Variety (Dec 1937)

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VARIETY 63 May i a«W « ****** ''P^ the «3d»Jbitors -vs/xadio *«ctie7. tioii phstuife jiroaaoeisiitotfld iiae ?the advantages tvmo 4ax(ii\^i '^^^ a "way -to UBC' <he« atdwil^s. ; In llhe^flt pUww, *© iMfl artteirtidn ^ in the «ieidine as ntxA ?the way. Nor is itliei« any advwnCtagc in ii« aflmwrt itt 14 a picture* vital enteituiurtmt 1^ anfl tttcpect listeners Id ^wnrt '^:^yifaA. picture. OdndeftBiiiW Ihe jpreview Jto iO anin- lifes is * jJartbfl leiiiiedy* ,*>ut .itbat is ■ stm''aiot' ^ desipea ■sdlattKm, % I sincerely iwlieve ^hat producers V^ti^. refeeive move ; ijenefilis. Jrom the radio it 'they ■<&M^pptA, ^his vJWe* o!f a fipur session it niigW| ■wihidh bids tor listiener irt^eirtUan and, j>rob- the 'iisteiier «t othe rtidi ■ A^,^;in? ;aliferiWtiye,-^^ ;iih€(uld;;iare ^*o m^W-this'-'Suj^^ TJiww^lJ^irt this ^road land theif«e iai-e n^llWHS ")if;w«r^ listeners dur- ing ■ the; inriferninfi ind": aiftiirnioon -i[iourVr^ SeVeril-^'tf^ keep- them close iko the ioudspeaker dur-; ing this-time; It is reasonable, to as- : sume that *te>peroen*age ol theatregbers exeeedij Tthe males, and, more dfien than hot it isvtht female inniienbe that /ilrags most: niales to thejthe&tr^s.. J?iB>y., i mgtead -o f apendr TjiigTiSoney flh^a mrammOtfi «yehing hour, why liot i)uy .jlS-tninirte, periods during -the inior^iihg^^.« ;■ iitternobri, diioe a wiiek, 'thrifee times a iyeelc, oir whenever it is (desicBBle? Tliese pe- riods could be in the iiirt*ire of inovie news (no .€0^sii)),/teU tures are in production, ■ selling points about them,: what ^yiir be Siadie Jones' neart vehicle, .and per- liaps, the. appearance; of ; a. star ;tO spiel about the picture and the hope thiit «Veryone wiili see it-when ii .cpmes to- their favorite theatre; - If . posslbte, the iniOrOphone could : ac tually be taken «n thevset to record a: short scene f rom the: picture, .The /.entertainment- angle ; the sbbve ;siiggesti6n may, not-jbe prac* : tical in; its eritirety; but the suggefr tiOri- to plug motion pictures during the day, when the iftftuentia;! jw/piheh folk are listening, is, I believe, a sug-- gestioh wprfh while. ■ By so doing, ipictureis are sold to i;he public iat a time when there is no .great . ferience ori theatipe attendance; and . \vith a little. >Wiiy not ottendK-your IcKMil 'theatM tonight?' spiei thrown would wndailot'Of .people to !t atkieis. iChey may not see the spoil so^'s ^pictur«i.^hirt itif the Gk^^ and far inom i>einig a; VaUi. aresia^i I ^wniiftobed «vfi»ryvw6rd4ittejMd^^ ithe llplk «ORgis used a iieDenrtkm . If ,4}eaufifiii music lirtade in iGenniany w any Nazi propagaiMte is jtp ;te ibarMd from all C^nhah 'lii^ nbwr. «itl-. ae;fts .'0(f iiouf lOpi^ 'wasn't iinforihed..';' . So-' .tEw,-' ...ifaviii^ / 'licit.. aV-'' Icrwed any reoands'l; with. ^^iidi vState- ments-'as-'We^'i^^ iot :tbe ;b«But^ atttoiiKttiiie 3tt£|h- .^ays 'that vtisBriivosB-K^^ ^0^her-;BUf(ih 'similar^^ to ^ on ■■the■■3a^E:■• 'J.^w4>uld^:)be''.the';jA.^^^^^^ -'to 'Olb}C|icjt to such raoordiites:^^!^^ theinv. This .you will ;;iiatiflie inVthc : .;g]aiAi.^'I'''''butt'inBd,^ '-tWas''. printctl' >in .-.the,t31ev^ 'and •bmitteid.' in ypuir ptlblication. i' I '^yOuld IHpe ito ai^ 'ttje^^ w^ your s^iry iiiiBi Jt warOne jio 4iste t6 Ocirmah cpeias; suteiseifited |>y the Meittppolitan^ sUch stars as/Ijo(tfe .lii^maii, iLauritz: Melchior, £lizabi^^ ^teir: 'Fi^gistaid '/:4tnd «fttbers,' 'just' -^be-' 'icaiise..'they:'are.'.'GeniiiBh-,;<br sing'.tbe' (Siemah lieihigQajge?'^^;!^^ .h^;. and that K Wljy I consenied.: to use some ii»ese jflflhe -tSieattin jnu-; sicai offerings ias'^i^^ the mbsical7seh9e^^he^^i^^ nothing morie^; ; './■'/; '.'_ I think all' listeiiers should look, at this .situation , in a broadmindbd way and not raise any objection 'W any artistic musical presenbrtion.just be- cause it was ma<5e ■ -Germany or written bv German. composeES——— Most sincerely yours,' - •.. Radio Stations. W.HK-WCLE; . : y •. Stanley AlUchuler, [ Foreign Program. Director. «lO the. i^ovies, and a good habit will pro.v« 'beneficial in the «nd. As it ;;is now,, the nipyie. air-Shows aire b . attracting 'inOre 'attention to the! ra ■ dip, whereas they shoiild be spotted ■ at time and designed in such a v' way to attract people to the theatres. .. And; the . best way to do . that is to get the .housewife's iattentibh-^dur ing the. day. '■' \^\[ :\ ; '•' ■.'- .'; Ralph Cokdin. ' Successor --y c ' Sarasota, Dec; 7, • Oonvmenting . that *no ohe ban match Dexter Fellows' years .of. ex- perience, 'his contitrts; in . the hearts -of American news- papermen,' SOland. 'Butiel*, general press ;Pep lor !Etinigling^ros>fiamum •<8i. Bailey Circus, announoed 3a0t'week that three ^ : menr^-hiinwlf,,.. .Pra^ Gradeh and Sam StrskttOn-T-wotfM •diyide the lffte;;£Bmed pa^'.s woi^. ■ •'.'.The trio - will i>e assisted ■' ;fby..- Al v Ji ljester in general ptiblicizihg. ' . • . -M'strisfieid,;p., 'Dm.:?,./ .■ Opening stand here for^the Carter Bros.; Great "Eastern. 'Circus, anin.-, idoor iimt redi^urted from 'the; Cole Bros, show in its :'en;irety,'fared no. ibetter than mediocre. Show: :gave 13 performances at the Coliseum "here to biz that. never exceaded IjOOO paid,, including kids.i: Advance -sale, -whibh^ starred i^ispi-F^^^^ with, the opening: of the/ circus, and iieVjer , did: pick up/aftfr . midwe^. Matineeis. 'Were ■nothirig^^ the gate, ■ but ser,ved. as- rehearsals for the ■ per.T.I "iprmers../ ;:. . :. '■■■';'■'■/' : Executives ,'of. : the Carter : circus. COWBOYS 1*1 CqiiyENTION Mmt in Oeden fVitn, ««ek 4o Obvf^ite • |Udh>:V'4Str.lke's /■-• •■■/••'.''•'."' ■;'• G5fden,''";Utah, Dec. 7.-.' ■ /> Sit-.d6\yh tacticti of Cowboys ■ per- forming in yippee-shpws sponsored by Rodep Association of ^America wili; "bf thfe, important matters to ibe' pohsidered at grbup.'is annual convch- tion'hePB,'Jan, "7-8, .; :' Ogdbn' ibrbtic-^ridihg: ;M man W. Peery, a n asspcJatioh : di!^' -»iet'PJv~fijid VARTEfYi •ine -naiural ipla.cb .for a cowboy, is': bh h|s horic. if he must sit down.' . ' T believe the majbi^ity- of - the 'cow- boys regrjet the s.trikes called iiist before the '■; shows; in .several; places during the --past ybarr'- Mayor. Peery was advised by' .Fred.' Si ; McGargar of Salinasl, Cal„; R; A. A. secretary! VThe:paying. public •wiir;nbt tolerate. disputes ..such ;.\ve,. have gone through .. durihg the past year,': Mc- Gargar added. ;•:''. ;■ Niaming/the. grand/ichij.mpion: eow- boy as a result' of poin ts issued .for roper, / . blamed the flop on: the Crt'otto com- I —Maxwell jVlcIiUi: . . Music the Uuivcrwl :ilaiu:uatg(e ;• ;. v.- Cleveland, Nov. 30, Editor, Variety: : . ■ May. 1 call your attention to . an ; article in your issue ^of Nov. 24 in . reference to an article printed in .the Cleveland Press Opi Nov. 16; 1937, re- garding the distribution of . Nati; discs by: a Rev. John Foisel of' Cleveland ■ . and used on radio station WJAY (now WCLE). ^■^;/' :. As director of Ipreign programs on former Station WJAY, and now di- ; sector of loreign'-pijqgrams ;on" W and WGLE, l^ arii interested ih the finest musical presentation every fok- . eigh major country has ^p offer* ' When a number trf-derman recbrd- ■ ■ ings made by the Telefunkeh-Ge-' . sellTChaft <3p;/ my ; attention, and I auditioned them pi:i- yaleiy, there was not one Nazi wbrd .' mentioned on; ■ any record that I heard. They were old and new folk dances and'recordings of great mas- : t^rpiepes: by,, flpe; orchestras and ar- tistSi To' m^'; the language' of music V ; wjytTsaVa^ hbt be discriminaied against it ~ . performed in the most artistic .riiariner • possible, whether it oomes from Germany or any other coun- Iry, i used some of these musical presentations .tp ;^he ^delight of many / G.ei rnari. . listeners arid -other ria- ■y tionalitiies.. : ■,• ..v^/^y. ;■■/■-'/.-•..■ •V. Of "course; spoken jsropagahda- is ., another story ^ahd should be guarded' : against whien ndcessary and nlust' bc \vatched/even ip: song: Understand* Great Eq;8tern Circus ■; Mansfield, Q;, Jjov. 24. A ' well, . balanced .' winter : unit,' f.ramed/ entirely;, 'ifrom. the current season's prqgiiam ot the. Cole Brbs.^- Clyde Beatty Circus,, with all stock and props from that circus,- incor- porated under Indiana lawis as Car- ter Bros; Gi'eat Eastern Gipcus, un- der :the: personal (direction of Nick Carter arid £ldi>idiee lluriibley, co- owners and 'managers. ; y Ciarter and Humbky Jiicve sur- rotinded themsielves with a staff that is exclusively . Gole Bros., each , de- partment being in «harge. Of. ah ex- ecutive of that' 5how. The -result is .an effiipierit. working personnel, the performance at its premiere here Monday night, moved with mid-sea- -sbn—smooth riessp-without- .-a^single- hitch;'a credit, to Hbmer HObspn, Jr^ who personally directs.: the action, which i.s timed to an .hbur and forty -minutes: ■ /.•'; ''. .' -..' '■ ":■'•^■•■^/ :ShowiTiariship 'is much in.ieyidence' eyary where, even the -band being in the, capable hands of Vid' Robbins,- director Pf the Cole: Brosi band, who has brought on "four of hlis regular miisiciaris to augment thiP^::.G musical group tp royrid 'btit. a crack bind that plays .real circus music for accompaniment of the acts. Jpe Lewis, one of' the 'best clbwris: in the business, is leader of a ' dozen joeys who contribute the needed merri- ment to the .progrim.. .. . : Art addefl attractiori for' the en- •gagemerit here is Hoot Gibson, film cowboy^ who. recently completed the season as the concert 'feature with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus. Gib- son and a half dozen cowboys iand cowgirls present- a ■20*-niinute afters show that is appealirig to both kid^; dies and the grownups.: Without; 'seating ..facilities, the Coliseum: hei* has been. converted irito a sizable arena; accomplished by bringirig in grandstand chairs and blues from the Cole Bros, winter quarters at Rochester,. Ind. ; Setup, will / aocomriiodate. approximately 4,0007:x;the.:. seats /going back tp..:ftuar-. ters at the bohclusibn of the engage-, merit here, as other Git'ies where: the show' will play later have .suitable :buildi.rig.s. .already equippbd wilh'S^^^^ ■irip:faeilit-ie6. :■ ■' . ■ Biz the' o'periing night .'vyas bette.f' than 1,500, with Tue.sday, slightly in :e3C.Ges.<? of this figure. Show execur tives', and /icommitteemen expected; patronage to-iniprove after midweek with: capacity crowds anticipated for the . \yeek-erid; A : capable advance creW laQdcd:;,plenty p£ banher-s, and :mBrchan't: adyertisemenls' for ari at- tractive qoiivenipr progtvam, ih.,addi:-.. tion to dispb.sihg of a: goodly ntimber of tickets '■ advance; Unit moves frorri:; here tb: Waterloo, Iowa, open- ing there Dec. 4; for ;cight days, theti -Davenport; . Ibwa; Or Omaha; Neb., winding-up .bctbre'the holidays.;with a short layoft-before ithe Pieoria, 111.. date, early in Janua'7. ■ Eoxpcutive Startr^Nick Gar.tei/and wiri'rting at the' various, rbdeps laSt summer, will 'be a - feature ■ of the two.<day confab. Also to be. setected are' the yea;r.'s;<hampi6ri .'calf roper, stee r wrestle r,.. steer' ;d ejio r a tor, br one rider,'steer, or bull rider arid, sirigle imittee's lack of :iiiterest in.-the pro- riiptibn arid failiire. of its riie.Tnber- ;ship'; to return; $5 books, pf ■ tickets ^before, the circus-ehgagiemeTit. t^mi-^ nated. More than. ^li.20Q worth of tickets ' were uriaccbiinWd for when the circus riioved, put Monday, - '-When wordgot aroun show would not be. able to pay circus . ex-ecuti-ves .. were besieged with creditors, most of whom were paid iri part. Although attachment proceedings :were threatened thene' was no legal action when the show moved its equipnrierit- to the •v/aitirig baggage . cars, as the, transfer . was made before; Sunda.y:- mid.night v. y; Carter is understood .to haye. ''re- ceived .;; financial assistance from friends to keep = it.out, .several midwest 'S^nds already icontracted could b«. played during the next two months, • / -.-',■ 'i Cal.,'■ ■ ' .national:- R! ; AT'/jprexy. Mayor Peery - " :.'hapdling .'sh-ariise- rrients. •• "•.:--', - [' ''" -.-: ''. ,/.V Kalamazoo, Bec.^ 7. Unrtied Indoor /Circus opeiii^d its. Michrgah' tour. With a two-day ag)- pBartfrrare~;t29-;30) at the Armory here last week .limder the auspices of Central High Sphool. : rirat night performanoe v conflicted ,;witt» 'Tovarich' apx>earan6e here and bk was off.1 V ' :'•■-'r--'■ .'■■■•••■■:^: - V- Business was reported good dur- ing.the Iworday showing .(1-2) at the Kellogg Auditprium: in. Battle Creek. Eiul in Feb; llidi H'lviid ' : Miinsfleldl, O',. Dec.. 7. '. Hoot Gibson, western film star, ^^pearing as the concert feature of an indpor circu.s here 'said he planned tP return to tiib; Coast about th^ .middle, of February to imake four: full - length . western . features ^'fOr Univerisal. SO; pbor . was business herie: that :the ,.cowboy d^ cigarette . mpney* lor. himself arid comipiany. .' ■ • William Moore, :.hi6 personal rr.]/- -reseritative, revealed: here. tju<'i ii.; ih- •Bb»:. is' uhider co'rt'tranf ■ •'a's ■ %hi- , wfkir-. 'ShoW: feature; at ..the.-!:.'iilu inrV .-.inJoo'r circuses at Chicago, .Hi anc! Dfrt/'Oit;' iiich., :. and that i i'iigpi.i u \ \cm'\^ arc.: ''/ : : Atlantic, City; pet..-,.-7i ./ . Thie complete coil apse of the Atr •'■'. lantic. •;Crty . amusemerit :--;indiist^^ Which .' has .been . /threatening . :;for ,- weeks/WM -Hiafi'bwly aVPidied:: at. the. dast! minute •when several leading :. ariiusement. men ' this ' week 'got . tg- '; .gether arid decided to t'ake . rriatte.i:.s into their own hands aifter the city • .failed to: offer any solutions to the /■ situation. ; •-:' ■ Heading these was Edward Sher-. ; man. New- York booking agent, who jnade/jjlJdttilljw hea:<}. ; ipf ./the . jedently;'/closed Steel ^ Pier; '.tp: take over: the p'er on weeH- ; " erids for - presentation of vaudeville, . filrii.S;';and dancing. His fit;st pre.^reritt'ir : :ti.ori- was. the ./Rbyal; ParJsiari iviidget" - -Fbllies'. Which got good,' reception deap'ite ;a young sqiial J .\yIjiph' '.was i ■ 'blpwing-.':iri./iroriri :.';the:-:''sea..:. 'f-AIex flartha'^syband'rwas.:pu^^^^ the ball- - '. room,.and a feature lilrii, !4.5 Fhthers' .; on the screen. / -■" . <:-;: ■ '. In keephjg with this spirlt. Gi-avatt decided -upon his owri to - keep the V'-. ■P-V, ■Jgbing week 'days .:'wrth jUridgjelL^ andexjfiabitB-Oj^^ givirig'the stpres and business places ; that section of the walk rtoW life: : : .■'■ At the same time: Harry Woxmiin ■celebrated-the fourth ariniycrsary b£- his H-oJlywobd theatre pri Jtllantic^^ avenue by putting in Trench Riviera ' ing—^Ibnroe—and^^ Gfant,' Jthe , Eight. Guardsmeri; Ray and: tHarrison and . Ruthania. He further anhoun<jed ithat stage; would continue .ai his .house for:,th0 remainder b£ the winter mpnth's, // The old-tt|ne pix;outiflt which, has been making film history on Central Pier by packing' 'em in' with old- time thrillers, also .: annouricbd it would .join the parade and ke'ep going through the ebld mbriths. ; The closed Strand theatre will be/ppafned as soon as possible after allei-atibns,- making it flye houses goiiig on the. Boaiydwalk,' as against what ,a week ago was .a complete shutdown th reat. . Theie wlU.bei n^^ hou.e'c tlij.s- . ings- altiiotigb annponccmcnt v/as" made, ■by.- the Weiland sLewis. chai-ji' that their flt'«t riin Apollo may go into in. Bittrnooin and two «rvenini|i! f-liows; ,-• - peiMiing ,xor two: iGrotto' irt Cleveland, Micfh,, also-has been (xin li acted we»;k-s. Kt; , ■ (■! i ;Jv.1pidiJ,- ot ;/ Lon^4ar State Fair ■■/'■.'. ■.-.:' ':..'■ Detroit, Dec. 7, [ Michigah .'State Fair here will be" extended in future dates, ; ■ • ; In 1938 will go 16 days instead of the former lO-day irun. ■■\/y-\y Chicago, Dec:7. . j, C.: McC^ttery ; j ifc Gerety .shows ks. general agerit with' Larry Hogan gojrig ■With Rubin &, Cherry to. 'fiii:, vacaricy. left: fay ..Mc.- GafTery-s'resignation/:' ' Beckmainh (fit;- Gerety shows -have snapped up eight: of 'biggest- Statie^ fair.s in: first day of: butdooi's:n»eetjng| here,, grabbing Jow^a. State fair, Ne- braska fair, :ToReka Free- fair; Kan- sas fair, Oklahoma State :fair in! Oklahoriia Grty, Oklahoma -State -faiir. in Muskogee and: Illinois State, fair. 'Sliyers' jdhnton io Hamid :, ; '.\\■ 'y l■■-'''■^ -Canton;O., Dec. 7. ; 'Slivers' JphtisPn; :.iaterriatiori3lly known clown, ' ,~ recebt: :years fea- {iire^- with all the major circuses/h been ..ebri.txacted by George "A: Hamid, Inc.. fo;r :most ot W38.. ]']■'■■■ 'V/^' . After concl.uciirig..the pai-k arid ex- position, engagem.erits he will play .several'•■•' rii;.&[jor '..nYid-Vves't '.- fairs-: for which .he already iiolds .cpntracts,' he said. here.: ..: : ;. Eld ridge Ruhibloyi oWric'rs and marl agers;' a; - W.' <Pat): Hanlohv .giencral- agorit; .Thomas (Skinny')':Dawson,.dir rector of'pubiiciiyi.R, J; .LaWcll> pror cjrarii adverti.sirig; Wiri Partello, sec- retary and auditor; H; E, Colvm. radio "alVd.'e<Uic:{rtional .director;'.Don .Cboke; :geri..: s-upt,': Homer Hobsbn. 'Jr..- .eq ue.S-tr i a h. ■ tor 4 / Vi btbr^.R^ :m us ica I .d ir ee to r;; Ray Dean, Jr.; ah - rioimcei/ .and; . personnel-:-/ difect-pf; Percy .Smith, . producing.; , .'clown; Charles Hodsofi; ■supt.-.ilighti;;- Don Cd-oke, ■ :si'ipt-,. . transportation;: OrviJle ■Willj\ir;,'.'.'j-Lfp:t; profjs::, Miss--W-arida Wentz.'-- supt. .wardrobe; . 'Miss - Irferie Ran'i'cy; advance'ticket. .salie; PauI Mc- Intoshi ■• i-iipt. - tickets; .Charles . Lflnd, "acjv: .agent: ..Eddie .'Gray; supt...; ele- •phai.its'; 'Johh -.Smith;. .<:upt:. nrig. .stock-, :and. Janic,? 'Wik'Ox\ .nUinfiJicr .of c'on ■ce?sif)bs-:../V" .. . ■/:, :•' : -'''•' -: ' (Continued frpm page 23) : : /. New Britain, Cbnri;, Dec. 7. Erection of a monument "to per- PjBtuate the memoty of the late Dex- ter -Fellows,. circus -precis ; agent,' ' being cprisidered in, thi.s city. . : . . After the servicesi Dec- i ,:v.isiting ; newspapermen and other guesjs .as- sembled at a hotel as guests of the New. Britain Pre.S6: club; F. D.irius Benham, one of the orgariiiers of the,. Dexter Fellows terit* Circus ,S;ii nts: and Sinners, of Ne'vy. York,: recoriri-/ Vnerided that- a mpnumcnt be erected - here. He said the. tent would/ assist in raising fundff for that pijrppse. gigaqtic* ; arid " such. We never huge 'ads: to; rave about: .'.superrstii- pendous' show.s. We iu.<rt restrain ourselves a little and. say modestly; always a gbbd- show. We know that Indianapolis is.riot New: York. That; you folks here don't like to be fooled. We hatti: tp brag: but . m^y be that's why .the. Lyric: is . in iti-ilTlst : con- secutive week bf stage shows .'when mbst of the theatres over the nation have trouble to run contiriuoiisly on a -regijla.r yaudevJlie policy.';..; ■ Promoting a Lief it ;■- Milton Oyermari. riiariager of the Chief theatre at.; Colbi-adb '.Springs;: rigged up: a noVel 'Jbbby display for 'Roorici Service.' Instead of selling the: tickets iirj'. the' box office Oyer- man built a" booth, resembling the desk in;' a, :hotel lobby 'with register and tririiriiing.s/ This was installed in the "labby neaVly two weeks be-; •fore the play date, with a girl in uniform aiid cap selling the 'Room Service' tickets behirid "it. : 'Room Service', banner . was. bvfer-: frorit .bf . booth .ii.s back-wall tot'.it and .bn .the. treasurer's'-bap. .-.V.;:/, ■ Barblay :-'V.:; Mcearthy ■.is,: the .'f).a ' for trie. :shbw. .y,y ..: 'y':'.':- . '> y -y s to Advertise . :-.:.■• ■■ • ' -••->■ it, Dec. 7., • : .' For:every do'Jn.' .Kr>enl advcrti'-ing . MichigarilR :iu'uj V.s't . 'adyirilages, :$} 0P ■ ■ tourist coin' .'v,^a^•: :brought- ipto'. > u^le..■ ■'this:ycar;'ii^^'pr<iirig. tp;:a '.last week to the: ■M'i^hi■«:^,^ .Tpur'i;st:■ Assn;>■ ■.:';',"'' ; y. / \:.^k \ ■/■,.. -/ Based;.';. AA:A;.' .iilrvey: Cshbwing-'' nine percent of^ tourists arie ;enticed by: advertising, it Was estinMted that about $30,000,000: of thie $350,000,000 . spent by tourists * V Michigan last se.asPri resulted i frorri: ad.s. Around : $300,000 is expended On. state^.ad yer- li.sing annually. /' •— :', Siriith's Monbpoly/ - /'' -:,": --. \ ^-.'-y'-" :■ Philadelphia. . Arinbng flock of ,<;turits. used jn .thi.s teri-ito.ry - tpVpUsh' Col.urnbla;s 'Awful-; Truth,' best;':wa.s-. that;- pulled-: by ..i.oc M'urdbch of Stanley;".:Gamden. He had 500 iiihf..b.y-'toii .cards.'printed, which were: hunu; ori..ifire.hydrants,all over :towri...'' They .rciid;'• ''Reserved for'.Mr,- Smith.': /:■ '; - --M:r.:Smith ii? Wli'C'-hirriX'd:ierrier"iri' th« 'ri''., .. • ':.■/: ■-. ' :; ■'• ' / ;vlc«t; No Frost y'- •■- / Detroit, Doc 7.\"''-; -•: -Despite auto plant:laypft's .and «f;n- erail . tightened pUrsc strings hbre, ■,'■ ','Ice/;FpIliei bf/l9311' ;pulfed-in>ap- Y proximately 50,000 perapris during its ' five-day .stand Olympia n which . ended Saitlirdiay night (4)! 'WhiIc the : :fig.ur.e.. :' under ; the 60^00 . payees ; driwri'last. season in. four "hig chga;;ement,. was. plenty : profitable, .at. $2.75 top, in vie-w-, .of ; biisiriesi situash . here currently! ' ' /.; .': Bess Ehrhardt and' troupe' moved bh to Muskegon, Mich., Sunday; for: a-three-day engagement;,frpni whcr' it;n .;shpye off to. Philly - for lopcianfi. thbrp 'n*>/' o .:. : ./