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SS VARIETT INTERNATIONAL RADIO Wednesday, Dccciuber 15, 1937 NORTH AMERICAN DIWY OF CHANNELS LAID OUT; NOW AWAITS RATfflCATION _5C Delegates Complete iSeven Weeks of ISegotiation— May Settle Mexican Kilocycle-Jumping and Gen eral Confusion ~~ ~~' HORLICK'S SPONSORS "'"^ Dec. H. ENGLISH DANCEMEN Many American broadcasters will lay off the aspirin when the North American Regiorval Broadcasting Agreement is . in full force, as . the foreign interference iX'iU be just a Tnemory, It took the, delegates of Canada. Cuba, Dorniniqan Republic, Haiti, Mexico' and U.S.A. mprei than three weeks of hard work to finally get together late Fridaiy (11) and sign the document that in the first liaragi-aph tells its importance:. 'The purpose of this agreement is to reg:u- late and establiish principles covering: the use of the standard broadcast band in the North American Region so that each - country may make the most effective use tlierS^of" with ~thC" minimum technical, interference be- tween broadcast statiohs.' This agreement iis one of. the niost important matters brought to the Inter American / Radio. Conference that wpqnd up aifter seven weeks in which the countries of the new con- tinent made a united front to take to Cairo next February. Technical delegates,, they were also diplomats, and although they had. times when it looked, like; they would pack and go home, give and take in the end signed the agreernent that liow must be ratified by each country and put (ContinuGcl on papre 47) London, Dec, 7. Harry Roy's band and Bram Mar- tin's outfit'at the ilplborn restaurant are the latest to swell the ranks of the numerous well-khown dance bands broadcasting in sponsored pro-' grams arranged by J. Walter Thomp- son agency. Hairry Rpy opens in the Rowntree Aero prpgrams Dec. 12 in 15 minutes of 'flying rhythm, music and fun' (Normandy, 10:45 a.ni.) and will be heard, each follpwihg Sunday from Luxembourg also at 12:15 mid- day. Bram Martin opens in the Horlicks 'Music in the Morning* series IDec. 13. "This series cbrriprises pfp;^^ Luxembourg at 8:15: a.m. on Mon- days, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and from Normandy at: 8:00 a.m. on Mondays, .Wedhesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Other dance bands broadcasting in programs produced by J. Walter Thompson include Jack . Hylton's, Billy Cotton's, Billy Bissetfs, Jack. Jackson's and Debroy Somers. CKY Qearance for NBC Promises Churches Right To Overtime on Sermons MARCONI OF LONDON EYES BUENOS AIRES TlONTREAL GOOD COMPANY Fiimilles lii tlits creat- market enjoy KVC network .feature on CFCF. American advertUers Hhould take advantage of Mont-' realers' receptive mood in perlodn 'iiu>v nvailnltle adjacent to ont- .btfindliigr' NRC prosruDimes. N. B. C. RED & BLUE WEED & rO.Ml'ANy* CFCF VNITED STATES ItEPKESENTATIV£S Biienos Aii'es, Dec. 1. Marconi Wireless & Telegraph Co. of London may erect a manufactur- ing plant in Argentina if the investi- gations of H,R.C; Van de Velde. prove such a project desirable in the in- terests of the public arid the com-, pany. Van de Velde is general managei; of the Marconi, concern and a direc- tor of many associated subsidiary, companies. He arrived here last week and he will spend a month in B. A., in order to confer, with the local, representative of the Marconi corhpany, H. Jphii Garland, on the possibilities of entering into local production and establishing a local branch. . Winnipeg, Dec. 14. Preparatory to clearing the time for leading NBC commercial shows the ..Canadian Broadcasting Corp. will start to carry early in January, Cli:Y, Winnipeg, basic CBC outlet has suggested Sunday morning church period as an alternative to locj(l churches who rotate thie 7 tp 8 p.m.' Sunday eve period between them. Sounded- out on the pi'o- posed move, the churciies gave it their okay when it was pointed out that morning church service broad- casts would be 'permitted to run overtime if the ministers failed to take the show off on the nose. Evening broadcasts used to be for the duration of the. sermon until listeners^ squawked _ because they were missing the^ ppe'nih g scenes rin- the GBC's eiabprate, hpur-long dra- matizations broadcast from 8 . p.m. to 9. •• ■■■ Morning broadcasts idea. struck. a snag, however; when the church (Augustine United) already occupy- ing it was asked to share the period with, the rest of the churches. This church has enjoyed a virtual monop- oly for several years and has built it into a good thing, since the con- tributions from the . listeners just about covered the weekly. $25 Ihie charges. Daily-except-Sunday rates on this station run about. $125. Letters to the editor from mem- bers and friends picked up consider- ably following an item" in one of the local dailies (Winnipeg Free Press) that it was probable that CKY would carry the Charlie McCarthy pro- gram> sponsored by the Chase & Sanborn company, in the di.sputed 7 to 8 p.m; period. 'Sincla* S«m* transcription series renewed for another 26 weeks on CJRC, Winnipeg. Also new platter series have been signed; .'The Plains- man' for Maple Leaf Milling and 'Jimmy Allen' for Kellogg booked to start lattfer part of January. Both show^ booked through AH- Catiada Radio Facilities office. Houde Toliacco oh CFGY, Char- lottetown, with transcribed quarter- hpur 'Funfiest' for 26 weeks. Alka-Seltzer invadihg (Canada, starting in January, ■ with series of twice weekly 15Tmih. programs to be placed, on flock pf stations across the Dominion. J. Walter Thompson .the agency. . Leo Trainor new program-plotter for CJOR, Vancouver. Came over from CFGN. CHMl, Hamilton^ has subscribed to Trangradio iiews. ; . Baker Joins Associated Montreal, Dec. 14. Edwin H. Baker, formerly adverr tising manager for Canadian Maga- zine, has' been added to staff of As- sociated Broadcasting Co. as account executive. Another addition to the staff is J. C: Acker, formerly station manager CFRB, Toronto. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVIOS Class OP SERxncE This Is a full-rate Cablegram' unless l:s deferred charaacr is indicated by a suit* able symbol prcccd- Ins the address. CABLEGRAM NeWCOHB CARLTON CHAIHUAH or THR OOARO J, c. wn.L|?vcit RecMTedat DEAR FR1EMD.S ARRIVED ENGLAND l.'iAY THIRD'FOR SIX WEEKS AND STAYED THl RTYSEVEN \WEEj;S SO CAN AFFORD TO V/i SH YOU A WERRY CHRISTf^AS STOP WANt YOU TO KNOV/. V/E ;ARE BROADCASTING DECE^i^BER TV;ENTI ETH W! TH:.G:RAGI E FI ELDS FROM STATE; T HE ATRE KI LB URN B E l NG ; R E LA Y ED; TO AME R r GA ^0 N ■ CO LU MB I A ;C NETV/ORK THREE TO THREETHT RTY iTOP PLEASE. LI.STEM I.H STOP DO.UBLI HG TROXY -AND FI NSBURY' PARK SAME WEEK- STOP DECEMBER- TV/ENTYSEVENTH. STATE'THE JANUARY THIRD DOUBLING PICCADILLY HOTEL AMD; HOLBORM EWP I RE .STOP .TEnTH GRAND THE ATRE GLAPHAr^ STOP ; . SAI LING SOUTH AFRTCA JANUARY TV/ENTYFIRST FOR EIGHT /WEEKS THEN:: AOSTRALI A TWELVE VrEEKS :STOP HpP I NG YOUH NEW YEAR WI LL-BE AS BRtGIlT .AS OURS^ STONE .AND LEE*. TJIE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAV TO SEND MONEY IS BY TIXBGRAPH OR CABLE TREND' Montreal, Dec. 14. Associated Broadcasters, Ltd., sta- tion; sjales: rep org with.offices here and in Toronto, disagrees with part of the story in last week's Variety interpreting the recent amalgama- tion of All-Canada Broadcasting and United Broadcast sales into All- Canada Radio Facilities, Inc. as necessarily presaging an American- style system of 'exclusive' repf»ing as against general time^ brokerage, which has been chiracteristic of Canada. A couple of-statements were also challenged. One that James Richard- son hiad no Canadian sales rep. As- sociated cites Joseph Hershey Mcr Giilvra. MoGUlvra is an Americian sales rep with a Toronto office. So the statement still goes from .Va- riety's standpoint. As.so'ciated states: .'As Canada's oldest aind largest radio agency, we take strong exception to the infer- ence that the 'Association Broad- casting firna' does, somewhat less than 10% of Canada's radio busi- niess. ■'During the past few months, our company has been cpnduclihg the •adip advertising of 46. national advertisers Oh 48 Canadian radio sta- tions. It has conceived, sold, pro- duced, and transciribed the. largest Canadian-made transcribed feature" n the history of Canadian broadcast- ing ('Barnacle Bill the Sailor')., and h^s negotiated the sale of the two greatest American-made transcrip- tion features which have been pur- chased in Cainada this season. We refer to the sale of. the Cahadiari rights for 'Lady of Millions' and 'The Plainsman,' 'We, as a company, resent thie im- plication that we occupy a very secondary position in the Canadian radio field. We maintain offices only in Montreal and Toronto because the Canadian advertising business which is placed outside of these-two cen- ters is negligible. 'In the list of stations accredited to the All-Canada Radio Fiacilities thiee of them, CHAB, CKBI, and CFGP aire represented by. Associated Broadcasting Co!,- Ltd. In addi- tlOii^. to Uiis, our prbgirams are being accepted and are now being bvoadcast Oyer CKY, Winnipeg; CKCK, Regina; CJCA, Edmonton; C.IOC, Lethbridge; CJAT. Trail; CKQV, Kelpwna; /and ckwx, Vaur couver.' . Variety did not specifically state that the time broker .w;a$ ali'eady shooed out of Canada. Story stated the recent merger .'is; regarded as the first step' in shooing him out ; Slatciricnt anent the 90% done by All-Canada was. not intended toO literally. 'Majority' wpuld have been a better , appellation without going through all the records for the past couple of years.- It was. intended, as a: comparison gencraJly and not dx- actly.. Roster of All-Canada was supplied by. All-Ciuiada whicli maintains that these stations are really signed ,up. IL is true, say.s All-Canada, that As- sociated still places biz over thenv oii old contracts. EYE ON CANADA'S 5,000 Watts Day and Night 18 Hours a Day U. S. Representative JOSEPH H. McGILLVRA Palmolive Building. Chicago 366 Madison Av., New York ==CBS=