Variety (Dec 1937)

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Wedoesilay, December 29, FILM REVIEWS VARIETY IT Snow White and 7 Dwarfs (TECIlNTCOLORr Hollywood, Dec. ,28. y'pervl.sliifr dlrei'tor,' Dyvlil' • Hjiiiil: ?",'" n.r.t. Ann >»lnril5. KlcHnrU clepiloh.' VMi rh ki ?! Mor.111 l>e Mavis..; Wcl>l) Snilllv: ^ r.^^ l''rftn'« Cl>iirclilll, ■ Paul, |« .i^Si«w«rl.- Harold Miles.. Tom. t:o(lv„.lc, /-iwtuf 'jvtijfirren,-Kenneth Anderson, Kon- (Vton Hawl Sewell; nil In.cU- ^.ninclx Samuel Armstrotiff, Mlqiie Nelw.ii;: '■SS^^-<'ox.-"lauae Coats. Phil .Plko, \V^y 1 ,^0'Win Miiui-eipe Noble.; cUnrnolor dp- Ir^e s A.lm-t IliiTter. Joe Gnml; nnl.- n ^im" Friinlt Thomits.. rick. Liiritly, Arlliur Bn 1,1 III K>"<^ I-n'son. Milton KaHl. ISoborl WoolK- IlolihPrmnn.. Robert Miirlscli. AVorld r^."^ ore ^tM'arlUay Circle Jh.'iUre, U. A;; ■l>>.<. lil, '3^: two-a-dny; $1,155 lop. Kuiinlus iliin', Bi> There never' has beeii anything in the - theatre quite like Walt Disney's *Sn6w White and the Spvien Dwarfs,' seve^ i<cels of animated cartoon in Technicolor, unfolding ah absorb- ingly interesting and, " at. times, thrilling entertainment. So perfect is the iliiision, so tender the romancp and fantasy, so emotional are. certain, .portions ^y■he■n the acting, of the characters strikes a'' depth. compar- able to.: the sincerity, of human players, that the film approaches real greateiiessi It is an inspired and . in-. spiririg work, the commercial .^iiccess o£ which will. be notable; particu- . larly the heavy foreign returns be- cause of the mechanical .ease with ■which all languages., may be syn- chronized to the action,;. More than two years were required, by the Disney staff, under. David Hand's supervision, to ;complel« the film. In a foreword Disney pays a neat compliment to animators, de- signers and musical composers whose united efforts have produced a. work of art. No less than 62 staff names are 'Hashed in the credit titles as being responsible for vai'ious divisions of the job. Highest praise . must go to Disney himself for collat- ing all the . diverse efforts' into a conception of single purpose which, bears the mark of one creative ilnag- ination. The superlative Disney .skill, which has shown itself frequently in previ- ous, short cartoons, such as 'Three -Little Pigs,-- 'The. Tortoise, and.. the Hare,' 'The Country Cousin* and the irrepressible Mickey Mouse and Don- . aid Duck, is merely indicative of the excellence of 'Snow White.' .The lairv talc is not a feature-length short. It is a full hour and 20 min- utes of delightful story telling, of a plan. and..pattern new to the screen. While one marvels at the skill of it.s producers, 'Snow White- permits no mental ramblings in the course of ■its unreeling. The opening shows the cover of Grimrii's book of tales. The pages turn to the story of the little princess Who escaped from the jealousy of the queen step-mother. T'.iereatter, to the accompaniment of charming music and suitable sound effects, the drawn figures of the slory move through their adventures with realism that is heightened by visual poetry. Soon all, the characters assume life like personalities. Snow White is the embodiment or girlish and kindness, exemplified in her love for-the birds and the small animals of the woods. that are her friends it subsequently develops, her rescuers. The queen is a vainpish brunet, of homicidal Instincts, who con.<iorts with black magic and under- world forces of evil. And the seven little dwarfs, DOc, GrumpJ', Dopey Sleepy.. Happy, Sneezy and Bashful are the embodiments of their'name- tags, a meri-y crew of masculine frailities. . ' .• : Best is little Dopey, half wit. who ; never has learned to talk, who is : forever the drudge of the others, but whose smil e when ' Snow . White speaks a - kind , word is . enough ,to .soften, the heart of .the.' bitterest human.. Dopey wins the final em- brace from the princess when at the end of. the story, she is taken awciy by the prince to lasting haDpine<5s. The ..World is full of misfits like Dopey. Perhaps Snow While ;will briji.Lt about a happifer undersland'iiig of their timid souls.- , Although -.the, film. is. replete with .nioments of hilairibus comedy..-it is unique because of other equally • potent entertainment features. There is^ for. instance, the seqiichce' which the dwarfs, retuvnihg to Ihoir cotla.c^c from - a day's , hard work in the diamond .. mines, discover that tlivi.-e little hoiiie i."> Spotlessly clean. has intruded in their ab^ •sonee. . Dopey is dispatched to the bedroom at the head of the stairs .to i.nvesti'^atp. - There, is suspense and antiripnlion. When the princess •'iwaUeij- and rea.i.'iurcs her slrantje 1 j.-^l-s -that .she is a good conk and )i<His;>kcopcr. a merry dance foliowr?. •■^P-Mvtahous and joyful. ..Sivivv White's little holoer^. the i.iboils, squirrels, fawns and iort-iiisv, are amazing creatures. Likewise the birds, who carry her messages. Visually, the film is one of the finest examples of technicolor. Dis- ney is .said to have perfected certain processes of photogiraphy which cre- ate illusibn.s.of d.cpth«in some of the sciene.''. Whether this :i.-i accom- plished by. the per.speclivos of- draughtsmanship, or by the Icn'sing is not. material. Pastel shades pre- dominate and th^re is an absence of garish, brilliant colorings, Sound. play.s. an important part in the production and .the .'synehronizsi- tibn of words to the moving, lips of the characters is worked out perfect-, ly. Probably the finest effect in the picture is the reproduction of echoed notes from the depths of the wishing well. . In this department, as in the others, the' film reflects meticulous woi'knianship. , E.xtent of the commercial return on the .production investment,-which is said to have exceeded $1,000,000, will depend entirely on the astute showmanship of the exploitation en- gagements.' The title indicates that the appeal might be limited to. chil- dren. However, once the true artis- tic merits of 'Snow Whitfe^ are uni- versally proclaimed and i.acceptod, adults will crowd the youngsters out of these actsi- ' .-. Picture should keep the wiGkets spinniiig for. extended engagements^ everywhere, ■ Flin. WISE GIRL RKO. of Ktlwarfl ivuiiCmnn. pro- tluclioii. SInrH.' .Mlriuin. Jlopltiiisi; fi'a.tuVt's Kay .MlllnncV. Wali.i^r Abel. Ilcni'y Slpphcn- Moii. Alex Ci-aiK", ('^ulnii \Vlllliini:j, Ji.-ii'c. Direi'led , by . l.e.lgli 'J<ison.\ . Story, .•Ml.-iii .Scott ah'1(-Jlia'rle3. Nonnaii; adiipta- llon, .Sfoll; lUin 'o-JiLor, Jnclc lllvely-; jfaiiiiTn. >"i'V(»i'ell-: Mt)rJoy; Hsst.-.- dircrlor. Keniioib Holmes, ,H.-'\if>wed in .rrojei'lion Uoiiin. .N. Yi, boi-, i:-!,- :o7. Runninu time, 71) nilna. Sii<iiin Klelolier. -.. ..; .loliii O' Halloi-an Karl Mr. l-'K^tcher, Di-niiont O'Noii;.... ililfe,.. i..;. .... .louii..... . '... :.,,, K.'ilic..;.;.... . Mra. Koll-Ftlvin.Tl.oii, .I'.eorBe -.;.... . ...... T*l.-iiV(V MicliMPl, . .... i-'i'Inc'e Ixixvi ... ...... l''i-liifiv I.fiiSpnld .. .Miriam, Hor>kln.«^ ...... .It;iy Mllland .......'Wullor Abel Ilenvy. Slephonron .-. . '.... .Alf'C C'i'.Hr -.. .-(iii\nn AVllliariis ..Hetty .I'lillson . . .MiU'lanna Strc.Vby .Margaret Dimiont ,. k...To;iu (le UrIac ... ..Iv.nn YobPtloff .....'. lt:ifaol Storm (!i-eKory Ciaye t Jll.,.-. .J..^.^J'I.I.I..... ...... ...... ..V^VI.T ..u.. Deloi tUes. Klcliuril I.anii Hiid Tom Kennedy A human interest story that pos- sesses . certain favorable audience elements, 'Wise Girl' is held back, however, by a slow-moving narra- tive, considerable silliness and a lack of convincing plot. It begins'with a premise that is highly fictional in character and ends the same way^ dragging situations, and develop ments in by the teeth in order to achieve , the desired ends, romantic and' otherwise.;; The picture is^ of 'B' calibre, but may weather the storm singly in of lesser inti- portance, elsewhere it's the doublers. Miriam . Hopkins, looking vastly different in this one, partly becauses the script calls for it, is paii'ed with Ray Millahd. It's a better picture for Milland than for the femme slar opposite; him. The .actor disports himself as .well as any one might, consideruig the material and the plots irregularities. On one occa sion Miss .Hopkins is forced to ti-y to play a tough dive gal,- the. sort that might be foimd, as the script expected, in a- Greenwich 'Village dump where they all smoke, use long cig-holders and wear their hair smoothed slick; She is anything but interesting-looking. At, other times, also. M1.SS Hopkin.s' makeup creates a slightly changed porsonalit.y. ' In 'Wise Girl' she's supposed to be a rich, youhig girl who tries to" live like a down-ahd-outer among the slishtjj' screwy bohemian clement in Greenwich Village. She's the type of spoiled heiress that would go for the sort of thing she docs, even to gain the ends the story prescribes, vvhich means that guardianship over two childrijh from a destitute artist who's fathering them as he can. Alter aboiit 10' minutes it's ob.yious that she'll wind up with the artist as well.. One of the -troubles with the..story, an original Charles Norman and -Allan Scott, which' was adapted by the Jatte.r... is that. it does not build suspense-effectively'. .' The'two'childrcn lend most of the I'nima'n interest io . the tale, to'g.bther 'u-ilh the struggling artists .and their n-icnC'S whose life of privalioh . is contrasted with. the.lap of luxury'in Cvhich Miss Hopkins sits when she's iionie; Kids are givcii . action and dialog thnt. is m.iirh too advanced for thcMi; They seldom arc natural or convincing. Tiicre is .one, in prize-li.^ht rin?;. that's satircd. for riiiil.v- effective .results, script having Miss Ilopkiiis: land, one .knockout iHiiich. Maybe they'll all start doing this ;aftcr that tight in ; 'Nothing' Sacred' '(UA). A staged wedding scene as, an ; advertising- gag ; for a. ;lorc i.^' fairly funny.' Had .Jack Hivcly's cditin.;t. -been ' closer,. ' Girl- may have lost- some' of, the dull- 'iiess which"sl.'uv.-^ it tip. At least 10 'minutes could have been trimmed.^ . - Siipporliiig ■ chnraclcrs include Walter Abel, artist slow: Henry Stephons()ni rich: father oC tho girl", and GUinii Willia'nv< who's always, olVoctivo. - Lessor; rolc.s are carried -^IT. ably .by Alov Craig .imd .R'chard Lane. Char. Miniature Reviews 'Snow White aind the Seveif Dwarfs* (RIfO). Wa 11 Dispey's - first full-length feature cartooh; in Technicolor which should make boxoffice figures sound like fairy stories. . 'Wise Glrr .(RKd).. Miriam. Hopkins and .Ray Milland , teamed jn a d'sappointiiig pic, . mostly for duals. •The kid t omes Back* ( WB). Bri$k,- fast priTiefighling. yarn; strong dua.ler, Fetlures Wayne Morris, Barton MacLiane, -June :.Travis. . 'Lady Behave' .(Rep); - Fair comedy, with Sally . Eilers, Joseph Schildkraut, JSieil 'Ham- -il;bn;;•'■■.'■ - 'Crashing Hollywood' (RKO). Lee Tracy starred in a first- rate melodramatic farce laid behind the scenes .in a Holly- wood studio. Good ;dualer.' • 'Daus:htier ot Shanghai' (Par). Meahirigless title to a routine - crime meller, with .'Ahna May . Wong. Downstairs dualer. • 'She's Got Every thins* (RKO); A ..gbne-wrong. comedy ^effort with Ann SOthern, Gene; Ray- mona, Helen Broderick, Victor Mc.' ve and . Parkyakarkus. ^ fail IFrouble'; (GN).: Ken 'Mi7hard starrer, that flutters far under average, of the hero- ,oh-a-horse ' as well most westerns. KID COMES BACK yS'arnor r.ros.' pro'liiclioii find release. Feaiun M AVayne Moi-rl.s, Harloii -Muclitino. .Tune Travis. -T>iroctcd by .K. rtp-^-i'i^a K:\son. Screen play, Cieoreo- Hiv<'l;er! orisinal siory. K. j. .l''l,Tnasf.Tn; cnmorn, Ar.l.inr I'Meson; lilm'. editor. Wiiriren l.ojv. JM-ovlPWCd In I'rojertlon Room,. N. Y., -£> »(■, 'J^. '^T. lluu- this tottering comedy to only fair advantage. It- has its rnomenis bul they are rare and far between. .The tale deals wi'th the. trials and tribulations encountered by Sally Eilers as the conservative, staid sis- ter of Patricia Farr, who has com- mitted bigamy while under the in- fliioncei of liquor. Sister's first hilbby is a delightful scoundrel, played by Joseph Schildkraut; the .second is a millionaire (Neil HamiltPn). After ;the. bigamous marriage, the excess mate . departs- for South America, leaving instruction.s for his lawyer to have the . marria'ie an- nulled. Since hubby.. No., 2 isn't aware of the first maiTiage, every- thing-is; okay, except that the.par- ties concerned must sec to it thai"^ nobody learns, of it. Thcs impersonation cOme.s when' Sally Eilers takes her sister's place in the millionaire's hou.>>ehOld.. safe in the knowledge that he is at a safe distance.. But. tvyo young scalawag.s. in the forms of the millionaire's Children, aided by the household, re- tinue, combine their forces to make life miserable for her. Donbuemenl comes when the . wealthy, father nfrives home hurriedly to learn that the girr he; 'married,' while in- ebriated, is charming, lovely and de- lightful. She,^ in tui-n. . finds him possessing, similar, attributes./.■ Sall.y Eilers; gives an - usuall.y fine performances as Paula Kendall, the older sister, and is ably supporled by Schildkraut and. Hamilton. Marcia Mae Jones and George Ernest, the youngsters; garner the top honors. Crashing Hollywppd ' Hollywood; Dec. 28. r,KO-Radlo;.rele; of Olirf Holil'.s diiotlon.' Stiirs IjOft Tr.-iry,' fCfiliircH -.Vniin Woo.lbury, Paul dulli'oyle-, 1 .ni) - -I'al rii-';. 'Direoted ;b,v . Lew Lnhders,. . ubi,v b.' Pniil D.lclte'y and :M«rin rape; -jicrt'cnplny. by. Paul Yawltz and-yliid.vH .Mvvnier; (vini- erii. XlphoKs Musiiriic'iv- und' Kniulf liol- mnn.; pffcct.s- bv ■ Vernon I„ W;i1icor; fllny editor, Hfirry'^larUrr. Prr-vlpwed mV -riin-^ ta.^es* . HoJl.vM'ood, Doc.- '•J;!,''ay-.-- '-rt-tinnlitg; tipipi r,0. mins. • ' liinfr time, til miii.s, KuRli Conw;vy CJiinncr, ilalone.;. M;iry ............ nobby ........... ."Stall, Wilson.. Ken 'n6"l.-vell..... Dnnny T.oc';rii3.i;(;. Joie Meade....... ... .,.W;i.vnp,-.Morris . '. , {.'.ai'l on' Mrtt'l .ane . .■........lune Travl.s .... J ...Diolile, .lone.s .. At^xiii- Ilo.xiMiliInoin ;.... ..l-iniPH lloliMns ..... ;.)i)seT>U i'rehan .. ...V.i,; Olto Big. towheaded V/ayne Morris, who scored in 'Kid Galahad,.' his ififst prizefighting yarn some months ago, tomes back iri this ring tale, to gain greater favor. Likeable, personable and possessed of the flair that make the femmes flut'icr, this lad is destined for the foreground. ,A strong secondary picture. Pic;is a grand, brisk piece about a veteran heavyweight contender who is 'relegated ' to .the. backgroLind de- spiiie the fact that he ,has. defeated the top battlers. In line for a shot at the champ, the heavy, played forcefully and capably by Barton Ma'cLane, sees his chances, for the title go aglimmering wheii.the title- holder retires. • When-he sce.s a. green, stranded youngster (Morris) from Texas dis- play his wares in a street fight, he is impressed and takes the lad under his wing. Morris meets the would- be champ's pretty sister (June Travis) to lend a touch of; romance to the film, . . Morris, tutored in the rudiments of the game by MacLane, rapidly advances arnong the topiiight heavlCJ?. He finally reaches a rung where he is slated to meet MacLane for the c.'own, for which the Boxing Com- mission had declared the : latter defender. But then a hitch enters into the situation. Morris refuses; to fight his erstwhile benefactor arid future brother-in-law. But MacLane will have none of that. He had been .denied a title chance for too many years to allow sentiment to interfere. So he contrives, \vith the. aid of an enterprisihr; sports editor, to anger Morris with several embarrassing situations. Morris, signs for the fight and^—.vou're, wronsjl—he gets knocked out! "That, in itself, is a novelty.; Later, there are explanations. MacLane gets hi.s crown, Moi'ris- bi- comes the champ's- brother-in-law and it winds up okay. ■ . ' Maxie .RosepbloonT. foVmor light heavywdigiit champion, .who's .been doing considerable blinking at the eigs lately, gets his biggest, part in this on i .as the heay.vweighly : Stan Wilson.. Slapsie Ma-Nie stoiis more ;Dunc.hos in this yarn that at. any time during his profci.' Michael. n.irlmr.'U.... ITorni.iin..;.. (•JoUlie. . .-.. .. .Well.a........ Darey-HaWk-. Al-........... Peyton..., l.">ockcr,.. i'. . 1")lcT:.Mon UcceptloniKti Crisby.'...... . ..> .Ti:.'ir.v . U'»Oil|iliry .;....; I'll 111 Ctiiiini.v:.' ;..I .(•e.-H-'ittrii-lt ,. '. ..rtkrh-inl ' liaiic ... . . r.j'adlPv. I'H.'jf .'riiiii Kennciry .... .;..(1coi'.5i' .li-vln^r • I'^'aiii: M. - 'J'h'unas ., ....; . .Tai?!t (.'ursiiii ....... ...Vice ('i-.aiK . .... .ilaiii'e.i C'oiillii Completely satisfactory program' picture, a rrielodramatic farce which is laid in and around the stages pf . a Hoily\yood studio, this one fits nicely into, the less important theatres which play double bill.s; . Lee Tracy is a screen writer who selects an ex-convict .as a collabora- tor and fictionizes a bank robbery in -Which latter was frarried by while palj. Exhibition of the film gives the police new leads to crim inals. and bring,s gang."5ters to Holly- wood to stop further, dxposes. There are laughs, pistol ishbi.< mistaken identities and suspense when charac- ters pver-run a film producing plant Originality of the plot and its: de- v.lopment give Tracy,-a . chance to move and talk fast in his character- istic manner. Good supporting per- formances are supplied by Lee Pat- rick, Richard Lane and Bradley Page, who does a dual part.: J-'liji. Daughter of Shanghai I'aramoiiiit proiluetlon pnd ri If^ajie. Ke*" lili-i':< Anitu ,AI)iy \VonK. .b-n-i-livl liy KolMM-t I'Morey,- Scrc'-n play 'by Cjadya. i'lisi'r :iiid (iariU'lt. \\'esto)V, bi(;4"ir (II) Hlory liy -ib'e latf r,.'spiiiid,-f'.. Hl.sserlcb: i-lini'r:i, t'liarloH Sclioonbiiuni; . eill'or, ! ji;)l.tvv(,rlli I'/TiRland. . Af C:-lter)on. .N. ' Y,. .Dm;. aiJ, !7. I'linnlni; time. (lO min.s. I,an VIncr Mn Ki'iii Lc(> (lUo llartman 4... .\ndrow fr!|eel,e .V, Mr.-<, Mii-y Hunt.,..-. i'"i-:irii,- n.Ti-den'.,. I.... I ('lira- i)Oi-o.v..,. I,., 'larry ifdi'Rtin,..... ,. I iilorpretpr .....;. , .■ .lamra l/an".., ('tviilittn Oulncr;......, ;.Iiil;(»,.Kclly.,.. .„. . '.., niian r,ln'.-,... .. /..,.' All .F()ii(:.. . . .; VIi-. 'VorUland,.......; Sccrrlarv Aniali,.;; , . .-.. s-..n r.lllte. ■-. 1............^;... Mi>\m1 nur;,-clt........ •'llrH (•'.Ii'iicse .(V.'ndy Vendei' "l.ione <\U \. I-,... .;.:.. .'■Icluvirl7! . .... .. Vii'ci-ican Dancer, i .l. illor Uanrei-:.. Oll-l!! ,.. .. fl V'llSV .■ I;> nsv . CMiii'.so- 'ouUi. ArtierltMi ..Anna ,M>iy Wumit I'lillio Ahn . .C'bMrlca I!|i'lvi''i-<1 I.iarry Ci-.-ilibn . iCi'cil ('unn.Iii'iliniii . ■. ..1. ('nrrt)l Na.lhJi .,... . I'lvdyn nrcnt ...; .Vnlboiiy (.i.iiinn ..... .(lino CorrriOo . ■.,''<h I' l I Icrso'ii ,..., .. l.i'rod' KVilvli'r. .. . , .l;'r:-iilc .Snil.v' .. .(."biiiir. \\'Mh Lp'a ; .Maiirii'c l,hi , . ,... IV'i'i' -^\'!il'(lr^- .. Arc1il.>'Twlti'-lU'lI. . .Mr... WdiKi- Win ..-I'lrncsi; Wbi i.'hari . I. ,Ma" Hifscii .. .(luv iVMoM P(i-<t .... ...'.". .F'lil Ii'Ik ; . .. . I/iven 'ro-ri, .I r.... .'. .I . 'lwcn Kcnyort , •,. .riiai-.Icp. Wl'ron ■ . .Virr;liii'( D.'ibncy ,; . ...... ...,.. ..Irthn Ilart .Cai mCn. Ilalley. .Paiilltri ArviTsu, '' ■'. T'.'icme'V Tioitac. 'I'inn M'^ii.'i''<t . ..Mai-'? ;'Rlirton, P^iiH D'Ca'-do, . . ; Alma, I'.l-in.c/i VI.K-her . . A1"X • Wolii-lilri ■ .... ..'i'.- ...-.;... .-A^jo.slInn TioriT.Ti0 l-li-Mf>'» Wotiu ; .Andre. I'. Marsaudoa.' PRIE WENSCHEN ('Three Wishes') . .(ITALIAN MADE*) The Hague, Diec. 20. Odedn Film or Mahenlt produc- tion, made at ;Clne.M .fUlt.! . .Sludio.s. Itniiic. Fe.'vlure.s Annie van an'!'-.Jan 'I'cuU' |ni;s. ■ Ulrcclcd by Kuj't .(i«ri-on. .Screen- pliy by R Zeukenilorft arid ;\. II. di' .Imi":: camera, A'<oa Ti''arUaH;-cdiliir, ;iaii ' .sen. . At - Melroiiole rulace, ' Tl'ie ' ilasue. rtiinnlnsr time, 71 nijiis.' Maria Scudo. Tii>o Mnrantc. 'I'lie •Rich -Cenllema'ii. ti'ortlnl. f 'ora Corelll.. Marco. Mr.". Tnllonl. (.'ampaBiil. s, , . Aiinif van Diiyn . Ian 'i'l'iiitiii.rvi . viliilcM \'cr.-<l i-acje .......Piet liron ...Miiiii Hii(',«n:icli .,.... .<.Vni|H (i.-iliM- ........ a l' ' UmiliiT. ... . ireriiian Duiibcr LADY BEHAVE I!e|i(iMi ■> rci--arf ■ nf ' A I.'.i'm I ^ I J;.' •:\i>;. rinlnVllnn. Slais ..S;.J1.\ . I:11!-.ih: -- i' -i'iiii'.c-' '.N'eil If'iinlluiii. - .-|.i...>'>lr - ,^'b liM.raiit. I ill-i'ctcil liy .l,lii.\ I ('.Ki'i jv.;i,'i. Si-i •'••Ml i'..!a.( . .Iiij-cpli; ;Ki-iimi;iil.l;. f i'f.". I'liii-'ci . mlijlna'. Ki um-.-iild; »-.,-iiiici;,-i, .llair.v'Will'!; Iliin odl- 101-, '.\\'illlaill .\l.>|-.-;:i . " l'.ri'V>\v ,1 ' i.ii f'l-n : S.o-so'- item for lower-.deck ■ dual .: • Stereotyiae crime .meller, with the Shahghiii label pasted on as a.sop to Current interest In the Sino- Tar) fracas. Since the yarn has no. connection with . Shanghai (except, 'hat many of its characters are Chinese), it's likely 'to draw little c^in from , that c.omeon.;' Marqtiee; vflues. are slight.; : > ;. Wliile the pic makies no pretentions to be more than a, plrogramer, it hafi •eyeval genuine assets. Adaptatipn has compressied the incredible inci-*. dents, of the original story into a meaty film . Script. Plot gets . Way with a rush, is minus incbn- scquentials, builds a certain amolint of suspense and sprints to a climax, - Good example of .Hollywood's ef-^ ficieney in . turning out '; palatable trifles. ' Plot deals with the smuggling of .nliens into the U. S. Powerful rini( is headed by a Frisco society matrori and has tentacles soreading through Ihe west and into the isUhds of the . tropics. As the. dutiful American- Chinese dau.ghter ; whoso father is slain by the racketeers to prevent hi,i exposing them, Anna .May Wontf wears vengeance oii the culpriLs, tracks one of the ringleaders to his island base, poses as a come-ah<J^ •^et-me cabaret entertainer and un- covers thc^ needed evidence. Team- ing with a Chinese operative of the U. S. . Department of Justice.' .she help.s. bring the: villains to justice. Obvious, romantic fadeputi .. As the heroine; Anna May Wong i,* a handsome addition, to the produc- tion. And while the script draw.s heir character illogicali.v, she plan's with fonsiderable •blr'.nd p e r .s.u a s i o n. Ch a Bickf or d has a no th 6 f of h ih typical brute roles, while other narts are plnyed satisfactorily, if perfunc^ .torilv by Philio .Ahn, Lirry Crabbe, Cecil Cunningham, J. Carrol and Evelyn Brant. Guy Bates Is '^fi'ective in a brief oart and; Virginia. Dabney is a piquant addition as a dancer in a tropical island dive. Robert Florey's direction is caoabTe enouTh and several scenic shots.^are colorful, Iphotography and 'sound are canably handled. For a frank1.y -soond-rate ofTering,' 'Daughier 6t Shanghai' isn't half bad. liobe. She's Got Everything .RKO Claidlo pro(liict'lon nnd relea-ic.. Hl'iri .'lene P.aymond, Ariln -Sot'nern-; -reittu'r^.H. Vlc- Ior Moore, Helen lirodcrlcl.,':im, iJllly Gilbert. .plrectPil by Jo.Moiili. i-'aiilley. .■^''j-cenplay by M:irry ScKul, M'l^wcll Sh-ine; ■ •aniern, .Jiick MacKen-'.le. Reviewed In IVo- Jf'fllon rQorn. Ni Y., iJeo. :J4, '^7,' IJunnlrisr 1 irnc.- 70 mins, l''iilli>r .ici'lloii r.D.i'M. .V y-.; ,l'(>i '■ill';- I' ill". Til MiidK, l',-iii|-i Ki'iid-Jir. . . ....... ,Slf iilici-M I '-ir I'M.- ..... -. . ^Tii'i..'\i;'i ;a!i bif-.' .Il I IiirUui W'ijllai'ii:'...... .-. ' 'lari''''. .'. . .'. ......\ P;ili--^MM.;. ..-.- ... . . : I i:-ni;........ :!iii.-ii,; .: M"ri-I 1.. ...,. ■. iiii.ti-'l .. .:..;....' . <rin K'V-i '.' : . . : • I'licit;: . : . . . ; I - :;i7 tUln- . .\ .. Ha'.I,-, l-ricr.v. I ri.iriiiliiiii .!i-,-:.-')|l'r,i-i'lll . .1 '.lanl Ml '•licir . ,.. f'al.i lcla . j''a|-i -.i-! y.'.i" Iiinc'-i . ('ii'' I-;!-Miis- ..W .11 i-i'iv ■ I (V m.'i . .-..Kill .-'m'i '.Ii'i^ii: ■ 11 il ■• 11ii'Min'iu S;<('l|l-l-l' ( li'ii ic/ u . ,.\l ii> (•,.i.l\i. Bi'.^amy. nti iniper-^oiviUoti and 'heir coinplijut;;),!U -i./e ii'.ii-oe-!c.:l in (In Dutch) ■ Production of this film, in Rome was delayed, by various difficalties. Considering everything, .it - is cred- itable that the pic. is .as good as it is.. "Three Wishes' is a pleasing ve'rti(;le fOr .the butch rnarfcet, but not likely to ;cause miich- stir elsewhere. Charming and often .riginal p'c combines an bid: faii.T tale iid a modern story. Annie van buyn gives a moving .portrayal as the;' Is'good- lookipg: and .'has several strong scenes ' Jan Teulings i.S hardly ac- ceptable as the loyer. and shows a lack of .routine. Jules Vorstr.'icte iij' a -i^racious and kindly -, old man.' M'imi Bo'esnach is miscast ars a'.va'mp. Most ;jf -the supporting. [Jiirls.. are ■■k>y itlly. hariul.cdi Guus 0^ter; rhak- ing. hi.i screen debut and the Eou-: bers, A<it and Herman..are slanrl(>uls'. Gpnstruci.ion of the pietiiro d')?sn"V nieasiirt: up to American, slandards; Screenplay by Or; Zec!:eivdoriT lacks originality and sufTicieiVl Kurt Ger'ron's direction is sa'it'ac- tory;. the photography i.-j good. - Sne-; cial assets are th.e spleiKlId i-c!.in''S and -jan Teunisson's. cullin-.^, wh cli tjives the picture a better, p; co linn the usual Dutch producli'.jn's ' '-n-ol ...., Waldo -';i I! ................. ■ N'li-k ,. . ;..-; ..^....«., 1 'll-ilToo '!"m''r ....' AVrrtI; 1 OH v.".V. Vi'.'V. I '■iiiirliand .. .J.... , ' 'iii-|-ir». ......,.. .I.iiyti'(-e oC the I'cac'o. ^^ "I 111'! or ... ..,,,,.,.,; .1 >r..-.Uri<-l(er' .... ..., , I ii("|i>r ', i.'aii.'jomq ,.4,,. Gcpp RaymiVhfl ........'. .\ n n Sol berri - . . A'iclor' Mo'iro ..... Helen ; lJi-orlei-lcl{ ."... i.. .l'arl:yal;ni-(<ii» - .....:....Hilly (!iii;''.rt ... ."VVIIIlanv riri?:! arm - v.. .. .Ilerbcri (.rif.t.On ;'. A|-:'ri J!rllCj». .S illy "Ward . i.. ..\li- (ralK- I..;. .'.. ;|'"i'ef| (^"Mnl'ley.- ....... .P.ii'h-i'rd Tn^lcBr.. - . .. ..... .ficor.'-'i ]rvlnK Juuk Carauii ..Players put 'up.'a' strenuous stru.g^ - '-^le with the .sci-iot but. their efforts avail thorn - little. ^ Tha -.dirrction, doe.Tn't prove of much helo either; Nothing bright or novel is"contrib- utod to a woU-.wbrn ;.thema attd the '"vga strike a' consistently low level, of combustibility. While there's lots , of actinrr,;hard;ly..any of it gives " )r :exeitement. "The "custoiners mi^ht .)e ihel'ned to-for-live, if the program .mate to. this one is powerfully cntci-- ' tai.ning.- . ■ r 'She's Got Everything' wastes good "om-dy talent in chunks.. : Helen ■ Broderick and Victor Moore go' throu'iih heaps of words an;l..,s wilhout nud.c^ing into a s'HId I'lu 'h, md the results: aren't rouch' btitte'i' Tor. Par'kyalnrkas and Billy .(:"")-rt, ■;;voh 'when' the latter, twosome t"lce: !. i'r illing oy?" each othei: in a pud- '■llf fif-. rain. .The'one seqnense with 'ni'l..-oc-lor o-o.-^sibilitie-. is that V/;h-^h v>i! ■<ic-^on the mvrative.-In this bit, ')ride, groom and v.'ccldir"? narty are (Contitued on page 19)