Variety (Dec 1937)

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VARIETY 17 Git Alpiiii?» Little PogiQ Ycle;as8> Stars Jo3e;nh--ICane.: librccH 'and ^ Siuart.' Mor- ;'..'«iin- famerqi, Gus Pbiersph; editor, TOny 5 VAtell i-Heni Allen. Smiley: Bui;r(oUp. fmirisci-;;-, .>...,.;. »wcwon. \Hc>*Mu.n Ml N\vol!.V.. U .ir. i.. iAVmiain .-Karnum ^iowi. , .V......TOHle-VMni; Jlnri ■. i ,V. V... ;. t,,.:.. .....;., ,CafIo(on Yo^nk AVIII unit lilW'lya 'Alvearn.;.:i;,..ThemsQlvpa •Thii.C-'nIiln Klrtfli.'.,,... i, ... .kV.Thrinsplyes Chitniplo't- . V..;.. i .'.y * • .'• •..«.«• iv.Criarnplon . Newest Autry will not find favor, even irt the lower braeket^d: dualsv As a western it is devoid • pf : action; cohfihih? gunplay^ etc;,; to the punc- furiii^e of automobile • tires. Should, be bi'lled as: a musical rather than .a.n actibrier. It contains ho less thah: seven turles surtg by 'Autryi Burnette, arid the Maplie'City Four; frbm radio. Burriette. the quiartet- and .Willie Fungk Chinese cbmedian. supply the . corriedy; :Will arid Gladys.. Ahearrty Avho did a .dancing and; rope spinninj? turri iii 'vaude, have "a~ small bit as do the Cabin Ki^s.;. Judith Allen pror i^yides'Tdniancev:7/';".;^'^^^ ^tory^'deals with a battle between valley ranchers; arid: drillers of .art ibit- ■.virfeU. Aiitry is the leader of the ob- jectors to. thfe well. Ranchers' main- objection is- that the well, if brbught in. will pollute a. rieatby cre]ek from , which: their caittlie.'dtihk.Autry sud^. deriiy switches his alliSgiiance upoh. being, informed that if the .drilling: is successiiil. tlie ■ rsiilroad lAvill . r^^^ a- branch .line' into vthe; town. Well .is being financed :by; Miss. Alileh's fathei-j the hfead ol the Ciariyptt Gity, banlc> •;u§ing .the: brink's iurids/ ^iss Allen • is th r.bwher- arid bperatdr .of .a;radio, station. .,' Weldbn; ■ 'Haybtirri :is the chief bjl driller accepting aid' from . Judith's-dad>.-and who doesn't intend .bringing iri; the .Welt uritil ihe latter's money and bpitipn runs out. Autry uncovers, the. plot.,not withbut diffir . ciilty, unmasks Hayburn" as. the vil^ ~. laiin, aind assumes responsibility, for tfie. giri arid tlVe drillirig opieratibris; ■ tihal reel has th6 audierice' siri'ging ' .cowboy .arid foik'nuinbclrs .^to . words .flashed, bri the screen, bouricirig' ball ..~ fashioril-^ Camera- Syork is okay; as. is ; spundj. but direction slowr.. . (FRENCH MADE) ■■'■ 'i C(>htemporary Aniuscrftents, inc»i; release .of fllrti; pifoaucea: ciSlliBCtlvely bv a Krbup . • of' acttn-s,. techntclalns and' worlcera. Dlreo- tpr,- .tean- Renplr. At Bfi^lr'-. >i. T.j week .Deo..!, 'tfii Running ttniei 62 mlhs.'.' shown lying on the battlefield, is; cut short. His skull suddenly leaves his body .'and "floats' to the screien for a gruesortie Iristai^t.. . - Filhi-is interesting arid-alsb^ .com^;ellihg/. ■ It was, mlida. for :.Pe:P- ;ple?s.'Frbri,t prbpagarida' sss.veral years, ago .and shown here, ^according fb' exhibsj - because . pf_ itis; artjstib -iri- terest.;. It's; more': of Coni- hriuriist. ziea'l and ,fervor-; thah^ airt, howevei'. . American. distributiPn is iimited principally to labor grpupsi ' A y • ;-•; ':r ^i(BRiT|SH^' .MADE)-•'; ''L . ' Ir ■'^■■^'^^ ..' ■Ofiiei;iil Fllhv. .T>lslrH>utor».ri>I'eus(? .cif' Cinu-. .ini»nl.-Urll.lHU projucllpii, .Slxn'3 :;Xova' I'll' Iwarti: fAitm-cia. DPiTloU ![le--.JVIu-l'h6y; Plrcpt-. t(l. l)y ,; AlCrsi] .IHUvhcibo;;.. Scrcsii .Dluy . Uj'■ Cbni'li>s Uonnt»ltV J'.ilyvln•()rppn\v'nr)(l; .Antony. Armstr'fntr. froi»;..1.6sp[).hln.e Toy's/novel;' 'A: JjUlilliVn '• l'or\ I'undl' h':; ' i-yjiiPri.i. Berniird. KiuVwIi'. i ■ A,t ■ tlis; Phoeiilx; • Ijoriilojri. -Rmv-:.-. nln.?;tiine, ■W.intn.a:. \. . ■ , I i'.'N6yiV; Pilbsairi ,','rlcli! tie. JIarney' ... V. .i'ercy M.irmont .;.,., lOjlwnrd Rfffby: .....■..;... .■Ma'ry:,.Ciiirc: '. .-. v.. . J.ohn .IjonRilcn ..,.. .'iC'corcc COrZori' .Rush Uiidfonl I'iirhf lii. Gnrme ....V. i.;.;J. 'IL'-nobcii-.ia PER POHIMSWELER ;-^' ; Y'tHE' JESTER^)\'..\ ;\ - -' .;. ;.,(Pp^isi|..MAl)Ey: ;:'y . ,S|)rilii.x- '■.Film ' C^o.cp. . ;,rpleii'si.> .of '.Ti).'!<''ph rem. ■ jlrodviVtlcirr-. t'etiUiroa • ■'MiriutJi vj'i'ssyn. fiyrtilo' JiiVolison, iniin't ■■'riiri- kiiws" ■ UliVi'iea by jokenli.-.'(li-i.'eri siiV.l jiih: Nor.wlntt;, l*;rzyb,visUl.' ■.Scouiirro : by ' ilosei'h ■'.leinrj 4la)oi;; AtiU lyvlc.s, .1; ■MuhpL'i-'; niusfi";; Clpo|;i'43 IJrofU-z.'jy" ',■ ■ liirtOpa.V .Spwireo^n Slelinv.Un'pl. A't ('•riiico,y'., wv't'U' Dp.c;' /. ';17. Kiinnins ■iiini',...S!) liitns, • ;• . ,.r. ,; ■,MJrIii;n.i Krft.'s.syn. i'lymlo;''J icu|)!}i)|i .'. .'/iyKiuiilrit Turljow '■;. .VJzy.lf f<'ainl)or« .. •. .MiiUi].. JJonyU \/;:.';i;:'i:t:r r.ltwlna ..:...•.:Rni..\r.n>in ; :.. Jili-oli; ■ lt(ijhstl:is , ..i. ■.Atnlfs ..JJryii' ■...-, .ti«,mi»i>| . I-iin(]:iu- .-..-.. ; ..InUub .i-'lfZor Rstbcr; DIoltVv. ... .V.;.\ ..VV. 'cts()>l ,i /i -> . ; ; . UM), XiiM'if.nU .,, . il;nntlra.U)Cr . ralppic, , . . Tj-^nh. . . Holifer.; Caretdkiw.-,-,..,-. Rich .Mill?.! i •Marriage Jiin.kOiV:., Kvlva .: .... ... ..... Uobort .Tlxiliill.-.. . (■'oFohpl Hurpoyne. 01(i":Wlll.;.. T';rrca''3 '.Vunl; . Kr»rit. . 'v ' •..; tiijy Uiiole llnsll;.-.., rbrlstliio Clay.. sbuc:iii>r....:>... "/"^Not everi' the 'distributbn '■ • making any bones about this pic- • ture, which is frankly' billed;, as a propaganda ' piece. It's a jpiasfe>jnp job Using some dbicunientary mate^ ; riai . arid some . especially made for ;thei film, all haying a debided Com- munist slaiiit. It's an iriterestihg job of Alrri'making, but riot iap to the art 7 forrri whi;ch;its sporisors claim fbr it. As prbpiagari'da, while probably ef- • fective in the horiieland, best test is what /the local usherettes stated. They like ■ the film, but-, are . still; :': Dembcrats. ■• Cast' iriciude^ iriariy w.k.. Preric^^ film;actors 'appearirigi aripnymouisly, ; ;but who have pr€iViously been seen. ; • in' Rene- eiM ribir - pictures. ^This accounts' for,. . billing the; film, as a /French counter-, part of 'MilUoris; Pf; tJs;* siinilarly . made by . trade-iiriipn ;minde,d Hbllyr ^wood-^ to rs .; F il iri diff ersjrhoweverr in being strictly a Communist party '.•View.-- ■■.■■■';■'■■'■ .-.v'■' Introduction has school children ' discbvering that the wealthy control . .France.; Scenes tb point up 200 fam- ; iliesi cbntrbllirig" Fraftpe fPllpW/^V . pictures in a scrap-.bopk shown look- . ing Very mixch like those /published by Fortune mag . in ' its :biece; bn iTiunitiori ;' makers^ Weridels. are . . anjpng those.; shown;. Groix^-^de Feu ?rpcessibn on the Champs filysee fol- 0Ws and' actibn next movesv over to . Keadqiiarters. of, L'Humanitei; Gorhr ; ..niijiriist :Party;; paper; where.. Marcel Gachirt' is ejiamining his mail; . Three ; letters leiad irito the subsecjuerit se^ • i'Cfuences;'■';;.-■ , > . First shows develbpment bf a fac.-: tpry .stHke .,resultihg in, :a workers' ^yictpry.; Second: an auctibn. of ;/ a small bankrui)t farmer's PEbpertles ' ^which. a party ' m^ buys up' tor a few francs for his rblatives. This is similar to the"auctioris in the riii'd-i .;:dle .'.west '.a few,, years' ago. .arid, was • slid.wri iri; almbst the saine Way bn : :the Yi ;s.tage bv the Liviri? News- ■■■ ■■ paper .ill its ptbd'uctipn of 'TriplerA • .• ;Ploii«hed Under,' Firi^^^^ this. set;. Shows, -a .youhff : .''ty. V ./gi-ad .who -is drattsmari,-^^^^^^ ;. ■,'Jri,c.u,R-.v^fithvthe naHy.. ■■■ :/■. .- ;~ WJndup .. pf film has . a ' nieetln* Jei*«thily , addressed .. by.- -leading;. ./ Ffench Communists Who include ' .Marcel. Gachiri,' ■ Mauricb T.horcz; :; i^acciues; .puclbs.- .Vaillant^Couturier, ., Retiaud-Jean, Martha: Destu.rneauk.. .. |^''orii .here; everybbdy. exits .singing Pleasing,' artless vehicle iri;.'whichi to star .Nova;. Pi Ibeaiti ^vin' her • fitist ,^ro\vn-up .film tble. ; Prpductibn'Slow "in. patGhe^ arid could, bb greatly iriO!- proved vi'ith ;cuttirig: ;of bxtraneous bver-prblonged shots. Should; make gobd avbrage-Pfferiiiig^ Ipcatly, but not likely . to Pause hiuch stir elsewHere. Story: cpnccrns urisbplii.sticated yburig cpMntry' ;girl irivblved . with : an . cs-; capbd prispner 'and helping to ;prpve his ..ihnbc.enc,e. , Spme lovely cpastal: arid; dPUritry^ sceriiiis arid Whble ithing. Is beautifully photbgraphed.- : :bpenirig;' ;shbt. 'discloses . : viPlPnt quarrel; ;betweeri husband arid filrii; star .'wifb 'in Ipnely cliffsidis buriga- Ibw,,: tater 'a young ;rti|iri. findis' thb Virbmari's . body; washed up. ; 'the beach; .arid riios for. help. Two ;girls see; hirii, and thpir evidence helps get him: arrested bri'suspicibri of murder. He adriiits havirig known deceiased iri Hblly VirbPdi- but ^.realizes, cirbumistan- ;tiaL evidence, wilL^bb.hard..ib;.^efutei Eliides ..the; rustic escort ^while/g^^ into 'cpurt,' dohriing pilfered :glassciS( and sitting /ariiiorig: the public '.on-; .Ibbkiers* Hides in the shabby ::old car : belbnging ;• to? the - daughter " of the chief coristabiei pf ;the cbu'rity.: arid persuades her; to : help. him. Shb 'is young; and irigenubus; arid, ;thbugh not cbnviriced, has' riot the heart to drive hirii back to jail.; ; , ., She;, helps .hirii. uriearth: evidence that clears him and: the bby; realiz* ing he has riiade .the girl a cririiinal In the .6yes Of the. law^ gives himself lip;, but is. iristaritly ; released., .wheri the; girl discovers ;the real mur- :■ 01 Yiddish;, with English'THles:): • ',. .pleasant Yiddish . picture. ..SHou.ld plelas.e the 1 irii i ted., grbUps. to '.w h icli i t can. bp shown in the U.S.; but hardly! for'general Idistributton.;-;^ ' .. Filiri, 'is: set in Galicia .'only yester-- day,,' ; airid. features three -players, Miriani Krpssyri; a bbbblbr's-daii^^h- ter; Hyriiie Jacobspn. ;as/a strPlling circus arid: viaud^ ..player, and;. Zyg- rnund Turkbwl as an ^ unlVappy, wan- dbring peasant.;!: .Basis fpi,' the. story is hardly ripVel/ treatirig. ih;an intier.r:. cstirig y/ay, hoy/everv bf the aiibctiqiV pf Esther for-aii itirierant perlcirrrier.. wrhile' Getsel. the lonesoriier arid. dOr voted soul who iS :the"b'utt of every-; bPdy's jokes* is the unhaopy lover; ^Yhen Esther's father, the shobmakcr-.: comes virito; .unexpected ;.wealth - ha; tries^ to: .have ■■ His daughter ;married- nto-* a •; prpmirien t;;. fa.friiJy. • -This- is' brpkeri'up. wheri Getsel, as the' jester at. the PUiPirri v festival, • ihsults;-the. rich;lad's-iamily.;-' • ■ 'r':'s Pibture, ■ made, iqi Pqiland. includes mariy • old-fashioried . .Ghetto' :typ,es which; give. the..filrii a^ different type; of cast ;f.rom. that; to; .which Amprir cari . • audiehces. av.e ■ iaccus tonted;. Bearded-types of Jews, .\vith their iritercstiri'g faces .in the .supporting casti: aricl the : agreeable; singing of, Minairi Kress.Vri - lend . the picture bharm.; . pirectibn. is capable and pic lias gobd; canie'ra work, •but could: stand, cutting. : Nova; ftlbearri, give.s. a charming portrayal of innpcent girlhoodi yearn- ing toAyard.the. Strange, yoring riian iri. syrnijathy, gradually grPwing intb lpv6. Derrick . de. Mairriey. is./like-i able young ,loveip, , arid Percy - Mar^ mbnt a. glrapiQus/arid Iciridly father. Most.. oif - the siipportirig . 'parts are skillfiilly handled, -..lf the pic is not Wtehcock's best effort, it is by no mearis xmwprthy pf him, Cliem. LOVE OR A KINGDOM ;'.'(.FOLISH'^ MADE)'': . '•'.(■'fint rj(l'a. Pllrribic PoIsUi.cli roiease • of- Star -FiIi'iv'-p"ro(Juctlon.' '^lars-Jn'd'ivlga; -Smoa'ar'aUtt niiJ': Wil.61(t /iacharewloz, .pi.rected.- by Joseph ; ':i.ejlesij ■ 'sRenai-Io,';. A riatol!;; Stern r (.•a^ne'Cii, i3^ luteinvvurrpl; ■ muair, Prof.; .'Ja'ii .Maklttkicwlcz..;' At'. Belmont,. N. Y., week :.r)^c. 'A, ■ rin'rVnlnfr. tiine, IWI jnlna.. Barbara -Ra'd!;lwl l lo'wna...'liid'wrga Smosaraka KInff. Sl.!:iriuhd.;A'itg.ti3t. .WlfoM .Zn;o:harc\yicz Qlieen ; Bi'HB-.;., , ;XcoUadJa -Pancewlcz iVrtdisIwill 'The..RedV..; .'Guslaw Buszy'niikl RadziwllV ■ 'The; Blatk'. .,;. .;....;.';.. .'■..;'';.....' Zygmunt C^hririlclewskl Mb.t;her of ■ Barbara.-.;.;. ..liiolftna .SiiUm.a WfrsTiyll;. i; i; .•, . .VSIetan .Hnyc^zlnjikl l^'avorlio • ;'iCln .. <;;. , . ■: I;cna Zbliehowaka . -..._tionale.. . Pic has some;, fibbd camera • \vbrk, ; Poor- transitions and .is , bcba^ ' siPnaliy ,6verlbng. :'Enalish titles.are . bv-.Mu.rlel Rukevser; . Shpt of Hitler . ridicitleg; !pef. . Fuehrer'^ by; haviht;; ■nun speak .yigprbusly,' sburid ., tnack - pi-oduciri.t! . riietely grunts'. . One; of ;: tne most ciTbctive shots, a dead iriari ; ilii Palish; English-Tittes) .; ..Star : Films has tiirri.ed ■ back' the pages of histbry tP iinfold the 16th centitry rbririaritic tragedy of Roland's king .Arthur .and'; Barbara Radzi- willbwria. . Jt is - a Stirring, poignant tal.fe .bound-to' find bf -foll^ ambng Polish-Anierican; ciriemagpers, The stPry;of. the-:y.burig; king and the; beaut'jfuil/princess.-^firs^^^ ;tress, then, qjueen," is; stroked, with a fine brush, ;jadwiga Siribsatska plays Barbara '>yith rej^al cpriviction;- while Witbld Ziachai*ewicz swashbuckles his v/ay /thrpugh ;the characterizatiPri' of ■August.-C;;;! .;;;-,.• :l. ■. ..': The;'stPry cohcerns ihe PppoSitibri tP' Bartiafa by -the people bf. Pbland, led , by- the - Qtiepp Mothier, . who wi'shed .August, to ;ma'rry the. .daiigh- tifer ^bf;a foreign:;regetit, iri; order to: ;Stronp;.th.on Uhe., kirigdPrii' p^ ■ ■ AUgttF>t^^:'secret "[riiarriage^'"^^^ ibairaj ..{hb .:.petty " intrigues .'.; pf-.; .his rivbther frtiistraife the. ybiing lovers ] when their>,rharrjage beepiTies known iaiSd the subsbqubnt dcath. by p ing ' of Barbara oh - .the- day' of her cpi-phatiprii all, c6;pvb.iric to tell one pf the .grbat :.lpve;;; stoi:i9s_-;' Eijropcah histpryv ' ..' ' - :- "■' "■■ ': . . Construction of the pict.ure doesn; .rpcasucb, iip -to. Ambricari standards, biit .it' is.n't, pf .Suffiqierit, impox|tance •Thb s'tbry carribs'itself. /■;■•. : -Miss : Smbsarska grbatly, enhance -her reputatiPivAvith her New;:World patrons, dravvirig: a finei.charaGteriza- tioa th'at is'dciinilely Holly\Voodian ..(GERMAN 'MADE);. , . ; Berlin, N t'fst, release o''. Max! production,• Stars Lilian ; Harvey. • blvecled by Pi'iul Harlln. Scrfptpr.s. 'Kva'I.^ldmahn -and Paul Martin; camera. . Knnal.'i ntln. .ir-nien-Tsclurt: dance -.airran^en)en't9, ;Huhe'rt ■ ii -.S'towULsi. At Ufa-.'lPaiast^ ahv iZooi Bei-'lln.. R'jinnlnif; tlme,'-S3. tn.lnH.'. "Fanny Elscler; . ..;.;■.;.. Theresa;■Kl-«<Sler. ..-.,,;. Duke of Relchsitadt..,; Metternleh......'....;;.;.. Court Oounc-illor 'Ueii'tz ForestI-. •..".T<nIan -Harvey .LfsBlotte iSciinak ....Rolf Moablus. . .IMiil Hoffiimrirt .....Willy nirKel W'a It er-;-'Wornpf . The Evangelist, widely-read weekly of;the Albany Gatholic ,Dioc(\s(;/ took an,editorial'ppke.,at;thb .heralded visit tb this :city';of Ihe.'HbUywobd. starSTbutfitt^ rpuie. to, Spahi for; use of ;the 'gbyerrimetil;! tbtces^ ;Tc:Vned if'larstuTit^ttiliitra film, 'Heart of; Spain.', North; Cornrnittee to Aid Spanish Deploc- :ra;cy.;sppnsored a.;shoW.irig;bf ;fi,liiv Saturday night:iri auditPrlumJ of Albany-- Institute .bf ;.Hisfory and --.Art ., ZSc'.v and, Martin N.brlh, 1 toliy- w;ood '.writer/advertised 'as's^ ■ ;V ' • ■■ ; /• -;'; * The Evjangelist; ■ its issue .;aj>peariri^^ ;carried; '- ': ipri(; editorial entitled 'A 'Trojaih Hor.- V C(>iT!;es;'tb This .ToWn,!; criticaliy bpnvr merited Upbn ari; address.delivered iri TrPy by a Brobklyri^riiiriister on the Spartish. ;c6riflict and-'-'upb the istopoflE- of tlic ariibUlance,' as -well- . ; iipj^ri the filrp^ 'Heart;opf .Spainv'^^^ Stated .that p by ■.a. Page' dne E 'Spanish -Rbds .dressed in clerical. fiiivb. putting on scenes tb ■ be, ;used for propaganda.; purjposts in: Airici' .iivPyip ,h6uses.' :> iStbry capped 'Spcin isri/ Rbds^Foist .Filrris'bn 'Suckc;r' .i\Liciibi>c^Ps.:-- -.' \ "'';; ';:' ; ■ v-Editorial' exiJressed hope /thiit^^-.'^ SEjairi -.arid,;at '>least,. a';faii\ M.ia':~o;qf ■ the ■ rtipney-collectedV w that.; country.. ' •; '■ '. ■ ■■ " ■ ■ ■ . \ ^'r'■ ■\-■■ -;^-'- Heat;being oh Los Angelo-V c'opperi? -and: D; A-.'bltice, from iPcal rcfpVpibr.'ii Whp: want local racketeer.s oijsled. .oti.>one ;side; and:;from Ipcal^racketo'bv.V wlio. warit/d.uts^ riiadc • ra,id. bri a Beverly hPnie whore sij!ppps;cdly a bi^^^^ !\yas'-resting;between..Stic^ ' ;.. ;'.'''•.-'- - '-i'] '• ; Not until they had messed everytjiing up dici thp/geridarriTibs, .wh^^^^ by UhJ,v9r.sity.. of Calif or nia - tp'sts rn.ip.. pnr .W i Ih ■ .7-yc;a?:-bld kids, IdiscoVbr: • they. vvere.ihvthe. home bf an'^irit^ rented ;his avpair of nt-loast nationally :khPwri radtp trPupprs'. Coppers managed' to hiish the thing up eripugivito keepi the pres.s boys frorri.meritibriing their faux paS: by narine, but psychologists arc wbnderjji;'* if they didn't igive the. boys in blue ilia Wrong test; Next'time they figure pri 'giving ihemr-;Hbw Bright is-. Yp^ 'v'-; l.-'-.;'-;--,.'.'-;;. ■;■ ;: ■:■ • House they: raided-.lookirig for easterii gangsters; was. Lawrencie Tibbctt'.s,!' Guests. they;.disturbbd- wert^^^ ■: :;v--';• -' •■ . . Somethirig; .fadicaliy different - from the rPutine hbw^they-mia^ke- is fpurii iri. *We Mal?e^^.t^ sirigle •Writer .seeking; to cbv collated a syririposiUrii-'^'^-^w^^;,pr.l4'.authprities cOntributibn^ starting; with; Jesse pr-oductiori chi0f.; . BettC Da via and Paul Muni speak .for the lilayers, .John Arri tells of,the climera work, and; so';; ~ .no; Writbr gettirigi outside the prbyirice w which, he - is most .familiar.. . Added: chapters are on color work and cartoori makirig, the latter • by .Vralt; !bisneylJ^ \ is. the' rii9st. cbriiprehensive ypjume .yet prpduccd' andC. gives: the ciear.esfc viejv of yarious stcpS iri picture .;makirig,' all well; edited for clarity and S;iritplicity,'.---. v-' '•-'•;-■;;- • Clerical . burdieri' ,on employer, is; proyidbd Under new ;Treasury Dept. regulations gpyerriing .reports; rieciuircd in. connection with: the Social Se.» curity .system. ..'''.--•-'■■ :>■■-■-: V;. ■ ;' '.: '^--^''-'.' '" ;\ ■-■;;■; ' : Amended reigulations; anniaunced Sunday (28) by Secretary Mbrgierithau eliriiinate: necessity of filing monthly; statemerits .about ta age berieflt scherpie. ;Hericeforth quarterly return on Form SS-I A will cupplertibrit the preyibus: nibrithly takVrieturri and' the. inforrtiation return required isyery three mbriths: 'List of employees to-whom, •wages.have beeri paid will,be included in. the tax suriihiary. Will simplify- the chore for 1,800,000 eriiijioyers-rioyr-makitig /cbllectioris; :and •cbntributiqns on behalf of _26,0b0,600; workers.'•;■'■' .''-->- ■-. Head of-Pollr-e. . .'Hubert v. Mftvorltirtk PrlncMn.^e-3.i4Jet. . i . .Hul>eit I. -.StivtWUi;^ ture.l ■-■ (In German) -;.-. .';;.'' Heralded as orie pf Ufa's biggest, it Ibbits Jike -a miss. • F^^ lovers pf the darice as th.e.. Germans are,;:they.- are not likely to cpttpn to.such a;;big dose; bf'^ it in -their filnv; fare. More-;, oyer, it's rather, a strairi • on a' flexible iiriagiriatiori tp kid yourself into: landing.iNiarvey the, type cat)able of ■ ;swayinig empires . br of . keeping pptential. jriioriarchs from doririing heir rightful headgear- Production is. .bri 'a lavish scale;::s€ts arid - techni- cal' deparfriientsTare excelient. arid the costuming especially-Ibvely. Dia- log is not up to. much arid the cleff- irig (even less. , --. v -Hubert^[TfBtowiU-s-has-4aken-<^^ ■2ri~wlrett^l 'Ebb Tide' is turriirig ^ut ;to be a;s}i.rprise Santa. Glaus package,for Para-. mpunt. Studio opinion fbllbwing previ.eW p this cb^tly Teehnicolpr' fear t hat' audiengg ! ^ w ould: riot Ko f^^^ elsewhere as 'well, so Paramount allbwed oppositlpri hpusiBS to'show ;lt-iri ; a number of spots.; It wasn't long before. vthe brgaHization- was- handed • plenty .prbpf that 'Ebb Tide- Was; high; tide at the box office.;, Now, with 15 or.iftbre key spots, reportin;g 25%;-.G5 %■ above; average; biz- .with: the. at^;v tractibri, the $800,0|00 .'jriistake' has. changcd frpriT a palboka to: a socko. . • '' ;•- -.;■'. - >. - ■ '- ' ■ : . :■■ ■: :'.;^-;.-' -'■ , John .'Trerit, B. P; Schulberg player, keeps iri practice flying by piloting a .'Transcoritinental Western Air; plane to. Alhuquerque and return. once a . morith lor $1 nominal pay. Last trip, carrying a; shiplpad of passcnger.s : west,' Trent ran irito a very;tptigh time. With storms arid fog, hitting close to 20,0b0rfti teilirig oyer the^^S^ laridirig safely a.t th^ fbg-blanketed: !Burbank airport:. iDr-iying hpine W.iih/ his .'Wife; he had a's with another car, also In the fog, and gpt hurt, .Hfs cbriclu^ next daiy \yaSr 'I'll take the air.' . - . r ■ " ' The flirst grbup to find Ta ult with the Alger rbpbrt bri the RKO reorgari-"' : izatiori plan.;is that of Ira. A; MacPhersbri and three other Boston slock- . hplders vyhp have filed a; of 47- pij.ieciions; to Algpr's..;flndirig.s with tlie clerk of the Xj. S. distt'ct court, N.. Y. Their cpritCntipns Will b(>..heard: Dbc. of the tei-pirig chore iri great fashion-. Opening .ballet scerie.; taken /outdobi's is an absplute itnockbut,\ -Nice -part of: ;the! terping is it's being done in; the bperi. :D.iecided herp would haVe.. been; a -big slash ' - the last r bourl^: dance. Which; not pnly slowed the aqtionj but far from helped along the wanted illusion pf Harvey as one'of the greatest terpers iri. history,. Only; dance interiors, thbsb; of Elssler, on t;our,.ar.e:Sihriartly/handled. Tb-avoid a sUpbrfluity of big halls and Iprig routines, programs' are flashed, one after anpther—r-Lbridbn.;iParis; Rome, —arid breaking through;each i.iElss- ler in miriiatiirP. Short, snappy, e'f-. fectiyb. Stpwitis: and KPnstantin- Ir-': meri-Tschet, the Icnscr, outdistance all departments. . Napolepri's son, the. DUke of Reich- stadt, is playing around with ^the idea of getting' hi,s 'lather's-pid. job.;..; another dynasty in France being; the last th.iri'g-Pririce:,Metierrii'ch; of Aus- tria Wants,, he. hppbs; to male;; him; forget the throrie. in . the Fanny;- :Shb< 'however, falls for the Duke, sbsthb'Priivcc' gpts her deport- ed, y Lovers meet lateP: iri Par is, .but. the,.pbli.ce gii'b hot on the .trail of; all royalists-.';;.-. ■... •■...-;,-'--■;..■.' -; .— .•' /. '-;- Reichstadt bs;cape'.<j- to ,V.ieriria iionly.: to die, of tUber.cuipsi.s. .Fariny: geVs hbr cUe; tb' gp/bri Stage •jii'st.. ' • thp npwi of his death reaches her and with, the .'show, must; go oh' idea, she does her solo,. This would be a.tough. 'on(Ki.;'h spbt-,for;any brie. tb .hiiye t() .;dp a' spriri darice—arid the 'Jau.cjh,' .cl')y.'ii, rich Jud,gb WTlKafriT-Bbndy^ira^^ Alger has rejected' the .cliaini of MacPhcrson? and the others Who- contend that RCAi's. receifji pt^^S^^^ B stock in 19i28 and l,7.40,bQ0 shares ' 1931 were illegal.- ;' ; \ ';-.'' • ;:'■;';.>.; ■--^..■;;..;.:-.' . ';■ Scribes meeting Marlene iDiietrich.: iri Pasadena after a three ;morithH* escape .frdhi HbilyWood cbiildn't Anything they asked for they got Orders to. pose this way and that. Whether -prefaced by 'Please.:; or not got imriiedlatfe: cp.o'pefatiprii. .. , Fact that star haS.only one- inprti pic at Par arid afteir that is slated to; do orie abroad with. Vpri. Sternbbrg iriiay have bo^^ aloofness, but scribesi eypr,believing in;Sarita,Cla^u!5,vhppc it's a r andVill stick bycn duringvdog days, -■ - . laugh', slutt; is; jusi npi up her: atlry: ;Fiirn.Vserves: .orie. purpose ;brjngiri;g oii-L a. new ..liivc; Rolf. Moe^' bius ;as- the..:Dvlke. : But :the- clrcamy eyes arid, liisciolis- prcifiib rinay; keep hirii: corifm'ed to tbmarilic 'role.s. Most corivincing thespihg job.' i.s turned in by Paul Hoffhianiv ao Mellcraich; ;- With the appicPach,'of : the o..o:'."5 to eontract; lists, with an- eye t » •whci;e.;they.: can ,lop_ off; nariics du'c l> ] the fact that little Work is. gairhe cbntfactccs fro*m the day befbrij:; Christmas to the; day after New Year's. ' All: thp: Ibts, hold .virtiiai-'opci^^, house for ;at least two days of the holiday:period and a quite ircspectable.. sum can ;be'held :in the studio: Gxchequcrs if the .regular daily rate bt pay raabe saved even-for a-couple of diehis,; '-V ^ ; ; ^ ;; :• Russell ;Jj -"BirdWeli, • Sol/nick Intcrnalipnal ■ advertising and. publlpity 'icribralissiriio^ scored a beat bh. Iiis com^^^^ boajd .site' at the-sceiie bf the with;blUil3is foi;;;N(Vl(viiTii..Sa^ With 300,000 ga.Wlcbrs daily glPmlng^the 'slidl:ing:;mo.yritaJn^i^^^ 'the . customary 24-sheolin'4 pf the L; •A.-ai'ea '^^^ bne, cprisbrving; cpin..,_.;'':-;;:'^^;.. .;:,;;:;;i■;;;;. ..y-;V..r;'-.'';X:- ■■■C-,'^.;.':.'.-':v -- • d.iy fealiirbs Is^ bpirig seripy^^^^^^^ Goh;^idcrcd 'at- aOthr^^^ ^s Hne cpMriision' ;bvor; bf th.c>.i:i'.\}i- ';fMi-.: Mj)lp :That;^:nnd ■ )rbducir';on thr*. -Moios.'. is sa'id.tb'febi. that fans^ W^^ ixed .up if oafiir litlo ;a,' locality .;•; is ■ the.'.ii'se;; •Mr, Moto This' and.' W.urtzei; executiyb prod Jcss likbly; to get m ^ .with- the Charlie :Ghans . New blintak .ending . witi-i huavi;i''r |)uhch; will by .filmod . for; SoJ;'.t\ ick fnternatiorial's 'The. Adventures :()f; 'Tom 'SaWyit^ri'-;; Viewjiig; the lin.i.^.hod production, David Q:.Selzriick deeld.od that .;the, fadeoiil lacked .walhM). .. 'ict scribblers to Wbrk;figuinhg Puft avsiiappict^ spiric-Uri^ilb. . i»rpd;uc(;r hoi>e< •tp vgtt;Normah'.Taurbg. back frpin Uiviyersalv Whj:rc ;;he^;;i^' fl|rectin Ai}rtut'Mus.!(Vto'dlrect- th • - -j - ■;•' ■ .. :'