Variety (Dec 1937)

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50 tliree, oth^r boys, nahied Whiteman s Bai HaiyitSi~3ncombinatidt»- :ofi^drumsi- elafinet and pijaho. Too, there, are stieciaiJties by Mike Piriga;toi'e; Jimmy When th4 Famou^ Door folded its portaJs via the barikruptoy routed a eoupie of seasons ;back, this site- ylti- jhately. becairte thfr Clafe JWaria where,-. iioW that the hew Fiairious Door''has started the impetus, another sWUig combo, Wihgy- Mannone's, will come ijr sh6i?tly. With-Stuff Sm^i^^^ . , . , ... to return from the Hollywood Fa- showmanly style, Musip^. mous-T)o6r 16 the OhyxT^aiTdHbomsTTsie^^ Briej^y,v:itoy/Bargy,.wd,-'^^ Brought ■ by.Motfon Picture dui-o.) ■ . r, ■ ■ Two added acts are singles: Emerr son- I!"r6rne, male;, chancer, and Bob Lawrence, baritone. - Both score. ' ^ Whiteman vcondiicts the sliow • in alLclas- Prinia back at the F., D., .where, h^ started off with a bang, a whain, and; a jam, 52d street will' be Swing Line once-again.: : . ■ : Primay since/he- deserted; 52d, went --^o^ivat-ive—t^cw^Qjleahs^-ahd-^wes t to the Hollywood Doojf. For his N. Y. comeback :'j\L, Felshin, et al.,. refUr-. bished the bid Caliente and . .with ■ Prima- : attd Art Tatum ■ ihstaUedv things; affe swingin' now. Taturii is the: blind pianist wiz: ; But Prima is the: prime' draiw.. His horn: grbaiiia' is tops and he .sends : the cats in the oldracciustpihed style. MeantimiB, the .adjoinihg Onyx; club hasn't been dbing badly with the Six .Sijirits : of Rhythiti, subbing for the errant Stuff; Smith, ; Jonah ; Johes aiVdxo.': . • The new Famoua Dbor is a roomier, somewhat swankier boife, not as sawdusty ,nor as ribald. • It's, a-, for- ward step iiOt in; vain...: Thei;e'&. art- --irtteEesting^panel-in :thie -tbbm-sho ini:; a bevy of swihgatei-s whc isway the world "hot >wlthoiit deeper p6 ico sigmficahciBv It dejiicts. the Dukis of V^indsbr, Hitler,. ;MussoIini„ Ei steifl, iStaWri. B\it for tftei prime pur> poBCi of the- Fatnous Dbor, if s Louis P*ima virith his. y;.hammb'. cbnrtb>0i ' . Spot also humbeEis a cUte.; little pianblogist of 'the- Haipid Nicholas type: o£ personality , who. pianolbigs in effective .style.. ■ He's Bpbbiy Short; "^y-.iiame:-■• ■ ■ Jtb' bou. ert;, $1:.50 minimum;. $2;50 Saturdays; ; : ; •,;Vl?)el.,; •, :■; Chicago,. Dec. ;4; •■ brie of the .few orchestras ?eVer to come- back: to. the- Drake fbi: a return eiigagehient,. Paul WhUeiiian deserves that- distinctioli. In its; Tevamped setup; it is • one: of . the- butgtahditig . dahee' or.chestraa of-Aiheriiea.:. Tn- ad^- ditibn . toi music,', it does, .ah exitep^ ' tibiial/ jph> itt.preiehting: :ai :55^niinufe floor shpiiiy,. aided by ohly'twbi qutsidie acts, rti the shbwv. the Whitema> ocgihr izaiioh ■ ; acquits' itself splendidly: Among- the- perfbrmisrs are -Mlaribn Matthersv '■ regvlat band' singer? , Goldie,.'cOmic,; held over froih the foumeii setup; Lietritia^ and! hec four ftuitars;.-. Teagardieh^ LaVere ' ahd Tcafjardan,. : novelty specialists;:: and >IL TTfAWAN DreBaed. b^' ■• .> 75.^77, Sl^aftesbiiry AyenU* i I'.;irg9. profits ', .easily ' earned '- soiling- .i\f\v .21 KoMer. AaaortiTient.., Sell? on HiKli.t- for: Jll<00..' Other IT6il(Iiiy ..siiruncMis.. .WritV. for parlt'culuxa-. i DOROTHEA ANTEL .^irstl>pp.eal.JiL^ ..iidjBjCS Theatre. Owners: ofAmeTiea; deej)-puirple'to light opera At times,: eitheir -Gbldie: or Bargy takes a, harid at conducting, .;but it in no: way lessens .th(S: Whiteinan in- fluehcieV.;;^ v-v ■ g the current enga.itement. as in his former one at the spot, busi-, hess . has. beien strong* Program ;is being! broadcast byVWGNrMutual. ' ' .For further caif^.work it might; be W.ell to add' .' dance team. ;,' H<il; eOCOANUT GROVE (PARR";CENTRAtvHOTiEt Fbui:. acts. arid. 12' -pprties ;;compris^ the . eritertaiririierit.. at; the-: . Grove. Labelled 'At -Your- Service^- Vrevue evidently , is not expbnsive; keeping pace \yith ttie tariffs ^asked.. for fbbd and drink. : ' , Intro number; is,by the line dressed in- ; abbreviated' . bellhop .. uriifbrms ^f ter Which .they chorus an- iiittoduc tiDn„to. Vivian: Eitaiiijgift-ieinine^Jap^ stei*. : Miss Francis is, plenty, nimble and. liosBesSes; ari easj^ gpace. Alfredo arid- Dolores; dance team follow with a whiElWind rhumha; Hterberfe Dex-r ter arid , hi^; dumniy,: called Charlie McGihty - (sic!); go through, a, corny routirie- somewhat bri the-sityle bf. hiis rribre famous- contemporary, Deau"; ville Bbys' (3 ),. have nb; trouble with their harmony.. One bf the trio aidfe Jerry Blaine to m';c. the, revue, also going through a situation with Dex- ter and his dummy when .the . entire show returns for. an eriooi'e, Jerry Blaine orchiestra. ably pro yides darice- nmsiC| Phyllis. Kfenriy de liveririg the. Vbcailis; Martha: Mbrtbri and' new - hus-. bari4: Go.i-doiV: P.Ob Fbur .Moi'tbri^. oh the :.biil. at,;,.the- Tpia^^^ic.e7T---Th^-^Tte^j;^^y^ Unique N. Y.': restaurant unLtery, with-; a-; fbrtUnii. teller, .ariions; fea»- tures.l this uptown spot . was forirterly Icnowhr asv ttie Hungftiiiah' Gliibk It; rerriains. "under the satiie mariagie^ mgnt. Since opening; about a^ year ago,, it has .been :cl'assed'. up- cbn- tidetabiy,: the motif: of: the diecprative sbJieme being ialong- gypsy lines; Orchestra is Kardosh: Gypsy band oi" iflve pieces which handles! swing, rhumbas and. the' like-. For ' local flavor -it throws-in'-- dances- that might still: be- the ; rage ire Budapest ;;Erhb>;Kiraly( m.c., sells ..hi$:: Hun- garian, love songs well, being-; topped only by the- baritbriel' sbloisty . Louis Hbrvath-, who works, ini cbsj^ume aiid with-a lbt of s.'ai, Othier;; . perfbrjt»eiC3 . are, , .Geselle Maugo;-.Violiniist, and, Mause Kiraly, . youthful "singer. Floor shp-W," pbuM- use-spnie dancers,,but the'entertain-; ^neritr^ir^blor-fAat-^d-^ wise, : Cliar. ment rnade ;agMrislt^Am.erican Society of Authors,: Composers and Pub- Thirdi dimensional film 'TelevibW Shown at the Selvi/y n. -. Had • .to be vi$w.ied. throiigh: colored glasses. One ttaohiricnt for each seat.' T09 un- wieldy. :.. Bijou, ^iHljF Burtey, ' ; Set to Ogetk mk iphiladelphiai Dec..?. ■ Bijpti, Izzy Hirst's hurley,; house-' here^^^ Will ligftt up' Christm: ag diay for ;flt'st tiiriV this '•season, with, conibb pix .and hurley cue .. .bpntinjUQUs performance .pibilcy,- ■-:;.:. ii- There jiiuU :b«i;;JtoLiMi with a .stock cbiripany; :prb*idiri^ com ICS, ^ijiunip:: and ^rind, '! on the fbui" act and! staged a .'dortiestic roundup; that .tickleid:the- wisb Palac.e: audiericbi^'. ' y-^'-^ -i: /.' ARCp^tf TOE W '(c^AriToi^■■(^L:J^^Ni^A)^ ; rA^lahtar-DeG^t- Ben . -Bbrnie. . heid thenv;: at; ■ the Alhainbra: for 30 m.iriiitfcf!.; ;end,iiig: at ll;l'5^-'::/:He; ■■ Virtua.flycleared;;; the hQuse,;;:thbugh.. there;- were acts-to..:foUp\v: ;.:v.; •■ "■:;V:••■'^.■• :■..■■.:' irerie Fi'anklin/at.the C.ploniai a'^^^ reriiiniscing that; it' \yas at this house; l6 years befbi'e she made her, first appear an ce w i th Bei't G reeri; G r cie n had: died prijy -:. couple, .of weeks prfeyibusly;',■' :\,\v::' •:.;;.;'^ ;-v? ^ibphie. •TiiCket' ;^;w^ : 46 minutes -at. the- "dhj,. arid still that wasn't enbughi Elizabeth Bvice :oh the same: .bill,, faiif. riot conllic'tirig/ Bernivici .Brothers (rib Cpuiit then) 'at.the-Jiiajestic,'Chij.' it cost A, L. .Erlanger-il;0iO;6od; to get 'The- Yarikee: Princess/ Vieniiest! adaptatibri,• to thti- storehpuse-;afibi': a 10-:weeks'';rurt.^-:.';:; ■ '".;'; '/ 'V.:.-- picture' theatres ; but: bf .town :fol lowing' the lead of the % ■Y:''.B:iver side- arid' putting^ the -pit band' b.iv the- stage- as an act. :Seryed for a-;while.' ThrP^yaways;,. dis.tributbd:' by, .■ the- ritanbgement-, ■ at ■'the ■ openirig of 'Fashions toc ;Mfen' asked:; the pre mibre audi.erice, not tb applaud eh trance^ . and: exits.: : Hurt the- effect. S<5heriie» worked^ lowed" upi..:- ^ ''■yy'- '^- ■ Aerican Spciety bt Cbmppsers, Authors and. Pjiiblishera ■ . setV from- $250' to $5»000 annually broad ■casting;- permit, :Cbin dfeperided pn the- iiiipbrtariice: :0f ;the.: station,:- but $S»000 was- tops. PHILLY MUSleiANS SIGN '■. Philadelphia, bee. 7.' .; Musicians*, local during p5St ,wbek renewed yearlyl binders. with-" Shu-^. bert ' theatte-,; V^ilner. burV6y : hoiisej and; Carmen., vaudfiiriier. - .SKubert tertns . are. sahie as last yea.r, 'while there; •was $2: raise per riian iat Cairmbn. NegotiatiOriS, with Fay's, .Troc,' .and; Bijbu 'are expected to ° be coricludcd this week/. , ■TheJHEATRE of the SIARS .Louisyille was the l*itest to. .crack dowa 'bn Isadox'a DurtG Heii dtess- feir^from arid the'-'town.-- waSv-ShoGked; ; ai whole-. That got nowhere. : Marx BroHiets: tookvov^i! a piece of the- Shubert unit they ,^vere-'head inft when- the: origirial baicicer got cole ..Business; on Broadway waiS look ing ;up- With. Thanksgiving .helping but, ■ bbt th.e fchcistmas;: holidays were looming; and mapagbrs. were ; gblting ready, for the, pre-Christmas weeks. Gbl legia te .Rby lie.:. a noIher Ma j or Bb-wbs arhateur; unit,"; opbris Deci' 13 in. Woi-ce'steri;:Mass.> and the^^^ pplitan, Bpstpn,: bee.: iCi :' : ;., Unit:.:will 1 eattire a m i iced-bcGhes Ira of :five boys and five -givl^'. \. Iritei^natibnal flavor, plus good tal- ent,: , inakes ;it quitie' : bntertainirig:, Cap's opening day- .customers ; went foi'. it strong, Therb'S chough variety in-vit to m^ke: \ip. fbr the overdbse of dancing, prbduc'ed ' by Boyle Wooifblk, ehicagb, unit is in: charge of band.;:ieader Earl) ;Mbtse-, pianist, ; whpse:' special arrangemients ■ are wbrthy of note, since, music is better: than; usual.:: There's .16' in'.cbmpany, five in; band; augrirerited by house's' usual seven' standby . tobters, ; It's clbcked:in 46;riiih.S,, but fast;. v' : Proceedings get under ;w3y with George.: Hendry, in Jack ^ Tar garbt .Singing; 'Navy Blues..' - being; - joined by five-girl line- in dance; ensemblev barid car to cbriie down :front .and offer • 'S^axizema' as .sblbi: Mai-ie .Ciblelc fbllowis with; a, creditable ,acrO; sin*, gle toi 'Harbor/ Lights.' All Hhree tui^iis-got. good hands Stage- then ■ takes .on- appeai-anbe of Indian re.servation when Bill and Clara; "Dakota and daughter, ii'ehe, full-blooded Sioiix, showv; up; They're- iii: full-.Indaai\ rbgalia arid present a mixturia of.. Indian and modern dances to .special miisic; with rnale; :helt)ihg things with banjp. Youngest femnie is a. lobker arid djarices nimbly. With.. Dakota- picking bri ' guitar,; wife 'Sings ,'Vidian . LoVe Gall,! ;givihg-. it. the redskin: interpre- tatipni Miss- Dakbta> then: clicks out a riibderri tap- dance, td: 'Dinahi' T'hey* encore with corhedyj:, singing: -Yes, We- Havie" Nb Bananas/ in - Sioux, Thby:had';fo beg';off.; ' With: Hbnd'ry^: the; vocal< .lirie^ coriieS baek In . Dutch' costume- for ciog;,tb 'DUtchv Wedding in Amstef dahi^. They'^^^^ follb'wad,by,;.eairl X TJhorsbn-,. an; ;e.KcelJbht juggler,: who dbes- about" seven; miris. of jtest .wbrk. Thorsori/ has. a gbod': appearance ^;as well as nerspriality: and; works com>: edy into- his 5tint; . Irbne- Dakota. then does: n- speeder triple- tap' Waltz- clog of ■Three o'clock in . the Mbrrting.' . : Ernest-. Hiatt. v riibnologi sings. 'Chiniese W&shee,V:..mixesv in; sbriie twisted tiillc. aiid patter; and flltiishes with: . 'Musical Maeathbri;' which leaves.-hrm<.vv!inded: and the .audience tJl'eased. ;He., too,, had to; beg. off;, ;. Hendt'y , then sings: .'Kiltie Lads* arid dances with, the lihb. They :make way for Nettie MacPhecisonV whb; is Keith theatres^ ■plaririirig to st<ip reputbdly the champion lady: sword ^ adliiiirig: aic ty-and-^see k tu- se ltTtriih ^tahc<?r~^nd-^agpip«r^f-^eQtl^and7^ She- goes. through, a cbrinplete: toe rbutlne ;ot ,the-: Stbttish national SWord dariqe tb> ai- mbdley oi Biorinie Scotland ttines, P'lenty good, too. • Heridrjr returns,: sings ■Eyerythirig Is Bonnie V Down ,in Scotland,' and does, a; solo :tap to,- same; Ludie Lin- demarin, anpther- daughter . of ^ Da- kbtas arid wife-, then does a> solo.; tap- aind is. joiried by Hendry for a- double- fin ish. ... Stage .then goes' Sfcbtch: in a big way. ■ Line ;girlSi dressed as Scotch pagpipersi and ' share, druriimers tfpop; on .noisily, ffeatbring piping .of Nettie Macpherspri; and acro. :bass drumming; of Heridry/ . While- skirling; and: bopnriboomirig is at its height, rest bf acts, march on for'bows, and show's over. Pic; is .A: Girl with ideas'' (Univ) and hpuse was full when, jfirst show broke, ;despite-;rain. , Lti,^'/; Ini their'lbgal actipn; to bring about; this'dissolution of the Burlesque:Ar- tists'{ ■ Assbciatiorij ,1^ Briscoe: arid : Sam -' iRayhor, riaembers, .have' not. pulled their; punches, .according to' tiie. cbmplaint .flled last week. In ; N.;-.Y; suprenieMCourt. ;.;■. ; ■•.■; ■ Nbt. bnly; -do- they: want - the: C^ ;o abbilsh; the BAA, ■ but they d^ that Thbmas J. .'Phillips,;presidfrrit of . the : organization,. ^ makb; an account- , irig of money collected ip; dues .and' for: ^ hospitalvzatibn. : They: ;■, suggest : that :a teceiyer .be appbiiited to hari- die' the BAA ^fe Action is directed against- Phillips; ^ and the;:associ'atiori-, deferidants,; Plaintiffs asserts that:on:J;iily 27;last : the Associated Actors, and ' Artistes of America; revoked the right. of BAAtp abt as a cplleetive bargaining .. agent . foi:; its members, holdiiig that ; *burlesqUe^is--=nbrir exis ten t^^ Ypi-k. City;'. At the 'same tirne,' -the ' plairitiffs- say, the; American Federa-^ ■ tibn-. pf Actors acquired from AAAA^ power to act a^ , agents for BAA. membersy the; latter being; taken: iri' ais members of AFA. Despite- the- fact that BA^ >s not . functioning^ Briscipe ahd^^^^^ lege, Phillips :cpntinues tb pay him- ' self a salary of $100 a week. . Plaintiffs declare: that, • despite;: .. peated demands over the- last, two: years, Phillips. arid the BAA treas- urer have refused to- give- an ac- counting.; , ' ;. '\\. nmiTK and MAeK (iMfedtoir iMid Mack) Comedy : 10; Min». : : .'Paradise,''X. Y. . Rudy Vallee is sponsoring; Mirth and Mack, nee Medbff /and Mack. They were tbuted to- him- by Roscbe Ates, screen stutterer, 'who>; accord- ing, tb: premiese announcement, thought. SO: much of the boys that he motbred Witli Vallee, from Holly- wood, to Rbck Island, III., to see them. Vallee; in turn, thought so> riiitch of them that he brought Iheig along- to Broad wiay. :..:■■ '• V .; •:"'. ■ . With that sort: of buildUpV the boys were faced :with' a :mi'3ced:;reactioni Toysbme; they-^ couldn't-miss;; pthei* were from Missouri arid it took. • ^tt ta. r ea lly, show^em But this they did with their flnalt Groucho Marx; - and. Ai'lissrHai'po, Marx hokum. That, was; thie socko,- arid vindicated everybody all iaround. In the forepart, their hoke challenge dance- was: one of those things. They did it in military, aiccbutremerit and used :their bwn mats. But -when 'Arliss* starts doing his; version; of ■ 'Inky, Dinky,': theit switching; to a Durante, tbpped by the expei-t Gr oil bh 0 clowning, they were- sol id Jackson with .the congregatibri, They ai'e destined for wider spheres.: .: .,■••.■.•■ •'.■• '-y :, ;■>■■ . - ■-: ■ Abel. .:.;, DOWWEILY, AND FINEEN Dori -Donnelly is now teanied with Bobby Pineerii riQw.:\that G (arid Dbririel ly) has" refu'ed to go iri tb the 'wineTseUiiij^ biif/; ,' " .\; '■. Doyle, brpthsi* of :BL|ddy-Do.Yle, cpritinuirig club dat&s,' etc.." tween limes. :: •.: ;.; be-: RAGS TO KIGHES? ..; . Pliiladelpbia. Dec. 7. Rags •.Ragl!j:nd> vet • bu coriiic! noW at Wifiver's Shubert here, will adieu ,burley next week' to' hooic up o[.'W.hb*s;Whp,^^^ ;tlsa ■MaxWeli-legiter.- : ■■[■ ■ v-.v Week of Dec. ,i:> .\: ■■ ';MjMiiiii«,lul.-lI:(,i'(ls--;.T.j;ii(1^ii(i.. t'nioii v .'..i:is?-/, n;ii».ii's:— 1 !/)strui. • ■ ■ > '..Vlffhl .Cwl.'i'—T.i-(i(-; ;i'hll/ulpi|,)iiii-. : ' '.S(-un .T>(ilJ.<<'-^-(i;i,v-o(.yv .WiifdiliiKliin. ^ . 'I'>l7.7.>';.l).imps-—.Cjlyofy., UnlliiHon.; .. ..•■('.»■ mii(w-.<.-'-^t.'(U"Kill,: Tiiifrid. Tn-ii;i-^ ''l'pnvi).li'<''^'-r-t''a<iln(i, I'i.l.lftiiUi'h'h, i;;. .■" .'MoUcH isc'tri-t-t-'-—('jL-^iirK.' 'I'lii-onirt. ■ 'Si,/i/;e-.'.M/-(i(vtlii1s'i ..'|i;in1>i(.'.-s\, ■|!(K-lif.><f.'i-. .: 'L'cftH ' iuiil .■ Li(.ii^t)iiPr'r..-1.y i-i(-; : .VJli-ii- [itw ri,.-. :i1 (in. ■ tii<-M,; .;i,>(-i)hivuiu,. nn, AV.i'd. -'" . ■;■ ■■. Follies of Gay Paree ; (feOXYv SALT LARE ; GrtY) ^ Salt Lake City, Dec. 5. Hpiis'e \shbuld - pile-up:' handsome grbiisvori ■this week's'bill. Stage show is foi-te, " Biz ;at ;sessibri: caught next tb show Siiriday' (,5'|, vvas ti'ifle short of a ;turriaway.;■ :;•: ,,"!.:>•,■;, . . That the show is 'better than others hbre, past .six, mbriths. 'w iit^' tie- for tiie gang, Unit is con.sider-: ably .iippagb,, ■rtbtwithstiSridihg laGk^b .slapstick, liisty> gags, and'rpWdyisiris. Audience' rfc.sppnse'.was strong. . .; ' .:Lid; opener; vpphnen'-aivd Hbri'ibk? engage in baton jugglii-ig rtnd, aicro-' batic balancfiig; 'Which iiripre^ audi-? ;ence..: Very:cfTec'tive.,- . / In. deuce ;sppt;are;.Lalita.:'a'iVd An-,: dra. their specialty bprdcririg- pn Spanish dancirig.^ Appearing in two tLii-ns,,:;teaiTv;:gbes :^pver: big. particu- ;larly. in their opcrior, a fast-,nipving; rhun'iba.. •■ ■.; :;:'::. / v:. ' ,:; : Joe ; Lewis'. local m li,s ic crew: sup- poi ts the , unit act^s.;; Its fcatiired nunxbers smack lViRhly> '' Showing versatility': in switching from ' the. penultimate in jam to the wacky school of;s\virigoipgy,::appeai-arice this ..week is rripst polished since bacom- ing,;regular, orchestra r ;vcral riibnths. ago. Seven men - In outfit,«s, vocalist. . ,Each.: hlus^^^^ '(Continued on page 62r ■ ; LORD and PRITCHARD and Co, '(2) Danoing^, MuKic Fuii{ 9 .ntmns. . .. State, N. Y.\:' : Act iriciiides .the .name dariceipair,;; 'gal piano accbmpanist bn: stage-: and a' ■ harmonica ' soloist;- prbssntation;: nebds ciarifying iri the staging to bring -out the; production idea :(if any.)- arid. more thought tb the :visual sidOj .but is fprte enough for a show- closer, as here spbtted.- ''; ; :• ■': ■'.'.< . Turn opens with a pictprially ef- fective bit,' male and femriie dancer. being .framed backstage as tho:ugh they v/ei'e; pictures,. Quickly leap into life to do a> tango-tap' cpmbiri»- ■ tipn that is at least distinctive; Fol- low with . a,' ballrbom tap-, in the As- taire-RPgers riianrteiv. .W erally accaptable biit lacks-definite .style: ; After the'--unbilled, lad the Stage .With'.riiUsic bri .'R^ Blue,' dance pair return tor a semi- ^ ballet ballroom, number, also Oke. Gal's pianbrplugging • .inaudible :frbm.but.frontv.': :' ' . : '■, ■Holie;.;^ -■. WALTER LONG ■,' .Tap Dancer : I'^.iu'adisc '' N.' ' Y. ■ - ' ^;'ylra^tet Long: is olie'o£;the • fpiHun^ yburig,-;meri Who coriibiiie^^ tapstavinfi.: skill :Wit:h' a {iocko .pDrso.rtality which,, iriterpreted in the s.a. equation, a"' ; gurs- mtich for him.- . ; .. ' -■ : j ■'. Working hard: and often through-.; out the Paradise restaurant . lloo» show, he: shows to exGellent-advan- tage and should go places; He's spoi- Ughted here for that purpose. : ■ ,He's especially effective; hi a vta.!V70'. and rliumba: taps solo, and later the tigcv-women production fla.^h. :■ ■■ ..■'. •. ■ Ab«. .