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4 VARIETY ^edncsflayv iPiccQih^ 2*>r 1937; By Jp6 Laiiriip,;Jr. Dear:'.joe:. ' V - ^-■ .■ .-^■.;-. -v .A:: . ■ • Well. Ghrislrnas is- • and- :all..\ve. hsive: .Ip . dd, n6wvis...:to/hi:irdle . ove^ New Year's and', then- w.(i-:re.:set to enter. ;lhe. Red Ink: Sweepstakes ..for. the A^ai' :.a938r"^;'But^-mc' -and/ Aggi^^ ivfprwardi tO::;th0;. New. Yca'r •\v'Hh./mdre ..h.ope .\nnd happiness V' . our ...hea.i'ts . than we.' evier .did,-, because sbmeth^t^^;wo.n,d6rfl^V^^ to Af^r but -let me, start rigbt irdm- 'th^ . beiginnirig;; .' - .I. don't.: get-it all-ibilled;: .up. \ v:- ■ .Our Christrnas matinee: Was away; off because the . whole town turned out to ■delebrate the ihstallatibh.' b£; our first tiraffic light,. You'd imagine il. was a -new ihveritib'h'. the way; the ;sleeve-gil.ders^ stpiod- Watching thpv liglitVthjinge from greeii t had tbeir : w.atches, ; oa^ U and the kids were ,t-lirhbing on the post and sticking . their .ears , .td: the box to hear ' the niechanlsrh work, I th;p^^^ Rubes went out with Bowersr Walter^ and C but,' bOy, ,.they ^ sure .grow, ?eni in • these'- kindi , t6y/ns;'^ But^they'r^^ ' , .some-, other; .ways,; such as when the kiids. ask: iiie can they• go. in to- the itheatre td.;ipdk ,fpr 4heu- little brPthef as. their; mother want^: 'erfi.;,.But; I hptice they gp in looking fprvtheir idved.-: .' with, their-eyes^^^.^p^ the .iscreeri;, Well/.;^.e ight I 'dhiy .>ah:: ; ihoW,- and .stilt-dpJn^ti knpW;-^^^ riri-., glad:;Her- man, ■ the' dperatpr.. up; irt the ,bpbth, <:pUldn?t see that he was;^^. alorie in the hbuse. x)r:;,<ise -hi^' tnay hkve gpt,,ff ighteinied. OneVguy;;. did .rcphie. in by mistakei : He saw the stills-in the^^ i^^^^ pame in thinlt-, ing it wais a photdgraph galleryi arid he wahtei: hispicture taken sd he could send it hpine to his ihpther for Ghristmas; Hi thought the -pictures dn the screfri weresarnples. , The guy: looked: a; little .scrrewy to me. hV hid View: shpes on and Wjilked. like he never haci any. on before. I gave him his ' ddiigh . back, snd still ddh'trknoW -it a rib;' or^ ndt. I; wbuidh't, put anything fpasV t^ twd .guys that are^ gonna bpien ■.oppbsitipn;.-" •;,;:•' ■■^ ■^'.■^'-A-.-rrf-K-'-'-' ^-^ W^^ at is that, af;ter the shpSy Chnstnoas jiighi ' m^ and Aggie Walked^^^d^ ^stofe ^ to j[et :isome candy canes fbr. bur; tree,' and :CPming back past .the theatre .we; heard; baby erying, and sure; ehbugh : there Wis a ypuhi baby^ all - Wraiiped up in av cheap blaiikeV laying there! in the lobby. It had a hpte pirined ■ on;-$aying/'Tleasie-:take^-*arevbf-'hinti;-'!'cBn*t.';:;v ;-;:;:!.;i^'-.- ■' V/:"-"-. ;;\- Well, Aigie ;grabbed: uj^ the kid and; iii quicker tiirte than it takes an pld minstrel man- to :had; the kid -upstairs ^i^^ flat: I nptified the police ..and the Chiet; told m!e I -could; take care of the kid till they fiiidVout where its; parentsvare; ; Aggie; took a; tray out of Void "Taylor, trunk/ahd doUed:it up with p^ and ribbons and. made a crib for. the baby. 1 rah out; and gbt milk and bpttles and bought out half the , drugstore. I. was :so; excited; I . paid the guy ' cash instead of giving, hiifh passes.^ W^^ house looked like a hkby store; and I Wish ybuVia, got a ;peek at that kid's ;pi?n smilin' vip:;at uS;'V V.';^.'V;-v;. '■■'Geip Acgle Quick:-:';.:.;; Aggie sang a ;lullaby; while ;i sa dpwjii jn the easy .cbiair . L Aggie.'s Christrn'^s,' arid piit on; ra^^ robe arid. slit>pei"S that Agjgie'. gave, me, i was sittin' thefe^ sucking on spme Scptch and sbda, listcnjnjg" to . Aggie singing, ;and there Was spmething'^ / that 1 never; heard before, It, jWas; sWefeter than; ariytHing I :eyer heard, an^ .•X;k,''Eriimeti-.in:hiS:;|)rime.:'^ ■;■::-.•■ ■.• •■:;;■■:;■••."•;>:;. ;< ■ .■;.■.■.■ Well; we sat there ail night watching the kid, Aggie gpt tp cryin.;.>hd i did tPd- I ddn't know ^^^^ guess yre shduld'sl .Jiad a;:kid long agd. But Aggie alWays se.d if she had a kid she didn't Want to; drag ;it all: arbiirid the coyntry takiriig bdws. fpr us and; living on ;trainis and Wrecking ; its :-stpmach;:!5n ;bPard»^ It'^ tdugh-^riouigh fprv grdyvn-ups id .jf sh e stayed~hbirrie • wjth-^he-^ki ;; H . •• ; ■ :; Hollywpbd, ;Deb.;,28.; ■ Harry • ■Bi-an.d .left fpr New Yprk;.. Siiricluy .(2G>, tp herald' the, .arrival thei-e of VDai-ryi /F. Z^niifek, -whP will be in the -meti-opblis fbr. the preem of 'Ib; 0.1 d G.h 1 oa'go.'; .Zanuck:trains^Piit next;Pnday v(.31 ).;.;■;:■ ..;.. .-^-: Rcptiblic's' pi-a.isery; under'.Hubert; -Vol h t. has; beeri' ehlairged' tp- include; Clnire;.feri.ee, lihriaiihg ta^ ran .mags,' arid- if rank Neill- bri, generiyi publicity; ■";Neili. -alsp is;.■assistaht;. tp Rtibei-t:. ;Engle:hardt .;.■ ; pii.ftihg . put Republic's; new Weekly hbuse organ, tit.^t .editipn .dfl the prtss last Friday :(24,y. ■■■■■,■.:.;■;■■■•;'-.■.•• - o-.:;:' ■ ■, . Sid Kent"" . hbstirig \fpr Zanuch n^xt; Tliesday ;;V4);.. at ;',. Waldorf- Asioria c'pqktai.lery. tb. rin'feet •eastern jfilriri ;peb]Ei1e and. the- N, 'Yi press.-; ; ';• liehrmaii^ Badly ■y(--y \;;;.'VHbliyvwod,^Pec.;: 28..;r Henry \ Lehririan^;;;';ftlriv; directb.rr: arid Ann WiriterV stage ^^^M^^ actress, are. hbspitilized following an auto; accident Christrnas rtight in .^ps ^ Angeles, . ■ I^hrnian • is ; suf-; fearing a crushed chest and inters in j uries. While Miss Winter 'has: facial dlsfiguremerits and :.wni Ipse lan eye. {• PbliceV are holdirig; jari ;order; on Lehrirnaii ;suspicioii; -ot- d^wk ;drlving;■■ ; ■■;".-; ■• A; .■■;;■.:;.: v'v•:.'•• ...-;. , ; :■-;;;:■■.; : ■; ■'■■P'ons^. NeW. ;Hl^h;'.ln;^Op'ryWusl(!^^ 'Hitling ia New High' sets a new , piace in opera' star vehiclesv^ ,p;the fact ;th'at;;tiny ^^^U^^^ ha.s, besides the firilPiis Pbns' vpcal chprds,.; ift. iaiid; humprv vAijd ;:it:isni't.fln;;ali-^ alipwcd/tpdpspmething.^^.t^^ There: is enough, of the. Ppnii Vp.callzing tp satisfy her. a^^ and tfie ;. numbers are wpveri in Idgically,. . suppdsed td ;be a; riight.cluii ■ eritertainfer, sp she;;isint't; required, tp; burst-iriip ;melody iix the rniddle pt. a- cdnviersation, dive.^n: vo.caily dri elaborately cphstrUcted cUes. E.^: E,. Hprtp.riV- riiagriificeritly futile'. rai;es, expldsiye. Eduardp - and Jabk;:Oakie's - cpririivirig keep things fronri-saggiriig betWeeri numbers.. Oakie, as-Hortpn's;p.a;, icdri^ Fellpws. couldn't have;put pyer.'b.ut'it'sv^iice.'W'd if,^etCi:;'... H;;; '.; ' Designer: EdwardlStevenspn -dPes Well ' by ;'MisSi . Pons', very ; satisfac^ : ; silhpuiBti Writh 'several attractive; .costumes. 'Miss■ Pons, deriiori^tri^^ urioperatic ability; to. wear short postume iiri .the night ClUb. sequerice, With , tiriy;truriks. White; vest,- black seqiiin.jtail coat/and tbppeif,-.. A bouff^ ' with;;jnli.es of': net rufflihg...ar9!und the bpttbm. and: over tiie shpuidi&rs, fitted.,;; at; the 'waist, is 'wprii'. fpf 'Let's' G.iye X^dye Another ;Chariee;';;; S^he : sings; ■ 1 ;he Mad Scene,;froriii-Lu^^ a. sli'miy fitted; sheer.;' govyh with flowing; capie: " caught-at the shoulders. , .. ; . ■.;;.'.; •;';•■ ; \; ■• Miss Pons has the ability to ifiing herself into the spirit of the thirig withoyt renriiridinig her eiudience; that ^lich antics;are beneath the dignity of a Seriotis singetr-a. refreshing departure from the general rlih of Met-iy ropolitari self-exiles.. Her accent makes it difficult at times to tell whether she is speaking French or English, but that's fixed up by having; her come from.Paris. : .' ^'y ;.^" ;'.. ■ ; W','. ■.■; ■;,;: .■,'■-;• TYLER BROOKE ; AlTEto^Efi W livaritiri*; around the cbuntiry, knowing what^a'sUcker;! am for a-hard liick story -from a single Woman a sister act, so that is ;Why w^e never had kid ;6f our own. /; And now this kid- comes into our lives and shows us. what We'ye missed. . ; ; . " v;'•'■•. :.;.;-■':■; .';..;. ;■;. • We sat there wondering what the kid's mother was doing; a heluva Christmas for her. lEtut: I - told Aggie it's like hprse racing.; When ^ spme- one Ipses sbineone iftust win. We sat theire :ma:ppirig put the kid!s future. Aggie Wants to see him ^roW; up to be a lawyer or' a doctor. I didn't say ariy^iing but 1 got iiriy 6w:ri ldeai$, By the tirne he grows up maybe vaudeville will be back arid i guarantee ypu he'll b|e a grand trpuper; ypu know, Joe, there ain't anythirijjj better than; beirig a gppd troupei-. I'll bet I'll have him doing a time-step and a break before he's twp yeiars pld. ' / '■ .;■■■;; ■ :■ ^ I'ni gpriria: keep the radip turned ,bn ;iall the, time, Which get hirii tP like music, L*m goring raise him oh rhythm,;;uricdnscipus like, and; he -Will-ggt^ltTln^hls-IJlood.—That-wiU give the kid 'timing' and ypu knpw timing is the secret of a gobd trouper.:: ; - c .;;: Dreaming the Future . Sittin' there mhaling ' my Scotch and soda I .could picture the ; kid growing up, a great star, or niaybe he will be the salvation of the picture business: Maybe he is; thV one picked out to stop double featuring, giye «way nights, and bingo; Finding him in the lobby of a theatre on Christ mas night; means something. ; 1 know, he's gorina be, a big' guy in ..some thing. You know When pepple Ippked at Abe Lincoln when he was a kid they never figured.he wduld free the slaves when he grew up. When i tell my -thoughts to; Aggie. she kirida smiles; Since the kid; is iri the house Aggii'e is sdfi-iiiie; don't-wiseCT I ddn't know what did it—the kid or • ju.^t; Christmas. Towards morriing when We went td bed Aggie jgpi; ilriapst. hystervcal; .she; said, ..%efty,;, I'd die if they take that kid aWay from me' now.' >Vell,-i: told; her npbo take it away ■ frdhi us. eVen,if We have to leave town arid leave the whole picture business behind . Us. ■ I'm" gorina apply for; adbptipn papers: right away../; • ■ - ;; ^ : ^ . -'V; ;:■■■ :^ • Well. Jpe, I'm like;, .kid: with an ;electric.vtraih;.. ;This kid is^got me; npW. I knPW what it riiearis tp be a father. . I will write; ypu more about him later. I Wou'ldjl'i be ia. b tp.;;gp hdme thjs ^ternpp^ find, him silting up'and dbiriiR;a ;fast .rp'utirie pf talk. .Tha.t.;.kid; is; Smart! Love to eWi-ybpdy,; and. tell:'the. bbys-^^a^^^ pn: Brba^wiiv that the thing they .heed is; kids. ; Happy New Year, sez , ■ ' ; Holly wood, De c. 28. Tyler ; Brooke, ; stage and film actpri is in ;a grave ;cpriditiort;fPllpW ing- suicide atteriipt from; oyer dose bf sleeping tablets. ■ Police; said he has; been despond- erit pver ill health.' ■ ' o. 20 P^r Distrib Execs To ^Buccaneer' Preem For ■ {he .N.^w. Orleans', pVemie.re at the. Saeriger, Friday; (T); pf .''the B^^ cancer,' Parariipunt.is sending 20 dis tributibn executives for a twd-day sales meeting Jan. 7-8;. ;iri^^^ a td-Cec il B/ die ;Mill€; the Cpa.st Will despatch Bill Pine and Bill. HebWt; to ; the : premiere,; ; plus ■ Margpt Gr-aharne: pf • 'Bucidarieer' 'cas,t._^^W iiapRens.;^tp:; bet' .New -:Yprk. ^at present.- '. '. ; '' ; "'\ ^Neil Fi; AgrieW ;will: preside; at.-; the sales , rineeting.; -Others ;.' f rpm Pat' gdirig ddwn iriclude J. j. IJnger; C. M. Reagan, G. B. J. FraWley; Bob GilN hiihi, iAlec Mpss, E^^ tPri Kusell frem: New Yprk;; From out-df-town will be W. H.^ Erb, Bos ton; Pi. A. ;Bipchi.Philadelphia; H. H Goldstei / Cleveland; A;;tfsher, Chi cagb; iC. A. Mbrgan; Atlanta; J. B. Dugger. Dallas; R. G: LiBeau, Kaiisas City; H. W. Braly, Denver; . Myke Lew is, LPS Arigeles; $. Blbtpky, Min neapblis; G. A. SnUith, !5an Fran ciscp; and M. A. Milligari., ;■-:^ • .Y. Frank Freemiah, v.p. oyer Par theatreis,; is expected ^to be in ^sw Orleans for the Wedding Jan. 3; pf E; v.; Richards' daughter and Will probably remain Pri: fpr the Par sales sessipris;.tb meet Various, Par th(BatFe parlriers \v:ho ;are expected to check in'for the meeting,; ndliably, southern pperatprs,; ;. ... ^ ; .■• ;; Party, frpm New Yprk leaves Wednesday. ;(5) ..and leaves .; New Oriearis on the. return trip Saturday night. <8). • ■.■;:, -r^ ' Your .Pal, tefni. P. S.—Jbe;.Blgelo'\N';.s, kid. ask for iiV';-.;■.■;. ■; ■•;■■:;.■ 'Daddy, can. I have some,candy it I dpn'l .'bf By Marian Squire ^regreaslve; Alice Fay* ;; 'You're a , Sweetheart' is; distingui^Hi^ maiinly by . its name; song ■; arid other whistle-:inspiring tunes,;.arid; the; decided progress ; pi blonde; .Alic« ; Faye. ■•■} ■■;' - ^ '■'::.;;' ' v'[ .-.'; ' ;•■;;. ^.'..'.';;' ';'/•■■'■■;''/'^.•--;"-; Miss Faye's; .continued' iniiprovemerit in ;iooks,;.bearing arid . technique indicate: a,lot of :;h6riiewdrk 6n the: histrtonics.^; should remind her of; the use of'a lady's thumbv It.is handy for grasping : tea cups, or for hitch-hikersrr-but it:shouldn't;be used to indicate a direc- tion.. '• Nothirig is ■ mdre; de-glanimirig to a picture heroine, than ; pointing; with that, otherwise /useful digit...; She does such ia; nice job of;the theme: sbng that it: may sound .earping tO; mention that she cbriSisteritly; saiys; 'Wii?'; for Wasr-^biit; she; has. surmbuntied So many; other hurdles; surely that's a small one 'or. the conscientibus Miss Faye.'; She makes a number of .changes as the singing stair; of ;a riiusical. shdw.; A billowing; sheer with sequin bolero attached to a; belt for the then»«. song—a;goWh made'entirely of ; Syhite beads with high, waistline and twisted; drape bodice also has a bolero. . And the. most sophisticated, outfit is. a dress'lerigth cape bordered' all around with fur, worn with a' tiny veiled; hat perched oVier one.eye.'.- \;;. . \\ ; ;■'.; :■; .'■; ..; ;;'■ ;;.. •;:.; ;■ George Mufpiiy herpes for Miss _Faye and Ken Murray with. Oswald, Frank. Jenks, .Andy 'Deyine.:.Ci^aries- Winniger, DbnaldvMeek -and; Frances Hunt assist in the faniiliar difficulties of staging ai. show without any moneys. ' Roxy's;Circusy;.H61lday^ ^ ';.■':.""■;.. .'.' .'; X A circus:;flavor. .enters the Roxy holiday stage show,, with four versatil<t e:lepharits for competitipri with ttie^ Music Hall's herse. • The Gae Foster girls open in green doll dresses W'ith pink sashes , over - ruffled White .petticpats, ;and w.M hbpded red . jackets' oyer tiny .greeii Jskir-ts-folr-a:rbitfwith--Niek-Lucas.--^^ again this week,; biit, why not, since audiences' continue to have Hysterics dyer theii: .eff.9rte; tp. TOairiteln the^^ ;.'rhe bell ringing stunt ; is in: for. a. 'repeat, top, Jihe girls shaking out 'Silent- Night' irnbre Vor less)^' on bells■■strapped;:^a^purid,th^ii:;Waists, . Silver and :green ; is. tlie, attractiye^'epipr ;^^^ the tumbling Fay^^, Family,: dne of .the: girls in jgreejn;pajamas arid - silver jacket, the, pther- two. in ;silyer ;tpats pver brief cirbular green skirts,; ■''.;;■..■; ; ; :-Chi;cji{;o,'Dcc.jse. ; . With ;. his ■ vjnepigriati'bn:. ■.;t^^ Bowes' iiiii'sprt. fpr GBS iri .cffi'pt, pave Liptbn; wi 11 • j'pia ;iJniveriffal;: pi<:hi\-es as dssislATit lb ;;Jbhn ; Jfj.'^eph;'. n .jnamied-' .iJhiveriiivl:';';ijUbl:i'tity..;-.<;hie^^^ . Both are ;B.; & K. alumni. ; ' ;x.!ptbn*s- flrHt;dtity will,.tic tP :go id; San;, Franciscp; to; meet ;Nbrman A j ieyi .. .y ri iverisal photog who ; d id ■Pari.riy shooting;.!;;i.'eries, .When he-a.i-' rives: on' China- .ClippeT. • Sail Franclisco;;..pec; ;28. ■ ;.;■ Libel • case - of; .Maurice, Mercantile Co; ParamQ..i|n't; Pictures .and -50.Q .exh;iljitors';.;is;;;draggirig ;a.lon.gi- 'Wi;ih. acliiai.; trial estima.ted .five: ;mo.rithp' d;\viiy. V; Bion .&; ■.6ld.S;.';attpi-neys- foT' the pi a i h ti ft,..; Joseph •; Rosenthcil,; .started -sci'ving . s(imni,diit;es .Oct. • ',8, and Htlll have 300 ;to -J^/ ; ;; ;•.. Rosenthal^dainvs 'Hi; ;i.n.d ;:h.i's-:(;pi7i-: pany were libeled b.v riexvsvct'V'laiii'i yba'r. showing victims,' ;of •' jili^ycd •pdi,sori. soda ^obUrVned: in; hi.«; .'sto.i-.^,' -.■'.;'v . Atlanta, ;Dec. 28. ::Liicas &;. jeiikihs' .Paramount wil be siiene of one of .ipu'r-shpwings :o.r Cecil ;B.; DeMjile'^s^ 'The Buccaneer ' Pic; is •Skeddcd; tp> get its; w .mi; ' at • .New Orleans, locale :i<tp'ry,'^.AHari'ta. .sh.oW.lng,' to fallow jih. -12.; .Other two places, to see' film before ge.ne^'al release will .be ;'Wash^. ingtpn and. .i«iew; York.;.;;-:; ••;. ;; DeMille; Will make personal .apr ;p;ea;rarices ;with. pie, and. wiii;-'br;ihg With; hirti" to Atlanta Evelyn Keyes. 'local girJ,;.whom; he has taken iihder■ bis. ;\vir>g.' Hti^h; ;'Sdther;nt ■ who has role. pf.;Aiiidy Jackspri in .'Buccaneer,' may al.td -make . sWing. with -DeMille. Clancy Noiwr' Shaw ' ;.•"■. HollyWopd, pec, 28. ■ Eiien ; Clancy, '1.7,: -Avhp ' .screen .(lebilled .in V"Jiezeber-. fo.r Warner .Brp.*.. : hais'^bqen;' .'haridtid;;'a playing le.rnicr by Jii'ck LV:Warnoi-. It'er new. . p roi'es.';:i ci nii 1 mp ri Ickcr ' W i ll ..-be;; Ja lipt ..ShiiVv. • ..;;v ' ;';.;■; ..'^ ;•,.. v ' :-.'pla.ye.r has'; been on the Warribr;ipt :>ii< irinhths.-:- •' "./ ; '■'; ' \- .;V;';;;'Lad^sV:;.Nlgiit,at..tfce.,,S^^^ 'First; Lady,' the N.; Y. Strand'is; new tenant, has a lot of -bright dialo|b ' as to be expected since Geoirge S, Kaufm;ari and;Katherine Day ton of lAvs, Deni. an,d Mrs. Jlep. fame^- were responsible for the. originaL . Between bits. ot sparkling coriversatibn,;'Eirst; Lady', is very .An<3.did; they.have tp riame:Kay Frari.cis',;verbai sparring partner, ..V ."reasdaie, 'Irene' ? ; Despite her publicized throat operation. Miss Francis still suffers from; trouble, and in ;this film she mus't refer -td: 'IWene*.; about 20 tiriies, arid is' also required to mentidri 'Pawis fwocks.' She's; " " ; ciined tb ;-neglect ;her. 'h's', too, her enunciation turning the White House ■ into the Wite House, Miss; Francis, is pretty tall- fbr kittenishness".and this.: "; part seems to" have affected her carriage sadly* Carrying her form in a ri;;; ;: 's' shape and walking as; though her ankles were hobbled^ might make ,a ; lady feel cute, but it . orily "rnakeS;:her Ippk like her cipthes'Were; uricbm- fortable.. ; ; .'.;:;. ■.;■;; :;:; ' {' ' ' ; '■ ;■ \' .,•;■■ :■/. - - A black gdwri with deep-V neck and metal girdle is good; and sb is higli'^ ; neck gown"; mondgrarne'd- where the; Vest-ippcket .Wpuld be,-:an witK a large dippirig; hat haying a narrdw'feather band. -But one metal cloth evening gpwn is carefully desigriied to; destroy; her figure. The bodice '. fitted ; way that; eliminates :all: curves' above the ;waistlirie. ~ The; shirt ' is gathered in Dirndl fashipn, much more becoming to Ariita Louise ^Who ; wears this girlish style throi4ghpUt..the picture,: ' -; • Beautifuliy 'groomed; .Verree; 'feasdale wears several vstrikirig^costuriies.r The best is a ;backles.<5 black gown With; di^aped metat'clpth: over.skiyt; fall- .; ;ing into a; train;/ ■ Marjbrie .RarinbeaU,;is. handsbnie in ;a pancake ;hat and: ' black yelyet;gp>vn .c.ut low, with;a brilliant cUp,;at the:ne.clcline.',^^ v .:- There's. .an'imppsing^ iSe^i^etary'; PresWn Foster, 'Justice'. Waite.t^^^^^^^^ V{ctpi^;'Jbry, ;bUt.. tiie :genr.';. tlemeri hayeri't ,riiiic.h.; to. do.; It's ;ladies' night with Clubwonian . lipiiise . ; Fazenda, Mai;j.i rie Gatesori,- Lucille Gleiasoh. and Sara Haden a;ssistiiig.;ihe-;^ featured fenimes. .'' •• ^ ' ^ i..' ^. .... .'' ..; •;:■■:-:;.■;.:..- [■ ;Gridders;; the:Navy and a;Flirt • ; 'Navy Blue .and^ Gold'. take.s ;3^pu ' through, .foiir Idng years .' of! Nayal Academy 'riiles, reigulaUorts and traditions before the; fihish ■'3;/m.iniites IP ,play^;^bptball: g^m i.s; HpUywppd traditidri, if n6t;Nayy,. ; .; Robert Yp.ifrigi^^^^^^ cleaning ujD' all comei-s'betWeeri; the; slpughsvpf /academy, atrinpspher?, ;Jarirj<es ^ Stew-art's siriccvity give^;;the; film; sdme superidr;riipjnents;that cdU ;haye.beeri;maUaiiiv;\vith; riiediPc^^ ;.; ;;;; v ."■ ]Perehhial: butler B^j:;nett'P scene, :va;nd; Billie.: Bur^^^^^ is "Tpm BrpWn's dpting riiania. ; ;She is /dairitiiy; /: femitiirie ;aS;:>alWays,^ i : tiny ;.Gap.e made pf.;flpwers,; a sjim '.a^^^^^ ;gown : witi); jeweled; collar; and .a-b^ • ii . ;■ :• ; :;■' ; • '•: Florence Rice ; ; the girlvintbrest ;and wears a, bouffant; riet with fnil. ruffled cap; sle^ prefers him .ld.;'R;pbert ;Youiig* ; .But.iivir/"Stewart js ; inclined tp dbiibt ;this,;arid so is the a.i:idienee; .Ap-' ,. vparehtiy^ sheji5fn*t iriteinded.,to be;a flirt, but MWe: has^ertalnly 'giV^n /evti-y. .ipdieaiiPriL of girli.sh dalliaiice:up;;.td tlu ;Stewai;t d;pes>\viri;tlie; g^^^^ ;but Robert^YoUrifj .isn't-trying yei-y :h'ar^^ ; ' ; ;-; ;' ' :'