Variety (Dec 1937)

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^incsOay^ D«;ceiiiiH!!^ gr 193T vAmrv 55 Result of i-dcent drive by, Federal flffents agaiiist .alleged;; Ux; evading in N y- Federai--Court lasl Saturday; . i-^y'b^intei-nat-Re venue: ipiUe^tjor Joseph lliggins, ;!i>f'-liens - ^gainst ■ liven of, the/ Broad way brolters, ':tptaiiihg :$i32i3Q9 Ih sissessifnents for •■■interest^and pehaltie?, ■ •; . ; ■ : Last-we^k. 'th*?'-. Govern rneht■ peojple are reported having altached ; the ,batik,< accounts; of the . agencies ;in^ • vblyed. Understood that mbye fol- lowed. aiki^Ucatlp'ns,for, an;abat.errie;it ■ of the claimis figured by :the Feder^ Stated :• that . in - some^^^^ :. ninoiihts> on deppsit were - not-large ibeeause :it "was. the end .of - the month and . the. ibrpkfers settled .With- Ihe theatres/: ;knq that some brokers ■ against \yhom moderate .levies ; were ■ made .'haye 'Thade-. payrnents; ta • the r.colieet6i^.:pn--4c?oyht,;;.-.^^ ^ .■ ' Biggest -taps "were ; agains^t Beckr. ■•vliardt^ vThiBatt:e':-;T , $31.45^ -and, the Lpuis dpBn bflficie'fOr 1^2,iB20. -These iiejis . covered th^. .. period-from .April, 1932, to-February ".of ■.this year,: ■ .Asses$rn^ntg'. are-, fpr .mikcellaneoTii-tax.: . ■J; '..'' ■ • , • Othief offices hit in the pPcke.tbpbk for. .deliriqucheies, ^ amounts-^ .i^^^^^ iienalUes.- ;.as5esse'd^ and' - the ■ periods •:covere.d- iav.c.:' R-; -Tyson,Co.;.-. Inc., Apri^ ;1.93i. tP. Febtifa^^^^^ 1937, $9,^)2.1; •^Macliey Theaitre. Ticket. Service, Inc;, .' July/ 1932;. to February; 1034,,$27,874; ;Lep:Newman's;. Theatre :Tickct Of- ■flbe, ■ ;Inc;i.-. jurie, .1936, ;''tp' March, :. 1937,.$ 13,311; Arrow'.;Ticl>et Service, "Inc.; • Nbvemberi'. 1935,- to February, .. .1937, ib\298^."iSiissmiin .Thentre^^ .Oftice,. ihc:i August, 1932^ tP Febru- varyx 1937^ $9,627--.• ■ ■ •; ■- • ;":-■.; WHAT, ALREADY? ^^exl :^Suihiner ' Plan!^ ' Include • First ■■-v.; MWwesV ■Stifawhat-•- y:■.Ch^cag^,;;pec..•'7^,•■^;. iPlirst mpve- to establish .a strawhiat, cplony in the midwest is:.beinff made by Thbda: Cporpf t; Ghicagbhead/ of the American .,;Theia^^ •-' :Rijss Cocrbft .ihas: made 'arr.ahgements to ake oyer -a .coachhouse on. an' estate' iri. pconprnipwoc, ;Wis,;-:'center of a swanky'.summer colpny, ■ i WiU .Jbe' called "the? epach- ;ll;puse liHieatr*. and has living [quartiers alapye the aiiditorium for.:the .cast and crew. )V^ill- seat'arpund: 300; : v., . V;. V^^,- '- Miss' Cpcfpft.'.will '.devpte^^ most .'■of ■;he theatte's .actlyity.;/tp;theivtryput- bf. ttew .plaiy biit -win Vdd i'a.riety and iiarn'e;sti-cngth' to.'thp'- presenta-. tio"n with .ari; ;.bGciasional revival arid g\ieit;taient:;^ ^Has'lined: u^ of piays already but is, on lthe. look^ put ' at, present. for additipnal ■ .ma- terial.^-:. - :':V.-" ..-'-C- a'' ' ■'^ili-^Fun.-sirJt^'v^ to'. Sept; .1, diping a .pew, show ,\ye9kly. ., WaU; Street^^ having :setj.back- ;so •■ costly a show , as 'Greek, to- You' fpr - year or .so^ .going to Work on • ~*By. '(paiidlelight,' . drainatized. by RawlQnd .Leiglj: firPni .. the fbrmer comeely^draitia... ^Cl.i^^^^^ ; ■ Webb; and t^lGrence Dpsiriondi^ lish cortiedienne,. will be tpprbilled.: . 'Webb . also was; lb'.•iia\e: .been . in ,: .'Greeki; ■ •'Candleliglvf ; fprmer : Gertrude Ijawrbnce straight play... .''. Fpr; the ■ same .reias.on tlie Siiuberts . are setting back. an;.intjended 1-938 ' 'Ziegfeld ^Follies' until ioHs^d. : Sam . CoslPw;' ParanipUrtt,. sohgvyriter,., was' brought, .east to;^ complete .'the words and musi c, w h i.cb -. he d i d ;t\y 6: mb nths ^igo fint;! -is i.now_bacic:.i ty H-pJijaxropd y to Tour . :■•'.■-■.'' •.; -.■ Atlanta, Dec. 7. . :Federal;Theatre .Project, begiriilin|; tonight .(Tuesday) offers ^a .return engagerrient, ..of.. 'Bby Meets Girl,' ..which - had. successful five-day run here last ..Septembcrv , ■ Atiaiita,- xinit of. FTP has entered rbadshpVv (ield : after experimerits. in tjiis vicinity; . Unit presenting ;'She, Stoops ■ to Conquer.' ^has. played " in .LaGrange, Monrbe. SpciairCircle and Greenville, • Ga,,-.and.. Fairfax,: Ala. Minstrel.- unit has played at Cbvihgtpn'and results of. these tryout . appeai'ances. in the; hinterlands has led ^yPA theatre! au- tlioritie^ to rrtaihtain this'ck cprti. : pany feature ais a permanent-.part ■.■.bfi.the.'prbject;;.:.- ,' ■ ; .'Boy Mieets Gii'L' after: the return ; tqgagement this - Vyeck; . will' go on ■. theibad..:.-:-;.'''':':. :.;;■■. .'.. ;• -. •V...... ^: ■ Fcm; P^nSc^ .: ..WPA: theatre p.rojcct m New York ■ \?/hich..:-". .• .v.isihg . two;, theatre^' (Adel- ;;phi arid.. Ellibti:* - on iilre-edge of "ihe •' ;th<;atrezpiie, ^haij ' le^ised; :the.. Ailiih ' Street; .\y.hicb : is.. ii). the Broadway ;grb.i)p;: Hpusb' is^.of limited capacity .and - has.'Ipeeu..riirely ; .us.ed.'.- for ■ legi: ...sho.i.v.s . \.'; the .• last- sevei-i^^ .';Beal: was inadQ::'#ith ■ythii- ShMberts ''^np.;;h'fiv:e 'tiiby-.ljbbkirig.'.privlIiSg^ .Belhiont^ ■ ..also .coiisidered ;-f.P'r • \JWPA.-. :purppscs ; but ^ ;ihe- dealv ■ was . ;.drpppocl.f-. Fprty-Jiiiith. -Street V.' : 'tp the;:uked;^or cjant^ -...•^^Prpjcct .is I'.ebn^idei'ihg- toiiii'in ■'■ ; -;^;ariplaiiiis/ •■'Pygmalion,'' 'Np; Mor ' ".Peace", .and- 'Giiptairt^ J'inks. 'of - the :/;.J^?'";^A:iyiariiiesV"lhrbuj'h.-.N^ estate.. - ^C^vic; :pi-ganiza(idns: ■ in ihe various . .fiPmniuiiitfes- hiiye. beoii. afiiced, lo se : :lcct ibe play-or plays desired. Com •, Wnications; to- lhis...cffc'ct •• were. f;Ch o».t by .thl'; project's Albany Mice,: {e-..,.^., Waltzes' for Bannerman; '.,.:■;■■■•.:;•: : WecAV of -Pec.:.6 ;...:.;-- ■: 'Between ihe DcvJIi* ^Shulijert,--' 9p.^tpn.- ;■■ '^':■■■ ■ "'Brother-.: lR?tt^ ;■;;-Sel-wyri; .■^' bhi-- ■ ■ cagb;:-'■: ^^--'v---'-^^ '■■■■';-:■':' ' ; ...?B.rdlhei- Ra.t.V-Goioriiial; .A1kroh• r ^ G); Shea's, Erie, 'Pa;v ; i7) ^ JParis. :-YPtingstowji,>'-=^(^8^T^i^ h r. i n e ' ^ .MPsiqtie;.Chqrlefj:i;Pn,,;;W;^V^ Paul .Culias); :.' Grand, Opera . Hpuse/-.Chiciaga^rt;^- .•...-■" .;;Uouseina;ster/;': Willjur,\; B'bktbn.'.. :• ■... "LcanlQcr;' o.n. ':tctty'''; ('Charlbtte-' Greenwbbd), : .Royal .Alexaridra, ■ . Tofrontp;;'^;■; ':„; -• .:. .•' P.: •'Love';.:-ot ^ Women*: . /Heattier ' : An;;>l), ; Natiphali ' .Washingtoii', ■ :p. Cv-. ■::■:■■■•■;-■■:';.-';■;:.-/ \ . .'Mooii.. bvec.. Mulbei-ry-- St;,' . Werba, Brpoklyri; Y.. . '-: .;. *Ri<ih'ar"d. H';.'(Maurice Evans)." : : Fprr^st,;:Philadeiphiai • .,:; . :; .;; 'Rbiont Service/ .!Ford}s, Baltir .^rnpre.. v.;: ^ •■ ;.-; ■; ;^ /;";.'; ■.-;'' 'Rdoni ' Service,'; iConyehtion ;;Jlaili. Tuisay X,6^;.;3hririe . Aude,.: ::Gklahorna Cify,' Qkla;, J7)f:F'aj:; ; amount,; Ariiai-lllb,"v(8); 'M^ . Wichita. Falls, ".(9); Melba;. Dallas/. : Tex,. (10^11). /Stafffe . Door'; (Joaii Bennett)/ ;.Hoiina;: Cleveland.--'::'.' ■ 'Three. WiOtzes,^;. Chejstnut 'St./ Lambs Gambol Brings Back Old : Aftet^sbhie. tiffing .as. to the mahr ner in ..\y,hich 'the. three .. WaUzes! should .be .presented,;:Margaret Ban- nerman, imported- Eiigl^ star. cided tp boW:: biit pfrthe Shubcrt ■ Pp- eretta and xreate the ■.stelljar ■ rble in tibndpn.! .; Kitty ^Garlyle .-^succeeds,, booked; by Saiiy'.j^^^ felt a better knpWn nam.e. was desir- ablb, since .they made ''Walt'zcsl a .big shpw.;, as agaihst the i'i>time ;prbduc- tibh originally -in Paris, Zurich and yiennai'... -i-: '\'. i-'-..'^ ■ ; Mis.s Bahhefman:; was ha ve: fi i\«vl starred in ;'^\Vaitzes'.in .Lbndbn this fall; fpr; tpny ^HoWard,, whb .:o\vii^ part bf.Hhe rightsv but:was prevailed iipbh to tackle the ■ Brba d wa y.. vers i pn first .;and;theiii:Lpndpn..;.-. Howard here* with Irvijt Marks, PaiH.s. play qgeiitv" "Has about; 25-.30';:P^bf: the Shii- bprt • shpw;. including; pic.tu re . rights.. fie will ;^contihuc ,with .the Xjbhdpn ^rpduictibh 'idea/- '^S->'-;'"v''s; ■.;' • ■>; ; -ivfiss Gaiflisie -^ets: a^specjal epnces-- siba pn Fridays when she drops but tb permit, htir CPca-Cbia commercial. Ah - understudy replaces; Since vit \yas an amicable, arrangement, arid i.n...yiew of libward's-.maTiagenal: i.n- .terests. with the Shubbrts; Miiss Bari- iiermah'is' run-of-.the-paly- bbntracl- is- being amicably- worked piit; ■ Michael Bartlett .cbritiriues as the male -lead., tliere .- was . aisp taik . of a - Graee Mopre br Liiy Pons type of name for ther.Bannerrnan-Carlisle role, . /Differences, arose from. Jake ;Shu- bert's idea to make '1)Valtzes' • ..specy instead V of the . fragile thing- it .was in. its jParisian . form, under Yvoniic, Printemps-Pierre; JFrfesnay;: auispices. That will be. the idea of the British: yersion ■;as' Well, sans the ..Sliubertian Spec. Shby/: is . now. in ;piiilly and: Miss Carlisle is, expebted'.. to jpin it tchight " ^'Wednesday-),; . ■^PliTladeJpiija,: ;;/; riNttiiight ^at-'8?30^; Muriy Aude'^ ■■ .^'Kansas; Gity;:'(Trii.)f v'--'.- ■ S '^ : *TovairichV | Eugenie ; ^ebntb:- . . vijch), .Hi§.Maiesty!s,"; Mphtre,ial. ;;;'tbiiaec<r-..;'Rbafi;\-. St; - ''Ch •! .-Nev,; ■ .Orleans;.- ' .'---.' -,-'. ■■ -''yictbriii ^'■ReeihaV:>-tft;e.i'e n-- . Haybs), .Cox, Cinciiinati. - \. ..'Woiiieii,'.. Pa.rambunt, ■. .tbledo,. ;(fi ).;-; Hartmah, : - Cbiumbus, ... O., (Tt3 )'; Eivgiish, Indianapplis,: Ind;, ■■.(9-:i.i>v' ■.-•, ,--Jiiy- ;;barlinier'' •■Daugbtcr",'"..' ■■'liy c;e u rii;.-^ iyijnheapolis,:; (6^9); ' . -Audo, St- Phuli Minn., :< 10-11); .' . ■; "You Caii't'TaKe lt Witli You,' '.ilarj-is/Chicagbi ■ .-, 'You Can't Take It With You,' Plymouth, Eostbn.. ' 'You Can't take It With You,' Capitol, Salisbury, .. N.. , C.; (6);, . . Carol i na, Spat ■ arjburg, $;■ .G. (7) ;. ; Cajolina, - Gharlbtte;^ C. (8); - Muny Aiide, Savannah/ Ga^ Avide;. Sumter, S. C. 00); Caro- lina. Columbia,: S. C. (11). ' '- / 'Yt: Obedicni : Ilusban df , fFrcdi'ic '-MaVch)/American, St. Louis,. Mp; / . ::-::•;>: ■ MONKS JR: PRAVES ACTIN<5 Co^.Auihor. of 'R!«t' liepl6rie$ F.ict He Can't Convince (if SincerHy • ;•■: • ."-"$i>iM-■Teturrfing/^^ vyrtiihg; stint, in ;.Hbljy/wpbd/Joha Mpnks, Jr., ;hias found -trouble 'Ipcnting;-an :a.-tin:;;; job in. a. Broadway legiter;./ Ch'ef iroiible/ ha explain.s; is , convinbing, producers and.. age.rits that he still, wa'nts-tp-;ba; ah/iactbr.-.-'■ -/^ : l Despite .cbaUthprin:*:-a: I1 it ^'Brbther ;Rat,'. with Fred;. Finkelhojite), ivlonks claims' he p/efeii-s-.-abtihg- ty writhes; I-Iowevcr/he and. Firikelhoffe, nriay do. another jplay .Avhen the .latter, re frbm'--hi.S- current 'stay lii " Ne\v..' Eng^ larid..: -Has -bnly^.^^V^^ piot-S-p'far;-'-.^ ...-- Suit Versus Shu^ Shy for Cdarts '/Suit-b.Y- the estate oi the. Ijitb; Luigi - Pji-a.ri;d'G;ll.') .to .■establish i.hc, American Vighlsyto h'i's plays is- dii Ayithin- the. n.e>;.t. weckj. in ...N; Yv/.stip.renip .'cbiirt/ '\)c!:Ehdai>ts ;-fn ,; the.' ;ac..(ibn ''are' -the' .ShubeVts.:. '-Plaln'tirt^ w ■lai'y injunctibn-. tp.. prcM'cnt the" do- ' .ucndants firbm publ-icly; clainiing. the ,.v i g h ts .;tp-.'tb el^ p^l ay.s,...bu t; U iLori:- P'^the i' unsettled. ■', •. Accordmg .lb .the-su the Shuberts 'had; .an .*|agreem.crit' with;. the; Italia.n dramatist cpyci'ihg;,fiyc pyayj\'; Tivrce ;y/GT.e' deiiyei-ed,- li.ut; Plra.n'db.lio';cli:c,d, withput turning :;bvei:-the others ■hsta'te. a ijegeS :tha.t..l he.-.Sh ;he right tp. select the remaining t-vy.ti plays from t.he• entire list o£ the drainatisfs wprkfi; .'btit says the con-: tract was invalidated.:. \yhcrt/...the -Shub'cpts .' iit- ihto.'. i' - so V- orai 'year.s.:.'ago.. AcGovdi" ■;.tb- the plaintiff." public;,annbuncsmertls and claims.- by .."■the Shiiberts that they cbri'lrbrtHe- A'm.ei;;n .ng.h'ts has pre-:. .Vented -.several ■other'•.ni{:iia.gei;. . frbm ■producing the-".play's .-N. Y.' '/Sidr; nby" R. Fleischer. is -attorriey'-fbr.. the; Pirandello jriterests.- :.■.:.../'. / Ey J.\CK PUL.AvSKi .;At;i4hQ Lcimbs' :wintcr:^;!iJnibc)l; ahjcl/ xljhner' " dance/hcld.. at the Wa Idbrf'. A.S:tpri'a' last ''Sat.(|i'.(iay. ,(4:); liib shpw-' .wris. jhe;;'neare^t':t^ yaucleville bill the club/hhs Vet: p- /.-; .sbhted; .at-, its .public anaii-s/'. -It was . necessary:,lp sppt .mpst of the '.liiriis ; in ohe but the show clici;cd . nearly . all. the way. and the si rcmiridful./bfthe. Pajacp/xvhcjr; It.-: \was' tWb; ■ . -./ . ■ / - ;'-'"'•-'-/.■ ' -Wiiliam. Gdjiton, "Shephbi-d,' mx^<i: and Svas: the:pacemaker/By .1 ■ he; reached 'VSenatbrV.FPrd;in'^c::t..t'!:. clpsing; the show. wa-s;. in;..' Fbj'd coin'- pares as: a su.ccpns - to the. la'ib Will ' Rbge% "..his.;, humbrously ;. poliiicai routine--getting ;rnah^^^ IVIeltpn..Vvvjis. ,a; .*;o,ck ; Wjlb. 'his :; lDilinf:.::/Mp|S5ayc^''BoRiiili;w^ c.agb:pia.iiist..niak tiirncd in;.^nbther fine' iii^ci-lvi.c; ;/ ;t' / .Fi'pni ■ the . le.njit cami. Genrf.' / M> .Cohan," hot billed,; 'Avilh ;jolln . Mc- Laughlin • at/the.jvprios:;: ;5;:^ ■ • (?a\^. 4iii5-:-n bWr^.TNe?w^ G;ebrgie;'rapps,'alsp%p ' ;Ee'; Eight,' couldn'.t:.miSs cithcVl,:FFpiTi ■; the ."night spiat'S; '^ihevQ wopp [Bobby ■' :M.ay and the Gaud.sblVmidti?"fronV^ jfri.fqrhaitipndlr'Ca^ ,an(l Gliarles/ .'Gbplt;ie'. Bbwdrs;; mimic/ "fjcidcii • aiid; Ehdler Cs-^iw6; :Stews/ B.S A,: Rolte and . his .Ibapd 'f rom ■ and . Mar- jprie ; Lawrehec,- ';; songs' .-. cbmr .plcted.:;the biil. 'cx^ for the club/ .«^ecialtiesi.: ;:'Big:' ApplOi/ ■ by /the. T^rthijr - Murray: dancers;' .was billed ■ ill the show ;but:,bxhibit^:<V / ;; the ;' dance' floor. ' .'//:;.•-'=. ;:v.:-/;-': :; ;Miss.;-La"W^^ " hails .■ ■f i-pm .'.-MGl-;.'" bburpe, being bne of the few womeii. w.lio have appearljid in Lr.itib.s.' Gam- ' bpis. -.Grace Mpprei w had the spot but could not appear. CUi'o : ' numbers included : 'Circulation,' by Clarence ;.-Nprdstrpm; ;'Thc llliriting ; :6allet,' •with : member^ as ;dame.s,. led by' Ralph Rig5i ;.;-'tarikers, ^A^'cigh,'; the fihai.e, i miniature. ppcrett.a a.s.. a .cbhiplimeht '-to ■ Rpbert...^ Hagiie,-, While the. Ppening had 50 pr mprfe members'. ih; top hat's;" a ;>"pe.ur»n g / , jiivpnil;e.s, . leading ; ', ; heayies/.:; .conibdians-and ^character; men/the^ wove' .special Songs for .that nuniber.' ;and^;Tankers;''../-■.-.■^'' ."'...;.■. ." '■. St^ited;' tha^t .the;;affhiir' .Was;;thc mp.'it, ;yccessfti:l'e^^^ libmbs,;; with ' takingsestimated ':well:': oyer. f;2p.,bOQ;' Hague, Avbo entorfajncd 350 gucstf,,.was.: the ..sparkplug ■ he )t?sS bcbn with, pthbr'.gambbi's. •':.>io,scp,h';.K: K'f?;nnody; •was, hortprary- cliairmah./- ;:'. / petiQit; Dec. 7/';' ' Program "worked; P ii t for Detroit federal';- theatre!s 'tljird • season ';' -; eludes state tpurs arid several, bri<?r night stands * : pblrbjt.'. ;Siiite. Ipur get's blinder. SvaY'.-^h^'s. week ''witiy -n^^M' fprmances 'bf 'Let.: Firccdbm ;.R Ann Arijpri 'BPy Mect^. Gli;!.': .at - Bay City. .Saginaw,/Alma;: Midland and Owbs'sb.. - /:-■-- - V' :^,■ Boy-Meet$. Girl/wilI be-sliowJn.- a xi'delt at ;Ciricma .'ihcatrc hcro' 'fbl/ ; a State": tbui-; aHer .\v,l'ii('h 'lhe' local projcct;\yilrturn ;Qut/th'p Crib.'^ fbr-^a'-series^^pf-^b during> the.bol iday,s..' .. 111 • ,.Ta.'nTwr.y. 'Dr; • Faiist'us' will ' He pns-c'n-lcfi.. many - '^bbirbii ■^.and/Miiyiirbnn hi^-)r Whbols,-l/aiteiv.:pla<^. •:drCA\'- abotil :i3.00O - nigh fl v-to vBx-l I{>. vliil?^ ■ 4'^^ ;^amnTicV/.'a)(;mg,;.. wi "Symph. ' /^ / . -'--r ;•;"-■'"-::'•■/--.;" /•■.-.Rohcarsal^: are .iilr-oaci-y. vindci; 'iyay bp "Anna ;;Cli.ri:<lio' and'.; We,, the .-people;'^jf'jvtnl ioi.v. in'..J.'nvu'n'y E;:pcctc'd. .'thrs';','i>;o.n \y.i'Il:..f't-li'p.>"o; :tast ycrr's-' mii'rlV^ P'' ' '^''^ V'''^^.'^'? v^'^^ ••even .plays:. ,-. -v^...- -' -..;•:■■; -'...-;-'-'. - '■ Stagehands*:". ' of: New Yoi-k, INTp; I'i '.international. Alliahce' of \Theatrieal-Stage EmplpyeeSv" may ; have to modify its' recent; hppst; in; asse.sSrneht..of; working .rt unemployment "relief.' Issue is con- sidered ; the'.mdst -impbrtant. :m the; uni affjaii's recent years; Pe- tition; ptptbsting- the.-assessmeh.t^ has been ciVclJlated and signed; by. nearly, all the .working stage breyirs, Withiii three/ days more than 400; signatures were affixed/ Uriderstpod new order has .been modified tb the extend; that: t'hpss in; WPA are. not ; included .in .;the. uniph's . relief ..mbve. i;. Accord!ng Ao- those opposing the tilti.•'the ruling has :resulted in: some union 'mbmbci-s enierging; from tij-ement, and applying ;fpr replace^ tTient jobs. . Alleged, top, that some fritmbcrs ■ well. "off ■■ financially ^. have turned -up. and demanded' .the, right to. work. ;two: perfbirmances -a ..■w.eek' as spcbi.fied in the .fley/ 'arrartgem.eht; that was urifbreseen; \>y.; the unibn leaders^; whp^'had ;'fi[gui^d^'5^^ beirs were . put. of jpbs and-; around 700 working.. ; " . -'.y'-- ■.^■/.'... --'-y. .. 'Employed mehibers . of ;'-th,e.', union, claim!^ the; rcviji.e.d . -'a'sise.ssmbnV 'niovb wa.s" 'put; bv.e:r^ b.'n 'them..; 'Respli^itipn; adopting ' it Aviis -yot'ed. • at. a, uh.ron' iiiceting SiiiKlny '28) of -la'st; .week,. t^uiing .'<pccilips,;tha.t ,s;t^ .Ui.V ' -pfl'-'- two. ;;perf,orrTia'hcbs: . •Pekly: Ijb'in.g rbp.liiccci -Ipy ;Vincmplbyed m.orri- bcr,';;-'aW'i-g''ie'd/ tiy ...the ■;:'. 'Sc'al.c' ehiis^--fpr;-$.5')'- - \yccj<]y. - bu.t. the.' men actCially y received. pnlyV;.S.41 ..50 ' last SaUii'd:iy ;i4 i; /--^ripW si 2.n0 wont to pay. ;;HeadsV"scaile. V. $if!2;5(l>;'.fi-brh ■' ■$13.8.')..' is. si iced.; for; the ' rc- placemcnt, men ;if the. former elect to pay ; instead . of' actuallv . laying oni ■: 'v'.-:..-..:.. V' Repeal, of the re.sblutibnr.i;ccinire.s a two-thirds ypte bf; theAmipn mem/ .bership. ' But squawks have been: .SP widespread .and indign.ant that .unibh. Ibadeis may be forced to modify the i-ule.- . UncmplPym.cht ;h^^ ;becn' the bane of.the unipn ;an.d; it wais thpiighl the' assessment:, boost would- tern* .pofarily .solve/the :Pro .Failure bf ■wbrkirig mehibet;;' to attend the meeting is. credited with -making; tlie vote pPssible, but liow the'iiriion ap-: pears to be -sepfirated:into, two .fac- tions..•lhe ins and tlie; outs'. . -.' " ;■,.■.' N'OrieansNSGfor thf)So',:. oihcryvj.-j'e;. ;idle. ■ "Pc;ductipn d<)'i;iblbJ^ -lhe:..'arn/niHt .-in. ' force;: fbf.: years;..-; ■/// "" -. '■/ ■/■;:-'■ ;. .-;'--;•. ;...bcp.artineii't bcad.'</kibk'-in; ;w;'is no.l ra'i^jed;- ■ ^ ;; .fiiniilay^-aiio/ ixit.-■ thci /l.vcads ....nV'e' i:ec)Ulrc'd ' tb; lay' -bft' ofip di:\v ; that 'rTic'::ns';aii. increase from: 0iie-ciiihth- Id'r)ne;.-"^:ixth.:of the .wcok"s ';'.: 'After: Heau-^Up.vwe'cks mghters/. aiid! ^midrwcsierii stands 'TbbaipcQ- Road/ is fiiidling; tlib going comparitivt'ly-, m'ild ;:".. '• its; second ;^<'bck.'.'" "is'civ P'rl'ea US'. ■; -LoGbV prb'se-' cu.t'o;r.h;id itvdiealed he 'y.-'.puld.-;iriter- .re.r.e .Vyith .the-show ahd'-aiiiinj vvas;^^otlght'^Jy 11.1'e iiraiig;v,c.'TiC'ht,. Writ 'vv;iS' denied; the w>.i.i;\t"--r;trl:!;ri;:..-iVoVy--\^ ;evcr;:.;ilHi[t ihb^-bT^ haci/.jfj- aMthoH;j;;. .i/j/sUjpythe i>erfpri^ ' ;;.'llislp)-y fuf: 'PLuad'.s/ :>;oad .'dl(.t<.':s • W"iat iii;.. "'ycry. ;ipbi; Whc'i^c ^brectibns •/ '; ;r a iyie<:f; f)y/a U ih qi i;; ij.!K..: p 0 si'ri-c Ss; ■ waK:n.:.)l;llbbi'is'l'i 'iliu,.. ■. In 'NeW;:6r.ionii:/ Trillddit;ioiV'lo u'n a; ofcoTiic -jsiiWi^'r y; '..leltfir^; -/• / ;-■ s|[«nl- out ' by^ wrffii!)' -ciiuivehcs^.uy'UieyclTcf-t. that:-t iiud .becjii' ;cut^ %if' th.e iiiri: ;i^bniei);r .(•lui.m.s lho...<!Ci-;i)-t,v.'?i's :npt t'uichbd. ■; -\'ew-..'\'.or'k ''c'-imprHty jast .^Sa'ltrrdby I)) 'ni.uh.l -celobralcr! '.lit' • ^'i6ri: oT :t!ic pirjy'«. ;(i'flh. ye::t.: '-."- /:'.-'. - H;/-.-' - ./\ dNMAWlONbON /..-■. .■ :>^ohdb.i5;'Dcc>^'r; -'.-/ 'Receiving brdbr for thb Cpchra^ Cprp., ::Ltd,/' bpn.cei'n ";fprmcd~ - by.. Charles' B.' Cbchran :to _ conduct his ;" theatrical a flairs,; has. been asked, by . .: the .Attprney .General^ becaui-ic of ;an^^ unpaid'tax~ claim of $3.75o! On-jrin-^ 'y tiph. ;bf corppratibn coii.risc.l, Vvho ■ ^ ppinted . put. -that. .ebbhran . was. "in.; . America, the petition was adjoin nod •.: for'iwo.Webks* ,'■■ " . .. - .;''■'- •-'. ".Stated th^t it was;-hbpbd;;th'?i.:rbf- :'--. poration. cbiild pay. off lO'-^yofi the . .clairns ;'withiri-''.a';ie.w.-. ■da;ys; :20^i::vby; -:.;: Iho ■.first of the .year, and. the re.^t - later •' . '1938. Extent' of "thb firm'.s ; - ' as.'-cts was hpt :• disclosed;; .Revenue."'. ^ pfficial staled. ihat;;his b.urprti.! h'^d al-'', ■ ready nixed .;a;;--fbr ■;doipycd'; pay-- ■: mtint. .vCprporatibn .(•.ntxital '■bo;nsisls'•■: 0^.^95.000^ siiares at ; $5 ;5ipdr^l0(J>^ / shares;;at;-230:.;- /--;.: ". :.:- ri -" ;; . C'ochrari Replies -in N./Y. - .'"■; ■v Charles 'B;vCochrah,; ;ciiiTeiiUy ;.ifi'. y., states-; that .he learned of the r..bhdbn/.court.',a?tiph _ ;for=. the: rir-et-' lime,. Monday; ,f6)■ niglit. .: •C.'^rpoi';i- . lion, - ho' e'.x'piain.s.;'.Has-;'.'nf»t;.firia a'ny. of- ibis'rccbht^'itpduc"lif)ns'.'.: .'B Da V id • Hpm 0 ;a n'd, Ticp 1 ily;', and.' Pa g-:■ .'.inini.' rialt6r. with Richnvd t::li'bcr ;nn,d: .Evelyn-.La-y'e,.;,wbi:t/,p.d^ .'<i|t' .C:).rprjrntibh holn.,;'. .'f'oi'qnotii-i Rcyuc' ■.-.wii's. prpdii^.OfI.'."'eritii:cly^ :hi-^ b.v.'ri.mbriey; the. TJh.'.VVvrnan^iicld.f'd; • ;-.v(**-);r;hrjin .'hM'-tho'v:iphi;:;nGd.^that ;hb. h ad.: Ion h cd; .t'lic.. Co viiny'y, t i'/.o vrr^/" < •;',''. "•^Tl l.s"its: lar.tjc'st ci-bdi 'hvrS Its" n'TJef" iiabilit-ib.s. if ; anv:. ",b "h'dpj.a.,":c;', '.';>vv ■ .••mall/hc'snid;-.;: C..'rif^^^^^^^ ;;wivi{irj»;'.-- alTnirii;^^/les. ^l1;lt ;;af'f;c/;iil^ jnlirn-:-; 1 ,■.'' -; PIoy/i'irbdiK'fiiii}'. • h^ -f.ih'-' :t inued: add in g'; .that he. h':-;; a ti (.•.•^'i ('-'/.' ;iv'c hv. ■ ■ :;mappc''fK<).i!/T-'Xr''''i'-'^ and'N. V.. '.;;.. .-•; :- .'■/ / ":/'.>■ .•;