Variety (Dec 1937)

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Wednesday^; Deceinbcr 8 ;:1937 in A- 'By-'AB.EL CREEj^X'- The town' cbncufs.;'.-.tUat th^reV something:, wrong.with- Broadwayrit. a; click show like that at the, Pavadisi' hasn't been doilis the. .b.iKsi«ess lt d serves. Even the'. Hillyvvood . op- posish acrosss the street'will say that. The Nicky Blair, iistablishment has, had a sock Georso. Hale itpor .s^^ which, for one : . ariother reason, hasn't been.getting'.the.gross if.war^ rants! And you can't blame , every- thing on the new International the most sferioiis .-factor;.-' ■ It's for this reason .that Blair/ .Jack _ Adler and Go. a;re goin'g. iii for name ^•'hypos'. Rudy Vallee was brought in; for a lihiited. erig^^enneint... Friday; night. Others .will -follow.-.If thai doesn't do the t.ricki the; boys' say they'll throw away, the aiUbi. bookv.. Somehow, the . advance bally : on Vallee's. advent startedvthings oU 'the ■ upswing. The day or twb before, the formal opening;. ,bi ; started• to per!:.; But sans Valloe, 'ii's^ the typa 6£ floor Show that has cvery-thingv- .The, girls are unquesfioh^i.bly, the No. 1 collection of lookers in any theatri- cal entertainment anywhere.. That's; a superlative that defies, captiotjsness -— Th e .P afadise-rtlri^yg^^i""" —' ^Do^l^e Weisberg has .folded his ;n?:w Colony;C1 u!>;a.Wbt* a run 6f .a ppiiple; of. moiTtlTs'; .Xnteri.ds to tem.aiin shut- tar ed.tmtll the;.cUrreiit biz.. recessip11 ■ie,\>els;. upward once m.pre... "; ." .Club, paid .oil-in' fu^^^^^^^^ Viaylng. tafeht on shoW to GOihplctiph of .pbiVtr'acts,; ;■ ' '. ■■ DE that with, the; public, accustomed.: to greater vallief, and to retdgnitiori of quality, it had to go ;Gut and extend itself. ; Hale , '?ihd his . cohorts : did'. Costumes;; numbers, girls, ^ acts, specialties all are ultra..' Previous show held" the Diamond Bros/; Paul Sbrd3ll ahd Spotty and ;a >couple :0X. bther socko speciaUlfes. ~ With .Val- lee, it was refurbished; It still holds plenty. '". . ;,;:•: .■... . . ■ Vallee, of course, will ; have': to' ,6hang6 his ,book. i. Hei'ij tod stager presentation arid .Cocoatiut Grove. The repertoire he uncorked at the pi-eem is all right for the Los., Ah - g^les ■ Ambassador's type of clientele; or a Paraiiibunt stage show, but he must perk it up for; the riitery trade;. lli$t's; simbie, however. A swmirig that the 'Stein Sbrtg,' 'Vienii Vieni/ 'All Pbints West' and others are now standard ;yalleeisms;: that doesn't mean he has to do 'em all in on^''night.. ^ He's backed by his' Gentlemeii Sorigstiers (4), Cyril Smith, comedianv a string -unit irbih his Connecticut Yankees, who merge .*rith Jay^Free-^ man's effective, hatd-workirig; br? chestra, plus a niew" cbmbo, Mirth and Mack .(New Acts)., Fbr star value* of course, he's prbyed himself at the cross-rthe-street Hollywood for quite a spell, although: he didnM: mean .so miich . when; the French •.Gasino last year thought it cpiild hypb siupper biz by adding his hamei ; ; .. As for the rest of Hale's 'Red Hot and Beautiful* revue, previously viewed in detail, HeIen..Dell and Lee Sullivan • are expert vocal humber leaders. Lyda Sue Leeds, with her athas^ing . acro-tapstiering, is big —leagae-^-4imb er; i ..'- Torry ;. Lawl or^ shifted from the .Vfitsailles; is. a new added started.; Walter Long .(New Acts) ha^ stellar potentialities; Highlight ptbductibh ilash is Hale's staging of 'Metrbpolis,' the Ferde Grofe toriipositibh, in a. tiger^women Betting; With. :Long's taps . specialty. In . nimrbd. g0tupi,:\ the focal per sona'lity. ■ '■ ■■ ■• . Life mag continues.;to get its swell free ad as.pirt of the baickgrounding lor Life Goes in for Beauty, parade of the / lookers, who: are- Cynthia Cavanaugh, ; Hope Chandleir, Vera t)evinei- .Winifred ;Farnum, M.aru Lou Graham; Adele J.ergens; Shirley Kilduff, Edith Luce, .Cbrrinhe Mac Lenhan; ;Doris; Mitchell, Ruth Reic Mary Rowland.- Madelainc Selwood: Ethel Sbmervilie and: Wilma Wal lace, Th^ pbnnies aire Eleanor Blarie Flora BoWes, Shannon Dean, Hel en Dell, iEileeh Devlin; Margie Ellis Adele Hall; Dolly; Jewell, Iris. Kings ley. Alma LaDelle, .Margb Lamoht Edna Mae *Paine, Eleanbr Parr,. Son dra iSoy, Helen Saty and Sue Taylor Costumes by Billi Lin.gstbn (Brooks;) and Hugh Willbughby's scenery plenty OK too. . LIQUOR BOARD URGES ; .. thi-ee montHs'; time-rOut dtt:* -overwork ':ati(^^ cation I .as .'rnany:;years,..; the^ Marcos;.may: resume pfoCe^ Jah;L.;4 .at the.:,'trocSd?^ Holly.wbcSi tor eight .wee.ks if a deal, currently, wbrks oiit. If hot, the .dancers have, another : Beverly H ills; spot, in'' th^ pflingv,;; Ti^sy .also have ;G'pihcident,a.l tum proppsitiph'sIT "Thencje^/they:: w.iii tb~ the Mark Hbiikihs: hpt.eli. San! FrahciScb; and arpUnd • Jiine- 5 to ;Piris; fpr 'Edmpiid rag T; at the; 'Morite .Carlb : Fblies, riew. cafe; the Paris.. Expbsitipn grptinds,. wher^ Leo . Reism'an; Ecr-, formed last, sumriier.;. Pari? ©ngdgi&i nrient will be foj:;l6 weeks. All bobk-^ irigs '.. been s6t. d-rect by Tony; DePiiarcb, as' he. and,, Reriee i)eMarcb lave broken a Way frprti Miisic Corp. bf.Antibriciai. •• ;;:'.';. -'•■.^i'^v ■ Henry. kirig's..^;brGhestra may ac- cbmpfahy them. . "i-he^'dancers, ;wiarit King also, .fpi; ;the Paris , eng jut ji new labbrvresiriCtion in.F^ which, may .discourage fbrelgn bands coming in, siesriis to be the stppgaip^'... ^;.:The--^adh^-^v^bg the:-TKba?re*lAUtelty TdftESUMEON $30,000 Fire Destroys ^I^iane^^ .:';.^Mariella;;:b.,'-^I)ee, 4.:^.:: .' Castle .night club, Vopeiied'only;, .ai week ago; Was destroyed, by firbjWtth "lb5S^O3timt»tcd-^t-f$3GM)P0/ --' inototists : bbsiiryeid- : summohcd. firemeiV itp 'check the ■flamps •til. -P-aBsirie- blaze'." irid': \vcre unable' .SP.u'th. o;f'-her.c;'pyerlpok'ing'the-. ; Ohio ;FiVbr aiid Was 'owned iiy;,^. local: :b'usinPSs:;sy^>dicVt]e. ;...■ . ■; :^ ■■■ < :, K'. ■ ■";,■■ - canton, u., uec. Y,;.:,■ . The.Hofbraiu, niiery,- .has been jshuttered, probably until, next .s.urti-' mer,'.Carl Siriclaii^ nrtan:agsr,..hasyan'-^ :n6uncedv ■ Operated. ;by :the .Meyers LaltTT'efcltrt^^ plariried to, mbke the;.ctub, bu ;sprins, a; year-Vouivd^^.r a business ■\slurnp.:-fbr,c'ed;-.closing." Tprjch Gii^ hpvv the Prily -nltery. in ■ tKe; Cahtph;-aisl;;';operate isey.en\'diays:'a .week.:.'•:■; :;„'; •.-,,' :. ■ NITEMES IN m HIT?? or's .; ■,^v.;^^;.;:■;. ^ '■'.Ghipagp; Diec;. 7;;. : in .retaliation .for'•: a; refusal : 61 iyiaypi" Edwa rd;. Kelly Ao:\ co-opeiia 1 e •in keeping ' c.pntrol . of :ben ahcesv, all performer' unions; af.^;pre- paring .to,:flght theappearance of /its m embers, at tKe tri^ypr/^ aiinual ;^;^ht ,pf .stars'. Ghnstrhas;^ benetit to held, in .the .Chicagb. Stadiunri. This, performance; b cpmes ; as. thb resiilt of a iconf^renice - here be- tween. Mayor Kelly and ; Alah Cof j-c^iiv^i^xecutive^ect^et o f ,, t h^ ...Negro.; ActbrsV . Quild /.hsis/; b^^ fprrne.d,'; • an; .organisation; that Ibn'^ Jiasi beehJthe J^oal of colbrG d mony; : bers of the! professipn, but fo last four yekrs had, remained only: an idea, Stiirtibling; block;, ; whicK had ;stymied>th,e; culminati6ri of plans;. oyer that;;: peribd, ; waS:. that pairties ' : &in Goid^s Ja^ V Saim Gpld ■ (Njugold Sfu<iips),. ;fo?:«. rtier. vauder:rtijrhed: datice' instructpf, s^^oiit brt';$200. bail pending/ hearing, :Dec. 8, o,n .a charge, bt. felohious^ j^^^ saiilt brought by. ; a young . colored girl. -Bail set by. Felbny Court. Gold .Was, apipr^hisnded - last week oh .cpmplairtt of; the. g parehtsi Hearing. will determine. .whether br not he ;■ to be /held for. the; Grand Jury, Complaint :it)rpught on, grounds Pf. mistreatmen.t ,anid /charges that ;he thi'e'ateried girl With'ai knife. ; . ; . ..'.■;• .Pitbbui-gfhi ^Pcb.:.!?;: • 7T--Nit$ry^bi2^heiit-isfta^ shellacking; ii.\ sev6n ...yeara,.. -With: flock; ..oi the ;spp;t3'; frariticail-y trying to . enforce stringent: ecbnomLes.;:iri order tb . keep, gbirig, : Entertairinient is being cut to the bbhc oh' alt .fronts ariid even tpwri's . ace. mbm;;: italiari Terrace ;bf; :William Pi?nn' .hotel, hjas- sharpened: the. ixe, cutting . br.ches-' tra's'suiiper hours; frbiw; 10 to -1 a.m.,; instead,of until 2 •a;m -Old schediule, is being, maintained npvy bnly bn Friday and :$aturday 'iiigh't ::';'■;; ■." ■.; ■■; • in. bther;,ba.fes; miusicians'^^a^^ bein^; shortenbd :up: -aUhip nriini-i^ muih; hburs must be maintained xin^ der new wage scale set Oct;. 1 ,by local here,; Only a; xbuple of niterie^ are operating for early dihrier now, taking ' their 'chances, on late diners- while putting;; the ' bands through a solid.session... r ;• :•.;, V'-- ' Recessibn iri vnit^^^ riibre thain a. mbnth ago and. has been growing more alarmmg isvery week. Flockpf .places h'ang;" ng^bh' now- trying to ; tick/ it.;put; for^"hplids^ trade, >yith; nVany; closings expected after. fJe w.: Year's; ■f Af . at- which Cprelli to.|d May.?v ;Ke]tly; the TA wpiild cb-opisrate With him ih 'every ;way ;/tb . obtain .pe;rv, fprmers • pf; stagei': screen.. ?ri^ 'radio. For ;this assistance • arid for thie use of these pei formers the TA asked, in return,; its established reim'ourse V ment ' of 15%: of ticket sales :(not donatipris), to be; used:;fQr the ;ai.'l of: .indig6rit pierformers.- ' /Nlaiyor kelty-refused'Such^ ^ a ,; CPrelli- got . immediat« . tpUeh with; Ffanfc Darei of Actbrs; Equity here, and Guy Magley of American Federation of ;:ActorSi;- ;ahd; it is; iinderstbpd an official bati on Equity, and—APA^rmembers- /Who^appear^t- this; may'br's liehefit; ,wi 11 ;be i.ssilcd' Cbrjelli came to .town not .only o' discuss the Christmas benefit setr" up •with-Mayor Kelly but also to aid performers who Were^ the .Chicago Milk:. Fiirid;;: Circus folded Without; paying off .here last week. : This fdrid.- show, ;- wras the presentation, and ;ptpduc.tibi^^^^ LaPearl. All effprts. tb; get; in touch with LaPearl here have failed; ' ; Saranac Lake Ted; and Phil rSpitalriy or- chestras have been bpoked for; the Chicago:: itheatre* ;; Chicago, former opening Jan. 7 and the: latter Week of. Jan. 21. :'" ,.■ ■'.;. ,, liittle. Jack;Little.orches to the; Metropolitan,; BpstPn. Deci 30. Unit Re: The Aristocrats, 12-peopled flash act, which has been .off ;the boards ■ -sincie. last: July, when it;Was dis- banded iti LP Won -fpllbwirig a Euro- pean tour, has been reorganizedl.. ■ Troupe opens a tour at;th6 Metro polltan, Boston, I)ec; 23..;.;.:.' '. .Rhiladlelphia,' Dec. 7; . State Liquor .;:Cbntrbl iBoard de- iriandcd reyppatipn of; 31; Club _ li - cense at a hearihg last;AVednesda.y. (1) befbre Examiner Hai;ry^;^^^^P Tar- rinJjton. Decision , ;'.;'rc'seryed. .. . V It was ^alleged cjub. featui'ed *le>v and imnibral'; shpw.<5. -With female ii-ri-:: personatbrs and; that; .police .Were 'afraid to iriiterfere.'; State ISenator Israel Stiefel, counsel for the^ sppt; declared that ;if the flopr .show was indecent bebause pf the■ female i,m- personatprs, police should alsp ' ban the Ijniversity of ■ PennsylyanLa's' Mask and Wig show. '[ Itevocatipn hearing cbincided with announcement that Carrie Finnell, of the Wrleys;;her;ev ■would make nightly appearances • at the club. ' ■'■•.'/;. .; lARTIGUE BACK HOME ;: Finale on the Clifford C. Fischer a.<!^ibciatiori with; the ; French, Casino, N. Y.'i. Was marked wit Ihe .return :to Paris pf ilcriry. Lartigue, his wife and daughter. • Lartigue gpes to Lpn- don to assist: •in^anjjexedutiv.e capa at the London. Casino; ; He was brpia,^ht oyer; by Fischer .pniy'a; nnprith befpre thb fold tip to becbriie direcfdrTgenerai pf;.th .F. C, Lartigiie; i.<; a veteran class :cafe'than iri.;B"a'rr|tz;; Pag; the' Riv.iera,;.etc.... TAX FOli NEW OELEANS ;.:.'..' ' ; New Oriearis, Dec. 7. . ^ Restaurants,,' cafeS: and all; ;other i)l9ceS;.pfferih2 'any fprrri of .enter- tainment here: wJUi"be"cPnrie ;sub a 2';;> amusement ta)c;-: '.. orderS: 'is'st)(id;^, Wednesday. ;1 :Fai:rlcy,. i'lead:, .6f the city's reyenub cnforccmerit ;dct>ai'tnrtcnt,.\'. : V.' ..■;;: miij-s To ;coAST•; .;' Irving'Mills, lef t last: week',fp.r .the Coast, "to - lease new quarier.s,.for Mill Artistst,'' Inc.. ri'egptiatp a; radio: deal foi' Miltbiy Berle: jirid; dp sprite pho'«b, graph' recording; v . .. lie will be' 'oiit. the'"" ; •. " •."'■ile weeks. :.■■■■■:;■-■>"/■ ... By Happy Ben way; . .^ thb yesteryear and tpday's thought of this ActPrs' /CblGny; v ;. Pat Casey's speech at the N.V.A. sanatorium during the 1030: holidays, when' he. isaid, 'Gentlemeri,Mf we at any tim.e can:give any of these artists phb. day of re^ merit arid' peace' pf, mindi , We will have dorie our duty.' ■ ^ The /;thrill. pf Jlpokinig forward :tb the -Yuletide visit. pt 'MI;s.■^■Wi^iiartl 'Mpther' Mo.rris; who yieariy gives ;each member of the. Actors' Cblony a gift . ^ : ' . . The yearly greetings from Sophie Tuckeri Riith; [Etting, Rev; Father Biais, Leonard Grbtte. ; Dr.. Edgar Mayer, that carry. a biggi?r Wallop than any medico's pills;' ;. The sensatibhal novelties received ;frpm;jerijy Vogel, gping on for Pyer 10 'years. . \i. The holiday spread,; including , a ^souprtp-nuts'. routine, that will be held at the Will Rogers' hospital Noi'thwpods ganatpriuiti, Brbad.way Sarariac. cottage .and ;Dowrting's.: After;trying a mess of Boston and N.. y. ozPne, Russ Kelly;;cprneS' back with, a collectipri "of 's^yeakV that the medico's are looking over. ; . = Alice ; Carrnari, /that ■Philly ; blues singer. .47 Helen . street.\^'uridei- :the watchful eye; of the Will Rogers rtiedicos; ^■ ;: ■;;;-■'••..■- Dave (Wolf) Harri.s,' .CMoritclair, N. j;,': fPr.merIy Harris, and:-LcGla.lrbi lioW a bus; driver. < ; ;:;;;,' ■; .'.• jack;; Ed'Wafds due for 'a holiday "o.k. that will enablc. hiiri tp .m.c.vthe better: ;ri ight spots.. .. '; ;;■"."' ' .; A record cbncerriing- the ; Actprs. iColpny thatcari.ribt be;pverlpbKed'is 'that, but of; 300 health seekers (basis ;i0;'^yOars9D%;'have ,been; .sent ;hprti.e.: ab'sbluteiy ciired; red it tb but. Actprs' Cbloriy niedim depart ment. ' ;';"',■ ^;.V';.;.' .v., ; - Lester Sheehan, who; now is ozon ;irig at. 54 .Pa,rk;:avp,tu\e', is: not;u.p to the standard p.f the comeback squad :Bby really rieedsl. a little .corisola'^ Roy N.uiTley,' PorlsmpiVth, Ohio pi'pduct (Warner .Bros. ) ;vyhb ,tiji;nec the crank fpr years; as a pic opera tor, ■ .iiQwcomcr at Ulic Wil ■Rogers... : \ ■ ; Write ib .those . know in Saranac atid elsewhere .who are 'sick; A casualty of License Commis- sioner Paul Moss's campaign' against nudity in hurleys .and' niteries the Harlem Uproar House, N. Y., Which failed tp open last week. Jay Paggen's basement bbite oh -West Slst had gone through- the 77b Wririger, but, despite, the mbratbrium from the creditbrsV-blzvdidn't pick;up.-- . • Last year, the H.U.H. had one bf the rpughest, niidest shows arbiind. It; vied With the Cottbn Club ahd the iCit Kat for b.p.;sirice the three were most successfully t.ransplanfed-from* Harlem riite spotsV;. Latter twp held up, but the Uproar'.slipped fast.;/ "What Wai " suspected • bf being a publicity: stunt-rr-a huge iWastika HOUSE CLOSESr N. Y. STRIP BAN VICTIM painted on the colored cafe's daince flpjaiv-since FaggPn is a refb rrhed-hi^t^^^'st^ressr-^ club press agent--.-lstiU 'didn't help the b;b.; despite the wide/pu^ More Anzac Time .:V-.. .. Seattle. Dec, 7. " Tivoll circuit;. '" Australia', •ex- panding by addition of 12 Weeks in New Zealand, :and several riior.e ■ in Australia including Brisbane, Ade laide, Perth and Newcastle, So states Sandy Langj. of Saridy tang i. (jo., skaters, just back from the Anti podes. . ...,; '; .■; Circuit . is using 90% Americah acts, he says, and the time is; splen did, Frank Neil, the manager, has been joined by Wallace Parneli bf England,; whb is. prbduction rhanager. It's' twb-a-day on this circuit;' • Placeinents Halene Marno, Wivel, N..Y..''.: ^ Emilie; : GergPife,; - v Iritetnatioiiai Casino; .N. Y,;.;;;; ■,':';.; ^Addison Bailey,; Lepn & ; Eddies; .. Joseph /SraJth .prch.. La .JRCie;':N.. Y, vt j^k rWaldron,; Hoilywopd . Rest:. Bobby Parks brch.,- Stork': Club, N. . Y.-,..'•... ;. : ■. '':• . . ' . •;. :.r .; .' Carpiyn Potter; ^Chat^aii" Mbderrie: ■ M,-.Y. ■..;), ;.\. ; ^ '. .^.-j ;, ;. --P/^ddy Martin brch;, Ritz'-CarltPn Hotel, N. Y;. ■■■■■ ;_.;;.:;■■ r^,-J^^«?^S'*Wbrs,. ^May fa ii-Gardens Club, Washington, D C . .- ^ Murray Drlscoll .orch:,:;Gpq Rouge; Kouriafskaya and ' L bp bu K i n Russian Art Rest.. N. Y. : - • ■. ' j Wingy/Mannoue orc'h.; Cafe Maria N.; Y. : .■ : :; \ " (Zarol ;(3.Puldv MayflbvCtei-. Hotel. Washington,-p. (T;;. ' ,.; .;;•;.; ;Three . Spphisticatesi London Ca- sino, London. ■/;•-.. In? Ways , alternately . out of; tbwn: dates. ' Certificate,'of incorpbratibii vvas granted by the State of'{Now; York and;, approved Sept. 30 after , some litigation, by the Bureiu of ■ Standards and Appeals.. ■ ..; .. ' :. . ;:;v^ • .At ai .meeting;in the law •oiffice.s. of / Simon S.; Feiristeiri in Nv.-Y. Satur-: ; day (41 the fpilbWing -officers; were elected tb-direct thb activities of: the. . new berievolent- gi'oup:' NoTjle Sissle,. ;: prpz.; • Bill Rbbinspn, honorary, pfez,;,. ; (IWiss) ' Fredi .Wasliington, ex^^ dir.: Mu.riai . .Rahrii recording see; William C.; Haridy^; treas.; Cab; (jal- . oway, / chairm ah exec bd.;' Elmpr ■ Carter,;;' 1 st-; v.p. exec ; ^d;V • teigh''. Whipper, 2d yip.; J. Bpsamond-John'- sbn, chairman. by-laW ..committee; ; Siriibn Sr Feinstbin, gen. counsel,;and Rev.. Ai Clayton Powell, :• Jr.,- ch'ap-, lain. Board: of- direct are • Noble ; Sissle, - .Rex Ingram, . Muriel Rahn, Ham tree Harrington, Leigh/Whip-^ peri Ada Brpwrt .and W. C. ; Handy.; Other officers include; Ethel "Watei-s,; Duke Ellingtoh,: '; Edna iThomais, • Abbey ;:; Mitchell, ;■; Frank Wilson; Lbii Armstrong, Marion Anderson, Paul Robeson and Jamei Weldoh;; Johnson. • ; • ; v -J- Along .With, the; fact; that all per- sonalities important tp its formation a;re at;jpre.sent; in .N. Y., the event that brought it to a head is a berieflt spbnsPred by. the Amsterdani- News, Harlem: newsj>ai>er, and -numerous churches, Dec:. 17, at the Apollo the?*: att-e, 125th street^ N. Y.; Proceeds pt the benefit Will: provide iChristriias baskets for ^ Harlem's needy. Ala n ■ Cbrellr, of the Theatre Authority,: informed members of the..entertain- ment committee, he would fpregp usual 15% cut 6t. receipts and take: piily" $60 .Which . would be; used; to. defray the cost of .filing for a Nbgrt) Guild charter. Then; the' infant org would be -in: full swing and in a .position to accept the responsibility pf distributing the; ;rec6ipts; bf the benefit.; ^:' :.•■■''■ ;■. "■■-.,':■ ^ Previous to this it had been dif- ficult., for: . colbrfed members of the prbfession tb obtain relief when in arid bands haye taken part in all benefits; authorized by the Theatre Authority since its, jnceptipniv ;;Ther- -; atre Authority recognized the work • done by colored performers on. the behalf pf benefits but . wpuld npt ; turn: bver: any resultant mpriies. ;tb. anything but a; :recognized organi- zation. ■ They have' aided in isolated cases but have riot been able to act . as a body. Now, with the actual fofmatiprii of the Negrb Guild which will ; be . pperated along the same . Iiries. as the Jewish, . Episcopalian ;: and the Cathblic Guilds arid the Actors' Fund,; the. new outfit will share, the. .same ' the .afbrfemen.- tibned brgp,nizatiohs, in ; thi'e; alloca- tiOri 6t proceeds frbm • .benefits over : Which the Theatre Authority - has jijrisdiction. Membership will .npt be restricted .to thpse .or the colored race, but vbt- ingpbW'.cr will be confined; tp the cplpred 'coriiplement.-, -Until - organi- :zatipri is able: to; proceed urider its- 6vii'n'^st'eam'TAlain~'Cori^^^^^ Wi'lt.'lt^s::?^^^^ advisor. . ..•.".'.;. :.;••'■. NITERY SUED FOR lOG'S IN in; ; . . , Detroit, Dec; .7. Suit for $10,000 damages was filed. Circuit . Court:hei'e; last Week qgainst thbrTen-Fprty 'G,lUb;^^b^^^ Amy : ' Holriies,: Widow '■' of ilitery'i;' dbprmari... kilited -in. AugU£!tVWh^ attijmptcd : tp start the car; pf Hariy v-- : Millman.; Dyriariiite, . which' had been " wired: to car' ignitipn in i-an attempt io. .kill : Millijiari, :[ exploded when . Hpinibs stepped ;pri starter/^.M .vy'a.s; slain Thariksgi .Mrs;. Holmes-"ch'arjges club :n-"' .^p.bnsible; .because :;operatorsknew, Miilmari ' had been threatened ;.aMi'J ■ .should have. Warned him.The; club is ;.liablc, she held, because .Hbltpx'/5 ;• .. did not come under.. Worknicn's ;: I .compensation, act. ' : - ' '