Variety (Dec 1937)

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^etlnesday^ Dec^aiibw 29, 1^^ RADIO VARIETY 31 liha^r .ih^- he>w \Jbrm • license >WKich;; the .^MUsic; \PubWsh^rs^^ Pror ■ tectiye.A'ssQciati^ feet ij^ii. ;3, ^there- Will' be;tid. rdyalty tebates : .pVt" : tioris. unil'^ssv sucl>;;mc)ncy :is applietJ; • ^■within ■lQv<3ay& ^^ the piayrniiht^ have; been madie. Harr^^^ ^'en,; mgrM. ih^irpduced; ibis provision to preyeni the'prbgriam backers frpiii: ■balling up ;his; bookk^^^ by askihg lor rebates long" after the " - music coin involved . has bee^^ dis- tTibuted among the; copyright own' ; ers.' ■■ ■ '■ . . Requests for rebates mpstly stentj .from revised staition schedules. An iccourit at the outset may fi^gure on , ysiri^ , 20,-stat^^^^ a transcript|ori. fiampaign and;i)ay F<jX .th0:req}iired y royalties Ibr /all ' oif -them; and- tKen wind Uii with yacihg -tihe' . but iS' put^ts iii the priginal group.'' 'Fox: beiieve's that: .commerr : cijils; 'if -they ; ^tty^ '9?^;;,iV^ -^ with :;mbre . ace schedules. : 'v . Ne\v';cbntract- fprrhs also niake. it • : iriahdatory for thie licensee .to-; iiarn ish -: tlie MPPA with th^ naities of the publisher,- cbmposer and lyric writer of ; each - riuhtber applied^1^^^ is ; ■ to: prevent any ■ cprifusipn b£ copy- tight ownership in' the. case . of / sim- !; ilar ;titles.; ■ :: S Santa Claiis Warms ]^p: ■ Syracuse, peci^Mi-} ." ■ Mah' who. ha.Vthe.-Iega'i' rigM^'; . to;; call vhimself ' Sarila ' Claus ; •(and a - legal resident. pf ':the, -^ : town of that- riarhe; jn '.Indianay . .was brought' to; W.SYRv^.Syra- cuse, by Harry.; \yilder ' ;.. .. iipiiday ;attention-^etter/.'Sah : Claus,* however tefused^'WSYR permission, to get a sponsor or ' to feed his brbadcaSt'to! NBC;. • ■. He .' juist ■.yyanted;itvicrbphbiie ' experierice. bef br^i gpirig <:prr»r-' . hiercial; directly. • .. ;:-^',.:■V;"Bridgepptt,'Pe■c.^28.■•■ ■ ■Ideritifieatiori; pf WIGG with tvy;b ;;. ities, • Bridgeport . i^hd 'New; HayeVi,^ has xaiiised^ / station' to he- gotiate agreements with A. P* pf-IM. '. locals in botfi.'-bvirghs. Since wat- ter's ^headquarters are. in. Bridge- port, latter city's musickers will fee emplbyed, most; ;pf the ^ea .New Haven • band ;ge.lting 'wbrk thfe J:est of the anniinv: .. ,<; Sarne .situation holds for :\yBRY, •■-Which has ;;base;' ' / ;W'aterbury and; branch ;in 'I^iew ;Haven.; . ■ Gus'; ^Meyers, '3r.,.;.lohg.tirne. New . England . Poli'pjt .niaestro/. and 10 piece, band signed foi WIGG studio ^chore. \ Qrk will, be tagged 'C!pn inecticut ' Ciplbhials/ latter - • .from . •, Golbnial . networkV .which Meyers , ^)urich -Will, feeci. Bridgeport: local : stipulation .' calls , tqx I hplf-hour (daily before. 5 p.m. ' ■■^'--.'.h'^- Chicago, Dec. 28, • New Quaker ^Pats 30.-minute :show: . starting bn the ISIBC blue web put of -•^hica^or-on.—Jan.^.: '^'w.iil 'Tide . . froirL. 9-9:30 a. .m. with twb;15rmiriute script serials carrying ail over-all theme to give the'entire period' unity. ' I " First of the. half |ipur Will be *Aunt Jemim^'. ■vyith the secorid pe ripd to be ''Margo Castlewopd/; Les ; We'ini-ott' is handling ;the WTiting. aSr: sighment. ■.• ■■ {/.^ AFRA \G6^ Into -- A ci i,b n Probably; This: Weiek-—Natidnal Age First • WEBS LAST '-^.^'^''-^''^ ■■';;iChicago.;' Dec; ,28:;. ;:, .Sustaining prpgram,: 'There;Wa^ A Woman,' developed:, by; NBCTsttidios; heyie switche!! to: N.: Y.; fp'r' p^pducr. tibn . Jan.: 9, when it; starts ; i;ring for Glass Cpntainer;:-Assopiatibn,\n^^ NBG-Biue account. Placed thrbijgh U. S. : Advertisihlg . Co;* ^ Toledo^: ad agency, and gets a Sunday atternobn 30-miniite . spot. > ;Plugs: /glass milk bottles, Program is. pile bf . thevm^ wpman - behind- - the ^ man ..thjhgs which; have beeh: deve^loped. It la^ aFburid for. several, years, ■ and itheh last ■ Spring , weiit oh as a jsustainer, and has: done- a pfie-a-\veek; since that time..' ■ NBG contract talent;was used, : and; all, were pjaid sustaining rates.' /l^pne bi': the ;^s^ on the sppiisored. . . ^ Pi-ogram sale; was hand by Chi NBG, department; and rtjasbn: givieri for sWitch. iii ..prp.ductipn ; was. ;be- cia.use, / transcription . facilities, are :easibr;ta^'s:iet: tip in•,'N^^Y. ;■ . : SEATTLE OpQ Several AiFRA ; MeetiiiBS jfeid -r- : . KOMO-itJR to Join as ;Body >yjRV 10% Boiius ; ■ petrbit, Dec. 28, r Bonus checks, equivalent .to; 10% . of yearly salary. Were distributed 'tp • 130: impipyes of. WJll. last week by ^■: Manager :.Lep. Fitzjphtrick,; ■:/. ;^ ;■ ■:; Santa. ;GlauSi repprtihg one of the . most' pi-psperous years ift ' station's-: ■history, noted;thfit ;WJR payf'oll:had ; increai^ed frorii 36 livevycars ago to: V 130 this year. • ',: ■■'■;.:■.'■■.■.;'' " . .••■ ' ;•-■ :;. ' Seattle, Dec. 28. ; American .Federation of Ra'clib Artists' iirst meeting,. a . feeler-puter by Vic; Gbilhors, rep ■ frpm; he^d pffices, V shoWed ;42 . people present and abPiit^;3 ^sign. ; At, secphd .''meeUhg ' called for ;midiiight to -get large,, representa- Jibn,::s|L4tiis:;.Q girls, came ' for discussion. : This talent had . certain commitments .to- fulfill. . At last meeting KOMO-kjR; employes . asked for time tb hold; their: p^yn meeting 'Avhen '/they .wIUI join; the' AFRA: grpup. ,; In ■ forrning the local: AFRA chapter, tale was a,dyised; ail: instructions would be from mai ti: olTices> of un iPn and local union; heads of other .aftiliates wpuld have.! ^ho:; Gpntrpi;. pyet this/ bpdy. Ijpcal chapte^^ AFftA will be 'com- pleted as soon 'as KQMO-kJR talent signatures. ■'■ .:■•.'..:;;'■..,' Initial,negotiations for recognition, wage .miriimums,and 'standard' w i ng; . ;c o n.di ti p n k ; ' may be gin ';. F r i da y • mbrhihg' (31) between; the: American Federatibn of Radio Artists iand ad-', yfertising .agencies handlings the ma-.. jor . liatibTiWide commiercial shows. Expected .thatv huddles ; will fblipw with representatiyes of lesser com- mercials and locally sponsored pro- grams. Talks With; network • offjclals ^will take place after; t^ V ;• - * Up to. a .late ;hpur-;yesterday afterr noon (Tuesday) AFRA had not contacted any of the leading agencies in New York to set a specific date for the ■huddles,. Agericy execs;,said they had Tio idea When' a: meeting/ in ight be: held. AFRA heads, meahSvhilc were powWowirig to decide .:which agencies .tiiey would con first.. In niimerous; informal talks cov- ering the;, last; few months,. Mrs. Emily Holt declares, agehcy execs have been 'reasonable* about all gestioris and have expressed r them selves as Sympathetic to the AFRA ainisi' • Execrsecretary • thinks the whole matter • of negotiations should be. wound up within' "four to' six mbriths land th;a;t AFRA shbuld have contracts covering • all major com- mercials and With' aU: - large, netr works. ' . •// .'■' ;;.;• „' /While , the possibiUty now seems unlikely,, there is': still a : chance of a; bitter ftght 'Withih the . :A.sspciated Actors and Artistes of America over lurisdictipny rights in radio. :T^^^ if it po.mes/ Wptild be: between XFRA; and the. AmeHcan Federation of Actors (vaiide perfbrmer liiiioh ). , ,.' : Siiice ;/ the-. matter concerns the American Federation of ,/Musiciaii.s;' Mrs, Holt expects to: talk with Jp- ■seph Nil Weber, president^ probably^ this week. Tv-'O have worked to-. gether in the past When Mrs. Holt was ior years .assdclate couri.sel of Actors Equity ahd are expected to but misuriderstandings arnicablyi .Weber.: has. denied; that, a letter sent by him, tb leidcrs of traveling bands carried ..any .reflbctibn.^ AFRA or its. jurisdiction/while Ralph White- head has also disavowed any .siich inlefpretation oh. a letter he sent tP heads' pf . the NBC artists 'service. " 'Amenca h Fed crati pn of Radi b.Art- "ists now has 1,700 members In New- York City. : ■ ■■' ■'.-.'•.' . ; ..:. ^.Chicago,; Dec. 28. . .. •.■ iShristmas party held by' NBG erhpiloyees here' this year; dif. k ferred. iro.m bther yaar.s ia that-.. it was billed as y/.hbiesbmie.. ..■;•... •;. Tp guarahtee.:;lhat it rem air), in that ^ categbry, NEC V/at--: ". ranged (1) that it. be held at JI . a.m., (2)'that emplbyebs; bring • their kids,, and (3) that -five -/ minutes 61 /it; be.;bf oadciast; on;. the 'Farm .arid Home Hour.' . /. .;.'i)ifferences' between ;Bing Crosby and Rocitwiiil-b'Keefe on the matter pf cpmmissiohs for :the /latter^s Kraft program / assignment i; .are ^ bpinjg amicably settled.. RKO claimed $33,- 000. du6 in accumulated comn)isi.sions. while the singer's brother, 'Everett, Hpllywopd agent, had entered :a caunter-claim of seybiral thousand dollars. ■ / '■. ;Situation in the strained relations between "Tbrn Rockwell and/ his two partners, F. C. (Cprky ) p'Keefe and Mike Nidprf. oyer their refusal. t( consent; to a merger with Conspli- dated Radio Artists,. Inc., / yemain.< unchanged; ' At the height of, the inira-partner dispute there was tallc about Rockw.cjl jsellihg but .his.:ihtbr csit in the fii-m to O'Keef^ and /Ni ■ dorf: Rockwell is due back from ,the Coast sometime next week. /. .'; Amcrieari Giiild pif Annpyrice^rs ahd .. Pi:oducers resumes its ■ ncg pti aiibh s'; today ■. (21)) witb.the; Natipna-rBroii.d-;' casting Co.; iri:efrbrts. to. .secui^^^ tract for .sound• eflbcts mon. Cbrir .. tract 'With/ .Gplumbi estabjishini?. , minimums pf $50 a week for sound '; elTects .mcrt /vyas closed earlier t^ ,rnQnih;and efforts to secure';thcsame scale ,-it - NBC which have been go- ing on' .for i-.qme time; will be con- tinued. ,. •■'•v'-•'■■/■;•;■■ . :;' : ■'■^ . .' .'•-/'■-^•.•. Ncgpti^tbrs ■ .for• /AGRAp / include.;; G.brnjd Dickler, attorney// Zaie. Dil- • Ibn'; Walter McPbribu'^i)/ and Fred/-.- eri/ci<' -K,ribpflv' ;.\ ..Reprcseriting' NBC .are Mbric Wbods,. yiec.-pre.«;ldcnt; E.- '; Gardner Prime, coun.scl; Charles W, Fitch, program; mana.tjcr, ahd; Ed- ward F.' McGrady, labbf . reiatlbns';/ coUn.'?oll.o'r for .li.G.A, (Contract se- ; ■ cured at CBS guarantees substahtihl V raises- for: sound efTccts .ihcri:. bcfbre ■ he expiration of the contract; a year .'< and.:a half from now/ .■':•'-/ ':. Other .developments, in . AGRAP hegbtiatipri.s / are ■; . follpWs:: At V WBNX, indi/ foreign . language sta- tion in N. Y. bpntrac^ wcrp'signc'd - thiis month for two. years - cp.vcrjng annouhcing and /production - staffs; . Received an increase of 16 2/3.% -over existing^scaic, -and: mihimums Wstab-;:"' lished this; year of ;$35 will be upped to $40: in December, 1930. : Negotiations -. arb currently going on at WOV in /N; Y.. at WAAT/in Jersey City, and . a rbvLsion; of .th'e present '■ cpntract wi ih WMCA is be- . ing discussed. .;, AGRAP also filed charges recently with, the National .Labor Rclptibns-, Bpdrd against WNjEW ' ef- fprt to compel the station to recog- nize it :as; the cblle'ctive -bargaining, agehcy. No hearing.s as yet,.;' ■ v ROSE BOWL KELLOGGED TO Ted MacMurray's Promotion ■■■■ • : . '•:/■■ (Thicago,, Dec. 28. With/Bob: Hafter taking .over full . ..time job ;as producer of the Wrigley 'Double:'Eve rythii'ig*-.v .shpWs/. ;;.Ted Macl\';urfiiy/ gets: the Supervisor ■ of Productions /desk at WBBM. ■' ■;/ ; MaiiVlurray has been with WBBlW for five: years, corning in- as an .en- gineer and; w.brkihg intb .productibh idepavtment.; /Before that, ...wa.s corir , nccted with KSL, KMOX, and KSO ;; iri the vai'ibu.s capacilibs ;pf p directbr, band leader, actor, singer; ■; ' and producer. : ,-■;:.■ :W ..■''.'/•> ; Cedar ; Rapids,: la/, Dec. 28. WMT, Cedar Rapids-Waterloo, has .signatured new cbhtracts for the emr ployment of musici . in the studios :rhain.tairied by the. statiori in - either, towh; . "Agreement . requires the ;;e?(i- penditlires of a mi h i rhum/ b f/$25.00O a year for the next twp years be- tween the two layouts.,/ ./'./': . . ;Peal is.: part of the general, settle- ment, plan /wprko.d. but/ betweeii/ the Anierican ;.Federatiprt ■ ;of -Mviisicl.ans- and the network affiiiatbd-.stationis/' PUtsburgh 7 re'prpsehted r ■ on Heifiz; '^Mag.azine: o.f ;Ai.r! over.; CBS last Thursday .(23) by /Betty Atiiin-. ;sbri,:'^^^/ ain'd C^h'ri'stmas sketch authored/by^ Franli;. Seidel, WCAE writer. v . Mrs.; J. C. Bbulianne; prez. KVl, back in Seattle after.-: c'a'storn trip.... Mol of Zolos Family Dtiiig on er While to :;; Nbw.':trahscriptiori.;!;ho.\y: t^^^^^^ Affiliates' (Xpt'o's,; Marmello, . etc/); new - product, . Xo.xbi','- shann'poo.. tint, is being produced :and:. recbrd.cci. by .Roger Whiie ,..Productions';' • '.New; York. 'Wax- show: i.s in naliire of; ■iZe^week .test scries, /emanating from' KNX,; Hollywood. At conclasion '■b.rpadciast; ...goei; ; 'live sho'.vy' otit pf Hpllywpod .bjcing consti-iictbcl'. aj;b.(iri'd present material..; Fray •ii/rid Brng-. 'i^ibtli,- fiiano.'. dup- ;firid. n)y,sic'ry barjv tone, ajre the talent. . ' ... /. Roger White.goes; to /Ihe;:(^oa5i .i.ii 't\v,b' / weeks, ppcnhig a;n-: ofTicc arid .siip.eryisihg- how Libxpl series^. Allon Alexander' renriaih's ' /'^charge;, of N. :Y. office in order to produce tiow .^Zotos; /p'rpgram.s .set to /in February. .•; '■ .-' '/• • • Nbw,.-Rogcr; White (To,.is^';^^^ - iabiish'cci 'on'.Coast;al>>.0 ■ bccause ;Cp.rn.. .-Pr/-\dubt.s< wilt return tb..air;sorrietime h-jJanua i-y;.- with. hirpadcast .^emaiiating . l.rbm Hollywood.. .: - * ' ^• '■ /" '/- .,'' ■ Boston, Dec. 28. Kellogg i.s bringing sideline re port/ot the Rose Bowl igame; ('31) tp New England . listeners the Yankee Network through:;; 'tele- phone hbokup.of its own. ;-; Bill Cu.nninghahi, ^-who is on Col- lier's All-Americap Sclectipn Board and does sports for the Boston Post, hns ; the;/ahno.uricing' assignment on the California end. NeW KMOX Am Show . St; Louis, Dec. 28.. . A new amateur show on the tour nam.cnt. • planj with single ;.pri:zc. of, $r)00 awarded at the end p£ 13 -week!? began ; over KMOX; Sunday (26) Program " ' 30 min. Aveekly under span.sbrship of; Ga.sen / Drug/; Stbfc.s' which has 20 outlets in the ;city. One winner will be: chosen - by.. li.'rtpne|s who cast votes; at stores; on er.cli. of liz br'oad.casts.:. Last .show:; wili find the dbzch weekly winner."; -corTipc-tiri.'; and :f5nai prize grabber dptcrmihcd by three juclges. .;., ■ ■. .';■.• •. - THOMPSON FRAMING SERIAL FOR PONDS Hollywood, Dec. .28.. .1. Walter ;Thompson agehcy is pre-. ; paring a di'airnatic sisrial for Pbnds,- which initials Jan.' 4 on NBC blue rietW6.rk. .Prbgriam is-titled 'Thpse^W Love' and is being Agnes Ridgway. Agency is rbuhding'.up a stock company for minor; roles with picture/names?to command the;leads. . Talker rbplaccs outfit's 'Husbands and Wives,' Which has been airing from the East/ John, who holds pi pductiPh rein pn 'One Man's Family,' wiil'prPduce. - ' ' on Srjvihgtpn Crampton, radio head oi!. the.; Wiliiam .Esty '/ency, is: lunrilrig.-toL-the;.^thJ£^/F^ day (31). Hc'has been in New "Yprk Die past- week going oyer Camel; pro- ■ gram .matters with agency cxccu- tives. ' , ,:' '• •';' •■' '.■ : ■ ■ ..; •■ : Jack Oakie show and the Benny Goodman program will remain in their pre.seiit Wcdrie.sday^ night, siibt pn CBS for at least the next 12 weeks. ;: . •; •'.■;' '•..-" , Dewey lipton's Commercial "■: '■; ' Sah Frariciscb;. Dcc: 28. .'; ■ Lady Alycia Beauty Products Hint!»; for Hollywood Stars on KPO shifted ;tp. ^;traight:•.^i]m gp.ssip (23'), with- bew.ey Liptbn - replacing ^ernme .gab- .'bcr. -.. yndcr , new.. title Hollywood .Bbulcvardier.,;-; The show / bohtinues: twice Weekly.; iTuesdays and day.s, at 4 p.m. The account is ser- viced by Frank E. Cox agency, Oak- land. . ;- '■': .'... -//-.i^ • Blahkenbaker Dies / ' ; '' / HoUyyi/ood, Dec/ 28.' Ralph Blaplccnbaker, / : 52,. who wrote-' the: commercials/ for several inajpr shoWs/ldied in ffoilywbbd..DeCi 23, He had bce'n : i.lihg.' fot; 'Vbme; tinie.; •' ■. '.•/ "• . 'Blahkenbaker'.s Jast conhectibn was .with Geycr; Cprhell' &' Newell copywriter • «h ihe Nash-Kelvinator accbuhU ;leavih'ii early the past fa.ll ib/ visii :his: .daughter, and/sori-in-l^ on the Coast. ' He has aJso~ been with Batten;/ Bartbn, bur.sti pe & O.sborhe, Inc., and -Er^yiri,' Wa}jey: & Co. / . ' .Ernest -RogersV publicity director of ,WSB arid WAGA, Atlant'a. ■ i.s /scheduled ;tp • .address; /. Ameriean: . Ass'rt ;pf Tbacherg ,oiE JpUrhalism;on' .Vome.:phases, oi' radio ih ' Col.umbu.s, Ohio. ' -.■:•' ■-: '•' .':■■;.// ■''''/.''•'' ;•'•-. . ;• ■.. W. T. Lane's. Local .liency •; . Syracuse, Dec.21. '- William T; Lane.; who- ohce serv. d • .commercial manager of WSYR anid.. pi.ibtc.d sponsored, ' ro- .'ir.ait|;s,.. hqs.-;rn-mbd/ a ■/Syracuse C.'rd- .y!."'rt-i.sing agehcy-bearing-111.? tiame;. ■ -Lane is a former newspaper t an a n'd ex-secretary;'to .iWaypr Roll a rid B; Marvin. •.-.' -; •■ -'--; -