Variety (Dec 1937)

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S4 VARIETY He Washington, Dea 28. , Teeth - put into , the reGerit ,: order dosigned to. prevent lieaks and faypr^ itism have thrown . Federal;'G^^ municatidns/Cornmission ^emp into near-revolt. . • Strong K uhdercurr^nt. o£ '• resent- ment has foIlQwfed .ejaculation of for- mal notice, that' a. .repbi^t' rnust :,be turned in ,to the 'Secretary's office. A^-henever'. any; outsider'^es ^bout the .merib of .a pending .rnat- ter. Underlings interpret this. as. a direct accusation .of: dishonesty, e.ven those who apprbyed the idea of banning sijch discussions ;betwe3n Comrhish pdrsohhiel arid: persons on the other-.side of 'the ience.'. Principal squawk is that (he blan^^^^ up6h; which:, coriyersations must he recorded looks too . much, like ; the; GGPU. .: Mimeographed ; form: re- quires -the name of the outsider',- -. planation of who or .what he; repire- s.ents, and j'ai: cQhqis? ; summarization of t,he dialbg. Remarks of both Gom- inish helpVand .callers;-must ; b^^ . - lated. Requirement, extends to bpih telephone; and face-to^facei cbnyersa-; ■ tibns:' .;:.;'■. ■■'■',. -■;.'■■ / ■''■•:••;.•■■ ■ ■■'•.■ ' ♦ »♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦>»» » . » » » . ♦♦ ♦.>♦' » » ♦ >:> »♦♦♦♦♦ f ♦♦♦» » ♦ . ♦ . ♦» >♦> M DECISIONS MayKew Manager of. K AS A : Elk City, Okla.v Dec. 28. .. John Esau has left . the. managerr sh'ip- of KASA and been .replaced ;by F; E. '.Tin3^' ;.'Mayhew ' who.;, has been <x)hhected with; Galiforrii^^; radi0/5,ta.- tipns vfor the past eleyen ;rrioriths. ■ l^ayhew once on staff^of KASA. crtF HONTREAt, ' ■ ' ■ » V CFCF—while, not classed .- M a Buper^piower ' -sto- .. tloiiri enjoys «h enviable.'. poRitlon : ; nmon^ ■ Its larKer brothers. NHC, • ■ Bed and. Blue. ;network ' afflliatlon. .'Gentrully lornted. Intensive ^ filff- nal-^ho outside compe- tition.. : ■.". '• ; tUlb N. B; G. %V£En & COMPAiNT, CFCF UNITED : STATES REPRESENTATIVES ;;■;.• :; .-. : ■' ' . . ; ..WanlilnBloiv poc.;' ^ ; lIlNtrlH .<»r.rii1ii'tiil>lii • .TilUKUy & Biiiixi. .Wu.iiiitiirtoii,,(.'Vitlitcd n(v\v .. fi-.iM|(ii'ni;y b'foiV(U'.;ist .Siiiition .' to . Kv: ■(i.i)Cralpa:'- ()n .. iOUOa Ui-. \\-;ii]r;;r U\\-, A ;! aiia .spi'i'lul >!ni,ssioti (iimxiinuin litirnl lit .■■t'ini,^.si('>ii :.J r;-,O0O k.c: for anipliuiilp nvo(lulatio;nv.-nid Sdl) Uc - ■for. O'ivi'koih'V inpiluiiiiioii .In. ac.foraiinco.'Vvilh- .RUleii ttSli anil ;u^a (u'V.■• ■■.' ;;; . .'.^ ^.^■\ - --r '■ ■ } \ • • ^ Ki'"ll0f;p'- .SU'ltoii j)i)iu-il . find-' Pni»))l.v' '- .Coinpu.n.v, .\oVtii(Vni .Mliiiiii.s,' Kralileil-. neNv ; oNprrlindltal .stalfon' for.-n-'- w;arl^h: puriK^sos/ lo. U.o .oi)onitc(l. oi» SSCOO anil ^IflOft kc' \vilU: .12■■■vv;^Us;'' ■■ , , ' •'■ ■.•.•.■..■' ■'.■ ■■;"■• ■ ■-. intliiiiiii: . Soutlv Kena Tribune-; Hoiit.h-.Kond, grrt.ntcd . iiovr IviKh' ri-i>nni>n,i-y 'l)i-ou;, iita.tlon.^ lo 'l>e, biiera.Ced on '.iUOSO, Uc Willi. ~J HO watl.-?.' A;i thiis.sf'on..; • ■ , ! -'Mli'itis"":-^ i'-l>iK:iri Slate; Colleffo," ar>a. of I.ansini,'. jrrant.pd, hf vy fre(iilcn<'\' exii'p'riiniBiita I ■ rtilny •bi'oadcast., .slatlo.n- - bo'.oi'<.''roi''';;^|i7; ', .3'J»0p, -lOS.Oi) and.'41'iqo .Kt.!' wil)i watis, i\..:)',>'.i"i«!<iQM,. • . , ■;';;■ ;•■ ■,■7 ;■.,■■' .>li.«-.liipiir: \\ r.C. ; Bay CU.v, . .Ki ai>HHl ronewal. oC liwiVsi>-for t... . ^ - V . . . . fi-onv. oo'st. to.' iwiVsi> for tlie in>ripd.;e.hain)^ ^r;i\v.- i, r!);:S.' ;oiiio: wyXr,- X'incinhati,. K'^inlt't'; iliiy ifVOP, ■ Arditjore, ." ; -'/i';10 .f) kw, .-' Okliili«»inii: :'^<)re(;oni KAT;ic,.P ami Vncrei'i,se in poWer h-om '5P0;.V' I.- . _ . .. .; ■ TeniiekstV: Meinplii.s Coinme.i'cial ;Appeal, Qo:.' Memnhw,- granted .povreii jlim-p -from SS ;' ■ -50 - watts... «n.d.. changi'sr';in enulpnienl.. .. -. — . ^ "/■>i.„i, u ■ VlrKlnlii:; '.wnrtT,,. .Gactf\:co.v.««hAirt_--.^Presbyterlan ■•Church* R|,oliMn(iVd,.;ei;aiiloiL rl-newal of .liccn-sc 111 no 1,. .lyoSv SEtFORflEARING r«rif(irnliii Moilln TnVo.slnWnt CrtV, Hunllnffton -raiMc.. nc^^ :slaiion. lo .l...r .op-M-atod . on lljJO kc With 3 00 ;w;iHs. days onl>-^^ (;«M)r"i'i- •AVJlUlv, .Colunibu.M. .cltange fro(iuoncy..fr0nv 1.^00 to- .i;iirW;- j<imp pb\\'er- front .lOO.-walls n.lKlits. :;250. wat^lH dayit to t' kwl- ijiPtall direpiloiial.. nntchna. ,for ..nib'iu operjiti.m find .injUjL>\ c-lmMB.ok in aut.hony^ea:.:eciiiipiiie.nt^^^ •. . ■ liiaiuna: . AVIXU,. Gary, juinp .nle^ltt fro.ny. l.^to' .. ivw.- .c'h.anse dii^cllohal' aiitohna .aysi^'m fo.r;:nig)i,tUine. operation)... ItUfhiKim: ■ King-Trpndl(i BroadcastlnB Co.. Grand . Rapuia, now .. be; operated oh iOlO. kc Avlth :2-r.O watts,- . Mississiiipl: WGCM. ;Mi3.sf3sippl. inoye .station, to' .Mobile,. Ala., Instali hew ■t-ertlcal radiator. •; ; . --^ ' ' ,'' - • t ; - North Wakotii: ' KUMC, Roberts-.Mac>;al>. Co.; change fre-v r,iiency. from .i;!70 Uc-to ?00-,kd,;bo^)iit power from; 100 wnt^jj ^ghlS;^ ?50:'\y.'ltl3 days.^lo. 5P0 watts ,riight. l vk\>- days, Install i\e\V''eiiuipmcTit. ;.;•■.•';■'';■••■ ..' ••;•■ .-•:.■.•.■•■. ••.„•'-1-^ ' fl'iierto Rico: "\a;PRA^. Puerto Rico Advertising .Co,, Maya-., guozi • change fretitiency f rr.nv. iSTO. to 780 .boost po\ver^aiid time of oiieratioii from IQO >yatts.; night.?,.; 2,50. walls ^da) -S >pecified h6ur,<ii io nlghts,;2% .kw.days, unllmlled. ^ ' Texas: ^Valuiac .Co..-'Sah Ahtpuib, hew. high ;fre.ciUpncy broadcast: station , to be •operated.- :.on 31C00, ;.-3M0O.- ■SSCOp at;i:>t . ■ 4i00D kc wUli 00 w.-itts. ppwer, A3 ;enii.sslon; .KJtAC,; ."W.. .JTcAIllmer, S!ah Ahton.lp/ V(?l\i.ntrtry :'as.slghment; of: license : ..W. AV; McAUigfcr niid. ftbward. W, r^.-i\-:is.;;;a. parttiership doing ■ hiiNini'Ms . the U'alniHC. Co,': .(ii1ho TOiVcwal.,. of llcen.sei';ft)r . KAI Al.'^-lli'cn.'ii' granli'd .on a ieinporary ba-sis- penilljijf. iirlloii ' o\i aj'l'lli'atiiu'i.). ■ ; ' .-.,:.■ . - - NEW APPUCATIONS ;('onii<M>ti«'ji.t: : C!,,;i\iM'al i'Oloci'rlc Co.,. Bridgeport, .n.i-.w lvli'>- vi.Siiin bi:iK(d('a-st.'.sl:ill(Mi '■ bo oi)OratQd: oh . til!0U'0i"2tt.lMF Ke wi th; ji^>W-('i' -'(if V .DM .;\VuttH.; iCilrul" p6wer of 3000 .w.hIIh. ; ■ (■(MiPtflur-: AuK'u.^ta ;U|'i>i«di'a!<tihg Co.,; area of ' Augu.sin, iiew- ■i-(?)a.y broadt-asL siatliin- to bu .operated on- ISiOO,. ;!-lll(»0,. .'17(,;00 and -4l»(i(iy lie, with 2 ;walts; ^\'.f AX,.- H.' Wlmp.v; 'f lioiiuisVillPi ; .(Changf power froiu lilO ' watLs jto luO watt."? ntBlii.s, ;2.'ill. vvittls. : «JnyH,, v.liange, lio.'iirst of. operiitloh fi'oni ;Ua;yttint!$ -io' unliu.iited, liiaUt* cJiahtft^ in' oi'iuipiiieht, . . .. ■ '•;..' ■ ■ ; .•'.■•. . ; JIlliKilit: ^ W'iXTA, SclVcnert Radio .; S6rVloe, Jiarrlsburtf,- ■:in6dl(l'('.ati'oh .of consiruclion' pernilt .for; d hew; high" fvo(i;uenv.v: ;t»r«nt.loast.. stat ion; r(M(uesiing chaiiges ; in etiu'iphicnt, delotlon - of frcinicivclcis 'liliiOp, 35l!lH), 3SC0b. and'.4(000-Uc i«nd subtitltu-. '- tlon of 2.'.8(I0 l;o, Change pi)wer-'fr6.nv l.00;t6 r>00 .w'att.s; WAA p'. J)rovei:a iJoui^na 1 Pnlilislii iiij: Co., Chicago, .HUthorjly ..l^■>.t^^n.sft»l•■ (•lllliro.i o'r ('oriKjrailiin..ft.onv t'lVrn. IJelt .Pubil':<h«'r.*, .iiic;, 16 In-, div.iduni. .si-oi'lvholii>M'H of: .Cw>i'n;-..ilclt: Publisher.^, ■ iiu'fi. LMUMi 'slVaro.'i coiniiHin .-sio.(;l<.:.';..'; ';■ .■;;'.■ .. '.-■,■ !' ■ . .'■ ■._• . JiuiiiitiiV: . NVI.N'i). .Tohnson-.TC*M\ncdy ttadio Coi'p., • ,3ppci;i I e-xiiCnnienta 1 'autliiiyi/.iitipn .to operiile a-.Tacsinille; Hta-i .;i iiMi froin; Ttvldnl^'li t; to . .V ly. CKT, ii.sing - 1 ;kw- .(.i.riaxiitiun) ■. fr-i'iiijcnoy: of nu)<luia'ti(ih t'lot; tili- .e.xceed. 1 • ' ;>Jtui«e:. •■ tVHiuiiiinUy •■:)ii-6adt\!i Service, .; Inc., Area of •r{^vi)g()r, ■ nt.^W ci<pc;rlli\Chlai; relay broadCa.Mt-.statloh to. btt •- ali'd on- 3i;.100; ;:t.GOO, ;:l7ll'O0--;ind:.,.4Oe0O kc with l^'watlK.' ■ .'^iarylnnd: ; \V WjVIa '■iJalilmoVe,; QxtPiisloii; cif sijecial. t'.vppi'l- ■hVeij.tal aliiliDrizaIloh; to: operate ;simul(aneou'sIy.. wltli KT'll.s, ;irol -Spuing.s,; Ari\-,,, ;..l<i.i'iO,-kc frii.m; 6. to ;.liK'al .sunset a t- I lot ispi-lhg.><, operate tViUiv-l,ocal:.!<.iMis tii; p 'p.m,, .H.'^'l'.-; (iii -HltiiO \k.c :aii(|i .<i.\',li('l^roii().UJ>ly Avithv.AV.rz,- New. YorUi (in .7ii« . • .Willi- y.'/i 'iivv,-.:usin^-(iir.oetional antenna from .!> I):in.\ ..tOST. ■ •; .tllchlgiiiit' ;\\'«^C-\V;r; ..T.h(> FJyei)lng.;;Ncws -Associa't ioii;' . '- tnijt, boo.><L; po>'cr froiii -J00 to COO wall.'!,, in.sliili n'ew I'ralys- miller .(s'aiue outrn; autliorilS' for now rct.n.v broailr / stations, .Mobile..1 hrougl.ioul t;. S.). to ba operated-.oii S.SilOO; :!!)1.00i ■ , !i:;oa. an(l li.OfiQO kc Avith 1.15 ,;wiitts anil .1C0(! ::02.2,-210:!, anU '270h;u V. with400-watts.' ;,; :;''•;■-; ' :N'ew '''V«»pU'V ; ,t>f ni''r-i\ i KlccLric Co.. .Schenectady, : cahsh-iiellon; pp'i'iviil- -for. new bvo.-idcast-'station to .be. oi/ei-aled' oii 150000-1(12000 k - willt- -1.0 'AViUlSj . video trahsmisirion .iiiily, ■ .Ohio: ■ WHK,- Cleveiand, .special experimehial. niitKorizatl to 'operate' a 'tacsiniiru station ttonx 1 aVm. to; B., .iislng ■'■■■;',Z^..- ■■ ..,-'■-, '^ ;; ■•'.■,. ■.".■■.../: - ':;•-.;•.•-;■■. -■:■'■--'.-- - Oklahoniu: 'Sviv.Y,: : Oklahoma .City, hew ' relay br.nadvast sUitioh to be operiiMed; . ;' ;:1G22', 2.0S8, 21-o0 ;ani:l 279;0 ; witli; ::40-■watlSi, .-■';■; ; -. .;-.';-.- . Tesa'a:. .'liOCA'.; Oil .C"ap!tal,...Br6.a(lcasting" ''n.. -.Tv|i;u;orc, ■ . VolTuntjiry. ns.s.iKiiiiiCrit. 01 license from Oil Capital •Jag-AsH'n- to .Oil Cixpitai;Broildca8tln)r. A'pspciatlon. : Virginia: ' -WSXl^Sc. AVTAR .i Radio. -Corpornitlon; Norfolk;, ■chan*re'; in: rr.ciiuencre'.<? frcni; 31 f.OO. .• 35000.; 3SJ300 atVd; 4 1000- k-e to. .20050 kc, : chahse. e^uiliincnt aiul nvove trhnsnvlitpr;.vU'ivd- :>rick.sbui-g. Jil'oadcasting; Corp;, rrederlpkshui'g. new • »la,t,ion ."to lie'-^pcpateti oit 12p.O. ■kc,.:willi; 23,P.;wa'tts.; days onl'.v. . ■ .- U'liidilhgton: Ca.^cado Uroiidca'stl'hg Co., 'Inc.; KS'.t?rntt,- now- ;-.Million to be.;'o.ri"Vai:ed ptv,1420. kc Avith.- .lOl). wutts .nights, /JOO; \\';i;tts. da >•>>;■'.; ; y. ^'' - : ...,'■';'■; ';■.■-:' Teariess Commentator' % lanatioii Trenton, Dec. 28. : Grahahi lyieisel, billed as; 'Tren- toii's fearless conimehtator.' aiid jprobably the. first radio ;persori^lity to have folhswtng, is olf the air waves, f6y the first time .in years. ' Meisel . was yanked, suddenly. by his ' sponsors, .Haniilton Jewelers, with ho'explhna- tion -Other ; than - .that bfTered'.' :2tCo1. ad in the Trenton Tii-ries Ne'wspapers, i'eferring; to Metse.l' and hiSi brbadcaist as an 'iiiinecessar^ pense.'; ; .Those ;^tuning- ' -fWTNJ. ' last- Wednesday..-:wer.e;. surpris'sd.; to- jearh that Meisel .was h^issiii;^;. News,-, pa per ad; appeared f oilbwin £|. day. . viMieisel^ ■:achieved his'' 'fpi|owii.ig wlien. he; became embrbiied in tlie. local pbiiticai; .battle .which ^ nated ■ .tlie ousting of the' '.City. ComiiiissiOii. ;aiid the .o.Verwhelnvi,ii!? .' .qlectibn .oif a :Gity Mahager-CoUncil.., form of goveriinieht;' ;It. was a . clis-. tiiTiGt. yictpry ■; foi"- the . Times ••'Nows- papers,.; while - M^^ .'waS '- an; advo.-:' cate for the losing side.\ . . Since then Meisel could iiever sce' things in tho same, the Time.^.; Virtually:.: e.ntire . brbacicast iiightly .was devoted ;to .local'affairs '\yith.sei-: :;dom a ..spiel failing to dii'ect a' blast; at the newspapei'Sv ;' Regardless • pE; importance of iskiies which he dififered, Meisel' never; failed to; give .1 the 'other side,' even if,-As^ happi;ned, he had hothihg more than - a' typbgraphical error to - tear: down.: Times, . on. the other hand^ ;ignored~ Meisel completely. -■;•■•,. '■> ... W.>lter .Schwithmer arid ■fraiz biv di West Indies '■„ •' ' ■;'■ OXedar Sponsors Swing ;: G'Cedar Products^;^of Ghicagio, hals heen 'sighatured sponsor, for Martin ,Block's_ Sunday ' Swing con- cert on WNE'W, New .Xorjk,. starting on Jan. 30. Show otiginates . in Griteribn theatre on Broadway ; at 11 a.m., running pn6 hour. : \ Tie-ups with G'Cedar dealeris; will take ,;part- of 2,000 tickets available eabh week>; Metle Pitt'5.:'Ji4aike.. Be- lieve Ballroom' band furnishes back- groimd. inusic,: With giiest imtisicians also on programs. . WTICs [Fertile:-Market : sKowjt\ by 'iM Jdm^ Tappiliig . this Soiitlierri New Einglaind market . has put a ivoi thwile pliis' oil many a s.alcs;; rccoril; And Stixtion- WTIC ls'practically a must if you want to make the most of it for your prod-; uct. As a market, WTIC's primary and .secondary coverage areas include some 4,000,000 people liyirig In Connecticut, Western ;Massachtisctts, Eastern New TTprk, Vcrihoht; and New Hampshire. Government figures show their income to be 15% the national average as fir as spbhdable dollars are con- cerned,: And they ' account for 23':n inQte r(»t,TiH snhis 'ahd, 50% - more food 'I'lie i'ravclcrH liroai.lciistinjt .Scri'lc*; ■ ('oi-|»<»riitloa.-;.v ;-; ■;■ .. r«ul \\, M«r«'nc.V>. tvpncral Mjanagcr sales per capita than the country at large,,. ■ ^-V /■}■ Ross Federal's thoroiigh check of ^thelr listening habits shows that WTIC fits this rich; market lik^ a Klove—wltli 60.713% of these families listening:, to WTIC at a given time compared to 24i37%' r«>r the next most popular statiion. This i'19% greater coverage cin assure you a full measure of profits when you dip Into this market with Station WTIC. Writie ;todiEiy. for your: new .32 page brochure giving ifiiU details pn the Ross Federal Survey and facts about the WTIC billion dollat Jharkct; ' S O v d 0 0 W A T T S; H artford/ ; <;ONN; ; . Meuiliijr NUr Kcd NetWork uiid ,\ankce->;ot\v«rk ■.■,.':;■ ; - ■'■• Juiiie.s .r.'- t'lunoy, IttiHine.s.s', Mnniigcr -: ■:■..:.■• ;' -',;.'^ ' Nittlnhnl-JtcprCNoiitatlvjiv ■'.-'-i. ?.■'.■..: S WICED - A CO.Mr.\NV—CllifcA(iO-^Dm^ tlW XOBK-^AH FRANCIMCO Washington, Dec . 28. .-Delay ■ announwng .what has bisejn dibne -with iinportant radio .ap- plications; probably will amount tb nearly vtwO : weeks, under present Federal. Cprhmutiications Commis- sion procedure. ■'; Restrictions' imposed .early thi.? weekby the D,. C. Court of Appeals have , upset most important of - the ideas. Chaiirman, iFrank il. iVlcNihch had for "speeding up adrninistrativ6 machinery ;jand simplifying tlje woirk qi settling tiffs/between rival ;appli^ cants. ■ Ruling of Chief .Justice P. Lawrence Groner^that : every vital decision must be accompanied by a finding of fact and Written ■explana- tion—rknocked but the thpu^ht of is.- istiing orders without the customary elaboi-atibn of the Comrriisslbh's rea- son for taking .the action it did., Waits probably will not be as Iqng as was the case when the old thfee- miari diyisibn striicttire existed but neither will procedure be ;str6am-: lined as McNinch cpntemplated. ' ■Under the: old; syistem,* the Br.bad- cast Division used to reach ah agree;-; merit at i eei-tain date and ' fix ; an ■effective date' some weeks.iri the fu•^ ture. Then beitore tihis time was^ reached,, it woiild; rub^ a 'statement of. facts' and iground.s for decision' wntten ; by the legal . staff and issiiie ari apipropriate bi'dei^^ciir^ rying out the decisibh. ,V . ' ^ •.• .• :■;.;•■■ iVIcNinch'isIdea ■■ ;. McNirich ; scheme , was to : decide cases arid issue ordeirs; almost im- mediatfaily, except .in matters ;\yhich presented grave policy issues or in- volved .peculiair circumstances. New thairrnah thpught it would l)e siiffir; cient to gi'ant or deny;'pleas .and in: annbuncing : the action to refer : to sonie earlier case where ;:comparable issues were ..disposed ,of ,in a :written decision.: • Only - in rare;occasibni?;; did ;he expect to render foi'mal opinions. :'. This Vfis -made" i.rnpbssible; by Just tibe Groner's . rulings!-■ ' the WILt ■StairTimies case.. In dei'iying: the-WIL •appeal, the . .Cp'urt of Appeals , held that the .Gbmraish ' is,: obliigated to ■give byery - party: a-'.deaf-cut';e,Kpia^ ;riatipn ,of., w.hy the parties •was taken and.;that;; .there must, be no urireasohaible delay . in••' carrying out this;'res;ppnsibnity.'.. WFIL GETS NOD Proxirnitjr of Transmitteir. Sitie to • Airptfrt-Delayed Termisslw^ ; ■ ^ ■ ; Philadelphia, Dec; 28. WFIL breathed an extra deep one laik;Thiirsday (23.) when •cii, after lorig delay, approved erec- tion of. new antenna ii^ Southwest Philly. • Land was purchased after long tests to find most effective spot for the station's new transmitter.. ;Oiitlet'S execs, i howevei',-forgot to figure that it'was very: close to ;city'5 new airport and there wak a load of ppposish to of the two 330-: foot towers. That's; whiat irnade;;ap- proval long in corning., ;Work on transmitter and towers . was begun yesterday (Monday). COUNT MOST PORTLAND^ MAINE Maine's i-argest: -..'Station ■ ' NBC Bisic B.d Network UIEED E COfllPliny You'Vd beeii <:omes a with inej^^-— Excuse nie;^ I ihink is goijig^; tp te a friend of miner . THE TEST STATION OF THE HATIOM DAYTON, OHIO Nai'l. Ri-prc'soniaiivo. JOHN BLAIR & CO.