Variety (Dec 1937)

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who smoke all'oyer tt\e place, duritig ■ -intei^issions of'P I^st week ajnd "told that a'lQt pf jtheatres look like the 'bivbiiac; of. . army ; campi* - W rings ; down; bfetweeri . acts; Stilted that - a lot. oiE people had 'tol^ they ^ wbuidn^ : ^o to theatre ,^ any more-^ fearing : the; dang^^^^ of : fire, though he qUalifijed • this: by' a ' he didn't khovt^' if they 'really meant It.' y''-^:'^-:'''-r:r ~': -^^ Golumnist;- predjcted - that the city would 'celebrate ., a ./great .theatfe disaster'. one : ol' these gala f ybnihgs.; TThe wpnder .is that the panic iiasn^t • startedrvup ;; ;:t6 ' nbw . ov^'irem . supposed, to bS: prejselit iri thfeii- of- ficial capacity, not' as "guests.;:,Re- sponsibility is pasisad along to the' City fireman, .who: is ballyhooed from tiihe to: time in: rotbgravuriB pictur;es ; of his a'clPO^^ school; ahd 'who is, assighed- to* the. theatre on. fuljt 'p^^^ a .■ loaifer). to : enforce ; plaihj ;siiVip,le ordinances' which. : not argiiable; The firemen,, hoWeyer, liayie beien so tbletant . or indolent, fbr y.eaiy .that .ismaill.libertic!s;.have grown into coiri.-. firmed, customs, :and.. little fires.' blink airnong .the '. audieiices, particularly, on'.opening nigtits,; to tlie hprrOr 'of air Who have not had ; th|e .foresight to get drunk-.-,.. . - • 'One of,these , nights -.some smart ighbWman.-^ither.: bri the. st^ge: .dr.. in; ■ the- . house^.; . will: become , a pu.blifc; . hero: by gouging a firebug out of-the audience and with a firm, accurate punt irt: the paiits kick him ;6r her all th^ way .up .th^ aisle and. .aerbss . the' ai$l^ and .abrpss ■the. lobby • into streetv' ^ >seerris to, be no- iiope 'of preveiitive' work -by -the firemen; vTheir job / " : tb visit; \ffjth: the Ushers, to dig r out; the bodies after the .panic.' Pegler told; Variety that" he thought it would- be a good thing: iiE a few womeii oftehders wete hustled out and that this would have a good- effect. ' Stated alsb ; that- Neysa^^ M^ Mein Vliad told ; him ; riecently :; she; would not. wear 'Jan . even dress which inight be. easily, set fire to; in ,:«',:-any-moire.; ; Fire. 'Commissi&her John • J:. Mc- Elligbtt;'- when qiuefied by' .VAiRtjETV • re ;the column,' stated- heh^d -writ- ; ten a-letter to Pegler' statihg that ;he. ;Bh6uld' retract a got)d part of ■■ the colufnif~wlu^:1>~^ clareii that firemen dori-t . just stand by and do . nothing at intermissioiisi but arfe usually, backstagie to {enforce the regulations there:;. Pegler .stated yestetday, howevei:,,. .that he! had i>ot as yet .i-eceived /the'te^^ unaware as; yet of any inaccuvacies.: • ^ "Audience-T/rea;eti6n'-^^^ fperformaiices :pf 'ijd Hathet Be; > .Right'; lis" varied; at;: the Alyin, 0 Nv Y; Hissing the mehtipii pt a third ' teirm toir the president does ndt always, occur, .average being icyery other hight and al- most ;^ balcopy. . Sucli. depribnstratipjis are .mild ;.; :and alwayis gbod^riatUred|.;; : Out-of-town; sefyeral heckles interrupted ; the ; show. ; Qhlyv; one has been iii. the hOjise. sinpC; ;opehing oh , Broadway.. ; Man Was stewed and was ejected. ; ■ ; Initlai I'step ;in a move' to obtai'h ^^[cial designation, or^g^ agsnts in .c'pilectlye ; baTgaimng^: w^ taken. Moiiday (6) Vbsn :^c of the'Theatric?il/ftfsfnageih^^,;.Agents and: Treasurers; and : the New York '^heatricaV^Press;,Agents.vhud-■ died in lhe'pffice;il latiorts Labor 'Board in New York; Also present was a representatiye;;pl the - ^LeagUie: ;df; New( Yptk;.T^ manageriaUgroup. J;-•■; , ; ; '• V' ' .ft may take soirie time to;: thresh, gtit the. dispute. ■ 'iJYTPA. whi^^^ not a/unibn, cohterids .that it shbuld be ..F.eGbghi7.e"d- becauke its member- ship cbnsists:ixciui5ivciypf.publids^^ of Broad way jegitS; . ..'TM AT contends; that its briahizaition represents, the stafrs of the, frbnt bf .:the hbuse—bopt; bflice people, p. a.'; ahd company rhanagers,.; How maiiy members ex- cept the ticket-selling eiement, are or were: cohnected . with;; .Bibiadw.ay shbWs was not indicated, hbWaver; Se'ssibh witb NLRB was. descril)ed as an infbrrnal t.alk,:.-the board's end; being cbmposed of. t-vyp attorneys. Ar^iJearance of MUtph-^Weinberger as attbrriey for thie league .V.'asVunex-. pe^cted: He' explained a ;-sectipn _.©f the / managerial body's:, Constitution, wherein. it is; set- forth; that only by ybte of the .members may aiiy: com- ■jT\ittee • or the. bifficbrs - act'for/ the whble;' but- that the league had de- rli ned to. recogn i ze the TMAT. bn New York crttics atteiided one of the special perfbrmahces pt 'Tlie Ci^adie 'iVill Rbck' '^st' Sunclaiy (^); ati.thfJ_Mfirc.uiy, formerly the' Com- edy theaitre. li; is tlVe seicpnd; biarev 'atid. was; abcprded an - excels press, as; WaS; 'Julius Caesiar,'; wWeb/ ;is the regular attraction ,;at'the housed 'Gra- diii' lis tbe/^^opera': turned down by ^WPA and: giveb'at th*» fpirmer Jpl- .sbn's .- last summer, when . not; eyeri the stage: was lisiBd; Actbri were on /orchestra seats. . 'Cradle-.. had ; been played;the previous Sunday (28') i but the reyiewers were absent. /// ■: ^ome speciilatibn/over the chahcies; pi the show being pr€|sehted under comniercial management, but in such event it is uriderstobd that :the' mu^ 'sicians : " wbuld: insist / that ail brchestra be ;used. ; As. ^howh to .date; ohiy: the: authbr-cpmposer, Marb; 'Blitzsltein^ is;at-the pianoV ':; V ■' / ^Piris a:rid Needles,'still'ahbther depbiident veiitui'e^ weekends,, also lias attracted / much iattention. Fp;r it two pianois are' used,; but. unr derstoqd the ririusicians';uriiqn plcayed it as a c ourtesyj is sp ons ored by /the Ladies'; Garrnent' Workers iiiiibn.- • ,'Pins' Js at the ;Labor Stage,, once ;the Prinpess. / It is slated to ;go oh regularly,-after the; first/ of the; year., /- '' ■-'• --'y WHITINa MTtTRNiNa' > ; : • Jack Whitihg wa-s Unable to. open witiv^^Hooray .for \Vhatr^ -ter Ga;r;den;.,N- Y., last .Wednesday (1). Rpy Robertsr Whom He replaced dtiring the . Philadelphia ; tryoiit;, re-: turnbd ;t6 the. cast for thie/prerniereV Roberts cbhtinued;with the «how, but will probably withdraw /tomorrow <iliursd^y), when ■ Whiting/ " slated to appbar/ ;. .'^ •/■v , ;, •;: -;/ / /Shxiberts. is Vepprted spotting ;R;pb-;. ^rts in another /of theit shows. 'Mu^attb^ clpsbd "^^^ aftet being:..but for sem^^ weeks. As. witH a: previbUs road tour, it ended in the red. Little cibiji was requirbd for /deposit with Equity ^^^f^^ disclosed' that membei-s; pf the cast .Were partners. in :the vbnfure, includi ng^HUrst ^myx, priginaily ineritipned agjijving secured the i^igh^s^ , Mixed cast drSna brimsceg^ Was .originally; presented'at "the Vani ' derbiU;; N^: Y^^ :by Martih; Jones. ^; it rarHly ppei-atb^ bUt of :/thb rbd and^^ after: staying -for-^^^^ wias ;MhderstpO{il--the -show Was- - jhof e ihin $35,666 ;tb the: biad. - Oh the road; there wfete iew-y^ Nyeeits. ; • Drama was baniieid/i^ last /sbaspn,: haiying incurred the d is- ; pleasure; of Mayor S. Davis ;Wi}sbh, /yirheri tKe Amyx group secured the play ;it Was repbi;ted deli)hia iarid; it Was figured gbbd business qpiild be " drawn there on thb sitreiigth bf: the rumpxi;s. io West Philiy/;hpw^. ever, and the booking fell through. -■: -'. /; Mrs. iilliab' B^^ at - the St. jrames- (Ni; Y,). "denies that she . had ;r.equested the; star!s; dressing rpbiii becaUs(i ;her legs ; were:: in -biad;.: ;; Actress , explains . that 'she. tripped . j^nd -fell:duri^ rehearsals; at;.t^^ Longacre^ .(N. Y.). inj urihg; her ankle and aggravating an in jury, sustained :;in a. motor acci- dent ^a'year ;ago. ■■['' V; .^•\.:/V-V ; After iniisin^^ and going about bh. cr^^^^ duriiig tliat tiine, j4rsi i^>ngb^ W^ent back; :intb.; the ba^ bf., . ;■ At ;her;.; 6hysi9iah*s^ She says, she; ^iskbd for .a ■ dressing rpom bnstage*, if prie; could be set up, -rather than climb thb 28 steps ; to/ he* ujpstairs;rpoini'. pnily dressing rboin on the sta(ge ieyei is the star's, occupied by Al Sheah, and Mrs. Tonge Claims she did not ; ■ 'I'/l room." aiJ.?'.^^^ oft'bred ;tp fix -up; ri; i-aVall robm jUst below the stage level. She; acbepted :ahd is taken; up and , dbWnstaiirai eleyator;..shb '5ays..;V;''■/■-■;.;^■ :'■ •■•>"^''.' ■.-'.''■ 'N-./--';'-• : ;*Shadbw "and " Substahbe, • neW Paul • .Vincerit: Carroll; play Which Ed^i.;' Ppwling his in rehearsal; portends Jtp: be. the class;drama. bf the >year. Play ■treats pf/Uhb Gathplib . church -iaiid Was first dphe/ /several. yearsV.ago in ; /Dublin by the Abbey' Theati-e;; Players; : Atteri^ptirig to ;:balk . possibie boy- cott by, the church oyieir here bebause; of its theme, ppWlitig/ifirst Subm thb/ script tb local ebcle'siaiitic^^^ ;, It wa^;; with ;cbnsiderable diif iculty ;that ;Sir Cedric. Hatdwicke Was set; the: role, of -the canon. ;Actor- is tiiider, cbntract to .Metro and fUrthbr for legit ;appfeararices to .Gilbert ./MilIer,^^^W .ping. aside/ih fa'vor/of^Dbwlibg../^ ;••:/ v.'^"i' . . Constance eumniirigs/:C^ featured in;the Guild'sf .lM :at the BroadhUirst) N.: Y.i evinced interest In the femmb. lead, bu.t ;.was rcr jected by Downing . as ;'notvttie:.type; ;Husband Benn Levy, is 'bidi.dihg fpr the .Loridbh rights arid Will./ stiir/ her thb.i"e. in /thb /eveht his bid/ is: .cesSfUl;---'-.;-.-:-;". '.;.;.':■.:;.• ':'-.-.-■ :' ■-■.■;;'/■ ■".' Cai /ftp^Ji-bthe^ ,AU)ariy, N.;^Y^> Dec",^ Another .attempt tO: pu't. ' Albany back bn the/legitimate map has failed and the ClapitoJ theatre has; returned •to darlcness.; . Joseph Quittner, opbr?|7 tor Of houses'in Atlantic 6ity,/ N./; J!, and Stamford,- Conn.,, threw in the sponge to Wiiliam. W.^::^?^ owner of the hpuse, a;fter. failing to .db ::a; profitable .business on a /; tw/b-day ■ booking.;oif *Brotiibr.;R^t.'■;:':..;• - ;■-■: ■■•• Despite ;, splehdid ^ hptices, . thb; George/ Abbbtt prpdubtipn did/ hot pull sufficient .patronage to^^^W .Q.uittner's; continuing; tlic lease:.. He had' bperated 'thb: Ciapitoi; for ^^abo.Lit a month on a. Week^tp.-Webk arraiige-; me'ht. trying /a- variety:-:of; bntevtaiii- meiit.; . /Jerry- . Fiy.mi. v'fbrmG^ly 'of George; /'White's:. stan(. -.iwas'. resident ;manage.r, v;;;';. 'vr--■:-'-■■•■■;-■■ .--.'VX.;' ■ 'StbGk::^c0m'pan'y/;;.niay;;:^ i'tiislailecl- aftbr/Christmas';' tvyb pai'iies-:b^ terested-; ';..;'.'tajiing:-. Ibase, 'btv'''.e. Capitbl.- \ F*artey ;;stales./; Three-day- trial With thVi-.Erie Plby^r/, ;^th'oii of. : Schenectady,; was essaypd' in NovbiTi- ber, .but. it /^pancaked..; Stpcit ro^d.- shows;. bUrlescjUe, vaudeville ahd pic;-: tures, have./;p,ll;; failed to ci;i.c|t /cbn- slstehtly;; '.'at; the;.- C^^ / i'ecent: seasons, / .Observers, geitbrtilly...a . thati .Albahy;; once; aiv - ace ;. try out tpwri. and. aistea'dy .suppprter of othe^ /typeis ..6f shbwS.i is .now iiltle ;h-ipre than a straighttpicture cfty/' ' the ground- thlat; if is. made , tip 'ef eicecutivesv■•/-.-■■ ■ . . " ■ ■> ;; Lawyer :r said:-/that;: if ;ahy /liasic agreernent were jintered intp; ./v^ith the TMAT ;it: would/have, to be bb- tWeen the; .union, '.and;; the managers individualiy. . Union's .committee -Inr ^lerpreted that to be a bint for TMAT tO: go: ahead /and attcmpt;:gettirig. in- dividual sighatures Witiiput; waiting Cot a' NRt.B 'show-dbWri. ./although .such ^efforts have nbt been / success^ fui.iib'far- .;■: •■'-/:'■' ^.- ' ■ TMAT continues tp picket thrte .hoiise.^ i7T which; Theatre Guild prp- duetions are/ playing.;'- Pr9test;.€lem-' onstratlon principally concern? treas- urbi'S : Whoaire predominant;in the union, most' of .the agent-manager memberS; bbing: road, men.; Pickets Were Withdrawn; from; the Sam^ G man housies wheri the box office/men a iid some of the: ;hoUse managers applied- for union recbgnition. / ■. Fourth house Was :added:;iast week V/;' ^Marti; ;/iBeck; vWhi^h/: has /nbn-:. iunioh .;girl; :tiekeit-Sellers. . Claimbd lhat'Wheh the.Guild playe^^ thiee year.4 ^ago; girls: were placed -iri the: b.; 'o;: v" ;/the Guild's'custom, ■ i)iit that the IhpUse ha.s. sinbe ^refused tb: .: .fern pi by .the ;;displaced, .staff. jWeiv have'/been •.-put of jobs dating ;.rrbm';'tlTfat .tirne. . ;:••-. ,■;'■ /' .- /;';v' ' ;;v$fettirig • ■ joti-ni<:yma(' '■/, - .. t«iW -' Erskine .Caldw£l.i:-)ilay ;-gobC^ probably.. ttti's./'week.';: It's/ an. adaplar^ Ii oh'i■ by.; Lcoii Ale kand b'v . and; 'Alfred :;j|:iiycs bf. -CiiiaWeirs; privdtQly/pubr .iisi\(.'d.:iiovbroTB' the same pahi-p. ..Sam' .Byird; is- t.iic' prpdube'tv iin,.^ prc;^c?:iitfy;.bt the. 9^^^ .Mc;n.'';,wiri .bb fCaluii'pd: .. ^ J . .?.bii.'i>.ule; • between/:;; the' ?idapters', Hayes '.;.<'ii'id . /Vlekaiider ...bW.; the,; one ; hand;-! and; ..'Walla.Qe :-Wa.ite'.':... ;.' the -bthc.iv. -.-ialtcii;-. •-. bWargliig-: /tHat; • tiib .di'ciniatizati.piv: U.^ed-fibitie; ;!;.e.i\iai; ' sclllpd/b inpivth. .. ; ; • taVoj.' of Playes ; and . Aioxaiiderl; ■'.-?:' — . . ' .IGebr^ge ..and; Margar«t' - closed at the: Moroscbi . N. Y.; Saturday (4.); after;; playing lO weeks. .Inipbrted f^bih London, the bomedy started .off irly. :well / .and averaged ; /ai-pund $8,Qbd, weekly;/ sometimes' ..toppirig that..mark.. .;;; .' -.•■■■:.'• ■'^V- 'GEORGE AND ,MARGARET>,; / pp.enietl Sept, 22, ^37. /Opl Ions; wei**: divided on this Eng- iisli. ; impp rtatioh / .-; Wfaiipple ~(Vtr6riar?feIe); Mia^^-^Proyiaeflf^ ifli'Strhighters witli; three acts of. / merriinent.' Mantlie ' {News).> "'There: Isn't ;inuch sense ;tp, lt.| . VARrerr; ; (Ibee) . said; -'Should : regflstet/ : at ' least ih<»derateiy' /-well/.. ';-/^' ''- . - -';■■./■ '■'->-; ';'--■ /; "Brow'n Sugat' bpened, last 'Thurs .day. (2) and was yanked at the^ Bilt more/ after .piayihg four - pei'form ince^..-' Pr' piit thumbs'.:: down' bn" mixed cast melier..• '^;'-'BROWN"SUGARr;/../•'- ;, ■Opened;vittec..--'2,-'.:?3l- .....First; .. stringers turned . thumbi?; 4bwii DO, latest Ab1>Qii .ofrerinff. An- ;; dersmh; (Journal) ..saiid^^^^^ 'Sensbr - ; less; ■' , /• Atkinson ; . (Tline.s), 'Heavy and - looser -'/ Jdlrited,:'■::::. .;' -. .'V-'/. / 'Merely:;Murder', opened Fridjay (3) ait; the..Playhbuse,.and. w.M W'thdraWb; the ;:fol.ipwing': night. .r4 )/ ;j^u^^^ ]glerfbrni' . Als6 ;,/g^ot. the, works' 4rom;'reviewers.'-: ; /;'..'''v-';. ■ ■ / 'MERELY MURDER'; ./: .Qpeiied Dec.- 3,"37. /Critics i'e-. ; /jected itl Lockri.dge. (Siin); said^^^^ "too; .frail tp stand' a]|6ne^'"; .Coje-:. inan •CMirrb''-V/;''f*l.i<;y'. and prily' ; inte.rihilteiilly : iiitei cst.iug.'. . ; ,;Sidj»ey ;Hbward;erred /" vsimple cbmputatibn, accprdihg^ ah; articie which appeared:in the;Dramatists;Gm bbbklet concerning' the five $1,000 scholarships donated by' John Golden' to encpurage; new playwi-ights] Iti ; announcing ithpse^ who will -award the 'scholarships; lie named ; himse.lf/ Golden. George; S. Kabfman',. :Burns. Mantlei and .;;Frank: Grown.inshieid.. ; stating that: the committeevWj)s :preppnderantly; hot pf the Guild, r : HP'ward; Gblde.n .and ;Kaufriiah .are rnbrnbers: of the Guild; .^'y - : Reiterated-;'by' Hbward / in- his recbnt / repbrt tb the;. ijriaimatiiits- .Guild vthat the/ pblicy -of not/participatmg;-With • the. American' Theatre Cbuhcil/wbyld /be^cpntinu^^ not be altered; he;stated,. m ATG draws. MP a s.uitable bb eil/Will/npt^ directly or ihdix;ec.tly, ehteir ihtb any labbr qUestipii and;^whiCh. will' further guarantee thercomplete independence, ef .action :bf its com;- ; ponbnt organizations..'^■-';;'■;■ ■■/■.■. ' : . .-■.;■;-' ■ '' ■;;. / /Nixon theatre, PittSbui-gh,;; the.-middle , of its Worst December >ln years of ieg'it and is.^oing dark three W.beks;but,Pf fbUr the-first time •within , recent memory, pri.: the/heels of ^ thb recbrdrbreaking gross .WitK. 'Vie Regiha,-/ the/hou'se, pulled tip the shutters last Week, and /is \ keeping; theiii there .this.;se$sipn as Well/.relighting Monday^ With the i'redric; March, . ipla y , -Yr . Ohbdifnt Hu sba nd . ' Mail^wiers-ibt^thi big, Indicating a healthy take. ; . ; : ' ; ■ .Fbllo>yirig 'Husbart^^ pppr; XiT\a.?Vwbbk'will ;find t^ .Nixpw' • rdarkf agaia .and-npthihg ;sb' f^ New; Yea:r*s webk: .In :fact thie bb]us« db.esn-iL know yet;^^^^^^ next show i's Coming frPm..;;yiitil '■■ .last/We«!k the -Nixbn- had been;enjoy^ the most prosperous early season^^ since/ the depresh, playing; lO;straight piay^ With .only Prie- lbser among them. -Lack bi^^ is. blamed fqr the theatre's plight aiid the ;; sitMa.tion /doesn't loot: any too remainder.of the ybar; ■ . M.i;S; F. D. RopSeyelt noted- in ;her. co.Uirbn, ..^My Day/ last Week.that^ had intended tp/s.e'e 'I'd Rather. Be Right,'- but .decided.that 'undue ,/ Wo\ild be.'aroused' by .her- presence^ so.many haying inquired; if/she \ ;; attend. • State.d she.;relied on: .her friends for an impression of the play, ^' deqlaririg one Was impressed by.:'iGeprgb M..;.Cbh..aiV's ability , to be;; ; and yet make you feel; interested in problems which face; the .iiet-son he portrayed/'/ Cohtinueel' to say ;mpst: people, rbmark:' 'The o.utstanding interest is that vs;e iive in a country- where! a .-.pfaiy like this bah be produced and ;aeted; arid/have a ,long run. Withbiit i.ny inter- ferenGe from the government;,.'Thanlc Gbd for demobr^ 'L Would,; .she- added,; ;'fbTyently thank. Gbd f;or- a natio'h. ;With ;a/ sense'bf -humbr.'; /; Youbg,John. Roosevelt saw^t^ spots, expressing hi.mself: aiipiig- lines /to Tcpbrtbrs Who; clueiibd h'"^ ;! .Dn'his.;;opinibn .of .it. ;.--.-;■.■;•//;..;'.-/-'-^ • ■-• \. : ,'L6ve 'in My •;Fashibii' 'stopped . jus.t aS' su.ddenly.-after ■:; i-FiMd^ ing, ai;thQ'iigh . there ••Wa's'l'n.b -SaLurday- ',(4).-.aftern;bb:hV:;.pbrtP; •-..-,' ; :/■ .'Lp'VE.iN;'MY-;i^vsH)ro;N'^-';;:. , . Ojiened • De*:. /:», 'iJ7-., SecqndT ;. . string revlpwers. didii^i lilie t^^ ~; !>;Barnes.;('lIcraild--:'T)^i'b;) / ;saiid,;.'.'Jt- '.; has ithrbc acts, cpiiiiic i)r settings •and.; somc pisiycis Who / siioiiId. Ciilisi;; ydiir /syiivapllvy,' '(Kati ':; .lfe'im.'.(P0s;t)"it'li iiciliuvr' .i?^^ ; ■npir tomi<-*!;.'. -;.;■':■...- ';-; - '": ■-- ■■ .V AUce Alexander's. prcductioh/pf ^ 'R .' Tamara;.ahd. Joe Lewis.'Will .not; cbhie: into; 'New-.Yptitnm'ti^ the'Week--of Jan. ^3.: 'Show ;jneeds iiUrther reh^ aidm'irvisterihgi..;--: ^J-: ..x^--.-^---'v;^''-.v:'.--'^.'-:':- - .V.-^ ■;; ,••/.•:-::-.■,;/'/ ■;Parl<b Levy/aiid -Allbrt^ ,wprked o»T-.'the;'shpw^^^ Gibvela;nd,; Gincirinati and; Dbtrm^^ ■ : may ;gp .to;.the Golpriial theatre; .BPsWn,. bp;eniivg^^^^ N-' Y- tb - t61l6w;\with..the'thieatre-hbt.5^ '; .;/ ' \''''': '-- ' ;iViu^ical'^is::estimate^ $1^^ the/rbd.' '^ipilah; tb-s^^ the road again /after: two weeks of; reheai;sal depen'd.s pii Equity : Waivin.ii the eight-iweek/-rule.; :''■--■- / '[ -S::'/.:' ';■ '■ ■-;■/'■■-■ . y ■ -Siiddeh., .of-.'.George;,? /at .the. .Morosco, .-N.. Y..,- .Sat- ui;day;;.(-4,) '•follP'Wed .the;, cancellation/; pt -roHd 'datesr-including..island "Cirnadb. , Latter, b a:.'na;t!tiral; fbi: .thevSlrigTi^^^ Cbnjedy; as :ihdjr;at(Dd/ ,by.;-'a': /pre-^^^ wbcic/:'' 'Porbntb^. '/Whbrev-thb -sjIiPW,: gr.oksbd;$l^;000, ;on':-B^ m'6dei'!ate,'-the 'av.era,£ie ai-bL!nd:-.;!i;8,006;; De;iirc; p£./the'/'players :'tb,. be 'hbriic for.; Christinas•; ii;;.))!!?^ .Tcasoiii.'fp-i: the./folding.:'-; / ,-■..';.■.■■.■-:-. - '' '^ '.; ;^H(Hlsb';Wil^ .gbt:;a o-tjvi<:a 'bf ^'THe' -DolVs .Hbiisc^-^rouh?! - tlxe. ,h(^^^ ;■; , - ';p.£ a^st -vvoek's/fast flop.s, -'Lnve iiV My. F^ishioji.* vvni'i'c.h; tvlM .but.;\i^Hii«r tbe^^^^ title- 'Td Be-Gontinued,*:-'had•.ih'e>4liBgieii''"losSv."'•Shbw.'a'bpresb'iilod4u.-iVtyi-'^^:.';$2i5-.o6a.-■;,-■■;;.,' ■■ '■r.X. .'■ : -^'.v'-.■ :;;;-••/:■; . ' • ■'.;. ; Janio's.. j, ':■ Fbrbv' ;, bobkie;' put up ,thb ;■ coinr ■ i-l 'be \nU his'-;Arsi./.vbiiI'lliv; j."; 'show ;bLisin.ejw; . lie.'sa^id;.h hyti;i.r,ivat/.;i'^i: iiuch adyci-.^c' jio.licc.s.; F;oi. th;u rca^vit {id :C;atvce;lje'di-\. ■ ;-;: . .\ ''r''' -;■;-'' "--•.'-'':/--