Variety (Dec 1937)

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^4 VARIETY Sound tour 'R' . ; 'Salt:I,ake^Gityv ■ KDYL. stages, wcelcly viuVvouLict court during which. milcotVicii.'ffot n raking over the .coals' roi^vitiipropci- pronunciation. - ' lde?t of Ted Kimbali; i-eceiVt.-Mcli- tion tO' statjoh . productioii;. statr. listeners: are iiivitedMo write .in iiir stances, of /annQuncers' nii^jtakes. Stint is i'5.'minutes.. Theatrfe ducats presented tovlistenr ers' writing in outstanding .critrcisins. Spanish Amateur Idiia CUclcs ' ' Sail AhtohTo. ' H. aod H, ;iGoffce Co. oX this city is sponsoring an. all-Si>anish. aniateur contest ovel: KGNO 6ti Tuesday nights. ContMt. ha? . been .riintiiiig. six -week's and has already pulled. aOjOOO labelir- Total- v6t«s .registered is aIniostT 700,050,' Announcer; Georgp. Downs said last week. CardSj letters .and tea wr^ PP^''^: are accepted as one vote by the .star> tiijn, . ':. '■ - -•' Sclidiasttc Appeal ^ ■ : .. Golurribus. ^ ■; Newest twist on .'Start the Day, Right' program, WBNS,-7:45. a.m,,: liVfe-talent shuw, is. ai med'-attr^the -Mgh-schodl^kidsr^Ever*r^^Wedncsday_ is high school day and students are urged to serjd requests lor. numbers: to the i station. ' School ■ sending largest: numbiir ^6f letters is named honor ischobi for th(B .day. ; - . , Waltier Khick -orchestra; yisits honor school during foMowing week and plays, a ., cpnbert for the boys and girls ■' ■■'-■' ■ ' ".■. ' 1 ■■ Oil Fridays .'Start the Day Right* hits the. college trade with show dedicated to: Ohio state fraternities: arid sororities . vEach week d fraternity^ ^ororitjr is horiored arid; invited to ■•send .(^htertainers aiid speakers tb particiipat^ oh progi'am.' iMviii'Linf liai Grieeiing Cardi^: . : V- ■'■ '■ ^ Nev(r -York- City: "WIBNX, Bronx, N. Y , broadcasterj plahs with one fell swoop to greet all its clients and friends at ehrist- masV' ■■■'.^ •■■■';.' Stditionj which airs-tommercialj! in more, foreign-lihgos ^ than any other. station . in the country, is. priritirig. Yule , cards ; this year , with ..gv.eelings extended. eight, diflereixt \Un- guagiesi,- ' s ■ ■-/ . ' ' . ;■■';•',." KDAL Cnis Itiieit a >lece : ..'.■■.•.■. ■ Duluth. . KDAL called -attention to its first birthday.; creating a hujge cake, standing four f»et higb and tQpped by- a . two'rfoot radio. '' - . geniously contrived from i.cihg.. . Together .with a panel bearing en^i larged photos'• of the station's staff in inforhialVppses. the cake, was dis-: played in: a: downtOwri store windo.W; for several ."days prisceding the birth- dayicelebratidri.;'.^; v. •:••.■•;'.; " Cak<e rated pix and . yarns in local ragS; as did KDAL's Birthday Partyi a .full .hbur*s roundup of , the iitatiph's live talent..;.. Ihrbuylibut the country .have, written; frpbert- .TlVomaa- Cajnivcy, :.prexy cfi- i<WK; for detailV^of stiint. and per- ltTiis.<7ioh'to Use .the.saiiie ta fjor. siniu^ ■iar.^'jSi'pgKRiris:'^. vV' <^^. laca—iiif'.;They're.;-W . .. ' Schehectady, N. Y. . ■ Schenectady ChaiTibe:r of eom.. mcroe is sponsoiririg 10 quart6f-hour, daytiifie : broadcasts'.; of Christmas music over WCjY/. progii;ari* also be\-^, ing heai'd in the city's business. cenrS. ;ter. ' via a .powerful public. address sy-Sfeni on . State, -street; with a clus- ter of speakers spbtted: pri a railroad 'trestle; . .':,. .• Firdt DrOgranh aired Tuesday after- noon (Dec, 14) by a quartet consist,-, ing of John -Daindurarid, Robert Wil- bur, Janies .McDbhald and Chester Vedder, with John Fjhke as direttoi- find brgan.isit.:; ■. / '/■■■'>■ ■ .V:'l'' tVOtVri Luncheon Special : ' .Omaha;;.;. :Publlcity;. committee arid Tribe of YeSsir,: goodwill- grqUp. . honored. Radio Station WOW with - luncheon at' Chamber Of Commerce last week. Included official public presehtatioh to station .pi Variety's -plaque, for sh owmanship;; .. - .; - .■.■•' ■." ..: ■. Toas tmaster Q. M . HOiguist, acting "for^Fe chambefTTmliteT:pT to ; DeEmniet.:;Bridshaw,: insurance, ioiT:.iE)any chief,: who accepted on .be- half of Manager John OiUin and Di- rector Wrri. Ruesise, coinplany exec in charg(B-oif'radio:'. ';;.■.■.■: ,,''■•:■■■'. ,: Foster . .May's . , rnan-onrthe'' .:stre^^^^^ spiel transferred ■ to- dining room. Brought to the iriike severajl artists ahd.^ antiouncers who appeared oh station's Arst prograni: over 14 yeat& ag6.^o<.:'■•• V-. : -.'.■■::''•. Ihiytin^ Rai^ Refilled At KGNC, Aroar^^^ Choral Soeietlea' iCembihed ... ' • ' '■. ■:: Detroit } Special' one-hour airing- Pf The Messiah', wrill be broadcast Thutsclay night (10) over WXYZ and state, web. Program, originating, in Flint, Mich.', .Will highlight cPihbined Fliht arid " OWosso - choral unions :.■ of . 250 voices,' with tliht Symph ,or.k; under direction of Dr. William W. .Norton, Program, originating in ,Flint's IMA aiid'e before :6,000, is.; first, ailing ' of Flint 'Choraruriipri's anniial Xmas event Union coriipPsed Pf persons, from all wallcs pf • life.,: alth6u:*h about 75 per coiH i$, CO""eoted di- rectly oi- indirectly , alitbniotive industry in that iity.- ; Christmas-Police Stunt. : . ''''. -■■• •■ .. '■ ■■ ..Winnipeg.:': CJRC, Winrtipeg;. ties Winnipeg .' I'ree Pre?ii to • promote paper's: annual ; ChrisimJiS \ Cheer Fund for secphd season. V - . Stunt tak •: forrii of station staff putting on show -from 8:30: p. ni.. to; 2:30 a, .m> v/ith talent doing it.s-pn .tlTp cuiff. tiocal poUcc; force tie iri: with the .stunt.' by uslrig "cruiser cdrs .'to, make pick . upi of coritributiPniv '.tP fund..: .The ;idcy is okay .With the ..slo- tion as they; get daily, mention'-of: broadcr.<:, tb.fjether .with . cuV; Pi' arlistj sn.-)t;e'cl ..;in 'news' sim'iQ.j.v and radio pat!, v;; '••::,'''■.',■■..■■ "^''-^N- AaiV: Credit Theory . /-.v ., ■,' Tprbnto, ■Dep.; 14'.. ; - Irori-clad- rulihjg 'Of the .Cana,- ■ d i an Broadcast ing Cbvp.; is Ihsit ■ -announcers, are ' ript to mike .' ' their.nariief after a broacicast rib, matter hpW.. iinpprtant.' ;• This / ^.ha^>■ -beeri:. ' .;effect;; fpr';^ thr<je^-: years,. r«jp\v all thii;glpry gbeS.. to the prpdu.cer,^ A new-OttJjwa .• edict Mlo'ws the pi^tid^c.tipri; ma . : hisicredit ii'nVat the. cbn of eyeiv the fnpst trivial, airing: . ' , : Explanation : of ; the, 'CBG :is that the prbduoer does the work :. and deserves ^ the break;. '.The^. . arihounc'er; bnjy. read!*' what is ■get liefQi'e "him, , >'. ■:: ' ' :' ^''Omaha;.-'Deci.. 14;'. Counsel for W0W. Omaha, lias filed > notice Pf appeal froni t,he, flrtes which wer^ irhpPsed on the statiph'S rieWs editor^ahd ,a couple kCNCj,, Amatilip, 'Texas,, reduces its . daytirhe .hatiorial . card; . rate' 33' 1/3 effective Jan. .1.. Evening card wiil, not be ^altered. Station is a: riiernber of the NBC; sbuth\ye sroup.'^'■'■:' ■.• ;'■;:•'..■'.. Advance^} asf the. reason by, p. L. (Ted), Taylor^ operator of 2,500-wat^ teV, is that the statipri ' wishes to equalise its . national rate . with its network rate, which is $00 a day- tinre - ho.Ur; -Slice eitends ' to ^the qUattPr.-hoUr;'fiyermin^ ^ and ail spoVraies stand as are. .. kCiNC has had some kicks from natibrial advertisers who, including the- brpadtaster on their chain, prp-. grams! learried that the wel> rate was, less than they haci ' paid tp place trariscriptipns on the Statipn';.Procter 8c, Gaihble,:. .wahted a. .rebate, in , onfe_ instance,'- ''-.'U - ^''- "Another factbr • :^ wh>ch~ > '.forced: KGNC's hand, ; according to Taylor was that agehcifes, ;in laying • pljit caiTi^aighs: for naitional^ accounts not; going . network, j were 'wOnt to con- fuse the station's network i-ate v^ith its natioriai: Ofteri,' when the mat- ter was cleared; agencies had ex- pended the , budget arid ippuldri't ' - cliide the . extra:; money/ /That ;fre- quently depVived K6NC Pf the bu?i^^ .fiiess.V ; ■ '/"■.■ ';•■;. Statibriv which is solo in; Amarillp, had: its .pieak • grbss ' past.■ No- Vdriiber; Taylor acquired the broad- 'caster'-in'J4ne, ;'35i;-'. ' L -: v; ■.;■, ; ^^ Igiheei's as a resul t of trespassing charges brought against thejn. prigr inailly by WIBWi Tppeka, Tiff de- -velpped, Nov.' 4 , at Marshail, Mo., when .VfTOW sought :to: broadcast the; NatiPniail CPprihuskirig;Ghanipiphshi^^^^ after the;T6peka outlet had obtained a;sppnsored hookup for :the event. John J. Gillin, jr., WOW mgr., ar- iiied that WIBW had acted against: public . interest: ,Iri having hig .istaff .Then ousted ^ frdriii the scene; bf 'ari; bperi: event.- WOW'S lawyers :held .that under the Miss,oiiiri statute there ca.h 'be no trespass unless: the . prop- erty has a sign pbfstedread^ 6,(T,' arid that such was .not ^ at the cbrnhuskirig nieet. There was a . iign, in ' evidence, ' but , thi /read, 'Welcome.' .' ' •;/ ' Beforisi the , trial: opened the corii^ plilnt was ariiended: so thatithe c ty attorriey/became' the e^ instead Of the Capper riewspaper; of r iflciai: ; tteating had as; spectalprs; soitie' ibp; pyerajlyclad . farm^ at>d ;yillagei:s/ •},. ■■■•/'•:: v!'/-/' WOW icpnipleted : the dornhusking broadcast-.frbrh , nearby, field; after being: routed /frbnri; a lot adjpinirig . the scene -of the .cbntest. /Binpeiilars were iised to catch the proceedings. ■ Lucky Strike siibSy :pi:eniie;i'ed last-Wednesday (Sy frbnivstudio nine at ' .Warners with, five mikes harigirtg f roni nriobilife bopms;.' just ^riPugirj Space tP accommodate ,the air-troupe, and 400, invited guests,; who were parked .;.' bit cpliapsible cariip ehaifSv ,;Bai^^^ walls' lPoi«,ed out fihpm .foXir, Sidesv/ Entrari,ce 'w the ih'fl.iix • ;by'single-file./' ;/■^.• ^■;'.''-': :■•■■'".'■''■■^/^v'-,■•■:.>'///^l ^ ; 'pnly tbuch pf glariiour was .furrii.shed by flatfopts Who diriected.; the rrioij •. to- 'the Marion Dayies gate,' Acti-ess'' sijitiptupus bungalow . was'; heavily' ■eye-^feaSteci:.' /..■:■" ■■■•■■\-./'' ''■■■■■■' •. v- ^. / /■ ' / '/:.■'/' /.: /'/'■■,■■■/;' L,ord, i' Thomaspi'bductipn staff; headed by. Tbni :Mc4vity, .\«oted. tiie/ : layout a; coniple.te■ succe-sis.; Ae,bustii?s; -were ejipertly h«»hdied by the: War- rier sound, crew^^a 'bpOth: had been installed and was in ship sha^e yirheri;this red light flashed : ; ^ : Ijpokers-ori: iinclud.ed ,a heayy, ai^ency /men/ netWprkersVian^ .. / WB playei:s arid 'execs. . jqinix Rbyal was corivpyed by ,:a delegatidri';,6f NBC'ites./'Liater iri the:evehirig\the"inQb repaired, to ; a ni^^ spirits prevailed after a phope/call had come, across the' country .frbni :^ (jporge; Wa^hjngtbh Hilly Arnericari; "rpiiacco prexy; seiyirig-^ai)L thiat niat- ' tered-^he,.'pkayed it. ■■/./;■■■■/■/.■;.■:■• //• '■:':.^::-'-^:::-r-^'''-: :$eattle; Pbst^Intellige^ by jbljn/Bpettiger',. .sPri->ih-la Presiderit^.tPok:an^ editorial Federal .Commlssion.ey: .' (jePrge Henry; P^ .; addressed to 12-y^ N,it'i'CpnferenQe:6f ilducat^ /■•'■':./."' /^Editorial,giyes 'ipiljiures /st-/..plug, -'pointing^ t>rbught' ;by the .Itays office- (where :B<^ettiger ;^ .assistarit tb . iiays).. Con tended Payne's: ta^^^^^ Pf attitude ,. expressed, iri. 1931 when the forrqer ,F. C. C, stated 'Ariierican broadcasting wag tli^ best;;form;pf irjidio-^^ tjie world.';/ ;;;:/ ;' Sta^dj/tbat; .While many programs', are /trashy, ■■n^^ ail radlb ,,has gone;;/ down, but admitted atleagtirgerm b^t3;trgtir*ltrt^ayiie|s^^ (> tq: advahcenifint/pictur^^^ Wder /Hiiys by' hpus cleaning:, statirig; 'if radio industry is. Well ihfprmed it/will weigh all' criti-. ;.;": cismsxarefully.rarid p take a learfrbm ,tl>e. experience:of the; m^ piieturfr industry ;ancl', set, its:h6usiB ip'-i^tteii^brdtefv^ •;; Manner :in Which' pave Driscoll. and: Jerry, ipanzig canii'e to guest appear; last Siiriday (5) with Shei Barrett .Qri ;her ;Gruen Wat quitevrpundabout..'! ■;.^V■.; '•^:■■•'/.,■■■■■';.■ '/>;•/ / ';■.■ ■:/•''.'■•/•:■■ //'/^ • ■' ■'' ',:, McCarin-Ericksbh; agency, bh the" accpunt';' announced.'recently: tliat Mis.V iBarrett wbUld sating and '.pahzig /saw .the - press . . arid, riotifie.d that they conducted .a' .weekly Miituai/program by the /sanrte labelv . Also advised that th^y .did not think their pi-ePise. title shpuld .be lise^ ion :NBiG. Action led to general talk'/ \yith the, Windup briri^g^ as guests,, . • /Pair ,>yill..retur'n \Miss Barrett the' cpin'plimeht by visitihg. her; oh their '^Letrs: Visit';:tonight, 18). ■ ' '•' 'C'- :.- ■ '/ ^v. : '''• .', WiP, Philadelphia;; bri Md.hday (1.3). was:awarded^ a signed .scroll,; made,- pf .parchmerit airid inlaid With/gold;; by 11, 'artistic/arid, iecliiicatiPri^^^ tions/iri.the city' for its part in fostering arts arid; sciiericcs iri Pennsy":- The; presentation was ,made/durinjg the . first, progranv/ in the third, year; of a :^ ■gei'ies/tagged, ;?Leisiire:^ Hour,' ;■' ::;;/. ";■./;'■: '■■ : Institutiphs: which. piresented the scrQll/' yalued .at/$3()0, include P.elrtrisy. Apaderny , of; Fine/Arts,^. P^ bi -Arts,' IiJpbre Institute-School.: Of: Design,;for Worrieri/ D'Ascerisp. Studios, /Franklin Jnstitute, ;ZoOl6gtcal Gardiehs^ Aquarium; Penrisy Hiaf^brica.l- So.ciety> Un .Museum, American Sw.edish Histprical Muse .Scieriees.-Society.;'.''/••/.■'•:'";;... ' ■ ^ /://.': // ■..•.//•' Cairirniinity Kxploitaiioh : . St. Louis. KWk's 'The ;Aroiind: the . C.n jiGi- Club;; estabVishe.d^eiisjht years ..the lata- ThQiha.$ .Patiick - Conytiyv , owner of thb statioii;' to aid the :pPor and needy during .thtj Yuletids; saa-; son be<?an/ it.<i/ n irith: ■ vea v Sa tu rdiay .-(it). /"The; idea is that; durinjj;; the thi-ee weeks. : pi'eceding;/Kma!i ; the station serves' as 'a . clearing- ho.iise between, tlie needy and/thpsc, help. ■ Headquarters are. served: by a" dozen girls; paid .by / the .staliPh; to nian a battery of telephones IP record pleas for assistarice and off-ei'.s pf aid. / station opens /.its records .to thosi*: Vvlio /are .inclined ■ to. aid that thoy make' their bwri' irivesligatiori. '.'Tht! Around/the Corner . Club' is open from 8 .i.m; until 11 o.m.-filinTi and .cross chocking ' // Qklahbma City/ Dec. 14. Slate radi.'S men aire lopkin.<i for .ward. tP 1938 as. the best .year in the histoid P.r ;biz.,; ,AI1 .enjbyed. exM tionally good time, sales fpr 1937, - ■ WKY'^had best-'year /'' ■. the history of . thti: stiatipn; Duririg . the : last'., '.mphihs: teri neV.;.accpurits: who/ h never, used radio: previously were 'added to WKY rolls/;; At present free time ori ■ WKY averages/ about one hour/ a./day .betweeri - first.' :m,pt:'nin{{ : east and'10:30 p;m. ;sppt /. . :/. / ;; E] z :p n Ok] a horn a r egipri al net work .(Ti'^hly Satisfactor^^^ ^prise. states /Joseph '\y. •Lee; general ' rii'a'ndgci:,,/ .;KTOK,..^key'; :stat:i.0Hii;. has', shoWn 'Jjpod increaseS/ih. 15; ininute peribd.s.- where f prrrierly ispot.. ■ noilricements were used;.:,,;'/, ';■ ■/ Agency Cups KMOX Spieler ;,./\/'/./., ^.St/|i3i■Pee..;14, / ' v in; K Muell er of' KM OX h as' ■bpon''choseri'./ as';, thci'mbst,'/versalile ■radrp 'anriopriceir.',^;a the St. LPuis ai'ea .in. thfe first contest; pf ;its,kirtd .ever held, here.; Gets S()-lri"ch- siiyei^yloving;;cup;:frp^ jiiriv :PaiiShr erty Agency,; / Ageiicx .hak /noi declded'/wheli^^^^^^ Several" siati^ annual .affair... ; /' GETS INJUNCTION ECHO / :'/■.; : :Denyerj:.X>ec. .14^;•' What/is probably the first inj uric- ian suit filed; in, Denver to stop a/ >rpadcastUvas- filed by Olingeii/Ribri: uary. Mortuary wants lb stop/KFEL Tom^ broadcasting a. weekly; half- ibur ,,fQi: which the statipri claims, ,t^^^^^^ lave/a signed/ contract. Injunction' suit was filed spPn after KFEL had billed the cpmpany,:fpr brie m beeii 'turried down, arid KFEL sued for the Tnc».-jey. Serving thieir sub- poenas ,for the suit /one day; the,: /' junction suit Was filed the next and is now periding./: Mprtuary claims KFEL' h^s never been authorized tb run the .prpgrams/ ^: . KFEL -suit to collect/ the first mohth?s l>ili is against the mortuary,, the Hower ■ Advertising agericy. Und W. W. MacGruder, .who, at the/time the KFEL contract was riegbtiiated^ was/emTplbyed by the HpWer aigency ari^ .on the death , of: C.;. M: Hpvver started his own-iagency. Mortuary.: is running : a half-hour program, weekly over KLZ/ w ith the KF'ELi prograhv inyriiediateiy follow- ing, ■'/: ■ /.::■.,■;■ /■: ; Gepfge/ Jessel p'rpgraih- over Miitiial.: does rip statistical purview of the Coppeipative:A cooperatively: spohapred: with/a /differreht barikirbiler iri commliriityv/ dpes: not ring up in a, sufficient nvimber pf. |^he ipartiCular ciUes' iri which C.A.B,. does its; checkihg. .- A siriiilar 'fate/has W nunibef/of .Mutual. prograriiis. ;'Lbrie Ranger* is iriciuded biit 'Famous Jury Trials^.gets/ii. spe- ,cial 'accurtiUlatiBd results' or *a;ccurnula{ive'/,tally eVery few months: instead pf/the .regiilar by-nxprithly ycburit* Tim ■ and Irene shpW; is another: Mutual Va:riety prograhtt not/presently ii>clud6d;^ / .■/::' ''/ .' /■ :■ : : . : '/;, ' ;As, an, ecoriomfy move .;WMCA, ;N.'Y.»: brgahl:<eir:: and chief feeder Of :th4 Inter-City regiopar stations, no' Iprigei: teletypes program changes and ; coirreetibrii .around the: c^^ .Kooklip../-;; : .'// //://.,/■'/■ /' ,.;•" ;/. /■'•.. / .//':// •/" ' ; '.- ■ "■ ■:-[ ■''■:• ■' '-// No progi:ariis y^ill tie aired over the web henceforth from 3.45 to 4 p;rii. each/ day. At that tinie WMgA. s prpgram director,' A,l Hall, W spiel bVer the hpbk- Up's.:phbhe wires, detailing info, about, the fbUoWirig .day's: prograriis with , the sister. stations sriappirig ub the stuff in their control robnYs. . ■ -:•■.:■'//■■ ' /• ?>e.trPii:/.p^c.'' 13;/.-; /^yWJ.'has. naiiied'/Ci^^^ liery. liric.,' to 'replace; Paul Rayhier■ as sailes fepV; Effective Jari. ,15, .when; RaynVer; takes on WXYZ here/ ; ' ; Gebi-^ge; : P. HpUirigbery/ : repped Ay WJ;;:;fpr;rlO,- Trtpnths ;• j ust/'pribrr tp: .switch- to,; Raynier about;.year; ago;- frpni-/Joiin'; Blair:' ';/•- , ..CVaig /; . Hpilingbery,,: ■ pfficbS"/. in •N: Y;. Cjhipi&gr;* 'betritiiti .Kansas Cityii San Francisco arid,:JacitsohviUe, T\a. / : /Cheshire in Dry bbcic ■ .;'.:.'• ■/■■'■ ■..,: . '^y, St. Louis, pec/14.':: • Pappy ' Cheshire, /impresario ; pf KMQX's Hill/Billies;, is-.^ his.usual-stint, duetto, oyer^ He is taking .the,;fest:cure a^^ ;couple'of;weeics.- V. Lbui.s. Shurnale, . chi.ef; assistant/ is can'yirig'bhr ,'.;,./'.'/..'/• .'v .-' ;MutUal:net .will cairry the; East-We Jan; 1. Charity game co'rnpeteS with: the Rose Bjowl :Battle. at Pasadena. Stations on the . web/are offered the . ppportunity/ bf rriaking; t^ rates oUit of^cas Ijy sellirig/sppnsPrship: to local adyer respective ■ conimunities:: MBS-; affiliates must; ho:Weyer, • get. $100 ',ai>bv.e their,tinie sales in ;each situation, Extra. dOuigh will, gp :to. the iShvinejS* hbsp in San Francisco, Charity fpr which: the/East-West gamies'are played. .Cuijan.Cbn.suiate,; N/ Y., refused invitation :of ::W Send'a speaker to explain oyer air just what^t^ ciu^irerit. Culiari gbVeriinient thpught :of arid piarihed/npw .that^^^^ request for/former P'liban: dictatoi' ;MachadQi ■'•:./. . ..••/■/ •. /:/.'■■■/ ■ V/'''v. /'•/■ ■ / ■bnly,.ariswer.,siVlate,: ■addressing/the::rnattcr rj^b/the/AnTi^cifcari T>ePP^e^ ■., ' v: / ;/ ././• •, ■ . • . .' ; :Arthur Godfrey, Washington .monplogist,. rates ,j(s th;e; only/perspn'- .that Columbia allows' tb ad lib a .cbmrit<;rcigl/ W s'ation .e.specially poinied is that among; the WSsey. p;i:bducts; tha sei^ ing on'WABC,/Nev^: York^k^ early ». m/:i.i Zeriib, an inti-itching: ^ialye, :/,This/daily seines is . piped put/p^^ • , . /, ./^Stated by Fannie: Hur^^ interested in. the deyelopmierit, of : the; Ri^^ a .closer coiv- riectibri ::betweeri; the; priginal .aulhpr a adaptor will i-esult fi-prii • :^creasinlg:^moiint;,b£J;Ueji:a^ _ / / /. : / /Phillips; .H./Lord, Inc., . t^^^^ Capital: stock from 1,000 shares, hp piar ,value, to/2-,^^^ shares, i;0bb of which are; pi-efer^^^^^ :$l;py, ^nd l,0Op cbmmbh.^ri according:,tbvpapers filed with the secre^^^ of,state/by^;Attp^riey ;N.vHeni'jr Josephs-;flO .Brpa<i;str^^ .city/ / Albert Edwaird Wiggartl, :^yriter;o daitiei) featifl-e/ Let's/Explore/Ybur/M of ah audiencerparticipalirig program, ba^^ on same iformula as his news- paper.feature, ■;/.., ■ ;:: /^ /■/::/' ^'../;;; /.■■'-,.• ■'■■ ':,^ / -: ;/.-/-. Charles R, poliv^,: newly-chbsen director of Crbsley Radib Corp, whifh bwiiis WSAI and WLW!, Ciricin^^ the com-' pariy, the Securities: & Exchange Cpnirn^ssion dtsclpsed last wee^l