Variety (Dec 1937)

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42 VARIETY GEOSVENpR HOySE ■■; ■iiohdoh.,'Dec. 14,'.; With; th^. exiWtio" Qf.Biiiiy Pep,-' patt, the sho.w is : al} American. It •is ptbduce'd by George Halfe,- and his GtamoilP Girls,- Who vverfei at the Park avb'iiiie hostelry, in .'Beauty Circus,: ; have been retiiined, and six others ■ added to^ the troupe. . Burton, Pierce," tap dancer; Ames arid.;Arh6, knock- about marl and .woman tesam^. iboth from the .States,;,:are. also ' the ■show,-; ■ ■•v-'V---■,. . Pierce -wofks in a Big Apple num-: ber. besides -doing bis ' o.wn; turn.;. Gil ls and .tlie., specialist , performers. ■ cdjitfibute seven items. ih--just. : little .over- tlir^e-qtjarters. of an hour.:. : . iShow. whicih -has the title- 'Park^ 5,/Avenue to Park .Lane;': .opens with- the girls.:.f6llowed-by Piefea. Then. the gif Is present a .very nrietty ::tab^ . Ic'au' in white: costuthes. scanty when, originally shb.wh'.-ahd more: so. when they, discard jbjiiter. coverings;,; - : •' Aiiftes. and-Ai-no jiet by vfith sbme' Icnockabbut tricks;, but do not"seem to be innateiyrfuhriy,, . ' . The. flf th -tCirh is a Big AppI? pres-: entatipn by the girls, ..headed: , by Pierce. :Gbod enough. After feslinff his way - while"' ,- houncirig. the ;turiiSi. Berinett comes. on foi",.hi3 sba^s and dishes the dirt without over^st^oping -the riiiark. Re, gauges: his his ^iauditors, and ' has 'c"dij'^h material on-hand to i?rive it; to them as they: v^;' Jolp. : ' .■■(SAi>T>AkiJ'citY • Salt Liak^ City, DW; 'Mi^'^ . Salt Laike City's ;iiewest: hitery, -Hirror ;Rb,bm, .preemed Friday (17) to bapacity iit. the. Niewhouse hotel , burgVs3cbnd largest hostelryi LaVi . and picturesque^ . itcost - around :$60.000/' ■ . .Spotted ort mainvfloor of the hotels room' is cornpdsed: of three separate divisions. jMirrb*: Room is for dahcv ing aiohe :• but tWo a'djoihing dihih?v rooms,.wjth^slidihg.^panrt^^ ,two-Jargp. halts into . dne. ..It, can ac- commodate 300. couples. ; , . ; Room >/ill ojierate two tlights a weak, Friday. and Saturday. ;Decota- tiohs Sirs iii the classical Empire style with mirrors as the; principal mptif. -: ■T\j(/6.,shows are giyeii'nightly, with George Kirk and his band holding fbrtin; Kirk, tall, personable drumr . mer; has a . viersatile. eight-piece cireW. majority ofwhom: are . hoihetown boys. : However, ^they lean to,: b a bit.too, much.- . \ Band features., two Vocalists,.■Ken- ny. Stoker . and Janice :,n(>n, bpth worthwhile. Laid is a comer,, with'one of those plush romantic- voices that lulls tbeVfemrnes; ; Hei.':.als6 m.c.'s the floor . shows and ,blo<vs a; saix as a bandmemher... Gal. who fiais an ex- cellent, soprano voice, was; troubled on. opening night by .;a lack of. co- operatibh from: the p.a. system arid a rioheTtoo-.fjobd .iselectioh of pops. .F'>r ;the lo(?al sophisticates, liotel has DeWolfe and yvette, youhg.ball-. room team.. Their ' opening: dance stresses this Latin. ; They <!<*' a neiat rhumba, a welcome respite from the : usiiiail can-c,art-.b0ler6s~ arid -tangos featured by.; duos :pa;s£iing through 'here.,''':. Ikey Gibson, the hotel's Negro bus boy.; unfolds :a collection of gamology treasured in -the Bill: Robrriison. al- bum. .Lad gets several calls. Betty. Crosby, .ei'^bt-yeac-bld, acrobat, does startdard /tumbles. Snd .handwalking routines " tor a big hand. .There'^ no bar. since the state has a monopolv.sYstem...' Not::'even leg wine: is sold. Bottled; beer, however is nkav.' ' ; : ICt)YL. local NBC outlet, is aitjn K irk' .ba nd.; for 'auarterrhoU" nt; on', the ;:weekend ;nights. : Guss tyring 'his '^ife;: Porbthy LianvbUr; was smartvrtibye; . : ; t, ii Ferhme- chii'per :is;u3is Kay.e, . Has a -hard vb ice; that's oi)ly so-so, but is a. hifty. Ibokbi',? • .Pipes four num-.' bei's in a row . lii her one. session, whic|T;.jnight do ^better-if .splil:; into.;. ■^^6p of • tiie show .is -sm.pbth 'ball.-, room dub. of Gar.j;^Leon. and ..\\{.if.e. Mar.eia :Macc. Femme is par.Ucu- larly-'graceful, ciite and pert. Rou- tiiics aren't. partieularly\.distinctive^ but up their-alley, . V^J-^. "Show : curtains, with Bob Dupont and - his- usual,.comic juggling turn,. Act is -good for lust as - many bellies. the.iOOtlv time it's, .caught as .the first,. V ; ■■ ':■.•■■;■:•■ • ...y- -Herb. lan eludes; Kalpri Gonzalez' Cuban; quar- tet, string ensemble; whicli would do better by adding a riiai-acas, bonga and other percussion instrumentation: tb highligbt the rhUmba rhythnjs. ; "Two specialty . aicts alsd conlrib. nicely.' Albenice :is 6 magico work- ing in Hindu: turban and makeup, aided by ■■: aj femme, He does the standai^d ohieken-and-cup-tricks,. cUt- tihg-ofrthe-rbpe and papef,. and then abracadabraing them,; into -whole pierce, etc. His stuff' iis competently performed arid, if anything, done, just a. ihade too smoothly,;. .so., that: it doesn't ' take ori the ; proper: "" ojf mystery arid difficulty..': Betty' and Freddy Roberts : are; a mijqed "pair of. djancers, .-specialixing in ,Ballrobmologyi: although: his ;-con-^ .eluding Liatin :terps. tips Off his past antedecents as'; a. • Spanish dancer ■ She's a blorid. he the Latin type. Make: nices appeariance' and, for :the type of .placej db. all xight. ;-Na- vert. POP. tai-iffs- and Roget, new head waiter, Wh6 knows his stuff,;; • ■ ■ ■■■ -y C'-::' ' AbeUyj Bear Mariset for-^^^ Even Though It^^ Fi^ beclirie in tourist business has cUt nto '. ■ the - booking of acts on ships. Witfi drop in ijiarket,. shipping .biz las found, things tougher than (ex- pected, this fall, and report; is, that fewer acts .;ai:e b(?ing':bobked for,^^ t^ cruises;'.'-.' ' /;:-"•'- ; Performet-s. usually :go:fb^ I'eW;. being paid,any iash other than fbr-,tippiini^ and;;ihd^ ,.:: TOREOPEH Arcaidia4hterhatic>n^^ : (COLUMBUS, OHIO) , :;, despite ;the. industrial: recession .out; l.Uvyt y> .*'»:>:•> this ;.-way.. 'vCurrently, policy-, is.] straight flbbr. shows, three nightly. Food , always" hais : been bke .with -the, pati'Oris :arid priqes-;are. avefage^^f^^^ 'op class riitei-y... " . :'GuflEo .shbws .'at ;Proetbr's 5 St, Currant'show is fast, w**U-^alanced theatr^^^^ Friday ;nights;, have' been .40rmiiiute; bill. dropped, by; the manageriientviPres •Lane ^ahd; Carrbll offer well ;ei-. sure :-frbrii: a(:torSi- agents arid the etuted.tap rbutines:. Y<)U.thfUl Jft.a^ AmeHcari^ XFederation of Actors pear.atice- and .:Srn^?^t^y^..ea??.^^^^^ about switch back;to. straight team merits- enthusiastic, reception, r?'."-^'- Four McNallie Sisters, who .at.e love- PiX;^^ ^ . . . . .. -..^ y to look: atf sing well and climax House had, through :varipus t.»er their offerings with novelty .dances u getting smaU, time; and hat go over big, V.r ; : "^ , . hitery ;;acts;, fbr ;ajn, appeiarances Gloria Shayne, held byeif ■ forVa o^^^^^^ second, \Veekv sings; pops With sin- I j^g^tgd about six weeks and -was eerily that hblds audience. MaccLj.- ..^heri';p Ballero,' impersonator and m.c, ,m-;:.^ Vr . , clu'dies :iri his •'repertbire bf. cha.rac-;! "r. • - teriiatibns stars of radii^ and screen He handles the rii.c;;duties-suavely..-.. , ■, v* , ^ : 'ClintvNoble; arid his ,brchestra proY|;FntZ;and-'S vide smooth dance rhythm. Instru- riieritatlon is ;bke for a spbt of this kind, \yith hot numbers being held dowri; riiinuis' ;brass, to ..the. satisfac- tion bf the. dancers, : ; . : : .'Mack. SHOW BOAT (PITTSBURGH) -•;.' Brdther Los^s Lifeel Suit :.."s;eattlerDec.':-^i, iri: the iihel actiprii tried in;;loeal superior, court last:, week y against Hearst'Pubiicatiohs,: Iric., brought by Dr.- Howard Hubert, the plaintiff,; al- leging he was damaged. $25,000 by a story 'appearing ' the Jpost-Intel- ligencer, local Hearst daily, ^VarietV \'-:'; ' :v ■ ■■.> ;PittSburgh,-^':Dee;:. 18, Joe Ckppb's (ieflriit^ly; a riartie here; I figured extensively in the testimony and Show Boat'^s , been sriiart in ; Doiig Welch* alef t feature writer bririgihg him back as' the stellar at- for; the^ .R L, an4 one of the couri tractibnv A hard worker;'he's a flip try's prorriinertt humor ;-writers, riiic. with.'ari iricessarit line of patter | about' V^^ squib iri arid enough the ball to step oUt and • do crack IS-minUte specialty liiriiiselfv ;.;■ ' .:;;: For his solo, Cappo*s: ;got; a. slick rbutirie that combines, irijpressio.ris: of Charlie Chapliri and Gha^ Chase Rdth ttazen ..(Mrs. \C^ppo) is a corking blonde looker vyrho goes iri forTatrbbaUcs and riiakes it look both (PHILLT) -:;...: Philadelphia, •Dec: . Despite nice ;wOrk;by Herbie, .Kay's ba trd; a hd ^ c bUple; o f; goo(l' acts; • ■ A r- cadia. §hb\yi .this;sessipri. dbesn^^ uo to, the pl.uririp eritef.Vairi.merit that it rhisiht: be e:j,6ec.ted to~ achieye, in mid-season. , y/h'at's headed for . the ■extra 'pVnieth'in'* may..;v/ell .be-..tHe line of- einiht MayfaiF '(Girls 'which; was -eliniii'vaicd, by..,' . r,iifo.v^.-:A«t P;i-;iiily nceritly. ''Line: wds topriofdh,optic-: n.l:ler. ■;■:' .: :' ': ; ■ ■ , Hei-ble Kay ,craw- is; neat .13.-piece .■.a'?«n'CTfttionV .KVightl'.'. :on.:the; brnissy side.V .but;. .Wf-tlv of . doxibVe- uppers that ;r>:cilre -pb.<!sible some fiice. . variatioh?.,..' :S.tyie 'iroVt definitel^^ yet. nlthbu'Th-a' few- numbers .'give ; proiniijo;;": Most; 'nyi'aii/?citient.s . I'e Koo'd; y/it.h -Jim! .WiU vri'nis'o'ni. snjc-.-iand C-lnude • Kennedy,. pianist', buUtind-; :lri':.;.;-' ;.;..;:-.'■■■:.-'.:' : '■ '■.V^ ; KaKriV.c/S'. ah 6'wV Wi.ll.trtm'son. . wjina- iiX'X, Fin'iiiP.ivhasVd?.sy. Vine^^ t' 1 at. mp 'r?s h im - n'.cay,; as o n' .a c (.i'h tiv:i ■ ducci'M-ic lbae..<,.t*-e. band. In a .cQUiile 0 f '-n'Tve 11i cs.~ Best ■ i's -'cO'^'v o f- ya •• i'.o u s pobiOai: ' breha.stras. ■ ' '.Three ./'Kays, chlrpav.s fvS>ri; the vband'. do.;'.a ..slvort.; ; t'n.r.n.;; •'•'■«vi)b''i'j; ,lii«:motiv-.:- ' .Kav. C''voir.;.' in.'. -wlrich;.'en.f're ;cre.\v, cmi^r!.<5 nut .on <he^ floor and. Warbles ta "."cni'ivi)";iiy)!T)eri,t -:of. piano',.:.ts also. giTr>d.. :''■:■-.. : •■'.■;: '■'.-'- -. T^'i'iT"; K;iv ■■''■>■ nt;; lhis, tiir\:o.,.\V!th. • *Hui-ri'" ^•ToaclslvoAying: - herei .-foai,-- about' ;year ago Variety, under': Seattle chatter* ;and fbilowed Up the tipbff for a feature 111 th^; P.'L ThiB chatter liriie stated Dr. HoWarcl Hubert; was planning ' clbsing hU dental ofTices to. jbin his brother and sister, Fritz and Jean Hubert, in yaude; Weieh interviewed the doctor, shot ^y^S"attr£ictive!'^Wl^''Trl^^ I his picture - arid. Tan:a^SlapsU^^ DeRing. s.a. redhead, does a riiodified ih the P.;;I. The doctor; says it, hurt strip Version of the teiase;. ; ' his biz, as cUstomer| stbpped coming Vocals are look^ after by -Wayne; there his Varga^on, a hand.sOriie, baritone; John offices and; not follow up dental Rari^dolph iand Wilma Dbuglas; Lat^ bridges and false teething. Welch hac ter . also doubles between .dance num.- deiclared that ;the. dbc' wbijld stop bers at pianb. Line: of six girls is I pulling teeth :fbr pulling gags nicely cbstumed. - \ | Hi;^ert^-^a^^^ Music's by Al Marsico. fornier the- :and the . photographer ..represented atre ri^JuSiCiari, . who Organized owri . theriiselves as bein^ froni' . Variety, band few, years ago;. He's rapidly^ and that the picture: and: story in developing .a neat idahce .style. : . ; 1 AjARiEty Wo^ the / :shoW world, but in - the Jocal paper, it: hurt hini^ with hiS: <:lientle; ljnilP17I QtlCt TinM N Y I Welch denied th^' misrtjpresenta HU l tL. ptitLU 1 UIN, IN. I - tion;; and now. says ;.that hereafter The ;sHeltbn iCbrher, as this ;grill when he follows up a story he .<;eef! and bar. is now aptly dubbed,•really Variety, he'll pass out a- card to had th.e i.ump- on th? Lexington .^Ve-- ^j^^ ..- interviewee■.' stating , plainly, nue cafe biz, long before, the. Hotel|: -^^ post^lnte licencer Lexington : . (Hawaiian Room) and "^P"se">'ne ine^ i-osi inieiiigencei, Belmonf-Plaza -(Glass 'Hat)- mopped .npt. Variety, although I saw: it ; in up: . Hente, the Shelton is sort; oft: Variety/ ; ■; ; : • . ' ■: dbing' a ';Comeback :fighti; bUt.' dbihg. . _ The VJury fbund for (the defendant it rioyslly . and VWell.^ ,:. ;. .'. ; ;ahd assessed c^sts df $ipo; againSt. Dr %ie ;:mediurii is ''ari- odd . comb^^^ aUpd. Milt . Hei'th's . Melodists,, which ,^bmprise3 . HQt-th; .w^ swihgs fit ai. Cohen. this: -waelt and: rc'aGsum.e his ;fbilin<> for.'.Jack White,.: 'Harringtbrt; will, .cibiible-.both: spots:.:: NAME BANDS SLATED MDEit'SmSTi^ '■ ".■ ] \-" '.'.' • Chicago, Dec. 21. Pat^-'b?; Robert'J^:^^ Forest Iritei:niatibriiV'Ice';ShP\y seems, MtIed,.;;Shoy\^ closed last:week^ G raricj;; Rapids': erigageriient,, f br: .f eor- gan'ization; It- ■ ;:set to; open; again; either;. Chtistmas 'or '^t^^ Same: perfoj^mers will; be used as I'orm^rly, ibut ex'ecuii^ changed. ... -' ",.■-■'•■ ■-\'.-.-'..-. Follbwirig;; .-th're'e-day . date; - at' Mii^kcgori, show goes to Syracuse-fbr Dec. 29-30-31 and Jan. li after, which itv doubles :back for ; Shrine-^spon-' sbred-Odates; in Ft Wayne and Tb- ledo,;- Kalanriazob,; :Flirit arid: cblumr ius follibvir,; vSipchen ■ is ToTfeHTaitJ"in control. -'-■'•; -'y !;.'-'-■ :''■';' ■ ;-';■; Detroit Dec». 21. ; '■■ here. will, start off ne'W; .year ;'with raft of name barid: atti;ac-. tibris on stage,, .due chiefly tb paucity- of .nime -acfs and;;fact ,brche'5tras;usu- . ,aliy pack;'era .in at.thiSispot'/. " , • : Skedded; fop Dec.: 3^X1 is Teql Lewis. VihQent: Lbpez;. jfollbws Jari- 7;. Ted, : W;eems; Jalri;; 14; . Ethfel: Shuttail^Jah: 2t, and Hal Kemp, Jari;, 28. ■ Shep.; rields arid Abe;'Lyriian^ iv.eiy:set-for February, wh'le Benny Goodman cori)es. in as soon ;-as he's available. '•.: ';•.;-■.; .■ ■'. \. \.. Fox currently has Gburit :;B^isie'3:- band;- .- .'•'■'•'•:-:;'^- ':;;■;: .;-;.-;-' » 15 YEARS AGO « (From VAiiCTT and Clippicr) Parariibunt rel)brted to: be cutting prices ;on; big :Secbnd.: runs tb fight N". Y. gfroUp booking scheme. Latjter never amounted: to ;much, but a big sicare,- '•': ,..;■ -;..'.-■■.•: -;■ ' • ':;•. ;-.' V'' .;- Federal ;Trade ;^Cqminissibri: r.uited new- titles |or reissues, to be urifaix; Jiniriiiy Walker,; then state senaltbr, aisisiired the -diitribs that/repeal Ipf N.; Y; ;ce^sorship: was ..assure^^ guess;:': ;.>.'. -,';::; ■' r'-y:---y-[ jproducerf wetfe: cUtt cauie ■ therie^ ;was,. rib; market,: Had hopes .that t.heatries exclusively for shorts Would spring up, Still ;hop : iScheme tried, but failed. ;;: Hays: bffice: raised, the bari against Fattr Arbuckie;:, but the; didn't; -;^:-v:-.;: Eisie.:Jariis. .in a return date of the I^. yl Palacfi, repeated her earlier hit. Mb^cpni Bros* the big noise, how- ever,; with; Trixi.e Friganza; hurt by a pbormonblogue.-- . ' ;. : V WelUngton Crosg tackled . a dra riiatlc sketch fbr a change and .got way. with it nicely., at the River- side, NvY Had been ;Striighting for Babe Ruth. "'-.--.' ..' ' '■ ':' ' Wieek before: Christmas arid- ihk Fifth AVev, N. Y., got (a laugh' with a slide; announcing that. there ; was mistletbe; hurig in .the. lobby .'with the.cop transferred/.; . :.;; ;; A,mateur riitristrei; at- t^ street, but the./acts ..were paid :ex- perise .riibrieyv . New' name for; p.^a ritits; ;• ■•'■■ - ■■ .-';•-. /•::'-. ;; Cabarets 'a.skiri.g. tryouts .froiri prb- feVsiorial. acts.' No pay. and feW; eri- 'gagements.; : Just a;^raft. .; the Hanimbnd electric organ; Frank Vniifli^ $*ipf fhr TlpflirnV Frboba;, '■;WeSt•■52^d:-^Street'sender.|T«U^^:^^^ at; tiie ;riiusic ; box;. .Dick; ;.Ridgley.- ;.. . Xo DaVtoh -NeW Year S dnirins.". vlliVaphone/ -and ; xylb?:.,;and . . .,: h>.„f„W rt- K^>i;^ Slats Long.on tha clarinet..; Pal Har-. :. : Dayton/.O..-:Dec.. 21 tingtbri,- airio:thcr S2>id street zany, has Vaiideville... ;discbntinued severa likewise" moved:- i'Ttp ;the .fashionable .rhbriths,^ ago because of .lack of .pat. east ;si:cle sactor, an:d rii.c:'Si Although.. : ronage^ will ' return; to.; the RKO.. ;he;s.;slaled:,to_^r(^li^21,Vt£j^ Cdlbniat-;:beginnirij^ with.Ne^^ . . .„ Eye:,A;:-;;';.'\''.;;.■■.'; •'-;.-:■;:■.,.:;'.'^ '' First two atfracftibn.s will be Jack" to ^foo'-: m ;rth^. .Shelton's^:^wihg-| t!"^^,'^^^^V'-<^^':^-• °^: idiom. ' Tonv; and- .Si5 •' Dowlirig; - ;a .Blackstone,. magifian,:..A- house Imc couple of Arthur; Murray;;.Bi«? Ap-.Land, vaudeville, acts .will be/.shpwii,. pler..^,; 'do' til at :th i n g.; a hdv . get • 'dni "-ail' wheri there • -are ;. no -;. tray.eli ng,; u n 'M' 01) the; door in a. hiammpth square:! ayailable. Pblicy "will ■ bs .combb dariGb. Tln(r youngsters have, the tomci-.s'-/diving the-.Praise. Allah..\the.-. -•. -• .-,:. -':-' >-;.•- -:; -y; Sas>>(5-arrl-.:all'".'the; othercintritacies- t^,/.,- ^V -- ' 'i - ■ A ' •-'■ :- ^ of-th?.B;A, 'wi-ihai.-iotii<. o',:furi,: an? | Phu .Spitalny ;tp :Open .■ , -V- : Baind> toui" Jan; , ■ Ph^t^ Spitalny-is:' .ali-giri;. 6ix^ [ has ; been .booked/ into, ihe. ;"Tower, pCCT Tie -I A' P AI.V : I^arisas (iity, .v/eek of Jan.;28.' /Firsi- Iyi^3 .1.;:-|^IV,-l^A...r/\lA..:; . K;'G. .appearanc:e'for ; tire iict z^:// STi >\)10RIT,Z', MP'TE;iJi, ;N. :Y;);: ■ / . .Orchestra. gijes put on.;ai' y^^u^e NjSw' sliovv rnlo the /RcstaMraht dii .:tour-next, month, its flirSt in a year la i^aix,; street/nr)oi;-;:iealery of t^^^ opening JaiUW/at^the Palace. Glbyer Hotel. St^ Moi it7 .Jio:v; thats^ ;; ^Spitalny's ' brbadcasts; - ^over Gardens has bacii otliciany .j^huttcred. Mnr. ■r'»u«,..',i' tri,»„>..;A v.-in Wa hns^ Basil Poiribu's hi-hly-:apnrbpri-. ^ Genera .j;toctric, ^^ fi^, ate C'.Mitinen' dans-'vooliori for-the P'P'^^d '^!P' ^I'O'^t. the to.w".s .;touched mainstay// 'SLirmuoai.rig;;.-shp^^ .during his^trek; ; . / ;:...- •; :'.;■ / ." : :, Loew; theatres. were itsing;^ the 1 oca) itqlerit. idea.; Paid for only tWP regu- lar ' acts,./ /iGfpt.;;extra^-^ biz :at:./s;riiall cost;--' ;' ■'- ;'■;■■■ '-■ ;■ ■" '■ Ivor Nbyeiib offered as a .rival ;to Valeritino, but; he. .did' not. click'ilii spite;^f his ;gpod .looks./ :; / ; ;; ■ ;/ Rec^vermg in M ■./■-Indiariiapplis,;Dee;-;'2li;:^ \ Reriee - Larks,; . chorine; ..'iri . Jack; Firie's.^.'Pliy." G.u:!.s': um V/Udfil'm: Lyric, here,/ was; released/ from St.; Viricent's Hospital (1(3);after-X-rays and-other :exartiinar; tibns revealed; no;;seri:ous .iri^uvies had, been suffered' by h'eii ill' a jEall ;-hapk^. stage.■■'/-'•■;'■ ■;•:;.;/■''-■;.: ;-. :■•;''.;.■;;■ ■. .She, struck her head on a stair rail while runriinft upsta i ts tO: do her first;. number ;'iri.; th , shoW/iat; one of : the performarices last Tuesday. ;.At ;the erid of the riumber, she walk stage and cbllapsed. Efforts tp revive: her were unsuccessful, and, she was. S3nt to: the . hospital: where ;she rer triairied two dayis.' under pbseryatib.n..; Saranac li^ By jiappy Benway; the '. o.t- is- .-d.oiiig . bullish': biz -c'oltYai'tV.'^l-. riHni.n'iUmr'c'hcck-/''-' ; -;• ''•/.■<•■■■"; ■;-'.;•./ -■■■-•-/ '■- ^AbQl. Nc '/:Actor. ;:frpwnirig. on; the ;grbwing practise of/haying; a tum aisb .wprk: wUh the - stiage ;hand.. ; No;.extra pay,. ;Figured'it bad .business;;: -';; '.' ;:•; .Lbew/cbntracts.forbade other local apRaa.i'ancei!, but / a' cbno'essibVi; .was favor of/Alex^ H musikers. :• They . coulcl play; .so;fcial da.tes the Coast aftei? hbui's; :, Ma>c.v S f) ieget, o;f ;t h e Ma rk • St ran d .setrUp;,in a;sanitarium aindjiis estate- iiV-/ the .bankruptcy G.burf.. , Pi'etty. baidiy mbssecl iip; ; .':; A; meSsage./;of cheer breaks> the riibnotbriy bt; uneventful ;hbu^^^^ Let-^ : .ters. sent^^ tirn;es and are ofttimes:passed.around,.; actirig: as stimUlariits. to those who have ;iet;ill health become a/riierital , burderi; Many posipb^ Ije;-; caiise they think: they /haVe no Worthwhile .. news for frie^ who / are ill. This is a' mistake. Patients are :,glad. tO ' receive ;;"letters.; tell ing- what various qcguairitances .are db^ .. in writin;g to those you know : In.;; Sar.anac -Like or; elsewhere db; not passi'oh: bad; news unless, it iis, iriiper-. aitive. They haiye e^ trbublei. of their ownV Thie real Sarita Claus of;: the A(jtors! ;Cblbhy is; t man..; in mahy instances he;has beeni >; the:d.irect Gause b;f a patient r ,ing:.his.-;br;her.'health.-/-:;;'^ /:-;/.;;^' .'' The bfficers oit the "Gbbd Samari-. tan ; :Club,: ; Mrs. William ;'Mothw^^^ Morriis; president;. .Rey. Blais,. cha'p- lain; Happy ;BenWay, secretary, send .jgreetings ancl. cbngratulatibris to th« /. following meriibers:.Walter .Wirichell, Harry :Livirigstori, iFrisco DeVere, RUth Ettin?. Sophie Tucker, ;Joseph Parker, William i«orrj.i^^ J Ruth Morris,; Jerry . Vbgel, Rudy Plank,; Chris Hagedbrn,; Jack; pirsch, Bbbby ; Oraham. . Jimriiy Marshall,; E.;' G. i>odds. Their seryices; to this Actors' Coloriy are bey-brid repayment ; ;SUite;of. rooriis are being prepa at Hbtel iSaranac for the; arrival of Mrs. .Jack ; Edwards, Vfrau .of .;th^ genial Jack'. EdwarjSs,.; wh^^ . mess p£ 'this bzbnirig -routirie with. / op's galore.; ■ .'.-. -... Juanita-(Elliot.Sister.^),'formerl^^ a .'. patient, is- now- a Writer -of belter . "poems.;' Letter to her at •3l4.'Hud;spn/ ' Stireeti: Apt 4;: Buffalo,;; N/iiY;^;Will-be ■; an: ideal hbliday/gift. .■;'•: ■ ;: ' • /. ;.put-ot-toWriers : w.hb are / doing .; well are'Frisco .DeVere, Chi:i^ Hage- dbrri,-; ; ;N; ;; :Y.;;: / Tommy;; Vick.s!. JpHh; Dempsey, •BbitpriV;Mass.; .; •Joseph Parker; /Summit; N.!J.;: Tbm- . ;riiy Abiiblt: Pirie'-Bushi./N.^ Headiey.v ; Wilmin^jton. ' .Del.:. Larry/; . Mc(^arth'y,. ^WasHington,' D. C: Leo ; :Massimo.' ■ Alexandria, .^ Va.;; Gebrge.. • Wade.; HWlifaWv ;1^;.; S.: - Frank ..Wide-v. heir: Maiden; .Mass:i;,.Ginc Dfemihg; N,; ;M,;-;A1 'Downing, Br'obkr ,. \}fn{fn,:y■,■[■.::::,, :;■■■";' ;'^;'-; ;■■;;;,/ Claud;. Lawspri, .who:;kayoed;; sonie serious setbacks,V sceh: do.vynlowriing.. in • gobd • health.■;, FprmerTy ,of the. "rexas Cotriedy Fpui-. boys/ Who knpw hi'nvsiiould postalcard him. / . . / (Happy.' N«W ; Yiear ind f**"';; *Tei/ to /wrlie ;to; .thipse; ytfU; fcriow ;.irt. Sai;.inac.;: .and-■; elsewhere ; who aire. ■■ sick.),--; ;;;,-'■■■....■;;'■ :-.^-'''';•- .-;■/;:-"";;-'-:■-'■' ; vSuit by .Willie Passpart, Prpheiirn circuit bobkirig ;agent,, reveal^ had ; been . receiving around .$15,000 umiually as his'split; ;;/; ! ', .; -/-Diik'e/;.' Einrigiqrii; .coriiing/ e.gst for -v session at the: Dixon;' Grand; theatre. ; Philad.albhia. Jail. 21v. to be fbllowed-. by ;ADOllp-:theatre;:N,. Y.;';W.eek ;l3itt?f/ and then iri.tb the;Cotton, club. N; Y.. tp. :replace Cab Cal|pway,;'who;;takes// a , 10V\veek;;::iheatre;-'tpur.: //^:'.- ' ; '■/: