^ul^^n sellirtg ^'i^wouidnMa minded so rniich but ; they put the beef .In to ihp :£:ity . widen .the Mad AbbUt Music MKoUyi^ood, p<^c.;l^ With.eompietion of 'An. Old. ■ SiVow .HaV for! 20th-Fox -last . Week Mack GOrdoh and :HajL:ry i /JRevel brought thbir .record;:^t^^^ • .15(5songs ■ •:in >:the last;/.jUv^i?^ ■ :/yearsyviin ayerage; . Of. .:.:;:'a . \vcek-which.the cleffe • is sohie: kind of a record, r^. .- 'Wells Fargo;' or ^ into the N: :Y. I'ara- mount VMoriday (6); tbi^ .a/sneaife preview, -Hollywood .istyle, With ; ciii-ds passed out to patrbns ihvifirtg '^^^^ 'seems ai: TEKO'SHEA SET-TO E. .iTeci V b'Shea; arri^ in New York. jyiohd:^ ;< 6) to t^lc oyer ^hc easiern: ^d'istribt ''niiinager:S(liip.,for ?ae(rb,:; succeeding ..BiliSc^^^ . moves over ,to yhiVersal Jari; 1..; |;Iic:r;i ~ 'coiifirmatlori of .the. appoint- rnent ■ of O'Shea ;is. exppcted;:to be .made\ in. ehicago Friday. .;.(10) .'Ayhen .JMetiro holds: a- sales.nicctinj:.,.William^ Rbd^ers,. go neraV :managcr,. is coinihiT. on .from the Coa^t to .^re-. side ■oyor.."that;m.ceting^^ 'v...? ■ ■ In Addition to-ailriqunC^ O'Shca rs; Scully's ./.successor:- tq Ne>y York; at that mjceling, rcaiigHnVcrit on dis- t ricits' may;: be I discussed, although Bill Shirley;.; GhiCifigo district . chief :,v/hb - he's, long befcrt: ill,, is ..presently baclt : Jlie; job. . •He: was away .some time, iiine'ss .forcing. Me^ bring .lack;, Fiyhn in tlicro from: p^^^ Meantime,, O'iShea has been plnch- iiitiing for: Flynii oyer,;"the;. Detroit district; .his. .show plus - faick- ground, 'encoUragihs^Mctro -tor hliri to -rlfew: Yoi^ the tbp; di!? tnct'-'mijr.-'pQSt, : V-:-:^:.;Y;.. Q'SlieiH has: tjeeii: with Metro 1.9 years the . fiufi'slo^ and . Al- Ijiahy .exchah^^ies. Ralph Maw, ; as- sistcjit to G*Shea at Buff, niovcs; up to'succeed .ih^m; :;th^y:e., ..^^ V he must have seeri the pictui-cs wc run and figgers with-wider, exits the people could get but qutckei-. To rAb, me about my bad investment she put: tlie popcorn and scales ih bur flat and: when: I come ho^ hands me frecli .popicbrh and; tbils 'ma to get; on the /scales 'iandAyei^^ .it- self .■; She' sure has a screwy sense' of hvunbr:.;' : *.. • ■; ..• . The only cbihiibrt i have these days is thai bur dahcing schopl is doing a swell business. Vic and Flo'started tcachihg the Big Apple and iVs becqmr ing the rage of the town. Even the banker gave. up his tap dancing ^nd is going iEor the Big Apple. ; We -got:a bunch ; of OW joining ^the classes and :when they fell get: togblhcr clapping their hands,. Ch^rlestoning • and truckinV the joint look.s like a bUnch of rheumatic savages broke lo.pse : doings waiL.daiiceLJSieyiyc^ to one old guy, *ybu never s<i.w :daricingTt^fe'^^t^^^ in th^pld idays. —And- he said, ^Qnce, but the place was l^ai<led.'^ ..^..^ I Wish ybii could get a load of Aggie rgettm' hot and truckin.; She took to the Big Apple a puppy to milk: Now she wants to give up Reaching the kid class anesthetic dsincing sind. go stompin'^around \yith the older fqlits. li's funny what foolish things, ybu'go ,forjwhen. you get qld^enough nbt'to.: ■''.■'';■■•:■•■:■.■■ ■■■;. ■': ■'::" ■ •'">; Vv. ~'.'':;:.": .:.,,V /'^"/ . Wcli: rembhiber^ us to the; boys;and girls, q^ the cold weather sets: In that the library ain^^ a ,bad spot^^o heat ,up -the mind and the bo'dy. Lovjei ahd kK^ses vsci '■■■•■;:'.■■'■• ■•■': ..:■ Your pal, . . ■■■ '.■:.'.^ .■■■■./.'^\'^'- r -^J'. ■ ■■ } :■■ ■,. ;,:•:' ".:... ;:•.■ v ;.:. ■.;vLe/fi;.. P. S.-keiiyoii.. Niblibi^qiv sez^:^Hb IcrioWf a; rfi&n'who^ Insomnia: keeps w.aking hinV,upveycry;:;jEew;d^^ ■ '■ ■-''- Joe Laurie* Jr^s^ *Lefty' .Kenyon Nicholsoh, :5liite<i: to return (o HbUywqqd- on a Paramolmt script^ ihg = cohtraci,; ' drarolatizing; Joe ■Laiirie;. Jr^is: >Lefty■ .:seriiBit! in yAiiiKTY. Laurie ■'.may . ..siccqrnp for .the.collaboratiqri. . Pidywright has,Jirtiimy and^Lucille Webster Oleasqn „ mind'; for the I LfcJ^y:iAggiej;h rtic ters, ; aiid: wil COnferi;^etvhe getttjs/es' straiht of' BLalph Mbrgani to the odd effect acliieyed by. Mairy, Na^h. Her: gentler .moments-tiren't .so bad, but;in/ 6hger:Mis5 ;i>?i^^ a:s;.a ^southern; f:;critle\yqnriah, is a cross bctwceri;;a' NeW England shrew, and Amqs i ' ;Andi%? It seems a Jittle Unfiii^ ;jan; acttcsS: to vhtiVe performance blutterbd/^i^^ .^obenl uhsuited te her voice. .'.;;,■ ]^:'. ';■ ;. iPrahccs i3ee handles the. DiNie; drawl better tsxcept for /dlfticiilty.:Avith: ^ vyords Ilk 'very' and a tendency to! fbrjJtt AV it comes :td '1.' ; Arid: she ;;. finds it irtipo-ssible to be .squth.erri. and lq\ver hbr, lidsi: ;Living below■ the, ; M;•^^^^^e;giycs;•her;;ia;■chrq^ '.'■:■:.■' 'v- '.'\.'.J'.;.'' ■^;::;v- ; The maketip^ seems to hav^ been very iaib^ent-tnindcd in the matter of adding iears to the; /Both Frrinces Dee and lieir: husband- ; jbel McCreav age very riapidly in just a few year's. ; Theri/fbr 10 nipre.years ^ .kliiss Ipeie. gets noi/gi-aybrj^vw^^^ jiiuite obvibiiPiy . glued tq McCreJi's; tenrt'Ri^ arid frqsf added to an4 eyelashes; The effect makes: him look like, ja very yqcirig man who lias been out. iii.a^i '; stprm; ;';:"'.'. :'-h''[i-'-:--':'-y.r -''-^.^ ::.^ .A■ .'';■.•..■ ••.-.:'; ". ebstUnie.<5; executed by Edith Head;: afe all qf, the prev and' pq^t^dlvil; .: War period.; "Shbrt-fitted basques; iaiid.huge • hoop "skirts,: woi'ii With floppy ■ flower trimnied hats;; .Stva^^ Pee \years: fur e'nly when: she; arrives, in- Califbrhia-va, hcqded cape, bandcdr ali; arbund. In dark, ffirr [rbr,,hcr :fiivihoqd;.-slic :\y .ing:.tifii/pbm'padoiuKth^^ '':."V.'•:'•■•:::..'\::{.: v''.\''-' -.. •A«<(!ei4s'Ov«i''-^Dininer^^^^^ . It:iook!5 Jike producers: are going to go right bh iiripiorting foreign ;sita rs until they -find 'aribtlier Garbo:..' :They' shou^^^ reminded .that; .Oarbb's ' ; i^rcatcst: explbitation-ca:hi ^ pictvire;. The Frerich; ArinabeUh might have had:^a^^^^ without Vs^iiph sqi^ldihg .of . (p^ :sircn.s .tha;t no ritere iiiuman^^^ live up;"tq. .".;;■■'':••••."'• •■. •-;':'^ . .■';';: r-,:- '[■■■:'.■'■'■■■:■:■■■.'.]■■■:'■■' ■: ;'. ;:• '■ This accerit Is an.; odd. IVit .of psydhqlqgy;, It's, corisid.ered>'un- : : educated': Wihon qn F^^ fbreigh tbriguc a\yk-. ;: wardly. -But when visitor^ :Shorfcs.haye a decided back;liqme; : 'accent,. iV3::.*adbrablel'': '^'. ''i.';:.'.;. ;-;.•;•".!;. .v. :■' .■ ■;■. .: ■■■•.■■:' '■■' ■.■■■"■'•\; " ■••■; '-■ /:'IJinribr: at the rtitz' ;; an accent; field;day^^^ of :course/;a Frenbh girl'j.'h a decided one. Stewart.Rqihey .her^ Fmich^'fatHbr^^^ ;: ^ Annabella's.Freiich'niaid^:.:■,.:^;.;■.. :^-.--'C"-^''^ ■:-'.;-'r':' CPautLukas, the: eqwipiped with anvabceri^^^^ ■. David,slightly British^^^ Biit the nicest:touch; in the ;acceni:;departmerit is:^W^ ; -feciuiriefi tq be a ouisiae.'tne sjia.ics. any genuine^ /viij«i"itKn,..v:yvi\ rcA.cia. w vyu as:^the States^it's because hc^^ :wcc;ks Lbndqhi^'':,r'■■..' '.''•'■•".- ■■■■■■ '--^ : .^.-r' 'Dinripr at, the ;Ritz! is a depavtijrc; from the .accepted; forinula; fqrj intro? ducing foi-blgn. iinpbrtation^ of .the Usual playirig dowit: of' stbry and qthbr' rmcmbcrs of ;thie cast, so the ;—c^in'l^eoiiciEsntnrten^^ —^——— " '" —- ^1 AIMAN'S 20TH ANNl .. ^.:v:.;,Albany, ■Dbc;.7,;;;' Reservations for; ihb jdiriner to.. be: (L'iven Si Fabian at the .De: Witt Cliil- ton hotel. Dec;::13r Qn;his :2pth anni- versary as a picture, exhibitoiv haye already passed, .the 250 mark- ari'J prqbably wLll reach : 403, pcUl; ac- cording tq- Chairmari Phil .jFox^ diis- Irict manager for Columbia. •.. A hajf dozen special: cars,; attiached to .the 4:20 p.m; train £rqm New; Yorlc, will help, to: carry :N. Y.: C. :'ow:a tp the capital. Pianos will; als'b. be used lb bring film executives, exhibitqrs and managers from New. York, ;By(- falo; Boston .kridV Pittsburgh, 'rhe mayors of /Al,b.uny.. f-roy and 'Sphcr neotady .will attbrid .the'.a'ffair/: An irir: vitation has .been;extbndcd', tp .'C^oy-• ernq^^ Lehmairi;- ''. Andy Smith, " sales; manager;, of Unitbd Artists, w'i.ll....scr'ye.'.as' t.past-.; riias.ter,: bnd..;a .nujniiDef pt yj.k. :"p^c- turc .men will 'speak...-;' A." ^ laiJoriiH.* H.lov show \ylU..t>b. s.tfiged; ...RejD; efCri- .la.tive's' qt thevvii'ribus producing ai.cJ dIstributin^^i.- cq;mp.aiijcS tered..on Albany's- film -row aire ...worl;-.' ing. with Fox; on the dinner, coiur ..mitt'ee;"'Fabian operates a gvq.ui>; nf theatres in; the Albany arba.. :•..''. •; Ekecutives; oi^;a-U cbmparijCR;' pl.Vi? friends from: varibus points ..of .^he XJ: S., will '.^jwbli: the; tcs'Umqnla1\din^ ner■ to .-A.-.-11.■ Blniik. in .:Dcs.- Mo.inbs tomorrow night;iThnrs,), i^flebi-'ating his silver anrilyci'.sary a ..shbwnian ■ Ivane. Leaves ' Zep Marx, :' ■ :'.•■■. Hollywood, ;Dpc. 7.- Walter Kane; has left the: Zcppq JVIgrx agency after three years..; • . He'll likely; tie up: with a mpjar »tudio as talent exec. .. '; > ■ :; Hollywood, Dec. -7. , In:«>m thepex:;-; t)ehse Of taking gallopeiV troupes', to location at Kernsville, Sol ; Lesseiv will: construct? an: entire western: town at iEncinq; iri the Sari Fernando valley -Within easy: reach bf' all. the studios, 'after .the ■ holidays..: ; ;. • ■■ Initial - filnri tb be made there will bePrincipal's:: .'Laiighiiig Scrior," Smith .: Ballew starrer with ;. Lou Gehrig;; Lesser: plans to lease the; •ctDpQoother conipari ieS; ;■ ■; >; . Ross Making Series Of G^Ueffe Sho ;; ' ■ . ■-. ■;Hoilywobd^ Dec; .7..:: Jack i Chertok. Metro shorts . c:hie.r> has set Nat- Ross. to. rriaking a- series of cblieg-iate .briefies." which Will be a crew-racing twq-reeler, '.A Slrbke qf;Genius.':... ''..'V.: •"":■;■:' ';: ;:; rushing the;first 'Gaptajiri and the Kjds'. cartoon, for pre-JCmas ,re.]e?se%ith.:20 inkers ing ■ i.h • 'additiqji' to' the;-regul:i? ••s"iflfl'~■ -^•;-; ■.; -:•;';•';-■.' -;. ; .-■'• :-:'.^;;; ;.' On Trail of Canvisbacks Hollywqbd, Dec. 7 'Charlie Chan at the Rihg-side! Will be the next 2pth-Fqx production star- ving Warner Oland as the Chinese Sleuth. • .'■'•'•■ Picture is roll Jari; 4 with ,Tqhn. Stone in the producer ■spot, his first ; chbl'-e';follqwiriig: twq months journeying; in South .-America^' Stone diie; back Dec. 10, Only: other IS player spbtted. fbr; 'Chan'. |;Lu1:: :.v. ' -'.' IS ■ . Annabella, as Ranie Racme,. wears^ tin^r rburid; coliarsV .Hei"; bats are .Brctp^n back' of .the head,; "rrimrriing gives..theiin; Variety., One; has' a flowing veil worii ; on the head: with " the hat ' .lop and ^sjecured by a. barid^^ . She ind'ulgbs in .\yardi:ebe:flash, d^ Spahish; senOrita;: and very ; dashing jri the; black ,:y/igI :Qrie-Of th i$ a; whitb; cape.;suit» lined in black .and a>huge black hat with a ;white .fl A white.saii evening gown has the poured in silhouette and is : :;\v'ith; : a.shbrt: jacket ;that has those viiffleidi rhvvmba sleeves .so ;'i.htnguing On .Spa.h- ; ish mur.i.ciansi:. Thaf last ;iteni; ah "idea, for sbnie■ eritcrpriking designer.; ': Looks like a great help, tb;a girl who wants io go romantic In the" evening. •: : ■■■■'■■■. .■.•;•.;■ ; Ski Note at the Roxy : - Bartb arid Mann,, heading; thC: Roxy stage shbw, pi*ove to the ;satisfactibii bf . any dqubter.s. that- they caii .b and still .dispense. With; that .'baby' bit; .ISO 'distressing; to bur more ;serisit,|ye :ci^^^ Conn Ule^ Rents Space . ;;;. llbllyWoodv; Dec... ■Maiirice. Conn . is. renting; S'P'^'Ce :.Jit the; Cqnn stUdio Hylth; his own pr^q-; a standstill^: 'I^bw utji i'4ng the .stages are Max arid Arthur Alex 'Grime* Pays Mprris •. . ;'v': .;■';■- Hollywood, pec.:7, —ehT?stcr^Mx)Tris-TS-tq-bex'0- f b atU red Vith:.;Anne- .Shii-ley. ' ; :'Grime' ;af RKO as his initial asignnrient;uqder a new playing termer.. ; ; Edunrdo Gianclli plays the heayy with ;Le.w . Lariders . directing and Robert Sisk .produci '.\\: PLACES^iPIEASE - Hollywood, Dec. 7, : RKO placed: ''Joy .qf jL^^ wori; today (Tues.) witli Felix Young producing, Tay Garnett directing fjnd .Irbne -' Duiine; bo'u'glaS Fairbdhk.s; ;Jr.> has the .male icrd.- • ■ -'^ ;■.'.; . ' : ;:• - ,-. Guy'KibiDoe ;a.iid Alice.hiiye .feaiui'ed.;roies.;; .■ ;.:^' . ■" .'.,■''..-''; I : Pjx- iiV Yiddish-English . .. C-ollaptive- •;:Fiim.' Prbduc.ers,'; -.In'c:,. start -shootihg: - Dayid r Pinski's. story ■ ^bnkciV;^thc'Blacksmi;th.' Decwily, ..Is bnc:\b,f \ \seri,es; of .:'Y;!ddish/ films;: Second pic;qn the ..schediilb .is, ',Orie;i Acbsta.^a story strUgglb bf the . Jews vs,; the .Romans.;; Firm's ..producti.qir wasVGre^^ Fields;.'; iPlan's: also, call for ;a.' prbdubtibri .titled. "The .Life;qf ;.SpinbV,a^ iivh.'-;. :" -f...'.... ... •;.:'..' ■.'•" '.;• ■''; '■■;''. ; white cbstumes with .tiny circular:, sldr^ .oyer; red;: leotard dancers dress the stage for bafitonb i'Walter:;Cassel*s.;'.Rbse^^ picture; gbwri..s: With yard.S ia^^ of pearl white :skir;ts,::criOrmbu^ -mj.njj<\jjiaikLjm ^ :• •; :: ' /. : - • : .; ; V ;.. Bifrtq and .Mahn :firii?h: with a bdckgrburid..;qf; F.oste^^^ fipwing backless evening gowh.s of .blue;ehi;froh over petal pitik petticoats." . v.^. Prdlctavianisni With a Hi-de-ili; ••^v' .;. .'. One of the.mofit .sir;Sremely.confident :group^^^ to face the footlights r ma'de its Eippcarancb; S 27); aV Labqr. Stagej,: R ; .'Pins, and .;Need.le.Si.'.:. All mem.bcrs pf affiliated, with the .Garmcrit Woriiers' .Union,..but their ^suW wbiild shame . m.vny a. sta-';;c: vb^^ The play. ..Sponsored by tiie. I;;;L', :,G.'; lAhgels' Eden, Miussolini.;;Hjtlcr;.dnd an; ahbnynibus ..Japanese : . '.: played by ;A1 Elpcn' '.(L.' 117,' :C!o:akriiVijcers).,: Hyman,; Gq^^^^ (L. 10.., : Murray :;Mo;d?ck (L.] (iO, Pi-e,*>scrs'V: arid Paul Seymour '.(L.' 6(5, Bb'na'z, Erii- •: .;...: / ..,;.■■■..^'■';'-;\.;..";:.;,' V;;''. .''.•■':..^ ■■'' .'; ' ./:-'.,:^..^;..;■';;'./ -.; . •.;CosttiriiinK i.s.e sim'pJiciri the n.iain^';baliet wearing cotton mqi^hc;' bubbarcis, aivd.:.»:p(ec.ialtiesi;' w t.wO exceptions; rcrid.cred ,i)i;s)mpl' black.drcs«c.S: ith 16i,ichQ.s of ..wliite;.-. ;-.; •■;.;' ' ; :; ■ Two ball.ct.s. "Ptti^^ecJ, ijy;C;iiipk/Sa')iidor..'^^ .' Jdentii:aV.Saye..''that ;tiie^^ i>mile in qnielof thbm. :Bbth;se!omed',tb be based on setting up,. depicting: :.Jihccbrding^tq;thc- li' ■ '•.;;: .■; . • >; '.': > •: :'' vvLynpc- Ji'ffo '^L;!' 2^^ .piclcet;, liecldbrs ili';vit:-I:?h .Cricket ':tq ;"Picliet, : .wba'i.-:ing .a . bl'a'ck: .salin; frock- with-, silver'fox ,'.^carf i:tq.. denote'. capital iJ;'nr. :r'- pie arider: producing' " '.The Shadow- Speaks' fqr Grand>;Natiqnal.r.arid,.J :B'ucli, making 'Raiigcrs Fioiiriciup' ;fbr Spectrum.'.'/■ -'".; .';'' .; Other rental deals krc: on .the. fire with Farichbri Royer ajready- skederl 'to, make ..'Mrs: Houdini.-. Speak^ -Oil ihc lot iioxt. \ycek. ■■.;.-;.;:'■ ;•/ ■:' : 1.; Biirryhiore Rctiirni ;; V. kqllywqod^. Dec.;. 7 : Librie4 Barrynibre returns to MetrV) rirbundv: Dec;' fl? ;tb Test Pilot,> \yh.ich i fist, wceli, w ith Spb Gable and M.yrn.a • .IBarryrtiqre. recen role in . 'A Yspk ' Robert; Tay ior.; and yaii abrojid,: ;-.' ;.; join. the. ca-St qf got:under. Way nceir Tracy, Clark Lqy tqpsp.otted..; : tly,corripietcd; his at Oxford" with O.'S'ullis .iv, I my It-11 miiiijc vvijiizi-liu.sq.ij.-z^, ijrf.,s.smaKcr5,...w lu ii.u.i y-". aJargc pfircentage:.or 0}e (iile Siie.vvears cferise chiffon^ gi.i'dlfe^ with' .mi.ttcliiiig. velvet ribbon, w strfcariibrs .falling frbm the iieck-' '.line,;'■•.■;:,■'■.;■; ;:,.■.": ■'■ ~■-■^:\':f'■ V ■;'' ■ '..'■■■ '''■;'..^ ■■ ':''' "'': •^ UiVtil';'tho^ncw^;y'diy ''Pins ,arid 'Ncedlcf;'' will ^b e■;pr GSCntcd• W .arid .Sntiirdayv after whiciv it ;w:iir .rijRht.; -' .,\'■ ';;■:;: ;■' ] . '■ '- '''X/'-i'. f'• ^■■'■[ '/■■■ '";• ■.-:- ■■'-';; .; T;hc-C' \yas;a,.faTrilly': capital finale When a^. huge fiqwei"'. ofTcrihg. was handed • over: 'the; fbotl ights;: '• Seie.hied -to bb; fqiv. the .entrre.- company :;thbugh, ;- it u^y.sii't presented;.;tO; ahyooc- in particiilar::-- :.caiis!rig ohe fcmmc meiTiber of the ca'.st lb stoop' with each fall of 'tam.- ii'i.;; .■.frnn.tic 'a-itb'inpt. tb'; read .t'i'b . .{tttach.e.d.: bard ;:.befqre ..-the ;a»:best<ji<' .\<;;Gnt' iip: aga"rii'''.:.:;■;;.'•; ■/■' >.• ■. ; ;:v ■ .■ . ' ...'; ^ ,■:•■;.-' ::''■ ; ' ;;'; ■■" :K;