Variety (Dec 1937)

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VARIETY RADIO ilTeidlilesd^ Pi?ceinl>er ; i29y 193:7 . ^V. . ''-'l BostbiTi. Dec..28, Pet.iti^ Vipsponsibility . for^ defamatibn, .. pf. character -/ by ^radip' "is scheduled , in this. s^^ GeriefiahCourt of ^ . yenes On Jan5, pocket 1 ihclud g _;lbill worked .up :i>y Rep. P hilip G' Bdwkef of Brpoklihe, after much re- ■ S^airch,/-.; ;-.;;'-f->/.' 7 , -£ourts now hbid radip iri the'same absplute mje of liability aS newfr ;pa|pe>-Sy^that: he lyhp "publishes. pUlj- lishes at his .peril; Newspaper; rult.. BpWken avers, is a misfit in th^ Tadip industry*:.: Radio,:: the. irinocfent. by- . stander^ must how take the V/^llpp: fbr deliberate ad ^ libbing frprri per- V sons who take the a^ witjh the imtr mediate interitioh of reacjiiig his cojjy' word; for Aybrdi Belie ehmieshmeint, of , ii bej ithd 'slander/ ceh^bring and freedom of speech: will be affected; Rep. Bowkeir. brought out some salieh^ oyer WBZ and WBZA, Bbs-r ton>:Sprihgfieldi Mass., at th6. invitar- tibh : of vJohii . A.^^' H ]Vtariager.}--vV;'- •.'V:,-^^;-/ ■ •Bowkier; said;; ■ih.ipartr . /The subject of. radio broadcasting^ :>yi,th. regard tb its' powervahd'opppr- tuftity to cause injury' tp ai li>usine$s: ; to in individual -is-a well-las a rathet intricate .lega'i matter. - When the termV deiamatibn of character . is ntehtioned, the .- idea; of .political; speiBches quite naturally' cbm«is tb injhd. ;;Before' igping' into : that.'^^p^^ let,us reflect, ibr a m on; What a ihaUcipUs;.wofd:' or twO; pveV. th^ iaif .might iti^6ah ^tb a busmess. R nofiAs hp :salesm'ah . tp knc^^ on .i^our .;dpbr to:gairi,entry tb your'.HPnie and it does;hpt hi^ed a' license to be heard • general; p^^ jjrpiips '.pf pebple; :ih public places; sUchi as drug ;std;res; . barbers" arid,'in ah in™-; meh^e ' ;yari.ety of., other v business . gatherinig:-.lbcatibns.; .True, y.bii .can" turn off a program;; at ^ your own plj^asure,: but •. uhfottunateiy, : lipt quick ehougK to pxeyeht a defarna* toiry- word or phrase:; from .reaching your ears. - i Th^ : po'wer. vo^f ; radio ■ ih rbugh: dj reel ; suggestiye: ptlassure. dh the piiblic .mi is; iornething tb conjure, .with. [A:.remark ma^ be' made in the spirit pi jpkihg by a :friendly biisihess competitprj'yet in-. ■ tiilpulable haf m h^ay; result.. >. The. practical fSet,is that before an <xferhppraneoUs staterbi&nt cari.' cut off, the . ; the: damage is dpiie and it. is then too late, to rem^^^ :. The" speaker 'may. suddenly 'ad lib' and before a: few secbhds have passed '. most grievously injure the teputa- tion of. another. ; \, Under •existihg .Court ' Ru station as w6U ;as ;:the . speaker, tc- main liable ih damages and thus the • situation,; . at present,; in kp , far as commercial prograhis are;'.coh^^^ , in- cases pf deyiation,,.iS quite, unfair to the broadcasting authbrities, '■ Up 'to' the; Paper Ab^^plute; liability applies to ■ the newspaijei;!. -It means that the. news-- paper-is iiaibler-reg^irdie^^ consideration of excust,'; except .a.s the statute has carved out limited exceptibns.; The newspaper ^ creates itS' own cPpy and khoWs jn adyance what it' is to. publishi It is in a Ppjji- tipn to cehsor what it publishes and nothing ','gpes into its :publieation .which/,it : cannot: delete.; Good seerriV tp riequire a different; rule' ;ias to radio brpadcasting.. .. The .hews- paper rule^is ■ a^^^ misfit in: .;;the radif> ■ business,.: yet';! the; Courts, .prdne .tc adhere to ahaTogyi: sieem unwiitiiig to diflerentiatpi Cbhse.quehtly,;^f^''a^ sible: iuling is. .tP.-gpyern, i made as a nriatter bf, br .Court decisibn depMtlhgiirprn ex istinjg^-preeedent/ '■'■ The . subject . pf ;.plp"fitical; slieechcs: la- :tlv;; sit^aXidn. has. .'greatly per-:: plbxed .tbbse .fadid bfbadcasting..,cbri- ^- cerns: who ^desirt all to give clean and inpfTehsiye prograjhs.. .SEC; 3i2, . Gpmnriuhicatiohs - Act • of: ' 1934. Title .47,: Chapter 5, U.S.G.A;. States * : lipprisee shal) .ihayc nb pdwfer <>f; ::.censbrship;over.-; the. ./ rnaterial broadcast-imder, this secti.oiV..^v^ .U^^ thiis: the .sp.^aker exercises fiili .rijj ;pt free' speech and: the .bi'dadcastini; ■ station must npt' cei-isov. his .speech: Thiis. any guailiflod, .candidate for public ofTiee' cannbV be: cbntji:plleci in this : spe.ech by: the radio .station. . I . think that it ;is:h.fere that^^;^^ .pubiic: re.sentni'e.nt.-at. Tadio: i:ern.aV^ • is ^eiitered/ The oluestipn Pf biiitside radio. pi;ck-.'Ups also leaye.s the statip,ii in ;.an ;UiifayPrable pb^.itibn.:. Utter- ,anc.e.s uiicen'sored: aV. ■bahquet/ hall, .round .tablb, ath:loti(!r.vfield b.r''p'ubli& \s.quavO ;...niay' pl'uiige;--.a.' sta intb darhagcs,,as:rnay it'be, fp^ ^.chance remark\ of - a bystander . wKp^^^.b jnto : the broa dcast. The statioii; :iii ^iuclFciTcur^ meaiis; .to-^prptect ifselfv.^:.--^:' ■Frphil a isutyey-bf.- the radid" cburi .cases and decisipriS in ^this: cpiinti*y. it is;api>arentthat the radio industry: cart, take; ho\,cbmfbrt: frPm the m jPrity of them.: . The newspaper; r^ of . absolute "liabUify is the .gehei'al standard adopted and if it is tb be cohsidered as . the. icontrpllihg' prece^ dent . there is; little belief ' in sight.. There should be, sdhje rentedial ip latioh pr. cburt decisibri vwhich recog- nizes ^ the: differences -in "the nature, pf hewspaper publi$hing;ahd .brbad t casting;: I co.uld Very: easily Say that, the bf padcastihg station makes ;pbs- sible 'injufyf to ;thie gopd ;' name •; ■. pthers and ■ :ther.efore.>;shPuid suffer the- VbionSequent 'penalties,. but. ;, that would be the inipracticabie'jyiew^^^:^^^^ held .in some / quatteris. ; TO question ^ is what. -reniedy, :if ahy,; should' be provided., irt.imy mihd'" a yety :iair. 'r.tiie: %buld. be tb: "Cxempt. the.: broadcasting, station frpm ■ lia^: bility except 'f6r:;;lack, of .due' care; TOIS Would ?id(i?quatbly; protect. the. publiC: as; Jho. statibri " cpuld: .then af ■ fbrd to perihit. prdmiscupus::;defama-. tioh oyer ' its. network iprV ieair , its conduct. Wbuldxbp; Cpnsidei'ed as bbn- tralry . tp:. the - public - interests result-; ing' ih the .IpssjW .its y-y- ; • :i;ihcol^ ^ Poll Searle,; mahagfer pf y\yi0\V, Tppeka, Kan., the Ciapper publicatipn tati drtj. r.esigned;,this week as;:of Jahv 1/wivefv he. will becdnie gerieralihari- ;iiger; of thfe: Central States. Brpadcastr- . fng: Co,, ,tp: oflice: i.n'pmaha.^ . :^ ~;. Cehlral States' has KOIL; Omahat kFAB. and" KFOR, Lincdln^^ ent. j list last;.Week paying :$55,0Q0 f bi: -W A A W, Omaha, pending approval Pf FCC. T Exec committee ..of .CSBGr- .Charles Stuartj Joe 'W.' Seaqrest, G, '.L. Carlier: and :f'rank' Th^ the decisibh. ^^/'[.y.]:. Sbarlei:: ;hai . been in . radio since 4925^ whph ■ he \^,ai5 piirt ^ownet. and maivagef' df K6lL,'0naahai :Had be at WIB\y since 1933. ' ;: :\ : Om^a, Dec;: 28.:^ ' John Henry has • resigned from Central ^tates;Broadcasting. Gd;, ef^. Xectiye :,Jah.',1.. Ends.; six years re- lalionship with company ." during. \VliJch;he :seryed under:thi"ee:.owner 'ships. ^ V"^; ■.-:;■;;; oniahc ain Oyer JBC. But ttese .• 'Washington, bee. 28:' ■' : • ■Internatibnal Children's party, ar- ranged by the- Greater Rational Ca- pital/Gommlttee of 'the.VWashingtbii Board pf Tfade, celebt-ated for. the; fifth time the'get-together of ; chil- dren pf' foreign: diplomats .iri a prq- gram brbadcaistthroughout the world. Over the, NBC netwprk, childish voices of small ,:fdreigners . Were broadcast frprn; the Carlton Rbom .of the Carlton Hoteli while fpnd;par.-- ents listened in.: : Moppets; ' dr^ in. thp: hatiyc: costurnes of their own countries/ .totalled : 24^in contrast tb; the nine youngster^ who started the: first brpadcaist.; '.■ •'•::■■-■;;■ With short wave stations. W3XAL, Bound Brook, N. J., and WlXlK. Bos- ton, ^catt-yihg the, Christmas. greet- ings in the.'natiye tongue of. each of the brpadcasters, good, v/efie; flashed: to;' 19 different countries. Ages :;of broadcasters ranged from ■ three to 13 years.'-.;'• :■'; V Hits of: the afternbon were Martin Althaus, son of the Naval Attache of the . Peruyiairi Legation and ' PaUl WankoWi'cz,' sdn of the counselor pf the-pdljsh—Embassay.-—-The y b u n g Peruyiah laid them ih:the;aisle.s witli'- his, gift for oratdry, while the .Pdlish youngster, wearing • a;' beltod.:white:' smocki- drew numerous cphiments concerning; his bldnd. beauty;. Effect pf ;the gathering smacked bf a League 'of I^ation's ■ pbw-wbw— with very, little. English' heard in Washington's .; swankiest;' arid most c.bnserya' hotel.. ■ .Pareri'ts, nurse- maids ;and French governesses hov- ered over the sleek little dipldm'ats duririg ..;th^; ...entire^' perfom eyieh-tp the pbirit where' the moppets sat; do.Vyn : tp. -ice: etearn\,and, take as a , ireWard :for . their labors. ;•':. ; Belles ' of, prey ious NBC Iritefna tibnal Chirdren's - parties— Sakiko and Saitb, daughters bf the Japanese Anrib9^sadbr-4.\yere preserit • but did ■not>.eceiy'e; the' ii'sual publicity' frdrn a.^wiar-trlghtesned. 'W:ashihgtph.^ : : Fireman. In Evening CJlothes : . ■ . ' ■ '.. .. St.' .Lba.iSi Deci ; 28, '.\ . i .^Daiv Sey.fprth, prpdiieHibn^^^^^ pf KWK, 'IpstTthe ;(;oat .pf :his evening- 'suit-and suffered burns;dn.'.fhe; hands, last.. WQckin exiinguishihg a b)azing .dvess worn by Lpui:se Benpist Bryan ilt the ;M.unicipal- Auditdrium'kduring the;,y;ale; Dramatic. Club*s i'p.bsehta-' tion.of 'And for Vale;"- • Incident pccurred the I'Cfr'ec- tdry br'the ;:bLiildtng whei-i • a carci ipssly.;: tossed - malcK ■' i«ivited . 'Miss ■Bryan's^ tuUb'.e'vehihg WW J ■ s Commercialized SlM)itiwan^ Own M'Rebn^^ : Detroit/Dec. 28; ■ WWJ's shonWaver; W8XWJ^ starts an .18.-hour daily, ^ed nPxt .Monday (3) in an '%xperirnenl\ designed.- tp- make diitlet first, shprtwayer tp go cdrhiherciarinU.vi5:/.; . ' Shortwayet ;alr.eidy mish to aif IcPnimerc.ial shpWs^... Prpducfidn; of suitable prpgrams deyoives . upon. Weliingtpn Granzo;V, fprmerly one; - bf WWJ's prbdiiction men. Granzdw has^^ bePn laying, put a. complete: setup/ requirements,, etc.', for" which he'll get help ./in for mi; .of an entire new:, staff ; or pprtipn . of .WWJ's staff When he nfeeds it/ / • Inauguration of sepiara:te pr:ogram^^ for ; shprtwaver, /located atop town's tallest building, the Penobsbbt, is in line./ with: . FCC's/ frown; shprt- Nyaver's/rebrbadcasting pf other, prp- grams, ;W8XWJ; for past year pr.sp has depended on picking :Up' WWJ's shows duiring its 7-hour daily sked. - SUSPENSE OVER; NEW / l lWCLE WlP/CiJSEN : ■. :'.;/'- ''^ . . Philadelphia,. Deb.; 28/, '•■. . V American; N reieas:ed : figures: ' showing radio iridiistry (sets) ranks fourth among all kinds/of busi-- npss firnis spending :mbre, than $50,000 a year in purchase pf. news- paper ispace, /:• /■/ .■;• /■'./■:.;■ ■''.':;...;:■ / .■'■:■■//;. ■•,/:;/'■'v'-:^--'/.' . ■. . . Radlb: follows right after automobiles^ tobacco and tires ." /that/ . order, dishihg lip $5,182,6bO ' on publications, with 3,(»75/6bo going to / newspapers.' Represents outlay bf'seven set mahufacturei',s;/ 1ST KATE SMITH MSCS' IN SIX YEARS CUT After iref ra in ing from making rec- "oTds- for .. ther"patr/^iTT^jr^^ Smith exp.eripriced a change of ihind and yesterdayCTuesday) waxed ioUr numbers for Victor.- . . \ ■]': ..-r ■ Decision tp record; was partially prPrnpted by . desire .tb intro • via the/ wax mediurn ./a new, swing ar-. f ahgerrient: pf the cohtralto's thematic 'iSilpph. . Conies Over : Mpuntain.' .Thought ;Was .to/:Cash in on. the cur- rent .popularity swing yersidns of old sphgs- are' attaining. Other hUm- bers .Misis Sinith .rt are .'Gold Mine in Sky>:' 'You're a Sweetheart' and 'Bei Mir .'Bist Du Schoen.' : It was/at the suggestion of her manager, Ted Cdllins, .that /.the Warbler ; nixed recordings shortly .after she went netwbrk rsidiP seven years . ago,"; Collins;::,.w,hp. had■ been in :the pop-record biz, thought/ th^ cpntraltpv:' should/ . concentrate / her caroling as a live perfdrrriei' only: ' /; peal with/Victoi* is for. the quartet of: selections only,; . Before further waxinjg,'sales results will be' Weighed., Philadelphia,, Dec. 28. Wayne; Cody has been" named by "WIP /fb succeed; James Willar'd, Jri," as v'Uhcle/ -Wip.'. Willard's resigna- tion 'Dear Kiddles' spieler is ef- fective iSuhday (2). Cody ddes. ;a cpuple moppet: shows on WFIL, /one tagged 'Jdlly " Man,*' 'spdnsored /by Strawbridge:.:&.Cldther, cp-owh the- outlet, and another 'Old: King Cole,' bankrolled by. ; Bachman Chocolate Co. / , ife'll give up. 'JoUy Man* to take the .'Uhcie Wip' post, but Will con- tinue with . the /chocolate-'company, which just Sighed him for a year/ Cody's an pld'rtirner * ' vaude and music. " ■ ■ (; [ / -. 'Jolly Man*, will be supplanted oh WFIL by .;Melddy Miss,' Polly Willis; itaff chi.rper. ■. A former schoolmarm, with two kids :bf her own, she'll db; turn similar; to lireene Wick'er's .' r<aay.:';'. / —-l.^^ /; •- ■/";/ Quiz Biz Boomish /: Philadelphia, I)ec. 28. Run; on. qui'z shp.W'k'/has 'hit. PhjViy hfl rd with Isecbnd.vdutlet in. past, sey- eral weeks adding a neW'one. . Latest is WFIL's 'Let's/Popi the .Qyestipn.' search for new locale/ will set rpAprihg in an. pld-!^^^^ gen- eriil ; ;as a. cbm«!^dppihg bee.^^:/ ./Stpi-e. owner tends the; corn aii.d pop's; tHe.questi.bns, With participant^^ and studio-: . aud ; joining ■ . in . comi tfiinvity sirig /arid .eating pdpp^»d'cpisii; Elizabeth Hart but ■ -•■;...■';.■/•■ /;.,•■"■.:.'■ /iBp.ston, Dec, 28. :. .North We;s'tprn. La'bs^Went dff, WEEl ii.'i. scheduled last Week. ; A last-^rniri- ille ^change pf mind canceled, a p^^^ yioils' cahcellati'dn..phly; to' have; the cancered::.caheellatibn dusted off and rcslbried/as/scheduled;/..: ::'^:.■.-^■V :./:• ,.;E1 hii beIh. Ha'rt, w.hp bdnducted the cpsrnblic. shpw-^ f'pr/.'Lpuis',: Glase'r, agency,:, had:;hor status changed .with ev^iry: telephdne :cail :,pii .the , fatelul pption ;dayV :>: . Frank; .Blair, pVpgi*am-piplter; fp.r. past year at- WFBC Groetiyille, S. C. lei't; .slatid 11; Dec. 29 to . jpih/ WOL, Wa'.>fhinf?ton, D. C. / ■ Hollywood, Dec. 28.; ■ "Tiny; Ruffner back from. confab- bing iri;N;: Y. with Ruthrauff & Hyan • ; Don Giiriian ;m'pved; but the. .en- tire prPdUctiph staff • to make an pf-: fli.ce/in; the main btiilding: for LPW Frbst; ./"■.;;-'•. •'■•/':.; /■■;/■ / ][ j:^'-':- ' ' ■ Bob Hope looks like a fixtiire ph. the AVarneirs-^Lucky Strike ppiis, Ashrnead Scott, . ;producer, has Max; Gordbni nte res ted in hi s radio hovel/, 'American Backdrop/' for a BroiaidWay look-see/ Bill Lewis dqe on the Gdast to oversee prodiiction'on the neW .G.hcs vtetfield showl /. Marty bbsch back in. town oh same chdrle. •//"//■ /Walt Disney's fcartopn. show' for Pepspdent will be tagged Mic^cey Mouse; Theatre Pf the Air,: Lord & "Thomas u n ve i Is i t' j an.' 2. Fibber McGee and Molly due tp: shift /their, base- tP H.pllywdp.d,: af ter yeai". turns; ' '• . \ /O.-/;;--- ■ - Ed Ward Arnold and his wife', Ql; did a Yule turn oh the GoastyThrills' shoWi ' He playbd Santa and She car^ oled a number from her former cPn,- cert repertoire. Nf:.. -./V ■ Charles Vanda . turned./his KNX production ; staff loose • ort ; five new ;quarter-hour afternoon progifarns. ; Sam H e a r n ' s ' (Schlepperrhan) brbther; :LeW,::iahded a spot on Jpe. Penner's show. ' ■ . ^. 'Helen ;. Hanepck, one time with : WOR, New York; now ; dishing up publicity at KNX. . . ^-FredrAlfeh^held pii: t lie " Coast un r Week longer than h'e cared for on ac- count of , retakes on: his picture; / He's d'np -of ;the few top air names who hb like these diggin's, .;. : :/.'/■:. •,/ ■ Eddie Robinspn taking 'Big Town' td New Ydrk fpr two broadcasts, Jan. 18 and 25. '■■//' />'/; ' /.l . .Meredith/ Willson 'compdsed an driginal Alice in.; Wonderland scoi/e for;; -Coast broadcast. ; ; '" \ -Eddy Duch 1 ' will dd his 'Rdmance Hpur';; fotv Eli:zabbth. Ardeh ffprh; th Gpast after Feb. I pyer Mutual,, / . /' .Margo ; guesting on . Chase/ & Sart- 'bprn/prpR'rahi/ JahV:2:'■.; - ; ..:/ '.;;//. ' : Ja'idk/-Gross fpi^maily/:inducted as manager' bt.i;KEHE,, .\M<;e ... Wflirray :Grabhorn, ,whpv.goes -east Elliott ..RposeyeR's. as.S'lslant;: ;he the Hearst radio interests." '; ■ '; :;. / Bud-Riitherford head flackiiV^-KHJ in addition tp Wiuting the hewsbasts fpr Glenn'. Hardy. . / .:'^. v' ; ; ■ Bfti-t Gordon's Yule gift from. Ed- die Caritor -was / 26-Week cpntract; .Hb; ' the. 'inad Russian' pn the :'fbp, aqb show. ■/../■■ ■;. .' ■ :.: Columbians at:KNX drew an extra :Weck;^s\pay.,;from ;Sait\VNi Rep; Ayer Add^ WATR ;;.Hibbard-.Ayer,.-5tatiph:;.rep^^ ed .: seventh station. .'to his list, WATR, Waterbui-y; Conn. / ; .BrQad<:asfer is a/ldo-wattb'i-/ on full tinie. '' ' ■-:•. ■•■ ' . : HdlIy\yood, Dec 28. ■-; More ti'^^ihscdntihental /; prograrhs,. : with local sponsorship/ / patterned/'; aifter George, Jessel's '30 Minutes ih ^ Holiywdod,' Will be broiaidcast by: Mutual in 1938, Fred Weber,; head- / tnm of the baby hetwoik. told Coast:: .radio' eds at a'luhchepri "last Wbdnes- day (22), Chain afiiiiates are happy with the/ arraihgerhent: and it also ,:: tapi^ a new cpmrhercial field,; Weber ' .Said,' : By-this :'m^^^ 'iir .advertisers can UUe any/ num- ,ber" of ;statibns :fbr. pne .tQ^72/Which/ //■ aft'prds them the pirivYlege pf/ jiic / their , spots, in the sale- pi; sb^sonal;; / cprt)riipdities. . :'^ . •/■/.-/; •"/..'■,/■. /'■•'-■ ; " ■•;■■ / ■ Weber; refused tp .cPrtirhit MutuJii; " on ;a : pplicy.; pf policing: air . /saying that Jessel's. prPgraihs have expressed it better than any [ official: prbnPtincemeht by him. He added his vpibe to those pf bther' riet.wbrk ■ heads Who have riScPghized the/0^ as ari:^ali-iinpprtai|it-productionicen^^ .. / for radio. The Don Lee ;chain,' ha : said, wdiild be' looked to next year •: tP fUrhish a heavy run of prdgranis '•' With picture talent. ■' •..'•; -- y' ■';;/'-; Weber intimated . that . Mutual would expenhiisnt with-, /daytime - dahcP: band£i to dbmpete against the heavy schedule of strip shbWs. He ./: belieyes that a Vast audibnce is/ be-. ing pyerlboked; that every • dPesn't dial the. serial talkers; "; ;:;^^^^^^ / Weber rertiains over the holicjays for a series bf conferences 'Withr Lewis Allen Wbiss, general manager : of;thie;Dpn:;Leb chain^ajfifiliafe;; : /- /■•/ INTERNATIONAL EVENTS '■■ ■■■■ ' .' petroil, .riec. 28. ;.'v/Ser'ies::pt- internatidnaL af- ' ' feeling' liiiited' Sfta'tes'-.-ppssibility; of . getting ■ into :'. anpther '- ;•: WEir,:',: hav^ .; prompted .a found of Sunday ." • ping: lectures pver "WWJ here. /. // / : Half-hpur talks/at 10:30 p.ih; Sun- days, Will; be given by Rev. Fr. /. Frederic Siedenburg/ S; J„ execur /; tive dean df the (University of De- ■' troitr.Dr; Augiist P. Reccdrd, of: Uni- ';•' versalist Church;; Detroit, and Bryan Rust, professor of international '; latidns at Wayne U.. - /;■' Staff Exits at WIP "T . : PKiladelphiaT'Dec. 28. f Jack Barry, sports .spibler on WIP,' who handled all baseball for; twb years/ has resigned ih 'shakeup pf..;. gabbing staff. Shifts- put Barry on . night trick and he refused the after- dark assignnient bpcause/: bf -cpnrt .;. With, .outside/spealiing jobs. • - . '/ / r " Jam.e.s;:Wiliard,. Jr;, who. s'eiived' as; / :'Unc:le,; WIP•:^pn ■ kids^; ;shdw^^t^^ six years, ■turnbd/ih,- his:''■papers; et- / lieative/Sunday?. (2.) and Caroline Ann : / Crdss, whp/ruhs Wonian's Club pf:the Air,; ■ /: understppd ready;;to; tbss/hpi: ■ - Ii :"':'; too.' .':•;.-";- :-. bOElS GILBERT WEST ; Doris; Gilbert/ special-scriptist /at / World:' Brdadcasting' Systbm, and niece of 'Ed Wolf, radid producer/:" •/ en route tp Hollywppd, , •: Will hbliday .with her parents, Mr/ and Mrs. L. \yplfe Gilbert/ the sdng- . Writer,. a:nd, ephlPmplate's^^ tering on the Coast, /• / • ■ ■; / Ayer IVtoves Whipple/ ..Phiiaderphia. Dec' 28, .'Piummei:.; Whipple,: publicity; man ■ With •N. ^W:. .Aye^^ agency,: has -been shifted.; from;■ Detroit td Philly of- fice.- Work he did in thb iiikc: city v Will>be di.vided up ahlong-pthcr stafr:- / // fers, there. ;;■..- '„■ ./■ •■ ■ :. No. accounLs have, been lined up .. . here -fdi:* hiih" ybt.. -:"'