Variety (Dec 1937)

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VARigTY 61 ■^^^ee^EWlrner: hereabout*: agiiin., • :y ';Jij^fiKem and wi^::Elptenie, /C.Miarni..-;::--y/:-: -j^^ •; ■ ■ Pixt Roon6y • hay/ hag. a ba r on :t»ev- ■• '■^rith^avfinUe.■/"^/'■^:■V.^^^^^ -J; ■^''■'-■"■ .1 l^u Hoi.t2 ,js.:thfi Nq.-^1 pushoyer- iT^r ■ i ribol^: tliese ..days. ",: •,. '"■ ''• Riiii^ HpilyV|ioQ4" ' ■ seeking-berth. Qii-fii {if..: daily ;. ; -jini Witteried ;back .to ;Pari:s iand ' Helefl . BTodcrick ca^^^ a. B-Girl. ribwV been ijvs0:;rnany B piC-:: ■ The Three Sophisticates^ sailed Satr ■• uvday fpi" :th,e iriew LbiVdon Casirio ■';shQWv;.V';/.'v^.■ '..^-^-l;-■ ■ •Lynh.'Foritfui^ havii 'contiibuted:.n</./ . ciitlery. to ..t^^^ ■-Actor's^^Kitcheoi ':;..::' ^:,>; ■.■ . 'AU-higl^t^ 5.2d. street. ■ .does ail. ri'g.Ki .f roijQ'. pi oWrflSwri?£- the;,sWina ioints; . •;;•- . ■•■'itfau.teenV^'d'Stiniva -in- N;-. Y.-'aft^r "; having lihished- inyBIetro'g; 'Yaok; at . pxford>V produced, in.vEiigJaindi^ ■ : Tracy BairhaniV' Par's^^'^' : Viycky bperat^^ in N- Y. Monday- and ■Tuesday x6-7)'. f<>r h.o. cbrifabs. here "tO: pohfet .with Manager. .Bili. Se^ars, Ofpheurri: :> ' OResiiinMioh . of .- boxing ,,in Twin Cities brings .one sh6w a week to :Minn;ea^iplis::.and.LSt.. iE.aul;, -. - . . .Moe XiBvy, iEddib Rubt'ri and Tom" Bui-ke ' to .;Des Mairies. Jo attend the' ;A. -Hx-.Bla'hk; 25th. anniversary ban^ ' Dave Broderickv ohe'^.ti'mev^vau^^ ^illiaii Under. Tsdl Pine Tat nomeh; gwest .of KohbirVat^'ci'ty'^^w banquet. Reisigntd ..from pblice ■ d^^ partiiieht; aftet: 3$ . years to.- 'accept. pbsitibn as busLnfess rhanager ot . the^ IVfinhesbta .Police' arid;Peace Officers^- ■A'ssociatipn,- which herOrganized. '. ■': .BiU ItJnivergijl)'. Pierce did a .-good job on: .Svvinli- I^ane betore swinging • • • b'aijkitb Drtivetsa^^^ City ■..tht(..,ncxti aft.- ^ • T -DiiMarcio.s.- arid Elsa^ MiakweU '- ai^ talking.: 'i .caf^ .,deal. to . . intd .:■' Guid^b'? r Sapphire.;..R Ein,- ■■bassy..'^'';;;:/ v.;v " '\:-, ■■■/. ■ ^T.Pnnnrfi OG iavn or; aOtiirFoxU PUb- licist^. considering'\au, apartment in ., ;• town . n&W, thatv wiMt^r's here." - S.till ^ 'hsis-Nr '^i.- hbin^r---.'.. . '■■ ■^''■[■■i■'.. : . : • ISTdrman. Leavitt and .;Shh " Straus '< .^biij as the. iasst.:-stage rtianagers'; for. :0f Mice ai5id Men/ :.WiIi be replace^^ ■ . ;.by ^nnderstudies. r ...v.; \ . ■ John Hay Whitney biaik in , fJew.- . York .froni; Europe - wjlV remain -itt v.; th^; east 'for, a' week. or mbre beforev .y-^headinff'for-.the'CQast,V .,v.''V . . - John ^bsenfteld, amusement' : edi-?. .: tor' and reviev/er ;bf! a' t)allas.-(.T<ex;)' ' . papier, visiting N; Y,, .-priiicipally to h.ear: hisvfaybrite ^bperas; \ " ^ • .; iCrdWds .aiways collect; in .fcbiit of .the eipitot, wondering \yho bwns the . - limbusine With . Maryland license ;, No: 1;'; .lVs\;]VIaior;BpAvesV v.. . Perkins,; . who -.went tb./ii'bkyb :; to, publicize" SihocriiUu Cinernai.' eh- f biite. back; to Hblly^ybod,-: via: Paris,; . b.i*irigihg.a! concert trbiipe. Sails De.c; •■; from abi^^adv.■^ 'i. ■ . . Actors iaire waiting •; for ..television ■ arid 'some oi- the niteries. are 'Wiaitirig. V for • ^he; 1939 Wbrld's Fair for tj>eijr. : pwri Happy .Days .'in ;Dixie.^- ; .•.; : American Show Shop has leased • the President .theatre season of . repertory under! .direction, of. Riith • iPutnam Masoni . Pr.eeitis . Dec. 13... • v , ■< . Albect .Puify,. of Columbia Pic4 1 itures;; press department, ani d Marian . .> Granli Tegifer. have, sbld'ari. original, ; '<jiieens Local,' to Parampuht; : Deal • . set by Liebling-AVobd agehcyv: v , Si nte. Nlcit:;arid Ch'arles n ny 4e iiyercd thijde .'.sorig hits -in a .;.ro,w, ; the - ;bi:bthers %6. around . constantly . in.;thei;.muse; writing lyri.cs on tabler blbths, back ..of mbiius and what have ■ •■. ypii. • ■ " '.• ;■ The jolsbh rtheatre, later the • Vens. : ice, :is nbw the 'Yiddfsh Art, Where •Brothers AshkeriaZi' .holds forth; One. . theatre brbkerage rends: AV Jolsoh's .:. Yiddish Ar-t theati'e,. preserving the. ■■■ .billirtgi; ; ■: The ' Berritudi . eiipper .Thursday ;..':: morningiFi ;puts y.bu . bh tiie beach- at 3. p,m~;, Thursday aftv. Weekend re- • .. turn Stiriday night is the new.: fash-.' : ibnable hop for some; sunshine dowii ■ south. . Gettirig quite a midtown. play. Geiie Krupa,; Teddy 'Wil- . • son, - pianist,;,and Harvy Goodrrian, .bass player, ail With.' Benny Gpod- ..inan's ..ban(3, -ai-e .'writihg books on ' thPir respectiVe Rbbbins .. - Music.:' ar'ra'rig ing. .. .p.ubl jca tion .. fbr. sprin^g/:-■: ;: ■'; •. .-:.. ■.;;■ '■::■;'• ■..'.';•; . . vGciPrj^ie Price, .;no'w-'a brbker, still ;: .keeps;' in with benefits, .ber. ;:. .sides bccasionar prof^sssionar engiigCT ;.; mertts, :.due, to the fabt. that .sb inahy : 'of his Wall-St. c.ustpmGi's;.alsb have one br another .pet charity,-aiid- Pirice must;x:bmpjy. ■ -• ■:• :"-,;:;•;• .■, :.,^iricebecoming:- :•prbd'ocerV-;<)f - westerns, for Corpnet: .CCbluinbia fbr ; . l.ea,se). . Lebhard;: .• Goldsteiii. is now ; riom.rde-screcned, bs LcPnard G. :^ -iepniird;. His; ^twih: ' brother Ebb' • . . (radjo agent) wonders-if that mlikc^ :; ■him-.Bpb G^Bbbi^'':..:' ■;::• : Karl Freurid .here frpn^^^ jfl:iark Hellihger bought; •. hbtise,:- .Moe Siegel in iroiri N,. .Y. cprifVbs; . ;Geof ge GrUskin arid .-Bob Sanderis- ■batt]UiMg-fltjr!^r^^ .V Bette Davis recbv<2ced from make-- ,up:'ppisohlgbgi:: ^..-''V; .;-;^:': Leon &hl€sing«r:^b^ fiom Broad- ..way bia;trek;-.; V; ^: . V■■ BrUno Frai^k trained in for .Metrb. sci^.contract ■:■; \:u ■'. x". Pc tt'amTjtiiprtr: studio.; huddles! .,; Deainna;: DUrb'in's' birthdaiy ai ■'UriiAfbfsal.fiestb.'-v ■' ^/^■'y'.''', , . Eddie ■ Saunders;, here, .-foir, .Metro .prbdiict: confabs;'.V . -Donald .Wobds moved into, lii Westwpodi Palazzo. ' .- J: Aritlinriy Nrfx/ptni;;.' pl^irtp ri: iri fpy liS: ity".'tfe.s-iic'cs'-' • . Rayy;:o:Brlen- .-itKO'vhorrie / b/tlc^ ;-: :;audJtor,^.ln ■tpwri;■.■. ...: ■-.^^-^ ..r ■ "i'^^VM -^exchange orfionizing ■ oasket ball team. .. . ' . .exchange., acbejjted /^efi .of MGM bo.wling- team; - ,. ' - .; ment Go.,(Publix) head bookbi?, back - to ho.'iDitai.'.■ ..7;:i^lMede PPtter, Journal• nilm .editori' : ' K^^!?'v^-^x*>V' anmial UO best pic^; ^, -lures' contest;* . ^.-; :: ^^VH-: Sihser antt Mpr£?;)« a rnes Metro; acting .pbet. ;: Met Shauet and' wlfe.^ . R^^ rehb, \vhippe<i''-fiu.^y.'- ■■';;V.vvv'..'■■■-'^ / Anna Q,^Ni^ssbn ^lV Metro's 'Three .Mbn^in; ;th^..;Snbvy'* v..'.;-^-'-;^ '-./ ■,. r Janfe Frbmart Jri . fj-pm "Ni ~ for :?Badib'^City;':Rey^ls,' .- •Three Stboges. Pp.ehirig ■six:;;yv:ce^l^ of'iJi ai in- Bostbri:;(;23'):.;•;. .'.:; : ; Diania ■: Gibson- > Chicagped;. i fPr. Xmas with the: farnily. ~ ■ ^'> - ■ Spyrps Skonras in from N; if. fpt 20th-Fbx .ptodiiGt huddles. - ': Hei'b;,!. Grboker,. :Warner's . Y, flack, casing the Burbank. layout..' •■ Albertiiia' Hasch will , direct • terp feitufces of, the N. y:. World's Faifci: ; , Lillian '.PertJca;' actress,' :will; be knbwh' iis Carol;. Rhodes iii pictuiies, • Sidiriey .HdJcmbri Pat- ambunt:-- tb assiist Harold .Hurley on a.pi:o<kictiori. - ; . . ' ^ Ernest Pagano',; back from N..:Y., ganders, toiling on ^Vivacibus Lady' script-at Radio;. - ; .. Eleanor. . Whitney : arid.:.: Johnny ij.bwns i^^^ p^a.: dub. starting in .Bpstoii Thursday X9). !. ■^ '"./■'■r'. ; " ;Harry-R^yel clefted a ditty while; ill abed thinking of .titling it; 'And the Flu Flew Up the Flue.' ■ ■ Michael Brooke .(Earl.of Warwick) draw?; his-; initial player ;assignment ip Par's 'Bulldbg.,.Druriimprid: Inter* feres.' : . • .:• ■■■.-;■ ;'v;\.'- -.-v " h-Bill • ■OliS'e^^^^ dbing a warble, at the. L.A. Orpheurii,. follpwirig a spell of .incpg \ ether' thrushing. . • ■ Admiral Hepbrirn of the U. S. Fleet hosted Sam Zrriibalist, the Robert ;Ybuiigs,^. FlPre'rice'.RiCe.; and ; James Stewar.t aboard-: the.. .flagship Pennr sylva;ni. ;:^ ^ :V.. ' ■ - V v;.' ; ■• . P.ctet^. "Vbs-s in from' 'Pari.Si AJfred.VAber-on. the'vSick list' . Murnati's. Tabu popped up again. Bngilte HprrieyV back frpm Africa, Maria.Aridergiusi;. enroute-. tb Afric^' pic.:,-.: ■ ..';;.;.-; ';■;■■. ■\. ■ -.-•■■' •..Deutsches ;opry.. .ceiebrating- 25th birthday. ^ •.'.:. . ".■ ■ . :,; Pamela: Wedekiftd >;ehanting ■ via the ether. . . Franz -Grbthe cjefling Mar.ia : Eg-; .gertH';s new piay.:^ . ., .' Alice Allien gi v ijig .ida noe rec.i tal at .the. Beethovensaali.' Thep Lingeiv. sigriedi for the. Miirla ..^^ggei^th pic .SiVO/icnria. .' - . Garbp-6 -OamiUe'- packing them-.-in> at the Tauentzieh-Palast, . • . Jaro:..;Prohaska back -af the State. Opera:, after tout; of S. A. : ■ V ;.The. Sacha^Guitry ftlm. Les Perjes '-de lit-. Courbnrie'; ;-at • the A.stor; .■ . .: • ■: A'ndre. ..-Segbvia;: Spariish guitarist,-., held Pvcr ,for a. secbiid recital; ■; / Eduard:Vbh AVititersteih sijtned for. •Willy ''s next'pic, 'Serferiade.' i .Kathte. von Nagy signed fbr. a lead .in 'The Restless Girl' .for Interglprja., . Erich :.KIoibbr brttonirig .Richard Stra'iiss' '.Ro'se'nkaval.icr'''ij.v Am dam.':^.:.':.'■;'•.■■ ' -.. -'' ..-.■■••■:;;\- ' V--■ >':■-:. ;-.':•.;.■■ . . Mbxiqan, 'ambaR.sadb:i^'.^Jua,n-;F: :Azv caratc, aiicl madome,^ .thip Tpbis >siudios/--;.■.''. ;^ .■Jbsefine,. Dora,.. the-: sprighlly. .stni- brette ■ bf ye.'iteryear: ce'lbbi-ated: .her..- ;70th■bil^thdayV-v; -rv '■■ ^.^v';-': ''^ -.;;-' ■ . ' -Kathe i'Dorsch sigried ipi--ffie •Mer. ..fepr :pic,> 'Yve.tle'; Wolfgang: Liebe- ' r)eier..dirbbtDri-: ;\.-.- \';-V;. ■■ ■:: -' ! Olga Tscfiebowavlaking a • ning. at legit -in . Fraiiz^., Hoi''czeg s toinedy, ■ ■'The-Blue.Fox.';;■■;:'.^. V-'. ■ '■i.-V .■ ,Co''iiiipositiort.s .by. Hein'rich - Schiitz to be played at:'Frarikfort^on-th^ ;Mar;' "invhjs:;memory■ -':'-^--.-;' / '-^^ ^;'; -- .: Gerhai'dt. Hauptman on: Ihe a 1 r . fpi- hi.s -TSth birthday^ NoV. .15;Vsent his; greetings ib. cbmpailripts all-oVer th6 :world.-'..- ■ ■•■'■:: ■ ■■:;.■ v^'- ' .' .■■■ .;■ The first :Gcrmah-Polish -.coriribo' of thc.r/Tbbis,;. 'Adventure .in..;War.saW' :.p'kiiyed -!?an's- scissors.; ;.■. ■ ' ; : Werner Bbchmanri . clbfting V the^ -notes .fbr 'The Red;CSp,* Ftitz-Wericl-: ;i\ausen'.s.'.latest;manuscript.' • : '.; ; ; Use . Werner, Vienna, legit ac.tres.s', having/first pic roie iri 'Finale' Uirdpr direc'tipn of Geze^ vori Bolvary.''... . . :Thb ; Philharmbhic., ■:prchestra t; Kpnigsberg/ being .IDO-yoar^TOldsthifr ■winter;-is to,.h£ive 'a'.lii^'aubii\^.e/ .: Lilian Jlarvey set.ior new IJfai. pic ; ■with Karl Rittiir. doirig.-the';.rneji;{i.rif^' chore gehexaUy.:held dpwn by Paul.; T\^airtir).;' -:';^i--.f...■. ;. - ;•: -'• ->':^- .Jvbfld - preriiifere nf the, violin con^ -cert. in'..D; minor by \Rp.ber't .Schvi-. .mjainn; played: by .the ; prtjru 'symph, CarVBooHrh conducting. . ■. • ■. •.''. ;:.'' . The ./PplisH . terpers. -The: Parnell-v Ballett,'.; ftrst :prize .Winri'ers in the woi:ld„dance ccmpetish last y^ar, ap-^ peaLTirig': at' the .Ba.bbsaa!..: ; ■ IMarra; Tudbr;'- d-r^ma' by /.Geprg Biiek'n^r frbrii' tlve ^book by. Victor 'Hugo, .being . produeed'here ^afte.r a' :i^heIving.;;pf pyer'lQQ- years^.'-:V' .^;■ 'Wef rief.FlnGk, C*ermany's.-ace gagi-. niah,V; is a.t. work- on:. the '.T'eutoriic t ifanserip tipn of the ^ Saeha. • Guitry. film, ••The Story of ia . Swindler.'. . - Cinesound; has • jtiisti unflpored 'Brbken-.Melody.''.- ■■, . ...; : ■;' .:/ . i- -Berpii; .'-Fiieeman'; to i-BrisbaneVfor- bpefimg-jiew.iiJifet^^ ' ' Sir Ben. Fuller -is: trying to. .secure enough "capital tp build a ' theatre here; for, -both;; legit and . revye. atr -tractio.ns. ■■..-';.'':^---.;'.': .'; '■■:■■.:'.■ '"' ,'.". :'. Snidet-Dean . .dipkieii'in^g^ with: ^ the idea ;;bi. impbrtihg.-bne>br .two big; legit "shows fpi: -.; piresen'tatibri . here: .ncxt-vear.-v/.'- ■ " .■'' -■-'■' -;■■■.' -" •' ■■ .••-; s Montague.- ■revue ..will'., -definitely , open:^ here ' <3lis Yulietide ' followirig biz!, a'rirangeinent .betw^ieh; Fniilers and;.Silider-I)eari.':o:.'■''''■.• : •■. • ;-'Mainy niabe 'theatres in. New South Wale^ are: stiickirig :tp , -triple billis: despite prptests.: ;Managerg say if i$; the 'prily w^iy ■. biz can. bb -p'Ulled to' the;-b;P.-;.;-; ■ •• V-.--. -V-;'': \ Shirley,Ann Riphai'ds is'dbing a secies, of jpiersbnals: fbrHhe; Ginesbynd pjrbduction pf: .'tall Tlmb'ers'. in - Mel-- bourne. vFerhnie. has the leading role .wy,tli:.-Frank-L*ightprt,- v -■'. ^^^-'V- 'y-'l-:'/) ■'K Pay :GDmlpton/ will : pcobaisiy do further plays ::fbr ..Williamsbn*Tait during ;stay. in; Australia arid . New ^Zealand;; .'Victoria^ Rbgiria- has met with success invMelbourhe;;and later show vwill. cbme tb Sydrieyv ■ ;; -: . "Torii Miack,' -one -bf .the^ .ace' :ex^ h ibitprs ;iri:: the stix; :originally' came from ..America 20. years, ago for a visit ' to,;New-. South Wales;' Liked the. spot sp miich . that he's been .here ever. sirice. Mack is. also a direitbr. bf Film Weefclyi. local trader.. ■By ifai' Cohen. ri-JWarjprieUBaEth-ailiiigi-wi^ •irifebtion.:^-^-..---f.; .-:■.;-:;- ' Beri Jaflfe has; gone'Jto Eiprida. for' .his•health.; -i. ^. 'i "■;:;,■:;■':.': '■.- ; ;Mrs-. Johnny';- HarriiB .-and son biff ■fpt:■ Ho;l^ywppd^.'^',^;;;... ; -:'--^,;'>^ -: Mike; Cuilcn's riiothier :'here. from "Wiishington -for ^a Visilti , Jerry'••Mayhall's yburigster; broke; hiis airim ;fPr . the third' tim.e.- : '; ■. .. Nellie. Reiiistein .okay .-again after having her •appendiJt- clipped.'; ' • • ; Sam-Stern in town: again after do^ ing a, 'isti^it on U's art Staff. bri Gpast; Bi^il Stiiffenl Dick SItabilc's ■ ar- rarigfef, bagged • i75-piouhd^^ hunting■ trip,' ;: '";-' :: ;■>;..-■ -■-.:,:'' . Entire Warner' ofTice being mPved: frbm'- second to 23d floor - of Clark building. Jah; 1; .; ; - ' ; :;.■ •^'brmcr Pittsburgh ypiings^ McCuljy.:iri :cast of. Shtibert impo/ta-.- tibri, .'The Ho.usemaster.' ;. ;;^iC9ntiriucd. froni .pas b uJ^i.nesf^;; iihe> Wouid. {-qy i t. ■ '.I n o1 Uded iri;.'thrit-ifoai was' th^^^ she.. sbiight; She. has acquired' that iUfiujxed,-4ncome,y - w other. .fabtpr in .her dGfetniinatibri' to rbi'nbve, .her.«?clf v-qiiictly ...^bii't ■ cbm.;^ p|etely--'f rbm}.'tile ^ ■■■■■i: ;-^'•Statieil-;iw'-tli[lfcr-Caife^'.-^^^ , She .; ; thi^^; idea • many :-years,- wh.en .she :fii^st carrie. from, a' farrii; in .Nebraska^-, arriving; ih Ghicjagp' to tak(^:a job a.f'fchpn^^ gold.; nite;;.cl;ub;.\ Slib. was ' a.' clibriis' gir.L :wlth '.au. ideaj- d goal, ;a. burning-, ;anibition,; .and; . wi.t^ "That determinatibri sent her to; the Chic.agb.' Art; Institute'.-to Icai'ri; de-. Signing. ■,.. it was •.that -amljitipn.. that' inade.; her ' seek i to f ri«e.' .;fi-o'ni, the cborus: line- and.'b^cpirie a. singei' pf; ^iPngs-;v-:.;■ '.: ' -; :.\;; y: ■ -;;;; ■. ■ ■■,;. :•'-•;:. .;;She 'hadv.ib: .re.spr^^ ..many; tiiiclcs tb.-get---ou.t:^pf^t-h«H4in - become a singbi., of ..songs/She ■ was : .th[ri, so yylie, .';d.e5ig.iie.d'" .clpthes '...thatv: w.Putd. :;ho\v; jjer .pit .to ^bbst advaht^ge; ,She needed style, . mannerisms.- arid lfhbwledge ;bf .: stage., tricks and .tech- nique, .so. she' boldly .sought- and^ tained thb adviice 'of .the.; "spng istyiists :.•. T-i.epnti-im'cd-f ^ to s<vbrve; -her during, ihe past cpuple. of -weeksj. .'but. "met; --with-'■.btarrK . 'fbT, fusaiv:'-,^.;'':; l^-^- ; . ;. :G.pMvvyVv taiicecV with dt^; (ti.lahdj; when.,infpr FJiir-; bank s'. ■; pr'ppbsj tf o ly, - h c; :r ep 1 ied ';' lb a t Mi.s^j;- Pickford,..was '^nd i'.b"- f.UKCd-. 4o' ';recpde . frpm..;:her ; .stahtlr. .t;atGr ■^lhe;V.da'y,-VMiss;-' Picl<iforcl talked- j;b.-.'Fairb.ank aiid; it. is. Jil^, ■thiVt^- j-t;-.- mil^ht.; fov^v; spmb/effcct-. on, gdttiri^ her ;io;/cpmprbmis^ .;;; ■ ,;-it.^i san;de.r stood :-th'aVLo'Wdbn use tJle ;$l,Op;0.,qpp.;silvc.d this. .Way fbi* pi-Qductiori ;p'Urppsbsr''': s;-;. ' ;;.-'.: .. ■ .iilepprtecl; .hcr<^^ also ' had-; ';'Kpr-cia: dealing with^'Mptro arid ^Oth-Fpx;to produce- for . them ;.'.England^, tiu*'dDriy,'..saying-bhi^ i;eiati:pn!j;'ai^c rental of, hi:s sttidip'by--thefc^ :::-^; :; - Kbirtia.. stjbits; - arauhd --iin tii ■ th e end prvthe':wcGk -.but''..specuiati^ that ;with iWiss -Pickford hpldlrig but, thb. cieal. iWy ;gb ;by the Wa: pT^fibse. day,"?,: Grace Ea]ttue, ;Nan; Halperiny BlpSsbm Seelcy;aiid; others.' She . got; to ;them, sprne way, i some;* how'.:;. Slitb irnpiDessecl; thein :witii-.h€r; Gnthusia.srii., -earjiest^^^^ tipii-. arid.; they.;told her^. their. • stiTge.. fiecrets/ ■'-,■ ';;'-;.v.-;;; ^ ■;;;.- ■>.-'. ; '/' '■--V; -'^ T-^iie^4herHwentT:a.-ft^^ ublia tyTiind- she. got. t.hat<;. . For . she; .krieW - ■ that; money • depended pn publicity. 'And ) money; f pi lowed; ptiblici ty. • -Step by .step..;she .worked .^her way;frpni $'75.; aVweek.;'^.. ;:-;;the^: ^. itery^ and 1^400 ./arid ys^^ vmp.v'e'd' Upward,. playing ;the 'top cafes .in ChJcagp-r, the;: RainbpwJ.; Paradise and. ;Grecn, Mill.• vSiie-: ^dthei^ed;"i; fpUb\^ ;;; .. It Was .thatvpubrieily -arid; foUpvi^r ing that got h^er: a iilage date at. the MpViblcei^ ;fpr; J. .Balaban ^ bboked her intp tJie ■ theatre .Where' she .Worked; ^yith' Paul Ash... Sh^ 'im- mediately. ; sprang: : into ;.; natibrial prbminenct' as :a sJiTge^^ tibn shb>s. HfiV salar^^ She beCariie^; .;. No;..: l'. :Song; piu^ the cPurih'y, ,:. MUsip'. publilsher?- fpught for .:heii' tP sing their :Sbhg^^ ■ .'^iiirsed; lotos.a Zi«8feid 'Show; '-.^it;was; the ■.music Vpubiisbirig' busi- ness that gbt lier a break: •witl) Flpr- ^Giiz:; ;Ziegfeld^. y fbr - ';Ma:t : WinSlbw;, Roccb yoccbiv and her husband-man-; ager (Cpl.; Snyder );/preVailed; on Iry- iflg,-; .Berlin to', talk to ;Zi.egfeid" VO.lip, ^the.n: .went tp catchi her. ;Eddie.'iCan^;; .tpr saw iier and asked to have her ih ;hrs ;next.-.sh9-wv' MeanWhile.-;her i^iaiy';has'ip;bm^ 'entatibn Kouses, 'clicii^^^ to senisa" ; tibnal fets- a^^ iii: New- ':York;.Shea's in iuffalo,;^ -'troit,:^t.:LpUiSi;; ■•-' : Show-.break; .with- .Gah.tor.' Game^ -i . 'Whoopee.' ^ The • -Brpadway^; critics: ■'raved./.:■ ';••; ' '•;.;;'; ■■-'.'■;- .';'';■'; - .'Ail this .vvas; (jUring- the .bbbm'rtime. '2()s, . ;she invested her money along ;-w i th the. rest bf the nil a d. i riveslbrs bf those-days;^ut !5he;was .vvi.'ie.r. When she had -a; piiper prbOt;' bf. $400,000^ she. tion verted' ; paper, .prbfit.. Into actual dollars arid,.then reiriyeste.d;,iri .propertyN.eb'r'aska/and .-in . Gali- I'briiia.; The . dep'ressipri. stopped her ;fb'r a.-whj!e,'^.; -.she; kept on ;w'brki'rtg.". She .,liras;';E'npuffh .-/; -/;■./ Biit .i 1935. she rcache.d her. gbai. She hjid. '.elribuglT and slie ;divided, her' h()ldings-.;.Wp ;twd".ppi:tiPns; brie 'as '/the 'Ettjhj^.TrUst.^Fund^^ the other; ■ihe- '•bayis .Trust. Fund.;. . Her. investrncnls,. ;:jn■ California werb .exlreinoJy■ pr:b^ a'bf.e;;."rSh1e^~bx^^^ Cbajij/fbr' $t7j0Q0; ..-Today...she has'ari ;pfiW,of |50iob iioldr. ■jiyg;put;for..$fl5iip00; ■ ../ ; •., . ;; ■■ Now .she is fhrpugh; wi't-h ,ttic; biisi-; n(\s.s'.; 'siie' -js; gpihg' away/pn;- .''.trip, ar.tturid-: the .iwarld,;: ah.d • her. . cpm- pa'nioh: - Wi 11 1?P. her; steprdaUjjhter,. Ed(t.b, 19, fpf- whom she ,ba..s';proyide(t' fpr] 1 i f.c W;ith, ah i tidepfen clerit \^ 'lt .,tsri^prt.9d ,tha^^^ ..yidbd fois^^ Whbm she. -.g^ya4'^;fiUlj'><;ed^^ .fier.- put .tbe.■ (ihoru^^s^ya^rJilittin'fe her; in .the .;big. rnpriby-'icla.HS. ■; At on'e 'iime, .sbe '- matle ia.-.s'hprls a^ ycai- gettii-ig from :.$5^0Q,(J" iq .p0()O' a :js.hpi^i;,; ■ I'lcr;. :radib;;engagem'e^^^ i'.w.prc very -'li;icratiye,-...;.Bbili ■|ed-.'to';imp:Prr tont-fiim: work...- -; ;- ■' : V;v-' ■ ■ ;''. /./ WhUc-she■ -w/as.n Chicagp- -the,-;Chcz? ')f'a'ree':.p'n'ered:;' iVei-;. fbur. wpek.'i - at .$4i60()-.Va--'-vvepk ..\y ;down, .b(is|(j(*i^ -^riiaby-; b.ihcr -pfTers;' •;; ':; 'St^e .'has; aiWay?/ been very..'.friiga!.., : arid syyihg -aiul.-did greiil;-deal of .-chairity' -wbrk -that,':''fek:.. .e''; kne.\w.. .abbtil..-;;;.'ro-.the --finish .;iyiiW -/Eltii^^^^^ 'made ;mo;st-Vp.f: lier pw .-.'•-.Slie.yvatits a-;Siritple,-'q'uietUrfe,nbw.;: :,W.libn 'she is';ilnished with her trayeli:: ing I'n 'perhaps'a .'year :' sb,- she :will.- vseltlevjn 'baVid; .City, .Neb'.j;\wiib ^ bc-. ca-sionai " yiisifs '.to .'.Cliicagb- ';and' the' •Coaijt/ ''';;;';;■;/•.-./■;■■-■; ■■;:';•/' ''■ ;/'.-■/:''/. '. ;^ York;-again', /'-;//'-.--. .-; '■/.•-;■■/■• ■;;'■.Her.:,0>vn-;Ha!rvesf M»M»ny'^; .. One /thing.: riibre-. Whch - she.; dcr- f^trpyed- .her songs,/;-.she^' k^p,t-.. biic:; 'SJiine -on ;Haryest'Mbpn,'- which' she firsts Sang ; in - a >ite"tch. depicti tig -the . Rector's of:years ago / 'the, Ziegfeld ^''.^K is^hef bwn Special pet - .so fiair; as ■ .Ruth/ Ettirig' :'is con- ; cerned. . . "Fp ^the prescnli ;geh'eratipri-. this .spng, ■-which :she ; reyiyedi/ is: ial'- rifibst e;xGl'us!ively.i"dentifl.«d. With. her/ ipft .they iiever heard of or haive.'fbr- gbtteh NPra' brigirial. version. Tb/show; biz yets;- ■ m^ tlip; mbd^irnized Version'./-;. • She, d^trpybd ,;'Tea^!pfents;'' ; bance*,^ which -she iritrpdUcedi in ' the, Ed Wynh/sho)yj,?Bijnpl6, Siriionf* 1 W30, .; •and 'whicli- she; made -scneatipnal hit and s'ellcr/. She;^^n^^ iliat-JSQDg/^^n fh^bugh,; she made Her theme; spng oh.-'her ;;radib,;pr,b;- .- g.rains., and' xyhich' she ihoiight exemplified her. > persbriality • " Wa^ "'H£»rvest;:M!b<>rii--.-/^ ■ ■ ;.-/-;;;; ■ •' ;,.; ^;.i[Cbntiril^ed^frbm^pa . ter,. tlTjS..year, 'rriay ^ambu'rit. to only;' around; Jp:,(k)0,0p0•';: ;> ; ;/ ;^ ■■[ ,bf ;2dth Fgx cbmpany earning.«j, ppSsibliy; .^$i,26fl,OpO-$l,5p6,pp might be ■represented; by .theatre ,:aarninga, .aec;opdihg;k> current; bs^ theatre/ earnings are. ftpm iZOth; Fox company's 4ii%;;. interbst: in' National •Theatres (F-WG).. ./• v-'/; :-'■ ;? Dividend meetahg,. .postpbnied, frbm . the preyibiis week;/wXll be held by .Papmburit:;: tombi:rbw;; .(Thu^^^^^ .or;, Friday... 'Thiis w,as the latesV ihdlcai tipH; .actual confab :• depending / oft' V^hethei- there, wbuld ■ be a 4ubi;om present tb act bti paymcnts;bn both: preferred issues. There is $1.50 due , on the.fJWt preferred^^ a^ the" sbcbnd; N^^^ payment, has Ijeen made;: on the-: common- since the.; present;^: stock ;wi(s,;issue<l.:;; Whether /oif a ;divvy: will .be; pa this .year/ this; class of;stock. dPubtlcssly WlM depend on:-:the rate-^ of earnings at, ;tihe :present; time;; ' ,;'; .'..,:':-. ; ;.';':L«!ew'»'l>i .-Extra'-. •..; : / Lpe w-srine.;:^^ ranks■. of, topflight dividcnd-payers \ pn \ -the :'N'.Y.. .«)tDck ;:.excliainge 'last -; week .when the directors, .ybtod the: regulai' 50c:; quarterly paymenl . and • $1 extrai^ori' the - cbprimoli.; Bpiii/ payable -bee.; :31 tb' stock ' -of fbcPrd " bcc:li,..v:;' /■''.''■/■ /';;;-■-!• /;^'^:-/..' ;'i:he iiddUibrial 1^^^^ ;ijayable ort :Cpmmph shiai'es beiipi?.e the end of the.. year ^brings /total 1937 distribUtibb tp ib.Spi; which was iil line ; with W Street expectations/ Loew'.s cbmmpn;' .regular rate reinaihe.d at.$2 iinriuail^^^^ thrpughoiit the year .but:extra mcion:; cuttings totalled. $5.50... ifesides being IJite ;largest -, amount', paid ph a/ com-: mbn'iie- by^ any. picture cpmpanyji; Loew's $7..50 di.strlibutibn; thi.s . veat places it .up with other ; h;ijh;divi- . "dehci payers pn the .bife. l.'Pii'rd '. - ■ N|x' -Xini»s ';t,ii,rg5i.s-'" ■ ■; .;,//;': ■■' :■■. ' ';; tl;pl'lyw(yvcl,'.'Deb;'7.:,,;'.;. ■yvith aij:. by<!; to - the; f-ytui'ie; major.; ~ s' wTir ^6rbgd;'usiiarfYu tom'i}. :p.f/.;/bDriusih -■ [A)!'' .'cpm'psiny; hbatis decidbcl -against; the,' .practice, this .X^ Instead,; all un»■ diyidbd. .profil.s. .^ivill be" hcld ':in; re.-; se,r;yB;-ag!)i.ri,'>'t: any ^; advers.fe/ business; cphditlons'; that -ma^ ■J.artect Vsa;;; cb'tries;/.; -. ;/. ,. /,-;;,'.;■■ ;.;^;i-..:;.: /' DiscpntinUance;' bf . liirgesse i.s.;a]so predicted ron ;the-.-faet -that; rnpst oiJ,; the';worlccrs .:are now- .lined. ;up' .wit)i: ;iabbr brga niza'tions..-; F ilrii /iiiduslry '■. n'oj^^lJiHs^ ■ J'iiie . WifR^^pL^hbr' rriclif^r ': ie.s- which ;tabbo■ holidayViari'dputis/' Last' year; iParj^mourit and ioth Ccnt.urji^-.Fbx-. .,pas'';arb;un'd\Christ-r.' ;mas cheer':"home;;oiffieb workers . .ariij.;. othcr.s;'in.' d and'.stUdib; departments;, .JJOtb's cash ; gi its ; tp.taiod; $585,000, built ;pf ;which.. Went, tb': west cpas.l'ors. -Some .^i(ip,600-. >vent -to Natiorial Theatres (Fox-:West- Coast) help.: "'\yarrtcr. Bros;, which' cut - Up;;rrtbloris.With -Workers four., years- .ago,' is; :kceping it intact, this; y cari. as iirfi 'Mbtrb, RKp ahd^^;u^^^ .: ■