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, >AlthGiiiih-fte "about 16 >eiin- quish-most- of the/ routine; dijties as ^ president, of: Eqiiit j^,. Fra^ - Gill more caused a;furote Irite;yesteri^ay :<Ta.CK- day)' afteviipcin: by oltcririg: hi^ . liatioh. t^r. ti-ie cbunpH. ^ In ^a: Icticv siVbmitting iviisjAvitb^^ that fills health would not permit h iiti acting as cxcciUive head of the Fouiv A's; aiid fitso" attpndiin^ council nicct-; ■ jrigs:; ^GillhiorepWhO,^ '70; pl-clcr '..Emiily;' ; •'x ' / V, ,V^:GinmQre . iaid, that/ rtisignaildn; to .tdke «ffect^Jaii,. l^. bii hc'ccptins .his/withdrpAya^^ : §:v:d'itAVas libiVid :he c^nUriiic ■yrilirva-Vsuitf^ ' Ipctcd.- Fi rHt ^ step -in: that 1 r^oti^oli^ be disclpsed at; a special council mefetinig: caliedl.; tpr Dep.'i7-: CoUricil has itb^ power;tg;. Appoint a successor ■ was tViie case when John iEmci.-son yWithdircw ;aiid GilliTibrc wasin^ Three-Tear Term : .^^liRSt suinrimer :h£5 -Vitbs;^ iov a thVce-ycivi- pcrio'd, ds-; was Paiij ; Duli^ell/ Latter^ whb, was named: to {issiim^ the, duties of thc/pi-Csidcncy;. ■ieisb recently .handed in his 'r.csig'na- : .tioh but^^^ w!is induced; to : rccphsidcr \ nd advisQd Equity that he \vpuld IHI' but^ the unexpired ;term. ^ .: . ^ ;v \Whether The . ' -iticisin of the -Dp- position' -group in ' /the associatipn caused both executives' to; act is a ■conjecture, but both stated they were ; not .affected: by the -grpup's tscilcs.; Gillmore's resighatlph, in effect: , \ 'Against, my perscrial ; desire, arid ■; wifth :muchrrcgret: I • beg to.; inforrn you ' tikt my health: hds iriade it .top difficult ipr. me ;tp .fulfill; the- double duties of Equity^^.^p rew/rppsitiori. ;.with the; ■ Fout A^. : :Thcrefbre, ; ;fiirncsi5 tov yo.u'ti-V^ : ;tp. rbsi^ii ^ ^ i^.as ysoo'nc&s; you . cftn -7«wnventehtly^let-me.'-gb-;-fT-TT^^^ • know' noe .wilt:reGbgnize' .that .this is ^'a- parting-that holds:;t6o- much iiv^ m . life ;to find eacy>/ I hardly need ^as^ "• ;you that .any' service you wish ; f torn; me "will, always -fae^yours;.; Thfe Poiiblectbss : With Bi-odericlc , Gra\yford's. . elicit ' in . *Ot: Mldie; and Men,'' ' Helen ./Broderick .(Mrs.. .Lester iCrawford) affectionately wired. thefr>s6n"a? fblloWs; T ^' ; ' 'i^Jow. ■ :thai -'y^^^ , ybu .si>c.;arid a'^^h harri, doublerCross your .pop ahd me and turn out to be a man.' Boi'scht CVrcy it Endbrsedi ks; mute R^y^ Alithorf .Artd Stagers r^'JuUus Cfiesai;/ Tradlii Will TR«ck» and Garrtient \yprk:e>%» ; 'l^ins and Needles^ Un>qil'^^^^ WELLES FROM By ROBERT RE INHAlRT ' the Oi»eretIa ^^^^ I^^^ Shubert-Gailo In Detroit. Dec. Wilsrin tiiealre .\vili :start ^ of bperetta reviyais starting-^^^P 27 • iinder : a ■ deal; between. New Ybrlt , showmen and local interests, . Loltei- •. are repi;csented by- Alfrfed Wil.^bn, ;whb is -Coii^ thevD.odge TO^^^ faniily;: Al.sp 'a.s.sor /.ciateci: '■ J;: J... Shubcrtv': .Fortune Gallb and Saul J.; Baron; . Shows will ■^bc^presented at. $^,65^^^ ..'i;S{pected ^that :-t^ will be^ added.: by.-^E<|uity to -Ihe^^^^iOd-diir- ip^ / -whichv;? pa ';ioi^ :' rehearsals - bf. straight . plays : ~m be paid and three days iadd^d for miisickls, as^^ the result , of ' thie shortening of .:the pro- bationary : period ■ to fiye and .seven days respectively; . Previously, . i^e- b oar sal . pay. applied tarting • .the. eighth day for straight, sho.ws -and the 1.1th day for musicals,;; Shoirten in^: of the pf dbationary. pQ-- riod' by Equity .brbught>sobife. -m^ agetiai protests 6n the" cont.entiph that the tiib'ewas too short, .ebtinci.i action had been . deferred but'". last' month the subject .was .brought out again and . became effective "im- mediately. ■ ^.-..y..'."':;."' ' ' Committee '.. narhed to decide whether the shorteiied free rehearsal period .wbuld-^fTectthe^^ and indications . Jre that it does.:. .If the coiincil. accepts such; a, recom- rnendation it \vill amount to approxi- mately-$2.85 per.day for the added days, or a,, tofal of- $5,70 for straight showis arid. $8.55 for musicals..'^ Thtit applies fpr players -who. get $20 per wpjgk 'for rehearsals. Juniors and chorus tilembers \yill .receive .a; pro rata- a.dditibn ! of $15.. ;;. . yf- ■. Pay for re.hearsals .;has: been, in ef- fect about two years. . It was a. mat- ter of'.c6ntroyersy;within H.quity and but. with some of the association leaders /opposed to - the idea... M.an- agsrs were, against it but said .they: would equalise the added pay by i^cducing . salaries. Rehearsal coin must be paid the; s.econd,; 'third and fourth weeks .for straight; /show, -if tbat niuch .time .> is ustfd, .and ■ two ;wcclcs; Ipri^er' - fbi"/ musicals. ■. Origi- nally, if a: how- rehearsed not;more than/ two /weeks . beyOiTd- t|ifi p tioriary pei'iod and cios'ed within .;Onc week, managers coiild deduct the amouhts paid for rehearsals .in set:t,^ tl.ing/. for ; the .-pay due the ; scGond ! week. That i.s now- ruled out. . Thcriitrici}.^ .s .:" ■. the past few week . hr.yb'.been turning /iip; •arnbnig; other thi . / not only click play.";, biit... a nurriber. bf pi-omisih;'- ybunsj personaiilies,. And., two/ pi" .therii are irom the .b'or.scht circuit., which may lead some to Ihinlc thiat rna y be it's t ime to slop kiddj rtg libout; 'that route. ' ; .\ -First bf the .sui prises wa.s , 'Jiiiius Capsar,' nO\v drn\yiiig the .swank. The .second wa.s the fi'krmcfjit worlibrs' production of - 'Pins arid Needles,'- satirical reVue,; Arid to tpp it./bff,"the Mei:k has now come through AVith anbther, Marie ' Blil'zst'cin's 'Cradle Will Rock.' Two of these threc shbw.S: have definite Icfti.st slant, . and ,seem to have pi'oycii thi: adage thait entertairinTierit; will; sell,; ey'cn if it's' got the propagabda tinge/. / • / . The ; chbriipionship .of the bofsclit circuit../ uridcrtaken, by Haiold Jf ;'Hecky''Rome, iyi-jcist. a . (Continued page 58) 'Lady* Cast on Coast To Bs II. S., Oriental /;. ;■.; ' '/■.. Los Arigblcs, Dec, 7. . ■ .Ca,st for the loca 1; prcjclnation of ^Lady Pi'ccious .Stream' \yi II be part American arid part■ Oriental. Supt porting Ciarence.Der\vcni, who came from N.. .'Y.'to '.p'iay Vthe'/'l^^^^^^^ .rjid 'di-: rcct. Mawcfe .and' Lotus,L brplhcr arid- sistciV ^^'.ill ha pal parts. Barbara Barton, also frpm tW castv will .have another princifJEl., roW. Till y Lbsch was/ sou ght for' adClc* hariie;,draw; but nixcd the bid. Will\ttm Mpri'is; office ' /'h«''iUdlibK the sho\y tor pjx "arid red ib. Deal for the latter.hus been, discusscd.^but .rib (3ic(B as/yetiNi ^/ •;':'/ .;. "'• : .■ ; " Cincinnati, Dec,. 7. : - Local 'audiences foiind thenisclyes doing / some jntcrisive / eye-rubbing last 'week at the Cbx at tjie try but bf -'^Yr. Obe'dicnt Husbarid,'; costume play, starring Frcdric. March and Flbrerice/;-Eldridge. . . When.. Montr gomery yClift, .assigned to/:the role ;bf Lord Firicii/ \ya.s bedded \yith .flu, his pai-t was taken .by Kay . Johnson, • A.etresfs, well, kriow.n. in both: legit :and films. is/tl)b wifc^of John Crbm- wCU. dii-ectqr of- the show. It wa.'' her first male 'impcr.sonatipn.' / - / li-icidcntally, March and' his wife Miss Eldrige, rpi inquishe'd their fii-st- flfior drcssihg --ropiri to Dame .May Whitly', featured "player,, during the run ..bc:i-e.''.-:.\,. '■ ■ • " - - .■ : " / Th.critrc;; Giiild - is bla-ncd at -tt>c bla.st by RicI.Vard: Wiitti'/ Jr^ drarta, crick of the N. Y. Ilorald Tribunb; in.his Sunday c.Olumh ancnt.misquofe of his review in ari-advorti.scmcnt pji. 'Amphitryon.^ aC,' at the ."^hubcrt, N/Y/ ; PVodiicers will ;yot.::i;ji.to- with .aripthcr./ad iiv/wi'itcr^^. oy^n sheet, irsing a/ niorc,proivsing; quote ,to buck statbriTcnt/thrtt he d^^^^^ said-.so. .. .: •;/■' . ■ Watts blamed p.a. I-Tclciv Doutsch. vjor 'inventing'; in a vitriolic and per- sonal stab at the Guild. Fact i.s. that business, department'/.makcs; up adS and : /doing so,; orrorieou.sfy put Watts'/nari^c on Sidney. Whjpplo".s quote! from the N/ Y. WorldrTclc- gra.m: Guild is ^burhcd;th'at/.,W{il(s did not take-time out to investigate before laying, out advcijjsc 'type.: / . Whipple-s. ~corrim.ent,.. credited . to Watts,.; was 'deligbtfuily ' w farc^,. played .with devililsh pe.r flbn;' ..uuiib statethent in piTitl iid yvi 11 read. 'We ar6 >>iOn-y . for;/ our- error; then. Avill .quote Watts as fbl-. lows: 'Urbane'^ancl..siikon and .slyv it is■ ijcautifui in lariguagc in .setliiigs and in .cb'stumcs.<V'id ;b.ril.li:intly;; ^actcd by the incompdrable Lunt.s.' , : ■ ,-r Understood the Guild is/also phiVi-; riing to. i.ssue a bpolVlct -vyith extracts, from all the .' /' of. another of its production.s, 'MadahiC Bnvary,' at the/ Brbadhurst; N.; Y... Will i.ri.cludc opinio n s-'of a I i' c r.i'x, bo tli B rba d w a y /and the road, and/ according \o report,-.: will: .di.sclosc; a■/)?<}wijdcrrrig variety/:of bpin;ibn alyo.iit virtually t;vcry/./phi'sc of thesh^jw; -/I'-isuc. which/'; to go to Guiid subscribers, will conclude .with the- comment. 'PosvMbly you' can' figure.but the an- .swcrr.wc can't.' / . ■ ..- .-.■•■■;::■ L?git,; viiude, nilery and ;e;vster ■ ;, .171 !Ti.: shovvmen-: hhvb -bci.a inroraicd-. - lhr,t h'ercaf'ier brily/ union-made cpi?- . tunics may be liscd \Vhcro. meriibers : of - , the - stagehand's, ' ■bleclric^ans.'; seen: c, m usic.iarts'; pv ■ .wa rdrpbb Ibc^is are employed. ■:;;■. ■' "■■: / '.' Notice came in a. cbmnuiivicatio'n .' On- Americnri-. 'Fcdcratioiv; of Lnboi^ ,siiH;iO!'iery,; New . Ypvk- office. ■./Staler mcril carried ', si-^natu'rc, al lir^ufh: . !the . ; /of the: 'Co.s'tu.me Work .' lbcaL-api3eaiicd,:on --the :lc>I.Lajdicaiti - along v.'ith • that of ':t!ib-general; of- ; garii;zer^:/ .Louis/ /rio.llan-l^r*./;;Ac ' ;■ 'cniTxe■ after/ ifiv.(e.:;yeari;.:,bf .ndgoli^tipri.;. Uyy. .?n :a,grOcm.ent. with .tlie Theatrical; • 'Co'/lumcrs Assn.', cibplbycr group/ : Only ma j or \stage uh ion not. mcn- t'cprd ;in./the' p.nnouncpmeht wa.s- Avlbrsf'E'-juity/A^sii; /•■.; '•/-./- ■ r :■ ■■ -'Not ar|\t;i(^rintfiji)'af:<Wflrtnt^ ar -. namecl as;- hVvirig ■signo.d th'a ..unipni,./ .■iffr.c.Gincnt,; v.Miieh/.is stated .to'-bq .sa^^^ isfactpry by thps.b'awhp.-have. Inked it. . Uni people ,a.re aririounced as. . / v.-orl-.^pfi only.- in.-, the cstabli.shmc;it's.^ of/ Mhie. .Bertha./ Bi-oolvs .Costume Co;, llolcne Pons ' Studio,'/ M;Miieu ;,. Cb.stumcs, /Tnc., .and Verbnich Cos'ai.mcs, inc. ;. ftostrictions cOycr rcntiils as weil as nbw costuiTic.s. Uri- dcrs'iood that-the' Eyes: company did' -V ' nbt/s;gn'bQcause of ia^diff^ with tlip '.^i.nloycr.grbup..Company.•;; ed hctipn by unanimous vote of the r '; •/. tipn" rather / thin . a mfiipi:ityr. Tarns' aiid - LanzbletliV Wcre: not \M ';'; eluded, either. ; ; A.grecmerit : caliis ; for a 40-hf)ur /week/rind' time and a half for over-; lime.' biit rio work on Saturdays.. ilPrctofbremanagers arid; ;pthej:s havb insi.sted ,Pri rii.sh work on co.s- ;iumcs, but; how niust'give.thb rtakei-s / /and designers more tirnp, ; Apcbrding, 'Xa the upion rules, rio costumes, a/ : -lb bo .i.mported and..'none are tb be. , niadc by wardrobe women, nor" .maria^'Crs' .w;orkrb6msr ;; :;:... . : ■ /Cosluhicrs say thpy have foreign -dcsttjntrs -.inid.ei'-€ontwct-^tuaUflcd;^ia- _ turn : out the type of garments . spu'/ilht. Hvilcs- are ..said; to have been;., adopicd- as a :conce.ssibri io the' Co.s- turners': .-<sociatibn. Recipichlis • of ;. /ti.TO notice ■vvere-as'ked^^to signify- acr:^,^ icpftince of the conditions .sat foith •so that you may be placed on the. list., bf approved ;produccr.s thcalre boqic^rs arid .dpsignci-s.'/-'. . /. .... ■ ■ ■.Uivipn'«i ruicE,/.it they becpj^ t fr fpotive,. \vbuid cover a .wide, fi.eld.; in .. addition 16 theatrical productions .A;. / Sihubert; ;an.d 'Gallb have been: as-.-. ; • / s()Ciale^ tv.'o :sUraitier seasori.s; at : Jones Beach. N. .Y.,- in the produciipii . ■ ' of operetta.s. They; also revived; .siriii^ lar niusicals at Randall's Island, Is'ew .. ; v Yodc's riyun.ic last .sum-, • mer. : . Baron / is an; attorney , aVcU ;. knoXvnJn show .bus.i . .-^iie had an. .: Interest ' 'Three Men on a Hbrsp;,' ./inireserited; by Alex Yokel. ■. Latter 'leased .the • Wilson;; Defrbit, ;and;/_Er:-. . ;la hgeri 'Pli iladei phi a, 1 ast 'year. Baron' : ;::bcing ;a partner, . ;PhiIly .spot is now :bein;g bperated by S. F. Nfrdlingciv. y $1 SUPEIIS JSQUAWKING ^ SupptnumerarieS i . ;:^>e ;n-epprted;/beefing-.a^^iiiiTsit^ ..f 1 ..; -; Salaries- pei- •/night /paidthem;- Rci- y-^-: ported as; having gone tb-;Eqiiity ..tb / .inquire re the.-.riiling. .Talk' i.s that ■ ,i-hey rnay decide to strik for . $15 \.' week if .salaries'.a'ren.*t.'.bbttei\e'd.' .' y Were willing ,to work at the !?1- '• .figure.,uritii;<;hoW'clicked.; .y;,': 1/0 Be Pu RekervQtiohs Mq NEW YORIC 154 West 46tb St. LOS ANGELES 1708 No. Vine St dHiCAGp 1/ Vlondo^ 54 W. Rcndolph % I 8 St^Martih> PU and. n)ght club shows,, .souiid stages .of eo.iitcrn /slUdibs; would bp. inbjud- cd, als amateur tlicatrica.ls if prc- .;'.-.cri.lcd.in. com.mcr.cial housps and.,,' /,.; diibJ'iuib.s. ProduPlions from out of ' lov.'h,'including cbllege s:abv.'s;:wbul'l: ;bP: barred 'unlc'.s the .cost • :, union made. - • ' '. .---;...- .. .G-Uier. uftibris:mpritibii?d in-llic no- . '.tice^';ur'^;alV.Vliates /pf: ttio A migill bo • exneclcd ; to . sunpfiri; t he -cji-lume:Avbi'kers unioi?/h);iho;.c;vciit, of i! po''..sibfb/strike; :; ' '•'; . s Vigorous ign to 2-for-l it .";':': -•-/;:-'/ '.'. London. Doc. . /;■ !yf)c:.n(-git battle loohi-s v/ith cfirn-- iiTlllnir -()f-':impbrtiKbi;:Lon^ l-'^.'t ' ir'iill 1;Vc-r.•'■; ;>nhbiincIng / ' . fi'ont cf .liicii- .llu'ylrcs /that .'thi^ pi.odu.clion :\h( fMi c at Cheaper;pric'c.«.-.' ■;■■ ;■.. • ■ '/'ilMr;./y., bP.qinning of. a . campaign-, ■jo ;:lVf-ht; tlie; t\vbrforTone ticlvctMhe- a'.iT.;. - Cut-raters ' are^; anpsO'ering. V.Uh' .^tatcnicnt .tlTcir .system -has- bccri. in f/pr.raiion for the pa.st five ycars; and' tliat it helps tlie public ;a)Kl ■'.H.Ti'C'-by attracting petiple'.otl'jci'.v.'i.sif.- jipablc ' to afford... West-;End -t,ariti;s^ ^rhcy-add/'that lt-;rTlsoiic)M'labor..b j:.:(ping actors; and- .'-lii.:;p. hi.'hd.v cinr ployed,'. •• ..... .•;■' ' ••■ :.