Variety (Dec 1937)

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;^.rhis devP-Ttriiira cpn.tai»lis.>cwVi'tten:' theatrical. neu»i, h«7W^'^^^ lishid/dutrng " ike W!eek-. in- the . daily 'paipiirs of W^io. yyric'.^C'htcdji'p,. Sa7v >ra'nciscb, HQUywood and- London: ■. VARiEtv: ?a/c?i;no credit, ioti ■these iiews itimis; each, has been rpttfrit^civ trom a. d^^ East Jo h i\ RpAsevel i fli'St of {the pres i den tla I lain My: ■ to take':Timbrage. • at.. -Td Rathof JBe Kiglit/v .Dllenslye] in spots,, he says,;'v ^••;.^.\'V^'^^v- "V,-;.^ e jui-t demanding'.::that Peggy; Qarr cia be tried-on ai 10 months' old big-, amy chai-go. . She's this cloakroom girl wild sued :ljaVe Rubi'nQffl v ■ ■. N. Y. Light .dppra Guild planning ■ tn dp :'atv Incfian bppra^ ."The Sian Dance,' by William F/;HansDh; - Lat- ter is music head ' of Utah /school^. .' . i N. Y. auto Ucenses f year ^p carry a 'tag. foi^ the World's 'Fiaii' iil •39.. •■- Musicians' Emergency . .Fund, to stage ■ a ' benefit'. ;at thie- Waldprf- AStpi-ia- Jah;'.2..'■ \:-y':\''V-;'--' Finai I bamoiaign: liihcheon of Opera Guild: skcdded :fora>Gc: •. At the piarre. ■-v"'.- : Supreme court \Iast week^: denied appli'catioii of, Edward A; Malldy,-of• Scranton, to examine officials cbf Pi Xprillard & .Cp,: .; He sought/ihfor- inatlonTon which to sue:fpi: one of. tW Old Gold'prices .: ' '^niarida; Siebjert fai^ttitTSf^ljed^ a Cpney island ■ rbprhing hptise last week, and it took iave cops to .g^t her" back, between the .sheets, As Colly; Irene . she • has; l>ebn.. ai)pearing' .in niaiiiy' sideshpws.^.oh .the Island Cand elseyvhere.';: Weig!hS::P50, pounds. F6llo\vir»g a benefit ati.the Beck; 6£ *Bavchester-T6VkrcK,i4the^-Ji^^ . tati Jtlinor Achieverhent 'lieague .will- thtow a supper' atrai: nearby restau- ^ rant DeiGi-M;;: ' ,^/.. Rpy Roberts eaiseid out b£ 'Hu^raH Cor What' by. Jack Whiting, . after play i ng: several.=weeks on the road;. Then Wh itiri'§ became. ill, and. Rob- ei:ts iri the ]>f. Y* debute aft^r all; ' ■Efhel Levey, George.JW. .CpKah's ex, seeking a divorce in Lpridon, : Abbey Players feet/iahother freie Imtchi - This tirtie Book and Play club at the Biltniore Thiirsday (2 )v, Jack Khapp'to revisie/The Marines Are Here^ ;fPr. Ken Goldsmith. ^; . Afnericain Show Shpp has taken a l&dse on- the Presidert,t To make ah effort tp establish a reper- tory cptnpany.. '.' Pupils; of the ciity dahc.ihg schools to stase a revue' at' the Hipppdirome naxt Friday.".- ■ , Nelson Dpubleday, of the publish'* In.? flrni, taxed. $450: for. himself .and- eight guests for shpoting ducks in prPhibited territbry..:' in South Cjarp- luva. Posted $50 apiece, and forfeited bail. . ' " ■ -/^v^.^'-; :;;..-V-. .. Mickey Mouse cartobn stnp barred In Yugoslavia when it depicted a plpt. a/ainst a inythical king,.: . - Picture... fans 'in •: pitisfield, Mass.. deniaiid and' get their rhohey- back when they foiind 'The Great, Oar-, rick' Was not it bas eball- pix. They ih- »ugFnrit".w7»s:TG5u~G^hrr g.. . ,. ' .• Mario- ..Labroca,; Italian coinrhis- sioner to N. Y. World's Fair, inxipus t.> bring over the La -Scala opera troupe. . ■ -. . .- : Swedish sailors from; the Grip;s hr»lnv took part irt the"Dance,Inter T>:itlonar at '. ■Rockefeller '" Center. Thursday; Di.d. native dances in na: tij>tVal .costume; ..;.;V..: Famous 'Meadbwbrook . Hunt sty- mied by law. requiring all ..ijooches t j* be muzzle(3'.. Epidemic bf- rabies 're.>r)onsibte for' th6. ordieri N. Y. State~ music clinic- ait Ithaca last week.' . About. .1,000 ,in attendr an^e, mostly from .state schools. .Sergei Radain^kyy Russian singer, •ovor here ..for a. concert ■ tour, an- founces he .will-feature a song Writ- tin- by prisPners in a Na?! intirhthent cam>>;, ■ .: --.■ /■/.-." i ^'." Mstrbpplitan, .Ca.mera.:fclub stag^ a photograbhib show at Mecca .Teni- pl • Dec. 5rl0. -;".: -r - C jver Whalen. Voted to .have the best jnoustache iby the. ISlectrolysis Associates. ; Glark.' Gable runner HP. Other winhfers are C. Aubrey Smith,; Melvyn Dpuglais;: Adblbhe MeniPu "Wd-"Boa'lfe~i(^tteT'the^.bthet-wrn , -Sunbeme cpiirt. refuses to .dismiss the indictmeht ;fpr:. extortion, against BL'Uy; Rand(>li3h^. Another liranch: tossed out her suit :against.' Loiiis BaTM-berger; - ^. '-■ ' V- ■ : ■ • ■ Daniel Frohman back , the Ciob afler being laid up fbliowihg. .bad idM. V:.-^}.\; Fire Cprnhiissioner McElligott or-< ddrs lirenveh',tP lay pff ■ prpfessiohal. talent for .their.'entertainments,'^; Says.; it's a . racket. , ;Perfornrters.feel they. Inve to.'appear gratis^ ■ ; / v': i; . J\Tas.k:and.'Wig^Cltib^^^ t > the Center .theatrfe last ;SatUi'.diiy. Lar<?er'capaci-ty,-.--:;--, ■'.-,-X';---.'' ;'; - . Children's .:Art Thetare; gaye, three one.-aciters at the iNora-.Rayes .last' Saturdiay.;.'. ■/■::■<'■■:■■ '}■:■ .''''' "'•-..-:; ':■ Police cenisUs. shbWs ^1S,76S caVs parked :lri^ midtbwh.' arba. ■/. , ^; v^;':;■, . City studying plans >'fPr 'a 'ferris ■wheel^^iaVage fpr parkings .One. be-/ tried. i.n Pittsburgh.'^ ^ '^^ Joseoh jVt. .Schbhck h chDir- mah for. southern Califprhia; iiii the pending .'fight .aigaihst infantile.' pa-^ ralyisis tpf be launched oh the Pnesi- , dent's birthday. \ ■ Marid Jeritza's riefurh. to the opbr.-, atiu stage .postponed when St. Louis bpera is told Chaliapin .Wiir not be able to siiig. Opei-a- will split season anU' save., her. and the tenor-for the ; 'second'-, lialt'; pf the - s.easPn ' ' . J.anu- ary;..■ -. --•..'.■■^ ■•■:;.dtis';Skuviier,.;:addt«^!i^ the; Epis^: copaI ; Actors'^.-'Quild.i las.t . •.■Sunday,'; stated, he., fcbuld,riot'Imagi; raf .truly, gifted, play ^ctor.' without ai • reti^tiPri'- pf.. Slime- 'sPrt;'. ■ Firs't,. p£' a.. serjes'.'pf.; meiTibrialservices '. to .'■be;'held: -ari-- niially, this ,:.beting -.ait.;- the ' Little. Church Around-.the Corner. . . ' . '. ■. .N-..' • Y'.'.. LpdS« bf' ■Elks- tjeld. its. ■ memorial sieryice. iii, the. club'rdpms; •l^stvSunday:-.- ;.^. :•; ;'.■ .i- :. . ■ . , Jack.DPyle. has. sold-Ivis int.e'fest in the billiard parlor bearing his i-iarh'b tp: his • pai-tnef,' George .H.-. LoyelL;. ' S/S;. Leviathari .sold, to ^ a British firm .for: sci-ap. ■ BrPiight $80^)^,000, Kills various floating; .hotel sche^ne.s'; Short bii'cuit. iit a. stage-■■plu.g.filled- -the Irving Place with 'sriloke' Sunday; .^riight...and "dr'pv.e-*,tb. '..the,•• street.\'an. audieriGe pf about -800. gathered' to ■ Witness '■ ' ' Italian : play. I)amage. ;iaPmitTaL, ■ '-;" V- .■ •■'-'■ ■.•'..'■.;."^^-'■'■ '• ■■. '-•;■■■ Gunn)ah;got $120 frpm the Greeley.■ Cth' Avi pix. house Sunday; Hit. the bPx;.pffi'ce.-.-'■..'■>:.;''.■■'. \'^/.:^ •■:,.-'':■■. - Sohja • Henie . 'became ' Norway's: -jtpuHgest^kmg4itiMohday4-C6 King .Hiaakp.n .m'ade her. ai Knight of St, ■, piaf.: , Insignia Will be presented, to her. oh. the. Coast by Ndrwegiart CpnsAl;-■ i^^;•'■// ■ ■■:■'' ■ ■■•■';...-'v . : .CJrbyer Whaileti,'head..,of the New ■York -■World Fair ■project, announces, fair will; bb- r^ady,' to. bpen' month befPre schedule..;- - .. :-.'. • .^^ '- 7 i^n . alfo fe'ef of Airherican helium was grahtbti bpbraitprs/ of the. ill-fated Idirigible. Hindenburg-;fpr use in - its hew; air- liner;-.; ...-V ■'•--■ '■. '-s'.-.- .--.y ^.^ • ■' Hedvy; trucks, whi.<ih cahnbt malnr. tain a sp^ed of 20 .rhiles per hour on the-exit grades of the hew Vehicuiar tunhbl bbtween iPf. Y. and- N. J. -w^ be .barred. from its.;use. . .. ' . - Brbpklyn Eagle, comnieriting edi- tbrially fpt first time on/strike: called against.Mt Septi -iS by ;American: Newspaper... Guild, • declared it was- 'hot ppppsed to prganized labor' but thinks the " 'closed .'shpp' impractic- able;. :in. editorial'V^dept. of an inde- pendent newspaper. -■ ■'. .; : \ . Jack Doyle sfcramn;\Ihg billiard biz afte.r-,31 • yearsiL Wintering in sPUth but won't- abahdbn practice of. iqubt- in.w odds bn - • . ;~ . Srattlebprb thezftre reviving 'The Seagull' at St. .Felix theiatrfe, Broek-. lyn. 'iOpensi Dec.; 13; ; ' Unidentified e.«!cort. of .Grace Moore sockedi at the. El ;Mpfcpcco by. James McKiiiley Bryant. ^ ..Wdt'id's Fair to be split into. 13 zones- :^ New plan ;eliminates thie pld'^ ■fashiPhed -inidWay..'....;; ^ ;■./'-■■■' L. .A. supbrioi: court ruled :suit, of Dr; Renaib Senise Ibr $30,000 against ijal -Roach nS.ust- go., tp trial; Senise claims .damages:,grbwihg but of the. washup p£-Roach's pictui'e deal, with Mussolihi .;ahd the-, Italian goVerii^, 'mojjt..;..-^ " ;-;:■'',.,;• ■ Suit for $1S5^^^^^ • l3 :6n :iile -in :L. A. ^a^ainst Al Levy, restatu^ateUr; .by Fra^nk Nelispii,^ pwheiv/vyhb says, hfe was struck by. a patron/in Levy^s a year ago, Beverly Hills drug; stp^e! filed; a $259.43 . ; attachihent: writ.' against Helene Costellp.;.' Annulrneht granted tP Mary Eve- lyn. Rudd,-actiesS| Pf hei- marriage to Michael Rudd. , , - Clifford V, Herbert, sPn of ViPtor Herbert, was .divorced by Mrs. Helen Herbert in L.. A; .- - . . Ben: .Blue Warhed. by- Judge. Ed- ward Bi-and :ih i.. A. to 'quit tryinii; tp entertain the whple film.! cplphy or there will be ;prily 'bills tp show rpi*:. work arid: eaThings/ .Comic's wife, Mrs. Mary ■Rliiei', won; a di-;, vorce.'and;$000 a'mPnth alimony;': Mrs.^ Charlptte Shelby,: mother of jyiai!y'^-iyilie5~i-Mt^^ straining : brde^ .in . L.: , A^ ;Supe^ibr■■ cb.lirt,tp prevchj her other ;daijghter, Mrs>. Margatet FiUmp're^, ;f rom levy- ihg.' against $50,00.0 wbi-th; of; f.ijrni- ture ih; brder to :satisfy.;a ^udgmei^t for. . $20,000 /bbtain'ed; ;.Mr?. ,Shelby:;Sept; :2\ :lasti>.V-::-: • :.;';;.'': ■ : :' Fra nic Fay, obtai n.ed < a court prdet in i'Los Atigeles/ directing .. B Stanwycki .: h is . bx.-wifei i to. shbw cause whyishe should not i'b'e held in contempt fjr rci'u.^ihg tp allow Fay tp yisit: tli'eii" adopted spii; .Dion, 5. ' I ; . Fantvy^-'Briceyrefused., to; indicate -ril.iier hbiiVe'iln" S \i .aLiiy.' action : she- will :'take, regard- in;g;.;■ tjie anhbinicpiiient; b£. heiv; h.iis- band, Billy ;Roae| and .Eleahor Hoim that they pl'an to; w.ed...-' -.. ' ; ' ; .MrS.^^M^^ for ' separate .mainteriaiice in 'L. A. against.. Pliiijp ■ MacDphaid, ' -film, Vi/riter. .! ;--.;:.;.■'.' ;^-'■ 'v.'. :■ :';;>■ ; .IhcpiVie; tax liens filed agiiinst Hoi- lywood film folk infeilided' one lor $1.1^9^ afgainst; Elaine Barrie Barry-;' iTibre,: also' d^ainst Victor Hbci'man for $2,122. arid Sarah Maison HecJiv man, $2,122. ^. - . -Cpurisel for Wariieri? filed imotioh to dismisa siilt pf; Kav 'F''«.*>f.''«.-.t". break het cPntract before Federal Judge McCbrmick in Los Angeles,. Ann Harding -was granted perinis-. sion vby .Superior Judge Smith', in L.i aV to take her .daughter, Jahe Ban- .hister.. to 'Maryland;.;. ~'; Petition. was; filed by John Moh-i tague.. to change -- his lianie.;. !^^^ from, Laverhe Mbore. , .... ,.'. . ■ Lcbla Hpovbr Martin,, filed suit for divorce from Harry ;A. ,Mar- tih. b£ the U:'S. Navy, in Lps, Ah^eles;' ■ Hal Roach, sued in L. A.: oh^copy- Vi^ht infringement bharge .by.^Maud. Cienieht Peddeili who claims " .her playlet, -^Little .Boy Blew Iri.'.ls' the, ba.sis :Qf thie- film, 'Nobody's.Baby/ - ' Califorriia Republicans .talk. ■ of. dr;aftirig Cecil B; DoMille, to "rUn foiv the GOP hbnniination as U. S. Setiator .next year.' :■■-..'■'-... ■'-^'..;-•; .■: ; --■..■■ ;• : :• HorEic'e. 'Pucket aiVd'"M.-. Eyeryn ' Walker filed suit in.'L; A; superior- court charging ' thatPinky Tbirilln and- his biz 'manager. Coy. Ppe., pwe tiiem $2,400 fPtassertedly pi rating a; sons: froni them after paying . $100.. representing that only tlie title' and . idea."had 'value.-;-';'.-.. ,': -l^,.- ^■;..;:.; XCohtihued .Irphv page i)- ferring, ^the■ .pick-Up-~ system . pn dis* mand- of' Qustomersk Appiers have played swalik.iest.".spots ;tbo,:. such as. El Mprbccp, Lia.; Cpnga; a n d .\ S ;prk -GUjbsH^W-hich-^i^usu^ entertainment ; Floor niiking:, customers is hot .uttusUal,• eitn.e'r:;';. :. invasipn ,.' --also ■ tP ".bei ; felt . ';ini Florida' this'w impre.sarip.; of . many; Ipl ;Hv^se. B.A opniboSj is: dickering i With hotels .fbr\ his. cidei-Tsteppers;'; Understppd he lTiirs~^artjhkg^^ Florida . .spot ; for: .show-casing ; his jis. a Qomeori for dance ihstrupT tipn.- 'Will .ttiean a .further, - poke .at ■lhe/.prp :' ptiaheers. ■..;•■'■'./- ; iW'a'jpri.ty ; are high .; schopr and. .bpl- lege kidSr. clerks; etc.; bf the; d.aHGe- .inad ;specib.:^\.^^^^ i.n standar.dVcpllegiate outfit (sharpie, style), Vpaid 'for .; by Murray, AyhP; frankly loses' mbney pn 'eni; chargihg. it oh to'." iaidVertis.irig. ..Hence, theiy present . a gbpd return bn . small vestnient -for -bpokers .and .buyers. .Eventually, of-bpiurse^^ ;get/the 'show biie,bug;/';..'-.V. ■■Earnings .o t are-fur^ ;ther hit by the: invasiPn of Applersf; ihtp; the. party biz. which, heretbforer represerited hlcb cisin to - ballrooth-. bipglsts : who dpublbd frpmi. rijgular- shows.- fpr. private '/^fuhctions.^ [est:-;, .. tc.-,.- ;have ..been ; bitten..- with preferenbe- now gbing to 'nijad ..shin-' dig. (expphiehts..' [% :_::■ ': .■'...■ \V' ; " Of late, alsbr as 'a; .Switch.- the Big: pie hais .becbme;. the' 'Little .Peach,' and there;_(are' /also exponents .vpf. th'e shag-daince; ; -schobtj'. -stilt '< ah6ther ■m^inifisstaUpn.-.;■"■;.; .. '";; '. :.;: EiTiil .'Colman,. maestrb': in-.? the HpiteLStvijI'egis', Iridium.. Rpppi., .N.;Xi will stage a socialite: Big Apple con test tonight ,(Wed.). • ■ I; 'V. EMILIO COLOMBO ; : Eihiiio ,Goiombp, ; 63, orchestra leader, died in London, .Nov. 25. He • ' '. takeiTi -iil;d:iii:ihg.his evening ses-, sibri oat thevMayfair. h^^^ ,6h bpmpijetion and 'never regained .'cpriscibushess;-:.;'..-',';■'.; ■: . (Dt" italtan" ;bitthv de^ fame in Ruiisia : in his .yputh, being violiri.iistitp the'Czar,rand ruined fpl-: ipwihg the;revblutibh, left ;fpi<Jai>an> where - he:..became, a rbyal faVprite. ;He .made his. Lbpdoh. debut in .1920. at the Aiepliani Hall/and soon' poipulai: in high circles; theh he be-- caine orchestra; leader., at the Wiay-; ;fair ;and: brbadcasted lr^quehtly;^^ .'■■:.■'•;■-, liALPH^ittiWlS^ jRalpii Lewis,; 65i vet screeh aptor,^; 'died. -Dec, .'4.;: in; lips Angeles from ;«^^^ .ah .auto . accidieht: " 'rhanksgiying ;night. :After, long.'barber 'bn ;the • staige, Lewis .wentto Hp^^y^ybpd i^nd joined ■lipi^withi; iDi;:Wi:^.Gr^ him off iip 'The Birth of a Natibn.' lie a.ppeared in-mpre.,.than, 100 silent pictijrbs^ most:.;of them bf .the" "action; ^vbei---With :the a dvent bf sound hie 'played ch^aracter .parts and.. vira's ac-r ■tiye iip. ;tp -last •year. .-../ -:^; ;/-: ' .:^^:'■'■^ : \Sifrviying-.; is.; his:^ ■■: widoW,; - Verai; Lewis, . y^fhP -alsp-. . was l-a ; stage, and screen pia'ye}:,. and a :;jfOSEPH KERN .- ...j^pseph Kern, fprmer ; cellist in the S t. Louis' Sy mphpny, - died la . \yeek in St Louis from- pneUmPhia, aged •'/s;-.:::^-^:.:^:'-.'" ■.-■.'^;,' ;■ He-^ played .iWith.... the .. St..'; .Louis Symphprty under batphs of; Alfred Ernst;., and; Max ■ \and ;Was..- first: cellist, at the Olympic :ahd,;Cehtury theatres..; Suryiyed by four..brothers' -and a'-sister.; 'i^'-:■■; ■- /-.■::"•- --. ■:■■;■■'' V' ;^V^ ■'.■ ■ ■ ;'.:;..MARRiAQ^^ , . Laura Kobriri to -Gene Doyle,, 'Noa^ ; ;NeW: York:- He's pf DPyle and ;;D6hheliy,'nbw.'Vwth ^^^^ .pOr'ters.:■.■;. ;.■;• ■■'■■; ■:,;■ ' .-.:-'-:■ '■■■■;'•;'■;■. ■-;■;. : ;Mary Jane ;Lewis;ib Jairies.BHggs, Npvl ;23, in Hpiiywbpd.f Bridb is ii prbducer;; fpr . Fanchbn & Marco. Groom .'is with.'Warners. ; . " .: .; ; Dorothy Yelig to Leonard I^apner.: in;. Pittsburgh;; scheduled for ,today (iJ). G.icppm is manager , of , ;^CAE; and btide is former inusic librariah. : at.-same "statibri.':;;•'■• Margerie . Hbckley and Jerome , S. Goldberg, seGretly since 1935: Shei's Walter • Wihchell.'s ; Holly wood ; sbcre^ tary ; .. he's \iii . the; Colufhbia studio canriera:;dept.'. --y. ^ ;:■' ' ■ Ruth ;Gustaftsori, hbh-.'prb, to Boh PrbyaJn, anhouricer .at "VVDRG, -Hart- "fbrdi .bec/4.., -v'^: : • . ..L-Jbsiyjh ^:iiSbubiak,i,;. JfiaKi :ba.hd' .;^r; tpld. : the boys ; at .re- hearsal, the^ Other nig'ii]t; hie -h^s /beeh .m'arried(in Ei.eVpit) t.p Laura .Wa iace pf ;Cbhtraliai,;-Pa;,-; fjirice; July l**; ; :MaiTr :;iiegensb^ . Leprisird'^ S.; .Fsist ih;N. Y, Dec,: (?•..;Grbbiti is soiv -of ■ the iaie-Leo''Feis:t;; V: :.. ■ .'...'Wtihi"--iShaw';'tp ' Frederick 'iros^erf;: at. 'Foi't-^.Be,; N,'-;J.;'.,psc..-'5..^;iBride;". i3 •.!«'c.i:ce"n:-.and"'fSd'i^^. "singer.:' }"' -.'.,'.'■. ;;|-5f-v;;r^'fii)^ ;.''-Mr...-"ahd^ .'M"cC;uiie.,."'.Hv;' > . ;vAih;..(i;hicagp,.;pet^. -1. FvilherM* cadip abtbrV'.;'; :;;:-':!^:.^-..:' ;-,;.' ^' ...■■■Mr.;',ahd ;Mrs...Phiii' '■Libby;...sbh,':' in ;Ghic.£rgo,-• ■Dec. •■ -2.'; F'ither .■ iij'. rad'ip^ announcer, ; ;.-■ • .:';■■ ;■■,."..-.; .-■-'. ,. '^ '■'' ; Mr.'.and .Mrs. :".LlPyd ^ ' l ln. Hpiiy wbbdi;: I)ec/-5!;-' Father: • ;;film di^'eclor at. .Warhcrs. - -.:". ,: -M^. and Mrs. ..Edward, i J:- Jahserii daughter. Father is GomnVercial phief pf KVI, Scittlo-Tacoma, - :; ;' ^ ; .; Mr. 'and M-i'Si.:Lee-.Arbnvtelri;. so'il; San; Antonib, last inbritK: Fatlier is ma^haftbr of .Palace theatre. ■ ' ■,.; : •:jFRANK;:;A.;^OPPENH ; Frank A?pjppeiiheih\er, 63-pr tra. coridUctbr, died ai,: his> hbme in Philadelphia, '■ Nov.; ;28j ;;fpilowihg a long ..iiiness.;;; Mri-:,Giipehh'e ber ^ari' his mu.sical;care2r;;as a member pf ■ Victor - .Herbert' -ba.nd''.'iri • the Graiid Opera Hpus Phiiadelphia, nwre; than io-years agb.^..; ■■■ -;.CAJVII|LLO'::SCIlWAIt2^;:'-''■":'.O ;;.; C.amilip ischwarz;: famed clpwh. .of. the . -Bi-oken vMirror' art; ;(S9hwarz Brbs.), died; rp; Germahy tfecbhtly! at the age of' 89.; He wa the. oontTneht :ahd el^e>yhere, and; wa's ;a; pioneer in Gei'mi^hvVaude, :; ; • ■;. ' . Only a ■ few months ago; he niade a Jb^ir of; Berliii, Stuttgart ;ahd iVIuhich- :>';.. .-. ETHEL; GRACE.--CLO.tDS -;-..-; ■ Ethel Grace;Clouds,;4^^^^^^ at the Wlli Rogers' hpjspilalr Saranac,- after a siege of sahatbriuirt trp'atmients of ;ii;;ybars:-■ ' ■.;-/.'v-^ •',■,.;.;.;-.:;. .:': ' ^ .she held. feature ■ sppfs ; With s'un- dry vaiiiieyille. units.;': Interment;; Ipr- dianapblis) Ihd.'. : ; ; . V ; ' ' .'--'P.'HII/; SHERIDAN.';.;.-,;;:■ • Phil .Sheridan, 50, dance orchestra leader, . cortiniitted suicide Dec; ;i, 1937, by .jurfiping froni hpspital rpprn^ It Avas .his;;iecpnd' ^attempt' to- kill •liimself in 24. hbui^s.; .:/ .; ;. :'-■' . ;. He; had been ill fbii several; years. .-...^;clarence; ■s/;rarjoN::.v ; , Cl{ii-ehce;!5. Barton, for many years a; doprmari: a^ PrPctpr .tlipatres in Schenieclady, ;n. Y.,^ T^^ds. fouild dead in bed at; his hbmeV'; ;that- city last 'week; . ;'; -.;' ;;;" ' ■■ • '.;■.; ;'. ;'\'R()BERi(: T/'.ilM^U.RPHr';.^.- •\ ;. Robert.;T; MUrphy.,' .73;.^y' tp ■George Weilahdi -presi larttic;... Ci ty. Theatre. Co. • .and •" the' Bpa rd \y a I Ic Realty.. Cbihpahy,. di ed; at :his.hoine -iiti■ Plula.delphia .pec; 2/ '.; .• -/■;}y' .-^lANLY/rM.; HERRON. f::-'-':- :. MatViy-M; ^'Herron,;8ir well.known, stockmari". •arid: trainer" of^ ..sEbcic. for circt-uie^j,; died < ifovi 21 at the 4wrne. pf a .'daughter in Newark,: .O;.;';. ;;,;;.■ ; FREDERlipk PETERSON ' .^; ?:'^-2<*e>'fck- Peters 42,.^ti^h^■ tecfc; niciaiii, 'died ;ppc.^6.-iii Los Angeles dt g.uiiahpt wbuixdsi ;sa by 'poliPc to hiav9.:beciv seifrihilicted. -;';. -s'. .CliritPn Wander, mah^ ag.5r pf the ■ Broad theatreV CblumbusV Q/; - .O lid - fprhieriy ' assistant-;, m of Lpcw's.St: Loi4is; died- at'het hbrrie last, \ve;ek 'fron^': a^ diioases; She Was 60; ;'SUrvived by het-husb'aiid; and four'children. actpi"; and John p; Hamiltpn; .R^, pubiicait; national obmmittee chair- xxikn, died Deci 4 ihj Lbs Arjgeles.' ^ ;...F^?ithiiii::-bf^Joe^'p.u;R(^ Higgihs,;died -it, his -hohie in W;ater- .I6b;:-jia?,- jvbv.;23,'.- --h;^-.- .v . (GbntihUed frPriVpage 50 >': ies ; Qay - Paree : is if:UrhisHed a liricfie for sblb work.; Appearance of a.. gum-cheWih;?' cowboy: lariat tAvirler bn a^ i^^ idea bill might have sui^pri.sdd a lot pf; the patrPns...'b|it Te'k Bartbiv' an-^ hburices thtiit ho .j.vmt - .stepped :pff: the i Queph.. Mary atter; fiiliivg ;extehded: engaigemdnls U\ number of Parisifin. night Spots. Billed as Tom Mixt' double,v.Tex - d.uplicatbs Will Rogers ■ in rope "spitiiVing Avhile cvatfking b rhide. gags of gas-Ut yintage.: He bp- filhs .eabh hew. rbpe 'ti-ick with, - Wbll. ; I see: by; the papers.' His base and, flhesse waltzing . through a rppe h'ad .'em hpl.lering;. for 'mpre. '; The Rover Bbvs. two youths W'hose rputine bbrders along. Puns and'Tw jblin^.' pull a siu-pHsing act by. for- sakirig dialogue ;ahdcbneontrating.; bri ' difficult' slahibanigery and hand •lifts:.;' :'•;, -:..- I 'a : y. -r ■::: -■ •'? • Sharing headliher. billing With the- Weber Bros. • and Chaquita; is Mile. Yvohhe: La; RbUx^ Whb; introduces ^trJotease-jn^thiklMni^ ;. ; .Mllbi La. Roux: a' eurvaciPus blbridipi parades -in" .a Parisian atnibspherey, supplying--the zest which unit's rianie-; :imDlies.;-:- ::.;;•'..;;^ --'--.;-^.,'■-'•-•.-. ":- ■"While -Vvonhe\s. stripping - offer^^ a;^ cure: for insomnia, it remains for two; ■bliyB;-skinhed ;ybiiiVg ineli; and a ; vi- vacipus; can-Can hoofer tb:. land sbl- :idiy: by their aj?ile. taut. wire• aero-' "batics; -The;-. Weber freres and ;Cha-; ;qMita are . advahtagbPusly : spbtled ; nexf;tp-'clbsing.;';'^•■. . ...;.;";- '. ■,.;;;;''■ "; ■. •;; The; WeberS perfbrni nicely bn the wire., .Besides; lier candid hip-slips,' Chaqiutaas also at'home ..oh the steel- strand.; Act's finale., with phe;piE' the • brothers, skipping; ropeVbrihg;5salvps, : Rbtinding but bill are 'Don't Tell the, Wife' :(RKO.)v>:a[iid 'IBbrdei^ Cafe.'; ;-.-;■.; •■;:;;■•: ;-.'.■■ :' ■■...'Giiss.'; I.'- ;:Wothcr,':' ft 1>..-; bf;^ ''Hale- ;:,i£ami ' HAPPINESS FOLLIES ;;.'^ •.^;'.(P-AI,A€E, 'A^iOiJiy ^ ■■;. .'•.:'• •: ;■■■ ;•:;:'.;;:.;'Akrpn^v i)ec;^'4.V;■.:"; ;. '..'Fed LeWis; litest stage; effort - cur- retiitly .^hei-e -;n.ot :Prtly is smooth," but - it: se'r.ves lb iiitrbduce new.' taloht iii vaii; 'assbrtment pf'. acts, that: impairt ; the ■;illusiorii^':bf -speed.'... • ■ ' ' i^ .'- - V; . ; Lbwis,..has solved one bf the til- ] .tered pf ;bartd; shows by; ..easing ■:icts Pn arid' bjff the. .. stage without a .noticeable-, interruption.; JHisJiai^d .;i5Uu:jtlvelbaLdsiS than in any pther; of his ^shows, but ■.. it ;has. bee.ri. made a part bf every •' '■tUrnvy \ \ '. Stepping ■ cuties; " the'; 'dancihig of .' Theo Troy iarid. ;the, Sylvia Manon adagio foursome- (three huskies.'and ' ,31 lithe,; petite ;blonde)..aid ;mightilyi ■ ; Gaye:-Dixph, is billed as :av swing;' songstl-ess. Vocalizing : in. the .latest - versiori- 'pf torrid; tUries arid being - -geherally applauded.- Ray .Rbyce is ' a; tumbler :with a great whirl- of . " -speed.; . . ■ v-. .-^:--..-: '^": .■- ■ ;; The.y Yost :Vairiety; CbedSi, sextetr; lend; their voices: in chorus - to sev- eral of :the band ^(pecialti --Charlie. 'Snpwbair.: Whit[iev, the eVer-present aiding; in his '^faniiliar;.': ttrrh, addrii.2t. a fe\v:,-iieW note's bf Ivis; own. He gets: oyer: . .: ' ; Parairibunt's 'LQve:bn "Foast''is the flicker. :;/ ;.,:;''.; ; r Mdck. ; V felKijpLE, IN ; (Cpntiriued fi-om pa^e 51).;: Weattier,-' Which is choi-'Used by.orr:, chestra; inenibersj Fallowed by Miss •" Waters, .>vba;: ;tpi;dti:ei-jVpah^;. Man.^;.., and finishes. With,' daince.;,- • ;. ; X Rbbeson; tenor withTa falsetto topi,; . .sings. .*Orice ;in. Awhile.' and : '.'r,rees;?; ^ For irspme reaisPUv he Sveais.'. While'; ; linen';sUit .:While' i^est of performers. / ■ appear iri:fbr|nar attire;; : ; \. :; '- -•';.''. : ::;':"' ;: Miller;;appeai!S.;br-i^ in tap dafipe;,;. Band ;;niembers :get a iChari.ce lib •; shihe.-by takitig;hot::breaks bh .a tUile..: Another orchestra specialty; is given farther down ih the shoW With . . :pianist-arid trumpet spbtted on hpl.. licks of,'Pppsye, the Sail,br'"Mah.' . ' . Zephyrs'.'sbore with violent inter,- . ;of ■ Itjger Rag,' ;oh. tul?s, and; wash bPa rd, bii 11 eave :aud i ence \vaf( t- - , ing fnore as tliey. go; iilto; ' ;. cpm'edy. ' slow- ihbtioh; :dancp depipting. a ;erap;"; ■game.and the ircs'ttltiiag fight; .';.".;,• . Louise lyrcCarrbll .is; liked- for hor husky sirigirig ;of; 'Sailbb'at in M;ooii- ■ light' ;'arid 'That- Old Fee^in/i;';^^ ' ^: ..Berry Brps./.twp ybuths,^ and theit-.; .juve brother do - a. series .of ' whii-l.- - ' wirid acrPbiatib, taps, with .sbmb -liiVR; carie ; tWiriing. . Makb. speech 61. ■ thanks;for ;beg'pff^ ■ V::'-:'^ ".-•■'..'':'■ ■ .; Entire, - coinpaiiiy is - brought • blv sta(?e "for ;:HniSh:.^ -. • .■ - ' -- ,;.,.; - Pic. 'Bi',' Town' .irl* (20th \, .'and .; tivi. .pril'y .fair- al^ fir»t shoW: Salui'day. • /: '■'--■•■:■•/'•:■.,-■':' ;■-'■ KitcM.;:-:;: