Variety (Dec 1937)

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30 VARIETY By MAiUAN SQVIBE Toacaihini's, Chinstrnas night coA: and tailSj with ^4^^ a'rtd . fish ?iiest$ packed iiito,. .studio 8.-H.. Autograph hounds congregated; ui the lobljy, made ipritranice dilficultifor studio-bound cro\vds, for-the concert brought out 3.;lot dt bait for the ayid sigriature'gat.herei-s..''; Lily Pons, .': iWith . Andre KOs telanetz..'wore pale gray sheer! ; ac cented by blue . velvet 'cross, straps under a' gi;ay .fur cape.- , Mris;, .Gov- ernor Lehman was in black velvet _ •and- kiiBe.- length , ermine: . wrap,; ^Kirsteh .Flaustac;' in .' royal v purple crep^ and .f u.r.,icat>i?, Ihgrid H«»llien in floor length ariciehtrbhie Chineise, robe bandfed with gol'cl einbroide!"y; Dagmar .Godbwsky. Ava^..swathed "iri a midnight blufe" sheer caipe iweirn .aver: her dark locks, Whalen was -in black . velvet ; sind Silver fox wra^,. .. Above ; mentioned: . viisitoi's rated : the; upholstered- .balcbhy sectibh oi : .fee ,'studioi. "Joaii' Crawford among others sat-well in. the back df the main haill with the less cornf or table-guests on the. fold- ing chairs which are reaUy wood^ but after ah hpiir and a. halt'.df.park- iiig,rfeel ii^ore like cast irohV'; Gt>rr rugated iron'./ Rlisg/Crawford w.p,re;..a powderblue sheer gown. aridl a : red fox cape . almost exaictly, xriatchittg her\ sleek lacks,' ■■ ■ ,'.''■ In spite • of ' every. prebsutipa ,to keep vulgar .sound .frorh; disturbing - Tdscailini's , celfebrated temPierament, several .coughs found their. way>into the mike; . Ijtrdgrams'^ printed aii white satin, to prevent: the Slight^ est rustle..; All • .ahnduhcements were . niade by .Howard Claney,,. bver. the air; no,Wpird-TrfeVeh -ai^ntroduction^ ■ pehetratihg the, studio.. . ^' " . . • ' •:. Audience rose in a ;bpdy ^tb tender, the ;conductpr an enthusiastic recep-- tiort. Reverential . crdwi did, its best' to maintain, a hu'shed. silence during the;P.rogra'm.,-.':'. , Both red, and blue. h^twdi-ks,; got the program which- fain over.;.the scheduled 10 to 11:30. ; The bvertiihe caused no, commptiori,. T^as. not fPllbwed by a cbihmerciail. .ARTUBlO :TbsCANINr. NttC Symphohy Orchestra . .<Suiiitaiftinr"' :■, :/ ;fr • ■ ■".' ^ :SaWr4ay; lO--iif.'.in..^' NBC's ■ -delivery of,: Af tuf o. Tos>. caniint ■"hristiirtas night in .the first of a j^eries Pf 10 brbadcasts resblved it- self iiit6 a case bf ^nbt. bnly living, ua -to 'but tbppiK,^. ;a; b.uiidiip; which for all*aroiind niagnitude. has had. np e'^ual in; radio ibr y6ars. . What. cainie btit bf the loiidspeakef was a thing: of both ijiterpretive arid itiechanical peffiebtipn. It also gave reality to . t' < wbfry Vciced .by symphbny mari< ag(?rs in vatiPus sections of the cPUn- try that . theii Saturdaiy: night box^ bfTices 'would have tough sledding against the Tbscariini prbgirams. i - • Doubt that a newly: orgahized coii-■ tingeht bf ihE rumcntalists^^: could/ b* i'rilled: to -the/ high re.quireinents o£ t»' .; Tdiscanini .baton\within the space .11 weeks has turned biit: tb be c >. -ich r aisted ihental bxercise- -While tho mob as: a whole left nothing V. ntirig at the Italian miaestro*s d but, th i . .string. section proved to be a, darbi It was: an 'impressive a:'' c'istiii«uishbd job ir -every direction: selection' pf . cpmpositibhsi intei'pi'e- t:ye j-^pprtmert^mike pickup aridj "balance, ihterpolated"ahnbtatibh^-and ••Qftcral. presCntatiori. ' .Three • works which lade ;io the initial program were Vivaldi's Toiiceftb Qrbssb,' Mo- zart': 'G Minor Syiiniphbny,' and Brahms' First Symphbhy.' Melodic oalth cPnt' '-■ »id in. the .- first two , n u mbers . muist .iiavc played hard oh the ?-)p;: .lar fancy.., :■ : - '^r " oning tp da .: wbiild have irt- dicated that NBC has. maide a. more th:.n Worthwhile iriVestmeht; Space gathered .c^ur■;- •; the biiildup. and the concerts by the preceding Pierre ■ ■ nteux ■ and ■, Artur. Rodzinski has been bf , t.ia.r- vc proportions. • Th'e ■ R K\vill n>*.le shbtild prove of: in-. ^ .'iUm.nb'o . value vi'ri c6ntendi.ttg npt only \yith ;tlio educdlibnal. hGcklei^s' but with the : . itical .fire that: NBC IS ,cur , My lihdefgoihg: as- the . re- sult of a couple of spphsbr slips.: It's an JisKct that will lilcely shine, from Mic ':;)ok.s for ..sbmei. tim: to come. As frt.r au(ilbn..ce iiddictibn, they ■will: listen if i.jil" tb be -ible 'to;m£)ke the previous ,Eaturd,ay night's pro,!»varri. a tonic br'loirversation ■ at the club; 1, -itu-> •♦.. across the bridge table 6r on the com mutation .transnprt, Scmm'gs miffht .-Ven M>-bnical .thbucjhtl) make; somethrptj of ia deiit int"i ~' -'ry Itri'.--^' .'vAHit: ^;.»\ide,V^ynchrn'r,ouRly spothd ph. CBS<.. ',; - .\:' .'.^•p.(i^(^•; ■ . Anotihe'r 'KDKA'; ■•.•Pitt'sbtifgli. 'M<}(ir djng is. in ,.prbi^pect,'.^^m of: .eight : at;: thaf''' istatipa . i.h .'recent months.' Mildred. Reuteiv .secretary to P;.-pickson;,':bf :the VNBC Wtaft there, and I^aul Sloanei . Westingi- house ';engirteer Vcohhected^ • w b'roaclcasting. putflt,' Ka'ye j'list : arv: nouriced tliclr engagement^^^^ ,Wv C. .^^^elds j-etiirried to. th?: hetVor.k., for a- bit ■ of ■ :gaggiiYg,, .'in vyhieh .he> Biiig .Crosby,.George ifes- sel., Joe. E.; ^rown,- Hedda Hopper, Alired Gwynhe Vanderbilt aihd others participated., ih :{he /conference': rbbm at the. Saiita Anita track clubhouie, loilowiTig'a.description; bf the Christ- mas Stakes by Joe Hefnandei. Fields, at the mike for. about a .lTiihute oi crossfire .with Mis$ HPp'per.. deliver0'd jiV charactferistic fashiph. ShCj ,ih the introduction, and he, iri the cdrnedy- by-play, .referred' to: Charlie Mcdar.- thy; Ei.elds' bid, rival of ;the. Chase 8i iSahborn Hpuf.: Announcer .Ken Carr pente.f turned bver the emiceeihg: to Cfosbyv:. Thb latter did soriie joshing with :the other,: .pictui'e': narhes, ,:and, sliptied. in; a . pliag-. for .his. Del racetrack/':. .■■'.^c'-.- . ■ .'., •.• In the a<ilibbin:g-,. most of:it .about facing, and ■'horses,' some. laugh 'prP- vofcing- :aqd': some ' hot .1 .so r ribv tickling. ' ;th.e . /.voices ' of : vaxuous- gagsters mixed at tinies; identificar tioa for dialers being none tbb c'laaf. MissvHopper, y/hby handled ' her usiiai style-repprting >ssignVnent, was ^ tpb flippant iri' her fefererice tb a play,er presentAwithPiit a G string'.'-. Realizing- the biad break, she quickly. added, 't shouldn't' have sa id' that,' - ;', ^. ■ ; : :Herriandez's: ^^'pfd-picture of ..the" race: was ade:q[u&te if ; not sieat-lif iting. Hal: RPaichy president of thb ;Los. Arir gelfes Jockey .Club,- led dlT the speak- ers; They included ;.CarIton |;Bufke, chalrrnan, of Catifbfnia Racing, Cpm- missibn. . An NBC^bliie broadcast.pi 25 minutes' duration. - cbMMtjNiTY- SING; .■■■;::/ With Forrest Wills, Grenfell Rand 3« Mins.—Local V ■ ■ ■/ SWJRE^S FURNITURE STORiB: Mpndaiy;.iB:30'ji.:;ni:,.: ■ " ' WABY, Albany •;;' ■' :■'■ ^ : RcVutine is for . most part standard:: chPrusing of humbex's, old aiid neW, under prbinpti'hg of . song leader, and aisle: interviewing, vdf ,straight, qtiiestioh ^ rather ' than ;of /<:omedy , p;e. V - An .amat.ieur- ypeal ist, : usually e'ssiying'ciirfeht' tunesV draws a spot :bn^ each'shoto' !•■'/;'■.• ■••/' ■' '"'^■ 'Wafblihg makes better radld. fare hah: dbes .the: questiphing. EVen the elder, and seasoned, Rand .found, it a ■fait.difficult at Vinies to dfaw; put the frigid, frightened ,or .plairi-cbnserva- tiye. 'picture; attendees.' . ,Willis w^brks in" a friendly,, breezy fashiP'n as he: coaxes the patrons, and occasiortaliy; the dialefs,. to Idbsen their vocal : chords; ; He is handi- capped by fact; only a few rri'inutes are. .usually available, fpf :,chpral - hea'rsing; before' 'microphphes, • are opened. For aural., receptiohi pro-; gram's stfbhgest pull, .-is .'hPrhe: folks,' the c'lass-a fufriiture stpre likes to reach. ; .:A<|veT.tjsirig, .plentiftil,'^ is handled from: studio-^a return;:to it at' half way;; point—rWitl^ in. :th.,eatre.-'; Current . pictufe. is .rhen- .tibncd several times. ; :, / JaQO.; KAY PAYRE ■■■.■. With Al FeJiXi Gebrge Baker ■S6n^s•and^Chatlef.■.■^.:■^ ■■■,.■,/■ ■'/;/ 15 • ■ Mihs.-TT:Locai V - ■.: PariicipaliKff ■•■:■.;:. Thursday, 7:45 p.m.; : / WMAS, SpriiiKrieid, ;Mass. ! / : This .quairter-hour rang out. the old :W.M.AS, w hen at '8 p.m. :-W.MAS: dedi- cated its he w st'udi 6s,/a ndr^fari"sm 1 ti rig . plant, i 1 0). ' Kay. Fay re,., vocal-, •rst, has played'the: riltefy airid radio circs arid ,the vaudeville boards,: paf- ticulafiy with FiSiM ;time; Here she has ' Mbnday: . thfougfr Thursday frame. :wi'i.tteri; by .fier husbaricl-mari- ^ager; AI,v-iirE.'Hauscr. / Fay re's contralto, pipes'are best suited . tP ' tbrchy,ditties, arid :p,robably due. to the great ambiirit of/reheafs- irig fpi' tlie,dedicatory fparrie arid hef own; shpvvs', ;her'^vocal chorHs ;wqre throaty,. .iind;■ tight;' But - she 'has ,,a quality that cari register.- Tbsses paf- ter: with Al : Felix -arinburicer, and George-,■ Baker-..tickle;? . the-, ivories. Participating plugs are.'wpfked •into the-script'/adeqiiatery. .' -.:.;.•■; Ei'est ■bjl •jri: .'stanzii H ..'Fayre!s revival of her . F&M : kid. 'charaGtef, Jean, thanks- to the popiilarity: of Charlie McCarthy..- ; Kid falsetto and blah. ' ,. okay., and. Fayrfe'.:Went. to t6\\'ri I vrocaling 'Rhythrti In-My . Nur's- :efy. 'Rhyrriiis.'' Plenty good.. fintire 15 riuriutes' ;could .stand this;-set-up.. : . .;Needs' to open her rhoiith rripre fpi: better effect. Spcakirig'vbice is ;simi- ;Var tb.Kafc, Snnltii's,/best .ejcplaihed tlir.oMgh :,lier: Qnc-.tim'e ."^ miriiici'y ;:.of Kale. \'-':'-' ; • Norm. -SHAW iftnd'LEE -• :;■■•/•, With Jack Brooks, Paul Small, Gren- adiers Dpiiblc;: Quartet, Bailey, Sis ters, Siiitbiv Hind. Bliss, ' George ' Watson/ Glnelie Gibbs, ,Oart Hoheh '■■ ffarteri. Orchestira ■" ■30 'Mlris: ...■■'' -;..■■. . WRIGtEY^S PQUBLEMINT 'Sunday;. 5:30/€ST..' *.^/^ ■■■'■ WRBM-CB'S::.. Cliicaso ■ ■. :.■ '• ' . \ , •■ ■ ./('Fr«nGies..7Tfdpper:) ,': : : Wi;igle.v has^ bp^'n trying: foiv a ::gbbd many years to;g"(?t up into radib big-, tiinei.:.:Arid the company certairily ^I'aItai-bigvtiitie calibrb. ;But-b«fo.ibfi[ain^ is ariothef failure, ^ a' riiiss-iout . that wbiald. bfihg a bliish tb a local garage Show; in/Keokuk; •;/••: :/ : , ■ It's a brodie pfb^^'aiii that y/ill sat- isfy nobody; not everi^the mothers',bf the: / perfoVriiei'iSv, , It'sZ-vvapid^^, a puerile/- :.':/ ■ :-/; ■ :■: ■',.■■■■'■;■• .' ; Arrariged/supppsediy tb plug Wri ley Doublerhint,; the cdriiedy, .arid shpW: nreniise is this: that everythiiri, is done; dbuble.; Get this: Shaw and Lee talk in-uriisPri,- two people /vdice the arinouriceinerit together; there is a, double quartetv a ijiano dub arid tWd ybcal duos;: None bf it ddublies the:ifirijpymeiit.'■'" : •■ / Of cburse; 3haw and Lee have- a background in show business but not a.";-dduble talking cbmediaris- That they come forth here as talking come- dians .'would-be all right- however,, if they had -material. that ,wpuld':even cbme/clpse to , being cpmic; : . What jokes there are gb. 'way back into, the dusty files of early vaude and, burieycue.. With the/ present routines, -the bnly thi nig that Wrig- ley carii hppie fdr , is thaf there is . a ,new generatibn and that- the. genera* tipri . is : ais , unspbiled and ' easily pleased as;; the 3910 aiadiehces. ' • , Iri betu^een the 'dbiiible-taik' - qitence.? / which / become irritatirig quickly,. are . niusical. numbers. . The ^^"u^ ^^t^ tlate4; but that's " all right: What's disappointing /about envis that abisehce of arrangemerit$ tp^brina thein Up to the preserit day; They, have ;a ; stale- arid flat taste. Brooks and Small, are smaU-tirriey in vocalizing;/ eyen gding back for: a JaMghmg number,- : The Bailey Sis- :ters conie forward with thin,-piping tonsils that fail lb register; • , jIt's.Unusual/to find a;s^ thpre ^. nothing to hang ia hook bf .satisfaictipn on. Some: orie moment or Item that Would, in some! little way. ,^edeem^lt. for : a nunibef: Pf other flaw3.-It would seem that the salVa- •tipn df this program wdiild be merely to label It either as a burlesque of variety ^shpws^ today, br to call : it a, remember- when' program; arid giVe it^a. compiete:,blanket of 'gay: iVlne- .ties atmosphere,/: - :> ./: •.. :^GoW; CITY CLUB CADETS '.^ ' '■■■■'.' - Vyith .Ibhiiny Sriydei- : la iviiiis.—Local'?• ■■' .CJTY .vCLUiV -BEER - -'^ ■•;;■■■ M-w^^^■:6:i5.:p.; m.■;',v: :^'- ;.^ KCitiO, Mason City,/|oWa ,:' / ;:SprfS|vtly;/qua):lQi<.ii6lir' oC v^KGL^ has.. HCic'lv Shueri'er'.'i 'bvcheistra aid- in?T. arid abeUing tlie ivory-tickl irig and warblin,d! aetiviliQs .of .iBaritone; Johnny Sriydoi-.; / Nicely doiie for. a local. ■ ; •• ■;. Duve: THE ALPINE INN ;: WUh Gordon, Hunt,. Jiihe Curfaii; ^ ^ Frank ESchi;n and Riiss David's /Orchestra '15.-Mlns.-^Lob»|'-:'" ALPEN BRAU BREWING CO^ Daily, 6:45 p.m. V ICSO, St. Louis : /.: . ,^With a. backgrdundVcfeated by t . Tyrolean Alps' cbnces.sion: at the St. ■Louis Wprld:s i'air In 1904, Where the sponsor's product was first iritfo-: duced, this . 15-hiiriitfe riiusical prb- gr|m, priginating -in the .studios'of K>I), made. an auspicious start." Gor- don /Hurit, forinerly a mi kern an for the British. Broadcasting Co.j crowd- ed the .rest bf'the cast for top honors pn ; the opening session in his m.c, role; His, decided: ■ British accent proved pleasing to fri id west ears. / A few more gags inserted, in-the script ;WoUld'eriharice the lighter por- tipn;'of. the' -program, which:dbbs not lack', musical niefit,' Ruiss Diavidrthe station's niusical!. director; clicked- with: his; own arf arigement of: 'Vien-- na,;City of My Dreams.' June Cur- ran : warbled several modern songs in okay style and Frank;Escheri, ;who• produces; and, does -the .coninlercials,/ was satisfactbr-y.-;iri his ^tirit./ ^ - ' While the old •ftlpilri-e'lrin'^taea ."is far as - yodelirig arid .ancierit melodies, are:; cbncerrieflv ^ Escheri prbbably figures correctly that this generatiori ■ is more; :iritefe.<4ted.'in modern hotcha ^stulf. ../ /.: ;;'Sa^«.;/- ;Hv-'GvWtL.LS:. -■':/ Trahsatlaii tic ''ta I k'' .l;5.:1viiiisi- ;/: Sustaining;: :.--'■■;,:.'•..-."■;■ ■-.'■ WJZrNBC, New York ■ / H.' Gr ■wMTis;;oslTortwayed -by .rcA .for afte''nbbn listening on NBC .blue ..web, .gave-engrbssirig lS-miriiite talk on.v.thc ;T)erifage 'bf th"e Englisli. lan- guage/and the: para ri^bu rit .riecessiiy for the .wider:read,ing of book.s:' ; :■ '-On itheJaif, 'H.' Gv ■ urimislaitaHly British'...:He speaks, iji the tenor tone SO' many/'En'giishmen: display- ii^^ slight anridyarice of sdrne U. S. dial- .ers) and with a: niarked .British 'acr cent.. ,A; stimul'ating:;^aricl undcrstatVd^ able, speaker, however,' / ,' Jdco. FAIRFIELI) COUNTY JAIL SHOW With Joseph Lbpex/ Jack Smallwbod .'15 Min's;—Local :■■-'■ ■ :Susl»inihir.';■:•■ ■'/•:■ ''■'■"■"■ ■■- /Sunday, .: 4:45-"p,iiri.;-'' ■ .. . \' '-WICC;:.Bridireport.';. / Tie-up of . WIGG / with- :;riearby county .jail, With blessiitg. of Sherilf Ed.WJtfd.. Platt,:^. : gives: .compulsbry guests ar chance to ct'note arid. butsid's bubli'c bp'portunlty tb attend via free,s;. Anbthef announced pu,i.po"se is;.'rehabilitatibri,' listeners being, iri- .vi ted, to::. seiid cigarettes, : reading riiatt(?f;/etc;. to/irirriatbs. /- /.;■■:: ,..'^- : .QuarterpFoxir; ciombines orinoqox anriateur- fputirie,: except rib, ri^ perf prnVorS : rneri tipned:, : a rid • cbni-; muriity;singirig. -Joe-Lopez,:expert;at: handling-this brand-bf farb; rirakes it' Sbvrtld tastefiil enough with- a-:-prdpef ;iriiriimuni ;of Jevity. Judg^es bri'/hand vote best acts of session. - Jick Small WObd's ■at;piarid;'. ,./■':••'.■-/^:~^■. ■. Hoosegow- revue's listeninig effec will: HAYS ; Talk---' ::-;:'^ .-;■' ,Sust»ininff ■,.. ".; -/.'-■- Tuesday, 4;30 p.m. / /^ ^ .WABe-CBS* New YofIc : On the;llth edition of its series ot dramatizations , dealing with . the gt-dwth : of : American iridustryrrtheTr ,Of Ace of Educatipri of: ,the_IL-S,:-Der , partmerit; df Cdriimerce halted at: the Hollywbdd gatesi ;:,/■..•,• ' ; Wilt : iiays wa'S /the ::rep for ■ the ^ industry on .the occasibri; if what he hgid: lb say has'been said/tinies. be;^ ■ fp're, ,top : nurinef dus to ilaeritibri,v-iat / -least-^t-T^tas-^ney ef ' ^ becri" a aid-^-y^: bietteri-.;;;--,/;■-;■-/■;v;o;'-' ;::'• :.::■ ■,•,,: . in- ndaklhg. a seven-riiin. staiternerit in the name of::the whole: wdrks, the : chief -of :the /Motidn, Picture Pfd- ducei's arid- Distributbi'S • Assdciatibn ■ necessarily; had to;:genefalize/ And he was likewise bPund to forge a few. fires in ,isystematic defense bf the; filrri,:biz.-.:'-' .•:■•".■■ -^-r '■^■■. ■■:■ -;■■■ Citing pictures as'aii;.exa tiveriess deperids npt', only:oh novelty i/^^ pictures as -an ,examj>le bf df feature > but quality of: iridlviduaj • deyelppment ;of. private eritei-- «tvttti.*fii.,rn«ii;+ : Auu—_ 1 prise, . Hays/, rather .'subtly; stressed gains ; the/ industry has: mad? as a enteftainriieht. To date there has been no leal dearth bf talent behind the::.Fairfield Courity .jail ;.bars.; ;' ' ■ ■ ' ■' "'.'£ie/(i. WBBM SALUTES TO- HICKVILLE With Keiji Ellinglion, Hymns of All Chuirches Octette, Carj H6hen . ;eAft'eh.'.orch'estra:/^/;-:' Civie Promoiidri^^^^^- .' /■> 30'.Aiihs;,:/Local /.-: Siiiaiaiiiine" ■•■' Wed., 9:0ft-jik.ini,^-xsir ■:/■■■■■■ :■•- WBBM, i^hiieago... .;- . .. All '/the . ?abbi,tts of . .the midwest ^ill owe .WBBM; more than they db Sinclair Lewis if "thrs iprogi'aiiTi keeps privately operated form of biz. That was • .his : expression of- belief /(and riiost ardent, hope); the gdvernhierit-i would : keep: Put . of the barnyard evea /: if:, i t wished; to "patrpl the : fences,:''■ ■•;■;/ ./■'"'■;/■./■ . K ■: /;':.:-/":■-. / -.. Other; stresses. Were-Ria« the:; self-reguiatiohs pictures; irhpose upoii theriiselyes /and the'.aid; .to other .lar ' dustfies.^ celluloid .via broad- ' enirig. knowledge, lifting'iivirig' con- ;■ ditidns, aind serving; as .-:^n animated - catalog intro'ing styles /and , modes : Which help sales, in other; businesses". . As a talker, Hays .iis igbdd;' Pipes, are prime., .His; kiibWledjge values ,bf;paUses and shiirt infleqtibhs / vypiild,: flai tter:; many;/- ah' factual / pro. • town, gets^the. local ciyip^ celebritiesll chaifman;) When Caught, hi^ script in line, and: then recbfdis speeches by each one; After that, they bfirig; thb recdrds bacK tb Chicagdj .play them With appropriate, iriusic by:the studio orchestra. - wi'iter , was in the grbby'e, ior aii air appeal, alsb,/ , ■ ■;•.'. , Aside :frpin ;the Hays', haringue, the .prbgram was pbof;"so poor;:pic-;^, tiifes. (now that they; have "the radio. SW:^S.*?1:%^^ 'ri^^ft: - have that has; been done for the: Bablaitts Since their bobk was written—es- pecially;;, since, on the night of the prbgram, they can all gather at ea^ch other's: hpuses ;to ■ hear . how lovely they did, ;and how perfectly terrible the hdnud Mrs. SpPbner soiirided; It's a/ great spPt for state and city yearned, to, have had/a whack ait the prPductioh bf the dramatizatiohs pre- ceding the billed ■■ talker.; / Hariy. R; Daniel; of the Departriribrit Pf; Cbriv- merce, narrated developriient' of films arid:',. their,. cbme-alorig /. ti 11; /' sbuiid arrived.; Tohi Atiriat;.inventor of the" prpjectpr. spbke briefly; Most of th^ JifvAve ^^J'^^i®^?® . presidents, hAital and . historically important P^vnf^f^^^ ^t"*^ managers, .;publishr: phases :of.developmbht were siiriply nn> iVIif^l^^^'^vP^i?^ narrated; drily orie was really dramaV ruUnf^Ui^i^ '^'^"^^ ^'^^^ df the tized and tha:t relatively uriimportarit nt^&&^- -^P">en to get on the late 'Leland Stanford's pictbriai : '■,:/. . /bibofvthat^ trotting boss-pulls all beS^^^i^fJfS*' spunds just: fine hopves off: the; turf. sinUilt^ebUsly. because recordings can be done over -Trials ocCured 6d vears aeo arid body^^'Sillv^^^H^^^^^ DridP^ i^^^^^ everitual evolution- of pictures, it is cfviri^r -tfe t^L^!f^"^ .V* ^^^^ certainly not an iriipbrtant milestone; ah6Mti^TJi!r:f^P''-'^^'^^ :to te ; :;U, S/^Marine band opened/the: 30- ?Kv 'salute to celluloid' by playing Sfi^ i?^^w their . beautifMl I 'Song:; of the Marines.* H^s taUted frphi N. Y., rest Of the broadcast errianated, frprri Washington, D. C; ■ ■ ■ ^ ■ Bert, little toWri. And* bf :; the tPwri's ;neWs- 5?Sd^;?°*'\^'^^ "- '^ » big way, givirig WBBM. cplumris of jSpace--well, the publisher is usually asked; as a prprninent citizen, to speak, isn't he? ill ,f&ct the whole township of each Podurik is just top thrilled about it MO ANA HAWAiiANS With Tom Wiiliams ,15 Mins.—Local. , .'Susiaihihg- • - ' WGY,^ Schehectadr /liiKl'V *i£'S^"ally/ broadcbstiiig ' bver WH'AZ, /Troy, while: playing iri./ Al- bany ,gril)s,',;has, beeri airing iri .^-ecerit mpnths f.rpm Albany studio of WGY. .Works on early af terriooii-and supper hour .blocks, with p.a.: dates via Art ists .. Bureau plugger. • Calibre of eritertainriient has beeri distinctly imprpyed through the -ad- .dition of ypcalist Williams; . His war- bling of current and- island numbers relieves/ the /monotony 'FOUR-OF US'"^: With; Rakov's Orchesithi, Four cbl- ierians':' , ■" io;:Mlhs;/-•;■;--:: ;/-';;^-: --^-'^^.wV-' Sustaiiiiinfr. :Thursday;' 5 p;m; "■''/:': WBZ, Boston , - NBC/inNev/ Ybrk iikes:the piuality of the prpgrafti; has it that it will be one gun in blastirig the k-m. I -silly , . drairiatic'" Strip: ishoWs,' • ribw : cluttering iipv the rietwbrk airwaves; RalcPv's eight-plBce orchestia arid the Four; Cdllegiarts, ,a ddzSn in; all, spl it up;, irilb/: divisions- bf ; four Vin all |;preseiitatiprisV; to give .:it that Four. of Us,coiTiplex. , ■/:.. V .First swing: grdup; is eompp.sed and taggtid Sglvy Cavjcchio'ii Rhythrii/ Rascals: CayieChiOj vibraphone; la Lipriel / Hariipderi, I*erry Lipson,; guitar, ' P^ite; Green,: bass, Wright •Briggs, piano. Swirigstefs have gvirt iipted in garter VhPm-s"' of^^ti'^f'^ht I'F^-'^^^' ■.Steelj^utarinff. rn/m — '- a bracer arid /a. ho+toi- ■.mtr.^ n _ I Harold Maynard, trurnpet Smboth- .bigger;arid/a^ better Voice than ai r^.- --^, number pf the pop: Sirigers'riding. the V^'""°^^^^^^ ether waves hereabouts. ■^Nariie arid P!''»".o. yib.raphPne, arid: Herbert/SUlr '^i.n, accordioji.: Cavicchio aiid .Brigg.< ; ANN AB-E LLfe;' CR AN D'ALli-,-, :''■ sbniffis: / ••/,:■■;'//'':' :y-r:'p'-'-'.'- ' ,15; Mlns,-T'X.ocar; ;,:,-■■/■../'■;■/■ •■ Siistaihing;: '-C',-,.' -::--■'-- ■ /:/: ;>,.:, '■Saturdii-ys,-2il5::-^-'-//• WSAY, Rochc.slor • j- -\, :. .A.rinabeile .. C.i^^a ri d a 11;; . Ea.striiiiin ■SGhbbr.of :iViusic: sttidcivt wi-io ;won-a Deanria Durbiri: ■-^contesl ^il ■■' the Century /theatre.; listeris ■ 'riicely in weekly .WSAY song -.program; -With- put .capitaliziiig on sirritlaiHty- tb stylo of fihri-; star./ she Wins . attentiori. in her PWji right - with , her ; jibility. iri i;m.£jiiig the:,popular :light -classics;' .; -With ,. coiithiued experience / and .■Irairiingi/ pos.s'ibililie.s,. , :: " '■■ ■ ' -- '^ Cbrd.^ ; town. 'Ha\yaiians'. :feature the' nostalgic music. assocjated / with our P-acific ; .Qcea n igla nd -; possessjpixs. ' Seem to have ;■ improved . /i-ecentiy ' •" : their pla>-nng. /-No'Chprals .suoh as- dre dt- ,te,red by native, troupes. : Jdco. 'THE C'YNICV yvith Frank Perkins, ;Charles .Sterritt -News.- ,■,/.,: - 15 Mins.'^Locai Sustaining: ' : • ;/ M.-Wv-F., 8:00 p;ni. ;WJBKv Detroit:/ , ; Franklin;': Frank/PerkiiiS; WJBKs .copy chief.-dishes Put the :lpyvdG\yn: ori the day^s ridws. a.s fed Ijy :Chaiies:Sterritt:. As prograrii: title suggests, .Perkins is pretty /sour '.on oiricial doingv.iand/doesn't ''iHiir hi punches, Show is- actibri..' . - super th*^ ^ribd: .<5ide. Prbgi-arii: is -'ori twice weekly for 10. minute/periods. / Rakpv is a. hard wbikirig- miiisical maestro arid gels his men .to some gobd; work. .Collogiaris' vDcal-i^' mg. okay. . too; Cbmbo: ^worlc : of .quart&t, idea; its fast paCe, quality of ontertjiiririient in; its, venisatility puts 't on the pop side pf the ledger; ' ' /:. ■ ;;^-;;■'.■■ '-f:• .^Tiotvi.:, -;V 'TALES OF THt OKLAHOMA HIGHWAY PATjrtOL'^^ - ■15.Miris.—Local- ' .' .-•>•■■./■ ■WMSTLETO?:^ EXPRESS :-^'';; W,ednesday5, 6:30 p.m., CST: : i n; WKYv Oklahoma City .series relating iucidents •^i^ ^??P^ffences - of- rOklalionui's . , 1 „ r-v V, - police. -Good sb^^^ a bonibsltcll .of by.^;^corge ; Hamriibcher -^ bf^SiJi ' •' ./OniMidgi^iVcaughtPerkinsiliti^^ D(^roit Board of Educatidn's plan' to •:;:No, .preathV suS^" ;^^^> 1,.,^^ • spoiid: millions ori Wayne U. ejcpan- :lessonsJnbresehlatSn'^^^ sion wh, c^ctti^ program froKewS^tnd^^ - i:H!i./.'^^ted Superintendent i Frank licilv gag fotf'th(^S^.ffi^ i^^^^ C^y^ monopoly'.bn-teach^ ' and; called;fpr.;ta>:p.ayer...aclidn; Hit- sor.ship b^ an -hmt-^i^y^^^mXil^''