Variety (Dec 1937)

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^i/'eiliicsdiiyt December 15, 19i7; VARIETY 31 . NeW y.prk' : Clty^DaV;id Albeit m 'Wons "Sooths iBaby^' . ^ '. flashVa gratet.iil^ ^ound of his ■ voice ' soothes her iiifant. who. coos a ^lancie , pt - l'he Ore^n'vUle^ '$■, G.-^WFBC carries^ a commercial, ■variety program 'for. i Balentirie Packing .Co; titled' The Aristocratic;^ yhb : prices; the "shoW/is calle^^^^ Master Pig^^rather than. ip.d.>^ .v ^^.r^ .' - Cedar lU MeElrby, cQrjdqctpr. of a daily 'qiveStiOii .;rriar» stur it oveiv. WMT. . Cedar R and .Waterloo-jtations, putting 'oiit qiies-. tioiis based pni biW . lore. . AisKed ' one .bewhisWered; ; gCT^ Er-eitiei?' Came a rhoment Of refleciiye pause and then: .'By gosh,-1 believe he's one of the Cedar Valley hillbilUeS.;-; , ''^'^ -'.-'^ ■■; • ■ ..Rochester. N.: .Y.^WHEC . latincheS ■ 'M Licehse . Romances' as ^ new series of, weekly-; afternooiv plrbgrarnS sponsored by .Peopie's Outfit .tiiig Co,; ; :they .sign up and invites';\'em to .studip :'for interviews on how; they/meti • circuiTi plans for future. Four couples -to a program and. the fyh - restilts^/i^ hoW thby take the questions, Sonie arie casual and some ■ get iussed aind : make .revealing, ans^yers. Sponsor pfte'rs Jliift of; hoiusehbl.d' equii)rtient. to ;eadh:.xovple.Yappea.rin^ .;:^ ■ • 'bkiati.oin% city—i5ho.w' rhust'■fradlti when water; ' pipe burst .during Gkins Coffee . ep^ program and; drenched Marty ^.HaUi^ ' Warl>kr. ■. Halt Jkept atirinug; ykret tonsils and pjaying; ;his ;gH»t3r .^"d. P}^** ■>ikept ':'music ;going :dU^^ . • ' ^ tirp^e.:;oUt-;oa pro^ l'lill»deiphla--^Start^^ priograrn' d|i-^ttor of;' VrCAU was mildly astonished—^no radio programvdirector. iJerroits him'self more than; that—• when a kid; carne iiii tO giiiditioiV and, proie;eded tp sing standing, on. hii? Freitericka Millet To Bj^iir as Radio; Gjoihtact; .Fi'edericka ■. Millet ha'^ resigned fron^ Fergason sales- rep firm in New York, to join the Gari Byoir public?, relations, organization;- She .Was .for-. meriy:'w|th.- thevNaUpna .CoiTimittee. . - -'-- '. At fiyoi)- - :Misrs:.'Miiletl vyill qrganizali'qn's first; special epntact for radio; with a roving assignment;; Started'Monday. (IS). .• \ ■ ' phiiadeipTbUi-^KYW's getting a lar^^^ : ,novel neiy pro- gram it's now pumping i6 NBC -red, but isn't sure of ;;the reason for the ^cbmment; Shbw iS callwJi TTirou^h th^ uSes pop ^terp tunes rot the past decide. ; ^Hal^ of music; is unbroken by ,an gfibber'nierciy introdudiig it arid i - »: Now' KYW to kho.w whether it's the ;music that s liked ;the, lack oi interruptibn. ;ptcked ;103 winners put pif 3Qd seiepW^^ in ^9 4aya; ; .; ■ . ihiiinapolls-^Statibiv WIRE conducts program. for uneinBilOyed;:m; they tite desires and qualifications: . Placement ayerage^pf show has >een gP(Kl; But stitipii flopped when biie une^plpyed isiated he wafited tp be ■m i'AdiQiannounceri:-■ . >;,.'v''' ■. :■■■-':" . ■■' -. ' - ^■ •'.'• ■'''■ ;..I^hila.delplvia, .Dec. 14.. -; : MutualVp^^^^ (10) routed ah- • bth.elv cohirnercial through'WIP. Proi Vide.s, latte^i' outlet with three hpurs/ weekly. ; . of Mutual - s^ows, although WFiL; is .'exc.ius.iy.e'.^-^ _link for 'WQR;^et-ui)..; .2^'^ .^i,;' • ' JLate.<it commcrsh to -go;: WIP ! is Elizabstb::Ard-2h/;'irandl . Warwick &. Legler,' Inc:; gencyv -in. :Ghic'agp, but. placed;^ b^ starts: Dec^;28' on ilSrweek'; .termer with", another l,0-,>v.eek-option. i.Talerit; is Eddie' Diichjn. orch. ' Other. Mutual shows; on WIP -are 'Varady; of Visnna,' ijeckoi-;' ;ii-0. ^Journal' pt Living',and Barbssol. ; In ^achrcasey^-Wraii^s^xp^^ goirig ;tb its eompMish her r Ms ;fliat its ;;first :;allegiance.r;is^ t^^^ NBC blue^ fbr -..whom , it .must , clear Hime ; bn ifif days;'notice; - Most, sponsprs are;; u^ willing ;to. build u^ tion and tben- h'ave ;it • Mutual ; Jwas badly..- ;riied .; W.he^^ \VFII,. took; on ..^fl^- line*.;anij its frequent ihabiiity. tprelear . time, on statioh in ■ past ;;f.ew mbnths:. is like, applying' a' beilows. - ,..;■•. .' . Exit ^Poyerty ; .Springfield, Vt;, Dec Believing that hard-boiled agency executives take ia Missouri attitude when cbrifrorited; with the usual cir- '; culatiOn-claimirtg., map, WWBX has prepared a different type of chart. ■ it slibws - the ^ locations ; of station's local: advertisers in 41 towns and iitieis of Vermont find New Hamp- shire. Sales Argument put to space buyers:/ if the ; shrewdr Yankees in tliat area are convinced they obtain results—as proved by the. rettewals Of more than SOfenational; adyerT tisers are-or can get effective cover- age in the; same area. Frankly adriiitted is the fact, that the mouiitains and .rivers in WNBX's ;territory tend to produce sOnie dead . recetitiOn spots; that a coverage map* ■ made with the use Of instruments; : : can not; therefore, be v^ry accurate , Buttressing the cbntention that sta- . tion's local business shows national accounts can do business in the aiea, : is an eniphasis .on WNBX as the only full-time l.QOb'-watter in Vermont or New Hami)shire, and the sole CBS . outlet in that part of NewEngland. • :New-style chart is considered . well . adapted'fpr modium7size statipivs, ttylii kiczales :: the new .. gen- eral rnanageir of station WOV, New YprkV and WREN, Philadelphia. S^^^ ee^ds the 'late John Iraci, for whp^^^ she long served as assistant. . ,:; . Bpth stations specialize on Ifaliari anguage programs: and will continue ais heretofore. Miss . Kiczaies becomes; .one, of the: feW; wOmeii .directbrs .JOf radio sta- tions in the. United States.! Ky. Ifesa enence I.4.: .;• /Lom^^ Kentucky's. .gov'Crnor, .Al. ; B ; (Happy) Chandler/ spoke at the ; dedication Vof a., new wphian's club '.: hbusei ;in ;the tionie tovvn; of his wife, .Keysyilte^'Vaiv -last week,.: At cbfn- .: pletion of his . address, tjov. Happy ; sang; 'My Old Kentucky. Home' and his wife: jpihied; him in a duet sin$ • ing 'Carry Me Back to Old Virginny. ■ This marks., the debut bf tlie GOv. and; his .spouse as a singing te?im> al ..tlxough Chandler, pribr tO;:his-entry " into the political larefia, had acquired quite a rep as a warbler oyer, Chi : cagb .and toii ■ :.-;and' was, frequeritly called - utJOh ; to . :^vocali?e a ballad w^ visitet ;.';- tiie. local night-spelts. The'G^^ ..: ; always been . quitie proud /of.' .his ability as 4 ;vOcaiist, and is equally . •; at home before an audience, either ; as • speaker^ orV ehterta^^^ • ■ Irwin' 'Dr^kc* Blhfhani, newscastcr bfv WKY, pklahO recovering fiom minor ppcration. . -;: .;v ■;:; . Hollywood,- jDcc. 14. ; ;. .Another- HoliyWood tiOn—Poverty : Row—-has ■given-; l.;UP .the .ghost to jpnrpgrc^ ' Roi-kev liress eh ipf ' ipr; J;blu rri^ - ;bia. Broadpastihg here, pre- vailed on ; the boa id ,of public^ •yirorks to erase the; stigma aiid designate the Sunset and ;:Gower -• cbrner ;at^ Colu Square. . . Pix)ximity. of Columbia picture. . studios .helped./clihdi .the .doal^ ;.;.: .Signs gp;up. next \veck and 3;. ;eele;brEtion is plaiined. : .-'; •■; .. Havana,; Dec. 14.; After ;five days ' towri. with .a very crowded sOhjedij^ of fiestas, dances, feedsi .d.rinks and speeches, the Sixth annual conyenttoh of . .the IriternatipnaV R^^^ day for Miami and home, with a neW queert fpr 1037:- Miss Vera Cruze of' New Havefn,; Cotih;, was .the. victor. She took first from among 22 girli- rep'resehting XJ. S. s.tatioris, -.. . .. Coronation balli Saturday night at the Vedado Tennis Club gathered the most prominent government' offl.ciais arid society ■ representatives, and the final judging was done by Rosaline Greene, G, R. Shafto,; Joey Ries of WIiW,.;Drs. Niirtez Mesa and -Perez Cubillas of the Rbtary. Club. v ; Miss Gruze' is ephnected;(w.tth sta- tion WELt of NewrHaven, where she handled a /man On the street' pro- gram for Esso. NBC is 'baek to splitting Tliree hew accounts which haye been permitted to pick what they want out of the basic lineups: Cook's Tours, Quaker Oats (Dick Tracy) and Vitalis (For Men; Only). In. the case of; the Quaker and yitaiis the .short' counts wilt be^ on the red ..(WEAF) link,- while with Cook it includes few pf the big towns bn the-blue IWJZ)». Cereal is using eight istatibhs east of Cleve- land. . ;-■■'';■.■■■...'/' . .- Cook . stayed pflf \ the ,for .-a' couple: ;seasohs bebaiise; ;epuldn't induce NBC to give it the special; hookup that the trayel agency had been acoiistpmed to for years. ' \ RAblO PRODUCERS IN LEGIT Jean Grombach With Crosby Gaiffe— Walter Craiff Show; Also Due Jean Grombach, indie; program producer in New' York, debuts in legit prpductiOn the first week in January when 'Time and the Con- ways' - opens .on Broadway. - Play is by J. B. Priestley. Crosby Gaige, legit prpducer who has lately; been airing cpbking recipes: for Mueller spaghetti, is teamed up Svith Grorhbach in prb senting the. Priestley piece.-; - . ' -Another. . radio producer, Waiter Craig.' will bring in a legit play; Thing After Another,' Dec. 23, at the Fuitpii, New York. Show -written and angeled .from ■iJetrbit; .; "'-' -'-' ,. ;•;, ', Chicago^ Dec. 14. According to plans Hvhich will be signatured Saturday (IS),; Lord & Thbhias will -drop-.Quaker QsitS spon- sorship: of 'kaltenmeyer's : Kinder gartie.n' bn ;NB(;i!r:Blue,,:an use a 30 minute; daily script and - music pe ried : On NfeC fo;r the- sarnie. sppnsbr, ■Not' yet 'set,; but due to get -its startoit Jah;.^3:-;-;;''-:'...'''.\.;'.'-'^:--;v;- '-.;''' Hafter':* Wrigley dhor* , -.; -'■;;- ■';; Chicago,; Dec'.' 14. . New Wringley variety show, to be aired over CBS;: will be produced by Bob .Hafter. ; drafted-^ from-:; WiBBM production stsfff to work full time on that- show. • .: '.;:;-'-'.:■..;;;;■- : - Will have complete say-so, and be in a position, sirnijar tb-th'^t of Wal ter Prestph. handles Wrigley'S .'Poetic'-Melodiesi' ^ ; ■-; C ; Bpake Carter's Assistant ; Philadelphia; Dec. 14. Hi west;; Philly; and Cleveland newspaperman, wili-liecom'e ass;istaht to Boake Carter Jan.. 3. West for merly on News -.:-;" ;■.';. Will cull .wire reports, .do . research and aid Carter in general both his radio sh6\vs and daily newspaper column. . > ■■ ■;•■•;'■ V .'-:'.- ."• : ■ Tolh Dickey's 'Showboys' sustain ing .five days weekly Over' KTSA, San Antonio. Formerly KMAC, same city. ■... ; : . PANELMEN UNIONIZED AT WNEW, NEW - American -Radio Telegraphists signed ; . .contract,. with station WNEW, New: York, yesterdisiy (Tues^ day ). Agreement calls, .for panel- men, increases up to ;50%: .in. Sprtie pasesv '^OrhoUi' five-day ' week and vacation and holiday pay. -Ticket with station WOV is- pected •' to- be signedby■- today (Wednesday). ■Prbvisiohs aire about the same as those for ; WNEW. WOV agreement also^ cpvers men Of station; WBIL: (he*: WLWL). re- cently purchased : by Biilova inter- ests. Reason for. blanket coverage on latter .two ■ ; ' because both use th?-: same studios as those of ;;WO.Vi althbugii'^thby have,; different ti^ans- riiitte'rs. - - " . NBC Takes on Marie Quevli ;^';-,. '. NBC Artists' Service has signed Marie -Lbuise,' QUevi.i; mezzo sppranOi Only experience warbler " has had Was derived from- a'cOriimerctal stanza on KdMO^ Seattle^ . . V ; iryin BufTalp; Dec'.- 14. ; -'City. Gouhcil'-.. iny.estigation ..into City Affairs, corniponly know.n as-the •payroll padding' infiuiry.;coritihuo|S to " gobble a., major ; pbvtipn. .p radio interest. ■ ;- - . - ; - Four local-stations^WGB, WKBW.; WBNY : and WEBRr-^are now airing as much of the sessions: as .they; can cleartime for and WGR ' 1 ast week started transcribing: the; quiz and re- peating : at, highf; ■; This,; of course,: reaches .workers who cari!t listen :tp the daytinie sessions, r -; .': '.'.'''-'. Big. 'interest in' the inquiry ionics from reyelaitipris of laxity iarid\fraud iamong those iavgoverntnent'jobs.' , .--''..'--■:':.:... Informal Survey -, Addison F. Buschi WGR promb- tlOn .director, asserts :that -in lOfli; telephone calls made Friday night (10) afte'f 10:0$; O'clock it was learned that 60 people were iistching; to' in- quiry. ; trahscriptioris,: .2)) -toi 'First Nighter' and 20 tp:nothinR. V The sur- vey dpesii't .;pretenit. to be- cpinpre- hehsiye, but ;it- proves, at that GO persons"" ;\Vei-e. -interesiid.; in .the inquiry.. i/.: ■^'..■-r-:'-'' ''-' .'/ - - ' . :Quiz, which has been running for a; ijttle better. than;.a''mphtli; i^ develpf)in;g its .own catch .phrases; along the lines of Al Pearce's ,'I-hopc. I hbpc, I hope,' Molly\-; 'Tain't, Fun- ny, McGeb,' etc,'- ' - •..;'■;'„;:; :-v. ;'-.'. ;. For instance, ' Mayor Ziriimermann- Wheri called to the starild. tOld spe- pial in'Vestigatpr; Frank; G'. ■ Raichlc he'd have to. take - his tifpe in an- ■s\v;eri;n'g ■ some; of the qi^estipns be- cause ' *I don't cerebrate men tally as rapidly: as ybu, Trank;!';' •;:. ... Other; witnesses . have - u.sed '.the 'don't cerebrate rnentaliy' peatedly and now. the toxyhstolk uiie it in daily, cohversation. v ; Typical . might be the 'husband; coining home from work, and- asked by hiss wife, 'Why didn't you bring « pbUnd of butter . as . I told,.you to?' 'I guess j just ; didn't;.icevebralc 'mentally.' • _v/.'-;; ; Chicago.; Doc, 14.. ISubmitted to: .Ameneai-i ; Xpa baseball - elub. pw^^ a -:prbpbsal: for-.the'-:-sa'ic-of its.;rad.i rig;hts'.exctU3iveiy to.Ke Break-; , . fast, food has. '^lad'e ah bi'icr tO pay; a ' r,- sum reported between $t;0,ODO-$90,000. ; ; for .the, ethex-:.righl to ' :,towns of : Ampi;.'icanvLea,gtie baseball:/. Th citibs not incliided. in. .the' prpppsed ,.■ deal, are New York atid . Washington ; .which have, always'.bein opposed to ' the V idea/ of;.. broadcast ing^^^ play./;';, . .:'/.-. .;■ '; / ':■';: ."' ■- ....]" :--;,.-.;/' ''- It: ;; Understood . that' American' / League president. .Will Hari-,:d'.iC', is in ; favor of the ^exalusive'dial K^ Ibgg^ -as'js.:A!L. radip.^co-prdift3tbr, / ./ Epu . McAvpy/. Exclusive ; deul; flnd.s '" ' its/f^'vor-in the; belief tha. siich :'arrah'.^cni-ent ■ will mal:e -' th p.,: entire- - -ques-Iion of. baseball.broadea^ more . • readily cphtrbllable by^'tlie^'base^ mOjtuls. :. ;■ -■;/,-.■■ -'■-;■/.;■ -;':..'--'---'''-'".'.. '/■; ' Under the -terms of tlie' donlS KeU:. Ip-jg,\ypuld have exclu3ivb;:ri-3h-s::tp ';- all. A.L. broadcasts, though thsre ; ! would .ba hb :resirvCtiohs :: as -tb: the..'''; number .ofslatlbns. whicivTceilogg ,. would buy for- such' brp.adcastsi^ It' is. ; Understood that Ke'logs. h'ai specific- . ; aUy-promised ,to ijuy at loast two ista-; : tions iii : markets;. wiiiclv have for " meirly had baseball On three or more stations.' w..''- ..;:-.;/.;^ .--■:'.'; |-..' V Oyer oii the Natioriail l/eague side ' - of the fence there is cpnsi.dorabl'e. disj-: cussipri bver .;the .ppssibility:. of siiiiilar set-up/ but . it appears ',. /. :. tremely doubtful of pr.bgresliing be--. ;;. yond the .disciission point, since sev« ; eral key- Nation :League ball club :. owners opposed to- .c-'cctusive deals. ;: especially ■ those .base'jiall : .'-;- . owners: who. have be in fighting for years to keep play-by-play broad-; casting on a free-for-all baJi-s. /: ^ .This chfil of the National League, boys to ...the ■ idea ■ is .vwha'i.'s looked upon .as- the: veasbn for/the lilce'y hix ot the A.L.: owners tp the cxclus ye/ propbsitipn/ A.L. owners wptildri't ; like,to{see themi&elyei tScdiUp/tO'b^ or-two" 'stations in their hbm« .tOwhi while' .the / Other .station ar : all ' pounding up plugging /and ; boosting ; attendance: for; .the .'compsting. Na- tional League ball club. And the A.ili. pwnei,*S geiieraiily feel that's just wha t would happen . should such an exclusive arrangement be made. ■ Most'of the rownbrs. fc:l that i.t!.<j . . -.just a talking fest and tJiat nblhing / will ..come .Of^ the • dc^l, - since.'th^ owners themselve's haVe bean yel^,- ing; - their : rugged ) iirdiy^duaVisni:all . these years,, and they have' np love / for .deals/which make them do .wi-iat • , everybody else is deing. /; y " ; , Understood that Kellogg has al- iready swiped the New lEp'^lond. (Boston) situation ;away. from Gen-;; eral- Mills by signaturing •; -cJiClu- . Sfve brbadcasting deal for the Biostort " Red Sox /(American": League), with ': • time on John Shepard's Colonial . 'web.; Last/yesiir bencrai MiU ried;the ball ganfies on this web,. and . reported to have aiv option, of baf-;er ba 11 t' me On the ne 1 V/ork.-; for 1938i . But with-.Kellbgg'havirtg the Am vcan/ Lpagije: games in.; that spctibri ; sewed up; it|is .not likely. that Gehcv^^ ■. Mills will take up- its optibn. Price . On the Boston deal ;fOr ,Kpilpgg/ unv dcrstppd to be $35,000 for th e season, /Mason Maguire of; N. W. Ayer, ; ■handling -the Itellogg/businfss. ''..".■'-'' arpuhd town ail ias't;::\vcck during the "baseball:; meeting, v'nrid :spread the . town full of cpnfiicting report'.^; and ' rumors as the /result/ of his' .;; /• coiiiabs and ; negptidti'bhs : with the ' bascbail'ifnbguis..'.... ''-^■'- ;. '■'' •;• Pittsburgh, beer. 14. WWSW burninrt .; plenty . at Pitts- bui'gh";;Basebalr c^^ allc.;' g mln?/ , agement : bl!- . Pi'raics' /^^^^ ' runaro.uri'd-.--in-' d^^^^^^ V,'; 'pf,:; l-pf- - town :;-;bi;padcasUhtiv./,ri';iht"'- '.tp:: '-^Na»'^ tional League..gamQS : ;9.xt'. summer,; Frank. vSmith, /: 'staUoh ;fhanaf{ei> claims club mahajjeTnent disrcghirdpci bids ^submitted and /showed':piriial.i ity in;''disppsihg of . e^^^ lege to General Fpod.S; '.- Sin ith- a I read y h a d Atlantic Rcfin- . ing set ;tp spOh,spr.'broadcasts; a«aih n ex t i summer, fiy u r i;hg a s li n pa.s t th a t Piirntcs.' would sell . pcrmisstcin'.. to brbaclca,st "ivire; a crs.. ylhstcad .baseball, club cloc:idbd to ; moke -it iah exblU.siye.: with, GF, ^vin- nihg ;»he . rights to ^Whca ship over WJAS. with. R-Vscy Rows- well on- the mlko,; i /,--. ' ': ::'. .Ed Pearson, script writoiV doins >(|vci»al.'shows'on W,COP,: Boslpa.