Variety (Dec 1937)

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W^tlflcsii^f 24i 1937 19 one of .'those uhioh things and can't be helped. \ ^ .Alexarider Glshanetslvy should . b;e giveh a^chance to shpvv pfT.his music- She's pot fcyeryttiing ; (Continued from j^age IT) y viol^ntiy^ OQunced - about jaho^r^ p^ace tn?s to recitMhe^^^^ ber -or two. sung by Molshe^ Oysher. ;^^roar of passing, tratnc. ^^l^^ . Plorertca Weiss/ duct; : Yarii Iji-ings v^S^*^„ \^X?^i^ sound promisihg. ^ ■woma" whose late jainer ..nacv, en^^^^^ anjj j^, clbseups dbWed her with a mass of debts^^ th* stuff-shirty owner ot a coftee- Wkin-^'plarit, with Ann-Sothern ahd ^liSn&rnoiid posedL. for,th0 parts.: Giia meets jav3 -rking when the pres- <!ure f rpm her creditors leacJs to tak-^ ing-'a job as his:.'secretary, Prppin- ouitv blossoms, into romance and talk oi marriagd, but; things go awry be^ tweeh them when: the coffee mogul ip the coriclusibn that the PARADISE FOR TWO .■ -.v: /;'-^- '(BRITISH .MADE): ^ '- 'X .i '' ; : Londoh,' Dec, 20,- , . riiltcd Art)sU<i'I roieuse, ot London Film ' Production, prbducod by' Ale>;)indor. Kordu . iind Uue^hthcr Kiapehhorst. - -.Stiii'S -JupI* • Uulbcrt,. .I';uvlc1a, -Kltln.- pli-ected by rTliWu^-. liin' l''i;c(!ltthu. .ScertntJo-byv'A-rchur AIn','j'ao.; prtniern, .(Jti'iiihov tviiivniiir,- '.laolc .Asbcr. At .itie . .Odeon, .ihlns.' ... M.arLlri .. j „, Jeaimctte..-, Jacques.,; MIIU.:. Mlas CU'.lre, ; comes looks his age.-; Oyshey has a- lusty .voice^.; .In speech and manner he TCr sembies George. Jessel.' -He ter then heca n . act. In. thp chants his stuff doesn't nnve. that spiritual ;| ciarojice quality .that• makes religibus music • *'^nSa' vitally beautiful.■• \y Bi-imfl ' Judith Abarbanel as .Rlx'te, ■ the.| I'aui Duvai. childhood^sw'eetheart, is okay atmos-. ^, . phere, and Bertha Gutenberg' as the I There London.' .' Kuiinlng. .Ufne,;. 7i• ■•^,v.,..'.Jack -Hulberf .x.'.,.,;.PatVleltt fillld- :.;...., Arihur rtlscoe.' , .Uooglb . WUhei-fj v.-.-vsiyriTio-}>--li'nIrlM-ot1ie:r . .■..i.VVyUd \Va,tsoiv . i .. ... . Ua.vld . Ti be .■■.('oell- Bevan, :;..; .Anthony .Hoile.s.- ..; ■ .^ ..(Ronald. Culvtr from a the I There is s still a . hope for British hero's mother-\v6rks with too much hpictures, when th^y . :cah vturh-. .out affectation'. Lorraine Abavbanel and ahythmg . approaching, this one, whi'.^v a'ricri>iharriage,; ThroughVan-ejchibit ^^'^ii^ realization. :.-wrbng;is fb-. -.. .. and the marriage ceremony aboard - the careening^tnicfc. - - : . ■ ; JMiss Crawford is cast as the girl's iunt and duenna; Victor .Moore serves ais the bbokib who- master- '■■ minds the'-'credttbris' plot, while .Park- HEADINVEAST girl's., ihtei,est:. i. . •. +i;__,vat, .1 aneciaiiojl. ijorramc -.rwuanjamii anu i ^fj v..»..a..u^i..*. .g .n.ii. um^, «re(anors..p pt tp^Jh^i^thm^ Vicky;:Marcus,, the. t\yb children of; 4ooUs>^rehre-here.; and^^ould; 'be _ ,_...u .«o„r,otfA ThrouPh an.exniDit 1 ....... , ' mote, than: acceptable for. the Amer- ican; niarket. Is a front and .bacli^i- st^ige. musical ;story ..and-:'no. atvembt has: beeh ■ maide" to cbncipeti* with Holly wood-'in the" matt-er.of expendi' tute. -:.Production .sbenes are tela' tiv.ely. sn>alli but set jntb the jsLory and ;assist- in progressipn.:. ; .Stillipnaire . ' banker's ■'. chaUJfeur splashes a chorus .girl^while driving by,, stops to. appblogize, finds she is late fbt-reliearsal -'and drives; Iter, to the stage: dopr.. : Those -ai-ourtd the theatre recbgnize -the : car and i'm mediately the rumor goes fbrth .that she' is.: the pet of • the millibriaire. :Di:essmakers, etc., extend: credit fb the girl and send: the bills; tP the b'ahker, ; He goes .'to. investigate, caills on .her and is mista):eh :ibr a\i:eparter seeking ah interview^ : ::Mahager of the show is heavily in debt and.: be- lievihg' he can . get money from. the rich man, gives the girl the lead , in his :■. - musical. ■ 'lipporter ■ decieptiph continues, with" ithe .girl ianil milr lioh.aire .:fallirig:ian;;.::lpye •wyth' >aeh pthfer.i;: Ebssibiy :npl; pfbmi^ihg^ ::xh plot,: but it is, bfilliahtly : prbduced 'Dialog is bright and witty, and . there aire innumerable .ludicrous sitilationsi \vhich tbuch the usual western ibeale ] .Excellent production particularly in CoiumbiA 'release :of J^. G.; T.cbnai rl .priv , . , ductioiV Stars, UuflJ Jones; feu I uvea Kuth vakarkas-and Billy Gilbert: meandier- .Goieman.:.. shemi* iio:ward. ,Kifi;':e. mostly jnroj^gn ^il^'^-fL .Jbscph^^^rt . wxJ Mftnt'oe-Shaff; ArrePn : Signmcnts of CO-plptters. . AIsP .part „iny' .Eiliei -l .a. Bluttce ntia raul, Kri> nUlin v of the Cbmsdy : Cdntihguent is . Solly i-timera.'. Alien Tbomppon: . eilllor; Robert Ward He plays a small-time. vaude. cra,ndrtii. ':At^v.^rsiiy^ dual, . nun hypnotist whose antics :at. tryirtg -to bring Miss Brpderick oiit pf a trapce Srt^ v! ■ K' ;" '. . ^ account for iip little measure of the windy :..,. .i....^;.. fiihi's dullnes.s: Ddeci^ SINGING biJTLA^ I P(»nrfy;.i. i. .iv..v .:Calhoun .;;. M. .OH. B6i<!S0n;. | -I,oiiinart i Joe'.-..-.. i... Clipper i'. . Maxle ....-..-.. 1-... . RucU Jotic.fl . .HuHi (,'ple.inaT) .Sbcinp- •.Ho\\'f<.r.d Dotinlci'-.PouKhis ,'.;Klaine Afdcn .-.-ilEiiil llddRlnfJ l.,.:,/o'hn :KlU6lt ; .Sin^ ■ niyaiorie ./.iiHrtrry I.lsh. , . . ..IMi-I; .nicii .. .■.". Al Ilerma.n X'niversal- ' of.. Trem Gar«vGlenn rooU produeilon. SJnrs Bob Baker.- Directed by Jpaepli H. Lewis. Story and: Screenplay ,. .. . .. , .. . ... . ,^ . i>v B;irry.,o. wbyt; camera,- yirgU .Miller., Indicating the. gangster IS but a a\. cepiiai,. N. y.; wceii Dec, 24, '3.7. Run- yhhorn tpughiie ; compared to. the :s<:,-upCa.:don;.>... V'v^^•i-^^Bal^| ^ecpnd: bf the. series.^ with Columbia Joun MvClalu >riK;hor'n : . ■.'... -. SberifT ]-iaIj;b.t.. .. C'uebiiir: Qua-icy ..-.V. , . , .. i: ':..0^.eU»n:-'.To9 -.-i... . . ; ^..i ..... . Citlrtiiel ■IJixorf i...-... .J'e!i:B..v.; •:: Ji1:»rslin| "Siltu Fairta-x ■ IjUcy-; Harris.:.-,'....... Fuzzyv Knlslit- Cnrl Stockdale Hdrry - NYbbUa. l ..v..:.. .-. Roy;' Mason ■ .... ..Ralph 'liewlB ; iv. .tilenh Strange^^ | :. Jack: Mont'Bomery .Georgia iQ'Dell only slightly; is one of the ever ihade by Buck Jphes. AUbw^ him -to go 'from ■ranch land to the big cityl^ arid .while bh the m.etropolir tain scene .1,0 smash a prbduce:,-prp- tectibn .racket photo^riaphyy lighting and directibri, jack Hulbert is the yoUng miliibh aire anid there is -eveh' ;ah excuse .for iritrbfiucing his dancing.. Ihcidehtally. he is at his best iis he dbes nbt haVC; to carry the .whole: burden'-, of the ■: .'W'esterii' in which. the singing star, dbesn't burst . into song . without prbvocatibn is unique;, this, is one of that • typie. . . Vocal ability. of; Bob Eaker • is Avbrked' • into. ■ the story, : Jones lieginsVtrailherdi ihe tirhe seven minutes haVe .ii;^^.^?Ks?sS^U^^^^ .the only ^ark of hiS^:Past .is the big^ average musical, acts com hat^which he. wears y^ilh a I petently and photographs advantage . „, ^u^pess . suit.; -His.. ously. Next in impprtarice is Arthur along with; an abundance of actipn Elliott/has fprsaken Riscpe/ who playS the .stage manager .and unusual' .cairiera work; Baker is : one of, the. neAveF giddyap stars and. still beenis 'slightly camerai-shy; ah . impression that; is dispelled^ : however;: when ;he. exercises the : vbcal cords. In the tail spot of a dual bill opus won't have much trbu ble holdin,g lip its end..: Plot tells the story of the adveht of' a.: roaming cbwboy into .the ' terri tory where a 'sihgirig outlaw' .Is ■ at wbfkr . Baker, is Scriap .' Gordbiij . eon'tes'on a ftghf between: the oiitlaiw' and a.'tJ.. S. marshal in which both ai'e killed;; . He unintentibhally as- sumes t^e role of the marshaly which itets: him ;.intb trouble with both the :law and the-: liaiwless; .Solves the mysteries surrbuhdihg , the V disap-. pearahce of cattle, rounds Up the bandv identifies himself, and* winds vUR as usual with, a; rancher's: dotter; ' Camerawork is ejcceptiohal, dialog ' okay, ■■ ' ' TOECANTOR^^ (WITH SONGS) ' . Erbn" i-elea.»e oC'.. Arthur Block-Saiiiuel. Resar productfon. . Stars Mb(Rhes:by^her. ■■ pjrebted hy liya Motyieff. Story,.: Louis : .Ki-ehnun: dla]o,T,. Mark Schweld; niuslc . Ale.xander OlnhnnetskyV catnera. '■ Frank 7.ucl!er; art dlrijetor,. Robert Vnn ROBen; • KngHsJi titles; Julian Leigh; At' Squlrb; ■ N. y.. week Dec, 25* '37." Runnlog-time. f>.i» mlM9. ■ /■ ..:•.: • .....:,. . . ..iMblshe. 0,v9her, ..........w'.....,.. . Flbrehce' WefFS ..i... • . ^Judith Abarbanel . .>.. ki ,.. k .Michael .vi.i.... .Isidore 'CnsiiiCr .. ., .. .Judnh .Rlelch .Bertha GuttiShberft: .... .'Irving::Hotilj»mhn ..k i-;RQse .-Wailerstel-n which, after, several shipments have been ruined, causes. Buck to ; be called in for some private inyestl gatibn. : Pact that . the 'produce middlcmahi, Eari Hbdginsi has a good looking daughter, Ruth Cpleman, arouses; his- interest' considerably. Jones -hardly ' lands on the ' scene when he' chases as many rabketeers as hiappen tb be around making quite | lection; lively the .film's pace. . Comedy " comes' 'with ' Sh'ethp Howard, late of the tworreelers. and Elaine Arden, a Geprge ; Givot' in skirts; Howard's best fiinimaking comes with hi5.*appearance in gym clothes on the main Street, and run- ning races with a cop. The Ardeh girl goes with the film's rough and tumble tempo nicely. Union of Stan Blystone arid Donald Douglas'' . -forces are • the. racket- ringers, while the latter gets by as' the other side's . legal cpuhsel. Ruth Coiemari, the forriier artist's model, lookis the class she's supposed to be.; Ewing Scott's direction " .good, providing a snappy haridling bf the lines and the film Cleared of all dead space. While print shpws better use of time and money. Up to now, the Columbia Jones' series has been his best in a long time. : Barn., yshes across the street to him but. is felled; by an bnrushing truck. AH there^is leift then is the hospital Scene, with the ianiily: reunited \vith : the news that the little girl will recover.. When he has his wife. in his arms, and his two children, only then does the .rnastor realize that his loye for he beautiful piariist was just an 'In-i lerrtiezzo'T^ah interlude. . Other convincing performances are givbri by Inga Tidblad, as the wife, ;3rik Berglund as ah iriipr*>sarip,:and Haiis Ekmah, as the son. ;■. ... Mesonge Pe Nina • • Petrovni :\ ; ('The T.lt5 of Nina:Petri»vna'); •; (FRENCH MADE) '■ Paris, Dec, 19. Keillf Teleriiie of . ."^olftr. prnductlbh.; -iStaT.^ l'\'ni.a:h(! UravcL ■ and: Isa .Miranda..;■ F^o- furcs .:-.\li)\e; . Cilnrjond. . Direi'tod:' . V: l'otirJflin>K'yi' ' Si-enarlol T; 'Itpbert; . iWptn-- l-'ion": and''Mirrtloj»,.- .~Hohr|' ■ Jieari.sbn.; : nrnj.slc, Levlne iuift .>Ici:j6.<!;; -(.Amerav':<*»n't '.Cmi.rnnt.'- A'i 'tbe, ParainQuiil. Paris. ; Running, tl"!?,- !'(». mills. ■'.: .■ ■: ..■:. .: ;■.' -'h I'^ranz.,'.. . '. .■.;;. .:Fer.rinnd-fltnv'et. .N'lnii.:.'.>'.,i. . ;:;.jIsa. .Mlrand-i ilaroii-.. ;; . . ,. .: Aline. :Clnrlorit1 I'.arbhne.. ..: .Oabi'lielle-.- -.Rbr/.lnt UbI,:.'. . i.-,.: . v.. (Arittlo Vcrnay r/)Ue....'........i..........;. Poule.tte Diiborit; Oenoi'; ,.'.■ ;•.;...;,,.Pierre ,:Magh'ler nnilni'i:',-..; .. i-.v... v.. ,.-.:-■.',..-• Am.los' CbuuLeu'r.. .... .v...Marcel - Vcyrah TRAILING TROUBLE CJrarid.:N'atlrinrt'l I' ,of .\if.. M, Iloffm'ijh pi'lfiiXuctioii. i^UiiH . iCcti. :;\li»y'i'>ril, IJlfecfo.fl.- by Artltiji- -U<i,s>-6.i; sc-rcnii .pliiy by ;PhtHp. Graham White: ' .\ t . Arnnii, -N.- iji>c. 27, .\17.-.HuhiiliiK-linVo, Ti.S'inln.s., .) : ■ : .• ' ■ Friendly I-'Ij'UIImk-; ,. .... . ;:T<en. Mayn<iril .■ I'iUlericu Blnli-.....,...^.:,.'.: . lion.-) Mvlfn - (^roH'i-i.r ..;. -."Ilo-.r'p: .\V'llll'i:»nf* ilf.s.' Dunn-L ,.-.. ........v. '..'itlrnf-ft VV(iod« jiherlff.'.. .•. .:; ;':.,\... :;vV'i-ed HUrnp in low comedy fashion, without ac tualiy iresbrting to horseplay^ Rel.a tively sriiall parts are in - the hands, of such well-known^ and experi- enced artists as Wylie WatSon, Syd- ney Fairbrother, Anthony Holies, etc. There-' are apparently. dozens of others equally good, and there has been "nb 'stinting" in the cast se- Jolo. ,■ oi..: rtiyiuv.;.-. ■■"5'ossei .. ;.'. ■.r.os.seviK'li. i'. Zon'vi'l. Wall;- .:;:.-;;. Ti iu ,... ... J.- ■'C';,..,-. ■■-C'b'ilrli.eii—• - .', Rivke.le.'., V. ' SMolnielo ;-. ..;. Lorra ine Abarb.inei: .:...:.. Vlck'y:; :; (In Yiddish, with English Titles) ■ : - This' is one of the -trashiesf stories ■put to. the emulsiori. . It is- a confusion ; of exaggerated drama, Yiddish jazz, . fi-antic .comedy arid cantoric; chant. .But ; it's the stuff, which, peculiarly enough, ■ makes for sure-fire b.b.. in . the Yiddish theatre. On that prenis ise, this • picture should attract excel- lent Yiddish .patronage. .Technically,, it's a.'.niedibbre: p.ic--; tiire. Performances are mixed.. This is a stpry of a; 'riirifiway. .child . :wh.b,.'iiv.marih6bd, rises from 'a cafe :: singer tb. a.: cantor's ppst iri. a syriaT gog. .He is the only sori of apparent-, ly middle-ageii parents who suddetily .' age aijd Undertake to observe thbir ::. gpldeiV wedding.: So,, the: cantor offs ; to ,his. native village in. -Eurbpe- tb participate ' the event. There he falls for his childhood blbhde. His matronly benefactress follows from .the Stales:tb db;the renuMciation. abt-.: •'he's the entertainer whb got him >| cafe'lob. In some respects, pic ...hinds.- of' .'The Jazz:• Singer' .. The settings, are. ;somi3re;:and iiriim- pcessive. aridithe^costumes frequently are biit p£ period. Some of those . bearded qentry look more like Ken- tiicUy hillbillies. Some of their make- \< that awry. Most bf the women \ vn .thje. picture, as usual, are matronly and. ti'ue to type.^ That's, probably V 'Univifi sai release; of: Buck' Jones produc- tion. Starii Buolc Jone.-^. Dlrci ted by Buck Jones and Chas. t:. tJusou. OriKlnul story by Charles- M.' Miir.lin; .sVi-eenpliry - by Fran- ces GiilhaW; camera, Allen Tboinpsoir. and .lolihUickaon.: At Arena;-.V. Y.. du il. three daya. D'eeV '^0.^28. Ruiinine' tln^e; .mlhs. .Al.imb Bowie...... .Buclj ..Tones Nellie Cray.:. y.'. /. .'i... ...»•;. . . Muricl lOvans iVoe-HoIllday.........v.,Hnrvev Clark .ludge; llart.. i.... . J'wi Slockdrtle Jack- Dunn. ... ;■..; .liJarle 1 lo<li?ln.*r Bult CliinloH.., ............AU-xundei"Cross "INTERMEZZO ('Interlude') ■:'::--^ i> (SWEDISH ?TADE) ScitidlnaVlan .Talking Picture.') release, of A.' B. Svcnak production). : Features GoSlu Kkiiian, Ihgfrl*' Hcrgftian, Inga Tldblqd. Directed by Gustaf Molander. ,:Story by Oosla - Stevens, . Guatav~'>tolander;: score; Heplz Provbst. At Gtiiema; de Paris, N. Y., week. t)ec. a4, '37; Running tinie. 8S nilhs. ttolger Brandt.;.;,.. i .>... ..Gosta Elchian Margit Brindt.;.....; i.-.;,,,.. Inga Tldblad Ake;>;,.. .V. V, ..i. i» ... < i Hans Ekman Ann-Matte; ......,;;^... ...Brltt Hagnian Charles Moller..'..i.i..i"...'.Erlk Rerglund Anita Hoffman..-..........Ingrld, Bergniup. Thomas Stenbolrg.....;..',... .Hugo BJorne 'Greta. .....i-Emina M^lsner i (In French) "'' This v/'ijl go dowa as one of the. best, films produced here ■ during 1937. ..Besides, being b.b. in this country,: it will dp/ business 'aBrpad. ShbUld'.- be something- like'.a ~ sure, thing in' the Unitfed- States. , : ;4; Commendable •prodUction'.fbr i this couritry; with Gravet turning in the best - he-, has: dprie Ph :,this side.:-' Isa Miran)da,';altlipugh . little light iri dramatic scenes; generally extel'-. lent in a difficult rplei. ;Aime Ciaifi- ond is a convihciri^ Austriairi barOn Direction is thorough. Sound and photography are gobd, with the ;Whole productidn moving ,as if shbuld; . .■'"■. ' : ' Story cbncerns a demirriionde who is won at a: revolver shooting. com- petitibri ah officers' gathering in St. Petersburg. She becbmei the virinher's mistress, falls, in love With his -best -friend: iirtd .in the end com-: mits /suicide because shie cannot keep: the bargain she made tb save the man she loves. ■.' . . '. . Airrie, Clariprid is the baron who finds Isa Miranda in Russia and takes her to Vienna as his mistress. Unknown to him, Gravet, fellow officer and his best friend, meets Isa arid they fall in loVe. They go away, together to find- liiion their' re- turn that Clariond knows all. He challenges. Gravet. to a duel. Mi- randa, kripwirig of Clarlond's. marks- manship, gees to him and promises that if he will not kill Gravet she will returrivto bim.. She rettirrisi but cannot keep the agreeriient. Rathier than continue, she shoots Ihsrself. - :. Suicidefscfene; is too dirawri. out and' the scene in which Miraijida tries to convince Gravet she has never loved him is not -as ' tonvinctrig as are other shots ot the same nature. But the whole makes aii excellent pro- duction. ■;■■'■; '.; '■■ Newcomer is Annie Vernay as the girl who is in love with Gravet. Sbrtie: difficult mbriiea^s fall to her but; they are well handled. Ga- brielle Dorziat is also effective. ' Petidedly sub-standarcl Ken May-> hard .starrer, tbo palsied paced fbr a .: western -with a plot sis punctured as?. ^ aTs.fieve!." Star permits himself..tb'.si'b.w ' up .to the, snail's pace of the footage,.- and/the lack of iany ,horiest-to-gbsh ': neayias. crimps the cause badly;" May- , iiaird fans: Will be disappointed.; Only alleviation;film bfters'.is sbriie. - brief reelage of chUses; gun and fist flghls are singularly absent. , . ■ -:■ ' Mayriard ^ plays the: : mislakehly. identified, covvhah'd . in plot:.form No. . A3. The other charactex-S',thin.l?^ he's a: . Ibwdowri named ;Blacki'e. ."with .:so -: many nbtqhes . on' his gun barrbl'- it:: . has bbguri to resemble a' banrl-SaWi: -.; He's really. riot^ of : course, . but a v. prairiev edition of a Charter member. - of the Big Brother'Club;, . .>Ie saves the herd arid rarich belonging to the heroine, who has rip rtia .ripr/pa to .:; proect her. . '■" ■ : Lona Andre i.f decidedly unlmpres-.. sive as.the femme lead;.she's npt the type to fit in pictprially as a wcs.tem hbrbihe, and the vaiiibish maKoup she uses militates a.^ainst.her further. Roger Williarhs rates a mention in-a . semi-villainous.' supporting: . :.role;. others iri . the cast, serve . as little'. iriore: than : outli'^es c.^u.fJht ih the cam.era's. scope. • Comedy is not, only ncll'^iblfe. but:nuriib. ;. Direction faltering: camera was better handled than all the bt^ '\r 4e^ partments; - ■:'''\-' • : '. - Bert. Segitseg ; Prpkoltsm ' ('Help; I'm an Heir') .DixnuWa Pleturef*,, Inc.. release 'of .Ctlol>u« .Film. ' . Stars. Irene Agal. Directed . by ' . .Stephen S7.ekely(.: .Screen play ^idnptcd by Tstvan' -Mfhaly front story- )<y -;Olio ■ Indlff- find V. .MlUlos.:, LojlnJ-z.' .(."aniera,:. Stcv<;ft . .Elbert; miislc, l«tvnrt UasHinl: At Modern. Y., - Dec. , 21. '37. :. Itunnlng time 'M. mins. .'■-. " iCaoka... ,■..■.'.., .'. Oyula.: lidrHm....;'.:..; Aunt':'Marl.... ......' I.Vr.- D.pnibay ...., 1.... .. iRnrbn -Biivah;..i The Co'iinteaH......., The rount..:,'......:...: .George.'.. .'...f.:.-^-.'.. -:• .:.';'. . .Treiie Apal .;. ;Gyura- C'02bii - I'iroska Vas^'iry :-. .CSp.bor'^Fla'Jnhy ,.. .X-ray. , . Erzsl'.SImoP - .-.;'Ari»ad l>holfty ;:v.C*yorey^"Dene«. Buck Jbnes is Buck Jones, and the ^ : ig and: Silver can do no wrong, t\ J reasons why Jones' giddyappers c-idoril fail at the bi ; in a neighT borhood where juves are numerous, r^urrerit release contains nothing to get excite'' about, though it provides plenty action. . Story is disjointed due to poor direction, and .acting; exr cept." f >• performance of Miiriel Evans, is below par.;. -:. ; Jonbs is special agent employed by operators: of a stage.' cbacli;line: to halt robberies of: gold; shipriients. Gang is headed by a mysterious: fig- ure called Twin Gun Jack. .He di- rects thtf activities: of the gang by remote control, until' Jones arrives ori the scene and aids the sheriff in releasing th.e- toiwn from the grip, of: .'.\ .prism in which it is. held. Gang even has the local jud.f»e .bultalo.od. sp that if they: are nailed reclharided t! ';re is no cbriviotiojJ.. .While: bein.ti i:' '"^ ..p.risorier y Jones to. IhS-Ure his^ anpbararice iiV ;cour .: to; sentence bne of 5 :gari:ff nabbed by Buck, judge is abducted an' taken' to. the ranch of' the gang leader.' ■ Jo.ries" .decides; the tirbe . has-':come ■ fpr . .iactionr - hb rounds up the rowdies, collars and unmas* the leader, and heads back to Texas. ' . Camerawork and sound (In ;Stuedish;n^it»v-BneiHsht Titles) *Interme';'o' takes its place among the . finest. foreign pictures to, be shown on American soil this year It is pdigriarit, full of pathbs, 'and. above all, has shown in Irigrid. Berg- man; V a talented; - beautiful iactress Miss, Bergman's star is dgstiried; for Hollywood. . . -. Although Miss- Bargriian s beauty and : spleridid bharaicter.ization' las Anita . Hoffni£ri, the ill<ated .third person in the triangle, is: outstandirig; Gosta Ekrhan». Sweden's, veteran of the screen, is not far :behind as the violin master, Ilolger Brandt . -.-'- The two lend a superb touch to the filrii as the loVers whose ult.imate fate sec.s dbstinbd for/.iinhappiness. But splendid sbri7?ting ha? spun .a; tale that leaves the happy finale con- vincing arid beyond reproach. ; It is through her teaching 6f to Ann-Marie - (Britt Hagman ). tiny d -.u ^ htt:- of /Brandt, that Miss Berg- man and^ the violin player mcetv. Their frieridship: first a mutual prof fe^sibrial. adrniration;;: riperis to love, Ekmari then forifices his. wife and children! lea\ 'ng ori; a cpncert tour, with Miss : Bergman as h; accom- pany ist.-V '■ ' ,i,'-:. '. ■ .-■ - - : Ekman i-stablishes ne,\v; heights: to his ^concert • f amb^with: MiSs ; Berg-: riiari at the piano, always dwarfed by the master/ But her- love- fpr the older '^ori.': is moving; . It is- enough for her. although "she realizes- the ih- evjtable i-pprbach bf :the; dregs, But raniil-y ties call tb Ekmari. H.i.s young amour. sees him" straining at " the: bit.. She then makes the supreme, sacri- fice. : ^2;a- inf;' him. ;": Left alone, he wanders,, wanting, yet hot. daring." to rctur i' to his home. .Finally, the urge to see his small daughter is. tob .much.: He returns, to the hori^eland. i£ only for the purpose bf, a frag m'ehtary sight of Ann-Marie. But her near-tragedy.' serves to a Dbgli Anflreli :: ('Tomb of the Anrels' : (ITALIAN MADE) .-'.' Rome, Dec. 21. - . njoi^flmhi. hrbduotlo'n .arid- rfelcase.. 'Star's. Atiiei]e<» Najs-.5ari; l.ulsa Ferlda and Antbrilo Oradolk- ' ;J>lrci-tcrt-. -by.. :Carlo : JjUdbvico' Hr!i.'.fapnft. • .S.cenarib, «>«are. Viol .nfiuslv. . .:Maisfetll; -camera, .AlbertclU and i'upilir.; ■' . . -;.v: . '" ".' ;;:.■/.. (In Italian) [■ This filiri taken in the m^ ries and. mine.*? bf Carrara will, he first Italian-made pic to ioie dubbed ini Engiish. ■ - Ariglb-Eiiropeari. . Film Pistributors, LtiJ.v boU ii for dis- Iribution in England, Stbiry'is a strange :varidtiori";ori the triangle theme, about. ari< engaged couple; and teils • how.the, girl falls iri love with her fiance's friendv' how the fianc&'s -accidental death part.s' chem for a time and hbv%r they finally .cbriie: together again; .- AlPrigside .th lb;'i^.e,; story'. the film describes the v^tory' of unemplbyment in a miriiriJl district, and this; story as Well; as the, loH> :story is crowned wiUi^.-£^ eliding. . V r/-y - ,i/Iairt intbr<rst- in this :pic. lists' in the dtscriptibri 01. the' Carrara, rnihes and f;L:-arrieS.: That is prbb£ib!.j' why it 'r;a i :bebo iibught; for dis;nbUt;ori in England, where, it should ;mt2i"''.st big. mining ■districts; Film-:WQul'd. prob-! ably have to be. revamped if it were to make go in Americari m?^rket, as parts' Of it are iriuch Hpb: heavy fyf Ame'ricari taste, and .parts of it dra?, :. Ariiedeb. Nazzari .a;nd: Luisa Feiiida are attractive couple, but their actiri-^. is :;urieVcn.: Descriptive scettes of work and 'worker^ are,effective,.ev.eri though they are nbt giyen: too much nroniinerice. Film has good and bad Spots; is. interesting of its novelty. . .Preriiiere was :held:rh Cbr- rara" itself, Wliere workers .and: miri- ei?s turried but .'full force to .see it aWakeri the latent, ^strbhger family I Biit Italian: city audiences have npt bond. Ann-Marie sees her father, | gone fbr filpfi Very riiuch. Hc.ln. Yfn H«no(orian,v Nb:^^^^^^ \ Seeriiirigly; this pictiire was llior- - bughly; en joyed by. those in' the; au- dienbe who uhderstood the language, and who laughed heartily at the nu- y riierbas-comic, :situatibns.v Being in -:_ Magyar Withbui English .titles if or those who don't know the lingo, it's ■ hard to folldW. It may be terrific for the local Hurigariaris. but it's riot likely, to.; have any native draw. Story deals with an unexpected in- heritance by - a family of; modest :: meians, terms of the will stipulating that the. heirs, mbve into the house formerly' -occupied by fhe deceased relative. Unaccustomed to the new surroundings, they arc at first un- comfortable in the midst of servants, swank,- etc.' A local iriipbverishcd baron of the playboy type.- comes : around to look int-j the possibilltiies of making a match With the young, lady of the house. She is; a former " schbolniarrii, Who poses as a maid to . f»ive him. the bnce-over; He is taken by her in this role, and gives her a job in his own cmployv subf^qifntly-. «ettirig mixed up. in a trian^jle. How- ever, ... all the complications . aire straightened out and the. barpn de- , cides; to go t!^ hbnest work, where- .. uoon the maid dro"s her dis'^tuise and : accepts his.offer of rijirriano. • ;- . - For tl^-0.6casipri:Q.f the jSth picture ■ : directed - bv. Stephen .Sz«»'-elv. wh'*ch. . is bein.g shp'ivn at. the Modern.:'tbe'' dlrept'-r and his wife. Irene Af!ai» star of the' riictUrev are :malcin« rier- :Son?i ;abr)earah'Tf»s. I.otfer i.s' called the Hungarian Mary.Pickford by the:. press at, hb>^.o. .'^ccordi^T.'tp.-tb'* rn.'^n'' - .<»nrjerneVf.. .H'>"r.huph'^"f^ r^'A torbe : the. leadin"? HunTarian directbr. : €0N^ ■y^'''-.:;''- Hollywobd, Dec. 28. ; .Metro .ticketed Robert Whitney; S. F. Theatrb Guild: juvc.' tb: a playing; termer; '..•■ ,.:.';: ■ . ;•;- Robert .. Allen ;' drew an optioned - playing termer at 2.0th-Fbx. ;. RKO placed Frances -Mercer, daughter of Sid 'Mercer, ^N.' Y. -sports.: writer; on its term cpritrabt list Gene Lewis sriagged a new ticket . as dialog director at Warners. : ' ;^ ':vBr'uce.Humb'erstorie's dtrectirig bp- .; tibn validafpd. ior. another year at • 20th-Fox; '■:.- ■\:-:.'.:. '■ ■..';•. Hal Roach -handed Ch arles. D. Hall, art director, a new pact; : J. Edward Brbmberg's actor .option.; snao^ed up at 2nth-Fox. Player bptiohs bf James Stepherir son audi Brlice Listbr. British pliayerSjj; picked up at Warnerj;. - ..: George Robins'^n.; Uriivei-sal. camc'-- ramanV'Sigh'atured! new termer. ■ . Pararhbunt holds ;Qliyer ; Hinsdelli; dr^malic- coach.' for nribth'^'' Ve''^^^^^^^ - Richard Lane had; hi's RKO pi ayer option hoisted for another ybar. .- Lew Pollr^c'c: St?irted his fotirth ; vear at 20th-Fox uridet ,ari bjgitipn oiokuo. ' ■' '''.: - ■ Paramount handed Laurie .Lee a term ticket, . ';