Variety (Dec 1937)

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Weiliiestlay* Decomber 29, 1937 PICTURES VARtETY 27 Advance Production Chart (Continued :from page 25) Holt. Dorothy Stickney, Florence Lake, Genee Hall, Alice Cavenna; •THK ADVENTURES OF MARCO POLO,' produced by Samuel Goldwyn; diiecUd by Archie Mayo; screen play by Robert Emmett Sherwood; photo- graphed by Rudolf Mate and Archie Stout. Cast; Gary Cooper, Sigrid Gurie, Ernest Truex, JBinnie Barnes, Baoil Rathbone, George Barljicr, Lotus Liu, Ferdinand Gottschalk, 'THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER,' produced by David O. :Sel7:- nick; directed by, Norman Taurog; screen play by John V. A; Weaver, fro in story by Mark Twain; photographed by James Wong Howe and. Wilfried. ClinV Cast: Tommy Kelly, Jackie .Morah May llobson, Walter Brennah, Ahh Gillis. Victor Jpry, Mickey Rentchler, Cova Sue Collins, Charles Rich- man, Spring Byington, David Holt, Marcia Mae Jones, Margaret Hamilton, Philip Hurtic, Erville Alderson, Donald Meek, Nana Bryant. Victor Kilian, Frank McGlynn, Sr. 'THE GOLDWYN FOLLIES,' produced by Samuel Goldwyn; directed by Georgia Marshall; photography by Gregg ifoland; original screen play by Ben Hecht. Cast: Kenny Baker, Virginia Verrill, Adolphe Menjou, the Ritz Brother.s, Helen Jep.son; Charles KuUmann, Phil Bakor, Edgar Bergen and,Charlie McCarthy^ Zorina, Bobby Clar':, Ella Logan, William .Dollar, George Balanchine's American Ballet, Andrea Leeds. Ufliversal totikl Number Number Now of Pix Com- Shoot- Promised pleted in^ 50 17 1 Now Balance to in Be Placed Stories in Cutting Before Prepara- Roonis Cameras tion Pictures in the/cutting rooms or awaiting previews: 'SUDDJiN BILL DORN,'. produced by. Buck Jones; directed by: :Ray Taylor; novel by Jackson Gregory; screen play by Frances Guihan. Cast: Buck Jon-3, Noel Francis, Frank McGlynn, Sr., Harold Hodge, Ted Adams* Evelyn Brenc, Lee i'helps. •SINGING OUTLAW,' formerly titled 'RENEGADE WRANGLERS,' pro- duced by Trem Garr; directed by .Joe Lewis; original screen play by Harry O. Hoyt; photographed by Virgil Miller. Cast: Bob Baker, Joan Baixlayj Fuzzy Knight. 'INTERNATIONAL SPY,' produced, by Trem Gair; directed by Joe Lewis; original'screen play by George Waggner; phbt6gi-aphed by Harry Neumiann. Cast; William Hall, Jane Wyman, Esther Ralston, Robert War- wick. ■ ■'.' 'THE JURY'S SECRET,'formerly iitled 'DEADLOCKED,' formerly titled •MORE THAN .LOVE,' produced by Edmund Grainger; directed by Ted Sloman; original by Lester Cole; screen play by Lester Colfe and N6wman Levy; photographed, by Milton Krasner. Cast: Kent Taylor, Fay Wray, Larry Blake, Nan Gray, Samuel S. Hinds, Halliwell Hobbes, Jane Darwell> Fritz Leibcr, Granville Bates, Leonard Mudie, Bert Roach, Virginia Sale, Lillian Elliott, John Miller, Henry Hunter. • . 'THE BLACK DOLL,' produced by Larry Fox.and ItVing Starr; directed by^tis Gannett; screen play by Robertson White from novel by William Edward -Hayes; photographed by Ira Morgan. Cast; Donald Woods, Nan Grey, Edgar Kennedy, C. Henry Gordon, John Wray, Doris Lloyd, Addison Richards. William Lundigan. •FLASH GORDON'S TRIP TO MARS/ (serial) produced by , Barney Sarecky; directed by Forde Beebe and Robert Hill; original screen play by Ray Trampe, Norman S. Hall and Herb Dalmis, based on syndicated cartoon strip; photographed by Jerry Ash. Cast; Larry 'Buster' Crabbe, Jean Rogers, Frank Shannon, Charles Middletoh, Donald Kerr, Beatrice Roberts. Dick Alexander. 'BORDER WOLVES,' produced by Trem Carr; directed by Joseph H. Lewis; story and screen plajf by Norton ,S. Parker; photographed by Harry ! Neumann. Cast: Bob Bak^r, Connie Moore, Fuizy Knight, Dickie Jones, Willie Fung, Glenn Strange, Frank Campeau, Oscar O'Shea, Ed Cassidy, Jack Montgomery, Dick Dorrell, Arthur .Van Slyke, Frank Ellis. • 'MOUNTAINS ARE MY KINGDOM/ produced by Henry , MacRae; directed, by Wyndham Gittens; screen play by Eliot Gibbons from novel by Stuart Hardy; photographed by Ellwood Bredell. Cast: Noah Beery, Jr.; Frances Robiniion, Fred Kohler, Sr.; Robert Barrat, Alpnzd Price, William Lundigan, 'MIDNIGHT INTRUDER,' produced by Trem Carr; directed, by Arthur Lubin; screen plSy by Lester Cole from novel by Channing Pollock, Cast: Louis Hay ward, Barbara Read, Sheila Bromley, J. C. Nugent, Eric Linden, Pierre Watfcln. Ilobert Greig, Irving Bacon. . Universal Pic Now in Production 'MAD ABOUT MUSIC,' produced by Joe Pasternak; directed by Normah Tauiog: .original story by Marcella .Burke and Frederick Kohner; screen play by Bruce Manning and Felix Jackson; photographed by Joseph ValentiTie. Cast: Deanna Durbin, Herbert Marshall^ Arthur Treacher, Christian Rub,. Jackie Moran, Marcia Mae Jones, Nana Bryant, Elizabeth Risdon, Helen Parrish, Joan Tree; Martha O^DriscoU. Warners Just .Suspicious Minneapolis, Dec, ,28. , Century theatte' here halted; exploitation stuxxtvfdr 'It's' Love I'm After' iollowing com-, plaints, from- several irate hus- bands whom it had. gotten into trouble with their wives.-Stunt consisted of , handing out small cards reading. ^'It's' Lov.e .I'm After—Bette., Atlantic. • 6116;' Complainants had stuck,- them in their pockets, without first ^perusing . contents and better halves had found, 'em . and set up a howfl, ■ It was only after the couples figured out -that the -gag con- cex-ned a film a.hd, that, the tele- IDhpne. number was that of the Minnesota Arrius Co. that peace and harmony were restored to the homes • involved. Goes Voodbd (Continued from plage 1) "struments.- The result iis musical bedlam, with an hypnotic eflect on tiiC youngsters frequenting ih6 Hick-, ory of Sunday afternoons. A circular bar surrounds the band piatform and the addicts sit about thfe bar with expressions ranging from ecstasy; to stupefaction, all niadly harnmering! the time with spoons, glasses pr. hands. And the Hickory bar- Kas .tbe. jripst gl6aming glasses of any ';.. becsn^^^ waiters 'can't l#'6p - fri^ni''- pgUshing them in time to .th«;musidi> . . ■ The atmosphere Is informs^^^ it mildly, Sunday (26) en-, tranced girl wearing a dress rhade entirely of leather danced about among the tables all by herself, ,Vis- iting rnusicians bring their instru- ments and join the band,. with or without invitation. There are no ar- rangemients and no written. notes.. It's every man for himself. - Mr. Marsala, with a crusading light in his black eyes,. complains that radio is killing creative music (mieaning 'jam'). The studios don't like to, have an orchestra go on the air unless they know just what the performance is going to be, 'Pure* swing, says Mr. Marsala,, is all im- provisation. Therefore you rieyer hear 'pure' swing on th,e air. Toscanini and his colleagues may lift horrified brows if they like, but Mr. Marsala and his devotees main- tain, that the voOdooistic , musical commotion known as -jam' is in- spired rhythm of the highest type. However that may be, it is insidiou.s, and even noirmally sensible people have been known to get a wild look and an urge to hammer tablcs.'frorh exposure to jam sessions. Now Balance to Number ITumbeir Now in Be Placed Stories in of Pix Com- Shoot- Cuttins Be'ore Prepara-. Promised pleted ing Rooms Cameras tion Total 60 ' 25 3 12 20 22 Pictures in the cutting rooms or awaiting previews are: •PATIENT IN ROOM 18,' produced by Bryan Foy; directed by Bobby Connolly; original sci*een play by Mignon Eberhart; photographed by James Van Trees. Cast: Ann Sheridan, Patric KrioWles, Vicki Lester,/ Edward McWade. ., 'ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN,' produced by Bryan Foy; directed by William Clemens; original screen play by George Brickei-, Aiilhony Colde- way'aiid Morton Graiit; photographed by Bob. Ross. Cast; Ronald Reagan, Gloria Blondell, Addison Richards, Hugh O'Conncll, Dick Purcell, Sheila Bromley, 'WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT,' formerly titled 'THIS WOMAN IS DAN- GEROUS,' and 'RETURN FROM LIMBO,' produced by Robert Lord; di- rected by Stanley Logan; original by A. H. Z. Carr; screen play by Horace Jackson; photographed by Sid Hickox. Cast; Kay Francis, Pat O'Brien, Alan Mowbray, Gordon Oliver, Ralph ForbcsS, Herbei't Rawlinson, John Eldredge. Thurston Hall, Grant Mitchell, 'GIRLS ON PROBATION,' formerly titled "TOO MUCH OF EVERY- THING,Vproduced by Bryan Foy;:directed by Arthur Lubin; original screen play by Lawrence Kimble, Jean Negul(2!5do and.Wally Klein; photogi-aphed oy Barne.s; Cast: Dolores Costello, Bonila Granville, Donald Crisp, Donald BriggSi Natalie Moorhead,^^:Lucille Gleasbn. •PENROD AND IHS TWIN , BROTHER,', produced by Br.yan Foy; di- rected Vjy William McGann; original screen play .by \Viiliara Jacobs and Hugh Cuirimings." photographed by Arthur Todd. Cast: Billy and Bobby Mauch, Spring Byington, Charles Halton, Jackie Morrow. Be'nnie Bartlett, Frank Craven. • - •DAREDEVIL DRIVERS/ formerly titled 'HIGHWAY PIRATES,' pro- duced by Bryan Foy; directed by B. Reeve.s Eason; original .screen play by Sherman Lowe; photographed by Ted McCords. Cast; Beverly Roberts, Dick Purcell. Gloria Blondell, Charles Foy, •BLONDES AT WORK,' produced b.-y Bryan Foy; directed by Fi-ai.k McDonald; original screen play by Albert Defnond; photographed by Wai-- ren Lynch. Cast: Glendd Fkrrell, Barton MacLahe, Torn Kennedy, Rosella . TownCi Donald Briggs, Kenneth Harlan. Carole Landis, ... 'GOLD IS WHERE. YOU FIND IT,' produced in technicolor by Sam BischofT; dircctied by Michael C^urtiz;, story by Clement.s;. Ripley; screen play by Warren DufT and Robert Buckncr; photographed by Sol Polito. Cast: . /George Brent, Olivia ;de Havilland. Claude Rains. Mart:ari;t Lindsay, Tim Holt. Russell Simpson, John Litel, George Haye.s, Pat Vy'j;;t, Ma.' c ia- Ralsion. •SWLNG YOUR LADY,' produced: by- Sam BiscliolT; diroclcd b.v Ray, Enright; original by Kenyon Nicholson and Charles Robiii.-oir. srrern' play by Joseph Schrahk and Maurice Leo; photographed bv Arthni^ Edeson. Cast;-Humphrey^ .Bogart, Dorothy McNulty. Louise Fci/CMtla-, -Frank Mc- llugh. Allen Jenkins, Eddie Acuff. Nat Pendleton. .. ^\ SLIGHT CASE„OF MURDER,' produced by Sinn BL^choff; directed by Lloyd Bacon; play by Damon Runyon and,Howard Lindt-ivv; snocn ))luy b.y Jo,seph Schrank and Earl Baldwin; photographed bv Sid Ilickox, Cast: Edward G, Robinson, Jpno Bryan. Ruth Donnelly, Edward Hrophy. Hiaoid ..Huber. Willard Parker, Allen Jenkins. George E, Sloiu', John Lilcl, ' •AIYSTERY OF HUNTING'S END,', produced by Brvfin Foy; jKssociale, G.ordon HoUingshoad; directed by Noel. Smith; original nlory by Mignon (Continued on page 52) Theatre Changes Lincoln. City manager Walter B. Shuttee here was overnighted to Oklahoma City, Okla,, to take over the same duties with the J. H, Cooper Regal Theaters, Inc., replacing Pat Magee, who is ..gured to hook up with Cooper in the N. Y. homeofTice.-, - Leaves Assistant City Msinagcr -Bob Huffman in full charge here, pending arrival of L. J. Finske, Cooper's di- vision manager,; frop\ Denver, Philadelphia. Victor Theati-e, AUentown, has been clo,sed indefinitely; William Goldman's HiVVay,Theatre, York, switched on the niazdas for the firjst time" Dec. 20, Hart Theatre, Comei ford house in Wilkes-Barre, opens Xnias Day. Charlotte, N. C. Fire, ,which , started around the furnace cif the Palmetto theatre at Chester, S. C.. operated.-,, by the ,Chcstei- "iheatres, liic, cau.s'cd heavy damage. Donvor. Rex, P-d./ard, Nc-lx, lui.s ',^c'iiii i ii"C!n over by Mr. and Mr.s. Ar^thur Berg- liMi. of Choycnne, .Wv,;.. in p:i.'-in ?r- ship with L, F, Flowei-s, o.f Bouiilpr. Bideawee,. Donvei- ■,naborhood house, has been , takcjn oyer from Albert,Coppell. who has been oper- ating it for -.sovoral nioiillis, b.y Bat Wolfe and A. R. Miilocic, paiT. having formed the ■Venus T!,ci>lrc Co, Save Postage Unless a theatr^ regularly, .checks its rn'ailing list following the natibhal moving days in May and October,, it's a good plan to start, the new year by weeding out the dead, Most managers trust to the return postage guarantee to keep the list clear, but this does not alvyays work out li.s expected. Undeliyc.rable rhall is returned to the thcatrci..which can, remove the stencil, but it frequently happens that the weekly pr.ograin is still delivered,. though ' the. addressee may no longer be receiving mail. In a typiical case a youngster, filled, in a request to be put on the mailing list. That was five years ago. The vveekly. program has .been coming, eve'r' since, at a cost' of 'about 75g. a year; In, that period the ,person addressed has beoh out of town most of the time and the programs "are not even opened, since no one else in the farnily is picture minded. But no one troubles to hand the envelope back tb: the postman, and the pro- grams, keep on coming. "The best check iS' the rnailing card with . return half, which be filled but if the recipient desires to be continued On the list; A- few may be too indolent to go to this trouble, but this percentage is small, and the postage saved on the dead names-will amount to. many times the cost of the checkup. - Charity. Angle ■ ; Hershey, Pa; [ Placed in the unusual spotbf being about three times too big ever to be supported by the towh in which it is located, the Hershey Community theatre has to hunt exploitation ideas all its own. With its support coming from sur- rounding towns of, Lebanon,; Read- ing, Harrisburg- and Lancaster, each of which has plenty, of coitipetish of its own,' Hershey has- settled down to a steady diet of good will, build- ers: - One of its best stand-bys is the charity cohne-on, by: which it. con- tributes its entire gross for one eve- ning to the community chests of the draw towns. Latest to participate in this is Reading, which received $766 as a straight donation-. Significant fact is that last year the "Reading Day" gross was only aboilt $275. Frisco Nudies ■ San Frarici.sco,,. in connection with the opeti'ngof 'Nothing Sacred' at the United Art- ists and Embassy theatre:! here on Christmas- Day, . Ru.ssell Birdwell, Selznick International / publicity chief, sta.ged a parade of scantily at- tired fon>me,s ridiog horseback froiiv the ferry building, up Market street lo' the theatres a day before .the pic- ture bporied. The girls all ropro.sentr- ed -'heroines of history.' All; carried banners bearing the worcjs 'Nothing Sacred.' ,, ' . The parade commcinorated the 3,000th, anniversary of the first war ever fo'ughtovi:;r the hand of a worn-, an.,., Th?, woman, in. question was Helen of Troy. . Jean Acker, first wife of Rudolph Valentino, arrived in town several days before the opening of 'Nothing Sacred,' in which she stages her corncback in the movies. ■ Using the Unit ChairlottCi N C . 'Throe Cheers for Rhythm." a stag* unit, p,layed the State at Salisbury, with the usual quota of attractive misses. The house m.aiiagemcnt tied in with a local furniture store for this bit of build-up: A card appeared in the window .several dayiJ ahead of time,, saying that two chorines would go to bed in the bed of the biedrobm suite dis- nlayed in the window on. the day; that the .show was in town, Long before the advertised hour the street was packed with''tired busines.s iherk and interested younger men. Two girls did inppear. in pajama.i and dressing gowiis, dblf the gown.s and get abed. Local. news photogs appeared and snapped the dames nad the ogleis. It all reflected in the patronage that night, Told the Tatron .Spokane. Rus.s Brown* Orpheum (Spokane, Wash.) manager, has.used two .stunts elTcctively recently. With r 'This Way, Please,' he hooked up a micro- nhbne near head usherette, in foyer. It was connected to loud; speaker on sidewalk. As every patron came iii 'ial would say. 'This way, pl6ase,' or 'Aisle three, please,'. \ On;» night before Christmas, he in- vited glee club from Kinman Busi- ness university to occupy front row loges in balcony; Betwoett pictures club .saing, while Christihas .sccacs were thrown on screen. Cohen's Contiests New Haven. Ben Cohen has: gone, contest-con- scious for a couple of pix at the Col- lege. First is a-riewspaper tiein with local sheet on 'Navy Blue and Gold.' Real views of film stars, sitting^ at football garnes were run for three days; with cash prizes arid guest tick- ets )?oing to identin.?i'>i of photo.s, Foi- .'Last Gangster^ Cohen: ran a series 6f stills from variotis gangster films and gave Oakleys for correct titles to go with the stillsi Also, ran a list of gangster film titles extending back several seasons, and gave prizes for names of leading players to itiatch the titles. HiHtiftHtiHitiimiiiiiiiirniiiiini(iiiii KinittiMM'iiTiiimiiiiiitiNiiiiinitliinitiiliitMiiliiiii oliiiiiMniMiiiiMMH)nHiriiiiuiiMiiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiimiUtiiiiiiiniiiiitiniHtiiHin>)iinfniinciiiMiiitrtj I >iiiiiiHiiMliiiiniMiiiiiiiiiHiMliiriiiMiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiUriiinitiiiriitininMiiiqinMiiiliHiiirMiiiiii*'MiiiiiMiiliiiiMi^ iriiiliitMiiMMiiMiiliiiiiilHintiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitliiiiliiMtiiMiiiriliii'J 4 II II Helping U. S. : ,•. Readirig; Pa. A new departure in 'Gift. Night* awards is being, used at the Rio the- atre here. Instead of the usual gro- cery or merchandise pri/.es, the; house is po.sfing two U; S. TTreasur.y Baby Bonds on one night each week and two Postal Savings Bonds on the other 'gift night. ' Novel giyeraway had. the, imme- diate effect of heavily hypoitjg the b.o; ■ ,HltltMllltHIHII(Mlllllllll<IMII|HlHIMUIhl|IMItillllllllUlilllM(rillMini(IIHIIIIIMUlkllM^)lrilinMlllllinill<llll'rillli >IMnil'l(MIIIMlHllirillllMlt(IIWIMIIIirHIIIIIIIII|llll»'lll*IIIIIIMI)l|IIMIH|IM|l| iiiiiilMinititlltlilHIiJliiill'*")"" KiiiMiiriiiiiiliiiuii iiiiiiiDMiniiii rii lltntllllllll|l>ril|l(lll' iiiMiitnitiiii ,. Ea.stbn, Pa., Strand. ;c!psed. for some tinie. i-e- .ipencd (JhrislAias, Day„ ' - Omaha. G. K. 01.s.6ji; branch uraiiager, an- nounced completion of plans for complete remodeling of Warner Bro.s. Omaha exchange offices. .Work i.s scheduled to begin riglU,after Jan. 1, and will require about two months to- carry out. SUBMARINE Dl "THE AWFUL TRUTH" itrnv Vv,\i,MOK OKCiiiosi it.\ . - -SljirlH 'I'diiKin-ovv-. "THE FIREFLY'* .liiiiiiili' l.uiiccf<»ril Ori'hcHti'ii PARAMOUNT .H<)II/\KK c^S" MUSIG HALL COLBERT and BOYER "TOVARICH" Spectacular Stag* Productions 'Wells Fargo' .foci MH'rcU Ui»l» IturiVs ' >'ri»li»'fn I>»*H • i'i;iis').\- i-'ki-; WARING A 11(1 His IVniis.t l\ iiitliiim nil AV. A- noth 8i. ROXY I AM. 25"' .SIOAT.S ■ 1 I'.M. "LOVE AMD HISSES" • f'H\ I he SI;iKc • • .\ii<)r«*H' Mii,r4-clM A <'«.; -Ti|», Tun * T(Mt, .N()iell(> KritN. ii»tl. SuHy